Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Insights and fun in 3D within multiD



Insights and fun in 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 2:33 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful. It is about an hour early and We slept and dreamt very well. Our head is trying to think, plan and worry about Our new window for Our shed. We are turning it to examining some options and We choose to leave the options open for now. After All: We are not going to do anything about it right now. Our head resits that kind of thinking and We love Our head. We choose to live in the now.

Thank Us.

When We checked Our email We are reminded that Our internet and phone bill are due today so We paid that online. We also decided to pay extra on a credit card since We got more unemployment than We had anticipated.

So: as You see: as much as We are in multiD (and We are more and more) We are also (very much) still in 3D. This is NOT what most of Us expected or wanted of multiD. Few want to hear or read that multiD is more of 3D AND other Ds too. It is simply more and never less. We ARE expanding and nothing is lost, destroyed or left behind and forgotten. Most of Us want Our circumstances to change and NoOne wants to be forgotten. We forget (for a long time We did not even know) that We created Our circumstances: We created Our life. There was and IS a reason for exactly what We have and experience.

Thank Us.

We will gain much more from being grateful: from relaxing and breathing then We ever will from struggling, striving and “trying”. This is totally contrary to everything that We have thought, taught and believed in limitation and separation. We truly do have it All bassackwards. Pony hopping again.

Oh boy: We get to hottub today.

Here is a very important message that echos what We have been saying for several years and nobody really wants to hear/read. Well: Allmost nobody.

We just remembered that We forgot to mention that yesterday evening We ordered the parts to fix Our Sawzall. Hopefully it will be an easy fix and it will be nice to have it working again. Twentyfive dollars for the parts and shipping. Much cheaper than a new One. Even though it might make the cutout (for Our new window) easier it might not actually work as well (more room for operator error) as other saws which We have and are working.

We plan to take the windows that We have had around for years (and are probably never gonna use) to the dumpsters tomorrow. We do like the idea of getting some of the shit that We dragged in back out again.

Again: several kids did not ride because of the early times and long ride. The One who has a really hard time waking stayed home too. The brother and sister wanted to sit together only We theel that there is too much sibling rivalry going on there. The sister complained because she likes to sit with someOne and we told her We would sit across from her and that seemed to satisfy. She talked the whole ride. She talks really low so We had really focus to understand her.

We did have to remind the kids to bring the volume down a couple of times. At first some started to argue about who had what for lunch and when We told "them" "they" did NOT need to argue it pretty much stopped.

We had a preschooler ride for the first time and "they" were wearing "their" spider man jammies. Way cute. We left school late because "their" teacher never came to the bus.

Now: We are having breakfast and Wifi and still excited about getting the window for Our shed. We are running different ideas through Our head. We used to store stuff in front of that window and now We theel We will wanna keep the area clear since the window opens. Plus: We are trying to plan a covered ramp to the shed that We surely will not even start until next summer.

It was great to hottub. Very relaxing. Easy to go even deeper into multiD.

Another great afternoon with the kids. “They” are a little loud at first and (again) it is a happy loud not a mad or scared loud. We just remind “them” that “they” need to turn the volume down. It is okay to have fun and “they” just need to know that “they” are on a school bus and not on the playground or out in a forest (most live in the forest). After the brother and sister get home it starts to quiet down and then the next kid home quiets it even more,

We slip way deep into dream on the ride back to base: way deep.

At home We only theel like playing in multiD. We are gonna go dream and then We slip that time flew bye and it is time for dinner. We find a cool movie on Netflix: “Dragonheart”.

Soon We are ready to dream and dream We shall.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

A very 3D day in multiD



A very 3D day in multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 2:54 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We woke at 1:11 and then tried to go back to dream. Our head was not having any of it. We are thinking about the window for Our shed. We do have several options. We do not even know what color(s) We want to paint the frame. We are imagining a simple construct over the window opening that is clear, keeps bugs, rain, snow and birds out and lets air in.

We are also zoning in on magik and Our true nature. These still seem off in the distance and yet “they” are only buried and forgotten within. “They” are buried well. We simply still do NOT believe in OurSelves. We ARE making progress and Our current thoughts and vision reflect that. We ARE delighted AND grateful.We did do a couple of things outside Allready. Twentyfour hours of daylight can be incredible.

We are reminded that it is All about love. Love IS the answer. Manifesting and creating are results of living as love. Hard to grok fully. It has been sooooo long since We fell into this game of limitation and separation. We still think that other things are important. Remember to keep All actions as play. That is One reason why We like to paint things multicolors.

We decide to dig out Shadow’s old wading pool to see if it is big enough to soak the Plexiglas in. Not quite and it shows Us some more options. We also have an inflatable swimming pool from days gone by and it is about the same size. We do more measuring for more options. We know that We are rather obsessed with this window project. We know that part of the reason is that We have NOT seen Our best option yet: at least not clearly. We are theeling that We might even buy a premade window (that opens). One of the stores had a small One a few years back that would work and was cheap.

Oh: BTW: We have some new, yellow blooms on a wild flower right by Our front steps. Very pretty and very cool. We do not know what it is: only that it is not a dandelion. We have lots of those around though none have bloomed out around Our cabin yet. Lots along the roads are blooming and fluffing.

Again: several kids do not ride this morning because of the early pickup times. The new kids certainly do make the ride a little louder even though several others fall asleep. We now have a brother and sister that We have to work with a little more. Nice kids and not actually trouble yet not real good at social interactions especially in a school bus setting. Our first kid still hates waking up and leaving mom and dad. We are learning what helps “them” settle down. These kids really do teach Us a lot.

Our driver is much more authoritarian than We are. We are glad that he pretty much gives Us free reign and only speaks his mind rarely. Every driver has good points and bad and We ARE reminded that each IS a reflection of other parts and pisces of Us. Our children within. It is easier to see that in the kids than in Our drivers. We ARE reminded that “they” too are frightened children trying to make “their” way in this world ‘tending to be A-dults.

We do not get to hottub today so We decided to go window shopping (literally) at Lowes and Home Depot. We theel that We found a window that is the right size at Lowes for only forty dollars. We are quite excited. We left Our tape measure in Our chariot so We will go back and double check when We finish Our route this afternoon.

Now: We are having lunch and Wifi before going to the pool. We really ARE excited about the window that We found. It is a single hung, vinyl window that will be fairly easy to install. We really like the idea of it being easy to open and have a screen to let air in and bugs and birds out and only forty dollars.

Afterschool: the kids are keyed up and kinda noisy. Most are talkative and playful except Our medicated kid. “They” expected to get picked up and are very disappointed. “They” start to quietly cry and work up to loud. As We start to leave the school it crescendos. We move to sit with Our medicated kid to calm and comfort “them”. In the passed “they” would probably have exploded. We seem to be successful in calming “them” some. We do theel that some of this was a show for attention. With All the kids on the bus We do not get to show/give “them” a lot of personal attention and the kid that “they” like to sit with is not riding this week. A pickup would have meant One on One All the way home and maybe some activity with just the two of “them”. All kids love personal attention even though few show it All the time.

