Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

A Monday deep in multiD



A Monday deep in multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:50 AM

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am the divine. Celebrate.

We did not sleep well last night. That is whenever We woke We had a hard time getting back to sleep. We felt uncomfortable somehow. At least that is what We thelt at the time. We kept repeating: “We choose to be happy now” and other mantras.

Early in the night We visited a world/life/reality (maybe several) that is very similar to Our waking world. We met a new friend but We are both rather shy and hesitant to interact. We have a bit more freedom than in Our waking world but We still have many of the societal restrictions and taboos. We real-eyes that We are teleporting and time traveling but that is NOT socially acceptable yet. We are both outcasts and We fear being caught out and ostracized.

This morning We can tell that We have transitioned more. Apparently that is what was going on last night. We seem very present in 3D and yet We are mostly in multiD. Time is NOT making any sense by Our old standards. We are very unaware of what day it is. We went and checked Our online calendar to see if there were any unpaid bills due and We were surprised that what We thought was the next due date happened several days ago. We are clearly out of time and not as in short on time. What We are doing is working.

One thing that We are well aware of is that We are choosing NOT to engage in a lot of 3D drama (and discussions of this) going on around Us. It simply is no longer Our playground. We ARE changing Our thinking and that IS changing Our world. It may look the same but seeing IS deceiving. It feels/theels different. It used to be that the feeling seemed small and minor compared to what We see. That is no longer the case. The feeling(s) is/are very strong. We can feel/sense much more here than meets the I.

We are very into multiD today and barely in 3D yet 3D functional (We think). At least nobody has told Us anything that We are doing wrong. We did see an excoworker from several years ago who said We have lost a lot of weight.

We are forewarned that the two brothers were fighting on “their” morning bus but “they” do great for Us. We know that Our pony hopping is working.

The rest of Our students are delightful as Allways. Our newest kindergartner is really fun for Us. We were told that “they” were a problem for the previous bus but “they” are nearly an angel for Us. “They” just want to be a little boy. Who can blame “them” for that? Certainly not Us. We get and give lots of smiles with this One.

By the time We get home We are way deep into multiD and skip most of Our evening stuff and go early to dream. This may be Our new routine for Mondays. We are actually ok with it, but it takes getting used to. We are sooooo familiar with living only in 3D that We still think it is bad to ignore 3D trivia.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Another day mostly in multiD



Another day mostly in multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 10:44 AM

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am the divine. Celebrate.

It seems that transforming the energy of matter is the current theme of Our dream ventures. We dreamt of worlds where there are caretakers of the land who are old and dying. “They” are being transformed into pure energy and that energy is dispersing into Gaia and her people. Remember that the night before We visited those fields where Gaia is transforming the negative energy of war into healing energy.

This morning (yes: We have been going back to dream) We are feeling the importance of just being open, allowing and setting it All free with love. Our head wants to figure out and plan what “it” (whatever “it” may be) will look/be like. That is old thinking and behavior. It is a mind trap. We prefer (at the heart level anyway) to just set it free, be open and experience whatever comes. That is what being multidimensional is about. Rather than deciding what the buffet will taste like ahead of time: wait until We have tasted the samples. MultiD is about now, it is about experience and (of course) it is about love.

We have tried to return to the healing fields but Allthough the memories are clear the time for revisiting is not now. Again: We like to be aware of everything that We can but that does not mean We are gonna spend a lot of time and energy there. We are reminded of Our dreams (a years back) of being a gate keeper. We do not guard the gates as One might typically think. We escort people (living and dead) back and forth and help “them” get comfortable with the new on whichever side “they” are new to. Transporting people to the healing fields is a lot like that. We are now aware that there is another version/aspect of Us doing that and We have other things to focus on both in waking and dream.

We find it easier to visit Our paradise world than the healing fields but there is also a connection between those worlds, lives and realities. It is very pleasant to visit Our paradise world and often the happy thoughts that We find and hold are of there. We choose to be happy now. We find that more and more We really ARE delighted with OurSelves. That is new thinking. We ARE changing how We think and that delights Us.

The weather outside is looking really nice and it is warming nicely. We look forward to laying out in Our lounge/lawn chair soon.

We spent Our day going back to dream, playing in multiD and laying out in the sun on Our front porch. It is delightful. Outside: We found OurSelves drifting deep into multiD while retaining a lot of awareness of 3D. We are reminded of how most people think of a hypnotic trance. In trance We are much more aware of the world around Us than We expected before We experienced a trance. MultiD is similar.

There are some words that We are All familiar with which describe being in multiD: spacey, zoned out, lost in space, etc. These descriptions tend to have negative attachments and We make fun of these states. That is part of Our way of keeping OurSelves out of multiD. We are becoming aware that being in multiD is much more common than hardly anyOne expected. Like a trance: it can not fully be described and explained: it must be experienced. The more it is experienced the deeper it gets.

We are reminded that many people are channeling about multiD while We are experiencing it. We used to be jealous of those who channeled. Now: We ARE delighted with Our path and experience. We choose to be happy now.

We have a light, early dinner and watch some “Warehouse 13” and now We are going to dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Healing fields



Healing fields

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 9:15 AM

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am the divine. Celebrate.

We visited at least One world where people are trying to create positive change(s) from the outside in. We are not sure if We returned to the same world several times or if there were/are several very similar worlds. As We theel about it We would lean towards the several worlds idea. After All: in infinity there are many worlds nearby each other that are similar and the further away the more different. We theel of it like a color chart or musical scale.

