Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Monday, February 26, 2007

What If? #11 A Dream

If You wake in Your dream, are You still asleep? If You ride a rainbow to its end, does it have an end? If You follow a circle where does it lead?
Sit back and relax, breathe deep and relax, open Your mind, let Your mind drift. Relax and breathe deep, let Me show You a dream. Relax, relax, relax and go deep, deep in Your mind and follow a dream.
Open a book and open Your mind, breathe and enjoy, follow Your mind. Let Your mind drift, where does it go? Return to Your book and read of Your mind. Follow the book, the words disappear and open a world, a world deep and so clear. Turn a new page, read words that appear, open Your mind, let the world reappear.
Breathe and breathe deep, follow your breath, let it lead You away, far, far away. What’s in Your book? What does it say? Does it show You a way, the new light of day? Turn a new page, where does it go?
Let Your mind drift, drift far away. Let YourSelf roam and run through the mist. Let YourSelf drift and fly through the clouds. Start in the middle or start at the end, you are writing the book, read the message You send. Drift and go deep, follow Your mind, let it open the page, let in words and go play.
Every word takes You deep, deep in Your mind, so turn a new page, what do You find? Read on and read on, write word upon word; let pictures adorn, draw words into Your song. Your hearts song can be sung, let it ring ever clear. Let Your mind drift, let go of Your fear.
You have written Your book, now read it again, write something new, read it afresh. Open Your mind, turn a new page, what do You find? Am I there in Your mind? Are there friends in Your song? Is it daytime or night? Let sorrow take flight and soar ever free!
Open Your page, which way did it go? Is it forward or back? Is there bounty or lack? You are writing Your book, is it future or past? Which way does it go? Which way did it go? Open Your mind and let YourSelf drift. Drift deep in Your mind, and write a new page. Turn to the page, the page You are on, open Your mind, what do You find?
Every page leads You on, every page leads You back, read and read on, and write whatever You lack. Fill in the gaps, draw sunshine or rain, You are the gods, You are Your pain. Let YourSelf drift, there is much to be gained. Let YourSelf go and write of Your love. Sing songs of Your love, drift forward, drift back. Set YourSelf free, You are the way.
When You are ready, You can return when You want. You are the answer, what do You ask?

