Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Monday, February 29, 2016

3D and physical living within multiD



3D and physical living within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:45 PM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate. Dance to the music.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

What a wide variety of worlds with lots of new friends and maybe a few familiars. In One We are president, in another a soldier and many, many others. Some are good and some are bad and those are simply judgments from Our limitation and separation mindset. It was mostly All short dream spells. (We like the phrase dream spells: so many possibilities.) Sometimes We could go right back to dream and other times We had to get up and play in multiD a while. As You can see from the time above: We dreamt in most of the day. We theel that We could keep dreaming. The thing is that We do have a couple things that We want to do today before We start another week on the bus AND We do not know if We can dream All day today and get any sleep and dreaming tonight.

The first thing We started reading upon getting up is about dreaming. We have only started reading it. We have never followed the advice of trying to document Our dreams immediately. Sometimes We remember and type “them” up and usually not. We are okay with either. Our dreams are alternate lives. We will remember when We are ready if it is important. What We often do is remember, review, rehearse, repeat and play in the world(s)/life/lives that We just woke from. After All: if We can not play there: what good is it?

Our radio alarm just went off and We real-eyes that We reset it (the power went out sometime over the weekend) We set it backwards. Glad it went off while We are awakeish.

We are getting most of Our weekend stuff done. The words tasks and chores have such limitation and separation connotations.

We are also playing in multiD and getting insights and intuits about living multidimensionally as love in the physical and 3D. We ARE making a lot of progress even if it may not “look” that way. Seeing IS deceiving. We tend to say that We are changing and change also has a lot of limitation and separation connotations. Change implies loss of something or leaving something behind. We are setting the old free with love and it remains free in the infinite pool/soup of infinity. We CAN return here any time We want.

As We go about playing and doing “stuff” We are getting more insights and intuits. We see and theel how We do keep OurSelves in limitation and separation. This is mostly out of habit, training and programming and to a lessor degree addiction and fear of the unknown. We still believe that there are people, places and things outside of Us that control Us. There is actually nothing outside of Us. Everything IS Our creation and only exists in the mind of the creator: Us. This is still a very hard concept to grasp much less believe and live. We are making progress and that is what matters. All is love. That IS the answer and the only answer. Everything else is just chapped lips.

We theel that We got everything done that We wanted to do today. It is too bad that We still believe that there are things that We “need” to do. Progress NOT perfection.

More and more We are sensing being on ship and time is behaving abnormally. We do know that earth/Gaia is a sentient, living space ship. That may or may not be what We are sensing. We ARE creating it so it can be whatever We want. No more absolutes because We are creating (making it up) as We go along.

Once again We find simple physical/3D functions difficult and require much more concentration than “they” used to. Another part of the trap in limitation and separation: make limitation and separation seem easier and more convenient than limitlessness, unity and multiD. No One to blame here. We ARE responsible and that is it.

As We do some online reading (and at many other times) We are reminded that when We travel (for lack of a better word) to other times, worlds, lives and realities We return here seconds (either) before or after We left (and of course We never really leave: Our awareness and focus shifts) and the same is true in those other lives and worlds. In those lives and realities We are NOT as aware of spending lots of time in limitation and separation, time is stress and struggles. To Our multiD Self those are only fleeting moments observed when We choose.

We play and read some until We are ready for dinner. We eat and watch more “Once Upon a Time”. We turn Our computer off completely so Netflix can stream more betterer.

Now it is time to dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Imaginating some in multiD and 3D



Imaginating some in multiD and 3D

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 9:47 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate. Dance to the music.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We woke a lot during the night and usually had to get up and play in multiD before We could back to dream. We real-eyesed that this is part of Our process and transition.

This morning We are getting a taste of how addicted We are to life being difficult and a struggle. Typing that We also real-eyes how much easier Our current life is than many people’s lives. The thing is that We are sooooo used to “doing” that We can barely imagine just “being”. Would We be bored? How can One be bored with infinity, eternity, unity and limitlessness. The concept of boredom is part of the limitation and separation matrix.

We are imagining life in worlds of unconditional love, ease and comfort. We can not conjure up such imaginings. Our conscious has no material to work with because All it knows is conditional love (at best), struggle and limits. However: Our subconscious knows such worlds. Our head is afraid of such worlds. Our head only knows struggle and striving. We ARE addicted to having to “do” to survive and thrive and enjoy OurSelves.

We returned to dream and had fun. When We woke We are Allmost ready to get up. We remind Us that can wake and walk in multiD and We are doing so more and more. We DO chose what We focus on, think about and live. Usually these choices are automatic and based on (made from) habit. We are beginning to notice and sometimes expand Our choices. We are experiencing how We tend to revert to Our old defaults.

We are having flashes of being on ship and other worlds and We have still unconsciously chosen Our old and familiar world or so it appears. We are pony hopping and setting it free with love. We love Our creations. Now We want to create more.

We went to town and had a nice visit with Our friends. There were several times when “they” were talking about limitation 3d going ons that We drifted off and Onedered why We are there. We played cards and had a great dinner: hamburger hash and steamed green beans. We are able to eat more nowadays and We did overeat a little.

We are theeling very dreamy and drifty in multiD by the time We get home. We are practicing being here AND there. It seems like it would be easier to just be there, to leave limitation behind but then it would just be another version of limitation. It might be easier but (for Us at least) it would not work.

So: a little playing in multiD and off to dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

More experiences of living in multiworlds and multiD



More experiences of living in multiworlds and multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:42 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate. Dance to the music.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We slept and dreamt a little better last night again visiting many alternate worlds and lives with old and new friends. This morning We thelt more like getting up to explore waking and walking in multiD. There is more perceptual shift going on. It is like We are getting the connection between a compute and Our mind. We still type with Our fingers and it theels more like We are typing with Our mind. Like: We are thinking the words and letters and “they” appear on Our screen. We use machines to do what We really can do with Our mind and do not believe that We can.

Our head is still trying to plan and keep Us in only One reality. We choose to be aware of multirealities. It is not so much about finding a better, nicer reality (Allthough there is still that desire) as it is about being aware of living in multirealities simultaneously.

We notice time being a little different again this morning. We have to think and focus in 3D to even know what the time means as We look at a clock. What an odd device it seems at first. Wow.

As We ponder Our upcoming day and route (Our head trying to lock Us into the old and familiar limitation and separation 3d) We get it that even though it is nice to walk in nicer worlds: it is much more about being aware of walking in multiworlds. At least it is for Us. One now at a time.