The other kids are getting kinda loud with everyOne trying to make “themSelves” heard. We move up to quiet “them” some. It is happy loud which is much better than angry loud. Still: loud can easily distract a driver. We do want a safe ride for the kids. The new brother and sister do affect the others and there is a bit of competition for attention. “They” are Our first dropoff and it quiets down as soon as “they” get home. It is about half an hour ride to “their” house. Kids start falling asleep now.

We are kinda keyed up OurSelves and excited to go check out the window. It does turn out to be an inch wider than Our opening and We go ahead and get it. Making that adjustment is not gonna be too hard. We also look at reciprocating saws because Our Sawzall broke last fall. “They” are more expensive than We had expected. We think seriously about getting the cheapest One that is in stock and decide to wait: We would not be using it today anyway.

At home: We take the window into the shed and do some cleanup from last winter and mucking with Our other window options yesterday. Doing the cleanup and put away is All that We theel like doing today.

We try to find something to watch with dinner and not much really catches and holds Our attention and interest.

We play in multiD a bit and try to read some and Our dreams are calling Us. We barely have the 3Dness to play Our “Vortex” meditation recording on Our way to dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Another great day with the kids in multiD



Another great day with the kids in multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:22 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We woke about fifteen minutes before We wanted to get up and Our first thought is: “thank Us”. We laid in bed for a bit repeating mantras and theeling grateful. We really do have a beautiful life. We look forward to even more. We remember Our paradise world(s). We remember friends that We play with in concurrent lives.

Thank Us.

We had a great weekend with most of it spent in dream and All of Our waking spent in multiD. We had thunderstorms and even a hail storm. We got more painting done. We are getting some color on the temporary shed beside Our cabin. Our last temporary shed was there for twenty years before We tore it down. This One is better looking and more functional. We fixed the door handle on Our chariot. We took lots of breaks and so it went much easier than if We had tried to force Our way forward. We are pleased with the result. Looking at how it was put together We are kinda surprised that it did not break sooner. We also got Our ham cooked and divided up for freezing.

Today We are back on the bus and We have four new students. One is the child of two coworkers and We Allready know “them”.

We are waking in multiD and We likes it. Once again We remember how We used to fight and resist the very thing that We sought. We were clueless for sooooo long.

Thank Us. We love Us unconditionally.

The additions and changes to Our route went smooth. Several kids did not ride. We found out why the change: the new kids had been being picked up even earlier than Our first kid with these new times.

The last new kids were very hard to find and the map was totally wrong. Other drivers (who had picked "them" up before) helped Us.

The new kids are fun too and more talkative and We likes that. So: We had a great morning.

Now: We are having lunch and Wifi before going to hottub.

Two of the kids that did not ride this morning are riding this afternoon. Our driver was concerned about making an appointment and then We noticed that the last dropoff time is scheduled much later then We will actually be there each day. He will have plenty of time as long as the parent is home when We get there or soon after.

With the new kids We do have to tell everyOne to keep the volume down. There is a little personality conflict and We can see that We may have to intervene with the seating to keep a couple of kids who conflict further apart. Thankfully this conflict is more attention competition than the bullying and hatred that We had to deal with a couple years ago. After We tell two kids to be nice to each other (a dozen times) “they” start playing rather than teasing and mocking. Okay. Playing is good.

The mother IS home at Our last drop so Our driver has no worries about his appointment.

When We get home We are sooooo deep in multiD that We decide to go dream before doing anything else. We were and were not aware of dreaming. It was a short dream spell and very refreshing and fun.

Storm clouds are moving in so We decide to only paint the second coat on the step pieces. Then We decide to start on the window for Our shed. We discover that the window We had planned on using is too small. We thought it was the exact same as the two We had Allready used. We calked the edges of the opening and examined several other options for the window. We theel there is a good option that We are not seeing. Maybe We will go back to Our original plan that We had actually framed in for when We built the shed. Or maybe some variation on that or something or something else. We drag out several different pieces of Plexiglas that We might use. Some just need to go to the dumpsters. Others might be worth cleaning up. The protective paper covering is way stuck. We are gonna try soaking it off on One piece.

We piddle around with that stuff and now We are ready for dinner. Once again We do not know what We wanna watch. We settle on a low budget, futuristic space movie: cheesy at best.

Now: We are ready for dream. We are close enough that We do not even wanna listen to Our “Vortex”. We will deep breathe and relax repeating some mantras.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Monday, June 26, 2017

Another 3D day while very much in multiD



Another 3D day while very much in multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:21 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful again. When We are grateful then We create more to be grateful for. We create from Our vibration and frequency. When We grump then We create more to grump about. It makes sense when We theel about it. Especially when We are theeling from a grateful perspective and vibration.

We have had a twisted perspective for sooooo long that We have forgotten that there is anything else. There is much, much more.

Today is the last day of Our school week. We look forward to dreaming in for three days.

We are reminded that We see behavior in others (that We do not like) it is an unresolved, unloved, orphan version of Us. We do not need any more rejection. We need acceptance and compassion and love. Pony hopping does heal. We love Us unconditionally.

Thank Us.

We get it that (in the passed) We wanted Our circumstances (Our outer world, Our projected world, the life and world that We created and ARE creating) to change when We had not changed on the inside. We Onedered why Our life did not improve. It was not that We had a bad life: au’contrare. We just knew that there is more and better available. We were still creating from a negative, victim vibration. So: We created more of the same, over and over and over again. Summer reruns All year ‘round.

We are expanding Our vibration. We would say “raising” only that implies better and worser. It is different. All choices (vibrations) are valid and honored. However: if We want different We can not create different from the same, old vibration.

Here is a reminder

Well: We sure are living this. We ARE learning how to live as love and multiD.

As usual We have fun with the kids. We do not get to hottub so We do some extra reading on Our break and shopping. Our three siblings do not ride and We are not surprised. We theel that the family hates waking up.

The inner door handle broke on Our chariot on Our break. It still works though. We Oneder how long that will last?

Our medicated kid does seem to be participating more in life and wants someOne to sit with “them”. The two fall asleep on each other’s shoulder. We would love to have a picture.

When We get back to base new route sheets are out and everyOne has to do parent contacts before We leave for the weekend. Most routes have changes so twenty of Us are making calls on One phone. The location manager comes in All chipper (as usual) and We tell her what is going on. We have fourteen calls to make because All of Our times changed morning and afternoon and We got five new students. We also have to make four new maps. Two new kids and siblings. We are pleasantly surprised that the manager checks out how many of Us are waiting for the phone and how many calls We each need to make. She tells the acting assistant manager to let Us use the two phones in the restricted area of dispatch. Finally. The safety manager had been trying to get something worked out for Us with no success. EveryOne else was scared to do anything. It even seemed like some staff took pleasure in Our dilemma. At least the manager saw the situation and understood, cared and put a plan into action. We used to be able to use those phones before the new rules.