Sunday, February 25, 2007

What If? #10 After Enlitenment

If "after enlightenment the dishes" then perhaps it would behoove Us to revisit reality 3UR/3SD. You remember don’t You? The reality where the dishes are the sentient beings and people are ornaments. Hi Will Platter here, how Ya’ doin’? So very good to be read by You again!
For those of You just joining Our broadcast, We come to You from somewhere inside Your mind. For those of You who wish to be ketchuped on the goings on in3UR/3SD it has been a busy few weeks.
Old Miss Teapot is spending a lot of thought imagining what it would be like if she believed in magik and could let the Wizard Plate heal her chipped lid with his super-glue. It is very appealing to her! Little Johnny Saucer is being very supportive and encouraging. I’m not at all sure if he is acting out of concern for Miss Teapot or simply desirous of actually seeing Magik work! I must admit, I would thoroughly enjoy seeing this myself.
I have been contemplating making another career move. I may gradually give up my wholesale business and make the transition to philosopher. I just can not decide on what stone to claim for my own. Please don’t tell any of the other Platters or my in-laws of this. I really feel it should come from me, not an outsider. I appreciate your co-operation.
By the way, I accepted a one-time request to return to my old profession. I made a people arrangement to decorate the base of an ice carving. It was a challenge, not to mention lots of fun! I chose to use little people so as not to obscure the lovely ice carving. These little people looked so playful and full of mischief I could hardly resist trying to wake them. I dressed them in a variety of colors and fabrics, different caps and gowns, what a delight it was to play this role again. (I even gave one little girl ruby slippers and a small dog.)
The ice carving? Oh it was a wonderful rendition of "three stars to the right and straight on ‘til morning." I do so envy the artist that has such talent. If only I had a gift like that. My arrangement looked rather lost beneath this grandeur. In fact if not for having placed several girls in the mix, my silly arrangement looked like it should have been titled "the lost boys", I was almost ashamed! Oh well, maybe I, Will Platter, will do better as a philosopher (with or without a stone).
Perhaps I’ll even write a song, call it "If I only had a stone". I’m trying to imagine the lion, scarecrow and woodsman singing "if I only had a stone". Maybe not? Here, what do you think of this?
If I had a stone, I’d get stoned in the morning. I’d get stoned in the evening, all over this land. I’d get stoned over danger, I’d get stoned about warning, I’d get stoned about the love between the Platters and the Saucers a-l-l over this land.
Oh yah, eat your heart out PeterPaul!
I almost forgot to mention that the Wizard Plate had some people escape. I can’t imagine why. He really took quite excellent care of them. They were out reeking havoc across the countryside and demanding "safe passage" somewhere. Whatever that means?
I asked the Wizard Plate what "safe passage" meant. I said "Help Mr. Wizard."
He said "safe passage" didn’t mean anything to us. I already knew that which is why I think I should be a philosopher. If I had super-glue I could probably be a wizard!
Apparently, where the people come from there is something called violence. I don’t know how to explain this, it is all so abstract. Well anyway, safe passage is related to violence and that sort of thing. I guess philosophy includes lots of strange relatives.
Where was I? Of course I was here, I knew that!! You know that isn’t what I meant! Why don’t I say what I mean? I did! It’s just that what I said could mean several things and I only meant one of them and if you would stop interrupting Me I could stop forgetting where I am and wouldn’t have to ask where I am. There!
The Teacups are all doing fine and asked Me to send their love and regards.
Regarding what? I don’t know, I assumed you would know. I did not say I was a mind reader.
Have you heard from the Gravyboats recently? I understand they have been on a fishing expedition. I wonder how successful they have been. I could certainly use a nice dinner of poached salmon and calamari.
Did you know the Coffecups are having difficulty espressing themselves? Apparently their Java script has been disabled. Can you imagine? Jake Soupbowl was telling me that their cream had gotten quite frothy over the whole bean affair! I’m trying to picture beans having an affair! Now that would be a piece of magik indeed.
If I believed in magik the beans would have grounds and seeds would have wings!