Changing these worlds from the outside without an inner change of heart and thinking is not working real well. (Of course: this too IS a projection of Our beliefs. For those who believe in making the outer changes first perhaps the results are completely different. We DO believe that there is room for everything in infinity and that there ARE worlds and universes to support every belief.) In those worlds there is a lot of fear, greed and anger still. Those making the changes are in danger from those resisting the changes and the resistors ARE still in the majority. We are/were/have been recruited to assist with the changes and We like that but We do not like the fear of being persecuted. We theel that this is a very old fear coming to the surface to be set free. It relates to Our dominant memories of being rich and powerful and the people reflecting Our own judgments back at Us.

We do real-eyes that We have imposed Our limiting and separation thoughts and beliefs onto society in other, parallel and alternate realities. We have judged OurSelves for this and projected that judgment, anger and hatred onto the people who reflected that back at Us and did Us great harm. Even if the harm was only mental rejection and hatred: that is just as hurtful and damaging as physical harm. So: We pony hop and set the old memories free.

When We got up to play in multiD and then return to dream: We felt into other worlds and people where the change is happening from the inside. We felt very drawn to One person (version of OurSelf). We felt into “them” and it was quite an experience. “They” were very excited to have Us inside “them” feeling “their” feelings. We were not there to experience “their” thoughts (and We were very aware of this) but only to feel “their” feelings. It was really cool. We had better words to describe the feelings of feeling “their” feelings at the time: exhilarating is One.

Then We traveled to a world where We have, live in and ARE healing fields. These fields ARE literal fields of wild grasses, wild flowers and trees around/at the edges. These used to be killing fields and battle grounds. “They” have grown and transformed into healing fields. Very cool. We transport people there (a lot like being on the school bus) who want to come but can not get there on “their” own. Not being able to get there can be a physical OR mental limit. People simply lay down in the grass and flowers (or walk around or sit). Each person just does whatever “they” feel drawn to do. The energy of nature heals and transforms the people just like it has transformed the fields. Time is not really an element here. It takes what it takes and everyOne is at ease. The process is sooooo inviting, pleasant and nice that noOne cares when it will end.

That took Us into Our current waking time. We wanted to stay there but felt compelled to type this up and play in that energy while awake as well as playing in multiD. It is a gorgeous day outside and We are going to go check it out now.

It is warming up nicely outside and We get Our chair(s) and pillows ready for relaxing out on the front porch. This is a VERY important part of transitioning. WE love Us.

We keep returning to these healing fields All day.

We are going to town to visit Our local friends. It is nice to see “them” but it is sad to see “them” caught up in All the world drama. Of course: this too IS Our projection. More pony hopping.

We still can not eat much at One sitting so We just sample the dinner. We play One hand of cards (which did kinda drag on) outside in the lovely weather and then We are ready to come home and return to dream. By the time We get home We have room for a piece of rhubarb pie ala mode which We really enjoy while We watch some “Warehouse 13”. Now: it is time to dream, dream, dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

A bit more explanation of Our process



A bit more explanation of Our process

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:37 AM

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am the divine. Celebrate.

The only world (from last night) that We have a clear memory of is NOT a world that We would really want to live in. It is different from Our waking world but still has a lot of separation issues. We do not know if it is a transitional world or not.

This morning We are reminded to stay in the now and be open. We have the choice to cling to Our limits or set “them” free. We are the only thing standing between Us and limitlessness. However: We do present a pretty convincing case for being trapped in limitation. We can chose to believe Our lies or begin to move beyond “them”. We are love and it is about time We started acting like it. We are theeling just how much We have projected Our own beliefs onto Our world screen. This just gets/goes deeper and deeper.

Again: We are spending Our day in multiD. We are experiencing the affects of being open and allowing and setting it All free with love.

As We become more familiar with living/being in multiD AND functioning in 3D is gets easier. Kinda like riding a bike. We can pay attention to the kids and do Our job because multiD DOES include 3D and most of the students spend a lot (if not All) of “their” time in multiD. This makes it easy for Us even if it makes it hard for most A-dults. Several times recently We have been reminded that most of the kids are telepathic. This can be frustrating for “them” because “they” hear Our (everyOne’s) thoughts but few A-dults can hear “their” thoughts. The difficulty for Us (A-dults) is compounded because the kids do not think and send telepathically in words much. Kids use meanings, feelings and images. A-dults have pretty much forgotten how to communicate in this manner. In fact; We forgot so good that most can not even conceive of communicating without limiting words.

We still would like to better describe what it is like to be aware of being/living in multiD. It does NOT diminish 3D, not much any way. That is a big hangup for most of Us. MultiD is just more, lots more. It really is the difference between seeing only One tree and seeing a forest. We no longer live staring at One tree day after day. We have not moved. We simply expanded (are expanding) Our view, Our perspective to encompass more trees. Trust Us: there are lots of trees. There are lots of trees within 3D and even more in other Ds. As We get familiar with seeing more trees: We get to experience many types of trees AND Our favorite tree is still right here in front of Us.

We are doing a lot of pony hopping today too.

All of Our students are doing well today and We have a really good time on each section. The two brothers seem to be holding to the Jekyll (good guy) transformation. Okay: We do not like calling “their” behavior good or bad but this behavior is much easier to deal with and much more pleasant. We were able to explain a few things to the younger brother. He did not to agree to listen to Us but We insisted. We are certain that he thought We were gonna tell him he was being bad or try to restrict him in some way. That was not Our intent and he seemed to take what We had to say very well. He stayed awake the entire ride and played. The older brother has been bringing his Ipod and listening to it the last few days. We are glad he has found something he likes to distract him from what he does not like about the long ride home. Over the year “they” have added several students which extends his ride a lot.

