Wizard’s Log Stardate: 5:56 AM or NOW
Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am the divine. Celebrate.
We spent the night visiting another planet. It is called: Ta-rare-a. We theel the name is related to: Terra. This is the first time We are aware of visiting another planet. As far as We have known and/or been aware All of Our visits to other worlds/lives/realities have been on earth. When We say that We spent the night there: We are being quite literal although it was mostly daytime there. Every time that We woke and went back to dream We returned to Ta-rare-a. It is not the first time to keep returning to the same world but it is unusual for Us to be aware of doing so.
The inhabitants are humanoid but NOT really human. On earth We would call “them” deformed. “They” are not deformed or misfits, this is the way ”their” species has developed. In dream state We are aware of this appearance but in waking Our brain/head makes “them” look like humans. It needs that conformity to cope with this. It is hard enough for it to grok Us being there without the distraction of unfamiliar and unattractive looking beans. We do Oneder how We look to “them” but nothing is said about anyOne’s appearance. We find “them” attractive the way We see “them”. We see each and everyOne as a creature of beauty. As far as We can tell: “they” see Us the same way.
This changing “their” appearance with Our mind is very interesting to Us. Previously We Allways thought that if someOne’s appearance changed “they” shifted or made “themSelves” appear different. We were not aware that We are able to change “their” appearance with Our mind. It makes a lot of sense now that We think of it. We actually/probably do it All the time without ever being aware of doing it.
There are a lot of youngstars on this planet. We are working with “them” similar to how We work with “them” on earth. TG: there are NO schools here or if there are “they” are very different from earth. We do not know if We live on Ta-rare-a or if We are just visiting. As comfortable and familiar as it feels We must visit often if We do not live here. The way We work with “them” is first: accepting “them” as “they” are. Doing that (alone) on earth would make a HUGE difference. We allow “them” to do what “they” want, to live by and follow inspiration and intuition. We pay attention to “them”.
On earth We believe that A-dults must teach children in order for “them” to survive and prosper and progress. Even IF this is true: what We teach is limitation. We program and indoctrinate children to think and believe in limitation. This is NOT the case on Ta-rare-a. (BTW: We have no idea the correct spelling if there is One. This is how We “felt” it.)
There is a lot more freedom and use of natural abilities. Ta-rare-a is similar to earth in that it is a 3D physical world. We are not certain if “they” are aware of being multiD or not but “they” certainly are a lot less limited. People are NOT ashamed of “their” bodies or using “them” or experiencing the pleasures of a physical body. It is not believed that only a few can succeed and thrive and even excel. AnyOne who wants to can be a great performer in any area that “they” choose. EveryOne is encouraged to excel at “their” interest and when the interest changes then “they” are encouraged and supported to pursue this new interest.
There are no needs or requirements on Ta-rare-a. Hard to imagine but We experienced it and it does not seem odd or absurd there. All that We do is play (whatever that means to Us at the time) and pay attention to each other and the planet. We have not (yet) noticed any animals or other species other than the people. The people captured Our attention totally.
There is no good and bad, right and wrong on Ta-rare-a. Those are limitation and separation beliefs. Ta-rare-a is NOT a planet/world/reality of limitation and separation. We ARE excited to finally be aware of such a place. We ARE delighted that Our waking head can remember any of this.
We theel that We have been visiting Ta-rare-a a lot recently to get used to (familiar with) it. We had no memory of this until last night’s visit but somehow Our head can remember it upon waking.
There is sooooo much play going on. All kinds of play. Lots of laughter from children AND A-dults. It is pretty amazing. The laughter is not forced or conditional. It is natural and ongoing and free flowing. And love? It is palpable.
We real-eyes that many of the scenes are familiar from Our dreams over the passed few years. We just did not know that these were scenes from another planet at the time.
Even though We see (for those who do not know this is unusual for Us in Our dreams. We are usually like a blind man experiencing Our dreams.) people, flora, beaches, beautiful skies, jungle like forests and clear, expansive bodies of water: We do NOT hear words. There are sounds: the wind in the leaves, bird song (even though We do not see the birds) and water lapping up on the shores but no words. We communicate telepathically and/or with mind speak.
EveryOne here/there has (and uses) the abilities to teleport, distant view, levitate, fly, mindspeak and more. We hardly even notice this because it is not only natural: it IS normal.
We merge Our body with that of others. This leaves sex in the dust. It is like two (or more) drops of water merging. When (and if) “they” separate again each carries part of the other(s) with “them” forever. We are forever connected and in contact no matter far apart We may venture. Our skin is permeable and allows others to flow in and through Us. Like the walls of Our blood vessels here on earth. Our skin is not a boundary or border or limit on Ta-rare-a.
The more We recall: the more it theels like We do also live on Ta-rare-a. We have forgotten sooooo much in Our game of limitation. We would love for Ta-rare-a to be Our primary waking world and visit Gaia in Our dreams. We are certain that there is a version of Us for whom this is the case.
How to describe a world where everyOne is free (really, really free), equal and has no needs. On Gaia limits are sooooo familiar that is hard to even imagine a world without “them”. Experience is really the only way to know this.
People on Ta-rare-a are beings not doings. “They” live in a meditative state. There is no striving: only relaxing, enjoying and flowing from One experience to another.
As We go outside this morning We are well aware that We are not “here” (Our familiar, limitation 3D, waking world) much at All. We know that We have been shifting, slowly, gently and gradually into something more (multiD) for some time. We reiterate: this does NOT necessarily mean that We are leaving 3D (or even limitation 3D) and even if We do it will be here waiting for Our return any time We wish. We are also reminded that We need to accept and appreciate this world (limitation 3D or wherever We find OurSelves) as it is. This does NOT mean that it won’t change and/or that We won’t have a part in changing it but FIRST We must accept and appreciate it as it is.
We have been introduced to a sight that We think We will like. We have not really checked it out yet but
here is the link. I see that there may still be some blaming of others but that is only at a glance. I have not read the articles yet.
We remember to open to and allow multiD and set it All free with love. Set it free and not try to control. Control is a very limitation and separation concept and practice. It is still part of Our default thinking and practice. We ARE changing and it is a slow and gradual change.
We plan to go to town today and We are going back to dream first. Sooooo many memories and visions from last night are flowing through Our mind that We can not really get back to dream. We are drifting in multiD AND 3D functional. We ARE here AND there. We ARE delighted.
Sometimes (like now) when We are drifting in multiD: it is hard/uncomfortable to walk around. Often in this state We theel dizzy with any movement. A bit like being on the high seas.
We real-eyes that is still hard for Us to just relax. Our conditioning has trained Us to do, do, do not just be.
Even though We have not been able to go back to full dream: We find that IF We just sit a while then We can go into what We call Our waking dream state. This is where We are awake but much more focused in multiD than just 3D. It is often called: spacey and/or day dreaming.
We are going to town to hot tub and do some 3D repairs for Our local friends and a little grocery shopping.
We are able to function in 3D enough to get the repairs done even after hot tubbing but as We finish We find OurSelves slipping out of 3D focus. We are glad the grocery list is very short. We are able to drive safely (apparently) as We get to the store and gas station and then home safely. We do not remember much of that but We were able to function.
At home We try Once again to find some other things to watch on Netflix and Amazon but settle for more “Teen Wolf”. We have another light dinner which is once again too much but not as bad as other nights. We are heading to dream early again. We do love dreaming.
Good night AND thank You for playing.