Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


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I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Suggestions #2


Suggestions #2

“Separation is a core limiter”

We are here, in this world and life to experience.

One of the main themes We have chosen to experience is separation. In order to fully experience separation, We had to fully believe in separation. We did well. Now, We get to choose whether to continue experiencing separation or to move on. It is totally Our choice and it may well be One that is made at a very deep level. We may or may not be aware of making the choice or of having made the choice.

Take a look at what You want. Do You want to believe (and live) as if You are separate from God, source, creator, Your world, Your Self and Your others? You do have a choice here. It may not be an easy choice or One that You make and never doubt. Our world holds a lot of evidence and support for separation. Either complete or partial separation are proven and supported by the majority of people and just about every system and agency known to man (this is changing but still remains true).

So, if You want to believe in and live in separation, You are in good company and have a lot of support. This may change, but I think We can All-ways create a world that supports Our choice.

I could be wrong, but I don't think We can live and believe in separation and live the life of Our dreams.

IF You want to believe and live in Oneness and connection with everything, there is growing support. However, there are still a lot of blocking and inhibiting (and very deep) beliefs that You will have to face. It will be up to You how to deal with these beliefs and You can All-ways change Your mind at any time (as in hitting the snooze button).

I want to point out a couple of choices around how to deal with the belief in separation that I Am aware of: First, We can try to destroy “them”. That doesn't work for Me but a lot of people say that it works for “them”. I choose to accept, own, integrate, and love “them” and set “them” free. When I do this then I can add another new belief. I find this works for Me.

When I try to destroy anything it is actually just buried and it lays there and rots and festers. Then it re-emerges (usually with terrible timing) and blindsides Me when I Am not looking. As the old (applicable) saying goes: “What We resist persists.” I theel that destroying is much the same as resist-dancing.

There are many ills and woes and unpleasantness caused by belief in separation. Separation is directly connected to limitation. It is the root cause of scarcity, lack and greed and war.

It is hard to live in abundance and separation at the same time.

We tend to think and follow the majority opinion here. To go against this majority is not an easy task but it definitely can be done. If We don't like what We have then We can either put up with it or change what We are doing.

As I say about everything, the place to start is by accepting that it is possible. If We have to start with being willing to be willing to consider that it might possibly be possible then start there.

It is possible that We are All connected and not separate after All. If this is true it really does change All-most everything. Once We can accept this then We are much more free to make choices.

We have experienced separation to death (pardon My pun) as far as I Am concerned.

Now We can add a new experience. We can begin to experience life from a connected perspective. When everyOne gets it that We are All connected, to each other, to source, to creator, to Gaia then We will truly see some major and very real changes in Our world. We will be creating a new experience.

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