Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012



Looking within and without

Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:18:26 AM

Good morning. It's a gloomy, overcast, windy morning so far.

We don't remember much from last night yet We have a sense of having been very busy. The reality We do remember We didn't like too much. We were in a gang/group that kidnapped the President. Not usually Our type of activity. We were good friends with the other members of the gang/group and usually enjoyed Our time together. We were not happy (inside) about what We were doing yet seemed to be enjoying OurSelf???????? When We awoke this morning We real-eysed that under the right circumstances a kidnapping could be a rescue but that is not what it felt like at the time. We recognize now that there might have been information that We did not have.

The first thing We read this morning was a promo for Tom Kenyon. We like Tom's work but Once again We were faced with the money paradox. We are doing better at this time with not judging. We know there is a message and a balance for Us with the money issue. We know that We are seeking something even better. We are certain that We could easily fall into a place of settling for less than what We are seeking. We also know that this is for Us” and may not (probably does not) apply to very many others (at least at this time). We also feel certain that there will be a co-exist-dance between what We are seeking and some type of money system (hopefully something new and improved over the current system).

We fail to see how money serves any purpose other than creating and sustaining inequality. If We live in an abundant world (and We believe that We do) and everyOne is equal then why do We need money? We also feel that most of Us connect money and abundance and there really is not necessarily a connection. In fact, IMO, money is much more connected to lack and fear and scarcity and fear than it is to abundance.

It isn't easy for Us to not judge those who support money, but We know there is a reason and perhaps it is about the coming transition. Many people for some reason feel and believe that regardless of where Our world goes and how it progresses, money is still a necessary and We really don't get it.

We just read an article about mind controlled flying devices and games which is something We have been imagining and dreaming about for several years.

As the sun gets a bit higher in the sky the overcast is not nearly as gloomy. We think this also means that the cloud cover is thinning. We often wonder how much of the clouds are natural, how much man made and how much ships?????? This reminds Us, Shadow got nervous last night around 10PM again. Haven't checked on any earthquakes but the beached whales in Florida is expected to be a warning of more earthquakes and there are All-ready quite a few going on in the islands around there. Like I say, haven't checked for the Shadow time last night.

We are feeling/sensing some type of shift again last night and today. We may not see” any evidence of this but that is okay on two levels: 1: We are not visual so We feel long before We see. 2: We create any evidence anyway even though this is not widely accepted at this time.

We are able to spend some time outside. We skinned another deadfall log that We want to let season over the winter. The way Our energy and the weather has been We were beginning to think it might go through the winter with All it's bark. This clears the way for skinning the upper cross piece for the latest portal.

Did a few more things to prep for winter. It feels like it could start any day (though this is still very early even for Us) or autumn could go on forever.

We also know (and feel) that things can and probably will be very different every day. Our world is changing because We are changing. Yet, many things remain the same or only slightly changed. Many reasons for this, One is holding on to the old for a sense of security. That is like anchoring in shifting sand.

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