Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

An experiential, learning day in 3D within multiD



An experiential, learning day in 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 6:21 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We are asked to remember this question: “What can be more important than planetary assension?” We agree. The only thing is that: the word assension tends to imply “going somewhere”. We prefer words like “waking”, “evolution”, “expansion” and such. Unified and limitless: next stop on the planetary express.

We woke from worlds where We are living as shapeshifters and werebeans. We even brought this experience into waking dream and then into waking. We ARE theeling this living as more than just the physical bean that We are familiar with. This IS part of living multidimensionally for Us. We open and allow and set Us free with love. We remember that unconditional love is the whole point. We continue to experience being shapeshifters and werebeans.

The difference between Our werebean experience and the common concept of werewolves is that We are not angry and aggressive when We turn. Of course: Our overAll nature is passive so it is not really surprising.

We are allowing and practicing being awake and being aware of Our multiSelves. We have been doing this All weekend mostly in dream. We open, allow, expand and set it All free with love. Sure there is still some fear: maybe even a lot of fear. We face Our fear. We face OurSelves. We ARE enjoying this mornings experiences.

For some time now We have known, said and even believed that Our dreams are real. Bringing this into waking has remained a bit of a challenge. We do not truly know something until We live it. We ARE beginning to live as multibeans. This is very exciting for Us. It is like a milestone.

This weekend We have focused on theeling the vibration of unconditional love. It is working for Us.

We are reading several things (online) from several authors and “they” All support what We are doing and the choices that We are making. In the passed We have “tried” to envision and visualize One of Our alternate worlds/lives/realities as We are awake in this familiar world/reality/life. Today: We are catching glimpses of several of these worlds/lives/realities. (We are having a lot of trouble typing is correct[??????] English) We theel that this is a key for Us. For One thing “trying” (for Us) involves using Our head which is only familiar with limitation. So: when We “try” We limit OurSelves and the possibilities of these other lives/worlds/realities. However: when We “allow” then We open to many more possibilities. Even IF Our spectrum is still limited it is far less limited. Our heart and Our imagination (when let run free) are limitless. “They” remain limitless whether or not We can comprehend limitlessness.

And yet another message about what We are experiencing, living and typing about.

We ARE theeling a bit like Xmas morning. We recently real-eyesed that this theeling is about theeling and being childlike. Children have a very active imagination and “they” use it and allow it to fly/run free. A-dults: not so much. Children play. That is how “they” learn and experience. A-dults: not so much.

And We were doing sooooo well before We went to the safety meeting. It started later than usual and ended earlier which is nice. The thing is that We fell into All the old limitation and separation thinking and mindset. It really is easy to do.

The good news is that We noticed and pony hopped Our way out. Then: We got home and encountered some computer glitch and the suggested resolution is worse than the original problem. We did find a workable workaround. We should probably be happy with that. In multiD and the multiverse and unconditional love it truly does NOT matter. It is only important IF We make it important.

We recognize Our need to go dream and so off/in We go.

We wake theeling much more better. We are more into multiD and unconditional love even though everything looks the same as when We went to dream. We do know that everything IS working together for the very best for Us. We are rather amazed at how We still claim, demand and argue for Our limitations. Actually: the arguing did kinda wake Us up.

We open, allow, expand and set it All free with love. It is still hard for Our head to accept that inaction is actually the best action for expansion. We still cling to Our “needs” and “shoulds” and so We set “them” free with love.

Thank Us. Gratitude works.

As We sit quietly and read a little and type a little We remember Our experiences from last night and this morning. We experienced being shape shifters, werebeans, starbeans and being in Our ship and space port and traveling vibrationally. It All helps. Of course: unconditional love is what really matters and We did forget about that most of the time that We were in town.

We play in multiD a bit and have dinner with more “Boardwalk Empire”.

Now: We go dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

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