Our head tries to sabotage Us. Oh the cleverness of Me. Our head is sooooo subtle and sneaky. We know that this is old thinking and We choose to be happy now. We choose to find and hold happy thoughts. Our head keeps trying to throw rocks at Us. It hurtles fearful and failure thoughts at Us. We find better theeling thoughts and Our head keeps throwing the same rocks over and over.

We are sorry that We have given Our head and Our children within good reason to fear. We forgive Us. We love Us and We thank Us. Repeat as needed (which is a lot). This dogs Us All the way home and even at home. We are looking forward to a relaxing weekend with (hopefully) nice sunny weather like We have been having the last few days. Our head keeps throwing rocks. Our head fears change and progress and We are making a lot.

We have a small dinner and try to watch some “Warehouse 13” but Amazon is not streaming well again. Soon: We are ready to go dream and We are delighted.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Friday, March 27, 2015

A bit more in 3D in the afternoon



A bit more in 3D in the afternoon

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:04 AM

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am the divine. Celebrate.

We do not remember much about/from last night except that We slept very deep. This morning We are deeper in multiD (while awake and/or waking) than ever before. We are reminded to open, allow and set it free with love. We are reminded that We do NOT have to come as fully into 3D focus as We have Allways thought We did. We are reminded not to try to plan and figure it out but to just open and allow.

We ARE making progress. Stay in the now.

Once again We see/theel how many/most things that We try to cling to (as familiar and thinking that it is the way it is) are traps and sinkers to keep Us in limitation 3D. It is the little things. Often when We begin to change: We focus on changing the big things and leave the little things in place. These little things are the roots and fiber of Our old belief and thought structures/systems. When We change (allow change) the little things then the big things take care of “themSelves”. Instead: We (generally) expend/waste All Our energy trying to force the boulders when it is the gravel that holds the boulders firmly in place. “Oh: the cleverness of Me.”

Our morning is spent mostly in multiD and only barely 3D functional. Our paying attention to the kids is very real but that is about the only thing that We really focus on in 3D and “they” are mostly in multiD. Our first student is Allmost Allways happy. “They” help Us remember to choose to be happy now. We pony hop a lot of situations and that really does work. It helps Us remember that All things work together for the best for Us. We can choose to think this way or think from victim mentality. That choice does affect Our world rather than Our world affecting how We think. We have sooooo many things bassackwards.

We think that circumstances control Our mood and thinking and happy but Our happy (or not) controls Our circumstances. We have live in De-Nile for sooooo long that it is hard to believe that We really are that powerful.

We pony hopped Our afternoon gradeschoolers a lot during the day and it did have a pleasant affect. The younger brother started to get mad at Us (when We tried to help) but did a quick 180. Hyde to Jekyll (We think We have it right this time) in under a minute. The older brother is in a much better mood. We had a nice finish to a nice day.

This afternoon We are more aware in 3D than yesterday. We do not know what is causing the difference and One is not really better than the other. Both are learning experiences. We ARE learning how to live in multiD and sometimes that means focused in 3D more than others.

When We get home We can function in 3D and have dinner and watch “Warehouse 13” but We have very little appetite or room for dinner. We are eating less than a quarter of what We used to eat for dinner. We like this as We are loosing some excess physical body. And now it is time to dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Observing and experiencing



Observing and experiencing

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3/25/2015

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am the divine. Celebrate.

We do not remember much from last night. In the life that We do remember We are NOT a nice person. Go figure. All does include All which includes that which We judge as bad. Good and bad ARE judgments. Sometimes: We need reminders. We can pony hop. We are also reminded that these other parallel lives (which may be quite different from Our waking life) can and do affect Our now. That is why pony hopping goes back to the beginning of creation to heal All the wounds.

Some food for thought.

We read some email this morning which reminds Us and reinforces the need to change “how” We think. When We are thinking from Our old limitation mindset We loop. That is part of the design of the old thinking. We ARE grateful for the work that We have done and the changes and progress that We have made. We remain compassionate (maybe) of those who are deeper in limitation mentality.

We are reminded of the importance of learning experientially. As the saying goes: “this is where the rubber meets the road”. Book learning and lectures (etc) can impart knowledge but it is NOT real until We live it. We live it through experience. This is the harder part of the learning process and Our world (masses) have learned to avoid it quite well. We ARE masters of this game.

Today: We are noticing how clinging to Our old beliefs and thinking really does NOT work. We notice lots of examples (mostly in Our others) of how this just does NOT work. We observe Our others struggling for freedom while causing the chains to draw tighter and tighter. We really can demand and argue for Our limitations just as much as We want and when We do “they” truly are Ours. We demand Our rights even when those rights are the knife that is slitting Our own throats. There is NO way to convince or prove this to anyOne. It must be a personal insight.

Words (and especially arguing) create more resisdance. The filters against multiD thoughts and beliefs are very firmly in place. The way through is in dream and telepathy. We can not FORCE anyOne even with these methods. It simply is NOT possible. However: We can pout ointments and elixirs into to gaping wounds in Our hearts and minds. We can show love. We can send love. We can be love.

Our students help Us even when it seems that “they” are indifferent or even openly opposed. It is a real delight when We see “them” smile and this is more common with the preschoolers. “They” are not as programmed into societal thinking and restraints. It takes a lot to resist those.