We just wants to treat Our kids nicely and fairly. Sometimes “their” behavior makes that difficult for Us even though We love “them” unconditionally. Our head thinks that thinking and planning will make this easier and We know that the opposite is true. We must learn to trust Our instincts and be aware of living in multiworlds and multiD. Our head laughs at the idea of “trusting” OurSelves.

Another great channeling about what We are living. This talks about the importance We place on Our 3D life and world, especially Our decisions. As We ponder this We ARE aware of being here and there: being in Our cabin in Alaska AND onboard Our ship(s). We can feel OurSelves walking in 0 to low gravity. Quite interesting.

We flash on a memory from Our waking life and real-eyes that what We remember, what We experienced is actually impossible in limitation 3d. We did not notice it being impossible when it happened. We real-eyes that We have several memories/experiences of something impossible happening in Our daily lives. The most common is two (or more) vehicles being in the same space at the same time and NOT colliding. We chalk these up as miracles. Sometimes We take credit and usually We give credit to some higher (whatever that may be) bean. This is a very interesting awareness for Us.

We clearly slipped into (created?) a nearby and slightly different/nicer world this morning. The kids are behaving betterer AND sharing even though One student still does not bring “their” phone (to play games) and another One’s tablet died. We are amazed that six kids can share nicely without any arguments. The youngest has a little trouble with the sharing and being nice (others have not Allways been nice to him). All ARE making progress. Again We get to tell the administrator that We had a good ride.

Our middleschooler is awake most of the ride: this is unusual. “They” do much better at getting out of “their” seat and off the bus. The walk into school is fairly normal. At the class room “they” release Our hand and walk by “themSelves” All the way in. It is only the second time that “they” have done that.

Lunch and Wifi on Our morning break.

Our noon section is fun even though One of Our favorites does not ride on Fridays. We really do Our best to treat everyOne fair and equal and We do have favorite students. This particular favorite student has gotten pretty mad at Us when We have not let “them” have “their” way. That usually happens when “they” are very tired or have had some disappointment before getting on the bus. Often: when something has happened with students before getting on the bus “their” behavior surprises Us as We usually do not know that anything happened AND We forget that “they” only see Us an hour or two (at the mostest) out of twenty-four and only four or five out of seven days. That is a lot of time that We are not part of and think how much We carry stuff with Us and it affects unrelated people and events.

We continue to learn how to live as love in 3D and the physical. Not necessarily the same thing as We Allways thought.

Our afternoon section goes well. The last two students (also the oldest) let two younger sit with each of “them”. That helps. Something happened at school between the last two and there is a little friction there. After the younger two get home the older two want to sit together. We are a bit unsure but tell that We will let “them” try as long as “they” can get along. The problem seems to have resolved. “They” are kinda/mildly rebelling against Our discipline. This does affect Us because discipline is the hardest for Us and We wish We could let “them” run free. We dream of worlds where the children can run wild and free. Worlds where love is the foundation and building material and harm is not even a concept. What surprises Us is how easily “they” get over being mad at Us. After giving Us sad faces and tally marks and that not bothering Us: “they” tell Us about things that are important to “them” in the moment and ask Us for help doing things that “they” can not do easily. Kids.

This is Our subdriver’s last day as “they” are returning home tonight. We tell “them” that We enjoyed working with “them” and “they” say that We are the best attendant “they” have ever had. We know that. LOL. Our supervisor also mentioned that “they” had told Our new driver that We know the route turn by turn and “they” will not have any problems. We do like compliments.

We stop for Mexican take out on the way home. Two beef enchiladas are the special so We try that. We usually get the tostaditas (deluxe Nachos) and had thought to try something different. We also noticed that “they” do have soft tacos deluxe (with flour tortillas) available and prices by One, two or three. We had forgotten that if We knew it. We prefer this place over Taco Bell and have often gone to Taco Bell to get the soft tacos deluxe. We like All the stuff on Our tacos and soft flour shells.

At home We eat right away so Our enchiladas are hot. The cabin warms quickly as it is above freezing outside. Thankfully: We had salted the spot next the driver’s door where We park and the roof melts so that is quite soft and crunchy and not as slick as the spot that did not get salted. Our drive is a little slick and We remember and go slow. Thank Us.

We have remembered many times today to thank Us. We also thank Our others and are reminded that it really is All Us and YES: It IS All ABOUT Us.

Dinner is delicious and We overeat just a bit and enjoy “Once Upon a Time”. We recall how We did experience walking in multiworlds All day. We ARE learning how to live multidimensionally, how to be “IN” limitation and NOT “of” limitation.

Time to dream after We play in multiD a bit. When We play in multiD We are able to be aware of people, places and things that exist in Our world (and not) that are not present in Our daily waking life.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Intuits and experiences of waking and walking in multiD



Intuits and experiences of waking and walking in multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:15 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate. Dance to the music.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We did not sleep and dream well last night. It was a restless night. We woke from some worlds that are similar to Our passed yet different too. We real-eyes that it is more than One world We were visiting. That is a new awareness. We really are not ready to leave dream so We are gonna go back for a little bit.

We returned to worlds similar to the Ones We woke from and Our familiar waking world. Now: We theel more ready to wake and walk in multiD and multiworlds. We can tell that We ARE waking and walking in multiD.

And yet another article about what We are living.

On Our morning route We are aware of having slipped into a less limited and more unified world(s). The kids are much better behaved and sharing and mostly being nice to each other. One student who rarely misses a day does not ride and We know that this One instigates some of the difficulties. The two that often act up are behaving very well. We do not know what world We slipped into and We likes it. We were able to tell the teacher that meets the bus that “they” All did well and We ARE making progress.

Our middlesschooler had a mild seizure right after “their” dad put “them” on the bus. We let “them” sit down on the floor and take “their” time before walking the rest of the way to “their” seat and that seems to work fine. The father had told Us that “they” might be about to have a seizure. We are starting/learning to recognize this. “They” tend to collapse if standing and/or walking when it happens.

We have lunch and Wifi on Our morning break.

Our noon section is fun as usual. One student gets mad at Us when We make “them” pick a seat rather than wandering back and forth through the bus trying to decide. The mad last about thirty seconds. Most of these kids are playful as usual and We just have to remind “them” to use classroom voices and not get too rowdy. Kids certainly do tend to get rowdy when playing.

We get to hottub on Our afternoon break. Somewhere along the line We slip (or have slipped) back into Our familiar limitation 3D reality. We notice this on Our afternoon section.