We ARE grateful. Our head still wants to grump even though it worked out well. We try to tussle with it like a dog with a bone. That IS Our pattern. We forgive Us. We love Us unconditionally AND We thank Us. We just keep hopping on that pony. We see the results of keeping Our wits about Us, doing what We know to do and remaining grateful. This week Our drive is the One to get upset.

We actually finish less than fifteen minutes after Our standard time. We usually finish half an hour early. We got it All done and ARE grateful that Our manager intervened on the attendants behalf. We hope this set a new precedent for those times when We All have to do parent contacts before the next day and at the end of the day.

We stop for some groceries on the way home.

At home We get another coat of paint on Our step pieces. We leave the door handle for another day and it worked the rest of the day.

We finish Star Trek “Beyond” or did We finish it yesterday? We watch something with dinner, play in multiD a bit and now We are ready for Our first round of dreaming. We are sooooo seep in multiD that We do not even listen to Our “Vortex”.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Thursday, June 22, 2017

More multiD as We function in 3D



More multiD as We function in 3D

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:08 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful again and We likes it. We wake in multiD and We likes that too.

We are feeling the feeling of vibration(s) this morning. We are theeling how much We love living here. We are theeling the vibration(s) of Our home in the forest. Relax and breathe, open and allow. We theeling the vibration that We theel when We remember Our paradise home: when We imagine (and remember) Our limitless life and home.

Thank Us.

Another fun morning with the kids. The family of three rides again. We enjoy having “them” back. All Our kids get along well and that is very nice. We like seeing Our kids happy, talking and having fun. Sometimes “they” get loud. Happy loud is okay and We can remind “them” to not be sooooo loud. Much better than angry loud.

We have to look for teachers for the three since “they” are not used to Us having the three siblings.

We have lunch and Wifi before going to hottub. We sure enjoy getting to hottub.

We get back to base right about the time that We like to go into dispatch. Once again We are deep in multiD and just functional in 3D.

Our driver makes a couple of comments today that reminds Us that he is more into discipline than We are. We ARE grateful that he lets Us deal with the kids Our way. We see the typical A-dult actions and reactions. A frightened child trying to be a gr’up. We pony hop and remember that We create Our reality. No more victim.

The kids have a good time on the ride home and We get to sit in the middle of it and have fun observing. One kid has a motion activated talking dog in “their” backpack and it won’t stop. It does get quieter as the battery runs down.

We are in multiD when We get home and theel like doing some more painting. We get another coat on what We painted the other day. We also paint a board that We have been wanting to paint for a few years and just never got Our round tuit.

We notice that even though We are into this 3D stuff We are also deep in multiD. We are learning how to do this AND We ARE grateful.

We have dinner with more Star Trek “Beyond”. It gets better as it gets into the movie. We watch the rest of it and enjoy it. It was just slow starting for Us.

It is very early and We play in multiD a while before We are ready to let Our “Vortex” take Us to dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Fun with the kids in 3D within multiD



Fun with the kids in 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:19 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful Once again. We did not sleep much for some reason. We did visit other worlds and play with new friends. We are not nearly as tired and sleepy as We would expect for the little amount of sleep that We had?

We can tell/sense that We are deep in multiD this morning. Perhaps that is the reason that We slept so little? We ARE allowing. We ARE open.

Thank Us.

We theel that last night was an important part of Our transition. Even though We were confused: We thelt it deep within at the time. We did focus mostly on love at the time too. Love IS the key AND the answer. After All: We ARE love. Love IS Our true nature. We have spent so much time pretending to be what We are not that We have mostly forgotten. We forgive OurSelves. We love OurSelves unconditionally. We thank Us.

Another message.

Fun with the kids again. One told Us "they" have a hard salami samich with spicy mustard on honey bread. Never had honey bread only honey butter biscuits.

The kid that has a hard start most days may be feeling the straps on his seat are too tight. Dad tightens "them" way tight and the kid struggles against "them". Once he got his head free of One shoulder strap he stopped crying. We tried to get his head back in and real-eyesed that he had stopped crying and he kept repeating "NO" "NO". Hmmmm. We'll see tomorrow.

Other kids slept and One kept saying "firetruck" every time We passed any truck.

Now: We are having breakfast and Wifi. Having mint choc. chip cookies after breakfast. Pretty good. Probably gonna read some more of Our book and then do some grocery shopping.

We took a short dream spell back at base.

One kid got picked up at school and One who did not ride this morning is riding home. We finish a little early since We did not have All of Our stops. There is a family of three that has not been riding and the principal tells Us that she talked to the mom and that “they” will ride tomorrow. “They” are well liked by the other kids and these others miss seeing “them”. We ask Our two preschoolers if “they” wanna sit together and “they” do. We try it and We really can not tell if “they” like it or not. “They” do fine even though One does not look that happy about it after a bit.

It looks like another storm is moving in. We read and play in multiD a bit and then go dream a while.

We decide to have a mushroom burger for dinner with the last (available) episodes of “Suits”. We read a little more and now let Our “Vortex” take Us to dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Learning to live as love in 3D within multiD



Learning to live as love in 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:17 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful again. We woke early and stayed in bed drifting in multiD and waking dream.

Thank Us.

The energies have been intense All weekend. (Yes: We have said that before) We have barely been out of dream All weekend. It took Us All weekend to put Our laundry away. We enjoyed it All.

We notice that We are still deep in multiD AND We ARE grateful. We ARE grateful that We are able and allowing OurSelves to wake in multiD. Thank Us.

We are remembering some of the alternate lives that We are living. Many are nearby and very similar to Our waking life. In fact: some are so similar and close that We (might) never know when We slip back and forth. When We say/type “close” and “nearby” We mean vibrationally. One of the things that came to mind (a lot) this weekend is that different times and places are really just different frequencies of vibration. We know this and We are integrating it experientially. We do not really know anything unless We live it. We ARE living it and beginning to be aware of living it.

Thank Us. Over and over and over again.

Another fun morning with the kids. Most are sleepy: it IS Monday morning. We enjoy observing the Ones who are awake and talking. We ARE a bit shocked at the things these youngsters say. “They” do not have the restrictions and inhibitions that We had (and even still hold on to). “They” certainly have limits and restrictions laid/forced upon “them” by Our limitation and separation society. “They” do not conform as fully as We did. “They” ARE children of the now. Now IS new.

We have lunch and Wifi on Our break. We read some email and do not theel like typing much. We may have poofed an email. We also people watch and read some of Our latest Kindle book.

We get to hottub and You probably get it how much We enjoy that.

We get back to base a little early and spend the time talking with another attendant.

As We stand in line waiting to clock in We get frustrated with the rush and crowd and forget that We ARE a master of time and master of the game. We come very close to playing victim and then We ARE reminded that We ARE masters. It is Our choice what role We play. We choose to acknowledge that We ARE the creator of Our reality.

