3D and physical living within multiD
Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:45 PM and/or NOW
Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate. Dance to the music.
Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.
What a wide variety of worlds with lots of new friends and maybe a few familiars. In One We are president, in another a soldier and many, many others. Some are good and some are bad and those are simply judgments from Our limitation and separation mindset. It was mostly All short dream spells. (We like the phrase dream spells: so many possibilities.) Sometimes We could go right back to dream and other times We had to get up and play in multiD a while. As You can see from the time above: We dreamt in most of the day. We theel that We could keep dreaming. The thing is that We do have a couple things that We want to do today before We start another week on the bus AND We do not know if We can dream All day today and get any sleep and dreaming tonight.
The first thing We started reading upon getting up is about dreaming. We have only started reading it. We have never followed the advice of trying to document Our dreams immediately. Sometimes We remember and type “them” up and usually not. We are okay with either. Our dreams are alternate lives. We will remember when We are ready if it is important. What We often do is remember, review, rehearse, repeat and play in the world(s)/life/lives that We just woke from. After All: if We can not play there: what good is it?
Our radio alarm just went off and We real-eyes that We reset it (the power went out sometime over the weekend) We set it backwards. Glad it went off while We are awakeish.
We are getting most of Our weekend stuff done. The words tasks and chores have such limitation and separation connotations.
We are also playing in multiD and getting insights and intuits about living multidimensionally as love in the physical and 3D. We ARE making a lot of progress even if it may not “look” that way. Seeing IS deceiving. We tend to say that We are changing and change also has a lot of limitation and separation connotations. Change implies loss of something or leaving something behind. We are setting the old free with love and it remains free in the infinite pool/soup of infinity. We CAN return here any time We want.
As We go about playing and doing “stuff” We are getting more insights and intuits. We see and theel how We do keep OurSelves in limitation and separation. This is mostly out of habit, training and programming and to a lessor degree addiction and fear of the unknown. We still believe that there are people, places and things outside of Us that control Us. There is actually nothing outside of Us. Everything IS Our creation and only exists in the mind of the creator: Us. This is still a very hard concept to grasp much less believe and live. We are making progress and that is what matters. All is love. That IS the answer and the only answer. Everything else is just chapped lips.
We theel that We got everything done that We wanted to do today. It is too bad that We still believe that there are things that We “need” to do. Progress NOT perfection.
More and more We are sensing being on ship and time is behaving abnormally. We do know that earth/Gaia is a sentient, living space ship. That may or may not be what We are sensing. We ARE creating it so it can be whatever We want. No more absolutes because We are creating (making it up) as We go along.
Once again We find simple physical/3D functions difficult and require much more concentration than “they” used to. Another part of the trap in limitation and separation: make limitation and separation seem easier and more convenient than limitlessness, unity and multiD. No One to blame here. We ARE responsible and that is it.
As We do some online reading (and at many other times) We are reminded that when We travel (for lack of a better word) to other times, worlds, lives and realities We return here seconds (either) before or after We left (and of course We never really leave: Our awareness and focus shifts) and the same is true in those other lives and worlds. In those lives and realities We are NOT as aware of spending lots of time in limitation and separation, time is stress and struggles. To Our multiD Self those are only fleeting moments observed when We choose.
We play and read some until We are ready for dinner. We eat and watch more “Once Upon a Time”. We turn Our computer off completely so Netflix can stream more betterer.
Now it is time to dream.
Good night AND thank You for playing.