Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

It is cold in 3D within multiD



It is cold in 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:01 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We woke grateful again.

We woke from a life set in an old west type setting. It theels related to living in Our cabin in the woods. Living in a little dry cabin in the forest and hills in Alaska is a little like stepping back into the passed with modern conveniences. In that world We are starting a cattle ranch from a burned out and neglected camp. It is not clear if We are the owner(s) or the ranch hand(s). It does theel/seem like We are several of the players. We are even One of the women. She is not the cook: the cook thelt more like Us and definitely a man. The two are friends. Maybe new friends on this adventure together.

It is a bit cold in here this morning and We continue to experience how We determine how that feels. It is definitely nicer than waking in such cold in a tent or burned out building. It is interesting to real-eyes that We are living in a mix of modern and old. We have been aware of this of course. Now: We are theeling it. A deeper insight and awareness.

Thank Us.

It is like We are living in a kind of time capsule. Like We are living time travel which of course We are and everyOne is. Ours is a little more apparent than most others. We really are fortunate.

We are experiencing being and living in multiworlds. We theel it. We are slipping through multiworlds as We sit here at Our computer. We used to call it day dreaming. It is that and that is more than We ever real-eyesed. Remember day dreaming as a child? Remember coming out of a day dream as an A-dult? As A-dult We did and do not allow OurSelves as much day dreaming time. On Our bus it is deeper than day dreaming.

We get to choose: claim and demand Our limits or embrace Our evolution back to what We Allways have been.

We are having a very experiential morning. Experiencing being here AND there, slipping through multiworlds and multitimes while We sit here at Our computer, waking, getting ready to go be with the kids, reading and playing in multiD. What has changed? We have. We are expanding Our awareness. We ARE experiencing Us. Thank Us. We love Us.

Here is another good message.

As We go outside in the cold: We notice that experiences that used to bother Us: even piss Us off, We now embrace. We recognize these experiences as experiences of multiD and multiworlds. We do have choices. As We open, allow, expand and set it All free with love: We no longer theel stuck and trapped even though very little has changed in Our 3D world. Still: much is changing and expanding. Nothing lossed: only much gained.

It is kinda amazing to experience how much We really do choose and control Our suffering and/or happiness. Who wooda thunk it? When We choose gratitude and unconditional love miracles do start to happen in Our daily lives. Thank Us.

It is One kid’s last day on Our PM section. One of the gradeschoolers: the older One. We will miss “them”. “They” are very excited and crash not too far into the route. ADH kids crash hard and fast and “they” probably are ADH. We leave off the last D because We do NOT believe that it is a disorder. What a horrible word to saddle a child with.

At home it is colder than usual because it is the coldest outside so far this winter. Our cabin is warming nicely as We play in multiD.

We have dinner a little later than usual because We want to take Our jacket off before fixing and eating dinner. More “Legends” with dinner and We watch extra and stay up about an hour more than usual. There is a lot of time travel in the show. Oneder how many of those time travel beliefs and rules are just more limitation? We open, allow, expand and set it All free with love.

Without this setting free We bind OurSelves to Our old, limiting beliefs and thinking. Even if We try to reject Our limiting beliefs: what We resist persists. It is Our focus and belief that gives it life. We set it free with love.

And now: We dream. We are leaving Our heater on a bit higher than usual.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Slip, sliding through 3D within multiD



Slip, sliding through 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 2:55 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We thank Us and We love Us unconditionally and that is how We woke. We woke way early even for a bus day. We laid in bed a while repeating Our mantra and when it is clear that We are awake We got up. Thank Us.

We were also repeating: We ARE everywhere and We ARE everything. We need the reminders.

We visited many worlds with many new friends. We clearly remember a nearby world with a special new friend. It is that world that We woke from grateful and reminding OurSelves that We are everything and We are everywhere. When We say nearby We mean vibrationally. It is a very similar world and also quite different. It is a world from multiD where time and space have little meaning. We still have time there and it is malleable. We use time for convenience and making appointments. That is the way it was here before We became slaves to time. We can give Our power to anything when We are pretending to be powerless and limited and separate. We love Us. Thank Us.

We really are everywhere pretending to be limited.

When We went to bed last night We noticed Our cabin being on ship. We are not sure how this works. We are just beginning to get familiar with experiencing being here AND there. We may have been at it a while and it is still new to Us. Every step deeper into multiD, limitlessness, unity and unconditional love is new. We love Us and We thank Us.

We returned to dream for a bit: mostly waking dream. Thinking on gratitude and unconditional love: limitlessness and unity. We ARE in multiD and multiworlds. We Oneder what lies in store for Us? We open, allow, expand and set it All free with love. Again: when We try to plan and even imagine All that We know is limitation so Our head limits Us. Our heart sets Us free. We love Us and We thank Us.

We forgive Us for Our judgments and what appear as miscreations: Our judgments acting out. Please forgive Us. We appeal to Our children within: those that are frightened and those that are bold. Please forgive Us. We love You and We thank You.

Let's see: where are We? We are experiencing being both the observer and the participant in Our waking, 3D life. Again: We can do this and be here for the kids (pay attention) because "they" ARE here AND there.

It has mostly been a quiet morning. Our driver is complaining and We are getting quite used to that. Not really much to say about it.

The temperature is 0 and above yet it feels colder. It really IS Our creation and We are experiencing getting what We focus Our attention on. Sometimes We like that and sometimes not so much.

Turns out that the temp was dropping. It is bouncing around today around 0, slightly above then slightly below than above and then below again.

We really do have fun with Our kids. The One with the broadcasts is telling Us about the latest season. “They” tell Us that “they” may have lost track of the seasons and ask if season five is next. We tell “them” that We are sure “they” left off with season four. Quite a bit more to tell Us. It does seem like “they” do not have many A-dults actually pay attention. We try to pay close attention. With five or six other kids on the bus that can be a challenge. There is a railroad crossing soon after We leave school. If “they” are telling Us about something “they” usually count down to “time to be quiet for the railroad crossing”. Several kids mimic Our “Now We can talk” after the crossing.

We are here AND there when We get back to the barn. The temp has dropped and that tends to get Our 3D attention. We do not choose to suffer. We choose gratitude.

At home We know that We get the choice how warming up the cabin feels too. We can suffer or We can embrace and be grateful. We do not have to come home to a cold cabin. We make choices. There are other types of heaters that keep a place a set temperature and those require electricity. Last winter We had several days with no electricity and We sure were glad for heat that does NOT require electric. It does not take long to start warming up. Time really is relative and not fixed. It We were focused on suffering it would take longer so We had more time to enjoy Our suffering.