We only have four riders this afternoon and it goes well. We let the two older kids do “their” thing in the back and pay more attention to the two preschoolers up front.

We ARE deep in multiD and getting deeper.

We do not stop anywhere on the way home.

At home We are deep in multiD and theeling like doing something after relaxing for a bit. We start a new coat of pain on the sides of Our step boards and it is a new color. We also use up some of the first color on a few places on the side shed. We wanna use up some of Our containers of paint so that We are not storing so much. We will still have a good variety of colors available. We also wanna see more colors when We look out Our side window. We like the effect that the multicolors have on the step pieces.

Shortly after We finish Our painting (for the day) a thunderstorm moves in. Not at All unusual. Still: We doubt OurSelves at Allmost every turn. We ARE growing Our confidance. Replacing resis-dance with confi-dance. Open and allowing.

We have a meatloaf samich for dinner and start watching Star Trek “Beyond”. We had thought that We saw Star Wars “Rogue One” available for free and it was “Beyond” that We saw. We really are NOT much in 3D and this is another example. Yet: We ARE 3D functional as We learn to live IN 3D within multiD.

We do some reading and playing in multiD and are ready to try letting Our “Vortex” take Us to dream.

We get to waking dream and not to sleep. We focus on unconditional love knowing it is very important. We ARE love.

After a while We get up to read some more and watch more “Suits”. “Beyond” is not holding Our attention as well as most Star Trek shows do.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Monday, June 19, 2017

Laundry day deep in multiD



Laundry day deep in multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 11:34 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful as usual these days.

It was a busy night in Our dreams. There was a world that We kept returning when We woke and then went back to dreaming. That was/is a lot of fun. We do not return to the same world very often and We likes it when We do. We did remember what We were doing when We first woke. We remember that We were playing as We often do in those alternate worlds. We have visited several/many worlds since.

We would return to dreaming now only We wanna do laundry today. We have put it off for quite a while. It is a little rainy today and even though We have finally put Our tarp up and set up the painting rack in way that We can paint in the rain We still wanna get Our laundry done. We might do a little painting before We go to town. The way We are doing the painting each step is fairly quick.

We are also deep in multiD and it is kinda hard to actually do anything in 3D. We can function in 3D while in multiD and that IS what We are learning to do. Sometimes and somethings are easier. Today (so far) We are kinda wandering around and playing in multiD and doing some reading and getting laundry ready and zoning out and coming back. It is fun. Remember: We ARE learning to relax Our way to success. We ARE learning to go against the grain of what We have Allways been taught. We ARE setting OurSelves free with love.

Thank Us.

It is interesting getting ready to do laundry while this deep in multiD. We are kinda wandering around lost. If We did not know what is going on it would be frustrating. In fact: it used to be really frustrating before We got it.

Thank Us.

We did get another coat of paint on the cut ends of Our step pieces. That should be the last coat on those ends.

We also notice that We are repeating OurSelves here. That is how deep We are in multiD and why We often do not type from this perspective/experience.

We are deep in multiD the whole time in town doing laundry. Sometimes We notice and most of the time We are unaware. We hottub while Our laundry is drying and take OurSelves to dinner when Our laundry is done. We see several people that We know at the restaurant. As We finish We realeyes that We are still deep in multiD. We stop for a few groceries and then head home.

At home We are way deep in multiD and We only bring in the laundry that We need for the night.

We play in multiD a bit and now We let Our “Vortex” to dream and it will surely be a quick trip.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Friday, June 16, 2017

Practicing gratitude pays in 3D within multiD



Practicing gratitude pays in 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:12 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We ARE grateful. Thank Us.

Our head is trying to play victim, to make monsters in Our mind. This is old behavior, old habit and a trap. We ARE the creator of Our reality/realities. Happy IS a choice. We open and allow, breathe and relax. We pony hop. We set it All free with love.

We woke from a world where We made up a fantasy story to explain something that We saw. EveryOne knew that Our story is fantasy and NOT what really happened. We had to opportunity to get closer and find/see/learn what really happened. We said: “That would ruin Our fantasy”. We wanted to live in and believe the lie. Exactly what We are doing in Our limitation and separation world. In that world it seemed ridiculous. In Our waking world it is normal.

We visited many worlds during the night. One We woke sweating profusely and it is not hot here. There are sooooo many worlds to explore and play in and sooooo many friends to meet and play with. There is fun to be had. Just as soon as We are ready to stop pretending to be a/the victim. In Our dreams We are often ready.

Here is another message that is spot on about what We are living AND experiencing.

Our head is still trying to play victim. We choose to be grateful and We are doing a lot of pony hopping. As Our head tires to get tied up in planning Our day and think about Our strategy for dealing with the route changes: We are practicing staying in the now. The now is a nice place. It is pleasant, appealing and We ARE safe here.

Thank Us.

Our morning is going completely smooth: the result of Our choice(s) and grateful actions. The only real reason for Our panic was for the learning and experience that We gained. We really DID gain from the experience. Thank Us.

We have breakfast on Our break and can not get a Wifi connection so We read Our Kindle book. We are reading “The Enchantress” now. We are enjoying it. We got some more bungee cords because We have just about used All that We have. We like having extras on hand.

We do not get to hottub on Thursdays ‘cause the tub is not open during Our break. We do get to take a long, hot shower which is also very nice. We decide to go back to base early and maybe dream a bit. We park next to another attendant and talk about the kids and stuff. It is nice to exchange experiences. We learned some more about One of the kids that We have had in the passed and may have in the future (some pointers that will be helpful if We do).

Our afternoon goes smooth too.

Our medicated kid asked a younger kid to sit with “them”. That is new. “They” sat in the back and two other kids sat in the other back seat and All four laughed and played the whole ride. We really enjoyed observing “them”. We love hearing the kids laugh and watching “them” play. Sometimes We have to moderate the volume and behavior since We ARE on a school bus and not on the playground. We do not mind gently teaching “them” to play safely on the bus.

We are well into multiD by the time We get back to base. We might even look drunk or high to an observer. Interesting insight there.

We stop for milk and Mountain Dew on the way home. We also get some salted caramel, chocolate brownies and some special I-scream. We are too deep in multiD to remember what flavor.

At home We are sooooo deep in multiD that We go to dream right away after playing in multiD for just a bit and having another rootbeer float.

We had a nice dream spell/session.

We wake and watch some more “Defiance” before dinner. Then We have eggs benedict with more “Defiance”. We did some more painting (another coat of the current color) in there somewhere too.

Now: We are having strawberry shortcake with more “Defiance”. Amazon is not streaming well and We are ready to let Our “Vortex” take Us to dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Thursday, June 15, 2017

A frustrating ending to Our 3D bus day in multiD



A frustrating ending to Our 3D bus day in multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:20 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful and We likes it.

