Insights and experiences (life) in 3D within multiD
Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:01 PM and/or NOW
Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.
Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.
We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.
Once again We ARE grateful. This is becoming the norm for Us and for that We ARE also grateful.
We are having a five day weekend and for that We are grateful too. As You might guess We are doing a lot of dreaming and waking in multiD. What might surprise You is that We are also doing quite a bit (for Us) of 3D. We got up early yesterday and went for water. There had been a sign saying the spring/well would be closing July 1 and We wanted to fill All of Our empty jugs in case. The sign is down so who knows????? Lots of people get “their” water there and there are other places around the state where the state provides free, clean water to the public.
When We got home an unloaded Our water jugs We went back to dream.
Later: We made a cranberry, rhubarb, sourcream pie and it is delicious. YAY Us. We have enough filling left over to top a cheesecake and We got the stuff for that because We were not sure what We wanted to make. Why settle for One or the other? We get both.
Then We started the prep for installing Our new shed window. Excited and now it is time to spend some energy. Some of the sawing has to be done by hand and We are way outta shape. We chose NOT to push OurSelves. We do not Allways know how to take it easy, how to breathe and relax. This is still new to Us.
Today: We are finishing the hand sawing and We got most of the power sawing done. We were right: this would have been easier with Our sawzall. However: the weight of the saw if part of what is making it hard for Us. Breaks make it easier. Lots of breaks. We do not regret NOT spending the money for a new sawzall and We ARE glad that We ordered the parts to repair Our old sawzall. We just never know when We will want to use it again and waiting until then is obviously NOT the answer. Once again: We ARE grateful for All the tools that We have. We are also grateful that We have learned that We do NOT need to push OurSelves.
There is more here than meets the I. This IS part of Our process of transitioning into being Our true nature. Not the project: the learning to take it easy. To stop and breathe.
Thank Us.
We theel that We got the most of the sawing done and the next step is to chisel out the chunks of wood that are left. We will probably jig saw whatever siding is left (in the opening) after that.
Break time: the most important part of Our project and transition. Thank Us.
It seems that since We are doing 3D stuff We are more able to type. Plus: We ARE learning how to function more in 3D while deep in multiD. This too is part of Our transition AND We ARE grateful.
The chiseling is going easier than the sawing did and We ARE grateful. We would really like to get the opening expansion done today so that We can caulk the outer edges and let that dry overnight. We theel that We will probably skip the painting. It will not be hard to paint the frame after We install the window and We really would like to get that done to keep out the bugs and rain.
Of course: lots of breaks is the key and gratitude too.
We hit knots in Our boards and it is time to stop for the day. We have discovered that Our arms are quite weak from lack of use.
We have dinner and watch something. Maybe We finished “Dragonheart 3”????? We played in multiD a while.
Now it is time for dreaming.
Good night AND thank You for playing.
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