Saturday, February 24, 2007

What If? #9 Healers

If you travel far and wide, and follow your thoughts to a time before time, what will you find? There are many wonders in your mind. There are sights to behold, lives yet untold. There are versions unseen, and motives unclean. All belong to One, and One belongs to All.
Somewhere out "there" at the juncture of some auroras, the spot where a thousand rainbows merge, at a time where opposing thoughts intersect you can find a reality where all beings are enlightened healers. Sit back and relax, breathe deep and relax. Fasten your seatbelts the rockets are about to blast off!
These enlightened healers see "things" from a different perspective than some of "Us" are familiar with. Sew, knit, breathe and relax. Open your mind and see if you can remember tomorrow. Look into this reality with your open mind and tell me if it is true.
The first question these healers will ask is "how does this serve you?"
Immediately about fifty percent of their followers drift off. "They" go to find other realities more willing to care and help. The feeling is generally "how can healers be so uncaring?" "How on Pluto (or whatever term/planet works) can anyone believe this ‘serves’ me?" "Are ‘they’ implying I have done this to myself?"
Once upon a time a pregnant planet visited these healers complaining of G.A.S. The healers quickly gathered around this poor overdue behemoth. "How does this serve you?"
"I wish I knew!"
"Have you tried meditating?"
"Oh yes, first thing, last thing and All thoughts in between."
"Have you tried farting?"
"Certainly. I started with tender, frequent farts. This seemed to help at first, but in time the farts grew into great swells and giant upheavals."
"Perhaps you are having contractions?"
"But what if my baby’s not ready?"
"My dear, your baby has been ready for quite some time!"
"Are you All certain?"
"Quite certain."
"All the other healers I visited gave me sedatives. ‘They’ said my baby wasn’t ready."
"There is a difference between scared and not ready."
Another once upon a time a young being visited this reality complaining of being dead.
"How does this serve You?"
"How in the name of All that is holy can You ask that?"
"We can ask just the way we did. Perhaps You answered YourSelf. Yes All is holy and no name is truly above, holier or more enlightened than any other."
"I thought You called YourSelves ‘enlightened’"
"Actually it is the author who called Us that."
"Okay, how does this serve Me?"
"We asked first."
"Just playing with You. Can’t You take a joke?"
"I’m dead!"
"Quite right."
"At least You can see that!"
"Perhaps You would like to whine and snivel out Your story."
"I was warned that You are rude."
"We prefer the term ‘direct’."
"I started getting symptoms, I visited other healers. I continued to get worse, sometimes I’d go into remission always to slip further into worse ailments."
"Sounds like quite a process You put YourSelf through."
"How can You say that? Why would I do this?"
"It is really quite easy to say, much easier than making excuses for You or making up lies to explain away what You know to be true. We can not be certain why You did this. We can suggest some possibilities."
"Like what?"
"Perhaps You saw a gift You wanted to explore, but as You entered this unfamiliar territory You might have panicked. Have You ever had whiplash? Maybe as You walked the path You had chosen before birth You started to resist, tried to change games and rules but You never told YourSelf that You were changing the rules. This can cause confusion and some other very unpleasant symptons."
"Well, whatever! Eventually the other healers failed and I died."
"Why do You say ‘they’ failed?"
"Duh! Because I died You idiots!"
"Are You saying that death is failure? If You believe that how ever did You find Us?"
"Of course death isn’t always failure, but, but My death was those healers’ failure."
"Why do You say that?"
"Because I didn’t want to die."
"You didn’t? Man are We ever sorry. We were certain You were ready to ascend. We really thought We heard You crying out for enlightenment. We could have sworn We heard You pray for deliverance. We thought You told others You were wise and ready to transcend. We are so very, very sorry. We even thought You believed in magik."

Friday, February 23, 2007

What If? #8 Infinity

If somewhere over the rainbow there is a realty where the sentient beings believe in infinity. I Am talking about truly believing. I Am talking about a belief so strong that it is part of the experiential life. Here the sentients are consciously aware of experiencing infinity. This realty may be too far away to access by walking through universes and traipsing up or down flights of stars. This realty might only be accessible by jumping an aurora, riding a rainbow, or flights of fancy. That is correct, it may be light eons away and as near as Your next thought.
In this vast expanse, I will call it infinite reality or how about IR for brevity? In IR We realize and accept that every moment offers Us choice and even choices. Every choice offers Us yes and no and every subtle variation of yes and every possible nuance of no. In fact each choice offers so many possible variations of yes and no that there is even an option of yes and no being the same!
Take Your time with this, after all it is Your time is it not? If it isn’t Your time, who’s time is it? Time to shine? Time to rise and shine? Time to rinse? Time to add rinse additive? Time for Judge Wapner?
All choices are possibilities and All exist! In IR We get to experience All the options. I believe it would take an infinity just to hold the different shades of yes and fractal harmonies of no available in a single moment. In any single moment of Our time, Your time, My time, oops, there is no "their" time (or is there?) await infinite possibilities of experience.
If there exists more than a single moment in time, then it would take an infinite number of infinities to hold the sliding scale of options available to Us. Can You even begin to conceive what this is like? I suggest letting go of trying to "understand" it, and start by considering the possibility. Of course as is always the case, the best place to start is where You are, and if You have already experienced IR then You are probably light thoughts beyond considering the possibilities. In this case, if You can hold memories and current experiences of multiple possibilities of every choice, You just might be able to follow My train of thought.
Speaking of My train of thought, or trains, the tracks this train runs on can not follow the current physical laws of My present physical realty. Just wanted to throw that in the mix master. Or perhaps I should say mix meister.
All that having been said, You can tell it has been said because You just read it didn’t You?
Enough already! Are We All-ready?
IR, the realty where All choices and All variations of All choices exist together, flowing, mingling, mixing and moving on. Every moment offering another infinity to be savored and exhausted by any willing participant.
Are You willing? Can You imagine IR? Can You experience IR? Do You believe in magik?