Our computer installed some updates and restarted just after We woke and before We actually got up. We were laying in waking dream and repeating mantras. It is having some trouble adapting. Metaphor of Our life?

We are clearly more in multiD than We are used to and We are used to being much deeper than even a few days ago. Our head is trying to cling to Our old thinking, beliefs and behavior. Thank Us. We set it free with love. We look to a future of freedom and limitlessness. We are delighted and excited. Some days it theels closer than others. We are also pony hopping. Our head wants to make the incident yesterday with Our driver into some mountain. It has been throwing that rock at Us most of the night. We ARE taking responsibility. We are NOT the/a victim. Please forgive Us. We love You and We thank You.

We ARE grateful and We do thank Us.

We ARE learning how to live as love in a physical world, a world of separation and limitation, a world that is (or seems/pretends to be) the very antithesis of unconditional love. We ARE love using a physical body for the experience of it.

Thank Us.

Several kids did not ride this morning. The kids that rode were pretty talkative and that is a good thing. We do have One kid that has separation anxiety at first. Soon after getting on the road it was like someOne flipped a switch and "they" started talking and having fun.

Our medicated kid was sleepy. After "they" woke "they" had several things to tell Us. We are still amazed at how much kids wanna show off "their" owies.

We had to move around after each pickup to keep up with All the chatter and news.

No issues or incidents this morning.

We have lunch and Wifi and then go hottub. We relax well in the hottub and get into multiD pretty well.

We have time to stop at Walmart and get a couple of things.

Most of Our kids ride this afternoon. Two choose to sit together and have a fun time. One keeps dropping a toy and We tell “them” that if “they” can not hold onto it then “they” will have to keep it in Our backpack. We discuss with Our driver when We decide to take backpacks away from kids and We both agree that We do it only IF necessary so We do not get the backpacks mixed up.

The younger kid who sits in the back likes to draw. “They” have a blank pad for drawing as well as the dryerase book that We saw yesterday. “They” draw different pictures and show “them” off.

Our medicated boy is quiet and kinda tired from “their” day. When “they” get off the bus “they” stop to give Us a knuckle bump goodbye. That makes Our heart sing. “Their” older bother is also outside and We get to say hi.

We have a nice dream time on the way back to base.

At base We have new route sheets that start tomorrow. Usually “they” would start next Monday. We get frustrated. We know better than to try to figure out the changes and do Our parent calls All at the end of the day. Today We have no choice. Part of the problem is that We can not even leave a message for the first pickup so that means We have no idea what time We will get to the rest. When We get frustrated We may as well throw in the towel. We DO try to bounce back, We pony hop. Our head has a hold of Us and it is getting its money’s worth. We do Our best.

At home We are still frustrated. We ARE starting to get it that the new times are NOT as much of a mess as We had thought. Now: We are embarassed for Our behavior at work. Our head IS very good at tricking Us into old thinking and behavior. We pony hop some more. We choose to practice gratitude.

We decide to have a rootbeer float as it is kinda hot and We want a treat AND a distraction. We decide to go out and start painting Our new step pieces. We are gonna do multicolors so it will be a slower process than All One color. It is good therapy for Us. Of course: Our head tries to worry and plan everything. It looks for reasons to be scared and find fault. Silly head. We pony hop. We practice gratitude. We do love Our head. It is only doing what it thinks it should: what it has done for eons to protect Us and keep Us safe in Our fantasy, limitation and separation world. It tells Us that positive thinking is just wishful thinking and We will pay a high price. We will probably suffer and die miserably because Our failure to worry.

We thank Us. We love Our head and We now that it will learn its multiD purpose and function as We get more better and more better at living in 3D within multiD.

We have the last of Our leftover turkey, dressing and gravy and it IS good. We have a cadbury cream egg for dessert. We watch more “Defiance”. We are doing better at setting Our frustration free with love. We play in multiD a bit and now We are ready to let Our “Vortex” take Us to dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

A very 3D day in multiD



A very 3D day in multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:20 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful again. We did not sleep well last night even though We DID dream well.

We woke about an hour early and spent that hour in waking dream and repeating some of Our mantras. In another world (in waking dream) We were doing Our thing and someOne gifted Us a crystal to do healing work. We had no idea what to do with it. We were learning about using it through non-doing. Relax and breathe, open and allow seems to be a theme in multilives.

Thank Us.

As We do some 3D stuff and get ready to go be on the bus: We notice that We ARE also deep in multiD.

Even with All the doors and windows closed We can hear the birds singing outside. We really likes that.

Another interesting message especially in light of last night’s experience. Thank Us.

Fun with the kids again. One who did not ride yesterday rode today. "They" had a rough start which dad said is normal. Calmed down when bus started moving and even started talking to Us and the other kids after a while.

Our medicated kid is more here today and able to talk to Us a little. "They" told Us a bit about going camping and showed Us "their" StarWars toy.

A couple of other kids are talkative and some We understand and others not so much. It makes it All fun.

We also did live times and a release sheet for a kid that shows "needs to be met" on Our route and no longer needs to be met. That should get fixed for next week. Our driver and We both like to be on time so it will be good to have the times fixed.

We had an incident with Our driver that We Allmost forgot about and Our head wants to wrangle with like a dog with a bone. We did chose to set it free and move on. Our head does NOT like setting things free. Not at All. We ARE able to at least “act as if” everything is cool. Whatever it is in within Us, that is causing/making problems for Us and You: please forgive Us. We love You AND We thank You. We ARE creating Our own reality. Thank Us.

On Our afternoon section some kids tell Us that “their” teacher(s) told “them” that “they” could eat “their” lunch on the bus because “they” do not get a lunch break at school. We are clueless where that came/comes from. One parent asks Us what is going on with that. We tell “them” that IS the bus rule and that “they” need to call dispatch or school district. We thought it is the school district’s rule. We do theel sorry for the kids that did not get lunch.

All the kids do well on the ride home. Our medicated kid sits with a classmate which is unusual for “them”. We see “their” tremors like before. We figure that “they” are fetal alcohol syndrome. “They” do well and the other kid tries to be helpful. Another kid has a really cool book that is dryerase and We (Us and the other student) enjoy watching “them” do the simple exercises in the book.

Two other students make plans to visit each other at “their” homes and get “their” parents to meet so that “they” can visit. We do enjoy watching the interactions. We really have a great group of kids.

Back at base: We talk to Our supervisor about the teachers telling kids that “they” can eat lunch on the bus. She had Allready talked to school district. Another attendant said that “their” child gets to eat lunch at school. We theel that it is One or two teachers who do not know what “they” are doing for summer school. Hopefully it gets resolved. It is NOT really Our problem. We care about the kids. Our head is really wrangling with this One. Set it free with love. Our head hates that and insists that the only answer is to wear it out. Old behavior. Pony hopping.

