Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012



Wizard's Log Star-date: 09:41:54 AM

Good morning. We feel a bit different this morning and not sure how to describe it. We had a hard time getting to sleep and Once We did We seem to have slept very deep. We just barely remember any dreaming. Some kind of shift. Perhaps this is more adjusting to being in multi-worlds. It feels a bit like it might be that. It could also be the beginning of seeing through the matrix. These tow things would be similar and related but not exactly the same thing.

Mostly overcast today with some clearing and Our physical energy and focus and way less than yesterday. Our equilibrium is affected again. Will be interesting to see how We proceed.

Interesting, as I started puttering outside I remembered things from dream (or between dream and waking) that would make some projects and activities easier and more enjoyable. More than doing these things the connection and overlap between doing things around home and the dream world seems very important. More about walking in multi-worlds. We are no longer bound to One “OR” the other (if We ever were). We live and dream in both/All. This is part of and connected to stepping out of and rewiring and rebooting the matrix. We are returning the matrix to its original purpose. The matrix is Our connection and NOT Our controller.

Interesting, as We work on Our projects (trying to remember it is play with Our projects) We find that We are learning about OurSelf and life. Finally getting it that there is more to this than the doing and the recreation and keeping Us entertained. There is reflection and introspection IF We allow it.

We finished One paint project and were unhappy to find that the color We chose accidentally matched closer than intended to another color that We had used. However, when We stepped back We could see a theme developing. No clue where exactly that will go, it is developing itSelf. We used the last of that paint on One side of an old door that We intend to use to designate a portal somewhere. Really liking the way this is coming and felt very inspired. Originally We had planned to use the old door on the fort/treehouse (and these colors would tie in there) but We get the theeling that it belongs some where else. Thinking We will use deadfall for the portal at the fort and that will actually be the third in a path. The middle One is designated by a still standing dead tree that We are waiting until We had finished the painting (that We did today) to arrange and decorate. We are feeling the magik.

Another part of reprogramming the matrix.

Monday, July 30, 2012


Nice weather to be outside

Wizard's Log Star-date: 09:12:28 AM

Good morning. Recently We have noticed a subject We had not even heard of until some months ago: “separation anxiety”. We first heard about it from a dog trainer and it certainly makes a lot of sense. What We didn't think about which is being spoken/written now is Our own separation anxiety that is part of bean human. It sheds more light on Our situation and feelings.

We hope the weather stays nice today as We would like to do things outside. We want to remember though to keep Our focus on remembering what We really are and developing Our natural abilities. We are making some really nice progress on the cleanup around the cabin and have some great ideas that may or may not work.

As We went to sleep We were focused on stepping out of the matrix, taking back Our power and sending love to Our leaders while letting “them” know that “they” have no more power over Us. The only thing We remember from Our dreams is playing with friends. That is what I love about night school, it is mostly recess.

We are reading Maureen Moss's latest article: “GOD'S CONVERSATION WITH ME” and We highly recommend it.

The weather is really nice and We have physical energy and focus to actually do more cleanup, even operate power tools safely. We did seem to change focus from seeing through the matrix to what We are doing but We theel there is a balance that needs to be struck on days like this. It is All about learning to live in many worlds. Sometimes it is necessary to focus on One BUT remember and not lose sight of the others. This is what We are learning.

Sunday, July 29, 2012


Changing thinking

Wizard's Log Star-date: 09:40:13 AM

Good morning. Definitely in the zone today. Been up a couple hours and just remembered to start this. Walking in several worlds it seems. The water is great, come on in or is it: having a great time wish You were here.

The weather went from gloomy overcast to mostly clear blue skies except when it clouded over again but then it cleared up again and some clouds are moving in again. Now this is a normal day in Fairbanks, Alaska. So, it is nice enough that I want to be outside doing stuff. I have never been good at just sitting. If I sit I wanna go dream and so I do. We got it that it is probably not a good day to operate any machinery more dangerous than a keyboard. We moved some stuff around, sticks and rocks and boards working on the cleanup We wanna do around here.

Last night We really got it that the projects and cleanup etc. are really about keeping Us busy rather than anything that needs to be done. The “getting ready” part is done. The rest is just recreation. We are ready. We can begin to participate in more building and creating new earth projects at a minutes notice. And if We get the area cleaned up more in the meantime, nothing lost.

The thing is (and this was kind of hammered in) that many things We (masses) might think “must” get done are highly connected to life in the matrix. Money and time are two HUGE hooks into the matrix. The matrix is being undone or turned back to the original plan of telepathy and sharing and caring and love. Like just about everything else, it is in transition and sometimes this gets confusing. We have decided that We really to spend the time (that We used to spend thinking about projects” in 3D) to remember how to use and begin to use Our natural abilities and skills. We have gotten many insights and hints and shortcuts about those 3D projects” when We just sat with “them”. Now, We would like the same kind of insights and hints about Our forgotten and denied abilities.

We are very unclear about what abilities are uni-versal and what One's are specific to certain individuals. It doesn't really matter, not yet anyway as long as anyOne interested can get started in whatever way suits “them”.

There is something that keeps tickling Our mind that We want to try to put into words. It has come out is ways and segments but not (yet) in a concise, coherent thought. We would to post it as a thought on Our blog so We are going to work on it here.

The biggest, strongest hooks into the negative matrix (often also called the Illusion) are: time and money. It seems impossible to exist in 3D (with friends and family) without these. It seems impossible to not remain a slave to these. Certainly a very few may have found relief but not (yet) the masses. Not even the majority of those waking and becoming aware have been able to live (daily) in mastery of these hooks. The next step seems to be to say (within Our hearts) that We are taking back Our power and that leaders and rulers no longer have the power. This is where it starts, the rebuilding, the re-circuiting of the matrix and this is VERY powerful. To make some sort of mantra of this, something like: “We are taking back Our power. The power that We gave away, which has kept Us slaves within the matrix is broken/unplugged and We take it back to OurSelf.” WE are the power, We just need to real-eyes it and then We can begin to live it. Step by step.

Saturday, July 28, 2012



Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:15:45 AM08:04:05 AM

Good morning. We feel that Our higher aspects of Self (whatever label anyOne might want to put on those) continue to answer Our request to help Us remember and teach Us more of Our natural abilities and skills. We feel that there are small, seemingly insignificant ways We (those who are awakening and becoming aware) could begin without drawing undue attention to OurSelves or endangering anyOne.