Thursday, February 22, 2007

What If? #7 Thoughts and Time

If You go 2 universes left, up 1 flight of stars and 1 thought ahead You can find a reality where time is measured by thought. Why not? We measure space in minutes and hours. Thirty degrees 7 minutes north, how far north can One get in 7 minutes. There are lots of variables: wind speed and direction, running or flying, etc. This can not be an exact measurement. Plus We have light years and leap years and the year of the dragon. I Am clueless how far away a light year is, feeling a year leap seems more real than feeling a year light.
Think about it if You will. Thought as a unit of time. As many of You have seen, I have been experimenting with this in Our reality. Since I have not received any negative feedback I gotta figure it’s working. This opens soooo many more possibilities in My mind.
Take a look, if time is the 4th D (correct Me if I’m mistaken) and We measure time by thoughts, then We have been time travelling for quite a while. We have been living in a 4 dimensional world this entire time (thought). Don’t even try and tell Me that none of Us have been living in Our minds!
In this reality, 2ul/1Su/1TA where thought measures time, this has always been the way and is totally accepted by All. By the way: You can get here on an aurora or catch a local rainbow if U R not in a rush, or if it just rained and U R in a rush. (No, I don’t know what a rush looks like.)
Here thought measuring time works. It doesn’t matter if it’s real or true, it works! Everyone is aware of moving in thought, changing time around, altering past and present, forgetting something so that "they" can experience it anew. Look at what has been going on All along, right under our very eyes.
Let’s try it together.
Relax, relax, let Your mind drift. Let Your thoughts flow, flow through time.
Relax and go deep, deep within Your mind. Follow Your thoughts, follow Your time, listen to sounds, follow the sounds, and go deep within Your mind.
In Your mind examine Your thoughts, let them drift and mingle, let them play and drift. Let All Your thoughts drift through time, drift through Your mind. Take Your time, You are safe and secure, You are safe in Our love, safe in Your mind, safe in Your time.
Which thoughts came first, and which came next, deep, deep in Your mind? Drifiting, drifting deep in Your mind. Is there a first, in Your mind?
Floating in Your mind, drifting through time, safe and secure, wrapped in love, does time begin? Does time ever end? Enjoy the ride, set YourSelf free, move thought One to thought three, and build eternity. Ride the waves, find infinity, drift in Our love, safe in Our mind.
Drift away and mix Your thoughts, move thoughts around, are You changing time? Flowing through thought, drifting through time, where did it start, are You here to begin?
And when You are ready, know You can return here anytime, anythought You want. Remove any unwanted suggestion, You are refreshed, feeling great. Remember All that is important. Refreshed, alert, alive AWAKE!
Perhaps, just perhaps, even I can begin to believe in magik.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

