And more 3D within multiD
Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:11 AM and/or NOW
Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.
Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.
We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.
We were drifting in and out of dream and waking when Our coffeemaker started. Immediately: We started repeating Our mantra and remembering Our gratitude. Our head tried to drag Us into old thinking and behavior and We started ponyhopping and theeling grateful. We have sooooo much to be grateful for: everything. We created All of this for Our benefit: what looks good and what looks bad.
We remember that last night (as We were drifting off) We were thinking about typing up a history of Us. How We projected Our judgement (of OurSelf) onto Our (imaginary) world and “they” reflected that back onto Us and then We blamed “them” and forgot what was really going on and it degenerated into what We consider to be Our world and Our life and Our circumstances and Our fate. What a tangled web We wove.
Thank Us.
One more early wake up and then about two weeks of dreaming in. We ARE grateful.
We are seeking and learning about balance in Our daily life.
We see the age old scenario playing out between Us and Our driver. We project, “they” reject, We blame and judge, “they” blame and retaliate and round and round We go lifetime after lifetime. There are many, many variations on the same theme. We forget who and what We are and We choose to play the victim of Our own devices. We give up Our power and We live in De-Nile.
Another fun day with the kids. Only two middleschoolers ride. We watch “them” play games on Our Nook. The One has questions as usual. It takes Us a little time to figure out what “they” are asking as it is often out of the blue and since “they” are hard to understand We often need some frame of reference to figure out what the words are. We do not Allways have the answer even when We understand the question.
None of Our gradeschoolers ride. Not completely usual just before the holydays. It is just not worth it to many to get up for the short days.
We have lunch before going to the pool and do a little shopping after. We do not actually find what We are looking for. We wanted some special Dr. Teal’s Epsom salt for Our foot bath. There are long lines so We do not bother getting anything that We do NOT need/want for Our break. We will be coming in to town during Our break and can get anything that We start to run short of then.
We have another long break between Our highschool and gradeschool. We eat a little and not as much as yesterday. We wanna eat up some of Our leftovers when We get home.
Our “bad boy” is great today. We figure that “they” wanted to get taken off the bus (yesterday) to get the One on One attention while waiting for someOne to pick “them” up. We can not have an unsafe ride to not accommodate that. That is up to the teachers to deal with. Today “they” want Us to put band aids on “their” finger boo boos. We theel that the boo boos are probably imaginary. That is okay. We ARE showing “them” (by example) that “they” can get positive attention for positive behavior. We do NOT bring up yesterday. That is passed and over.
We finish early and do some grocery shopping. We wanna get I-scream for the holyday break. Otherwise: We would NOT face the crowds. It will surely be worse tomorrow. We forget to stop and check Our P.O. box. Our new earmuffs have arrived. We hope We remember to stop tomorrow.
We kinda wanna do some show snovelling. We have no clue why We actually wanna snovel. There is a small area behind Our dragon that still has kinda deep snow and We wanna take Our dragon tomorrow. We snovel that area and still wanna snovel Our path that We use a lot. It is rather cold outside and Our cabin is just warming up. We play Our game and have dinner and do just a little more snovelling. We can finish over Our break.
Goodnight AND thank You for playing.