3D, dreams and multiD
Wizard’s Log Stardate: 1:18 PM and/or NOW
Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.
Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.
We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.
We theel that We are up for the day. We will havta see what Our dreams say about that. We kinda wanna bake a pie and We got hamburger out to BBQ this weekend. It is overcast today so We may wait to BBQ. It IS forty above so it is pretty nice only it is also overcast. We will see.
We visited lots of fun worlds and played with new friends and some from Our waking life. We even revisited One world when We got up and then went back to dream. We got up a couple of times during the night to play in multiD a bit and then right back to dreaming. There is sooooo much to explore in dream. We are starting to get it though that Our waking is just as important as Our dreaming. We really do have eternity and there is just no rush for Our dreaming. We are beginning to really theel that and to know and live that We ARE immortal. Immortals are NOT innately evil OR perfect. We ARE both and neither. That makes no sense to a limitation mind. It is up to You what kinda mind You wanna live in/with. Accept or deny: it is up to You and there is no better or worser decision: no right or wrong choices.
THAT IS immortal and limitless thinking. That is abundance in action.
Thank Us.
It has been overcast and may be clearing. It is Allmost fifty above without the sun shining yet. The sun is up just not getting through the clouds.
We are getting some leftovers frozen as We have made some room in Our freezer. We are having clam chowder (that We brought home from a lunch last week) for lunch ‘cause it sounded like a good idea and it is. Our old pattern is to push and get everything done that is on Our list (mostly food stuff) and We remember that We can take breaks. That IS what Our life is about now: taking it easy: breathe and relax, open and allow. No rush, no fuss. Not any more.
Thank Us. We really ARE learning how to do this.
We are getting a lot of melt outside. Hopefully not too fast. We will not flood out here because We are on a hillside in the hills and lots of ground cover to prevent landslides. However: there are at least two rivers in town and it is a lot lower than out here. There is a flood control project that has never really been tested by a large flood. There is a lot of snow in town (and that is) downriver from there too.
I started My phi too.
We did some online banking and left some for tomorrow. We thought that We were gonna do it All until We real-eyesed that One billing cycle ends today/tomorrow.
Our word program locked up again and Our dreams called Us back.
We enjoyed that short dream spell even though We have no idea where We went or what We did. We only know that We enjoyed it whatever it was.
Several times today We notice that We have trouble remembering details from 3D because We are deeper into multiD. We notice that We do remember anything that is actually important in the now. It is a lot like remembering or forgetting Our dreams. A bit of role reversal?
We decided to just have a baked tater for dinner and start watching “Wyona Earp” on Netflix. There is magik and demons and Doc Holiday is s’posed to be immortal. Too bad the demons are bad guys. We real-eyes that that is still societies concept (and Our creation).
Our tater is larger than normal and Allmost too much even by itSelf (with butter and sourcream of course).
After dinner We play in multiD a bit and are ready for Our “Vortex” to take Us to dream.
Good night AND thank You for playing.
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