Fun with the kids in 3D within multiD
Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:46 AM and/or NOW
Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.
Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.
We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.
We wake grateful. We were playing in a very fun world with old and new friends. It was kinda a combination of here and Sacramento (where We lived before moving here) and yet its own world. There is just sooooo much to explore and play in and sooooo many friends to meet and play with.
We ARE theeling the vibrations of gratitude and success: of being powerful and capable: of having abilities beyond limitation. These vibrations theel sooooo much better than grumping, complaining and blaming. We really do NOT know why We continue to make those lower vibration choices. It is habit and familiar of course. Awareness IS progress.
Thank Us.
We really like theeling the vibration of being successful and remembering the world that We woke from.
We started getting Our outside table in position for the winter. We want it positioned so that it is easy to get Our large floor jack out. Allmost there. We strained Our back a little moving it. That was NOT Our intent.
Our morning is smooth. The kids are fun: especially the younger Ones. The highschoolers are mostly quiet. The talkative highschooler is absorbed in his game.
We do not take time to blog: We have breakfast and email before going to hottub. It sure is nice to hottub.
Our noon section is fun. We are getting the kids to yell less and still talk and have fun. We can have fun quietly. The kid who lives off base does not ride again so We finish a little early. The teachers say that he should be back tomorrow.
We have extra time on Our afternoon break. We do a little shopping. As usual Sam’s Club does not have what We are really looking for. We wanted to get a large box of spiced cider mix. “They” may have it during the winter? In most places it is still summer. Here: We can sure feel fall in the air. We decide to have a four berry sundae.
Our afternoon goes well. Our highschoolers are talking just a little bit more. “They” seem to be real-I-sing that We are NOT the enemy. It takes time to adjust to A-dults who are NOT into telling “them” what to do. We theel that Our driver would like to. Occasionally that side comes out. He helps Us walk Our noon kids in to school because there are sooooo many and “they” are a bit rowdy. Today We reminded him that “they” ARE preschoolers AND special needs. One of Our highschoolers is more affected than the other. The other Allways has a lot of books. He finally said that he was doing really good today. He usually just kinda grunts. He had a friend waiting for him when he got home. Both were very happy to see each other.
We had Our usual kids at the gradeschool. The two who are in running club rode even though there is a race tonight: it is two hours away and the school announced that everyOne had to go home and get “their” own ride back. “They” are behaving better as “they” get used to Us treating “them” well.
We still get off earlier than a lot of routes since We do NOT have a middle school section. We like getting home early and having time to hottub on Our breaks. We ARE worth more than money. Money IS attracted by vibration NOT by working long hours. We ARE actually beginning to believe that and hold less resisdance.
We have a sausage on the ride back to base. We know it will kill Our appetite for dinner. We only plan on having half a burrito for dinner anyway.
We start watching something new on Netflix with dinner. “What Happened to Monday” a futuristic thriller. We enjoy it.
Just a little playing in multiD before dinner.
Now: We are ready to let Our “Vortex” take Us to dream.
Good night AND thank You for playing.