Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Sunday, September 30, 2012



Out to …...

Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:21:49 AM

Good morning. Lots of processing last night. It seems like there was something We wanted to talk about this morning but We have no idea what it was.

We continue to focus on remembering what We really are. We are looking into Our akaishic record.

Living from the heart. That was a big part of last night's message. This is the change We need to engage in. We are learning that We can think from the mind (which tends to be like a squirrel cage) OR We can think from Our heart. The mind filters out, the heart allows.

We are out and about today, mentally and physically. We like it that way but it doesn't All-ways aid in Our typing.

Saturday, September 29, 2012



We are One AND We are many

Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:39:19 AM

Good morning. Another great night at the dreams. We were remembering how to fly. We do love to fly. We did the ol' superman thing of raising One hand to kind of point the way: “up, up and away”. When We considered reaching out and trying in Our waking world, We found fear. We wondered if it is fear of failure or fear of success? Is it fear of what others will think? There is certainly still some of that but much less than there was.

There was a segment somewhen about negative attachment being as powerful as positive attachment and the importance of Our diversity. Our diversity seems to be a bane but it is actually Our strength, maybe even the purpose of this whole experiment. We need to remember to send love.

Then We were showing up in other people's dreams asking if “they” wanted help remembering. The youngstars were more inclined to want to remember.

The last dream before We woke was not so fun but it reminded Us to run some pony hopping, so We did. It All-ways feels good to pony hop (ho'oponopono).

First thing when We woke We read a message about being over processing fear and just getting on with it. Interesting after Our dreams last night and this message was posted several days ago but We didn't read it until this morning. Guess We just need to get on with flying, “No try, just do”.

Another thought about separation/Oneness: We are One AND We are many.

We started doing some Self-hypnosis work and suggestions for remembering what We really are. It feels so important, like a corner We need to turn. Love remains the main point and focus as it is the real basis for the real Us.

Friday, September 28, 2012



Step by step

Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:18:58 AM

Good morning. Another great night of visiting alternate realities. These shifts between realities seemed more under Our control than the night before.

More examination of what We want for Our future and Once again We can only up with wanting to be aware of infinity rather than any One reality no matter how grand that reality may seem. We don't want to leave any of Us/OurSelf lost in amnesia and hopelessness ever again. We can explore any hell We desire (or utopia) AND remember that there is All-ways more. We want to regain Our ability to wake from nightmare existences and maintain in the awareness of All of Our aspects. We do theel this is really what this whole thing is All about. Perhaps more about making this choice even than the remembering/regaining of the ability.

There was a segment about a storm and being the I of the storm. Looking in One way (limitation/separation/duality/polarity) the storm was raging and laying waste to the land. Looking from the perspective of love and All that We really are the storm was still swirling and spinning objects and beans but it was laying All the living beans down gently in a lovely, peaceful meadow teeming with flowers and animals. There was beauty and abundance and peace in the wake of the storm.

We were reminded that the current and future worlds will and do look very different to different people and opposing views and viewpoints will coexist. This can be hard to grok at times and it is still easy for Us to get caught up in the right view and wrong view game. Again We are reminded of the importance of sending love, sending awareness to the heart rather than thinking We need to reach the mind. There are so many filters installed to keep the game/drama/program pure in its corruption. Sending to the heart cuts through All these filters. Then each person actually has the ability to accept or reject because then “they” are actually aware of what “they” are choosing rather than everything being filtered out before recognition.

Once again the weather was nice enough to be outside getting more pre-winter things done. We are actually doing things We thought would be waiting for Us next spring/summer/life. However, We were also very much focused elsewhere/elsewhen.

We spent some time feeling into living in a world of harmony and unity. Being in harmony and unity with nature and All of Gaia is very exciting. We can certainly observe changes in OurSelf. Many/most are little changes that We would previously have dismissed and therefore reversed.

Thursday, September 27, 2012



A brown out perhaps

Wizard's Log Star-date: 07:50:14 AM

Good morning. Wow, We spent the night quantum jumping. We are gonna wait a bit and see if We want to type up the dreams separately before expounding on “them” here. Suffice it to say (for now) it was/is incredible. Not fully out of it yet and We really wanna do this awake. Should say: be aware of doing this. We saw that We do it All the time.

Cloudy this morning, looks like a light (very light) snow.

One thing that is coming up is how We “believe” that We must be taught, must learn” how to do things. The message from last night is that WE KNOW how to do everything. Yeah, I know. “No way”, right? Well, We do know, We do, We do. In order to play this game, act out this drama, We had to bury this knowledge and bury it We did. We are sooooo good at making this game/drama real. We completely forgot how to do just about everything. Think about it: We even have to learn how to shit properly. Talk about “dumbed down”. Then We set up a system where someOne (supposedly) better than OurSelves could sell Us the knowledge of “how to do”. Pretty ingenious really.

So far We haven't felt like typing up the dreams anywhere. We seem to have gone somewhere and not returned. We did 3D stuff with very little recall. Close to a blackout but not quite, but then if there had been a blackout would We be aware of it? Whatever, We seem to be enjoying it.

In the dreams We experienced what might be called a rift(s) in the time/space continuum. We could literally feel and see waves in the space around Us. At first We thought it was some type of accident but when it kept repeating at irregular intervals We became aware that this was quite intentional. It felt like it was beyond Our control but somehow We knew better. Each time We and Our world would wave and ripple We would emerge in a different reality. It got to the point that each time it began someOne would say: “Here it comes” or “It's starting again”. After a few experiences of this We remained calm through the event wondering where and when We would emerge.

There is sooooo much to explore in infinity. We really want to remain in the borderlands crossing from One reality to another.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012



Limitation choices

Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:21:43 AM

Good morning. Lots of dreams, other realities, possible futures and of course: play time. As We were waking We were feeling into the future. Actually We did a lot of that All night. The first thing We noticed over and over is that We feel a lot of options, choices and varieties. We have found this is different from what most people are expecting and (in a way) this confuses Us. There are also many “seers” who state that “they” can not see passed December.