What If? #6 Water

If You go 12 You-niverses left, up 12 flights of stars (anyone notice the lovely new handrails, sea how they shift to conform to even the smallest size hand or fill the fist of the largest of Us?) and 12 thoughts ahead You can find a reality where drops of water are sentient.
Please allow Me to digress a bit. My directions to anywhere are lousy at best. If someOne asks Me "How do you get to ------?" I always reply "You don’t want to know how I get there!" Therefore, sew on, sew fourth and furthermore if You have any difficulty finding Your Way, stop at any gas star or mini-mars and get a map. Most gas stars and mini-marses even have a large map on the wall, however asking directions might get you into a "You don’t want to know how I get there" situation. Another option is to take the auroras. Just climb aboard any aurora, state Your destination clearly and eventually You will get there. The journey is all-ways worth the fare. This applies also to rainbows. (thanx Lynn for the suggestion)
Okay, 12UL/12SU/12TA another reality awaits Us. Sentient drops of water inhabit the reality I found at 12UL/12SU/12TA. My first question is "How dew drops of water dew the ‘wild thing’?" After All this would be a great location for room 12 of Our grand hotel. (For those of You who haven’t been keeping up on Our escapades through the reconnections u-niverse room 12 is what I call sex in the 12th realm.)
The rest of this "What If?" may not be suitable 4 viewing by younger audiences, but their parents may be the wrong Ones for making that decision.
Back on track (yah, like that’s ever happened) I want to explore drops of water being physically intimate. (You know I stayed on track once----, no that was someOne else, sorry) Have You ever watched two drops of water join together? Drops of water have edges and surfaces the same as Our bodies due. In fact Our bodies are what 75% water (give or take a few % for My forgetting how much it is), so try to stay with Me here.
The difference One more (I typed lore and I just had to share that possibility with Us) time is perspective. Drops of water don’t think of their edges and surfaces as inviolate, solid, impermeable, boundaries and barriers that seperate "them" from EVERYthing.
Two drops of water can merge, flow together, couple, completely absorb each other and become One. No splash, bang, boom here "they" intertwine (spellchecker recommends this but I like innertwine, nanner nanner, nanner). They weave their bodies inside and outside together in a fashion unsurpassed by passion. Okay, sometimes they splash, but that is more a "recreational" thing, I’m talking about intimacy.
Drops of water can join for life, even until "they" ascend to the heavens and gather together again and grow that promised silver lining. Drops of water can join for a while then separate to flow in different directions or flow parallel or flow the same direction at different speeds. The options are infinite. "They" can re-join each other at any time or couple with other drops and no One cries "bad drop", no judgements here "they" just flow on and on.
Can You imagine YourSelf as a drop of water? Take Your time and play with this a while. Sit back, relax and imagine that the edges of Your body are like the edges of a drop of water. Imagine You are part of the ocean, or a forest stream, or a clear pond reflecting a majestic mountain back to itSelf. Imagine that someOne You adore has the same type body. Imagine these two bodies flowing together. Imagine them merging completely. No violation here, no partial juncture, a complete and total immersion into each other, into One. Go with it, play with it, experience it, and enjoy it!
Whenever You are ready. Know that You can return here anytime You want! Remember All that is important. Remove any unwanted suggestions. You are alert, alive, AWAKE.
If You believed in magik, you could do this All the time.

Monday, February 19, 2007

What If? #5 Snow

Sorry folks, I just couldn’t let this opportunity pass by.
If You go to Angel’s place, then slip over a couple of You-niverses, then slide up (or is it down?) a couple of flights of stars You can find a reality where the entire city gets in their cars. Yuppers, the people, the buildings, roads, streetlights, the whole city gets into cars and races up onto the moor.
I’m guessing that this means the entire city is sentient, and knows how to race
their cars. Just think about driver education classes, the instructor says "you the tall building in yellow, you’re gonna be the first in the driver’s seat. And don’t crowd me this time! I gotta be able to reach my brake, so keep your antennas on your side."
The older street signs probably have restrictions on their driver’s licenses like "no yielding". I wonder if "they" have handicapped parking? Do the streets drive the busses? Do the street lights only drive at night? You really gotta check this One out folks, it real-ly is two much. You haven’t lived ‘til You see city hall in a limo’!
Now, as if this isn’t enough, "they" get out and build snowmen. Imagine the bakery dressed in training shoes and puffa jacket. Then imagine it building a snowman.
Or how about the swinging bridge dressed in high-heeled training shoes and spandex, building a snowman? The list goes on and on.
So, here You have all these snowmen standing alongside the road, hitchhiking. How in the world does a snowman stick out its thumb? Are the passers by so used to hitchhiking snowmen that "they" don’t need to stick out their thumb? I’ll bet it is like the 100th monkey thing, the first 99 had to stick out their thumb, after that the rides just started happening.
Do "they" melt in Your seat and not in Your hand? Does a snowman have to wear a seatbelt?
What kind of snowman would a parking meter build? Which type of car does a speed bump race? How many fountains does a city bus hold? Do houses look out their windows and steer with their doors? How does a stop sign get anywhere? Do sidewalks ride on flatbeds?
All the questions You have been asking All these years are answered right here!
Step right up (whatever) and board Your local aurora. Next stop the city that drives, no make that races! "Vrooom, vroooom" the park benches squeal! "I’ll get there first" the ambulance blares.
Think of the pigeons in this fray. The trashcans race to save the day. All the back alleys having their way. The pubs aren’t serving unless You pay.
The little train engine gets in it’s convertible saying "I think I can, I think I can."
The decrepit factory billowing smoke as it races it’s Porsche with the library’s Renault.
All the while John Law says "if I believed in magik, I could make all these buildings and signs and crows and fixtures stop racing up onto the moor!"
This What If? was made possible by a grant from Angel.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