We decide to try a hot turkey samich for dinner. We have some package turkey gravy mix that We want to try. Not too bad. It would certainly do in a crunch and might take the sweet out of Our homemade gravy that We froze. We have some from the mix left after Our samich. Pretty good actually. Surprise. We finish and episode of “Legends of Tomorrow” and go on to the next episode. We real-eyes that this may happen more than We have thought because We go right into the next episode the same night as We finish One. Only a slight break. Another lesson/experience in time travel. We are time traveling a lot and not even noticing. Now: isn’t that interesting.

We have been aware that We probable hop and/or slip worlds much more often than We real-eyes and now We are noticing. Cool.

We play in multiD a bit and are ready to dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Another day of dreams, 3D tasks and multiD



Another day of dreams, 3D tasks and multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 2:02 PM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

Wow: where did Our day go. Time really is fickle. We have been up a while and fell into YouTube again. Now: We have Simon and Garfunkel playing. We like being able to have that window keep playing while We are looking at another window. A glimpse of alternate realities and a bit of how it works. Only: We do NOT need technology for this. We ARE here AND there: We ARE everywhere AND We ARE everything. Hard to conceive. A simple truth that goes far beyond Our ability to conceptualize.

We have gotten several 3D things done even though We really are only barely here. We filled Our oil tank and froze most of Our leftover turkey dinner. We still have pi to freeze and We even have room in Our freezer. Another example of limitlessness and infinity. We are gonna make eggs benedict for dinner. That is a great way to use the ham that We thawed. Will probably do ham samiches too this week. We have enough turkey left thawed for One old turkey samich. (He he: that was/is an intentional typo. We speak typo.)

Where are We? Everywhere: remember?

Falling into YouTubes is a bit of time travel for Us. We ARE now AND then. Open, allow, expand and set it All free with love.

Another good message. We have been theeling about this recently. Our theelings have changed, expanded, evolved and shifted. Sooooo much so that it looks/theels like Our world has changed and yet it looks the same. Of course: that also depends on where We look. We forgive Us for All Our judgments and man are “they” many. We love Us unconditionally AND We thank Us. So many things looked like mistakes and miscreations. Yet:……..

Thank Us.

Our eggs benedict are Onerfull. We watched a little more “Legends”. Even though We are enjoying “Legends” it is taking several evenings to get through One episode. No rush of course.

We read some more online and play in multiD a bit and are ready for dream. Night, night.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Laundry day in 3D AND multiD



Laundry day in 3D AND multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 10:02 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We have been up for a while playing in multiD, reading and We fell into YouTube Once again. We did not really “live” the 60s (not yet anyway) even though We certainly did live in the music of the era. Taking a walk down memory lane and crying One more time. We are also getting ready to do laundry. YouTubes of songs from the 60s is a very nice variation on how We usually get ready to do laundry.

We ARE evolving. So many words about love. We may have missed the boat back then while We started an evolution. Bit by bit. We started a process with the summer of love and before. A cultural evolution that is culminating now and will never, ever end. Something eternal and very joyous.

Thank Us. We love Us unconditionally.

Oh: We had a piece of pi with half-n-half for breakfast. It is scrumptious. We really ARE grateful for Our life. Sometimes We want it different. It is only fear that We would be/live without. The rest is truly blessed. And even “fear”: it takes what it takes. It took All of it to get Us where We are. We ARE grateful and We ARE unconditional love eternal.

Here is another good message confirming what We are living and typing.

We just wanna say that We theel VERY grateful today. We theel different. What is different? Us. Thank Us.

We are in town doing laundry and way deep in multiD. We seem to doing fine doing laundry and filling Our water jugs. However: We do NOT remember how to work Our tablet. Step by step We seem to be getting it so far. Interesting.

Our trip to town is incredibly painless. It still amazes Us what a difference gratitude makes. Living in an attitude of gratitude.

Laundry is done and We are home. We are putting away the laundry that We need to fix dinner and go dream: the rest can wait. We are tired and not really hungry. Even though We have not eaten since breakfast We do not have room for much dinner. We save half of Our half tender for a cold turkey samich another day.

We continue to enjoy old songs on YouTube. Some more than others.

A little “Legends of Tomorrow” and a bit more playing in multiD. A lot more unconditional love and gratitude and time for dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Lots more dreams and more multiD



Lots more dreams and more multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 10:53 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We are asked to remember this question: “What can be more important than planetary assension?” We agree. The only thing is that: the word assension tends to imply “going somewhere”. We prefer words like “waking”, “evolution”, “expansion” and such. Unified and limitless: next stop on the planetary express.

Not really up for the day, not even ‘tending. We just wanted to share a bit while We are up playing in multiD. We have visited and played in lots of worlds with lots of friends. Many new friends and some visitors from Our waking life. We really do appreciate the visitors.

When We are awake We are reminded that We Allready ARE Our higher Self. We Allready ARE capable of living limitless and unified. We remember to be grateful. We wanted to experience limitlessness and We did that real good. Now: We are experiencing transitioning into what We Allways were and are. We love Us unconditionally. Thank Us.

We have been back to dream a couple of times and up reading and playing in multiD too. We are probably for a while now. We wanna make Our pie today and today is on it’s way towards tonight. If We wanna eat any pi today We need to get it baked before too much later. We just real-eyesed that it is also payday. We wanna look at that and maybe pay some bills. We do hope to do laundry tomorrow.

We are reminded of something that We have been reminded of a few times lately: We do NOT have to like something to accept it and We do NOT have to like something to love it unconditionally. These ARE important points. To believe otherwise keeps Us locked in something far less than unconditional love. Unconditional love IS Our goal for it IS Our true nature. We ARE ready to begin living as unconditional love. We have begun living as unconditional love. Thank Us.

We got Our pi in the oven. The filling and topping ARE Onerfull. We forgot the cornstarch until We had the filling in the crust so We added it there. Should work okay or be runny??? Taste is what really matters since We are not sharing.

We are just about ready for franks and beans for dinner with more “Legends of Tomorrow”.

We are very drifty and clearly more in multiD than limitation 3D. Hence the cornstarch. Things like that happen when trying to do 3D while more in multiD. That is another very good way that We set up to keep Us in limitation. It used to work very well. Now: We realeyes that such things are just NOT that big a deal. 3D is NOT as important and life threatening as We Allways believed. We gave it Our power. Only creators could make limitation 3d sooooo powerful. Imagine that. We Allready imagined it. Time to remember what We really are and live it. We do not know a thing until We live it.