We are certain that the reason can not see what is coming is because it has not been decided and there are going to be sooooo many different futures. We get the feeling that where it was common for the masses to agree and choose One main timeline/adventure/outline/whatever this is changing and each person (and probably each plant, animal, bird, insect, rock, planet, star,space) will begin to take responsibility for its own choice and direction. This (apparently) is a pretty novel concept and has never been done before on any level. Very few seem to be aware of this or are talking about it if “they” are.

It is the group that are waking who think We have only certain choices that surprises Us. Frankly, We don't know how to deal with “them” when We are in contact with “them”. We send “them” love and We are fairly certain that is just about the only thing We can do. Again, it is the most powerful thing to do in the multi-verse so that is not Our concern. We are simply surprised that there are not more people aware that We are expanding into multi-verse, multi-D and infinity. We are just as surprised that there are sooooo many still focused on there being only One or two options, futures, timelines, whatevers.

What We are feeling very strong is that is going to need to be something really big happen to open people's minds and hearts. Some people are looking for disclosure, or NESARA, or revolution or some such to be this event. What We see is that without a change of heart, any of these fall totally short of the mark.

What We got as We were waking (finally getting back to where We started this) is that there is going to be a wave of love hit/bombard the earth that is All-most irresistible, certainly impossible to ignore. EveryOne has free will and can choose to accept this wave of love or not but it is gonna feel pretty enticing. We keep thinking scalar waves and torsion waves.

We are also wondering why those who only see One or two choices available bothers Us sooooo much. Perhaps it is that “they” sound sooooo convincing, so sure, so absolute. It is like “they” have a power, a charisma, a glamour. Hmmmmm.

Once again We are asking: “How may We be of service”.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012



A day to rest, process and integrate

Wizard's Log Star-date: 07:42:03 AM

Good morning. A very different night from usual. We began the night with Our usual mantras and felt much moving forward and insight. Then We had dreams that were NOT fun at All. Doing 3D things that We used to be good at and totally messing up and being very frustrated. Our observer wasn't frustrated at All but Our Self in the dream was. There were several different versions of this.

Later, We got the impression that this was about going back or (more to the point) NOT going back. We aren't really considering going back (though We do sometimes wonder about Our progress). This seems to be a warning, not really a warning but a suggestion that it would be very upsetting and frustrating to turn back now. Of course turning back can have many faces just as going forward can. The difference is in the heart.

We got up just a bit earlier than usual and it is snowing lightly, sticking on the dragon but nowhere else. We had 2 windows open All night and still have One open. Don't think We've ever had a window open while it was snowing before. We do feel that We are adapting.

There were also dreams about living in harmony, unity and Oneness. Stuff about replicators and returning objects to “their” energy form. There was some looking at and feeling into devices vs. mind. We do feel that for many the devices will be a necessary transition. The big question will be will We use the devices as an excuse to be lazy and get stuck without going deeper into Our hearts. Time will tell. No One can foretell what the masses will decide. We know that One reason We are seeing the step(s) beyond the transition is to keep Us going on and moving forward. We have the tendency to be lazy. How many times We have seen that if We had learned/remembered how to do things We have just stopped there like We had arrived. We never really arrive as there is really only here. The choice is do We continue to grow and adventure or do We get stuck and stagnate.

We've made One trip back to dream and feel another One bearing down on Us at high speed, after that probably another.

It is definitely a day to just lay back and re-coup and regroup and We are doing exactly that.

Monday, September 24, 2012



I forgive Me, I love Me, I thank Me

Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:32:47 AM

Good morning. Another busy night at the dreams and it was very warm All night. I liked the warm but Shadow does not. The dreams were mostly about living as We really are, good stuff and playful.

Early in the night there was something that We chose to go into ho'oponopono Once again. Don't remember the catalyst but remember the action. It was good.

Wanted to be outside again today, it was bright sunshine to start but even when it clouded over it is still warm and nice to be out. Doing more cleanup and put away and cover up for winter. There are still lots of things I can outside to entertain MySelf but really nothing We feel “must” get done.

Very gray overcast again and that band of light on the southern horizon but it is different today. Today We can tell that it is the setting sun reflecting on the cloud cover. Yesterday there were no clouds in that band. Last night there was a very bright light shining red on the clouds in about the middle of this southern horizon. We think it was the moon but not sure. We might mention that this southern horizon is the top of the hills towards town. Again the overcast doesn't feel gloomy like it usually does to Us.

Sunday, September 23, 2012



Something's different

Wizard's Log Star-date: 09:14:02 AM

Good morning. We've been up a while and just real-eyesed We haven't started this yet. Very gray skies today, windy and very warm. Lots of dreams last night and lots of information and We have no idea what any of it was.

We are spending some time outside. Harvested some reeds that We are using on the back wall. Didn't have too many left after the snow and plowing last year so saving some from the plow for next spring/summer/life. It is really nice and comfortable to be outside, just being and lightly doing but it is sooooo gray. Most of the leaves are gone from the trees and even the bark is grayish. Still windy too but nice warm fresh air.

We do not usually like wind and/or gray skies yet We wanted to be out in it and enjoyed being out in it.

There is something odd about the sky, All day and well into the night there is a band of clear sky on the southern horizon and this band remains about the same size All day. It is unusual for any part of the sky to remain the same for that length of time. And the solid gray clouds overhead remained the same until well after sunset.

There is definitely something happening energy wise during this equinox.

Saturday, September 22, 2012



A simple day

Wizard's Log Star-date: 09:02:40 AM

Good morning. Another busy night dreaming and more and more insights. Much is still not clear about separation (illusion) and what Our world really is and what We really are. We get the feeling that We are getting the information in bite size pieces. So far the main point is that there is much more than We have ever believed. We knew (and/or believed) this and now We are beginning to experience. How much more? More than We can well imagine and We can well imagine quite a lot.

Unfortunately (if there is such a thing) We got a bit caught up in an email discussion first thing this morning and it rather pulled Us into “thinking”. Our buttons were pushed and that is probably exactly what We needed, doesn't mean We like it. It's partially about the money issues but there is more and it does connect with what We are dreaming. It is Our reaction that upset Us.

Beautiful clear skies most of the day. A nice warm autumn day. We are outside doing and playing. So nice to be able to be outside and be in 3D and multi-D. Loving getting familiar with this and thereby getting okay with it.

