It is cold in 3D within multiD
Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:01 AM and/or NOW
Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.
Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.
We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.
We woke grateful again.
We woke from a life set in an old west type setting. It theels related to living in Our cabin in the woods. Living in a little dry cabin in the forest and hills in Alaska is a little like stepping back into the passed with modern conveniences. In that world We are starting a cattle ranch from a burned out and neglected camp. It is not clear if We are the owner(s) or the ranch hand(s). It does theel/seem like We are several of the players. We are even One of the women. She is not the cook: the cook thelt more like Us and definitely a man. The two are friends. Maybe new friends on this adventure together.
It is a bit cold in here this morning and We continue to experience how We determine how that feels. It is definitely nicer than waking in such cold in a tent or burned out building. It is interesting to real-eyes that We are living in a mix of modern and old. We have been aware of this of course. Now: We are theeling it. A deeper insight and awareness.
Thank Us.
It is like We are living in a kind of time capsule. Like We are living time travel which of course We are and everyOne is. Ours is a little more apparent than most others. We really are fortunate.
We are experiencing being and living in multiworlds. We theel it. We are slipping through multiworlds as We sit here at Our computer. We used to call it day dreaming. It is that and that is more than We ever real-eyesed. Remember day dreaming as a child? Remember coming out of a day dream as an A-dult? As A-dult We did and do not allow OurSelves as much day dreaming time. On Our bus it is deeper than day dreaming.
We get to choose: claim and demand Our limits or embrace Our evolution back to what We Allways have been.
We are having a very experiential morning. Experiencing being here AND there, slipping through multiworlds and multitimes while We sit here at Our computer, waking, getting ready to go be with the kids, reading and playing in multiD. What has changed? We have. We are expanding Our awareness. We ARE experiencing Us. Thank Us. We love Us.
Here is another good message.
As We go outside in the cold: We notice that experiences that used to bother Us: even piss Us off, We now embrace. We recognize these experiences as experiences of multiD and multiworlds. We do have choices. As We open, allow, expand and set it All free with love: We no longer theel stuck and trapped even though very little has changed in Our 3D world. Still: much is changing and expanding. Nothing lossed: only much gained.
It is kinda amazing to experience how much We really do choose and control Our suffering and/or happiness. Who wooda thunk it? When We choose gratitude and unconditional love miracles do start to happen in Our daily lives. Thank Us.
It is One kid’s last day on Our PM section. One of the gradeschoolers: the older One. We will miss “them”. “They” are very excited and crash not too far into the route. ADH kids crash hard and fast and “they” probably are ADH. We leave off the last D because We do NOT believe that it is a disorder. What a horrible word to saddle a child with.
At home it is colder than usual because it is the coldest outside so far this winter. Our cabin is warming nicely as We play in multiD.
We have dinner a little later than usual because We want to take Our jacket off before fixing and eating dinner. More “Legends” with dinner and We watch extra and stay up about an hour more than usual. There is a lot of time travel in the show. Oneder how many of those time travel beliefs and rules are just more limitation? We open, allow, expand and set it All free with love.
Without this setting free We bind OurSelves to Our old, limiting beliefs and thinking. Even if We try to reject Our limiting beliefs: what We resist persists. It is Our focus and belief that gives it life. We set it free with love.
And now: We dream. We are leaving Our heater on a bit higher than usual.
Good night AND thank You for playing.