It took Us a while to get what was going on last night but it was an outside of the workings of the matrix. We were watching OurSelf live inside the matrix. We also experienced Our group surrounding One of those that We (the masses) gave power over Our world. We sent love and offered help and forgiveness if “they” wished to begin experiencing love. Our energy fields touch and rub up against the energy field of this leader but We can not enter uninvited. Our group overlaps Our energy fields and exchange energy All the time but We can only do this with permission. To choose to remain detached from All this energy, All this love that surrounds “them” must be excruciating for the leaders. Some are giving in and “their” resolve is weakening.

We choose or chose to play in the matrix, the land of control and manipulation, slavery and poverty for many. But that is not what We are. It is a role We chose to play. We are beginning to remove OurSelves from this role but it takes time and determination for We thoroughly convinced OurSelves that this is what We are. We did a really good job of pretending to be what We are not. Now, We are removing OurSelves from the game and taking back Our power. The world leaders, the puppet masters only have as much power as We give “them” and that is growing less each day, each hour and maybe even each minute.

As We remember what We really are, We become less of what We are not and those who pretended to have power over Us are losing the illusion too.

Another way of putting what happened for Us would be looking through the illusion. Looking through and seeing choices, All-ways choices.

We are getting the message that is an important time of choice, like the entire world is standing at the crossroads. There are no right or wrong choices, no good or bad choices but WE each must and do choose. Even choosing not to choose is a choice but when We take One step We have made a choice. We can change Our mind and change Our choice. The further We have walked along the path We have chosen the longer it would take to get back to the crossroads but it can All-ways be done and there may even be shortcuts.

Even the world inside the matrix is changing. There are worlds/realities to honor every choice and every desire. Some (probably many) will choose to remain in the matrix and transition step by step into awakening. Some will choose a matrix filled with doom and gloom (this choice seems to be less and less popular). Some will choose to step out of the matrix and real-eyes that WE are the power behind the curtain.

I believe this is what I was being shown last night, that We are the power. I must admit that I seem to be teetering on the edge of My feet tipping first toward stepping out and next toward transition and even leaning towards surrendering to being powerless Once again. Okay, those leans towards powerless are very brief and I see that leaning much quicker than ever before. But remaining in the matrix and doing the gradual transition certainly has a strong pull. It allows staying in the familiar and moving slowly and gently forward. Stepping out of the matrix is a lot like leaping off a cliff, except that now I know it isn't really a cliff. The land continues, it is the fog and clouds that make it appear to be a cliff. But who do I trust?

It just dawned on Us what My choice is: We want it All.................. and then We want more. I should have known All along (and actually I did We just had One of those memory lapse things, hmmmmm that was part of My dreams the memory stuff) that this is Our choice. What We really forget is that it is actually possible. We do NOT have to choose the red pill OR the blue pill, that is part of the myth. We can choose One OR the other, We can snatch “them” both and pop “them” into Our mouth or We can pass on taking either. All of this and be home in time for dinner.

Let's see:

1:We want to be aware of doom and gloom realities, be able to visit those whenever We can be of service there, but We don't want to ever again forget that it is NOT where We live and All that We are.

2:We want to spend a lot of time(??) and focus in the transition world(s) learning, growing, participating and serving BUT again never forgetting that We are more than this that there is more than this.

3:We want to remain ever aware that We have stepped out of the matrix and broken it's control over Us and any who choose this. We want this to be a real, conscious experience. I know that We can still be of service from this perspective also. It would seem that right now I Am most drawn to this.

Friday, July 27, 2012


Another step to remembering

Wizard's Log Star-date: 09:24:25 AM

Good morning. Again lots of dreams and lots of realities. There were some that would seem like alternate but I knew “they” were actually responding to My request to learn/remember more of My/Our natural skills and abilities. We feel strongly that it is time.

We feel more energetic today, keep reminding Me to do what I want to do now, not what I want to get done or what I want to do later. And to keep Our mind open to teaching/remembering how to do things in the NEW way. Remember natural skills, abilities, techniques, technologies that We have forgotten, buried and denied.

Sending love, sending awareness of Our true nature, sending awareness of Our natural abilities and skills. Sending these into the grid.

We keep feeling like We want to share some of the information/inspiration We got last night and keep flashing back to but the words................. the words escape Me. It's about learning/remembering how to do things that We used to label extra or psychic or super etc. The labels We placed on these to keep “them” just out of reach of the common people. Of course, these words coming out of My fingers right now are a big part of the message. Probably the first step in remembering is real-eyesing that We forgot and denied and hid these skills. Which would be why I have been choosing to call “them” natural abilities.

As We pondered remembering and relearning these abilities and skills (these which I used to regard as powers) We questioned whether We needed to fully remember “what We really are” first. Then it occurred to Us that these probably go hand in hand. Just like most everything else We are discovering/remembering/beginning “they” work in tandem. Imagine that.

Thursday, July 26, 2012


A request

Wizard's Log Star-date: 10:11:04 AM

Good morning. Having a good time this morning. Busy night at the dreams but other than what I typed last night I don't remember a thing. I'm playing lost in space or a day out of time and loving it.

At least for the time being, the rain stopped, the clouds went away and I got to just sit outside in the sun. It was sooooo nice to be able to just “be” outside. Sure, I did a tiny bit of cleanup before I sat. As I was carrying a few pieces of deadfall from point A to point B I quickly got it that what I really wanted to do was sit and be for a bit. That is exactly what I did.

It was kinda like playing hooky today. I did some town chores but remained aloof from just about everything.

As Our day drew to a close and We went to dream, We did some review and assessment. We do feel there have been calls to action and We feel We have responded with willingness. So, We issued Our own small challenge: There must be things that We (the awareish) that We could be learning and developing that would not upset the apple cart so to speak. Small changes, advances could surely encourage Us and not draw a lot of attention from those who would wish to stop or hinder Our progress. This is Our request.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012



Wizard's Log Star-date: 09:24:43 AM

Good morning. Very interesting night. It began with trying to unravel the mysteries that rule Our society. We're not sure trying is anywhere near the right word. It was more like watching someOne else try to unravel the spiders web that We are completely tangled up in. Totally confusing and basically a waste of time.