Friday, September 21, 2012



And dream some more

Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:48:58 AM

Good morning. Great dreams. We were given a servant by an oriental visitor who felt a deep soul connection to Us. We immediately gave the servant “their” freedom and said if “they” still chose to stay and be Our servant “they” are welcome to do so. This is what “they” did as “they” lived and loved to serve. We traveled locally in a small space ship or anti-grav car. We invited others to visit Us and spend time hanging out and playing. We were actually quite pleasantly surprised at some of those who accepted Our invitation.

Once again We experienced Our cabin being a ship. We know that Gaia is a living space ship. She has (perhaps is made up of) many, many smaller ships which appear as areas of ground. These ships (or plots of ground) can detach and travel around Gaia to just about any point on her body or even beyond. “They” can return and dock where “they” originated from whenever “they” are ready to do this.

The controls for this cabin ship are like the cursor on a computer screen and can be operated manually or mentally.

We took Our visitor on excursions around the planet in Our cabin ship.

We didn't want to leave this dream but it was clear that it was time to wake. When We rose the clouds were hanging low in the trees, All-most down at ground level. We knew it is the faerie mists. What an exhilarating feeling. We feel more 3D present than We have the last few days but We are also very much in multi-D.

Well, We woke feeling more 3D present but it didn't take Us too long to get over that. Back to dreaming soon.

And so another spent going back to dream. The energies are intense as many others are reporting. We are being upgraded and renovated. We can resist or We can go with it. For Us (personally) the easiest way to go with it is to dream so as long as We are able, dream is what We do.

Thursday, September 20, 2012



Feelings and thoughts

Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:40:15 AM

Good morning. Some very fun and interesting play time with some new friends and taking a look at Our desire (or more the lack thereof) to be in a live-in type relationship. Once again We clearly see that We want to be free to pay attention to Our many others and not be distracted by the presence of a single other on an ongoing basis. We are fully satisfied to have the excursions and exchanges that We have in dream worlds.

We had a very interesting night school and We definitely feel a hesitation about typing it up, or maybe more a hesitation to share. We are fairly certain it will not be widely accepted as correct. Can You say: “Fear of rejection”? But there is also the question of putting it out prematurely and then not being heard when the time is more ripe. We are reminded that it is this type of thinking that has been the cause/grounds of keeping secrets and having governments, religions and other societies to “handle” the truth and knowledge that the common people were not ready for.

What arrogance (at best). To think that I/We or anyOne is more ready and capable than anyOne else. This is not to say that an idea/truth/concept will not be rejected by some/many (regardless of whether it is true/accurate or not). It is this judgment (especially pre-judgment before the opportunity is even given) that leads to a place where We do not wish to go. We have been there, done that and burned the T-shirt.

This idea of truth alone is a subject for much discussion and it does relate to Our night school. Truth really is in the I of the beholder. We create and project Our truth onto the canvas We call the world.

We just real-eyesed how out We were yesterday. There was an email We received yesterday which We thought We read yesterday and deleted. This morning Our computer showed it as “not read” and sure enough when We opened it, it was not an email We had read. Boggles the mind.

We got night school typed up and forgot to proof read it before posting, sooooo............

Then reading about some others dreams We remembered some more dreams We had last night. Musta been a busy night. We do theel that this busyness is related and connected to this current download of energy that is definitely happening.

We seemed to have mixed Our school bus driving with shuttling students in space ships in some reality. We went back and forth between a normal” big yellow school bus full of students (going to and from school) and a small ship that carried One student at a time to wherever “they” wanted to go to learn/study whatever “they” were interested in. We can happily say that We prefer taking students where “they” want to go and We most heartily approve of allowing students to choose to study what “they” are interested in.

We also remember pondering that We seem to do sooooo many different things in different realities. We question if this is egotistic. But, We see that what it really is is an experience of Our multidimensionality. We really do All these different things in coexisting realities. There is also the factor that We do logistics and as part of that We are involved in many different projects. Since We don't just sit at a drawing board and plan how We think things should be done, but We actually get out in the field (on the front lines so to speak) this also explains doing All these different things. We are probably not as skilled/expert at any of these functions as someOne who focuses on only One. But We are adequate to establish whether what We plan actually works or not.

We often chuckle at what an obviously better method this is than sitting in an office saying: “Do it this way”. We have lived with and in the world where that goes on and We know first hand how inadequate that is. The planners theories are wonderful but do “they” actually work? By the planners being out in the field We actually get to see and experience the success and/or failure of Our best laid plans.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012



(From night school last night)

We found much resis-dance to typing this up and even more resis-dance to sharing it. An instant before We experienced it, We would have rejected it as absurd. Perhaps We could have accepted some parts but not the entirety. The groundwork was laid in a dream of a game with the youngstars several years ago.

There was a large group seated in bleachers in some type of auditorium or stadium. I was speaking to “them” and the dream seemed to begin in the middle or towards the end of My speech. This alone was a rather odd (or at least unfamiliar) sensation: to kind of walk in on MySelf while I was giving a speech. Imagine My surprise.

This is where it started (in My perception): I said: “I want You to divide up into pairs. You All-ready know that You can exchange bodies with each other.” I'm not sure what anyOne/everyOne else was thinking but I know what I was thinking: “I didn't know that until I said it.” The group was an odd number so that I could have someOne to partner with and somehow I knew/know that I had intentionally arranged it this way ahead of time.

Then I said: “Let's do that now”. And everyOne exchanged bodies with “their” partner. We discussed how it felt, some addressed the entire gathering and some formed/gathered into small groups and talked amongst “themSelves”. It was the general consensus that We were All/each a bit surprised that the transfer seemed to be complete and total. There was no memory or knowledge or feelings that seemed to be left in the body by the original occupant. It seemed/felt/appeared that Our entire persona transferred to the other body leaving no trace of “Us” in Our previous body.