What If? #4 Energy

If you slip up about 1 flight of stars you can find a reality where:
Take a breath or two, sit back, and relax, breathe deep and relax.
In this reality (1SU) the sentient beings believe that all matter is made of energy. That’s right, they believe matter is made of energy. They believe it sooo strongly that ---
I, …. I just don’t know how else to say it!! Here goes, breathe deep, they believe it so strongly that it is their reality.
That is right, "matter is made of energy" is the reality in 1SU! Yes, you guessed correctly, everyone there believes it. Yep, everyone!
Wow, I wonder what it would be like if I believed something that strongly? (Hint: to find the answer, look in a mirror.)
Please feel free to take a break here, breathe a while. Listen to some soothing music, let your mind drift, drift away. Let your mind follow the sounds, follow the sounds to where they begin, and where they end. Go deep in your mind and relax.
They believe that matter is made of energy so strongly, that they even named energy. They named it LOVE. Surprised? Think about it, matter is made of energy and that energy is LOVE. What a concept, right?
I’m just gonna go ahead and tell you feel free to take breaks whenever you want. Let your mind roam and drift, fly and soar. Enjoy the moment, follow your heart, and return when you want.
Okay, when I first heard about this idea I had to check it out. I got on an aurora and let it take me up One story. This took some time, auroras being playful and liking to dance you know! This particular aurora danced All across the sky, waving to every passer by, weaving it’s light from One horizon to the other. It changed its robes, sometimes yellow to red then blue, bluer than the sky, then orange to green and back through the whole spectrum of yellows and whites.
This dance took All night. That’s right! Straight on ‘til morning! But what a reward I received at the end! And when You Are dancing with an aurora, well what can I say, time flies. Sorry, that is the only way to describe the feeling. On and on We danced, over the hills, through the valleys, weaving and waving Our light throughout the heavens.
In the morning I got off at 1SU and guess what it is called? The sentients call it "Ourstory". Yah, isn’t this All amazing, one story up is a reality called "Ourstory" and it is made of LOVE! Everything is made of LOVE. Everything, everyone is LOVE. That is what I stepped into when I finished dancing with My aurora. Can You imagine it? Give yourSelf a chance. Take some time, relax and I-magine a reality where You are LOVE. Take your time, take YOUR time, We have All the time in the world, relax, drift away, You Are LOVE. Follow it where it takes you and enjoy the journey.
I stepped out of a dance into a reality of LOVE. This LOVE is so big, so full, words just cannot describe it. Of course in this reality I too immediately became LOVE. No one had to tell Me I was loved, never a need to say I love you, it is known! LOVE is All there is in 1SU. When I looked in the eyes of anyone there, I fell deep into a pool of LOVE. Yes, I came up splashing and laughing.
I knew I was loved, I knew I Am LOVE. I felt it, I experienced it. Give yourself the gift of remembering with Me, take the time, feel the LOVE. Let it flow, flowing through Our mind, just 1 star up.
Words can not begin to express what it is like to walk in a reality where everything is LOVE. This is One of those things that can only be expressed in meaning. You will have to let yourself I-magine it to know what I Am saying.
Don’t let this startle You, I’m going to try to say a few things about this LOVE. This LOVE is great enough to let Us make mistakes, even hurt OurSelves. Actually, it lets Us think We make mistakes and hurt OurSelves. Can You imagine loving someone/something enough to give it total free will? Well, You did and in My heart I know You DO!
I told You the reward was worth the night, even if I hadn’t always dreamed of dancing with the auroras. Take a look, in 1 short story We have danced Our way across the night and passed the sky away. We visited a time where All is LOVE. We felt the LOVE. Everyone We saw Knew that We are loved, that We Are LOVE!
You know, someday, when I believe in magik, I’ll visit the stars. I’ll go 1 star-up.