The last two kids are really energetic to be nice. When “they” act like this “they” tend to NOT sit safely. We have to keep reminding “them”. We also notice something different about Our driver’s driving. It starts raining. We decide to separate the last two as the One sitting on the aisle keeps sitting more in the aisle than in the seat. We have warned “them” several times that if “they” can not stay in the seat We will have “them” sit next to the window. “They” do not like that for some reason. Some kids prefer sitting next to the window and some do not.

We slip deep into multiD and when Our driver asks a question it is like We are jolted from dream even though We thought We were wide awake. It is like Our driver jerked Us into a different reality. Probably because “they” did.

As We get close to the barn: dispatch is looking for a sped driver for an afterschool shuttle. We ask Our driver if he wants to take it and he says he is too tired. That explains some of the driving and confirms what We thought.

At home We are aware of being in multiD and multiworlds. “Once Upon a Time” theels like it is about Our life.

We notice time shifting. We have difficulty knowing what month it is???? We have difficulty remembering that it might even matter.

We are ready to go dream after playing in multiD a bit.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Insights and experiences in living multidimensionally



Insights and experiences in living multidimensionally

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:45 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate. Dance to the music.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We woke a lot last night. First: We let Our cabin get too cold and then it was a little warm for sleeping. We did go right back to dream though. Now: We wanna stay in dream. We still are not familiar with being sleepy being Our focus is split/divided in multiD. Those are not the bestest words to describe it.

We are remembering that We ARE in multiD. It is not what We had expected. That is probably a good thing. We ARE reminded that it IS All about love. Our head is trying to think and plan and keep Us in limitation 3D. It Allmost works. Old habits and All that. We choose love today. We love Our kids and OurSelf and Our world. Love, love, love.

We notice in “Once Upon a Time” “they” speak of true love and true love’s kiss and it is usually referring to romantic love. We are reminded of unconditional love. True love and romantic love are the disguises and substitutes that We created for separation and limitation 3D.

We do theel that We think that We would like less 3D. Is that just wishful thinking? Limitation thinking and beliefs? We think so. It might be easier. It seems like it would be easier. Often: what looks easier is actually harder. Our old thinking and beliefs are completely designed to keep Us stuck in limitation and longing for that when We get near any old limitation borders and boundaries. We ARE near a lot of those borders, boundaries and limits. We ARE pushing the envelope and NOT the river. This is about relaxing and allowing NOT about stress and forcing anything.

Our head is dong pretty good at being sneaky and ensnaring Us in old thinking and beliefs. We set it free with love. We send love to Our kids. We pony hop.

Another channeling about what We have been living and sharing. We get the insight that this also applies to labeling others. We think of the labels and judgments and expectations that We place upon Our kids and sure enough: those labels keep Us (and “them”) stuck. We are reminded that it IS All about love. We send love. We ARE love learning how to live as love in the physical.

We are getting more insights today. We are learning to live as love in the physical. Our morning kids are doing better at sharing Our game even though it is still hard to share with more than three. We are All learning. Our head wants to plan and take charge. We know how that ends. We keep returning to love, pony hopping and setting it All free with love. There is more about “them” being versions and aspects of Our multiD Self. A teacher has started meeting Us at the gradeschool and We have two that need to talk to her about behavior. She says that she knows that We have Our work cut out for Us. No kidding. We love the kids. Remember: We connect the best with the bad boys.

We meet Our new driver. She is a nice gal as others have told Us. Hopefully she likes kids. We do some shopping on Our morning break.

Our noon section is fun as usual. These really are Our favorite kids. Sometimes “they” get a little loud and rambunctious and “they” are just being little kids. “They” do not Allways get along though “they” do better than the morning kids.

We have time to hottub on Our second break and it is working. Life IS good. We continue to get insights into love, OurSelves and multiD throughout the day. Of course: We forget what “they” are. “They” are filed for future reference.

Our PM section goes pretty smooth. One of the last kids does not ride so it is another short section. The last kid does NOT get it that if “they” drink too much from “their” water bottle “they” suffer. We are NOT allowed to stop and let “them” get off the bus to pee. We have a bit of a verbal battle and then “they” do better. We keep the water bottle and “they” ask for it at each stop and only drink a little then hand it back to Us. That is a lot of progress.

All day We have been getting a lot of insights into being love, multidimensional and limitless. Unity consciousness keeps coming up too. We experience that when We focus on limitation and separation (any aspect or aspects) We tend to experience difficulty/difficulties. The difficulties may or may not have anything to do with what We are focused on. When We focus on any aspect of limitation and separation We take OurSelves there. This has been Our habit, Our m.o., Our way of life for eons. Our world is very different than We have Allways thought and believed. We ARE learning how to live in this/these different world(s).

It IS All about love.

We ARE grateful. We forgive OurSelves, We accept OurSelves, We love and thank OurSelves unconditionally. We ARE learning about creating Our own reality. We CAN do this.

At home: We put away the stuff We bought at the store. We are in multiD and drifting peacefully there. We have dinner with “Once Upon a Time”. More insights and intuits and bread crumbs.

Time to dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Insights and experiences of 3D within multiD



Insights and experiences of 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:45 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate. Dance to the music.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We slept and dreamt well and do not wanna wake this morning. We are still mostly in multiD and wanna be in full dream. We had a lot of fun in Our dream lives with many new friends. It really does not matter if We visit those worlds in waking or not: We wanna spend more time there in dream. This is One of those nights where We really enjoyed those other worlds and lives. Sometimes “they” are not so fun. Last night was lots of fun. Can You tell that We had a good time?

We are theeling different this morning. Not as different as yesterday. Maybe We Allready bridged that divide.

We just got it (One more time) that resisting waking and getting up is also about Our old thinking that We want to be totally focused in limitation and separation. Theeling sleepy is about our focus being divided in multiD and multiworlds. We are learning/remembering to embrace this and not disdain it.

Yesterday: We focused a lot on creating a world of unconditional love, a world of ease and comfort. We continue to do so today. We real-eyes that struggle and strife are choices. “They” are habits of living many lives in limitation and separation. Gently and gradually We can shift Our focus into worlds of unity consciousness, living in ease and comfort. We have no idea where this will take Us as even if We have ever been there before We have totally forgotten. Our head tries to figure and plan what this will be like. That will only limit and spoil it. We open, allow and set it free with love. Specific expectations only limit.

We notice that when We receive a suggestion (instructions from the manual that We are writing) immediately We ask: “How?” even when We are Allready doing it. Our first reaction is Allways (or nearly anyway) to doubt OurSelves. That is familiar, it is a habit.