Thank Us unconditionally.

Another good message about what We are living.

We do not have room for pi after dinner and after a bit more multiD We are ready to dream early again. See You on the dark side.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Friday, November 25, 2016

More multiD insights with turkey dinner



More multiD insights with turkey dinner

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:13 PM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We are asked to remember this question: “What can be more important than planetary assension?” We agree. The only thing is that: the word assension tends to imply “going somewhere”. We prefer words like “waking”, “evolution”, “expansion” and such. Unified and limitless: next stop on the planetary express.

We dreamt way in again. We are up to fix and eat Our thanksgiving dinner AND We ARE grateful and clearly in multiD.

Here is a message that We like. We Allready know this and We are learning to live it. The message is good confirmation and We do seem to need that confirmation still. Even if it is Us saying it: that just confirms it even more. We Allready ARE Our higher Self. We ARE also Our lower Self and everyOne in between. We have been ‘tending to be “less than” and “unworthy” for sooooo long that We have come to believe those lies, those limiting beliefs that We told. We ARE the ONE. Simple as that. We told OurSelves/everyOne that such talk is conceited and “BAD”. That too is a lie to keep Us in the game. Time to change up the rules. Nothing gets destroyed or left behind: everything gets set free with love. Everything IS loved.

We love All Our parts, pisces and creations unconditionally. We thank Us. Now: it time to start living as what We are. We can not “try” to imagine and envision what We are because Our only frame of reference is limitation and separation and those are the only things that We are NOT. However: We CAN allow Our imagination to give Us visions of what Our heart knows that We ARE. Open, allow, expand and set it free with love. That is One formula that works. Thank Us.

We visited lots of worlds last night. There is One that We especially enjoyed and wanted to return to. We had these teams/armies and We were captain of One team. We seemed a little stronger than the other captains in energy ways, People were defecting from “their” teams to join Our team and We made a lot of new friends this way. We were really having a lot of fun with Our new friends and Our team grew way big.

We do not remember returning to that world only One nearby it. Well: We vaguely remember returning just no clear memories like before. Just like this world when We move on: it IS out there (in here actually) waiting for Us to revisit anytime. Thank Us. We just read a message about unconditional gratitude. We still have not found many who encourage gratitude to Self. Not a popular concept yet. We theel it is incremental. We also theel that We are much more about awakening than assending. There is no where to go. We ARE Allready there. We ARE Allready everywhere.

We just need to accept and own what We really are. Time to stop ‘tending to be what We are not. Thank Us.

Our simple turkey dinner is Onerfull. We ate just enough. We will probably get One more dinner and freeze two. We did have two brownies for dessert and those overfilled Us just a little. We watch more “DC’s Legends of Tomorrow” with dinner and play in multiD after that.

Now: We go dream with a not too full tummy.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

A calm day in multiD while it is crazy in 3D



A calm day in multiD while it is crazy in 3D

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:14 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We are asked to remember this question: “What can be more important than planetary assension?” We agree. The only thing is that: the word assension tends to imply “going somewhere”. We prefer words like “waking”, “evolution”, “expansion” and such. Unified and limitless: next stop on the planetary express.

We woke a little early and We are just playing in multiD while We wake. We are waking in multiD. We ARE grateful. We ARE unconditional love. We ARE learning how to do this.

We are very drifty. We are clearly hear AND We are definitely there. More there than We used to be at All comfortable with. Now: We are very happy to there. We seek to be able to function in 3D in this state.

Aha! Now We remember some of yesterday’s insights: Once We begin to live the magik (what We have Allways thought of as magik which is actually just more of reality) We will see and experience others who are living the magik (limitless and unified or at least less limited). That has been a big fear for Us: “What will “they” if “they” see Us living the magik?”. You see We judged OurSelves in that role many lifetimes and We projected those judgments onto Our others and “they” acted Our and hurt Us (or so We imagined and We imagined real good) and even killed Us in terrible ways. We are facing these fears and these judgments.

What would (a) world(s) be like where lots of people (maybe everyOne) was living love, living the magik? WOW!!!!! What neat images and theelings that brings up.

A kinda crazy morning/day out there. We ran late into All Our breaks so We did not take time for Wifi. The company bought pizza for everyOne. That is a nice gesture. Running late is the only craziness that We encountered personally. We got to hear plenty on the radio. Being late does NOT bother Us like it used to. We can take it in stride and now that: “for this We ARE responsible”. When We stop blaming: life actually gets easier. Thank Us.

Most of Our morning kids are quiet except the middleschooler who is playful as usual. Maybe a bit wired even. Our noon kids are mostly sleepy. Our afternoon kids are fun. The One who tells Us about “their” broadcasts has more to tell. We really do enjoy the stories. Season’s five, six and seven will be coming and maybe season eight? The rest are either quiet or sleep or both.

At home We are mostly multiD focused. We are 3D enough to get Our turkey marinating for tomorrow. We have a baked potato for dinner as We had planned. We thought We might want more and had dessert first so We were full. We thought about starting Our pie. The thing is that We know that We will not have room for pie tomorrow so We theel to wait to bake the pie. Maybe pi for Friday?

We start watching “DC’s Legends of the Future” and We theel We will like it. We play in multiD some more and are ready for lots of dreaming.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Few words in 3D within multiD



Few words in 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:58 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We are asked to remember this question: “What can be more important than planetary assension?” We agree. The only thing is that: the word assension tends to imply “going somewhere”. We prefer words like “waking”, “evolution”, “expansion” and such. Unified and limitless: next stop on the planetary express.

We woke from another world playing with new friends. Our first thought was thank Us, We love Us unconditionally. Our world(s) is/are very different from what We have Allways thought, taught and believed. We ARE beginning to explore that difference. Can We believe that We CAN live in an expanded world(s)? That is what it takes. Our belief(s) is/are expanding. We ARE facing Our fear(s).

We are experiencing more being in multiD while still in 3D. We are beginning to explore less limited. Can not wait to experience limitlessness even though We are still a little bit afraid of it when We get closer. Sounds great until We get right to the water’s edge…….

We remember to focus on unconditional love: otherwise even more will just be more of the same.

It is cold again today and We are getting better at dealing with it. Love, love, love: love is the answer. We ARE focusing on, vibrating and projecting unconditional love. That is the world that We want to live in and it starts with Us: it starts within.

We were getting some insights this morning and We seem to have filed "them" just not too deep. We can still sense "them" just not put "them" to words.