Most/All/each of Us was quite surprised at this because We had heard/read about walk-ins and there is usually something of the previous occupant left behind. Some of Us (MySelf included) have even experienced what I call “a share-in” (which seems to be gaining more and more acknowledgment in recent years). A “share-in” (in My opinion/experience) is where the original persona/soul/whatever doesn't leave the body and a second soul enters and the two share the body. This is (or at least can be) different from multiples and splits. It may even be simply an awareness of Our multidimensionality. We may be becoming aware of different aspects/versions of OurSelves co-existing.

We mostly agreed that We held only awareness of OurSelf inside the other person's body and most of Us were surprised at that. I said: “This is because this is a different process from a walk-in or share-in. It may be similar and even related but it “is” different.

I suggested that rather than returning to Our original bodies and going on Our way, We remain in Our partners body and hang out here for some time. We All agreed to this and let time pass. How much time passed I can not say because We observed OurSelves through something like time-lapse photography.

What We observed shocked Us to Our core(s). As if observing OurSelves in time-lapse wasn't surprising enough in itSelf.

These bodies We were inhabiting were morphing slowly, subtly, and gradually over time. These borrowed/adopted bodies were shifting into the body We had left/donated to an-other. And (of course) that body was shifting into the body of the persona that occupied it. Our persona(s) or soul(s) or whatever was adapting the body to fit/reflect/complement the persona.

Somehow, watching this process We knew/experienced that We were not contained within these bodies but these bodies are contained within each of Us. (And then each of Us is contained within the whole, the One, the All that is) We experienced that these bodies are designed and formed to portray Us and be used by Us and to perform and experience in the physical.

That is why the adopted bodies We occupied changed/morphed into an exact replica of the body We had donated to Our partner. And at the same time, the body We had left was morphing into a replica of Our partner's original body.

Replica is not quite the right word but it as close as We can think of at the moment.

We woke with the knowledge (that can only be gained through experience) that We created this body to be Our tool and Our physical representation of Our personality, Our essence.

Our disclaimer is that this truth may not be everyOne's truth or even anyOne else's truth. And We may forget it by the end of the day.



Nobody home

Wizard's Log Star-date: 07:51:12 AM

Good morning. We are being shown many possibilities, potentials and probabilities for Our present and future, maybe even Our passed. Our current focus seems to be on the coexistence and cooperation within and between divergent paths and beliefs. Living in harmony and union, with Gaia and her inhabitants and of course, Our space families and All the bodies in space. That is really quite a vast assortment isn't it? Certainly a lot of room for divergence.

There are those who are focused on changing the outer and those who are focused on changing the inner. We see a merging of these, a transition, an acceptance between these views. The word symbiotic comes to mind.

We fell behind a bit yesterday on Our daily writing and posting. We were a bit distracted with taking care of physical concerns and being focused far beyond the physical. Perhaps this is a learning experience of what We were just typing about.

We are obviously not much focused in limitation 3D this morning and that is a good thing. We are seeing the typical/usual 3D around Us but feeling much more of multi-D.

And that is how Our day is today.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012



First this then that

Wizard's Log Star-date: 04:59:05 AM

Good morning. We got up early to go to town and have the new winter tires put on the dragon. Here in Alaska, even dragons need good winter shoes.

Busy dreams, more about being about doing Our mission. Again no clear, specific memories but it feels like We are coordinating projects. That makes sense because We know that Our part is logistics. It is kinda cool because in this capacity We get to be involved in many different aspects of building Our new earth.

The wind continues to blow. It sounded like it let up during the night but it is at it again this morning.

While We were in town the weather did just about everything except snow. The wind would blow and die down. The clouds rolled in and rained some then rolled out and it got quite warm and lovely, then clouds again. Sometimes the wind was chilly other times warm. Are We slipping between realities? Just thought of that possibility.

The tires took much longer than We expected because the shop was still backed up from Sunday. By the time it was done We just wanted to get home so get home We did.

At home We are not much into focusing on anything. We are into dreaming and drifting, drifting and dreaming.

We spent the rest of the day doing just that. It is a nice way to spend the time.



I believe it's time for Me to fly

Wizard's Log Star-date: 10:04:52 AM

Good morning. Lots of dreams, no clear memories. It seems We were “doing” a lot, as in actively pursuing Our mission. We woke with a distinct impression that is very important to be open to All possibilities for the future and release expectations. Once again, Our expectations limit Our possibilities.

As We are going about Our morning it is obvious that We are out and about” while also being here reading email and such. We like this.

We returned to dreaming. The first time We tried to wake from this We could tell that We were not done so We went back yet again.

Even tho We are up, We feel like We could easily go back to dream yet again. Some type of downloading certainly going on.

Very windy today, perhaps it is helping Us to fly.

It appears We forgot/neglected to post this on Monday (9/17). Perhaps We were too busy flying though Our body seemed to earthbound.

Sunday, September 16, 2012



Another day drifting

Wizard's Log Star-date: 07:27:39 AM

Good morning. Another busy night. Again We don't remember a lot of specifics, just that We were busy doing things. Felt like some alternate realities and some future possibilities. We woke with a feeling/thought that We have some urgent assignment about to reveal itSelf. We (All-most) automatically replied: “We are willing, ready and able”. It is nice to feel that way, no hesitation any more.

Feeling extremely positive. Even the pending 3D chores seem important for moving ahead. Like getting Our space ship ready for the journey.

Spent the day doing 3D stuff but not really focused much in 3D.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

In Light Radio has just released a You Tube video to begin announcing Our Galctic Family's presence.

Many are waiting for Our governments to make disclosure but these folks have taken it upon "themSelves" to begin the process.



Is One step back One step forward?

Wizard's Log Star-date: 07:54:42 AM

Good morning. Great fun dreams and We have completely forgotten what “they” were. It has All-ways seemed a bit odd to Us to be able to remember that We dreamed and how it felt yet not be able to remember “what” that is often the case.

It looks like it will is going to be another dreary weather day. Maybe We will lots more dreams today.

We know that often, when We dream of other realities and dimensions “they” are still so different that We can not bring a clear memory back to limitation 3D. Here, We are still immersed in separation. We are emerging from this belief, but it is still the basis of Our reality. We feel certain that Oneness, connection and limitlessness are what We were dreaming about.