We really do not understand the two brothers Jekyll and Hyde flips. We sure do appreciate “their” Hyde side(s). When “they” exhibit “their” Jekyll side(s) We feel like We have failed. It is not true of course but it is how We feel. We ARE aware that “their” Jekyll side(s) are blatant when “they” first get out of school. Usually: after a little wile with Us “they” slide into “their” Hyde side(s). Then the next day when “they” get out of school and onto the bus there is Oops: We think We got the Jekyll and Hyde sides reversed. We are gonna leave it because, because. We mean that “their” angry, rebellious side comes out when “they” first get out of school. “Their” calm and happy side(s) come out after being with Us a while.

When We get home are too far into multiD to do Our usual 3D routine so We leave All that for later and go to dream right away. We look forward to Our dreams.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

We are learning experientially



We are learning experientially

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:34 AM

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am the divine. Celebrate.

We continue to experience (waking and dreaming) being multidimensional and living multidimensionally. We remember visiting several lives/worlds/realities last night but not many details. We theel that We visited nearby worlds where We are also on the bus. We did (and do) a lot of pony hopping, adding “I love You”s and remembering to choose to be happy now. That simple phrase still bring a smile to Our lips. It really does seem to be a key for Us.

We are learning through experience that each morning it is Our choice whether to embrace the experience or grump and continue to be stuck in Our own old, limiting thinking and beliefs. If We think We are stuck then We ARE stuck. Simple. We can think/theel happy thoughts and embrace the opportunity to experience being functional in 3D AND be living in multiD simultaneously. If We do not take this out into the work-a-day world and practice it there it is pretty useless.

We have a thought/insight: “Most of Us are sooooo busy trying to have an experience that We miss the experience that We are having”. Also: when We think that We do not have enough time: We ARE right. We create and project more not having enough time. In this mindset We create and project not having enough lots of things. We must change Our mindset. We ARE changing Our mindset. Being aware is the first step. Being delighted that We are aware is another step. Choosing to theel happy thoughts and choosing to be happy now is breaking the old habits and routine of limitation thinking, beliefs and mindset. We ARE in the process of having a complete psychic change.

We continue to have experiences showing Us the importance of “paying attention” when doing 3D tasks while focused in multiD. It is easy to make “apparent” mistakes. This is [art of why most of Us do NOT want to go here. We have built in safety devices to avoid making mistakes. It is a very limited way to live but it does seem safe.

We are pondering what some of Our students are teaching Us. Several are happy most of the time. We Oneder if “they” are making that choice or if it is “their” default nature? “Their” true nature which has not (yet) been programmed out? For others: “their” mind moves sooooo fast that “they” can not remember what “they” were talking about when “they” began a sentence and some go through several worlds in the course of One sentence. Society tries to program this out and program limitation in. For many of the special kids it is impossible and for others society has had way too much success.

The two brothers are having some issues but seem to get through “them” fairly quick. We pony hop. Then We pony hop some more. We real-eyes and remember that All things work together for the best for Us. Our head tries to loop and stay stuck in trying to figure out what We do not have enough information to figure out. Round and round she goes and it never stops UNLESS: We choose to stop. Usually: We have to repeat that choice. We find and hold happy thoughts. We choose to be happy now. Repeat as needed.

It is another gorgeous day in the afternoon and We are well drifted into multiD by the time We get home. We do Our 3D stuff and are now ready to dream, dream, dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

First day back after break



First day back after break

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:23 AM

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am the divine. Celebrate.

It took Us awhile to remember what We did last night. Even now that We remember some of the worlds/lives that We visited it is hard for Us to type about. We are experiencing everything from a slightly different perspective than We are used to so it is hard to type. Words are hard. We are experiencing (and remembering) from a more multidimensional perspective and less from limitation (from less limitation). This is good: it is just new and unfamiliar.

We continue to remember to choose to be happy now. We are reminded that We are learning to live as love in a physical body. We are returning to Our true nature. We are running contrary to the masses and world beliefs. We ARE changing and We likes it. We no longer feel stuck even though the physical world still looks the same. We may be starting to see/theel beyond the edges, borders and limits of limitation 3D. 3D remains without the limits.

Today is Our first day back on the bus. We look forward to seeing the kids again and We remind OurSelves that We get to dream a lot during the day. We will miss being able to go fully back into dream (at any time) the way We can at home. We theel there is more change that will make itSelf known to Us. We know that We must take what We have gained into the working world; into the backstreets and alleys as We like to call it. Sitting home alone, on Our mountaintop is great for learning but We must apply what We have learned in order to really have learned it. We must live it.

We thank Us and We love Us. We are reminded that Our desire to remain in dream (as noble as it seems and feels) is actually resisdance to fully learning, integrating, experiencing and applying what We are learning. It is another mindtrap. We forgive Us. We love All Our parts and pisces, even those which seem to try to hold Us back. The world is Our projection. It seems to threaten Us and limit Us but it is really All working together for Our best. It is time to exercise and apply what We have gained.

We are having some more insights into living multidimensionally and how it felt seem to be stuck in limitation. Even though everyday in limitation was/is a little different from the rest: still it is old memories looping and replaying over and over. Until We real-eyes this and forgive and love and thank OurSelves it gets old and boring. We run from Our responsibility but We run in circles chasing Our tail. It is exhausting and frustrating. We blame everyOne: including OurSelves. We are afraid Our Our own shadows because We fear OurSelves. We face Our fear: We let it pass through Us.

As We ponder Our upcoming day (more how We theel about it): We real-eyes that We can view it with a sense of adventure or dread of the same ol', same ol'.