Friday, February 16, 2007

What If? #3 Pea-heads

I have titled this What If #3. Which title works for Me, if it doesn’t work for You then call it whatever you like, which of course You will do regardless of what I tell You.
If you go about 6 universes left, 6 flights of stars down and 7 thoughts before (BTW: My insueance agent called and told Me that if I Am {I assured Her I Am} going to have You All traipsing up and down My stars I need to install handrails. I tried to explain that "they" are not really "MY" stars. She insisted, says if I don’t install handrails "they" will have to cancel My reality owner’s policy. So, I Am {yes I assure You I Am} looking for the phone number of that nice carpenter from Nazareth to see if He has time to install handrails between All the stars.?)
Okay then, 6UL,6SD,7TB You can find a reality where We are exploring duality by having right little pea-heads and wrong little pea-heads. I really don’t know what they look like, You might wanna ask Ann. I Am (Yes I AM) thinking rights would look like those wonderful sweet green peas My grandmother used to grow in Her garden every summer, and wrongs might look like split peas???
Now, (the best time there is) if U wanna explore triality U can add left little pea-heads. I Am (YES I Am still) not sure whether that would be on their left or yours however. This reality is 1UL if You are standing facing Yourself, if You are standing (starting) where You are then it would be 1UR. Whether the lefts are on Your left or their left depends on One’s perspective I guess. Let’s see, if I say lefts are on their left, and You say they are on My left, then Your lefts would be My rights. So what is really the difference? There is no difference? The only difference is Our perspective? What a concept!
What happens if You and/or I extend this concept to the rights and wrongs? Obviously We will have to abandon this line of thought if We are going to explore duality and/or triality. Forget I mentioned it!
A long time ago some visitors from another plane-it came to the land of pea-heads. Fortunately for the pea-heads these were not slave traders. They were entrepreneurs though and began a very lucrative trade in pea futures. You can find their brokerage at the corner of Pea and Wall streets.
Imagine what it was like for the little pea-heads to experience these visitors! They had such large heads. You gotta wonder how those little necks can support such large heads. One pea-head said to another "I bet they think too much! That’s how their heads got so big!"
"What if they just have grand ideas? Wouldn’t that make their heads swell?"
"I have grand ideas and my head doesn’t swell!"
"You think not?"
"How rude!"
While this conversation goes on the visitors are bidding on the eventual outcome and someone will make a windfall on their futures, or loose their head.
"Where do you think the big heads came from?"
"Maybe they arrived on magic carpets!"
"I don’t believe in magic, they must have come on tractors."