Then We moved on to a reality that was much more pleasant. It had the potential of being unpleasant but somehow it was All fun. It was set in an urban setting and street gangs were prevalent but not in My experience. We were sort of taken in by a gang lord who is telepathic and All-most clairvoyant. We spent Our time doing what We wanted when We wanted to do it. Another gang lord approached Us. We thought it was going to be an attack or war but he wanted to unify and form a co-operative of sorts. This was obviously the beginning of something big. Hopefully I will return there soon.

We recognize that We are walking in multi-realities today. Something We real-eyesed last night is that some of Our dream experiences may be Our others, parts of Our expanded Self and We are connecting to these parts/aspects that We are barely aware of being connected with in waking.

More about breaking the rules. We see how We have been doing this most of Our life.

Also, changing Our thinking. The more We let go of the less there is to battle for, to hold on to and try to protect. When We let go, We no longer need to make demands. If We let go, We no longer need fear loss.

Again, as We get glimpses into what is possible and tiny inklings of what We really are, it is simply unfathomable at this time. Our world is changing so fast and so dramatically, that even thought it is happening in increments One day We will wake and ask: “WTF? Over.” We also continue to get flashes of a mass awakening. Plus, We experience groups surrounding world leaders and sending “them” love. Like being surrounded with a wall of love and it is somewhat like the garbage compactor scene on Star Wars with the tables are turned. The thing is that what these leaders fail to real-eyes is that “they” have the controls to shut down the masher.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Today, I don't have to hate anyOne or anything

Today, something changed, something shifted and I don't have to hate anyOne.

July 25th is the Mayan Dreamspell “day out of time” and We can begin to not have to hate anyOne or anything.

One day at a time, I don't have to hate anyOne or anything.

Ages ago, We told Our leaders that We wanted to hate and to blame someOne or something.

Our leaders listened to Us and taught Us to hate something or someOne(s).

We were taught to hate tyranny, or drugs, or evil, or different, to All-ways hate something.

Today, We tell Our leaders that We no longer want to hate anyOne or anything.

Our new leaders, Our NOW leaders will teach Us that We don't have to hate anyOne or anything.

In the passed We hated Our planet because she did not provide adequately.

Our planet responded and did not provide adequately.

We hated the weather because it did not suit Us properly.

The weather responded and did not suit Us properly.

We hated Our neighbor because “they” were different than Us.

Our neighbor responded and was different from Us.

Today, We don't have to hate the planet, the weather and/or Our neighbor.

Our planet, the weather and Our neighbor will respond and be Our friend.

Today, We don't have to hate Our enemy.

Our enemy will respond and be Our friend.

Today is a good day to not have to hate anyOne.



Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:47:15 AM

Good morning. This is One of those morning that We would like to stay in dream but can't right now. Hopefully We will return soon. We really do enjoy many of the alternate realities. Maybe We will be able to explore some while awake.

Rather interesting day so far, introspective and retrospective. We are reading emails and finding a detached observer role. We are happy to see more and more people focusing on love and responding with love rather than anger and fear. We even see a shift in some people from that physical/limitation perspective to the expansion of limitlessness and love. Those who choose to focus on the physical and be angry (though the two are not synonymous “they” often run together) do not bother Me the way “they” used to. I Am accepting this.

Recently We have been getting it that there are those who do the work in/on the spiritual level and those who do it on the physical. The two are needed as We have chosen to be spiritual beans having a physical experience. There is a balance that needs to be struck and We do that by accepting and embracing each other. It is not necessary (or even proper) for One physical expression to explore the physical AND the spiritual levels right now. We need to work in tandem and as a team. Rather than continuing to drive a wedge between the two (as We have in the passed) We would benefit from placing a yoke, a bond between Us.

Went back to dream and had some great experience of the expanded/energy version of Us (people). Some great experiences but can't translate most of “them”. I keep getting the intuit that We must release Our belief in “the way things are”. Things like: life is supposed to be a struggle. The peasant class is meant to suffer and toil. In these areas We need to begin breaking the rules. Not breaking the law or causing harm. That is pointless. But stepping beyond and through Our perceived limits, even if it must begin in Our dreams and imagination for those are real too. That might be the first rule to break: thinking that Our dreams and imagination are NOT real. Then there is: what We see is All there is here. It's a large list of what rules are just waiting to be broken. I read about others starting to push these limits also.

One of the phrases that keep coming to mind: “We are magnificent creator beans” this is sooooo opposite of what We are “supposed” to believe about OurSelves according to society.

We are also getting a very strong sensation of encircling world leaders with a wall of love. It feels like the wall is pressing in upon “them”, being compressed by some outside source (Us perhaps).

Monday, July 23, 2012



Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:26:56 AM

Good morning. Lots and lots of emphasis of sending love, sending awareness of what We really are AND sending BELIEF in what We really are. Once We become aware of what We really are it is very important to begin to believe it and to believe in OurSelves.

We're getting a new feeling and understanding of leadership. There are many types of leaders. Many of Us work behind scenes to assist and inspire those who have the charisma to take center stage front. Also, there are many who are discovering the path, exploring the path and clearing the path so that the leaders can walk the path. This is a type of leader, the discoverers and explorers and trail blazers are also leaders though We seldom see it that way because “they”/We are rarely aware of “their” followers. Leaders are not rulers as We have been experimenting with on this planet. It may have been a clever idea but it clearly did NOT work for shit. The most effective leader (Once the trail has been forged and is ready for groups of people) walks beside the followers. A real leader encourages and supports the people, giving guidance without demands and expectations.

We are feeling this change beginning on the inside. Our thinking and belief systems are being re-born and expanded.

Another day of much energy coming in.

Sunday, July 22, 2012


A bit of awakening

Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:50:43 AM

Good morning. It was another fun night exploring the multi-verse. We visited other realities, made new friends and played until morning. It was fairly easy to face 3D because We know that this is going to be how Our waking reality looks and feels very soon. We are making the change, We are the future.

I just read that on 7/22/12 a third star of Sirius will arise. It won't be visible to the eye but to the heart. It is about feminine energy and creation. Somehow this ties to what I was doing last night. I can't (yet) explain it any better than that but I sure feel the connection. Just read two more articles which confirm what I have been intuiting. I do love this and it is no longer as surprising as it Once was. Often these confirmations will also provide some additional clarity.

We are quite certain that what really needs to happen is to remember what We really are, or even just more of what We really are. The thing is this needs to be a clear memory and We need to believe it and therein is the kicker. We have believed Our own lies for sooooo long that it is hard to turn around and say and believe that We are THE powerful creators that We are.