We did wake with the thought that Our imaginings of Our future limit Our possibilities because We do not (yet) have the basis (from which) to imagine the fullness and potentials of what awaits. Again We were reminded that the changes We look for MUST be on the inside and be projected out.

There is no sign of freezing last night but it is barely snowing this morning. That is it is barely snow, very close to rain. This time of year the weather could go either way. Winter could set in any minute and stay until April or May, or We could have a long Indian summer that lasts into October. Or anything in between. It often warms up around Thanksgiving but often Thanksgiving is the coldest day We've had so far.

It doesn't feel like this snow will stick. We think the weather will clear and have some more nice autumn days.

We are getting a sense that what We previously thought of as failure (and hence turned it into such or made it look and feel like failure and We felt stuck Once again) is actually a natural step on the journey. It is going back and forth between the familiar and the new, vast and seemingly unexplored territory that We are longing for. It is a way of gently acclimating to something (comparatively) so vast that is incomprehensible to Us. We could go rushing in, damn the torpedoes and All engines on full open throttle but that would be a major shock and many have fried “their” circuits doing just that. We are being given the opportunity to gradually adjust and get Our bearings. We often see/judge this gradual adjustment as failure when it is meant for Our comfort.

This led to typing and posting “thought” which got a lot of response from people. Must be its time.

In light radio released a You tube video for beginning disclosure today: I Know My Galactic Family Is Here, Do You? (UFO Disclosure) It is getting a good deal of exposure.

We get a really strong feeling that this is a very important move. The people, the little people, the peasants (as We are often judged to be) are beginning to speak up. It is OUR time.

Friday, September 14, 2012



We were thinking..... Let Us state that this is generally not safe and We should All-ways were a bright colored safety vest whenever We are thinking. Remember the famous line: “Danger, danger Will Robinson”.

Over the passed several years We have experienced (and read from/about many others regarding) taking a step (or several steps) forward (or what We perceive as forward) and then feeling like We took a step (or again several steps) backwards. We (and others) tend to see/judge these steps backwards as failures. Hence, We turn “them” into the experience of failure and We feel/experience being stuck or even imprisoned. What powerful beans We are that We can take a judgment and turn it into an experiential reality. Pretty amazing really.

Here is My point (located fairly close to the One on the top of My head): Maybe these steps backwards are NOT failures.

Could it be?

Or should We go back to sleep?

There is a punch line from an old joke that We do love: “Sit down! You're drunk.

Okay: what if these steps backwards (or the appearance of steps backwards) are actually an integral part of Our journey? Maybe We need the time and space to integrate what We have learned and/or experienced. Maybe We need this opportunity to go slowly and gently into the fray.

We have often referred to blowing Our circuits, burning out Our wiring etc. (the phrase: “blow My mind” comes to thought)

Could it be that what We see as personal (or perhaps even collective) failure is the way to NOT blowout Our fuses?

Can We each begin to give OurSelves the leeway of taking Our time and going at Our own pace? Can We accept that maybe, just possibly somehow We actually do know what is best for Us and that is exactly the direction We are headed?



We try to live in opposition

Wizard's Log Star-date: 09:12:03 AM

Good morning. A night of great and playful dreams about being an ET, werewolf, vampire and more and shifting back and forth and around between All these AND human. What fun.

This morning when We rose from bed We were aware of the usual limitation 3D setting but very much still in those other realities/worlds/dimensions. When We got on the computer We right away real-eyesed that We wanted to redo Our email filters. We spent quite a bit of time doing that, not as easy to do when not fully focused in limitation 3D but We are learning to be comfortable in this zoomed out state rather than being limited to being only focused in limitation 3D. And that is the point: learning to function multidimensionally and be comfortable with it. It may not even really be multidimensionally, maybe just multireality or just expanded. We are not sure about the correct terms. What is important to Us is getting beyond limitation. Getting beyond separation too.

Another beautiful day today. Getting ready to go outside and enjoy. We may put the snow tires on the pickup today after it warms up. We like having that out of the way and studs are legal starting Saturday.

It remains quite cool, the clouds come and go and it is only warm in the sunshine. We are taking Our time with the tires, One tire at a time. Every time We do this (twice a year as We have 2 sets of mounted tires One set for summer and One set for winter) We tell OurSelves that if We want We could do One tire or two tires or even three tires today and the rest over the next several days. So far We have never chosen to do this BUT We no longer do One tire after the other without any breaks. We have learned to take lots of breaks. A bit like night school being mostly recess.

We did (Once again) get All four tires done and put everything away. Our new plan for where to store the large, heavy floor jack for the winter was a success. We do appreciate when We have a really great plan that actually works. As We get more sheds built, winter storage should be less of a problem.

Over the years We had gotten most everything set up so that switching over from summer to winter and back again was very minor. However, with All the clean up, building, rearranging and tearing down the inadequate temporary storage areas the last few years there have been a number of things that needed to be put away in the fall. This is changing and We do believe that as We learn to live in harmony and Oneness this need will be a vague memory.

So many of Our “things” are actually built upon dis-harmony and trying to live in opposition to nature. When We really ponder this it kinda blows Our mind. How much of Our thinking, knowledge, beliefs and way of life is based on living in opposition to nature. We have tried to conquer and at that We failed miserably, thank God.

Thursday, September 13, 2012




Wizard's Log Star-date: 07:02:06 AM

Good morning. We are quite there this morning and adjusting to being here. We had a word to describe this, but the word left. Perhaps We will remember it at another time. Perhaps not.

We got up a bit early because We felt a night school or morning review just itching to get out of Our fingers. We chose a morning review as We know it is an accumulation of many night schools.

It is quite chilly this morning All though the thermothing says the same as the last few mornings. We decided to light the heater and run it for a bit. That knocked the chill off. Shadow was not impressed when he came in but is practicing acceptance (this is easier since I had shut the heater off before he came in). There was no sign of freezing outside but it must be getting close.

This All brings up the subject (of course) which We hope to address in Our morning review since it has been an ongoing topic in night school: “Living in harmony with All that is. With an emphasis on nature and Gaia at this time.”

Just now We felt really strong like We wanted to type about The Dragon Rider's Academy. Maybe soon.

