Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Monday, September 3, 2012



Dreaming and waking

Wizard's Log Star-date: 09:44:38 AM

Good morning. Busy night at dream, hope to be able to share some of it. However, We are having a lot of fun playing lost in space this morning. We were thinking about some of the terms We use: spacey, spaced out, space case, lost in space and how appropriate “they” really are. Sadly, most of Us didn't know We were exploring space and tried to correct this rather than go with it.

We do understand the feeling of needing to correct it as when One is first learning little tasks like typing in a commonly accepted word form, making coffee, placing the feet upon the floor can be very difficult tasks. Learning to be here AND there takes practice and it is easier and certainly much more socially acceptable to return to bean a muggle.

We are also seeing a similar learning curve (often seen as a struggle) around money for many of Us and We truly hope to be able to frame this in words soon.

We have struggled and fought against being out while being in for many, many years. Is it any One-der that We are now having a challenge being open to it and learning to navigate these waters.

Goals, time, money are All such traps that WE (All of Us) designed to play with in Our game of separation/limitation.

Okay, let Us see if We can put some of the dreams into words. We do feel that there will be a night school or something coming soon as this current set progress. We visited the space port again and got it that the supplies being transported and unloaded and stored in a cave are tech devices like food replicators and free energy devices. This led Us into more about being energy AND being conduits for energy. This is gonna take a bit for people to understand. It is again about being both rather than One OR the other. Leaving duality behind, no easy assignment that.

We get it (though We also struggle with this) that there will be a co-exist-dance with tech devices and Us (people etc.) being the source. Trust Us, We can NOT yet picture this. Even to Us it still seems like a conflict rather than a complimentary system. Hmmmmm, how much does that apply to money too??????? We know that there are clues and connections with life on Atlantis and the two societies (for lack of a better word) that evolved and went into conflict over this very thing. We do keep receiving the idea of heart centered technology and this too is a clue.

Co-exist-dance is key here as is unity through diversity. Concepts that make no sense in Our current/old pair-a-dimes. So, All this went on and on, around and around throughout the night. We know We were given many insights, answers etc. most of which are planted but not in words.

At the end, I was in My cabin (I think) and for some reason decided to call My parents (deceased). I knew the phone number clearly but had a very hard time dialing it. I had gotten so familiar with telepathic communication that using a telephone was terribly difficult. When I woke I real-eysed that the phone is My current home phone number. Very interesting to Me but I'm clueless what it means.

As We are processing today's processing We got the term: “Merging worlds and/or merging realities”, “Film at 11” (code for more info to follow).

The weather turned nice enough to spend some time outdoors doing this and that, again going gently. We made progress on another portal frame that We've been setting up and We like it, hope to get more done before winter but We didn't really feel like doing any decorating today. We aren't sure if We want to de-bark and stain the overhead cross piece or not. Definitely leaning that way but lots of other things We want to do that kinda conflict with the time and space for doing that. It will probably wait until spring.

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