I returned to dream and when I got up I typed it up. Pretty cool vision of healing the waters.

The message that We need to BELIEVE in what We really are is very strong and ever so important. We have rejected and denied OurSelf for sooooo long, now We must do a 180 and begin to recognize Our true Selves. It is a choice of course, We can stay in denial but that will bring little or no change.

I feel the change happening inside of Me. I Am beginning to believe in MySelf and feel the release of victim-hood and slavery to a system based on separation. My change has begun and I Am sure that soon I will see evidence in the outside world. As I birth and develop new and expanded beliefs about MySelf these will enter the mass mind and spread. Sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly.

Saturday, July 21, 2012


Healing the waters

(Daytime journeys)

We just came from a dream/vision that was a continuation of last night's dreams. (I was going to say: “Just woke” but I don't remember being asleep)

In My dreams last night there was an ocean side resort that could be seen from My cabin. Both were on/in a sort of cove and connected by a dirt road that followed around the cove. The resort could easily be seen but it was a good trek to follow the road around the cove from My cabin to the resort and/or back. In the dream, when I would travel back and forth I would start on the road and then instantly be at My destination. Obviously that alone is very cool.

In My waking world it is rainy and has been rainy All week. The rain certainly lends its energy to dreaming. I wanted to return to My night dream because it was calm, peaceful, relaxing and fun.

We (some group or collective of people) went to the waters on/of Gaia (physically or in meditation or dream or hypnotic trans whatever way We could get there) and put Our hands/intentions in or on the water and sent love and healing into the waters of the planet.

As most of Us know the majority of Our body and Our planet is water. Just as there is a grid/net/matrix/morphogenic field that connects Us (I theel through/via Our hearts) We are also connected by the waters of Gaia.

We are being the change We wish to see in Our world.


Multiple worlds

Wizard's Log Star-date: 09:00:53 AM

Good morning. Sending love, being love, remembering All that We are, living as what We really are feels to continue to be extremely important. We theel these are keys, corner stones. These will open doors to realms We can barely imagine.

It is interesting, somewhere in the last 24 hours We were focusing on breaking down/through the conditioning We live by and the first article We're reading this morning mentions this. We love confirmation. Often, We do wonder if We are doing enough, moving ahead fast enough. We know We are. These doubts are part of the old familiar way of thinking and living, We let “them” go. And it is very nice to receive confirmation.

We just real-eyesed that yesterday was new moon, We were vaguely aware of this yesterday yet it melded into All the downloading and processing and integrating that was going on. We also noticed that We are most certainly not fully present in 3D today. This is a very good thing but it means walking slowly and being very careful when operating heavy equipment like a computer keyboard.

So guess what We did. We went back to dreaming. When We were up and about during the day it is obvious We are NOT focused in 3D. Walking in multiple worlds.

In the evening We actually found some 3D focus and did some emails before returning to dream.

Friday, July 20, 2012


Remembering what We really are

Wizard's Log Star-date: 07:57:28 AM

Good morning. Sometimes it is still difficult to wake to limitation 3D. That is when We must remind OurSelf that We are no longer “stuck” in limitation 3d, it is part of multi-D. It is the part We remain predominantly focused on for Our sake and for the benefit of others. We are in multi-D and We are becoming more and more aware of this. We need to practice being open to this rather than reverting to the lie that We are only” in 3D and that 3D is All that there is.

Another rainy day today and it rained All night last night, heavy rains. We are sure that this ongoing rain had it's affect on Our dreams last night. Not to say that the dreams were false or unreal, just that the rain drew Our attention and awareness to what is going on elsewhere.

It was another day of being highly focused on sending love and remembering what We really are. We really aren't aware of much else going on or being done today.

Thursday, July 19, 2012


Relief effort continues

(From night school last night)

We are not at All certain where We want to go with this One. It is quite far fetched for most, even the open minded may have difficulty with this One. Yet, We feel it is important to type it up, for OurSelf and for Our others.

Once again We visited the relief effort. As before, We were not observing the project, We were participating. This is where night school differs from the old familiar school. We learn by experiencing. There is very little theory and presentation but lots of hands on implementation.

We became distinctly aware that We were on board a space ship and the ship was flying/hovering above One of the flooded regions of Earth. We transported some people to safe areas and others who wanted to live on board or journey to another planet were brought on board. The difference between transporting and taken on board is quite subtle. Some who were transported were not aware of a space ship and space people.

It was exciting to participate in rescuing people in whatever form that takes. The experience alone was well worth the journey but there was more to it, there is a lesson in here too.

So, here is the real point or lesson in All this: each person sees (or saw) what “they” believe.

A person who was rescued and transported by space craft but does not believe in such things, experienced being rescued and transported by conventional methods such as military and/or civil services. These services were certainly on hand and doing everything “they” were capable of. The thing is that these servants were overwhelmed and there were areas which “they” were unable to access. We could easily reach these areas with Our ships. We had ample personnel and equipment to tend to everyOne and We did tend to everyOne and anyOne who was not tended to by the conventional groups.

Many people who are able to accept Our existence and presence and assistance chose to leave the planet but many also wanted to continue in the earth adventure. Those Who chose to leave the planet were reported as “lost in the floods”. Those who wished to remain were seen as walking out of the flood area or arriving with groups who were rescued by the conventional groups. Of course, there were some onlookers who saw the rescue space ships. These were those who could accept this and deal with it even if it was a shock.

I was a bit surprised (at least at first) to real-eyes that different people were experiencing and seeing the rescue and seeing totally different versions. Perhaps I should not have been surprised since I have dreamt, spoken of and to some extent experienced this. Never the less it is still a surprise. To see such an extraordinary and magnificent event as a mass rescue performed by space ships and space friends and miss the whole thing is All-most unfathomable. To “know” that We are capable of such manipulation/masking of Our surroundings and experiences is One thing, to see it happen is another thing All-together.

This was definitely an experience in multi-D living for Us.

Another part and another surprise for Us was to be in a physical body that was NOT a human body. This is absolutely the first time We remember being aware of this. We have been aware of being (and being in) Our energy body before but this time We were in a physical body but it was NOT a human body and certainly not the body We are familiar with yet it was natural and comfortable. We were actually functioning in this body for a while before We noticed it was a different body than the One We are used to.