At home: We relax a bit and then go outside to change the front tarp. We thought that the tarp that We got out to use is the same size and the leaky One. Wrong! At first it looks like the second tarp will not be big enough to cover everything that We want covered. We go inside for a short break. From up on Our porch it looks like the second tarp will work if We make a few adjustments.

After Our break We get the tarp up and the leaky One down over Our dragon. We are kinda wiped out and make OurSelves take another break before finishing getting things put away etc.

We get the very strong theeling that it is VERY important to remember (and focus on) none of this being important. Again: Our head wants to tussle with each piece. We pony hop. We set it free with love. We remember Our ET experience from last night and that makes Us smile: a very big smile. We remember Our vision(s) of (a) paradise world(s). These make Us smile too. We focus on living limitlessly even in this limitation world.

We remember that We ARE learning how to do this: how to live as love in the physical. We are learning how to be less limited than We Allways thought that We are.

We ARE making progress. We are delighted and grateful.

Thank Us.

We were going to have a meatloaf samich for dinner and decided to have mac and cheese with meatloaf instead. Yummy. We watch more “Defiance” with dinner.

Our computer hit some glitch and shut itSelf down at had to be restarted. Our head wants to worry about this too. Sheesh!

We play in multiD for a bit and now We are going to let Our “Vortex” take Us to dream. We need it.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Summer school in 3D within multiD



Summer school in 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:59 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful. It is the first day of summer school. We should meet most of Our new kids this morning.

It has been raining since Saturday afternoon and it still is. We remind OurSelves that We really do create Our reality. We are no longer playing the victim. It is easy to forget after All the years of playing the victim.

We ARE learning how to live as love in multiD and We ARE grateful. We are reminded that multiD IS love. That is hard to fathom. Love, multiD, dimensions, frequencies and vibrations are concepts/truths that are hard to fathom because All that We have ever knows in limitation and separation. That is Our only frame of reference. That is All that Our head has to draw on. We can accept and then the gateways open and We can allow.

Here is another message about what We are living.

Thank Us.

We really ARE learning and We really ARE grateful. When We seem to get lost (again) in limitation and separation Our head still tries to throw rocks at Us. We love Our head. Thank Us.

We ARE reminded that We ARE learning how to do this. Anything that looks like failure is actually progress. That may not make sense in limitation and separation and We are NOT learning how to live in limitation and separation. We ARE learning how to do something completely different: something even better.

We ARE consciousness, energy: love wearing and using a physical body. We ARE much more than this physical body which We Allways thought is All that We are.

We ARE sooooo much more than We ever thought possible.

Thank Us.

Our thinking and beliefs ARE expanding and evolving. For that We ARE truly grateful. What We have Allways believed to be important is fantasy and lies. We ARE limitless and connected to All that is. We ARE source energy. Thank Us.

We are experiencing being the observer AND the experiencer of Our life. In Our limitation thinking and beliefs We can only be One “OR” the other. In Our expansion We ARE both and We ARE aware of being both. It is kinda strange exploring this “more”: this true/expanded Self.

We met most of Our students and We seem to have a great group. Our driver does a lot more than most drivers and We can learn to let him. Looks like a good summer ahead.

Our supervisors seem frustrated. We do NOT envy "them".

Several of Our kids wanna sit together and seem to get along well, talk and play quietly together and that IS a very good thing. One preschooler is a real talkative kid and We likes that.

We had a very fun morning.

Thank Us.

We first had lunch and Wifi on Our break. We took Our time because of the long break. Then We went to hottub and have a nice long, hot shower afterwards.

Several kids did not ride in the PM. One kid is being very helpful for Our driver. That is fun to watch. The first day of pickups is a bit confused as usual. We try to be as helpful as possible. One of Our preschoolers expected “their” mom to pick “them” up. “They” are very disappointed to find that “they” are riding the bus. The helpful kid likes to sit with this preschooler and helps comfort “them”. We left late waiting for the school to confirm that “they” are supposed to ride the bus.

Several of the kids sleep on the ride home. One (who chose to sit alone in the back) is playing the whole ride home. “They” are having a great time and playing very well for the bus. When We check on “them” “they” give Us a thumbs up. Cute.

We are really happy with Our route and the kids that We have.

As We finish Our route the sun is out in town and there are dark storm clouds in the direction of home. We stop for gas and milk and Mountain Dew on the way home.

At home the weather is fairly nice and We take Our time knowing that taking it easy, going gently is more important than any 3D tasks. Sure enough the storm that We had seen from town moved in. The lightning was very close and We shut Our computer down just as a precaution. It started raining lightly and then turned into an intense rain storm.

We pondered Our different ideas for dealing with the leaky tarp out front. We real-eyesed that changing tarps would/will be easier than any of Our other ideas. It is not unusual that Our first ideas are the hardest and most difficult. We ARE making progress. Relaxing, breathing, opening, allowing AND taking it easy ARE working for Us. It is not Our default behavior yet. Progress NOT perfection.

We make eggs benedict for dinner with more “Defiance”. We listen to Our “Vortex” meditation and before it is over We have an incredible experience: In another world/life/reality/ dimension We experience working with ETs. It is more real and experiential (to Us) than any other world experience We have had so far. This is NOT a memory it is real time: it is NOW. We are NOT asleep. We ARE very excited AND VERY grateful.

Thank Us.

We are not clear on what We were doing when We come to 3D. It is something working with children. We have been Onedering what We might do if We were not an attendant on special needs school bus. In that world We have found an answer. Did We mention that We ARE excited AND grateful? Well: We ARE.

After that We have a hard time getting to sleep. We try deep breathing and We enjoy that only We do not go to sleep. We get up (a couple of times) and watch more “Defiance”. We also finish reading Our current Kindle book and start a new One.

We are gonna keep trying to get to sleep and dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Monday, June 12, 2017

Learning to live as love which is: multiD



Learning to live as love which is: multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 12:07 PM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

Our computer is being naughty this morning. We are clearly deeper and more focused in multiD than 3D and We ARE grateful. We ARE learning how to live as love in multiD while wearing and using a physical body. It is NOT about “trying” and “dong” as We have Allways thought and believed. It is about relaxing, taking it easy and simply “being”. We ARE returning to awareness of “being” who and what We truly are.

Thank Us.

We are up to go to town to hottub and get a few groceries. Summer school starts Monday. We are evolving and expanding. We ARE much more aware of being consciousness, energy, love. We are experiencing being this energy, being love even as We do and live in 3D. We ARE grateful for Our transition.

We made Our trip to town and it is nice to hottub. We remain mostly in multiD even as We do Our 3D tasks. We are getting more familiar with less limited 3D and We thank Us.

It has started raining after We got home. The tarp that We put up (out front) leaks. Not too bad: just enough to get some of Our step pieces wet. This IS part of Our process learning to live in harmony and learning to trust OurSelves. Our head tries to cry “victim” and then throw rocks at Us for forgetting that We create Our reality. We thank Us.

We are okay with just relaxing even though Our head tries to figure out ways to “beat” the rain. We need to accept, open and allow. We ARE learning to live in alignment with who We really are.

