High energy in 3D within multiD
Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:46 AM and/or NOW
Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.
Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.
We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.
We woke early and We woke grateful. We thought that We had left Our heater on very low and found that if We had it had still gone out during the night. We strongly theel that We are onship this morning. It still looks like Our cabin in Alaska and We theel that Us AND Our cabin are multilocated. Now: We are experiencing this a bit more.
Thank Us.
We are certain that (at least) One of students visited Us last night and We ARE certain that We were/are both onship. We (of course) Oneder if “they” are aware of being onship. We are certain that “they” are aware of Our connection. We can not really ask “them” direct unless “they” bring it up. We can share and encourage “them” through light language. We are willing to get familiar with using light language. We are certain that it is not as “woo woo” and far fetched as many might think. It is used commonly without Our being aware: up until now.
We are also getting strong messages (Once again) that those who are rich, those We judge as Our slavers are actually more aware, awakened beans who are actually trying to help Us (masses) wakeup. We love Us. “They” are more enlightened versions of Us who agreed to play “their” roles as rulers and leaders. We honor “them”. It can not be easy to play a role that U are judged “bad” and evil for. We All want love: NOT rejection.
Here is another message about what We are living and experiencing. We Allways look for physical causes (for what We experience) first and therefore look for physical “fixes”. We are just beginning to look for mental and vibrational causes and corrections/alignments. It really is All energy. We are expanding Our thinking to include energy.
Unconditional love IS energy.
We are getting some snow today. Early it was wet and turning to ice on the windshield. Now it is drier and more like Our typical snow.
There were a lot of drivers out including Ours. We had a supervisor driving for this first day of the new route schedule and fresh snow. It All went fine.
We are enjoying the new kids on Our morning elementary. "They" really change the dynamics and make the group more playful which is great as long as it does not get too loud.
“They” (the mighty “they” who are really Us) did not cover Our noon section with a subdriver so We ran late. All of Our kids rode and had a good time. We got to play with “them” a lot and We noticed some jealousy when We were paying attention to One even though the other had started to go into “their” own world. Interesting how that works. We are noticing this vying for Our attention more lately. Oneder what that is about? We know what it is about with the kids: “they” ARE attention starved. What is it about regarding Us since We ARE creating and projecting it? It is similar to when We got it so clear that We need to get into alignment with who We really are. We also need to “pay attention” only that is nothing new.
We did some shopping on Our afternoon break since the hottub is not open on Our break on Wednesday. We got some more warmer socks and a new pair of hightop slippers. The slippers are even higher top than We thought We want. We can not find the kind We like this winter and Our old Ones are really starting to wear out. Another part of limitation that We look forward to setting free with love.
Throughout Our day We have been noticing more and more laws and beliefs that We have bassackwards. Pretty much everything if NOT absolutely everything actually. We used to think it was a lot: now We see that it is more than just a lot. It starts with Us and who We are and flows out from there like the tide moving in and covering the beach. Back and forth and slowly gaining ground.
The same supervisor that drove Our morning route is driving Our afternoon route. We both get confused at some intersections. The radio is absolutely crazy and that seems to be affecting Us too. We (personally) know that it is the energy that is coming in. Very few others are aware of this. We (supervisor and Us) do not know if anyOne got the afterschool shuttle covered until after We finish Our regular route. We do finish in time to do the shuttle only it finishes way later than this supervisor can work. (“They” have been at it since around 4:30 this morning.)
We do drift a bit into dream on the ride back. We ARE Allready deep in multiD. That would actually be why We got cornfused on the route. MultiD is not as finite as 3D.
We get home at Our normal time which is about an hour earlier than any day this week. We get to play in multiD more, have dinner and watch more “Mercy Street”. Now: Our “Vortex” and in to dream.
Good night AND thank You for playing.
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