Another back to bed day

Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:04:28 AM

Good morning. Lasts nights dreams were a continuation/expansion of yesterdays dreams. There were also pleasant visits to alternate which tied in.

Towards the end there was reference to leaders leading from the heart. We are entering a time/world that is heart centered. I wondered about balance of male/female energy but it seems that information will be forthcoming.

Again this morning We are reading an article that mirrors what We have been dreaming.

More and more people are waking. Many of Us who are waking now will be the leaders of New Earth. For many this doesn't make any sense because We are still in terms of the old ways. Leaders who lead from the heart will be completely different from current leaders and rulers. A world that is living from the heart will be totally different and everything about it will be different. This is where Gaia is headed.

Belief in separation is the core of Our problems. We All will begin to real-eyes that it is impossible for Us to harm anyOne or anything AND it is impossible for Us to be harmed. This is big news and nearly unfathomable at this time. It will take a major mind-shift for Us to grasp it and grasp it We will. It is a truth that will enter through Our hearts.

We are being reminded of how much of Our beliefs and way of life is based on Our denial and disbelief of who and what We really are.

It is One of those days of going back to bed. Lots to download, process and integrate.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Starting to live AS who We really are

Wizard's Log Star-date: 06:15:58 AM

Good morning. I agreed to get up early and take a friend to an early morning doctor appointment. In My haze I All-most forgot to start this today.

We are sooooo not used to being up this early but especially to being on a schedule. Have to keep jerking MySelf into the get around and get ready to go. It is sure nice to NOT feel We have to do this every day.

After My short, early trip to town it turned into a day of going back to bed. We decided to come home rather than doing any chores in town because We were feeling sooooo dreamy. That was the way the day went. Up for a bit of reading then back to dream.

Lots of information came through. We thought We might type something up but it doesn't seem to be quite ready.

The highlight was about the memory and fear that most of Us carry of having misused Our power in passed lives is in error. It is actually impossible for Us to misuse Our power. Belief that We can is another form of denial and disbelief about who/what We really are.

So, repeating: “Remembering what We really are” seems really important. Then We added: “Starting to live AS who We really are.”

During a couple of Our attempts to explore being awake We read words from two different sources that mirrored what We had dreamt.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


A rainy day

Wizard's Log Star-date: 09:51:08 AM

Good morning. It was a night of alternate realities and life review and purging. Intense purging, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. We didn't quite real-eyes All that until We started typing. One thing We came away with was that even though We have changed a lot, given the exact same circumstances, most actions and behaviors would be repeated. Hopefully We have learned enough to not repeat those same circumstances and help enough to act more in harmony with Gaia, the heavens and All Our fellow inhabitants (including rocks, animals, plants and elementals).

It just occurred to Us that We are doing everything We know to do to make the changes that will prevent Us from repeating the behavior and getting back into the same or similar circumstances. These are inner changes especially. Not that We weren't aware of making these changes but We missed the connection at first.

Experiencing some lower back pain which started during the night and is obviously connected to the purging. It was severe at first, not so much now.

It's a rainy day here so far. The way weather changes fast here it could be clear blue skies in fifteen minutes or a few hours or a few days. Usually, when it has been raining All night and still fairly heavyish rain in the morning it remains rainy and/or overcast most of the day.

We have been feeling that this might be a/the day to get into free energy. We got down One of the wooden, crystal and copper wire wands We made years and years ago. We continue to feel that (at least for Me) free energy is about Our energy PLUS the energy that surrounds Us (grid/net/morphogenic field/whatever). We feel awareness is a key and natural elements like wood, copper and crystal are tools. I could drive nails with My fist but I prefer using a hammer. The same is true of crystals and such. The difficulty lies in forgetting it is Our power and ability and even natural state being enhanced and focused and then giving (in Our belief) Our power and ability to the tool. We hope to avoid that personally even though We will not be surprised to see this in the masses. Whether that will be part of the temporary transition or a lasting phase remains to be seen.

What the masses will do and where “they” will go as far as money, government, responsibility, energy etc, etc, remains to be seen but We are certain that the entire planet is in transition.

Once again We are reminded to focus on remembering what We really are. It is time to stop pretending (and believing) to be what We are not.

Monday, July 16, 2012


Feeling X-class flare

Wizard's Log Star-date: 07:37:01 AM

Good morning. Interesting night which I remember nothing from until I was waking. When I woke, Shadow was outside but I have no memory of letting him out during the night. What I was aware of during the night was being on board ship. We (Shadow and I) took Our ship (the cabin and nearby area) to go venturing. Apparently the adventure was more than I can translate into limited 3D consciousness.

As I was waking I got information or insights that I plan to type up as night school.

We seem to be feeling more affects from the solar flare today than We did yesterday. We did several things outside but Once again had to go slow and take breaks. We remembered that Our swing is good for breaks. It was nice to sit in the trees and swing. We finished a rock (that feels to have some type of crystal or ????? in it) with copper wire and working it into a triangle inside a circle of copper wire and placed it back where We found it. Not sure the significance of this (if any) but it is something I dreamt of doing and did it.

Did several things, took breaks to swing in Our swing in the trees and sit and be. It was a day to do by going slow and being gentle.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Night School "Feeling the change" 7/15/12


Feeling the change

(From night school last night)

This time school seemed to commence as We were waking.

A few years ago when We got the insight that those who appear to have done Us harm are actually ascended (ass-ended) masters who have come here to play the part of villain, it seemed to fall on deaf ears or I was asked to share whatever I was smoking.

We were speaking (mostly) of world leaders (political, business and religious) who appear to be doing more harm than good to the people of the world. We got the inspiration that these banksters and taxters and teachters and whorshipters were actually trying to “force” Us to real-eyes, recognize Our divinity by strangling Us, whipping and beating and kicking Us into a corner so that We have no option but to recognize that We are powerful and We don't have to: “take it anymore”. “They” contracted with Us (before any of Us came here in time and space) to go to any lengths to wake Us from Our slumbering denial and forgetfulness of who AND what We really are.

They” (the bad guys) are playing the role “they” accepted when We rolled the dice, divided up the cards and game pieces and put Our markers on the “GO” square. We had chosen to experience limitation/separation and “they” were to play Our oppressors AND Our alarm clocks.

Even a few months ago when We tried introducing this possibility again only a very few could grasp that it might even be a possibility. At best We found a few who were polite enough not to laugh in Our face.