When We focus on love nothing else really matters. OH: whether this world is real or fake/illusion really does not matter: it IS Our creation and that IS what matters. We ARE creating it for the best for Us and when We are grateful We get it more better and more better.

We love Us AND We ARE grateful to Us.

There is a group of kids from One sped program at the pool this afternoon. One is screaming at “their” teachers. Makes Us very grateful for the kids that We have this year.

Another fun afternoon with Our kids. The One has more to tell Us about Robot Wars. It is evolving a little different than “they” had expected. It is fun to watch how intent and precise “they” are with the telling. Several of the others want Us to sit with “them” as usual so We have to change seats every time a student gets home. We are happy to sit with “them” and even more happy to be wanted. Isn’t that a basic human need? A result of separation and limitation? Can not wait until We live united and limitless.

At home We do what We do. Our cabin is warming nicely even though it was a little colder today. We ARE reminded that it IS Us and not outside influences that We theel. We ARE creating this.

We finish “ARQ” with dinner. It was another version of a common theme: time travel and time loops and the “evil” corporations. Do We ever tire of blaming others?

We play in multiD as Our cabin finishes warming to where We like to start Our dreaming so into dream We go.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Another day doing 3D while mostly in multiD



Another day doing 3D while mostly in multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:17 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We are asked to remember this question: “What can be more important than planetary assension?” We agree. The only thing is that: the word assension tends to imply “going somewhere”. We prefer words like “waking”, “evolution”, “expansion” and such. Unified and limitless: next stop on the planetary express.

We did not sleep well even though We dreamt very well. We woke often from many different worlds and tended to stay in waking dream a while and then drift off to sleep. The worlds were All quite different and yet We could tell that “they” are All connected. Experiencing the kaleidoscope We theel.

We are in multiD again and We woke theeling grateful. We are transitioning deeper and deeper into multiD and remain in 3D. We are remembering that We are actually everywhere All the time. Being separate, being separated is Our fantasy and We constructed it very well.

It is below 0F outside. Whether or not We suffer is up to Us. That is hard for Us to believe even though We are (and have been) experiencing it.

Our thinking and beliefs are expanding, shifting and evolving. It is just a little scary because everything that We held dear, that We held as truth is a lie. We are the Ones who told the lies so We believe "them". that is the only way We could ever believe anything so preposterous.

Setting it All free with love is no small task because We have lived the lies for sooooo long.

As usual We are enjoying Our kids. We might have had time to hottub on Our morning break only that would have meant hurrying and We really do NOT theel like hurrying.

We rest and relax in multiD and unconditional love. That is the way it should be.

Thank Us.

Just an FYI: the temp was around 10 below this morning and got up to around 10 above.

All of Our afternoon kids ride. “They” really are fun. The One has more to tell Us about “their” broadcasts. It must be busy in that head.

We are deep in multiD when We get home. We watch more “ARQ” with dinner. It keeps time looping.

We play in multiD a while for the fun of it and to let the cabin finish warming up. We got home a little later because of All the kids riding and it is a bit colder because of the below 0 temps.

Now: We dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Monday, November 21, 2016

More multiD insights and experiences while in 3D



More multiD insights and experiences while in 3D

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 1:18 PM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We are asked to remember this question: “What can be more important than planetary assension?” We agree. The only thing is that: the word assension tends to imply “going somewhere”. We prefer words like “waking”, “evolution”, “expansion” and such. Unified and limitless: next stop on the planetary express.

We got up earlier today than yesterday. We had fun in dream and playing in multiD whenever We did wake. We have been dreaming a lot about Our passed from Our current life. In Our first (and best) psychic reading We were told that this life is a culmination of All Our other lives. That made sense to Us: it resonated. Here is a message which is speaking about that.

We are certainly deep in multiD and having a bit of trouble finding yesterday’s “Today” and were not even sure that We typed One or posted Friday’s to Our blog. Slip, sliding away. This kind of thing used to be very frustrating. Now: it is comforting. Our waking is just not as substantial and important as We Allways thought it was. Our head still fears that We will suffer. Our heart knows that suffering is only pretending.

We do seen to be drawing further and further away from those who are choosing the old, limitation reality. That is kinda sad. Thankfully: We know that other versions of “them” exist in multiD and limitlessness. Nothing and NoOne is left behind. We also know that We can return to this playground any time We want. It does not hold as much interest for Us as it used to. We wanna play games by/with new rules (or no rules).

We are barely 3D functional and have to pay attention to what We are 3Doing. It is easy to drift away and lose track. This IS a good thing. We have been seeking this for a long, long time even though We resisted it too. We just did not know what it takes to live multidimensionally. It is not hard: it is just VERY different from living in limitation 3d. We ARE delighted and excited. We ARE unconditional love and learning how to live as unconditional love in/through a physical body. We are much more than this body and We are learning this experientially.

We filled Our heating oil tank, did some shopping on Amazon for some winter stuff that We have been thinking about wanting, and read a bunch online. We ARE evolving. We open, allow, expand and set it All free with love. We are visions of living with much less limits. Visions of being here AND there. Experiences of being more and being here AND there. We ARE evolving.

Thank Us. We remember to focus on unconditional love for that is what really matters. We chose to vibrate and project unconditional love.

We started watching a movie (ORG ???) with dinner. We played in multiD a bit after dinner and now We are ready to dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

A very dreamy day



A very dreamy day

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:42 PM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We are asked to remember this question: “What can be more important than planetary assension?” We agree. The only thing is that: the word assension tends to imply “going somewhere”. We prefer words like “waking”, “evolution”, “expansion” and such. Unified and limitless: next stop on the planetary express.

We dreamed in, way in. We enjoyed it. More worlds, more lives and more friends. Some were worlds that are like takeoffs from points of Our passed yet not where that would be after All these years. More like where “they” might have been in a year or two after We changed course.

One thing that these lives brought to mind is just how perfect Our current life is. Back then We had some huge plans for Our home, business and life. We did not follow through or stick to any of those plans. That was not really Us. That was who We thought others expected Us to be and even who We thought (at the time) that We wanted to be: just not who We really are. Our cabin suits Us perfectly in 3D. It is very low maintenance and allows Us time to dream and explore the multiverse, multiworlds and multiD. We are learning to set it All free with love and to detach with love.

Thank Us. We love Us unconditionally.

Pondering Our dreams a bit reminds Us of how much of Our current, waking life We spent pretending and trying to be what We are not. We are sure grateful that We are now starting to live as Our true nature: unconditional love. We do not understand or fully comprehend unconditional love. We know that it is Our heart’s cry.