It is great to see the kids again. Most (like Us) would like to still be in bed but are glad to see “their” friends again. We are spending Our day in multiD and can barely get back to 3D after each break. We are 3D functional but barely. We have a bit of a rough start to Our gradeschool section but it is fine Once We get going. Both brothers seem to be having a rough time getting back into the groove but it quickly passes. It is kinda like a Jekyll and Hyde transformation. We do not understand and as We ponder it We real-eyes that We do not have to understand. We just do Our best and pony hop and give attention and care.

By the time We get home We are mostly sleep walking. We watch some “Warehouse 13” with dinner and now We are off to dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Monday, March 23, 2015

A bit more typative today



A bit more typative today

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 8:22 AM

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am the divine. Celebrate.

We visited two very different worlds where We are also a special needs attendant but it is very, very different there. The first was a weird world and We do not usually call the worlds that We visit: “weird”. We remember thinking this as We woke but it really was just weird. That world has many of the same students from Our waking world but “they” too are very different there and so are We. In that world/life even We are weird. Allmost like everyOne has two heads but “they” don’t “they” are just that weird.

In the last world We have students that We recognize from somewhere but We can not remember any names. People have names but We can’t remember “their” names. We are pretty much lost in that world. It is not weird there but We are lost AND at a loss what to do. It is in a big city.

That is the thing about multiD: not All worlds/realities/lives are better than here. We tend to think that “they” are and expect that. This is One reason why We do NOT just want a single, different world. We want to be aware of multiworlds and visit and participate in multiworlds. We do not even know IF We want to continue to have a primary waking world.

This world has definitely been about experiencing multiD. We have been experiencing sooooo much that We have not been able to type much in 3D. It has been exactly what We wanted and hoped for. We just have not been able to chronicle it much. We have not remembered much (clearly) either. We have journeyed into lots of lands that Our head can not translate. We do remember that We visited other worlds (and had more fun in most) than the two We mention above but We do not remember those clearly.

Another thing about this week (and still so far today) is that We have pretty much lost Our appetite for solid food, especially sweets. This is a huge change for Us. We are drinking lots of juices and other liquids. But not even as much of those as recently. We are certain that this too is part of Our transition but is taking some getting used to.

We theel that more and more We are experiencing what autists experience. This does not mean that We are becoming autistic nor that We are not. All that We know is that We ARE experiencing Our waking world differently but mostly We ARE experiencing multiworlds and being aware of being/living in multiD. We are getting what We want.

We are also practicing choosing to be happy now. Often when We wake those are the first words through Our mind.

Today: We continue to experience being multidimensional and being aware of living in multiD. This IS being here AND there and being (consciously) aware of it. This is being in the world but not of the world. We do not mind telling You that We feel a bit displaced. We ARE happy but this is still very new and as We go deeper it continues to be new. Every little slip deeper makes the terrain totally new even though it looks the same “out there”. It feels very, very different and We choose to embrace it and be happy. After All this IS what We have been seeking for a very long time.

Remember: happy is a choice. New is unfamiliar. Unfamiliar is never comfortable. Before any bit of this can become really familiar We have Allready slipped deeper and into something more that is new.

Obviously: We are able to type more today and We are spending a little more time in 3D but not much in limitation 3D. We are still spending Our day going back to dream but spending longer periods awake and 3D functional. We are finishing All the 3D tasks that We wanted to do before We return to the bus tomorrow. Those tasks were not much but it still took All week. We are learning a new way of life and to choose to be happy in each moment. Remember: happy is not new. The choice is new. No longer are We only happy by accident. That is new. No longer do circumstances seem to control and manipulate Us. We ARE choosing what We create in Our reality.

Becoming experientially aware that We really DO create Our own reality is a little overwhelming at first. Perhaps a lot overwhelming. We are NOT what We have believed that We are for All of Our life (many lives). We are much more and that can be a bit (a lot) frightening. To get it (beyond mere words and philosophies) that Our entire world, exisdance, life and reality is Our creation and projection: well it blows Us away while We remain on Our feet (for the most part).

These are some of the things that have been coming up this week but could not come out Our fingers. Today: a lot of the quagmire is gelling.

We noticed a great line from the HBO series “Trueblood”: “Everything that exists; imagined itSelf into being”. How is that for profound. It is One thing to hear and read the words but completely another to live “them” and experience this.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Another experiential multiD day



Another experiential multiD day

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 7:34 AM

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am the divine. Celebrate.

Some interesting worlds and alternate realities. It is All about Our transitioning. Some worlds are transitioning from worlds like Our familiar waking world (including Our current waking world) and others are evolving from the world(s) where We separated with love. The end result is quite similar. In One (at least) of these worlds We have a son by someOne else’s wife. A real surprise to Our observer Self but not to Our participant Self. We even tried to reject this and change it but We knew that it is important to accept that world/life as it is.

Most of the worlds that We remember are similar to Our waking except that “they” are more free, accepting and equal. We like that part a lot. We can theel that there are worlds that We do not remember because “they” are too different from Our waking world for Our conscious brain to cope with and translate.

Interesting that We are present enough in 3D to be typative yet very much focused in and experiencing multiD. We ARE making progress. We have less expectations about the remainder of this break (and afterwards) than ever before.

Today: We seem to be doing more waking dreaming than full dreaming. We ARE learning experientially about living in multiD and that including 3D but NOT “limitation” 3D. Words are not working well here. We are (apparently) still in a limitation 3D world but We are much less limited even if not fully limitless. Gentle and gradual so that We do not fry Our circuits.

