A not completely typical day in 3D within multiD
Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:39 AM and/or NOW
Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.
Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.
We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.
We wake grateful again and We likes it. It is much nicer to theel grateful than to resist and grump. We do look forward to getting to dream in also. We can be (and are) grateful for All experiences. We ARE expanding. Thank Us.
We are enjoying waking and being/drifting in multiD. We are 3D functional and getting better at being both here AND there. Yes: it All looks the same still. It sure theels different: expanded.
Our head still tries to trick Us into falling to limitation thinking, planning and beliefs. We could go there. We wanna expand. We could demand Our limitations as We have for sooooo many years. It is habit: it is false security and it is easy. It is surely familiar. We have to make the conscious choice to set it free with love and expand. It is not as easy to breathe and relax as it sounds. We do NOT struggle with it. That is counter productive and only Our human training NOT Our human nature as it seems. Lots of pony hopping.
We forget to mention how much We enjoy the birdsong when We go outside in the mornings now.
We are having fun with the kids as usual. We like to observe “them” even if “they” are not interacting with Us much. Our gradeschoolers and preschoolers are usually the most fun. “They” are playful as usual. There is sooooo much that goes on (on a regular basis) that it is hard to share All the little delights that We enjoy most every day.
We ARE very aware of being in 3D within multiD and that awareness IS growing. Our presence in multiD is growing too.
The energies remain and are making lots of people crazy. For the most part the “crazy” swirls around Us and We are usually in the I of the storm.
We have to take Our bus to shop for a brakelight. “They” get it done fast and We still have time for breakfast on Our morning break. We do not even try for Wifi though.
We only have two kids for noon and One is the last day for the year because “their” headstart is closed on Fridays. The road construction is finally opened up and this is the last day We drive through it. Saves Us about ten minutes getting to school. We (personally) are getting better at being late. It still frustrates Us some and that is Our only real complaint about this driver. Of course: We ARE creating it.
Hottub on Our PM break and it is good. We find out that today is the last day for seniors so this was probably the last time We will see Our morning highschooler that is graduating. “They” thelt angry this morning: not at Us though. We connected and that is what matters. We still like experiences in the physical and know that it is deeper connections and experiences that really matter. Maybe We will cross paths both ways?
Our PM preschoolers seem to be having a hard day. Several are crying because “they” do not get “their” way. We theel that there is really nothing that would satisfy the moods. Some get upset just because others are upset. Others change “their” mind about what “they” want. We theel that “they” are theeling the energies AND the change coming after tomorrow. Change is never easy for any of Us even when We want that change. Like it or not: school IS a big part of a child’s life and for the afternoon preschoolers tomorrow is the last day for the year. Most fall asleep long before “they” get home. “They” play hard just before getting on the bus and even half a day wears these little kids out.
We have fun with Our gradeschoolers. Our broadcast kid has lots to tell Us. We will see these kids three days next week unless something changes. The newest kid is quiet and still has a couple of things to tell Us. “They” really do seem to get overwhelmed by the more talkative/louder kids.
We are clearly in 3D AND in multiD on the way home. We are getting used to being deeper in multiD AND still functioning in 3D. We appreciate Our progress.
At home We play in multiD and multiworlds a bit before dinner. We are hungry and still a small dinner satisfries (intentional typo) Us. We watch a little more “Bosch” with dinner. Time to play in multiD a little and now We let Our “Vortex” take Us to dream. This is working well for Us. Breathe and relax. Relaxing Our way to success.
Thank Us.
Good night AND thank You for playing.
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