We returned to dream and now We are up for dinner with the last free episode of “Boardwalk Empire”.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Another day mostly in multiD and still in 3D




Another day mostly in multiD and still in 3D

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:03 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We are asked to remember this question: “What can be more important than planetary assension?” We agree. The only thing is that: the word assension tends to imply “going somewhere”. We prefer words like “waking”, “evolution”, “expansion” and such. Unified and limitless: next stop on the planetary express.

We woke early this morning and stayed in bed a while playing in waking dream. That was fun. Then We got up early and remembered right away to focus on love and gratitude. We ARE grateful. Unconditional is where We wanna live and how We wanna live. Unconditional love IS Our true nature. We chose to vibrate and project unconditional love.

Here is another good message. It really is saying what We have been typing and living and intuiting. Sometimes it seems that “they” express it more better than We do. “They” are more observer aspects and We are sometimes sooooo caught up in the experience that Our expressions are clear as mud. Also: We are experiencing the process and tend to be living in the opening stages and not Allways completely aware of what is going on. After All: We ARE making it up as We go along.

We are definitely in multiD and multiworlds this morning and We ARE liking this. Thank Us.

Yesterday We had some thoughts and insights that We forgot to type about. Maybe because We were sooooo deep in experiencing? Anyway: wherever We want to go/experience: We ARE Allready there. This is what We miss when We think that We have to travel and “go”. Now One obstacle to experiencing being “there” is that often that We have to go/be somewhere that We do not really want to go/be. Work is a fabulous example. We wanna be with the kids: We do NOT wanna play in the workaday world. We can only move on when We admit things/feelings like these. Work IS Our creation. Having to work IS Our creation. Therefore We love it. Even when/though We hate it.

A long time ago We talked about a love that is big enough to include hate. We have lived in that forever: We just never saw it (were aware of it) until recently. Thank Us. Our awareness certainly is growing and expanding.

We wanna pay attention to and care for kids without it feeling like work. We ARE getting there. We can not (yet) conceive of such an environment.

Being “in” 3D AND “in” multiD is still a new experience for Us. Or more accurate: being “aware” of being “in” both is new. We ARE enjoying experiencing this awareness.

We are excited about (and grateful for) Our progress and process. We really theel (and experience) that We are making progress.

Just a quick note: dropped below 0 and it feels worse than usual because of high humidity. Experiencing that it also depends on Our choices. Gratitude or bitching. It seems easier to bitch and only because that is Our habit.

We are definitely getting experience. Thank Us.

Several kids did not ride on Our PM so it was a little shorter. The last student home was very caught up in “their” tablet so it was a very quiet ride for Us. Not quite as much fun as with All the kids and the One talking instead of playing with “their” tablet. The first student home is the One who gets broadcasts in “their” brain. “They” had much to tell Us about One series in “their” broadcast. “They” say that “they” are making it up so the broadcasts are really in “their” brain. A VERY vivid imagination. Trust Us that what “they” are imagining is every bit as involved and precise as any TV show or movies We have ever seen. This student is very detail oriented and the shows that “they” are imagining are very detailed.

We are deep in multiD when We get home and do not feel like having dinner. We play in multiD a bit and are very ready for dream.
Good night AND thank You for playing.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Experiencing being deeper and deeper in multiD AND in 3D



Experiencing being deeper and deeper in multiD AND in 3D

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:28 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We are asked to remember this question: “What can be more important than planetary assension?” We agree. The only thing is that: the word assension tends to imply “going somewhere”. We prefer words like “waking”, “evolution”, “expansion” and such. Unified and limitless: next stop on the planetary express.

Something has shifted. So far everything looks the same and We theel different: quite different.

We woke saying “thank Us” again and We ARE grateful. In what way can We be the love that We know We truly are? Thank Us. We love Us unconditionally. Nothing else matters: not really. Everything else will come from this.

We like this message. Interesting perspective.

Our thinking and beliefs are expanding. No longer do We feel trapped in only limitation and separation. We are beginning to experience more.

Roads are slick so We do not have a lot of Wifi time on Our breaks. Had some kind of fog or freezing mist this morning which made the roads slick as snit. Kids are great of course. Allmost time to go play with the kids again.

We are noticing that We are quite deep in multiD again today. Nice!!!!!!!

And another great afternoon with the kids. Remember: We can be focused (zoomed out) in multiD with the kids because that is where “they” live. Some are aware and some are not.

We are experiencing how different Our reality can be (is) with different attitude and perspective. The same circumstances feel/are quite different when We are living gratitude and when We are living bitching. We never knew. We were sooooo caught up in limitation and separation that We really believed in those rules and limits. We thank Us.

Who woulda thunk that being grateful could truly have such an impact on Our world? Only someOne who is living as a creator rather than a victim.

We love Us unconditionally. It seems that We lost Our focus on unconditional love. What really happened is that We are living unconditional love and did not have to think about it to live it. It is becoming familiar. It may not (yet) be Our primary and default mindset: We ARE getting there. We are unconditional love learning how to live as unconditional love.

What other people are doing and what “they” think of Us is none of Our business. Our business is to live unconditional love. Unconditional love does NOT judge Our others. It love “them” regardless. THAT is Our business.

At home it is cold and We get Our cabin warming fairly quickly. We bought a new heater for Our outhouse and what a difference. The old heater gradually lost its heat and We did not really notice until the temps dropped. Or something or something else. We thought that it was not heating as well as it should and now with the new heater We know We are right. Of course: We are creating All of it: choices. Love and gratitude.

We have dinner with more “Boardwalk Empire” and play in multiD after, while Our cabin gets warmer and even warmer.

Now We are ready to go dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Deeper into multiD while still in 3D



Deeper into multiD while still in 3D

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:50 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We are asked to remember this question: “What can be more important than planetary assension?” We agree. The only thing is that: the word assension tends to imply “going somewhere”. We prefer words like “waking”, “evolution”, “expansion” and such. Unified and limitless: next stop on the planetary express.

We woke from another 3d world. It thelt like more limitation. We had just bought a restaurant and it was not going real well. We decided to get up rather than return to that world. We stayed there a little as We woke and got up. We are turning it around there. We know that We really do not want to expend that much energy in any limitation world. We set it free with love. We do not mind observing Our life in that kind of world and We do want to be aware of everything. That does not mean that We want to experience in any more limitation and separation worlds. We are ready for unity and limitlessness. No more slavery needed.