Morning Review turned out to be long and exhaustive. The sky is clear and blue and We need to revive before We can enjoy it.

We revived and are able to be outside enjoying, doing clean up and enjoying and taking it easy and enjoying. Did We mention enjoying?

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


What does Our world really look like?

Morning Review (as We are waking and/or resisting waking)

We review the last several/many nights. We have been in a process of assimilating and integrating information and insights. We have been remembering what We really are and what Our world really is. We learn best by playing. That is why We chose to play the game of separation and limitation. AND what a game it turned out to be.

We wonder who decided to use real bullets?

We did of course. We chose it All, every aspect and deviance. In fact, We got quite deviant. We excelled at deviance. We would inject here that being deviant does not necessarily imply being naughty. It could imply being very creative.

But We digress. We are also quite good at digressing. Perhaps that will be Our next game. Instead of separation We can play digression. We have certainly mastered separation and We All-ready have some masters at digression.

Once upon a time, in a land within Our mind, We decided to find out what it would be like to be separate. In order to “find out” We decided it would be best to experience it. We have All-ways loved to play. So, We decided to play separation. We knew that the bestest way to fully experience and learn about separation would be to fully believe in it, within Our game. Therefore, We forget that We are One, connected, a part of everything.


We won. We ONE.

Do We get a prize?

(That was All background information which You may or may not All-ready be familiar with. Before We forget: separation does seem to include and imply limitation. “They” seem to go hand in hand. Have You noticed that too?)

Okay. Here We go:

The world that We see and experience (the way We see the world) is based on separation. If You review the previous section You should be able to see the importance of this and hopefully the truth of it also.

The eyes are the window of the soul. Have You ever thought about this? By All appearances and understanding, the human brain lies directly behind the human eyes. Yet, when We look into an other's eyes, We see “their” heart.

Perhaps there is something about the eyes that We do not understand. Perhaps there are several somethings????????

We (the masses/collective) believe that human eyes allow light into the brain and the brain interprets this as images, solid appearing images (unless “they” are liquid or gas, then the images are less solid). This belief is correct. To a point. The eyes actually filter out more than “they” let in. This is a key part/foundation of separation and limitation. And this is the basis of Our perception of Our world.

It is a common belief that We believe what We see. Hence the saying: “Seeing is believing”. I prefer: “Seeing is deceiving”. We see what We believe. We see that and only that. It may seem that We see something new, but somewhere in Our cellular memory and/or collective memory is a deep rooted belief about whatever it is We see. This can get very corn-fusing to most of Us because We don't remember believing it before We see it. This is another key point in the game. We are masters of the game to be sure. We created rules and death traps and safety alarms and fail safes and more to make absolutely certain that We did not fall off the game board or exit the game prematurely. We did good. We did very, very good.

Butt We digress.

Another way of phrasing the above (We see what We believe) is: We see what We project. For most of Us this is even more offensive. At least the first (and third and probably twelfth) time We are exposed to the idea.

The point is that the world as We perceive it is completely based in/on separation and limitation. There are many integral parts of this: money, time, space, gravity, need, government, religion and the list goes on and on. It is a very complicated and intricate game. And lest We forget: “We chose this” and “We chose every part and parcel of it”. Blame is another integral part and We are even more masterful at that. We do not mean to imply that any of this is “bad” or “evil” “they” are just parts of the game (spaces on the gameboard maybe???). Judging “them” as bad and/or evil is also part of the game.

Many/most people are aware that Our current system is broken. Many/most want to blame (and are blaming) someOne or something. This brings up Our messiah rule: “We want someOne to worship, someOne to lead and direct Us, even rule and enslave Us. Until We are ready to blame 'them' for Our ills and then We crucify 'them'.” This is a rather simple rule to the game and has proven very effective.

There are various views on where We are headed and what will happen. In separation/limitation there can only be One outcome and everyOne has to play the same game, over and over and over. Many choose to do this. Others choose to fix the system without changing the vision/perception (We would call this changing the outside without changing the inside) and thus “they” too choose to remain in the game of separation/limitation.

Some are choosing to see beyond the boundaries of the game board. Perhaps just a quick peek or perhaps We will tear the veil asunder. BTW, this veil is often called: “The veil of forgetfulness” which is a very apt term. It is All here, We just chose to forget. All that is, All possibilities and probabilities, All the different choices are here. Everything We can possibly imagine (and then some) is right here AND right now. Of course, separation demands that these statements are false and best forgotten.

Some/many of Us will try (and are trying) to expand Our vision and see beyond separation/limitation. Most of these will try to hang on to some of the precepts of separation/limitation because it is familiar. Even though We know it does NOT work, We can't imagine (yet) life without it. Familiar is All-ways comfortable no matter how much it hurts.

We kind of digressed-ed again but it is important foundational material, at least for Us and this IS Our review.

Here is the thing: We see and experience a world based totally in and on separation and limitation. A world without separation and limitation is completely and totally different. At this time it is pretty much beyond even Our imagination. We may be able to imagine pieces and parts and glimpse some concepts that apply but not the “fullness” of it. It is sooooo much more than We ever thought possible. We may have had glimpses in Our dreams, but it is rare to bring more than a tiny piece into even Our most expanded and visionary 3D consciousness.

This is why We/I have not been able to put words to Our recent dreams and night school. We have been walking in and playing in Oneness and limitlessness. We can remember that We did it but it is damned hard to find words. Words, by definition, are limited. How does One describe limitlessness using limits?

Many/most aspects of Our natural world exist in Oneness/limitlessness and “they” are very expanded versions of what We see and experience now. Man made things remain a choice. Need is a piece of the separation game.

When We live in harmony and unity with All that is (this includes nature and Gaia AND goes far beyond) there is no need. Period. Can You even begin to imagine that?

Let's try this on. This is the current focus of My journey: “Living in harmony and unity means We will be (are) free of needing shelter”. Can barely begin to get Our head around that One but We can admit it is a possibility. We (society, the masses) proclaim this (shelter) as a basic need and right of every human bean. We will quote Richard Bach: “Argue for Your limitations and sure enough, 'they' are Yours.”