Thank Us.

We have dinner with more “Defiance”. We are dreaming in short spells lately. Sometimes We just deep breathe Our way to dream and sometimes We listen to Our “Vortex” along the way.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Saturday, June 10, 2017

More learning to live in 3D within multiD



More learning to live in 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 7:25 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We woke many times last night getting up for something to drink and to read Our book a bit. Each time We went right back to dream exploring many worlds and playing with new friends. We focused a lot on integrating Our children within. We were aware of and played in many different bodies. We were conscious of and experienced Our planetary body. This is new for Us. We integrated it. Not by doing any work or ritual. We merely chose to integrate it and it was so. Easy. No stress or struggle like in limitation 3d. We are used to having to “work” for everything even becoming OurSelves. All that is really needed is to allow it.

Thank Us.

Each aspect, each version, each body holds/knows/has different abilities. Integrating All of Our children within integrates All of Our “natural abilities”. This is NOT something that We do. This IS something that We ARE. It is natural. It IS Us.

We ARE grateful. We can theel Us growing inside OurSelves. What We thought was outside is inside. We project OurSelves onto the screen that We think of as Our world. We have been here before only now We delve/dive deeper. Deeper and even deeper. Thank Us.

We are getting ready to go do Our route maps and dry run for summer school. We are reading email and Our book and playing in multiD. We are doing 3D stuff and obviously deep in multiD. We are learning how to do this and We are getting betterer at it.

Thank Us.

Many years ago We dreamt of a tree (We have often dreamt of being a tree and We may have been this tree) from which a river flowed. In the book We are reading there is a tree that has a river flowing from it. Interesting. We do not theel that this river flowing forth from a tree is a common tale.

We are definitely waking and walking in multiD and We likes it.

Our dry run went smooth. “They” had someOne get Our map numbers for Us and there were copies (of most of those) ready so that helped. We finished Our maps earlier than We had anticipated so We went to Walmart to get a few things. When We got there the Subway there has a Hot Pastrami melt so We had One for lunch instead of shopping. We really love hot pastrami and this is a good One. There are not too many places (here) that have hot pastrami samiches.

We made contact with most of the parents and met One kid that We had not met before. The kid that We have had before was outside and “they” are heavily medicated. Kinda sad.

Afterwards We did Our shopping and headed home.

At home We ARE deep in multiD and do what needs to be done before going back to dream. We spent the evening reaming and deep in multiD when awake. We musta had dinner. We kinda remember having dinner and We theel that We watched more “Defiance” with dinner. We know that We practiced deep breathing and repeating Our mantras on Our way to dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Another day of 3D within multiD



Another day of 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 8:58 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We are up to go to town and hottub and We need Mountain Dew.

We are having a lot of fun dreaming, playing in multiD and doing some 3D stuff the last few days.

Our awareness and experience of other versions of Us is expanding.

“Sense 8” is about a cluster of sensates who visit each others thoughts and kinda walkin to share “their” “personal” abilities with each other. We are experiencing this in Our dreams and waking dreams and growing aware of it in Our waking.

For a long time We have sought Our powers and abilities without seeking (or not as strong) Our full Self/Selves. That may work for some people. That is not Our path/choice. We have Allways known that We want it All. If We could fly We would stop and never seek another aspect/expansion of OurSelves. We desire All of Us. We seek All of Our children within and invite “them” back. We invite “them” to play and be acknowledged in Our every day lives.

Thank Us.

As We have these experiences We can theel the unconditional love. We likes it.

We are beginning to be more aware of different aspects/versions of OurSelves. We were somewhat aware before and this is much deeper. We are willing to allow “them” out to play as well as acknowledge “them”. We have judged OurSelves and condemned OurSelves time and time again. We projected this judgment and condemnation out and it is reflected back on/at Us. We harnessed these other versions of OurSelves to (supposedly) protect Us. That did great harm to OurSelves.

We forgive Us All these judgments and condemnations. We love Us (All Our parts and pisces) unconditionally. We thank Us. (Repeat over and over and over again)

We got some rain this morning and that showed Us what We needed to do to adjust Our tarp and the stuff under it to allow for the weight of rain water on the tarp. We did most of that on a trip outside. As usual: as We move stuff around: We find that it can be done a bit different than We had imagined. Now: We are relaxing before heading in to town. Breathe and relax. Relaxing Our way to success.

Thank Us.

We made Our trip to town and got to hot tub. We also got some Epsom salt foot cream. After hottubbing We put some cream on Our feet and it is helping relieve the constant tingling sensation. We have found that All of Our skin has grown very sensitive. Our feet are Allmost constantly taking pressure so the sensitive skin has become ultrasensitive. We do theel that this is connected to Our transformation and the energy flowing through Our feet into Gaia. We do NOT wanna stop this process. We only want some relief from this constant tingling which actually gets painful at times. We ARE grateful for the relief this cream is giving.

We got more Mountain Dew and some fruit drink to subsidize Our Mountain Dew the next few days. We also (finally) found fresh rhubarb to make a pie. Yummy, yummy, yummy.

When We got home We put away Our groceries and now We are drawn to dream.

After Our dream spell We theel like doing a few little 3D things, reading, playing in multiD and then dinner with more “Defiance”. It is a series about humans and aliens learning to live together on Earth. Still lots of limitation and separation though. Of course: that is what people know and still cling to.

Time to breathe deep and relax into dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Monday, June 5, 2017

Bid day in 3D within multiD



Bid day in 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 5:00 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We ARE grateful. We have been about half an hour. Our computer is being a little slow and cranky. Perhaps it has not (yet) discovered the advantage of waking grateful?

We are getting ready to go in for bid day. Our head is trying to kick Us back into old thinking and behavior. It is kinda easy when returning to the mundane, work-a-day world. We ARE pony hopping and practicing gratitude. Being on the bus IS part of Our process and part of Our service. It is part of learning how to live in 3D while being and living in multiD. We ARE learning how AND We ARE grateful.

Thank Us.

As We wake and kinda piddle around (We got up much earlier than We needed to ‘cause We were awake) We notice that the challenge (for Us anyway) is to be in 3D and do 3D stuff without getting sucked back into limitation 3d. Limitation 3d is sooooo familiar and such a habit. Everything that We know is limitation 3d. When We “try” to imagine, when We “try” anything it is limitation 3d that We draw on and are drawn into.

We ARE making progress AND We ARE grateful. Even just being aware of limitation 3d is a lot of progress. Being aware that We are standing on the edge of limitation IS progress. Making the choice to embrace multiD and unconditional love is massive progress.

We ARE delighted. We ARE grateful. Thank Us.

We moved Our houseplants outside. We were waiting until Memorial Day which is passed now. Our citronella made it and the tomato bucket seems to be All fireweed. Now that it is summer(?) We appreciate having the front window open. During the winter We kinda like having plants in the window.