Worlds of ease and comfort are a choice just like happy is a choice. These are NOT familiar choices. Unhappy, stress, struggle and strife ARE familiar. “They” are so familiar that “they” seem mandatory. We have forgotten that there ARE other choices. Even though We DO desire a world of ease and comfort: Our main goal is multiD and limitlessness. Therefore: We can not destroy or abandon Our worlds of limitation and separation. Doing and being aware of both (and more) is harder than focusing on only One life and world even when it is a world that We do not like.

We are still learning how to do this. We pony hop. We open, allow and set it All free with love.

We ARE creating worlds of unconditional love, limitless and unified worlds. We can create as many (and more) worlds of love, ease and comfort as We did worlds/lives/realities of limitation and separation. We can create new memories of these worlds. Memories are NOT real because everything happens in the now and memories are of the passed. We lived and relived Our memories for sooooo long that We believe that “they” are the only thing that is real. What a lie We tell OurSelves.

Our day is going well. The two students who did not ride yesterday morning are riding this morning. Two kids left “their” games at home and We are still able to share without the chaos We had last Friday. We will see how it goes. Too many kids sharing One game is hard.

We have lunch and Wifi on Our first break. Our noon section is fun as usual. We would have time to hottub except that it broken again/still. We take a long, hot shower instead.

Most of Our PM kids ride and We still finish a bit early so We stop for milk and few other groceries on the way home. We get home a little early and the cabin warms quickly because it is sooooo warm outside. It is not quite as warm as yesterday.

We have dinner with “Once Upon a Time”. We notice the mention of true love and think of unconditional love.

We are ready to go dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

And more 3D in multiD



And more 3D in multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:53 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate. Dance to the music.

Today: We choose to vibrate love.

We woke theeling a decided shift in Our world and especially in Our focus. We ARE creating a world of unconditional love. If We choose to focus on the mundane of Our daily life and the struggle within then We can remain there. Or: We can focus on creating this new earth.

We listened to Suzanne Lie’s latest meditation/message and laid back down to finish it. Afterwards: We drifted off/in and woke at 4:44. We real-eyes that Our daily life (where We have been focused each every day of Our life so far) is unimportant in the grand scheme of things. It is important that We spend Our day creating a world of unconditional love. That begins within Us. Our children ARE important. “Their” actions are not so important. We focus on loving “them” unconditionally. “They” do not need to earn Our love. That is part of the world of limitation and separation.

We read something yesterday that reminds Us that We love being physical. We ARE taking the physical into multiD and We ARE bringing multiD into the physical. We also have energy bodies. These are not something We need to find or recover. Our energy bodies have Allways been with Us. We can simply be aware of these. That is All We have to say about those at this time.

The importance that We ascribe to the events of Our world and daily life keep Us locked/tracked in Our limitation/separation world. We created it. We love it. We set it free with love. We are NOT destroying or abandoning Our creation. We setting it free to fly and live free. It will remain available for Us to visit and play in anytime We want. This IS important.

Here is another channeling about what We are living and sharing. Again: Relaxation, taking it easy are keys to this new world, this new earth. This is about unconditional love. The projection and reflection of unconditional love. Instead of the projection and reflection of fear and judgment that We have live in for eons: We are slipping into the projection and reflection of unconditional love. It may look much the same for a while as that is Our belief. Our beliefs are shifting.

The old and familiar are Our expectation. We real-eyes that when We first woke: what We thelt was quite different and Our head reverted (mostly) to Our old and familiar limitation and separation world/life/reality. Not completely. The new is new and unfamiliar. We have little to no point of reference. Our dreams are bringing it into Our awareness and making it familiar.

Today: We choose love.

We spent Our morning sending love to Our kids, especially the morning gradeschoolers. Our morning kids did much better. Two did not ride and We figure it is because of Friday and really have no way of knowing. There were a couple of small incidents and that is probably gonna happen until We fully shift into a world of unconditional love. These other limited and separate worlds will still exist and We do NOT wanna forget those creations.

At school We did thank Our kids for a good ride.

The rest of Our day is fairly normal and We are mostly in multiD and functioning in 3D. There was a time (not long ago) where/when that was NOT normal.

We got gas, had breakfast and did some shopping on Our morning break.

Our noon section is fun as usual and We have time to hottub on Our second break.

Our last student is not riding on Our PM section so We finish early. Our preschooler (on this section) is acting up some at the beginning. “They” really do not like it when “they” do not get “their” way. Whatever that way may be at the time. We can tell that “they” are also tired and soon “they” fall asleep. We have been sending love to All Our kids today and We pay a lot of attention to “them”. Our driver is getting more familiar with the route so We can pay more attention to Our kids.

We are deep in multiD when We get back to the bus barn. We drive home as We have learned to be in multiD AND drive in 3D. At home We put away Our groceries and warm the cabin fairly quick since it is quite warm outside. We have dinner with more “Once Upon a Time”. Again: the story of living in two worlds helps Us. We are reminded that this is NOT just a story, not just a fantasy: it IS real. That is important for Us.

Now it is time to dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Monday, February 22, 2016

A lot of 3D and physical and insights within multiD



A lot of 3D and physical and insights within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 7:40 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate. Dance to the music.

Today: We choose to vibrate love.

We did get up a couple of times last night to play in multiD and the incident (on the bus) Friday morning continues to haunt Our head. It definitely got Our head active and going. We keep choosing love and to set it free with love and pony hopping. We know there is a lesson/experience (for Us) in setting it free and making choices about what world We choose in this. We love Us and Our kids unconditionally.

We are up early for a Sunday to go get water and then go back to dream. We are floating deep in multiD and not sure if We want to stay up to go for water or not.

We returned to dream (probably All waking dream) for a bit and then got up ready to go get water. We are very much in multiD and multiworlds as We go for water.

Yesterday: We were doing Our weekend 3D tasks AND deep in multiD. We did not have the energy and/or 3D focus to type even though We were doing several 3D tasks. A good experience at doing 3D stuff while deep in multiD. We ARE both. That is Our true nature. Actually: Our true nature is MORE than both: it is multi.

We returned to dream and had fun with more friends (new and old).

We looked at Our dragon and kinda found maybe where the leak is: at least We have a much betterer idea where to look. We will have to jack it up to get underneath to look more betterer.

We have been getting the impression that something asserted itSelf into/onto Our kids and OurSelf Friday morning. Of course there is nothing outside of Us, not really. Yet: this is NOT something that We did wrong. We created and projected this and it IS part of limitation and separation. We are NOT to blame and that is exactly what Our head keeps trying to do. Insight there.

We are doing some reading online and We ARE reminded that We tend to forget that the energies that are affecting Us and the planet also affect the kids. In the physical: the kids (generally) have no idea what “they” are dealing with. Neither do most A-dults. At least We have a clue (or part of a clue).

