More learning how to do multiD
Wizard’s Log Stardate: 5:05 AM and/or NOW
Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.
We had a rough time getting to sleep and dream until after around eleven and then We slept and dreamed through most of the night. We did have difficultly being grateful for the physical discomfort that We were/are theeling. We know that being grateful IS the/a key to transformation and evolving so We practice.
What We remember is that We continue to process and integrate Our process and change. We ARE changing how We think. We are getting lots of intuits and insights. Too bad We are forgetting the words before We type “them”. We are integrating many of the insights and filing others for future reference.
It is mostly about how different Our world is from what We Allways thought and believed. We have so much limitation thinking. What We have Allways thought is “just the way things are” is actually limiting beliefs. Sooooo much.
Today is Halloween for the schools. The kids are very excited and looking forward to it.
There is something up with Our computer this morning. Stuff from the internet is not loading right. We know that We are creating this too and We do not know why. We are not nearly as frustrated with these seeming miscreations as We used to be. We real-eyes that such things are NOT failure.
There is just sooooo much that We think and believe that only serves to keep Us in limitation and for pretending to be what We are NOT!!!!! It is kinda amazing. Our perspective is changing and We had no idea how much it would change. We real-eyes that what society creates (together/collectively) may be a bit disappointing for Us as it will most likely be a nicer version of limitation. Perhaps We will observe it but not be stuck there this time??????
We ARE delighted and even amazed at how much We have changed and there is still sooooo much to evolve. We are reminded to stay in the now. We are reminded of this a lot. The theeling of staying in the now is awesome. We continue to theel like a kid on xmas morning. It IS a gift.
No clue what We did except that We were on the bus and took Our breaks and did some shopping before coming home. We ran late on Our first two sections because of road conditions. No trouble but slow going. On Our PM section several kids did not ride and We ended at the usual time. Our autistic boy on the PM had a bad day at school and was concerned about the ride home. “They” did better than We had anticipated from what the teachers said. If this had been Our first encounter with these teachers We would have judged “them” in the negative. However: We know that “they” really do try and treat the kids well. What We do not know is what went on in class. The student did mention that “they” are not supposed to bite and pinch and that “their” mother spanked “them”. Sooooo????????
We pony hop. We are still very much in 3D: it is just that We are NOT focused only in 3D. This makes remembering what We did a bit difficult and foggy. Our waking 3D world, reality and life look the same physically. It is how We theel that is different. We are learning to theel multidimensionally. It is remembering that is difficult. We do not (yet) know how to remember multiD. MultiD is still new and the deeper We go the deeper it is different. We know how to remember One thing at a time. We do not (yet) know how to remember multithings at the same time. We ARE learning how to do this.
We do remember that a new attendant asked Us how We stay awake on the bus????? We replied that when there are kids on the bus We are sooooo focused on “them” that that keeps Us awake.
At home We either went to dream early, at the usual time or late. We relaxed in Our recliner before dinner and We theel that We may have even laid down a bit before dinner. Obviously We are way deep in multiD and We likes that.
Good night AND thank You for playing.