We get the theeling that a lot of yesterday’s occurrences were about choosing limitation or limitlessness. We are not certain and We know that We can be comfortable with: “We do not know”. We do NOT need to plot Our course. That is old thinking and Our head is screaming. We love Our head and We know that it is trying to protect Us. We do not need that protection any more. Where We are going noOne wants to harm Us and it is not even possible to harm Us. We are accepting Our ability to create in love. All the old ideas and beliefs are being set free to play in the multiverse. We are no longer bound to “them”. We too are being set free.

Thank Us.

We are ready and willing to begin living differently: as creators rather than victim. We have pretended to be victim for sooooo long: We have created worlds and scenarios of victimhood for sooooo long that We no longer know (consciously) how to do anything else. We no longer remember how to live as creators. We ARE learning. It seems to be a slow process. It IS gentle and gradual. Our head fears that We will suffer and fail. Please forgive Us.

Many time We theel that Our children within are torn and battle over limitation and unconditional love. We choose limitation because that is All We know: it is familiar. Unconditional love and limitlessness are uncharted territory. What monsters are hiding under the bed? What danger lurks around every corner? We have delighted in way too many horror stories for way too many years. We ARE the monsters and dangers and We ARE Our greatest fear.

We face OurSelves and tremble. We can only love OurSelves and hold onto unconditional love for OurSelves and All Our creations. We ARE learning how to do this. We may seem to make some mistakes along. It is All experience and experience is what We are here for. We love Us unconditionally and We thank Us.

Here is another message about what We are living, experiencing and typing.

We ARE in transition and that is the difficulty: being limited and transitioning into being limitless, unconditional love. All or nothing is what We know. A little of this and a little of that is very unfamiliar. We try to think and plan what We “should” do and how We “should” proceed. That is All limitation. We set it free with love. Limitation is All that We know and therefore that is All that We can think of. We must open, allow, expand and set it All free with love to live limitless and as unconditional love.

Once again We start with being willing to be willing. We wish to experience and live as unconditional love. In what way can We be the love that We know We ARE in this moment? That is Our quest. We have run around and played hide and seek long enough in search of everything else. Enough is enough. How can We best be the love that We ARE? Thank Us.

We got to hottub on Our morning break. Had pizza at Sam's Club and got three big bags of cranberries to make pies All year. A lifeguard at the pool made cranberry-rhubarb bread a while back. We had been thinking about trying cranberry-rhubarb pie only were not sure if "they" would go together. the bread was great so We will probably try the pie.

Our driver invited Us for thanksgiving (which was very nice of him) and thankfully We were able to honestly say that We had made plans with Our friends. Even if those plans change We would not wanna be around that other energy on day away. If We do not do turkey with Our friends We theel to get a turkey breast and some stove top. That is All We care about: turkey breast with stuffing and gravy.

We have been mostly able to stay focused on love and gratitude today. We keep asking OurSelves: "In what way can We best BE the love that We know We truly are in this moment?".

It is easy to slip back into old, limitation and separation thinking. We ARE grateful that today We quickly recognize it and turn it around. Love and gratitude. The rest will follow. Our training and programing to "fix" things in 3d first and then think about love was strong. It is deep rooted and easy to revert to.

Love and gratitude first and All these things will be added unto Us.

Everything IS working together for the best for Us.

What a turn around in Our thinking and beliefs. We really do theel that We are finally making real progress.

Thank Us.

Our afternoon is fun again. We really are enjoying the kids this year.

At home: We are mostly in multiD and enjoying it. We put Our cranberries in the freezer, keeping One bag in the fridge for thanksgiving pies.

We play in multiD, have dinner with “Boardwalk Empire” and are very ready for dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

A lot of multiD and slip back to 3d focus



A lot of multiD and slip back to 3d focus

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:06 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We are asked to remember this question: “What can be more important than planetary assension?” We agree. The only thing is that: the word assension tends to imply “going somewhere”. We prefer words like “waking”, “evolution”, “expansion” and such. Unified and limitless: next stop on the planetary express.

We woke repeating Our mantra: “We love Us and We thank Us”. That is such a nice way to wake. We really ARE making a lot of progress and We ARE grateful. We ARE in 3D within multiD and unconditional love IS Our focus. We sometimes lose sight of that and fall back into limitation and separation thinking. The good news is that We notice this quickly and make the choice to return to unconditional love.

We are waking and walking in multiD. Limitation thoughts and thinking try to take Our attention and that is still Our default mindset. That IS changing and expanding. Nothing destroyed and/or left behind. All set free with love. We can return here any time We want. We are exploring living as unconditional love: Our true nature. We ARE learning to be OurSelves. Living in multiD is nothing like what We had expected. We had no clue and still only have a clue about the little that We have experienced. MultiD goes against everything that We thought, taught and believed in Our limitation mindset. We ARE expanding. Thank Us unconditionally.

We choose to vibrate and project unconditional love. Our head continues to create proof of limitation and separation AND being a victim. The proof lies. We create All of Our proof and evidance. Now: We choose to create proof and evidance of unconditional love. Thank Us.

Here is another great message that echos what We have been typing for some time now. We know it and are beginning to live it.

Having a good day with the kids and having fun with "them". It does seem like the world is going crazy All around Us. It is not really touching Us unless We choose it. We just havta remember that it does NOT affect Us.

We focus on love and gratitude. That is what matters.

We do find that we are kinda drifty and floaty and spacey in multiD while functioning in 3D.

As usual We are enjoying Our kids.

We get kinda caught up in 3D on Our break and afternoon section. A guy at the pool is a mobile mechanic and offered to work on Our truck cheap. We did live times on Our PM section because the route times are way off. These things make it easy to slide back into old thinking patterns. We recognize what is happening and make the choice to pony hop and set it free with love.

We still live in 3D and We want to start doing that differently. We want to live as love and as creators not as victim. We ARE expanding Our thinking and beliefs. We ARE love and now We are willing to start living as love. Lots of pony hopping. Lots of mantras.

At home We are in multiD and still in 3D. MultiD does include 3D, even limitation 3d. We get to choose if We want to be/live limited or unconditional love. We choose love.

We have dinner with more “Boardwalk Empire”. It does not hold Our attention as much as before and We are sure that is about Us more than about the show.

We play in multiD a bit and are ready for dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

More experiences living in 3D within multiD



More experiences living in 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:01 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We are asked to remember this question: “What can be more important than planetary assension?” We agree. The only thing is that: the word assension tends to imply “going somewhere”. We prefer words like “waking”, “evolution”, “expansion” and such. Unified and limitless: next stop on the planetary express.

We ARE grateful.

