Adventures in dream and 3D within multiD
Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:54 AM and/or NOW
Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.
Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.
We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.
We woke before Our coffeemaker and We wake grateful. We actually woke several times in the last few hours. This last time We woke from a world where some disease or plague was killing people (especially crossbreeds) by the time “they” are twentytwo: thirtytwo at the oldest. There are very few full blood humans left on the planet so there are no longer any olders left. The crossbreeds include: vampires, werewolves, starseeds, fae and many others. Of course the religious sects called it God’s judgment at first. Now: it affects sooooo many (nearly everyOne) that there is little blaming. People ARE living life to the fullest. People are actually caring about each other instead of blaming and dividing because everyOne has this in common.
Laws have very little meaning since everyOne is gonna die by the time “they” are in “their” twenties. People want to experience. It is pretty hard to enforce any control and that has brought a freedom like We (everyOne in limitation 3d) have never known or even imagined. It is a lot like Trump being elected President of the U.S. More and more people are focused on love and sending love to others and the planet.
It was a fun adventure and of course We played with lots of new friends. It IS a world where play really is the most important thing to do. We do not get it done of course. How can You ever get “play” done? And: We do not theel any need to get it right because it is play.
Thank Us.
BTW: We woke with the theeling that We really do not know if people are actually dieing or transforming/regenerating. It is pretty gruesome and most choose to go off like an animal to go through the process. A caterpillar turning into a butterfly is probably just as gruesome to the caterpillar.
As We have discussed before: there are many, many ways that We have set up this game to keep Us in it until We are fully ready to move on. We have made concepts like lawless and anarchy “BAD”. We have instilled the belief that without laws and rulers We are innately evil. We do not really believe that We are evil: We just prove it in many ways. We ARE very good at this limitation and separation game AND We ARE addicted to it.
Like it or not.
Time for more ponyhopping.
Another great day with the kids. Lots of smiles and playfulness. Several kids wanted books and shared with each other. We do like to see “them” sharing.
We got a good Wifi connection on Our first break and did some reading online with lunch. We had time to read some of Our book on Our Kindle reader.
Only two riders on Our noon section and “they” were pretty talkative. It is nice to see the One who had a very rough spell finishing with good moods the way “they” started the year.
We get to hottub on Our second break and that is great as Allways. It is sooooo nice to drift and relax in the hottub. Relaxing Our way to success. We are pretty relaxed and dreamy All day these days.
We think about stopping to get some BBQ on the way home. We really do NOT know that sounds good for dinner. We theel that is part of not really being here the way We used to be.
At home We decide on fish with a little left over pasta. That is what We had planned before We were not sure if We wanted that or not. We do not theel like watching any movie or show. We just wanna drift and play in multiD until time to let Our “Vortex” take Us to dream. We are ready early and off/in We go.
Good night AND thank You for playing.
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