Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Today "The process" 3-2-2012


The process

Wizard's Log Star-date: 07:23:19 AM

Good morning. Lots of great stuff in night school and dreams. I was really able to bring that expanded feeling with Me as I woke and got out of bed.

One of the first things I found this morning was that I needed to get a refill on One of My diabetes meds. I have very mixed feelings about this but instead of battling with Me over it I just went ahead and reordered. I Am still healing and not ready to quit or even reduce the dosage of My meds. I feel strongly that I will be able to in the not too far distant future but I also feel it will be quite obvious to Me.

What I found (which I really like) is that this task and short pondering along with the other 3D tasks connected with getting out of bed did NOT jar Me out of both realities and back totally into My primary reality. I Am becoming able to function in each reality and remain in both realities. And that is really the point.

I do want to mention that as far as I can tell, both realities are 3D but One is limitation and the other is expanded. I also feel that there are many versions of limitation and expansion these are just the two I have chosen to focus in and on at this time.

Now it is time to do some email and type up night school, there was a lot to pull through into words. I think I got it All. If I remember more I can put it in here. I'm gonna let it sit a bit and re-read before posting. That is the hardest part for Me, the reread.

Doing some email while I let night school sit and perk.

I got night school done and posted.

I want to expand some on the abundance topic.

When I first started reading and hearing about the help coming from the galactics and much of being around money, I really had to ask why We can't just do away and truly make everyOne equal on the playing field. Just yesterday I finally One of those promoting the galactic intervention say: “Awakened beings don't need banks and money”. FINALLY, Yay.

Then as I was waking today it came clear to Me. We could just jump to this and skip the in between process BUT (two things at least) the process is important to Me (and others) plus many just aren't ready to make that leap. I suddenly got very okay with this. I felt how by giving everyOne equal access to money, giving each plenty of money and then giving more eventually We will get it for OurSelves that WE DON'T NEED IT.

I'm sure there will be some that will choose to continue in greed and others who choose to live in need. “They” are free to do that. “They” may live next door to Us or even in the same house (quite literally) or perhaps in another reality and/or dimension. Both are very real possibilities.

I Am holding My awareness of My second reality and I feel abundance rushing towards Me in My primary reality.

I put a picture of the forest on My paltalk profile, it has to be reviewed and approved before it will show.

Had some great conversations this afternoon. There are many who are curious about what is going on in Our world. There are still many in fear but more and more seem to be coming out of fear and just simply curious. The thing is that really noOne knows (yet) exactly how the future will play out, it isn't written yet. What many are coming to real-eyes is that We gotta go forward with love, that is extremely important and many are feeling that. This is very exciting to Me.

I do think that We need to begin the process of rebuilding and transformation of and into Our new world. That I think We have the power and ability to do and it has actually begun but it needs to begin in each of Us. If We start from love and stay that course We won't go wrong. I feel there will be many, many versions of this new earth so it is not important to tell or instruct anyOne how, why or where “they” do anything. I do think it will help to remind each other to work/be from love rather than fear and to let go of Our limitations.

But each person will follow “their” path. That is how it should be and progress will go much faster and better if We honor and allow that. This is no longer a One size fits All world. We each get to build/create exactly what We want and then We can explore each others creations. Now that feels exciting. It will be like visiting grandma's for thanksgiving.

Dinner and movie, a little chat and off to dream.

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