Insights and fun in 3D within multiD
Wizard’s Log Stardate: 2:33 AM and/or NOW
Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.
Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.
We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.
We wake grateful. It is about an hour early and We slept and dreamt very well. Our head is trying to think, plan and worry about Our new window for Our shed. We are turning it to examining some options and We choose to leave the options open for now. After All: We are not going to do anything about it right now. Our head resits that kind of thinking and We love Our head. We choose to live in the now.
Thank Us.
When We checked Our email We are reminded that Our internet and phone bill are due today so We paid that online. We also decided to pay extra on a credit card since We got more unemployment than We had anticipated.
So: as You see: as much as We are in multiD (and We are more and more) We are also (very much) still in 3D. This is NOT what most of Us expected or wanted of multiD. Few want to hear or read that multiD is more of 3D AND other Ds too. It is simply more and never less. We ARE expanding and nothing is lost, destroyed or left behind and forgotten. Most of Us want Our circumstances to change and NoOne wants to be forgotten. We forget (for a long time We did not even know) that We created Our circumstances: We created Our life. There was and IS a reason for exactly what We have and experience.
Thank Us.
We will gain much more from being grateful: from relaxing and breathing then We ever will from struggling, striving and “trying”. This is totally contrary to everything that We have thought, taught and believed in limitation and separation. We truly do have it All bassackwards. Pony hopping again.
Oh boy: We get to hottub today.
Here is a very important message that echos what We have been saying for several years and nobody really wants to hear/read. Well: Allmost nobody.
We just remembered that We forgot to mention that yesterday evening We ordered the parts to fix Our Sawzall. Hopefully it will be an easy fix and it will be nice to have it working again. Twentyfive dollars for the parts and shipping. Much cheaper than a new One. Even though it might make the cutout (for Our new window) easier it might not actually work as well (more room for operator error) as other saws which We have and are working.
We plan to take the windows that We have had around for years (and are probably never gonna use) to the dumpsters tomorrow. We do like the idea of getting some of the shit that We dragged in back out again.
Again: several kids did not ride because of the early times and long ride. The One who has a really hard time waking stayed home too. The brother and sister wanted to sit together only We theel that there is too much sibling rivalry going on there. The sister complained because she likes to sit with someOne and we told her We would sit across from her and that seemed to satisfy. She talked the whole ride. She talks really low so We had really focus to understand her.
We did have to remind the kids to bring the volume down a couple of times. At first some started to argue about who had what for lunch and when We told "them" "they" did NOT need to argue it pretty much stopped.
We had a preschooler ride for the first time and "they" were wearing "their" spider man jammies. Way cute. We left school late because "their" teacher never came to the bus.
Now: We are having breakfast and Wifi and still excited about getting the window for Our shed. We are running different ideas through Our head. We used to store stuff in front of that window and now We theel We will wanna keep the area clear since the window opens. Plus: We are trying to plan a covered ramp to the shed that We surely will not even start until next summer.
It was great to hottub. Very relaxing. Easy to go even deeper into multiD.
Another great afternoon with the kids. “They” are a little loud at first and (again) it is a happy loud not a mad or scared loud. We just remind “them” that “they” need to turn the volume down. It is okay to have fun and “they” just need to know that “they” are on a school bus and not on the playground or out in a forest (most live in the forest). After the brother and sister get home it starts to quiet down and then the next kid home quiets it even more,
We slip way deep into dream on the ride back to base: way deep.
At home We only theel like playing in multiD. We are gonna go dream and then We slip that time flew bye and it is time for dinner. We find a cool movie on Netflix: “Dragonheart”.
Soon We are ready to dream and dream We shall.
Good night AND thank You for playing.
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