Now, more and more people are getting it. This operation is becoming a success and the patient is no longer dead. People are finding compassion for those We thought were Our enemies. Spiritual teachers and others are starting to talk about this in a completely different tone.

The masses still seem to be mostly in anger mode. Not surprising for those who finally get it that “they” have been raped BUT don't yet get it that “they” chose/accepted the role “they” are playing/living. The good news in this is that at least many are real-eyesing that “they” don't have to “take it anymore”. We do have a choice. Even those who believe We are victims are waking to the fact that We do NOT have to continue to be/play the victim.

We are each waking in Our own way and that is perfect.

Many people are now talking about compassion, forgiveness and gratitude. For many (including Me) this has been a nice concept but not fully anything We could really feel and live, at least not 24/7. Many of Us chose to: “act as if”.

As We woke this morning, We could actually feel gratitude, appreciation and even joy about the way things are going, the way We have created and are creating Our life. We are powerful creators. Whenever One of Us sees this, it is added to the world grid/net/matrix by the power of 1000. As it dawns on others, it spreads exponentially. The famous 100th human affect is happening and it is happening in Our daily lives.

I was able to do My pony hopping (ho'oponopono) with true feeling and experience: “I forgive You, I forgive Me. I love You, I love Me. I thank You, I thank Me. We forgive Us, We love Us, We thank Us”.

X-class flare, yawn

Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:05:53 AM

Good morning. We were supposed to receive an X-class solar flare around 1 AM. I had a hard time getting to sleep before that. Later it felt like a lot of downloading and purging, especially purging.

More information about free energy. We have been feeling that since We often find answers in dream to waking questions We may not even be aware of, We can probably learn about free energy this way. We have been asking and waiting. Last night more information came through, most was information We have received before but have not put together or have forgotten or laid aside. One thing that feels very important: up until now We have focused on harnessing energy. In a harmonious world it will not be about harnessing anything. Channeling will be more the order harmony. WE are the channels and conduits. The energy is love.

We remembered that early on We thought to wrap crystals with copper wire. We were reminded of this yesterday in Our reading and it feels to be important. We got the intuit that it is not just quartz crystals as I would lean towards. There are many types of crystals and We get the feeling that there are some here that I would think of as rocks. There are a few “rocks” that have seemed to call Me and I have set “them” aside in different places. Grounding the energy to Gaia is also important. We vision OurSelf as a conduit between incoming energy and Gaia. We vision wrapping crystalline rocks with copper and setting “them” on the ground and it is probably important to follow inner instinct as to where to place “them”.

We will be interested to see how this proceeds. We also received inspiration about the portal outlines, designations and decorations We have been working on. Some great ideas where and how to proceed.

It seems the solar flare arrived later than expected, more like around 8 to 9 AM here. I Am feeling a slight affect on physical energy but flowing smooth so far.

All in All a fairly uneventful day which is a nice way to experience and integrate the full impact of an earth directed full impact X-class solar flare.

Saturday, July 14, 2012


An active day

Wizard's Log Star-date: 07:51:57 AM

Good morning. And it is Friday the 13th. We had One of those nights when everytime We went back to sleep We re-visited the same dream. We did not return exactly where We left off, time and events had continued to go along while We were away. It was a dream about going back to work at an old employer which had changed its name. “They” were short handed and a few of Us ex-employees who had free time returned to help out Our former co-workers. As has often happened in My life I kind of got hooked in to doing more than I had originally planned. I resisted more than in the passed but I certainly felt that lure, that pull the same as before. It seems like this somehow relates to current changes in Our world. I will Google the new name and see what We turn up.

We didn't get much from searching the name but it has tickled something in the back of Our mind. I continue to clearly remember the phrase: “We are Chelsey”. I Am fairly certain that is the spelling even tho Chelsea seems to be more common. We will let this rest until further information is revealed.

We were physically energetic today and did more cleaning up of storage areas and prepping new, less obtrusive and more naturalistic storage areas. Going slow and taking breaks.

Friday, July 13, 2012



Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:18:47 AM

Good morning. Busy and no memories until I was writing an email in response to a post on a discussion board.

Here is what I wrote: “I Am certain that soon will happen soon. Last night in dream I know that I All-most got direction and I intentionally woke before the answer came. That was quite a surprise. All I can say is that it felt like someOne was about to tell Me the ending to an intriguing book or movie that I had been reading.” Before I woke I literally heard: “You are going to” and I woke like a shot in the dark. Interesting that I rarely “hear” in My dreams.

We know that it will unfold and as much as I kick and scream, I really do enjoy the adventure.

One of the things We looked at was working behind the scenes. We have been aware of this for many years and generally We are quite happy with this. At times We forget and wonder why more people don't relate to the messages We get and/or try to share. Many times We have seen Our idea/thought/input fly over everyOne's heads only to see it fully and widely accepted a while later when put forth by someOne else. We feel quite certain that it is not the wording but the timing that makes the difference. We theel that We often introduce things to the grid, or re-affirm things that We got from there. Either way, We help it gain momentum and attention inside the grid. This is generally Our role and We are quite happy there, unless We forget.

We do wonder if this applies to Our daytime activity. Will We need to go back to working some job, will it relate to this. Will be involved with the building/creation of New Earth (of this We are certain but) will that be Our next job? (so to speak)

There is an X-class solar flare affecting Us today. Earlier We said that We weren't feeling it the way We did last week. Maybe We spoke too soon. Certainly had to slow down and take more breaks than We had earlier. Affecting Our equilibrium.

We did notice that when We are in play, creativity, magik mode We seem to have plenty of energy and focus (as much as is needed to play, create and enjoy magik) and even re-energize OurSelf.

Thursday, July 12, 2012


In AND out

Wizard's Log Star-date: 10:27:02 AM

Good morning. Interesting, I've been up for several hours, doing stuff, reading emails and etc. but just now thought to start typing this.

Lots of dream experiences but We don't feel it is anything We want to type up separate. More play time in alternate realities, more integrating and meeting new friends. More about owning and loving Our dark shadows. There was a lot of stuff about those We think have harmed Us are actually helping Us.

If someOne who is living in hate and fear is repulsed by love (which We feel quite certain “they” are) what would We feel about love being sent to Us while We were still sleeping????? Could the oppression We have felt and experienced be a misinterpretation of love being sent to Us. Did We take a beautiful gift and make it into a monster? This is exactly what I have thelt for some time but I do NOT think it is yet time to try to share this. I have tried in the passed and it was NOT well received. I feel We are making much progress and this will soon begin to surface but I Am not willing to broach it in public fashion again quite yet.