Inclement weather is a fact.” Is it? Or is it part of separation? Is it possible, just maybe, sorta, kinda a bit of a chance that “We” (collective) created “nasty” weather? (Nasty everything/anything really) How about this perspective: “Does God need an umbrella?” Perhaps these types of weather are fact, it's the inclement/nasty/bad part that is suspect.

Everything, everything, everything is more than We think it is. Everything lives in harmony, unity and balance and coexists with everything else. (This includes dimensions, densities, realities, etc.) The word lives is very important. We think many things are inanimate, dead, non-sentient. Again, this is part of Our separation mindset.

Everything We see is real and alive, but not necessarily really the “way” We see it and experience it. Whatever way We conceive of it (whatever “it” is) it is more than We perceive and conceive. We drew borders and boundaries around everything. We believed these borders and boundaries were real. Our belief makes “them” real. Yet, just like the lines/borders on a map, “they” are not real. Borders and boundaries are make believe just like everything else in separation and limitation, because separation and limitation are make believe.

All Our lives We have been taught (by words and example) and We taught OurSelves and Our others that anything beyond limitation 3D and separation is make believe. That is Our story and most of Us are sticking to it. Unless We choose to change.

Would You like the red pill or the blue pill?

We have also been feeling that this is a time when We can/must choose to either wake up and change Our thinking, beliefs and mindset or hit the reset button, the snooze alarm and dive back into the game (the choice We All-ways made in the passed).



Another day away

Wizard's Log Star-date: 09:08:30 AM

Good morning. We remember dreaming, remember that there was fun, there was weird and there was fun and weird. It is an interesting and We think new type of dream memory, like a shadow memory. We remember how We felt and even some thoughts about the dreams at the time but We have no idea what the dreams actually were.

It looks like a nice day, clear blue skies and sun.

We do remember several times waking and pondering different options for outside for winter. It was a rather round and round type thinking, not quite a loop. We did find some options We had not real-eyesed before but it was also like a trap. At One point We got it that it was All free of matter, We can follow any option and it has little or no bearing on anything. We refocused on Our mantras and seemed to get much more rest and dream. It was like something was trying to distract Us but also give Us some new options.

It was about staying stuck in the separation/limitation world, like it is still important. It feels like many times We have reached this point in Our life/path/journey (or similar) and fallen back into focus/zoom in on limitation 3D.

We do feel that there are many times We could have learned how to control/manifest/etc. that would have resulted in getting stuck there and never even wanting to move forward. We know We have gained and grown by not remembering these abilities. We truly do not know whether We are at that point again or ready to move forward. We do feel compelled to remember All that We really are and All that Our world really is. To really begin to feel and see through the illusion, the veil of forgetfulness, the faerie mists.

We went outside to play and enjoy the nice weather. We felt rather strange. It is something We are beginning to get familiar with but not quite there yet. It was obvious that We could not handle making decisions or trying to “build” anything. We chose to do more clean up. Picking up sticks is just about the maximum of Our skill level (in 3D) today.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012



Worlds upon worlds upon worlds

Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:33:07 AM

Good morning. Don't remember much from last night except that We thought We spent a lot of it awake. We woke somewhere around 1 AM and tried and tried to go back to sleep to no avail. Finally We got up. The sky looked cloudy through the window (even with no light on inside) but when We went outside it was mostly clear sky with lots of stars. One little guy in the southish would zip back and forth at irregular intervals. We said hi, actually said hi a lot. Have been doing that more and more lately, maybe that is helping.

We thought We might be inspired to type up a night school as We were getting more clarification and insight about unity and harmony etc. Didn't happen. So, We thought maybe this morning. Blank this morning. We did a little email and chat and did notice that when We went back to bed One clock said 3:33 (and I didn't even know it could talk).

It took a long time to go back to sleep and more processing.

And then there is today. What are We doing today? More cleanup outside and drifting inside. We are getting more and more stuff stored for winter and moving things here to see if We like that and moving “them” there to see if We like that.

The long and short is that none of it is really important but We tend to forget that and get caught up in it. And sometimes We just wander around aimlessly being focused on worlds and more worlds and more worlds beyond 3D.

Monday, September 10, 2012



Awake or assleep?

Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:34:16 AM

Good morning. Lots of processing and insights and remembering last night. We hope to find words for at least some of it.

First thing this morning We watched a YouTube that relates to what We processed last night. Click here to watch

Something that seems to be getting more common is Our level of awareness/consciousness as We process at night. More and more it seems like We are awake and doing something similar to analyzing or question and answer. The thing is that when We do wake the morning after, it is clear that We were anything but awake during those times. We were definitely in an altered/expanded state of consciousness. When 3D awake it is hard to put words to those exercises that seemed clear and even to use words in that expanded/altered state.

We dreamed about being involved in the distribution of prosperity funds. This is not surprising given Our involvement in the ongoing relief effort. This could even be seen as part of that or an extension of it. There were some questions that came up. It is One thing to feed the hungry and starving, to provide shelter to those without. To teach people to grow food and provide materials needed is rather simple compared to giving equal money to everyOne.

Our focus (because of Our 3D history) was on alcoholics and addicts but there are others that would fall under this question: “What about those unable to handle the money in 'their' own best interest?” Any attempt to quantify or qualify equality would be returning to the basis from which All of Our problems stem. This presupposes that some are more able to care for “themSelves” than others, that some are better equipped to make decisions for the betterment of others, etc. Hence: the ruling class and the subordinates who need” to be taken care of. We know that this is a real concern and also totally BS (belief system).

That is the key. We see what We believe. Each of Us has other parts, versions, aspects in other dimensions, realities, whatevers. These versions are fully capable of taking care of “their” limitation 3D person.

There is an answer, a way to solve this seeming paradox (in 3d) but it involves something of the other D's. A big part is seeing with Our real eyes. This is very hard for most of Us to grasp. What We see/perceive to be real” is NOT ALL there is. It is merely Our projection of Our beliefs (which tend to be based in fear, scarcity, lack, etc.) If these people (who We judge as not being able to look out for “their” own best interest) actually exist, perhaps removing the chains and fetters that bind “them” would better serve “them” than Us choosing to take charge of “their” life.