An interesting night and a lot of fun. More worlds and more new friends and more than limitation 3d. Many things and people were less physical, less solid and more “their” energy form(s). The word “ephemeral” keeps coming to mind. We played a lot with and in these energy forms. We were here AND there. We were experiencing and experimenting with what We have been trying to convey in Our sharing. We visited other (seemingly) places just by thinking of “them”. It is sooooo hard to describe because there is nothing like it in limitation 3d.

The point is that We ARE becoming familiar with more than just limitation 3d. If We can remember more then We are adjusting and getting comfortable and familiar with more. Our thinking and mindset ARE expanding and We ARE grateful.

We remember to vibrate and project unconditional love.

Here is another message about what We are sharing. We must admit that it is about as clear as mud. We would like more nuts and bolts. It is something that We can not explain in 3D and must be experienced. We must believe and then We can experience. And there is no adequate language for it because it is beyond 3D.

We ARE learning how to do this and each day We get a little deeper into it. It really is like learning to fall off a bike All over again. We are relearning 3D skills without the limits and limitations that We are used to. How does One function without gravity? Actually: that skill is natural and simply forgotten. All the answers ARE within. It takes gratitude and unconditional love to uncover those skills. We are learning how to be natural.

We are reminded that there are not different places: merely different vibrations and frequencies. This is another concept that We can not grok it until We accept it.

We are definitely more in multiD than ever before and We are still functioning in 3D. MultiD certainly does include 3D. 3D looks the same it is just more and that more We can not yet see with Our physical eyes. In Our dreams everyOne had bodies that shimmered and phased between fully solid/physical and energy. Some were usually physical with a visible aura around “them”.

Interesting how easy it is to slip back into the old, limitation and separation thinking and mindset. Like life snuck/sneaked up on Us and bit Us on the ass.

The bus company is changing timeclock systems. "They" took away the old system and the new One is not working right and We think it matters. At least We recognize what is happening. We pony hop and set it free with love.

We can still focus on unconditional love. That is what really matters.

It is warm outside and snowing so the roads are slick. So: We ran late on Our morning section and did not have time to hottub.

We ARE creating Our own reality. So easy to forget and deny: to claim victim and demand Our limitations.

We have a new preschooler on Our afternoon route. This is “their” first day of preschool. Kinda quiet at first and will get to know the other kids and get comfortable. Very cooperative.

We are deep in dream and multiD. Our head keeps trying to get and keep Us in limitation and separation. What is different is that We see it quickly and pony hop and set it free with love. Love is what We want to live. It includes All the rest: We are NOT victims of the rest any more. We DO create Our own reality even when We are trying to play victim.

At home: We play in multiD a bit and fix dinner: fettuccine with salad shrimp. We only eat a little because We want some strawberry shortcake. Even still the shortcake is Allmost too much. We watch just a little “Boardwalk Empire” before We are ready for dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Another day learning to do 3D within multiD



Another day learning to do 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 7:36 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We are asked to remember this question: “What can be more important than planetary assension?” We agree. The only thing is that: the word assension tends to imply “going somewhere”. We prefer words like “waking”, “evolution”, “expansion” and such. Unified and limitless: next stop on the planetary express.

We are up early for a Sunday because We wanna go get water. We have woken a few times from nearby worlds where Our life is quite different from Our waking life. New friends there of course. We woke just now and were unable to get back to dream easily so We decided to get up and wake and walk in multiD. We are doing 3D and clearly deep in multiD.

We remember to vibrate unconditional love for that is All that matters. We real-eyes that We Allready ARE unconditional love. It is the awareness of being and vibrating unconditional love that is missing. We ARE grateful. We ARE expanding Our awareness.

We did lay back down because We thelt the need to dream some more. It was waking dreams in this world and others. Yes: more new friends. We love Us and We thank Us.

We got water and when We got home We have the theeling of having been on an adventure. It is kinda the feeling of Xmas morning that We have typed about before. The trip went easy and nothing special happened. The theeling comes from within and the outer circumstances really do not matter. Thank Us. The result of choosing gratitude over bitching. These theelings are about being childlike. As children We did not worry much about survival: We were too busy playing. As A-dults We got way caught up in survival and the material world. Now: We ARE setting it All free with love.

Happy IS a choice. Thank Us.

It is another day of going back to dream. We do not seem to be able to stay up for long before We are sooooo deep in multiD that We just seem/theel to have to go back to dream. Sure are lots of fun worlds and friends to explore. Starships, inner earth and other places on earth and of course it is really All within.

We continue having experiences and insights into Our world being nothing like what We Allways thought, taught and believed. We are also continuing to experience the results of living in gratitude. We love Us and We thank Us. It is more fun in gratitude.

We are getting some things done in 3D as well as drifting and playing in multiD.

We paid bills, filled Our heating oil, got the last of last summer’s tomato plant cut down and in the garden area to compost and whatever else We did in 3D. We ARE here in 3D and functioning AND more and more in multiD. We really ARE learning how to be here AND there. Of course: unconditional love is the real point and We remember to focus on love and We ARE grateful. Our life does theel more fun today than it has in quite a while. It is like We were waiting for a few years and now We are expanding into what We have known is right here. It was just hidden: well hidden.

We have been reading quite a bit online that is confirming what We are experiencing.

We made nachos for dinner and watched more “Boardwalk Empire”. Then We played in multiD and read more of Our book.

Now We go dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

More insights into multiD



More insights into multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 11:59 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We are asked to remember this question: “What can be more important than planetary assension?” We agree. The only thing is that: the word assension tends to imply “going somewhere”. We prefer words like “waking”, “evolution”, “expansion” and such. Unified and limitless: next stop on the planetary express.

Are We up or just ‘tending? Good question. We are here and yet more there. Of course it is All here. Our awareness and focus are expanding. It is a lovely day outside and still below freezing so nicer through Our view screen.

We went back to dream. It was mostly waking dream with a little full dream. We woke knowing that We really do have a choice about the world(s) that We experience in waking. There are just sooooo many subtle and sneaky ways to keep OurSelves stuck in old and familiar limitation.

We thank Us. If We want to expand it begins with love and gratitude. Do We want to bitch or be grateful? Allways a great question.

We are going to visit Our friends and We agreed that a little later is more better.

We are having more experiences and awareness of other worlds, dimensions, vibrations and places in Our familiar world coexisting simultaneously. Kinda like looking at pictures from other places which We may or may not have ever been to. We are getting more insights and intuits about the reality of Our world(s). It is nothing like what We Allways thought, taught and believed. Nothing at All yet We cling to the old as solid fact and safety.