Several nights now We have gotten information and insight into the relief effort and how successful it has been. In that view/reality/perspective suffering has been eliminated. We feel this is very real and it is what We choose to believe. Again, this information may not yet be for mass consumption. Now, this raises the topic of secrets and such. We know that this type of thinking is the basis of much of Our lies and lack of information. I hope I Am not going there. Perhaps the difference is that if anyOne asked Me I would not deny it. Plus, I do know and intend that through My awareness this is introduced into the mass mind, the grid, etc. In fact, I send such information into the grid. This way I theel the seed is planted and the information reaches the heart rather than smashing into the mental filters that would reject it.

This morning as I read emails We get the feeling that more and more people really are acting and living from and as love. This is sooooo encouraging. We get it that sending love to those who are awake and waking is just as important as sending love to those We would think of as enemies.

Perhaps I needed to wait until I was present to type All this. Quite a bit in there.

I was present enough in the physical to cut down a dead tree that I felt needed to come down before the wind brought it down on My workshop/shed. We actually did several things and took lots of breaks. The breaks were the important part. And We real-eyesed that there was a lot of time when We were not present.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Was I present?

Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:45:14 AM

Good morning. Extraordinary night in dream and waking dream. We will try to type it up, not sure how the words will do to describe it. I think We did well.

This was a day to do dishes and go to town. We are barely aware of having done those things. We were also in other realities at the time so We don't have clear recall of much of any of it. Can You say: “blur”??????? This can happen when a camera pans across the horizon and when We begin to live in multi-D.

We definitely feel like We are gaining Our multi-legs.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012



(From night school last night)

We had the most incredible class to date. (At least in My opinion.) I have felt that the last few nights were building up to something, laying a foundation for what dreams may come. We haven't been remembering what We dreamt but continue to be aware that We have been dreaming. This is One of those instances where words fall short of describing what is happening. I'm sure many wonder how I can remember/know that I was dreaming yet not remember anything about My dreams. I would be willing to bet that We have (each of Us) experienced this but dismissed the awareness when there was no memory to support it.

Each morning I/We have woken theeling that We were building up to something. We were preparing and laying foundations so that We could bring the memory into waking.

Last night Our awareness started with experiencing an alternate reality. It was a very pleasant reality, similar to this One with definite, pleasing differences. (An interesting note: All-though I feel quite present in the reality I Am typing in I have to work hard to remember what letter comes next to form/type the word I Am thinking.) Then We split into an-other reality and then an-other. This is where it got different: We remained aware of each of the other realities, and that there were even more and more realities nearby where We are also living and experiencing. Trust Me that many/most seem more pleasing than this current reality.

I do not mean to imply that this reality is unpleasant (quite the opposite really) but it certainly is limited. Often, We feel like a caged animal, knowing there is more out there, waiting for Us to become aware of it and experience it.

We began to slide back and forth between realities. We have never been aware of doing this before or of holding the clear awareness of many realities. I speak of an awareness that can only be felt/experienced while being present. Does that make sense? We hope so, it is the best We can do for words right now.

We could return to any reality We chose. We could return where We left off or a bit ahead (like time had passed) or even go back and actually relive the “first time” aspect of any experience.

This alone could be the basis of an entire story or at least a good chapter. In Our world, We only get One “first time” at anything. We may hold onto a memory of it and remember the memory often but We do NOT get to live the “first time” more than Once. Many of Us try and try and try to regain, relive that “first time” experience. This is an aspect of limitation 3D. Last night (for the first time in memory) I was able to go back and forth, reliving the “first time” as an actual “first time”. Again, it seems words fall short. I Am glad I didn't try to type any of this up before it was this clear, before I had at least these words for the experience.

We could be in One reality, experiencing it fully and glance around and feel/sense other realities. Perhaps like shadows or ghost images. I have read that a person who has lost a limb or other body part can still feel/sense the missing part being present where it All-ways had been. Perhaps this is similar. Perhaps it is an ability, an experience that has been stolen from Us and denied Us. Perhaps those who can and do experience this are some of the people We lock away.

We played with the experience. Slipping, sliding, flashing, jumping back and forth. Like a child, or an otter who has just discovered that there are many pools of water (or light) laying right next to each other. Many of the pools even overlap somehow and with the wondrous abandonment of a child (or animal) We just accept it and play in it. We don't try to figure it out the way gr'ups do. We simplay (that was a typo bit I'm leaving it cause it is a perfect word) enjoy it. It is very enjoyable. We discover that Our water-slide splits and We can take different forks into different pools. Each pool is a different reality.

We can look at any other pool and there We are playing in that pool. Okay, there are pools where no One is playing, everyOne is ever so serious but We don't pay much attention to those pools. I guess We could call those the old-school pools.

*SPLASH* “You're it”.

Then, the most amazing part of the entire adventure, We real-eyesed that We are awake. Finally, a waking experience of living multidimensionally.

These different realities All exist within One dimension (or snot) but in order to be aware of All and each of “them” simultaneously We must be beyond only 3D. From 5D and beyond We can experience and/or observe the many, many realities of 3D. I have known a lot of this for some time but this is the first time I have been aware of being consciously aware of and consciously present in several realities at Once. Certainly the first time in waking.

Back in the physical, at least partially

Wizard's Log Star-date: 09:11:36 AM

Good morning. We continue to be amazed at All the different realities that We live alternate lives in, so much variety. The night was full of these and accepting and owning other aspects of MySelf. This feels to be such a key right now. We feel a little more present in the physical this morning but not sure if We will be into doing projects or not.

This may sound a bit silly, but it just hit Me how much change We are going through right now. Sometimes, when in the midst of whirlwind We don't see what is happening. It may not happen today or tomorrow but Our view of life and Our world is changing. More and more We are seeing the haze that We have All-ways thought was a solid world. We are aware of the projection and reflection of Our thoughts. We see the light being projected onto the screen. This changes everything, thankfully it changes slowly and gradually.

We are doing a lot of pony hopping too. Also very important. We are the good and the bad. We love Us, We thank Us and We forgive Us.

We found enough physical energy and focus to actually do some project stuff outside. Just enough it seems. We were able to keep Our mind on what We were doing and reflect on inner process at the same time. That was nice and definite improvement on that front.