What If? #2 Platter

Remember? 3 uni-verses to the right and down 3 flights of stars.
I have titled this What If? #2, which is appropriate unless you haven’t read What If? #1 in which case this would be What If? #1 and so on and so fourth, or fifth or first.
Anyway, I Will Platter Am plattering to spin u a tail. (That is a dishes way of saying I Am going to share my story with you. BTW: my name is Will, Will Platter, very nice to meat you!)
So, as I wasn’t saying yet, but platter to shortly, I used to be a peist. Well, We All used to be something didn’t WE? A peist is not a bad thing to have been if u have to be a have been something.
Then One fine morning I had a thought. This may not sound unusual to you, but believe me (please, please, please believe me) it is rather unheard of for a peist from the Platter family to have thoughts!
I took my thought to the wizard plate for an analysis and he suggested I go ahead and act on it. What a suggestion that was! Just imagine the glory, the fame, the intrigue a peist Platter not only having a thought but acting on it 2.
That is how I became a wholesale supplier to the peists. Yes, u are right or left, many dishes scoffed at me, said I was insane, many said I could never make it as a wholesaler, some called me a religious fanatic, others said I was an Edsil.
I Am here to tell you I CAN SELL YOU!
I embarked on my new career with zeal and after a fairly short time became successful and now I Will tell u some history or herstory depending on your perspective(s).
Many thoughts ago the slave traders went up 3 flights of stars and 3 uni-verses to the right, that’s correct not left, check it out, if u are going in the opposite direction you have to turn the same direction as u originally turned when not going in this opposite direction to end up at your starting point which is now your destination. Or not.
These slave traders discovered the reality called Earth and abducted some fairly sentient beings called people. The intent of course was to trade these people as slaves. That would be why we call these slave traders "slave traders". However, these "people" were in such a state of shock at being abducted and transported 3 uni-verses to the right (need I explain this again?) and down 3 flights of stars, that they became non-sentient.
What a dilemma this posed. Whatever were the slave-traders going to do with non-sentient slaves? The smartest slave trader starting trading people as ornaments rather than slaves and made a fortune! Hence he hired the other slave traders (who were broke and destitute) to make arrangements of his people and the position of "peist" was born.
By the way, some people woke up and became sentient again. They were sold to the wizard plate and all the dishes of the realm thought he had "magikly" altered them. This of course is another story, or part of this story and the first story, unless u haven’t read the first story yet. If that is the case then of course this is the first story.
Sew, I Will Platter was a peist and went on to journey up 3 flights of stars and 3 uni-verses to the right (don’t ask me to explain again please) and abduct my own people and sell them to peists or wizards depending on whether my abducted people woke up or NOT!
The story of how all this affected the earth reality is another story or several stories, which could be my next story, or my first story depending completely on what order you read them in or "your perspective!" I guess it might also depend on whether or not I write it/them. If only I believed in magik, then I could write them without taking the effort to write them!

What If? #1 Dishes

If You go 3 uni-verses to the right and down 3 flights of stars (I don't think the elevator stops there, I Highly recommend using the stars) U can find a reality where the dishes are the sentient beings and people are just ornaments used mainly for decorating chairs and sofas. Some dishes use people to decorate their cars, but this practice hasn't really caught on 'cause only the cheap plastic dishes have cars sitting in their yards needing to be decorated.Of course some of the most elegant houses have people decorating the mantles over their fireplaces, but this is also rather rare as the cost of fireproofing people is quite extravagant! (Not to mention the size of mantel needed to hold 1 or more peoples). So, the dishes in this reality must feed and bathe their people or hire servant dishes to perform these lowly tasks, or let their people gather dust and starve, but there are probably laws regulating such behaviour. And, just think of the chore of rearranging the people like we do our furniture???? What we call a florist is called a peist: one who makes and sells people arrangements. Imagine the thanksgiving centerpiece!
In the grand oak tree in the town square lives a wizard plate who has taught his people to feed and bathe themselves. I know it sounds ridiculous, but some of us believe Merlyn did this with his dishes. Well anyway, it is quite a sight to see the wizard plate's people picking up food with their own hands and actually putting it in their mouths! Watching them bathe is soooo funny, u had best wear something waterproof, they splash and laugh and make such a mess!
Across town lives Miss Teapot, she is sooo old that she has to be pushed around on a teacart. Miss Teapot used to be able to levitate herself around quite nicely and is rather depressed now that she is confined to her teacart. Her little lid is chipped from the last time she tried pouring her tea into her daughter Teacup! Alas, she doesn't believe the chip will ever heal! Johnny Saucer says he thinks the wizard plate might have some super-glue that would do the Trick, but Miss Teapot just can't bring herself to believe in magik!
(to be cont. or NOT) it is a little frightening having a mind that writes stuff like this!