Progress in 3D AND multiD
Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:21 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am the divine. Celebrate.
We slept in a bit and allowed OurSelves to take a bit longer to drift in multiD thinking and pondering Our dreams and such. We visited several worlds and We theel these are prompted by yesterday’s events. There was a world early on that We really thought that We would remember: but alas. Now We do remember that We noticed there were many people/players from Our waking life but that is All that We remember so far.
The world We woke from is clearly connected to yesterday’s events: A friend (from years gone by in waking) was shooting people with a rifle and We just could not get “them” to stop. One person was only wounded badly and “their” friend got “their” own rifle and shot Our friend. Our friend was killed either by the gone shot or from falling from the ledge that “they” had been crouching on.
As We ponder Our thinking: We get it that most happy thoughts and thinking are Allmost (or completely) forbidden and taboo (at least for A-dults). Thoughts of paradise, easy living, faeries and castles in the sky are judged as unrealistic and fantasy. Such thinking is only suitable for children in Our waking world. Now: that IS a tragedy. Actually even children (these days) are discouraged from such fanciful thinking. No One is really taught how to think but only what to think. We are programmed. We have many justifications for this but the bottom line is it traps Us in herd mentality and limitation. We ARE masters at that game. We are masters at designing a game that it is Allmost impossible to escape. Escape is not quite the right word.
We get it that All of Our personal judgments about Our thinking yesterday may also be faulty as most has been judgmental. We ARE responsible but that does NOT make it wrong or bad. Those ARE judgments. Did We benefit in any way? Most definitely YES. It is only negative IF We assign more power and reality to it than it actually has. That would be normal thinking but We do NOT have to be normal any more. That would be what We call realistic but it is actually the lie and illusion.
We just had a happy thought: the more that We live in fantasy and forbidden worlds/realm the more We live in reality. Let’s chew on that a while and savor the flavor.
We are doing Our best to allow Our thoughts to run free and happy and visit those forbidden realms of playful, happy and easy living. It is fun but not YET comfortable. Our head is still scared of venturing here. We calm and soothe Our frightened children within.
We keep being reminded that this world and life are so very different from what We have Allways thought and believed.
Our regular driver is back and that IS a good thing. We theel it will make a difference with the older brother and We told her so. We are also able to dream a lot more. We are having fun. We really do find that We imaginate flying much easier whenever We have students on board. We also are imaginating more play.
The older brother does respond well to having Our driver back. There is a mild outburst but We are able to contain and calm him and have a good ride for everyOne. We compliment Our newest rider to “their” mom. She had mentioned that the last bus had problems with “them”. We are really surprised.
We asked the younger brother to move up front so that We could sit with both brothers and he agreed willingly. Both brothers had a new Lego toy but the older brother was not willing to put his together for some reason. We got several smiles from the younger brother and towards the end of the ride even from the older brother. We are happy to end the week on a good note for everyOne.
Good night AND thank You for playing.