As the physical energy ran down after finishing the project, a storm moved in. Actually several storms moved through spending short amounts of time here and then moving on with another storm right behind the last.

Monday, July 9, 2012


Another day within

Wizard's Log Star-date: 10:25:58 AM

Good morning. Very interesting and productive night at the dreams. We doubt that We will type up anything separate though We could probably fill volumes just from last night.

It was about owning Our others, owning this world We created. In ways it was hard but it was also a lot of fun. There was a lot of looking through the veil, seeing passed the facade. This world and the way We see it, OurSelves and Our others seems so solid, so absolute. It is as real as anything is real but it is far, far different from the picture We see. A big part of that is because We look at it or perceive in an inside out fashion.

Perhaps this is why We won't be typing a night school on this. It is the kind of thing that the only way to conceive of it is to experience it. We know that We have fed it into the grid where it can be processed (by those who desire to do so) on a level that is much more capable of understanding.

We got some input about connecting to Gaia and nature. Not sure how to put it into words. We were outside barefoot after a rain. The feeling was uncomfortable and We real-eyesed that this was Us NOT nature that was uncomfortable. Once again, it was/is unfamiliar. We need to expand and become familiar with nature and Gaia. We have spent eons disconnecting and thinking that the sensations/experiences that are natural are “bad”. Where did We get that?????? Once again the message to Us/Me is open up.

Also, in dream last night We got some stuff about the We/I wordage. It seems there may be times where I/Me is still appropriate because We are individuals as well as the collective. Perhaps it is another part of finding a balance??????

So We spent the day going within and integrating more aspects of OurSelf.

Sunday, July 8, 2012


Being inside and outside the hologram

Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:39:39 AM

Good morning. Interesting that Our dreams were clear last night but We remember no details this morning. It is about remembering what We really are. This morning We could see physical shifts and changes. We have changed the holographic image We live in.

The day seemed like a day of watching OurSelf participate (in a limited way) in the physical world. The energy is still not supporting much physical activity, it is supporting inner work and processing and integration.

It is like being outside, looking in a window and it is Us inside that We are watching.

Saturday, July 7, 2012


Quiet exploration

Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:57:09 AM

Good morning. We did a lot of dream work remembering what We really are. It seems We need to fully admit to and own those (shall We say) ugly and evil parts of Us in the now before We can access the more pleasant aspects that We have forgotten. This process can be called facing Our dark shadows AND Our golden shadows. It is a bit like a return path, skipping the nasty or difficult parts may not get Us where We want to go. It was difficult at first, but Once We go into it it got easier and much less painful. We were able to work a lot with Our others, being with “them” as “they” acknowledge these parts of “themSelves” and supporting “them”. Then together We are able to face Our golden shadows.

It does seem to be a major key which We have avoided to face and own Our darkness. We have given lip service to this but not really gotten into the meat/meet of it. Now, We are digging in. It is not as painful as One fears. This darkness withing, Our dark side, Our dark shadow is actually a part of love. Love is All there is. We have denied this and We believed Our denial. We have put love in a very small box here in limitation/separation 3D. Love is very expansive and Our awakening, Our ascension is about discovering and exploring this expansiveness.

And so We are spending the day exploring Our expansion, Our love. Partially in dream and partially in waking.

Friday, July 6, 2012


Dream, dream, dream

Wizard's Log Star-date: 06:41:06 AM

Good morning. We experienced time travel last night. This is another first for Us. We have had memories of the passed, We have examined the passed but We are not aware of experiencing in the now living in the passed.

The very first thing We did was go back to dreaming. After returning to waking, We read several emails and articles.

We continue to feel that remembering All that We really are is a key. A very important key. We feel that this is a message that needs to be fed into the grid more than typed out or spoken. It needs to go to the heart and from there enter the mind. We theel that remembering what We really are will relieve a lot of the anger and frustration that is being felt. It feels like this anger and frustration is at the boiling point and it is taking a lot of venting to keep the world from boiling over.

A little more reading and then it will probably be time to return to day dreams.

We're getting some good input today. Many times over the years We have experienced the same or similar feelings where the energy just does not support doing anything physical. It took time but We have learned to honor this for the most part. Still, We wonder and question. Today We see that many of the passed instances were mainly to help Us be familiar and comfortable with this feeling. We are certainly much more comfortable with it now than the first time We noticed it. Then We also got the message that a big part of it is that We are not fully here in the physical. There are many physical activities that it is best not to tackle when not fully present in the physical. This makes more sense to Us and is helpful to Our peace of mind.

Spending the day in dreams and remembering what We really are.

Thursday, July 5, 2012


A day to dream

Wizard's Log Star-date: 07:38:09 AM

Good morning. We were a bit surprised to have another night that is a blank in Our memory. We could tell We were very deep, very, very deep and whenever We woke during the night (which was not as often as usual) there was no recall of what We had been doing in dream. We know that there was a shifting, a clearing and input but We can not remember anything.

We returned to dreaming and One of the things We experienced was being present for people as “they” wake. We went into dream focused on: “remembering All that We really are”. We processed this a bit. It will be quite a shock for most of Us but it might bring Us to less anger than just being exposed to the lies that We have All believed. To only learn that We have been lied to and cheated, mistreated, abused and enslaved is not going to sit well with most people. DUH

If instead We awaken to Our power and abilities, Our fullness then We can and will view these things from a different perspective. From this perspective it will be easier to practice (perhaps automatically) acceptance and compassion.

This led Us to experience being there as people wake to this. It was being a mid-wife or nurse that is present at the birth or a person coming out of a coma. These are both quite shocking events and there is need of comfort and soothing vibrations. This is One of the roles many of Us will be playing.

We were having some difficulty describing this experience as it was obvious to Us that it was not likely to happen in Our waking physical, certainly not in the way it was experienced. It finally dawned on Us that it is/was an aspect and experience of dream walking. This didn't dawn at first because We are very unfamiliar with being aware of what We do when dream walking.

We went to dream again and We dreamt of a proposal being submitted to world leaders for a totally new form of government. It is a government that serves the people. We have dreamt of this type of government before and spoken of it. In fact, it is even recorded in scriptures. The rulers shall be the servants.

Since We read an article saying that Our waking and sleeping tasks are merging, and had several dreams today We are starting a new category called: Daytime journeys. Some of this information will be repeated in the first entry.