Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Another simple 3D day in multiD



Another simple 3D day in multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 2:57 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

Grateful again and loving it. Sooooo much better than waking All grumpy. It IS true that happy is a choice. Who’d a thunk it?

We are just drifting around this morning and enjoying it.

This morning Our head is rebelling against relaxing Our way to success. That is sooooo contrary to how We have Allways lived that Our head just can NOT believe that it will work. Of course: what We have “tried” and what We have lived has not really worked either.

Our book (“Here and There”) points out an important point: the observer (the act of observing) affects the results. Our beliefs create Our reality/results. We do not teleport (or any other of Our meta abilities) because We do not “really” believe (yet) that We can. We know that We can. We have not yet lived it so We do not “really” know and/or believe. We observe OurSelves on an Allmost constant basis and We get what We expect to get. (Whether or not that is what We think that We want.)

Again: often what We think that We want is NOT what We “really” want. Therefore We send OurSelves mixed messages. Our mind/head/uni-verse/energy IS confused.

Our head thinks that We need “to do” in order to achieve. The truth is that “doing” will never get Us what We “really” want. Allowing will.

Thank Us.

We enjoy Our morning with the kids as usual. As the new kids adjust to Us it gets easier again. We like to let “them” be kids as long as “they” are not too loud and are safe. We keep telling “them” (when “they” get loud) that “they” have to learn to play quietly on the school bus.

We have breakfast and Wifi on break. We do not get to hottub on Thursday on this schedule. We do some grocery shopping for the weekend.

We tend to enjoy the afternoon a bit more than morning. Partly because more kids ride and partly because “they” are a little more awake. We enjoy observing “them” as much as interacting with “them”.

We are deep in multiD when We finish. We are glad that We do not need to stop anywhere except the dumpsters on Our way home.

At home We dream a bit before dinner and more “Riverdale”. It is based on the “Archie” comicbook characters.

We notice that the show and Our book (“A Quest of Heroes”) help take/send Us to other worlds and lives. We likes that.

Dinner, a bit of playing in multiD and We are ready for dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

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