So: what is this like? Being focused in multiworlds All at the same time. Being experientially aware of actually living in other worlds and alternate realities. It is One thing to “know” that We do this and totally another thing to experience it. We do not really, fully know something until We live it and that is what is beginning to happen. We ARE here AND there.

BTW: it is another gorgeous day outside but still around freezing so not much fun to spend too long outside.

Once again We are spending Our day mostly in multiD and are not able to type much. We just want to mention that this is a good experience. Nothing wrong, nothing to worry about. It is just very new, very deep and very experiential.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Friday, March 20, 2015

A lot more balanced and still VERY multidimensional



A lot more balanced and still VERY multidimensional

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 9:58 AM

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am the divine. Celebrate.

And it is still morning. We are somehow different today than We have been the last couple of days. We are more aware of 3D and more functional in 3D yet very aware of being in multiD. We would say that We ARE making progress. Like the last few days have been some kind of deep transition or something or something else. It is All good. We know that.

We also have more clear memories of some/many of the worlds that We visited in Our dreams. In One We were with a swim team and focusing on the high dive. We do not know if We were/are a participant or simply an observer. There were other worlds that were also very 3D but less limited. Lots of variety really. We also visited Our paradise world several times and had fun playing there.

It has been harder to go back to dreaming this morning but as We start typing We feel Our dreams calling again. Interesting.

We theel more balanced between 3D and multiD than We ever have before. That is exactly the kind of progress that We are looking for.

We are listening to the latest Matt Kahn video while doing dishes. He is talking about soul integration which (We real-eyes) is something that Theo has been working with for years.

By the time We are done with Our dishes We are sooooo deep into multiD that We feel compelled to (Once again) return to dream. We have fun doing this.

Afterwards: We choose to go get Thai takeout from the Thai shack/booth part way to town. By the time We get home We are barely able to eat because We have gone deep into multiD Once more. We eat part of Our dinner and watch some “Warehouse 13” and now We are off to dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Again words are hard



Again words are hard

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:34 PM

Good afternoon. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am the divine. Celebrate.

Another late start on Our entry and that is okay. We are doing very well at going deep into multiD every day and getting a few little tasks done in 3D. That was Our intent for this week of break. YAY!!!!!!!

We are also getting insights and experiences about Our transition. We don’t remember any right now and that too is okay.

We continue to choose to be happy now and to theel happy thoughts. We ARE happy and it is because We choose to be. We see/theel Our life and world changing as a result of changing how We think.

Again: We spent Our day going back to dream and could barely get into 3D at All. We did do a few 3D tasks but words are still hard.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Another day in and out of 3D



Another day in and out of 3D

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:44 PM

Good afternoon. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am the divine. Celebrate.

We have gone sooooo deep into multiD (as was/is Our intent for this vacation) that We are having a hard time getting 3D words out Our fingers. We totally missed any entry for yesterday because We were barely ever out of dream and even when We were We remained within multiD. We congratulate OurSelves. We are making a lot of progress. We are also getting a lot of insights.

Yesterday We were experiencing phasing. We can not really describe or define it but We know that is what We were/are doing. We would go slightly out of phase/sync with this world and find other nearby world(s) to play in and play We did.

Today We are a little more 3D functional. We do not know if We are less into multiD or just more familiar with it.

Anyway: We ARE delighted with OurSelves and enjoying Our break.

We continue to practice phasing in and out of Our familiar waking world. Whatever We are doing: We are enjoying it.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

A little, very little, 3D focus



A little, very little, 3D focus

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 10:13 AM

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am the divine. Celebrate.

Once again: We got up early to play in multiD and then went back to dream. Actually: We did this a couple of times. The only thing that We remember from Our dream lives is that the worlds were very similar to Our familiar, waking world with One (or a few) subtle (even minor) changes that totally changed everything. How can One change actually completely change the reality? Imagine Our earth with two suns instead of One (or One instead of two if You are familiar with an earth that has two suns). Would not that completely change Our world, Our lives and Our reality? Or how about if noOne had running water or indoor plumbing? (We are certain that was One of the worlds We visited) Or what if We had never discovered electricity? One single change can and would totally change the world that We live in.

The last time We tried to return to dream Our head keeps rehearsing something that We want to type about Our journey. Basically: a summary of Our journey so far. We got up because We could not get out of this mode. So: We will probably begin (unless We don’t).

It took a while but We got Our summary typed out. That is about All the 3Dness that We have 3D focus for.

We are spending the rest of Our day going back to dream and playing in multiD when We are awake. A great way to spend a vacation day.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Not many words for multiD today



Not many words for multiD today

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 10:25 AM

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am the divine. Celebrate.

Ahhhh: Our first day of spring break. We do not remember what We did last night but We woke up early to play in multiD and then went back to dream. We do not remember what We did then either. We theel very much in multiD. We are definitely experiencing change. We can (and do) access slightly (and very) different worlds in this state of awareness. How to describe it??????

We ARE here AND there. Once again: 3D does NOT go away (it probably could if that is what a person wants butt then again????) We are simply aware of more and this awareness grows as We acknowledge and allow it. Our current choices to think happy thoughts and to be happy now and be grateful are having a clear impact. It really is All choice. We ARE becoming aware of living multidimensionally. It is pretty cool. Thank Us.

Our old thinking and beliefs do try to reassert “themSelves” but it is easy to choose to return to happy thinking and theeling multidimensionally. We find more to be grateful for. We can hold Our happy thoughts. We really ARE making progress and having Our complete psychic change.