We also did a bit more towards being ready to paint the lumber for the new steps. We wanna set up a painting rack before We cut the wood and We theel We have decided what to use for that so We started cleaning that up.

Sure looks like a nice day today.

Bid day was short and sweet. “They” are not having Us do parent calls until after Our dry run. We got One of the longer routes with a driver who has subbed on Our route a lot and We work well together. He gets angry with 1st Student easily and We theel We can deal with that. He treats the kids well and that is what really matters to Us.

We put the information that We wanted on Our calendar and went back to dream. What fun it is to dream.

We are up for a bit and it is quite windy outside.

We spent the rest of Our day dreaming and playing in multiD and doing very little reading. The energy is intense. We have no drive to anything else physical and that is okay. We are following Our bodies direction and it just wants to dream and play in multiD when awake.

We have dinner and are gonna do deep breathing to take Us to dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Friday, June 2, 2017

3D, hottub, shopping and stuff in multiD



3D, hottub, shopping and stuff in multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 2:25 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

Thank Us. A great way to start a day. We decided to get up and go for water. We can go back to dream when We return. Yesterday afternoon and evening We started getting set up (out front) to build new front steps and whatever else We may wanna do out there. We put up Our tarp different than before for several reasons. We had not planned this. We ARE living in the now without the planning of old. We can recognize possibilities and potentials without tieing OurSelves to old energy and lifestyles, thinking and beliefs by planning. We ARE evolving. We theel it in Our body and We see/theel/sense it in Our dreams.

We are experiencing OurSelves in dream and waking as Our energy body. This is new. We ARE doing the things that We have longed to do for years. We ARE relaxing and breathing, opening and allowing, setting it free with love. We ARE learning to live as love in a physical body. We ARE learning to be multiD. We remain in 3D as it is part of multiD.

Our expansion/evolution is hard to describe as We have never been here before and Our language is totally NOT intended or developed to describe multiD. What We can say is that many bodily sensations and reactions that We disdained and avoided for years are exactly what are symptoms of living consciously in multiD. Sometimes We do not theel fully in control of Our body. That is a result of Our head not (no longer) being fully in control of Our body.

We decided to return to dream a bit before going for water. We had fun. We thought that We remained awake until We actually woke. We remembered and revisited some of the other worlds that We have been visiting in Our dreams. We got to play with Our friends in those worlds.

We successfully went for water. There are signs up saying that Our spring will close on July 1st. This has been going on for years and seems to be getting closer to actually happening. We thought that the state had Allready sold it. The signs seem to indicate otherwise.

It continues to be interesting doing these 3D tasks while deep in multiD.

After unloading the water We are heading back to dream. We dream well even though We do not really seem to sleep. We ARE evolving. Lots and lots of worlds to explore and new friends to play with.

Now: We are up getting ready to go to town. We sure hope that We get to hottub today. Summer school bid day is tomorrow. We will probably do Our parent contacts and maps afterwards as usual.

We also plan to get the lumber to build Our new front steps while in town. That is part of why We put up Our tarp so that We have a place to store the lumber out of the weather and to paint it after We cut it to size.

We made Our trip to town. We got to hottub so All is right with the world. We got a few groceries and the lumber for Our new steps. We ARE in multiD AND functioning in 3D. We might be getting more into 3D than We want. We ARE learning how to do this.

At home We notice that We are deeper in multiD than We might have thought. We unload the lumber and groceries without hurting OurSelves and sometimes that is a challenge when deep in multiD and doing 3D.

We decide to take a dream break before dinner and it is good. We are mostly in waking dream and experiencing flying. We are experiencing (and remembering it) flying more and more in dream and waking dream. This means it is getting more familiar and maybe soon We will experience it in full waking. It is not exactly what We might have expected. Often it is more like levitating. Remember that Our expectations are based in limitation. Our expectations are based in time and space. The new experience IS about vibration and not time and space. Deep breathing is an important integral of this experience.

We have dinner and watch something on Amazon. Our first time going to dream We do not listen to Our “Vortex”. It is a short dream spell and We get up to play in multiD and watch more “Sense 8” on Netflix. Now: We are gonna let Our “Vortex” take Us to dream.

Thank Us.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Dreaming, multiD and a trip to town



Dreaming, multiD and a trip to town

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 9:40 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

Thank Us. We ARE grateful.

We are clearly waking in multiD and We likes it. We likes it alot.

We did not really like the world that We woke from and yet We wanted to stay. It was much like Our familiar waking world and yet it was different too. Somehow: We are more free there. We do know that Our freedom depends totally on Us and Our vibration. Unconditional love is the only answer. We must vibrate unconditional love to have what We want. Nothing less will do.

We really are making progress: on the inside. Often: We wake theeling the magik. We theel that We ARE living in magik.

We are up today because We wanna go to town for milk, Mountain Dew and hottubbing. We are getting ready to go to town AND We are deep in multiD. It theels like it would be very easy to return to dream. We wanna practice waking and walking in/at this vibration.

Here is another good message from a couple of days ago that We wanted to share with You.

Thank Us. Gratitude and unconditional love are the keys. The doors, gateways and portals are beginning/continuing to open. Welcome friends. “Speak ‘friend’ and enter.”

We made Our trip to town forgetting that it is Memorial Day and therefore the pool and banks and post office are All closed. Bummer. We really ARE mostly in multiD and little focused in 3D. We had planned to go to town on Thursday to hottub and shower before bid day on Friday. We did Our grocery shopping. We thought We were gonna get stuff for a rhubarb phi. “They” did not have any frozen rhubarb and We forgot how much fresh rhubarb it takes for a phi. We can get whatever on Thursday (or not). We still have plenty of cobbler and thawed strawbabies for desserts.

We are enjoying drifting in multiD while awake. We used to disdain and resent it. That was before We real-eyesed what was going on.

We are downloading the Amazon cloud app hoping that this way We can send Our Kindle books that We have read to that cloud. It should make it easier to choose what books We wanna read next. We did find several $.99 Kindle books by Charles DeLint that We have not read. We Allready have alot of unread books in Our library too. Charles DeLint has a lot of magik and such in his writing.

Oh: We keep wanting to mention (again) that Our life and world are so VERY different from what We have Allways thought, taught and believed. We really can not (yet) conceive of what reality really is. We have no frame of reference for Our 3D brain. We ARE getting there and We have only just begun.

The download may or may not have worked. We did discover that We Allready have access to Our Kindle cloud reader or maybe that happened when We did the download. We have not yet figured how to work the Kindle/Amazon drive app. We do not really need it since We found the Kindle cloud reader.

We are reminded that We ARE learning how to do this: how to live in multiD. MultiD IS unconditional love. Remember!

So: We are spending the rest of Our day in dream and then in multiD when awake.

We have dinner and more playing in multiD and then time for dream. Sometimes We just do deep breathing and Self-hypnosis as We go to dream and sometimes We let Our “Vortex” take Us to dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.