We spent the rest of Our day pondering, processing, pony hopping, setting it free with love, being open and allowing. Lots of insights into what We are doing and living. Our head keeps trying to drag Us back into Friday. Our head does not like living in the now. Our head does not like making progress. Progress is unfamiliar and does NOT feel safe and secure as the old and familiar passed does. We are reminded that most of what We have ever done is rerun the memories of the memories.

We choose to live something different now.

We have a very light dinner with “Once Upon a Time”. We had soup earlier so do not need much for dinner. Then We decide to have some I-scram for dessert.

We go to dream. We wake a few times and get up to read some more online. All the articles and channelings are saying mostly the same thing in slightly different words. Some embellish more than others. Some are more pertinent to Us than others. All are speaking about what We are living. Confirmation. We sleep and dream well in between these wakings.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

What a 3D day in multiD



What a 3D day in multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:27 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate. Dance to the music.

Today: We choose to vibrate love.

An interesting night: early on We woke from a dream of yesterday. The thing is that We really felt like We were reliving yesterday, or a similar version, or another different version, or We were creating the memory of yesterday that We would think was what happened when it was actually totally different. We experienced how We create memories that We believe are real. Of course: Our belief makes “them” real. We ARE making progress at learning to live in multiD. It theels like We cracked the egg even if just barely and it may be some time before We go further. It is exciting. We ARE delighted and grateful.

This was an experience in how Our world and life are very/totally different from what We have Allways thought and believed. We have known this for some time and now We are living and experiencing it.

After waking from that We had a hard time getting back to dream so We got up to play in multiD a bit and then went right back to dream. When We woke later We were able to get right back to dream.

We can theel that We are drifting in multiD and another world this morning. We are getting it that just because everything looks the same as We remember it does not mean that it is. Memories may be deceiving just as seeing IS deceiving. We are now experiencing that We may create memories that never really happened except in Our mind. Maybe that is the only place anything happens. It just gets curiouser and curiouser. As We open, allow and set the old free with love We really are opening doors and portals into very new and expanded lives, realities and experiences.

Our head is trying to plan Our day and how We will deal with the kids. We real-eyes two things” One is that Our planning keeps Us stuck in the old and familiar limitation; the other is that We can not plan reality because We do NOT know how it will unfold. Reality is much more than limitation even though Our belief in limitation has made it very real to Us for a long, long time.

Here is a channeling that is quite enlightening: It is something that We have thelt and sensed yet never really experienced. We theel that it can be applied to any of Our process of expansion.

We are not certain what happened with Our morning kids and certainly NOT the why of it (except as an important part of Our process). EveryOne wants to play Our game. We do Our best to be fair and share with All the kids and seem to fail miserably. “They” go totally out of control and We tell “them” that We are going to have an administrator get on the bus and talk to “them”. We hate doing this and yet We have no idea how else to deal. One student actually tried to kick another and that is just the tip of the iceberg.

Now here is the thing: We know that We did Our best and We are NOT a failure. Still: We feel like We failed and did something wrong, made a mistake. The administrator ripped the kids new Ones. She made “them” line up without pushing and shoving (no small task) and follow her into the school, slowly. Our head is having a hay day with this.

The rest of the day goes smooth except for Our head throwing rocks at Us and this time it is finding some real boulders and bombs. We know that this IS for the best for Us. We pony hop and set it free and Our head throws more rocks so We pony hop and set it free some more.

Thankfully: the rest of Our kids do well. Our head tries to plan what to do on Monday and We know that planning is holding on to limitation and separation so We pony hop and set it All free with love. We focus on love as much as We can. Our head still has a hay day so We keep returning to love.

We would have time to hottub on Our second break except that it is closed. Bummer!!!!!

Our last student does not ride in the PM so We finish early. Our head keeps rerunning the morning and throwing rocks at Us. We keep pony hopping and setting it All free with love. Our head demands plans and action and We know that is NOT the answer. As hard as this is for Us: We ARE making progress.

We stop at Walmart and get some Marie Callender's frozen lasagna for dinner.

At home We do Our best to relax. We do enjoy Our dinner and “Once Upon a Time”. There are some clear insights and messages about multiworlds. Our head keeps bringing up the morning and We are frustrated yet We do not admonish Our head. We love Us unconditionally. We have let Our head run Our life for sooooo long and it does think that it is doing what is best for Us.

We are ready to go dream. We theel that Our head will let Us.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Another similar 3D world in multiD



Another similar 3D world in multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:41 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate. Dance to the music.

Today: We choose to vibrate love.

We slept and dreamt well the first part of the night and were up a lot after that. We tried playing in multiD and even that did not help Us get back to dream. Now: We wanna stay in dream. We are waking a little bit different than usual: more in dream than awake. Hard to explain. Not much 3D focus.

We continue to theel different and experience Our world/life just a little bit differently. It All looks the same and the feel is distinctly different. Yesterday: We forgot to mention how different We theel about getting Our old driver back. Acceptance and knowing that everything IS working together for the best for Us really make a difference. We are practicing being open and allowing and setting it All free with love. We really are learning (through experience) how to live as unconditional love in the physical.

Here is another article about what We are living.

We can theel that We are in another similar yet different reality. Everything looks the same as We remember and theels a bit different. We have a sub driver from out of town. He is young and a good driver who knows absolutely nothing about Fairbanks. We have him for the entire day so We have to be a lot more focused in 3D than usual. The day goes smooth and We are only a few minutes late for Our first section and on time the rest of the day. The late is actually Our fault because of a new stop.

The morning kids who have “their” own game want to play Ours again. We do Our best to get everyOne a turn because “they” say that “their” game died which it did not actually do. Kids. Gotta love ‘em and We do. We have a new kindergartner this week and “they” are getting adjusted to riding the bus and the other kids. The others are not real nice as is usual for “them” with a younger student and We are having to pay more attention to the route and giving directions than We have for a while.

We get to do Wifi and lunch on Our morning break.

Our noon section goes well and We have a good time with Our students even though We are mostly paying attention to the route and giving directions. The kids (preschoolers) do not really understand why We can not pay as much attention to “them” as We usually do. We miss being focused on the kids.

Our second break is longer and We try to be helpful to Our driver and suggest that he ask if he can use the bus to go get some lunch and show him some places nearby.

We get to hottub so All is really well with the world. It has warmed up a lot and that is nice. It was around ten below this morning and now around ten to fifteen above. So: other than this new driver and being more 3D focused than We have in a while: what is different? It just theels different. Again: living in multiD is hard to describe fully and accurately with 3D words.