Our world is more of a holographic slide show than the solid, static, fixed reality that We think it is. We did such a good job of tricking OurSelves into believing that We live in limitation and separation. We live in unconditional love. We disguised it cleverly and it really looks and feels nothing like what We thought unconditional love would look and feel like. Here is the thing: it looks and feel exactly like what We expect. We chose to experience limitation and separation and that is what We got. Changing/expanding that choice is harder than it sounds because We are in love with Our creation/miscreation???? That is why it is sooooo important to assure OurSelves, Our children within that We are NOT destroying or abandoning anything because everything in Our world is Our creation and We do love and cherish each and every part and pisces. Even the parts that We hate the most.

These are hard concepts to accept and absorb because “they” are totally contrary to the world around Us that We created. There is little or no visible support especially locally and even most of what can be found on the internet is still steeped in some (or many) form(s) of limitation and separation. We ARE changing/expanding that and it is a gradual process to protect the guilty. (We say guilty as a joke. NoOne is guilty. We made (a) choice(s) and We are living those choices.)

Once again as We “try” to access and experience other vibrations and “be” there without traveling We find that We are afraid of it. Of course: One thing is the word “try”. In unconditional love and multiD We allow. Our mindset is still in limitation by default. We ARE expanding. We focus on vibrating and projecting unconditional love and being grateful for whatever We project onto Our world.

We had a fairly nice visit with Our friends. “They” are very concerned over the elections and there seemed to be a tension between “them” that We do not usually see/feel. We theel that We are growing further and further apart. Glad that there are versions of “them” in less limited realities too.

At home: We decide to have strawberry shortcake while We play in multiD before dreaming. MMMM good.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

A day in multiD while in 3D



A day in multiD while in 3D

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:01 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We are asked to remember this question: “What can be more important than planetary assension?” We agree. The only thing is that: the word assension tends to imply “going somewhere”. We prefer words like “waking”, “evolution”, “expansion” and such. Unified and limitless: next stop on the planetary express.

Once again Our first thought was: “Thank Us”. We are waking in multiD. This is exactly what We used to resist when We woke thinking it was something else. Now: We allow and even welcome the theeling. Thank Us.

Oh: it’s 11:11 today.

Once again We are having a little difficulty functioning in 3D while so focused in multiD. This was a trap that We set to keep Us in limitation and separation. Making it harder to live in 3D within multiD than it is to live in limitation and separation. Just now We got lost in Our own words and had no idea what We were saying and what to type next. YAY!!!!! It IS working.

Thank Us.

We are “getting it” that even Our idea/concept of “poofing” is limited/limitation and inaccurate. Less limited and more accurate than Our concept of teleportation yet it still falls short of reality. We are not fully succeeding because We do not wanna get caught up in anything “less than” and not go for the gold. Another thing is that often We imagine “poofing” into the bus barn and We do not really wanna go/be there.

Anywhere that We want to go/be (or even do NOT wanna): We are Allready there. We forget that a lot. All that We need to do (to experience being there) is match the vibration for it is actually Allready HERE and NOW. Such a shift in thinking and believing.

Thank Us.

We are certainly the 11:11 energy and slipped into the gateway. Thank Us.

The pool is closed for the holyday so We did not get to hottub. We are having lunch and Wifi on Our second break. We could not get a Wifi connection on Our first break. It is warmish cold today.

We are having fun drifting in multiD today so We are gonna stop trying to type and think.

Most of Our afternoon kids rode and All seemed pretty quiet. One is absorbed with “their” tablet and does not want Us to mention the tablet or games in “their” home note. We asked why and “they” say because “they” hate tablets and yet “they” seem to be hooked on playing the games. Another told Us that “they” are quite certain that “their” snow pants are in “their” backpack. One preschooler is playing the alphabet on “their” fingers and the others fall asleep.

We are deep in multiD when We get home and just do not theel like eating so We go dream a little early. We can barely stay out of dream so why resist?

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Friday, November 11, 2016

Choices in multiD and 3D



Choices in multiD and 3D

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:04 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We are asked to remember this question: “What can be more important than planetary assension?” We agree. The only thing is that: the word assension tends to imply “going somewhere”. We prefer words like “waking”, “evolution”, “expansion” and such. Unified and limitless: next stop on the planetary express.

We woke a little early Onedering which world We are in (Hillary or Trump?). Of course it is not really an either or choice. There are infinite varieties of either of those choices. That is the point that We need to get, remember and live.

We ARE choosing a world of unconditional love. What color will We paint that/those world(s)? We choose peace and freedom. We must start living that vibration. Without love everything else is nothing. Thank Us. We love Us unconditionally.

We ARE more focused on sending love into Our world and loving Our others unconditionally than We have been in a while.

We are reminded that We ARE creating Our reality unless We choose to give away Our power and even then??????? So: what world We wake in really does not matter. We used to think that We were stuck in whatever world We woke in until We returned to dream. Now: We know better. However the old thinking, training and programming is strong and We hang on to that. Pony hop, pony hop. We set it free with love. We chose to vibrate and project unconditional love. That is in every world where We find OurSelves.

We have been thinking that perhaps in worlds where Trump got elected people will see/feel/sense/hear/smell/theel the need to send love. Perhaps it will be a unifying affect even if it looks divisive on the surface.

We choose love and gratitude. It makes Us smile.

Choosing Our world, choosing unconditional love and choosing gratitude are moment by moment choices. This is not a One shot deal. We do not choose and live in only that One choice the rest of Our life or even the rest of the day or hour. That is Our old thinking and programming. We ARE expanding and with that expansion come more choices and more choices and more awareness of choices.

Yesterday: it dropped below 0 F (for the first time this year) and then only got up near +20 before starting to drop again in the evening. (The days are getting noticeably shorter) This morning We noticed that Our cabin is warming more and faster than the last few days. We did get up around midnight and run the heater a while. That does not really explain the warmth inside this morning. We go outside and find that it is around freezing.

Which way did We go? Which way did We go? If You see Us?????? Make sure We are fed and watered?????

Ah: here We are having lunch and Wifi on Our morning break. Slip, sliding through worlds today and having fun with the kids. What more could We ask for. Should be able to hottub on Our afternoon break.

Hottub was great. We had fun with Our afternoon kids. Two have formed a friendship and One is easy for Us to deal with and the other not so much. The easy One is older and this helps Us and kinda frees Us up some to deal with others. We will see how that unfolds.

We slipped into multiD as usual.

At home We played in multiD and read Our book. Dinner with more “Boardwalk Empire” and now time for dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.