Another 3D day in multiD and learning how
Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:27 AM and/or NOW
Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.
Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.
We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.
We wake grateful again. We woke several times during the night from different worlds and playing with more new friends. The last world was also with some people from Our waking worlds and One in particular that We do NOT consider a friend. That One was exhibiting similar behaviors there as here. In that world We were All kinda returning to a more natural life style.
We do Oneder what Our waking and sweating so much is about? It is certainly about Our transition. Does it relate to Our waking world and life or is it more about Our other worlds and lives? We are still resting and that is important.
We ARE grateful that We are grateful and not resisting as much as We used to. The now IS about relaxing and allowing.
We really like the title of this message. It reminds Us that We really are sending messages to OurSelves.
Another fun day with the kids. Our driver is back for most of the day. We have a standby bus with just barely enough seats for All/each of Our sections. We will have to take a couple starseats in and out for different groups. That used to upset Us. Not much really bothers Us these days unless We choose to be bothered. Our morning kids do fine with the different seating. It is kinda like an adventure for “them”.
Dispatch calls Us asking why Our bus is at shop. Our driver tells “them” about the broken spring. We try get her to say that it was also running very rough after We dropped Our last kid. She says it is All related. We think it is two problems. We find out that she had downed Our bus Friday night and noOne did anything and We had driven it All day Monday with a broken spring. That’s a “bad” thing.
We do not get a good Wifi connection on Our first break so We read some of One of Our new Kindle books since We can not open any emails.
We have a subdriver for noon. She has driven Us before and We enjoy talking and joking with her. We have Our three riders. We used to have four and now We have three. Our schedule has not gotten changed only Our reality. Of course Our reality is actually pretend.
We enjoy talking with this group of kids a lot. The last One on imitates “their” friend and pretends to be asleep. “They” also tell everyOne that “they” have a Mickey Mouse hat on.
We get to hottub on Our second break. That sure is nice. We still have some extra time and decide to stop for a milkshake at One of the coffee huts that has good softserve Iscream. We read a little more at base before people start coming in and talking.
“They” have a sub driver for Our PM and We start out ontime. “They” call Us back and Our driver is there. We tell her to call Us in ten minutes down. She kinda argues with Us and then does it. We arrive at school close to ten minutes late. We have a couple of kids that do not ride. Our broadcast kid has another show to tell Us about and show Us (act out) the latest episode. “They” are sure having fun with telling these stories of the broadcasts. It seems to be a mix of actual shows and “their” imagination. How cool is that. Sometimes “they” assure that it is not real. Too bad, too sad. “They” are learning to protect “themSelves”. We are glad that “they” feel comfortable (and excited) to share these with Us.
The other kids are mostly quiet. We see that the last two fell asleep right away. “They” play outside at the end of “their” school day (when the weather permits) and it was really nice outside this afternoon. The boy who lives on the unplowed road got picked up so We do not have to go there.
We finish a little early so Our driver stops at a store before going to Our afterschool shuttle. She seems to push it right to the minute and We start to let that bother Us. Why? Breathe and relax. It is a good day to breathe.
As We are on Our way: We hear on the radio that Our regular bus is coming back from shop. Our driver asks that driver to test drive Our bus a bit to make sure it is really fixed. He says it is running really rough and returns it to shop. We only have One rider on Our shuttle so We finish earlier than yesterday.
We are deep in multiD by the time We get back to the barn. We kinda stumble/glide through the motions.
At home We have more time to play in multiD than yesterday. More “Wynonna” with dinner and a bit more playing in multiD. Soon We are ready for Our “Vortex” to take Us to dream.
Good night AND thank You for playing.
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