Our afternoon section goes fairly well. The boy who has been throwing a fit on the bus and therefore not riding tries to ride. The mother and grandmother are at school. He starts crying after We get him in his seat and this turns to screaming so We have “them” take him off. We can not drive with a screaming student and the other kids would melt too. Our last student gets his boots tied together in a knot and One of the later stops and he starts to melt down because We have to unload two wheelchairs before We can help him. We try to explain. In his mind his boots will be tied together forever and his mother will be mad.

There are a couple of slick hill spots on this section where Our driver has to use Our automatic chains and he does fine.

We finish a few minutes early because of not having a couple of riders. We are deeper into multiD than We expected after being so 3D focused to give All the directions. Our driver is starting to get a little familiar with Fairbanks even though there is some overload going on too. He asks about Chena Hot Springs and wants to go there this weekend. We kinda wish Our dragon was running so We could go with “them”. We know it is for the best. If We really, really want to go We could take Our chariot.

At home Our cabin is fairly warm because it is warmer outside. We warm up quickly and have an early dinner and play in multiD a bit before going to dream. Now: We go dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Theeling different in multiD



Theeling different in multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:45 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate. Dance to the music.

Today: We choose to vibrate love.

Lots of worlds and lots of friends. Mostly new friends and some from Our waking life. We do not remember many details except that We played a lot.

This morning We are clearly in a slightly different world than Our familiar world. Again: everything looks the same, it is the feel that is a little bit different. We can theel that We have choices. We would like to stay home again today and yet We theel that nothing would be gained that way. We no longer feel trapped, well maybe a little. We know that We choose Our reality. We just do not know quite how to choose something very different from Our standard choices. We ARE learning how to do this.

Yesterday: We were too deep in multiD to even consider doing an entry. We spent the day going back to dream and playing in multiD during the brief times We were awake. Today: Our head is still trying to keep Us stuck in limitation, trying to plan and worry about anything and everything. We set it All free with love. We did a lot of pony hopping during the night whenever Our head tried to take charge.

We notice that We have not had much to say the last few days. Not much in 3D words to describe what We do in multiD. Of course: a lot of multiD is also 3D. We ARE both. That is really hard to describe in 3D.

Our body is transitioning and that is a lot of what We are feeling. What are We transitioning to? We do not know. We have never done this before. Love manifest in a physical body. Whatever that means. We ARE getting what We asked for.

Our old beliefs are/keep trying to assert “themSelves” in Our waking life. We are listening to Our body and especially Our heart rather than Our head. Our head has its place that is for certain and We just have to find it. We ARE learning and learning and learning. We ARE grateful even if We are a bit scared. We ARE walking into the unknown. Even though We know that is what We have been seeking for eons: still: it IS unknown.

Once again: We find that many of the feelings and fears that We have avoided over the years are the very things that open Our portal to multiD and limitlessness and living as love in a physical body. We ARE facing OurSelf. We are clearly still in 3D even if it is not the same, familiar 3D as before (and even if it is). Being and going multiD is NOT about leaving 3D. It IS about learning how to be multidimensional AND live in 3D. We still do not really believe that We can do this. We doubt everything about Our true nature. We forgive Us unconditionally. We accept Us unconditionally. We love and thank Us unconditionally. We are the One We have been waiting for.

We really are noticing Our shifting this morning. We real-eyes that We have the choice of moving forward (open and allow) or stepping back into the old and familiar. Either choice is (All choices are) valid. We are after experience. We are growing and evolving and that will happen regardless of what We do. Of course: Our head keeps telling Us that We suffer some horrible fate if We do not struggle and work for what We want. To relax into Our desire is foreign to Us. It truly is like walking in another world.

We are feeling a lot today. We are experiencing opening, allowing and setting it All free with love. Our head is trying to scream at Us and throw rocks at Us and in Our way. We love Us unconditionally.

How to describe what We are experiencing? Spacey would be a start and only a start. Different too. Not just different from how it was: also different from how it is and certainly different from what We Allways thought and believed it is. Different because We are no longer focused in only One world, life and reality. We ARE here AND there doing this AND that. Here is a little different than there and since We both it is different than how it is. This is a little different than that and since We are doing both it is different than it is. We theel We did better at that explanation than We could. More. We ARE more.

Our kids are different too, and “they” are the same. We are setting it All free with love and that changes/expands everything. Different, expanding, more: All good words to begin to describe Our experience. Spacey because Our focus is divided between multiworlds and not just zoomed in on One. Our multiD focus and theeling seems spacey. It includes a much broader spectrum than Our old zoomed into only One focus did. It is new and therefore uncomfortable.

We have a new rider on Our morning section. “They” have never ridden a bus before so it is a real adventure for “them”. “They” do well on the bus. In the school “they” want to run and push. This seems to be common in this school.

We have a little extra time on Our morning break and help Our old (and probably new) driver fix the electrical plug on her car. We are integrating what We have been learning. We are still spacey, floating and drifting in multiD while functioning in 3D. We real-eyes (at an even deeper level than before) that what We considered important is not. We see and theel how We keep OurSelves locked in Our limitations and separation. We plan and worry about what may come and cause it to be limited.

We have the noon driver that We get a lot and do not have to give a lot of directions. We finish in time to go hottub on Our second break. We are still more in multiD than just 3D. We are aware of more worlds. All nearby and simultaneous.

We have a driver (for Our PM section) who has never driven Our route before. Several kids are not riding so We finish a little early. The last two are “their” usual hyperish little Selves. We do love ‘em.

We notice that Our sinuses are not bothering Us at All today. We are clearly in multiworlds and dividing Our attention and focus between several worlds really is a very different experience. It feel spacey. We notice how We (and most everyOne) has avoided and made fun of the very keys and portals to Our multidimensional Selves. By the time We get back to the barn We are very deep into multiD. If We had not had the practice at this that We have We would not theel safe to drive home.

At home: We lay back in Our recliner and go deeper and even deeper as We let the cabin warm up. We have forgotten to mention that recently We have had a lot of theeling of being in/at Our spaceport and onboard Our starship.

We have dinner with “Once Upon a Time” and now We go to dream early.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Not much to say about Our day in multiD



Not much to say about Our day in multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 8:48 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate. Dance to the music.

Today: We choose to vibrate love.We have some feelings from last night, some intuits. We just do not remember what “they” are or can not put “them” into words. Many worlds and many friends. Some old, some new. Some from Our waking life and some from Our passed and some We have never met.

