Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012



(From night school last night)

We had the most incredible class to date. (At least in My opinion.) I have felt that the last few nights were building up to something, laying a foundation for what dreams may come. We haven't been remembering what We dreamt but continue to be aware that We have been dreaming. This is One of those instances where words fall short of describing what is happening. I'm sure many wonder how I can remember/know that I was dreaming yet not remember anything about My dreams. I would be willing to bet that We have (each of Us) experienced this but dismissed the awareness when there was no memory to support it.

Each morning I/We have woken theeling that We were building up to something. We were preparing and laying foundations so that We could bring the memory into waking.

Last night Our awareness started with experiencing an alternate reality. It was a very pleasant reality, similar to this One with definite, pleasing differences. (An interesting note: All-though I feel quite present in the reality I Am typing in I have to work hard to remember what letter comes next to form/type the word I Am thinking.) Then We split into an-other reality and then an-other. This is where it got different: We remained aware of each of the other realities, and that there were even more and more realities nearby where We are also living and experiencing. Trust Me that many/most seem more pleasing than this current reality.

I do not mean to imply that this reality is unpleasant (quite the opposite really) but it certainly is limited. Often, We feel like a caged animal, knowing there is more out there, waiting for Us to become aware of it and experience it.

We began to slide back and forth between realities. We have never been aware of doing this before or of holding the clear awareness of many realities. I speak of an awareness that can only be felt/experienced while being present. Does that make sense? We hope so, it is the best We can do for words right now.

We could return to any reality We chose. We could return where We left off or a bit ahead (like time had passed) or even go back and actually relive the “first time” aspect of any experience.

This alone could be the basis of an entire story or at least a good chapter. In Our world, We only get One “first time” at anything. We may hold onto a memory of it and remember the memory often but We do NOT get to live the “first time” more than Once. Many of Us try and try and try to regain, relive that “first time” experience. This is an aspect of limitation 3D. Last night (for the first time in memory) I was able to go back and forth, reliving the “first time” as an actual “first time”. Again, it seems words fall short. I Am glad I didn't try to type any of this up before it was this clear, before I had at least these words for the experience.

We could be in One reality, experiencing it fully and glance around and feel/sense other realities. Perhaps like shadows or ghost images. I have read that a person who has lost a limb or other body part can still feel/sense the missing part being present where it All-ways had been. Perhaps this is similar. Perhaps it is an ability, an experience that has been stolen from Us and denied Us. Perhaps those who can and do experience this are some of the people We lock away.

We played with the experience. Slipping, sliding, flashing, jumping back and forth. Like a child, or an otter who has just discovered that there are many pools of water (or light) laying right next to each other. Many of the pools even overlap somehow and with the wondrous abandonment of a child (or animal) We just accept it and play in it. We don't try to figure it out the way gr'ups do. We simplay (that was a typo bit I'm leaving it cause it is a perfect word) enjoy it. It is very enjoyable. We discover that Our water-slide splits and We can take different forks into different pools. Each pool is a different reality.

We can look at any other pool and there We are playing in that pool. Okay, there are pools where no One is playing, everyOne is ever so serious but We don't pay much attention to those pools. I guess We could call those the old-school pools.

*SPLASH* “You're it”.

Then, the most amazing part of the entire adventure, We real-eyesed that We are awake. Finally, a waking experience of living multidimensionally.

These different realities All exist within One dimension (or snot) but in order to be aware of All and each of “them” simultaneously We must be beyond only 3D. From 5D and beyond We can experience and/or observe the many, many realities of 3D. I have known a lot of this for some time but this is the first time I have been aware of being consciously aware of and consciously present in several realities at Once. Certainly the first time in waking.

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