We spent Our morning going back to dream and practicing being happy now. It is time to go to town to the pool and visit Our local friends. We practice choosing to be happy now. We would like to help Our friends with this but We really do not know how to broach the subject. Most people simply do not and can not (yet) accept that Our thinking creates Our reality. We know that We can convey this much better at a telepathic level than verbal. So: We keep choosing to be happy now. We continue to BE the change that We wish to see in the world.

We had a nice dinner and enjoyed playing cards with Our friends and We All had a hard time staying awake after a while so We headed home. Our stomach is acting up and We know it is part of Our transitioning and We choose to be happy now and to feel good now. These ARE choices and NOT results of circumstances. Our head still looks for the circumstantial cause. It does not find it because there isn't One.

We are deep into multiD by the time We get home. We do NOT know what We did in 3D but We did play in multiD a while before going to dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

A short day on the bus



A short day on the bus

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:03 AM

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am the divine. Celebrate.

We wake focused in multiD and choosing to be happy now. We are THAT today is the last day before spring break but We are happy BECAUSE We choose it. We ARE changing HOW We think and no longer using victim consciousness as Our default method of thinking.

We do not remember much from last night: only vague, fleeting memories from alternate/parallel worlds and lives. We do remember that We met some new friends who also live in Our waking world but We do not really know “them” here.

Oh (and before We forget): it is Friday the 13th.

As We process and examine Our life, Our thoughts and Our beliefs: We see (Once again) how We project Our judgments onto Our world and then blame “them” for Our life and circumstances. We truly ARE masters of this game of limitation and separation. The change MUST begin within.

Another good day and We ARE choosing to be happy now. This choice and being aware of the choice really DOES make a difference. We have a short day on the bus because the schools have early outs. Tomorrow starts spring break and everyOne is happy about that.

As well as choosing to be happy We are focused more in multiD than only limitation 3D. Lots of progress.

There is a potluck at the bus barn and We have a long break because of early outs. At the pool “they” are also having a potluck and We even got some leftovers to take home from there. At the bus barn Our cranberry, pecan chicken salad was NOT a success so We got to take a lot of it home. We really do love it but the only size available is usually to large for Us. WE win!!!!

We notice several small but significant changes in Our world. We appreciate these, We ARE grateful. We choose to be happy and the more We choose to be happy the more things that We like show up in Our life. We are happy about this but it is not this that makes Us happy. We (Our choice) makes Us happy and We attract, manifest and/or create things that We like. Perhaps this is a fine line but We really do theel that it is important.

We only have four riders on Our afternoon section. “They” are All happy. The older brother starts to act up but between Us and Our driver We get him settled easily and everyOne has a good ride home. Our kindergartner is supposed to have been a problem for “their” previous driver. Maybe it was a big bus????? We do not know but it is hard to imagine “them” misbehaving on a sped bus. “They” are a delight for Us and completely cooperative. We could see “them” being otherwise without an attendant on the bus. The younger brother sits up front so that We are able to sit with the older brother after the other two students get home. The younger brother actually asked Us to sit with him for a bit early on. Later: (after We had sat with the older brother a while) the older brother told Us to go ahead and sit with the younger brother. It was like “they” had communicated telepathically. The younger brother showed that he is happy that We are sitting with him. It does not seem like either brother took a nap which is rather unusual.

Since We got off early We stop at the store to finish stocking up for Our break. We want lots of treats.

By the time We get home We are very into multiD. We put Our treats away and take Our time playing in multiD. We discover that “How to Train Your Dragon 2” is now available on NetFlix so (of course) We watch it and enjoy it.

Now: a little more playing in multiD and then off to dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Choosing to be happy now, to feel good now



Choosing to be happy now, to feel good now

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:26 AM

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am the divine. Celebrate.

We do not remember what We did last night but We know that We had fun, We slept well, We did not wake often and We would like to still be wherever We were, doing whatever We were doing. We also know that We ARE learning to be happy wherever and whenever We are and that includes Our morning waking. As much as We would like that circumstance to change and even believe that changing the circumstance would help Us: We KNOW that We must change inside first. Until We ARE happy now We will NOT be happy then. Simple.

The insights continue into living multidimensionally. The learning continues to be experiential. Our current course/exercise/program tells Us that We do not really know something/anything until We live it. That is what is happening.

Somewhere/somewhen along the line We are/were remembering memories that are clear but do not exactly fit into Our waking life. (We do not know if this happened and/or is happening in waking or dream, yesterday or another life???) We theel (get the sense) that the times We lost during Our waking life is when We slipped into the life/world/reality where these memories come from. This is not really new but the awareness is so much clearer that it sure feels new.

It seems that as We stay in the now more AND choose to be happy now that Our awareness IS expanding. It does make sense. We can not take unhappy into Our paradise world(s) now can We? Imagine being in a world of unconditional and taking unhappy with Us. Is that even possible? We do One-der why We would ever be unhappy with the life We have created? It is part of the programming, part of the mind trap. The negative emotions are not really even Ours: “they” are part of the game, the hologram that We fell into and took possession of. We took Our misery hostage. Now: We set it free. Money, time and cold are some easy hooks and triggers back into limitation, victim consciousness, scarcity and lack mentality. In order to be free We must learn experientially that We created everything.

Choosing to be happy (happy IS a choice) continues to Our current theme/experience. It does change how We think. Before: unhappy was more prevalent especially in Our thinking even if not Our mood. Is it any wonder that Our thinking was unhappy when We believed that We are unworthy and unsuccessful? Believing that We are less than does not really bring happiness and joy. Neither does complaining. There are lots of default thinking and acting patterns that do NOT bring happiness.