We have been back to dream several times. We are going to visit Our town friends and that is about the only thing We are gonna do besides dreaming.

Our head still wants to run things. It tries to tell Us that We will suffer for taking it easy and NOT struggling. Lies: All lies. We forgive Us unconditionally. We thank Us unconditionally.

Here is another article about what We are living. Our head is having a really hard time with this. We pony hop and set it All free with love. We continue to revert to Our old, default mindset and beliefs and then We recognize what We are doing and We pony hop and set it All free with love. Our head is afraid, very afraid of this course of action/non-action. We can also theel that if We tried to do much of anything We would knock OurSelves over. We are grateful for All that We have learned.

Another day spent going back to dream and playing in multiD. Our head continues to try to plan and worry and accuse Us of being lazy and unrealistic. What did being realistic ever get Us? We read a little online and everything is saying to relax and take it easy. This is the way of the new pair-a-dime. Struggle and strain are the old ways. That is what We know. Struggle and strain is how We know to do things. We ARE learning a new way. It is easy. Our head hates it. Our head tries to rebel and throw rocks at Us. The rocks are merely pebbles now.

We go to town to visit Our friends. It is a nice visit and We enjoy playing cards. “They” wanted to have old, cold chicken and We told “them” We would pass. We had a flashback to mom’s bland baked chicken when We saw “theirs”. It was NOT pretty.

Back home: We still do not theel like eating much and do not even want to watch anything on Netflix or Amazon. We want to dream and dream is what We do.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Barely in 3D and deep in multiD



Barely in 3D and deep in multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 11:20 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate. Dance to the music.

Today: We choose to vibrate love.

We have been up and gone back to dream several times this morning. We woke many times during the night and sometimes We went right back to dream and others We had to get up for a bit before We could return to dream. We are theeling something: some kind of energy shift. We know that Our many wakings are about Our process of expansion. We just read another channeling that speaks directly to what We are experiencing: This and many others that We read use words that mimic what We have thelt and shared over the years. Some/most of it is going much deeper than it did when We first said it. However it certainly does confirm Our thoughts, intuits and insights. We are integrating All of it.

We are kinda getting ready to do something or something else. We theel a bit lost, a bit adrift and We know that this is part of Our process, Our evolution. We have been doing a lot of pony hopping and setting it All free with love (of course then We capture it again in Our head so We set it free again).

We are trying to do a few simple tasks and finding that We are very clearly NOT focused in 3D. Our head wants to worry and Our heart knows that everything IS perfect. These are truly feelings and experiences that We have avoided for many years. Now: We welcome and embrace “them” as We know that this IS part of Our process, Our evolution. We ARE learning how to do this.

We filled Our oil tank and looked at Our dragon again. We are sooooo into multiD that We really can only barely function in 3D. Our head demands that We push forward and We know that that is the exact thing that We are NOT going to do. We are going to take it easy and relax.

And that is exactly what We did.

We are having dinner with “Once Upon a Time” and going to dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Taking it easy in 3D and walking in multiD



Taking it easy in 3D and walking in multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 2:42 PM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate. Dance to the music.

Today: We choose to vibrate love.

We slept and dreamt last night. Sometimes well, sometime snot. We have back to dream several times today and up playing in multiD too. We are clearly in multiworlds today. We have started looking at the power steering leak on/in Our dragon and sure enough: it has a leak. We also started making a cranberry-cherry pie because We wanna. May finish that today or another day in another life or??????? Definitely do NOT plan of finishing dragon today unless Our powers kick in big time.

We know that We create these experiences to play and experience. It is hard for Us to remember that such things are about play. We really have forgotten how to play with (seemingly) adverse circumstances. Here is another channeling speaking to what We are living.

We are certainly in multiD and multiworlds again today. We are doing better at being open and allowing.

We can not find the leak in Our dragon even though it is loosing a lot of fluid. We set it free with love and pony hop. We finish Our pie and get it in the oven. Yummy. We are quite relaxed even though We have no idea what to do about Our dragon. Our head wants to worry. We ARE making progress and pony hop and set it free with love. Thank Us. We remind OurSelves and Our dragon that We love Our dragon unconditionally.

We checked Our dragon again and may have found the leak or approximately. It really looks like We just need to tighten some connections. The only thing that We are sure of is that We need to wait and not try to do more today.

We did look at Our dragon and found a leak: We just do not know if it is THE leak We are looking for. We decided to refill the reservoir and see if it loses any fluid without running.

We may or may not have returned to dream. We did something or nothing to pass the day.

We are watching more “Once Upon a Time” with dinner and have pie and Iscream.

Our pie is Onederfull.

Now: We go dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

3D in multiD and multiworlds



3D in multiD and multiworlds

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:09 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate. Dance to the music.

Today: We choose to vibrate love.

Once again We woke in a slightly different world that looks the same as Our familiar world. Or does it? We have to really focus to remember what Our night was like. We slept and dreamt well. We do not remember much from Our dream life. We do remember that We kept rerunning the morning incident. This is more of an amusement clinging to than Our usual defense and planning clinging.

We still do not want Our old driver back and real-eyes, acknowledge and accept that We WILL get whatever is best for Us.

We are playing in multiD as We wake. Our head is trying to plan and keep Us stuck in limitation 3d. It is not doing as well as usual.

We practice being grateful. Who knows what world(s) We will slip into IF We open and allow. Remember: the only problem is thinking that there is a problem.

Something that We read yesterday asked: “Are You abundant because You fear scarcity and lack?” Now THAT is an I opener. We can apply it to just about everything. Do We experience good and bad because We are afraid of bad (or anything)???????? Fear is Allways a powerful motivator and We really do wish to move beyond being motorvated by fear. We choose to vibrate love today. Part of that is NOT planning Our day because Our plans are limitation in action/manifestation. That is One way We keep OurSelves stuck in limitation. We have Allways told OurSelves that “the way it is” is the only way it is and/or can be. That IS a lie and We are beginning to live in something much closer to the truth. We ARE evolving and We have no idea where it will lead. If We have ever been here/there before We have completely hidden the memory from Us.

We are playing in multiD and multiworlds again. We ARE beginning the live and believe that these other worlds are real. “They” are right here right now. As We allow OurSelves to be aware of slip, sliding into nearby worlds We can (and will and are) more aware of more multiworlds. It IS exciting. Whatever happens in Our daily life and old, familiar, limitation world/life IS minor in comparison/relation to what IS available when We open, allow and set it All free with love. Love is the key. Love is the answer and We ARE learning to live as love in the physical and 3D.