We know from personal experience and observation that much addiction and mental illness is the result of knowing that this world is a mess. Knowing that there is more and that We have lived in a better world and that We are basically slaves in a system that We feel powerless to change leads to many types of (what is labeled) disorders. These thoughts, insights, intuits, whatevers led Me back to: “We are love” “Remembering and believing in All that We really are”.

This (I believe) is the basis of the answer, it is the answer. We see projections of Our feelings, fears and beliefs. Separation is a pretend situation and environment. We will never find real answers within separation and limitation. The answers are within the ONE, within unity and union, harmony and balance. All the results and fruits of love.

The weather today was cloudy, then rainy, then clear, then cloudy, then rainy, then clear (repeat several times) so We were outside as much as possible but didn't really do a whole lot out there but continuing to make progress on the cleanup and getting some things stored for winter.

We keep remembering: “We are love. Remembering and believing in All that We really are and All that the world really is.” Many of Our plans for the cabin may be pointless as We move into unity and harmony with the real world. So looking forward to experiencing everything being alive and growing things rather than building. Co-operation rather than intrusion. We are loving these thoughts and visions.

Sunday, September 9, 2012




Wizard's Log Star-date: 07:17:41 AM

Good morning. More processing and releasing last night. More facing My fears and letting “them” pass through Me. Releasing and setting free with love. We had read from several sources that this would be a time of going deeper and finding and releasing even more and even more and here We are. We are reminded that fear is false evidence appearing real. The world We see is Our pretend world. Our belief is what makes it appear solid and immutable. Our world is changing and We are trying to cling to it (at some level) for false security as the drowning cling to a rock.

Our world is not changing into something it is not or has never been, that is what We see now: the world as it never really was. We are beginning to live in the world as it really is with Us as We really are. It is time to let go of the masquerade. We have lived many lives pretending to be what We are not and pretending that Our world is what it is not. Now, We can Once again be what We truly are and live in Our world as it truly is.

We are reminded that this is unfamiliar. Us as We really are and the world as it really is are now unfamiliar to Us having been living in the pretend world of separation for so long. What is unfamiliar is uncomfortable, until it becomes familiar.

Another thing that came to mind/dream is about Us being in other realities and dimensions at the same time. So often even We accept this about OurSelves We see Our others as only being what and who We see in the physical. “They” are also sooooo much more.

We returned to dreaming for a while.

The sun is out now and looks like it might be warming up a bit. We'll go play out there a bit.

Again, We were out playing and cleaning up and just about the time We seemed to run out of energy it clouded over.

We are more and more aware of spending Our days here AND there. We even got to talk a little bit about this with Our local friends. “They” are becoming aware of this and We were able to reassure “them”. It does take a lot of adjusting and getting used to it.

Saturday, September 8, 2012



Separation and time travel

Wizard's Log Star-date: 11:03:07 AM

Good morning. We've been up for several hours, still working with and learning how best to use the computer since We reset it to the passed yesterday. For some reason, the new version of Google mail runs better (even with several windows of it open) now then the old version. Before this reset We could only have One new version window open at a time and the old version ran better. We are still getting a script error message on some/several websites that We didn't get before. Changing to compatibility view works for some but not All. It seems to be connected to sights running videos but not exclusively. This reminds Us, We may have updated adobe flash player in that time We deleted with the reset to the passed. Thank You for that reminder. We will check that out.

We did wake from great dreams/alternate realities that We would have loved to remain in. Now, those memories have faded.

We think that there is something We need to look at about separation consciousness. We have been aware of it and working towards resolving it for some time, but it really is the lock that keeps Us (everyOne in Our world) tethered to the old paradigm. Not sure where to go with this and apparently not yet ready to try to put it in words. Will feel into it today, unless We don't.

Here are some thoughts so far: The issue of money keeps coming up. Money is not really the issue, separation is the issue. Rather than deal with Our issue of separation, We focus on money. We have many mis-beliefs about money. Money is a tool and a part of separation consciousness. There are many such tools/parts. We tend to focus on these parts, heal the atrocities We see around these parts but leave the root intact.

So now Our question/quest is: “How to heal the wound of separation consciousness?” Once the question is asked, the answer comes. When We live in love, unity, union and connection with All that is, then the other issues resolve. We can still pretend to be separate (if We choose) and hopefully We can do this without forgetting completely that We are One. It can be like going to a movie without falling into the movie.

I got an answer to My question on the discussion group I poised it to: “There is no spoon”. I had posted that the day before and it was echoed to Me when I asked about healing the wound of separation. So I answered My question the day before I asked it. More time traveling?

Also, We just reinstalled flash player and it looks like this may have fixed the last of Our computer problems. See how easy it is to master time travel?

It is dry enough outside to do some more cleanup. It is only 40F outside so We are a bit cool but We got the last of the scrap lumber moved to where We want it (at least until We changes Our minds). Now it has started to rain and acts like it is gonna rain hard so We put stuff away and came inside.

It rained and stormed hard for a while, then the sun came out and warmed things up a bit. Then it clouded over again.

Friday, September 7, 2012



Issues, resets, time travel and feelings

Wizard's Log Star-date: 10:15:40 AM

Good morning. Nothing much to report from last night and having an odd kind of morning. Having some computer problems and My emotions feel quite different. Not sure if there is a connection. Also having to deal with some 3D system stuff, that may be affecting Us.

A few others are reporting feeling odd physical sensations and emotional too.

Definitely something going on with the energies. We are having computer problems and feeling emotions that We have not felt in quite some time. The nice thing is that We are not experiencing the level of frustration We would have felt previously.

We reset Our computer to the passed and this fixed some problems and created others. We lost several updates from the interim and this affects how programs work. We are reinstalling the updates as “they” make “themSelves” known and as We remember “them”. Apparently there are some We are still missing. So, You see, time travel is possible but there are some kinks and glitches that still need to be worked out.

And Our feelings. Don't even know how to address this. We are certainly having feelings. It seems to be a combo of adjusting to newness and continuing to process and release old stuff. We have read from many authors lately that this process and release of old stuff would be happening. “And here We are!”

It seems We spent a lot of the day in observer mode. This is a nice way to deal with issues that frustrated Us in the passed.