We ARE reminded to practice gratitude AND that Our best thinking keeps Us stuck in limitation. It is inside change that We ARE after. We will never live in this inside change if We cling to Our old ways. We set Our old ways of thinking and acting free with love. “They” remain available to “PLAY” with anytime that We want.

We are reminded that negative attachment is as strong, powerful and effective as positive attachment. We have probably been running on negative attachment most of Our life.

We are having a day: that is for sure. We have a driver who has driven Our morning route before and there are only a few changes since then so We do not have to give a lot of directions. Our morning students (especially) continue to remind Us that We ARE waking and walking in multiworlds and multiD.

We have lunch and Wifi on Our morning break. We are also doing a little on Our route changes for next week. We find that these are different from what We remember from when We first looked at “them”. More evidance that We ARE in multiworlds. Our old driver has been checking out Our route book and talking with Us about the route. Apparently she had also talked to Our supervisor and it sounds like he tried to discourage her so???????

A standby driver (whom We like and she likes Us) drives Our noon route because the assigned driver did not show. Our noon section goes well and smooth, We have fun with the kids as usual even though some can be a real challenge. We get to school early because a couple of kids do not ride on Fridays. Sitting at school waiting is a REAL challenge for the kids.

We have to hottub during Our second break and there are lots of treats at the pool for valentine’s day. All is right with the world.

Our head tries to plan and worry about Our leaking dragon and We are doing much better at setting it free with love. Lots of pony hopping about All of it.

We have the same PM driver as We have the last few days. He sounds like he might want Our route too. We would be happy with that. We are setting this free with love too.

Our last student does not ride so We finish about half an hour early. We are drifting deep in multiD and multiworlds and take Our time getting ready to head home. We get a samich from Quiznos for dinner. “They” have made some changes and We are NOT impressed with the changes.

We have Our samich with “Once Upon a Time”. Then: We play in multiD a bit. We did overeat and set part of Our samich outside for the neighbor dog or whomever. Now: We go dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Friday, February 12, 2016

And yet more worlds in multiD



And yet more worlds in multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:20 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate. Dance to the music.

Today: We choose to vibrate love.

We slept and dreamt well and longer last night. We still want to stay in dream this morning. We are practicing waking and walking in multiD. We can sense some nearby and yet quite different worlds. Worlds where We are less intense and serious. Worlds where children can play freely.

We returned to dream for a bit: theeling there is some dreams that still need dreaming, somewhere We need to go and/or something We need to do. We woke from a 3D world where We are searching for someOne(s). We got up at 4:44.

We clearly theel that We ARE in another slightly different world(s) this morning. We are reminded that before We can/will allow OurSelves to make a major jump into very different worlds, worlds of freedom and equality, prosperity and abundance, limitlessness and Oneness: We must first get familiar with acknowledging and allowing OurSelf to slip into nearby and different worlds. We know that We Allready do both: We just deny and are not aware of it.

We are experiencing just how much We cling to Our old, familiar, limitation and separation world, life and reality. It is scary to set the imagined safety and security (of the familiar) free with love. It is scary to allow OurSelves to freefall through Our day. Here is a channeling about exactly that. We cling to Our schedule, expected events and routines (wanted and unwanted) and All that is familiar. We claim that We want to change, grow and expand and We do NOT want anything to be different yet We do. We ARE a conundrum. However: We just got it that in multiD, in limitlessness and Oneness We CAN have both. We only imagine and believe and make it up that everything has to be One way or the other. It can be both. It can be (and IS) All.

We ARE changing and more than changing: We ARE expanding. Change implies that the old is lost or destroyed. That is no longer the case (at least for Us). Everything exists and We can return here AND there any time that We want. We CAN remember that it is All a game and We CAN play. We can play with Our old and new friends.

More insights and intuits into Our clinging to the old and familiar limitation and setting it All free. We try to plan Our next fart. We may even succeed since We do create it. That is One way that We keep OurSelves stuck in limitation and separation. We must allow OurSelves, Our world, Our life AND Our beliefs to expand. Nothing less is gonna satisfy Us.

Another day another world(s). Our driver is out again and Our supervisor is driving Our morning section. He tells Us that Our driver called and quit last night. We are surprised and not surprised as much time as she has been out sick. We ARE disappointed. We tell Our supervisor that Our old driver will bid this route and that she will hate the new morning route. She has a lot of seniority. We accept that We WILL get whatever is best for Us.

At One point the heat is sooooo missing that We think We will have to take this bus to shop after route and he has another route do Our middleschool section. This is not Our regular route bus. It is another route’s regular bus. We open the weather front and the heat returns. This is the opposite of what One might expect. It is sooooo warm that the weather is causing the fan to run and keep the coolant cold.

Our morning kids are more typical this morning and still with some differences. A nearby world and not Our usual world. We likes this.

We finish early because of the other route doing Our middleschool and not needing to go to shop. At the end We find something on the bus that is SOOOOO wrong that We are not even gonna tell what it is. Our supervisor and Us are both speechless. We had not found it before because it was sooooo dark and it is in a dark corner of the bus. When We do find Our words All We can say and think is: “How could anyOne think that is okay????”.

This incident kinda haunts Our day as an amusement not a fear or annoyance as things often used to do. We still wanna set it free and yet....... Our head. Our old ways of thinking and believing. It is insidious. It IS sneaky.

We have a long morning break and get gas and have lunch and Wifi for the first time this week.

We have the same noon driver as We have had All week. It goes smooth and fast. We do not particularly like this driver and still We get to have an interesting conversation with her about autism. She is uneducated about autism and interested. We recommend “The Reason I Jump” and checking into Temple Grandin.

We get to hottub on Our second break. All is right with the world. We still ponder the morning incident and see a regular at the pool that We theel We can tell about it. We are just blown away. Amused is a rather sick way.

We also have the same afternoon driver as We have had All week. Our old driver tells Us that she has been told that Our driver quit and she is very excited that she will probably get Our route back. We do tell her that We really think she should check out the morning roads first. She is sure it will be fine. She IS desperate to have Us as her attendant again. Everything IS working together for the best for Us.

We are deep in multiD again at the end of Our route.

At home We keep rerunning the morning incident AND Our old driver stuff. Our head is really trying to hook Us in. We keep pony hopping and remembering that everything IS working together for the best for Us.

We have dinner with “Once Upon a Time”. It does help Us remember that there ARE multiworlds and multiD. We do choose Our reality. Even though there are only two worlds in the series: that is more than (double what) most of Us have ever believed. Our beliefs and thinking ARE changing.

We also play in multiD a bit before going to dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.