Few of Our projections can believe that happy is a choice. Limitation is NOT a happy thought and lifestyle, especially when One knows that We ARE limitless but does not know how to live that way. We are learning. Learning to be free, limitless and without need. Need is sooooo ingrained in Our psyche. We really do need a complete psychic change and We are getting that change.

The kids help Us. Even though “they” too live in Our limitation world: in “their” minds “they” explore limitlessness and share with Us IF We will listen. We are still better at listening physically than mentally. That too is changing.

We continue to choose to be happy now, choose to feel good now, choose the be comfortable now. We ARE grateful. It feels great to be comfortable. We can theel Our world (and circumstances) changing as a result of choosing to be happy now. Many people (Our projections) would still argue with this. It is a new concept (kinda but then again:.......) and hard to grok. We have lived sooooo long in victim consciousness that it is easy to believe that We are powerless to change Our world and circumstances and certainly NOT with Our mind. However that is exactly HOW We create change. That IS how We are the change that We want to see in Our world.

Our old programming tries to take over again but We set it free with love. We own it, love it, integrate it and set it free. After All: the only thing here IS the divine.

We only have two kids ride Our last section so Our job day ends very early. We are in multiD when We get home AND We do some 3D things that We want to do. We do vacillate between trusting OurSelves and doubting but Our trust grows stronger. We function in 3D AND play in multiD. MultiD becomes more and more dominant but it does (and will Allways) include 3D.

We are still up a little late and that is just fine. Now: We go to dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Another day in multiD and choosing to be happy in 3D



Another day in multiD and choosing to be happy in 3D

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:27 AM

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am the divine. Celebrate.

We do not remember what We did in dream except that We have this vague memory of being somewhere very far away, some distant world. Everytime We woke We were repeating: “I love Me and I thank Me”. When it was Our normal time to get up We decided to sleep in about an hour. We enjoyed that.

Now: We theel pretty drifty and that is fine. Our internet is not working for some reason and even though We are thinking of not going online this morning We do not like not being able to get online. We shut of Our modem and router for a few minutes and after a bit Our internet is working.

We choose to be happy now. That is Our current mantra (along with All Our others). We are changing Our thinking and coming out of victim consciousness. We created victim consciousness and there We love it. We do not destroy or abandon it but rather integrate it and set if free with love. If that seems like a contradiction: that contradiction is only within limitation.

Our day: well: We did something and something else. We did spend Our day remembering to choose to be happy. Does this mean that We were unhappy? Not really but We were not focused on the choosing. We were kinda (emotionally) like a boat (without sail or anchor or engine) being tossed around on the sea. Happiness happened more by accident than by design.

We are having experiences that help Us learn and integrate and live (experientially) that We do create Our own reality. Much of what We see OurSelves changing and creating and manifesting are little things but even those are hard to accept and believe. We could not really handle/accept something major. Not yet. Our experiences can easily be poo pooed and explained away as fantasy and wild imagination. Of course “they” ARE and that is exactly what it takes to reach through and beyond the veil and the faerie mists. Fantasy is true reality and what We call the “real” world is actually pretend. Does not mean it is not real. It is easy to revert to limitation thinking. We choose to be happy and theel multidimensionally.

We loose many parts and pisces of Our day. Yet: We fully able to function in 3D. We suppose there are worlds where We have lost this ability but Our familiar, waking world is not One of those.

The gradeschoolers (on Our last section) do seem to have calmed down. We think that We may know what was irritating “them” and We also know that Our pony hopping works even IF We do try to explain that away too.

At home: We are Once again mostly in multiD. We are not sure what We do but We are going to dream a bit late again.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Happy is a choice



Happy is a choice

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:38 AM

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am the divine. Celebrate.

We do not remember much of what We did in dream but We remember waking a few times and noticing that Our body feels better. At some point We real-eyesed that it was not really that Our body was healing but more that We are completing Our current physical transition AND We are slip, sliding between worlds where Our body is experiencing different things.

We did wake from a dream world that was/is quite interesting. There are a lot of people trapped and crushed inside a collapsed/collapsing building. (We just now get it that this building is symbolic of Our current world/society.) While dreaming We knew that We had several choices to make. We could play victim or We could choose to theel happy thoughts. If We chose victim We would be One of those trapped and being crushed. If We chose to recognize that We created this AND find a better theeling thought then We could/would be untouched and could choose whether to be a rescuer or a bystander.

In such circumstances it is hard to find a happy thought but We can Allways find a better theeling thought. We chose to find a better theeling thought and recognize that We are NOT a victim. One friend was trapped and being crushed under two very heavy beams. It was impossible to manually lift One beam much less two. However: We could see that We could get a lever under One end of One beam. By lifting slowly and gently on that One end, raising it an nth by an nth We could begin to raise the first beam and gradually work Our way from One side to the other and eventually get that beam off of Our friend. Then: We could repeat the process with the second beam. We knew (in dream) that this represents Our current waking life, journey and process.

We woke getting several insights and inspirations. We do have choices in every moment. We see that We have been slip, sliding back and forth in Our process and that is fine. That is delightful. We celebrate rather than throw rocks at OurSelves. This brings a smile to Our face.

We real-eyes that: not only are We facing Our fears but We ARE also manifesting Our fear for the facing. That is what We are feeling and doing currently.

Happy is a choice and not happy/unhappy is old programming. Unhappy may not even be Our real feeling(s). This is Our current lesson, experience and focus. This is part of what yesterday was about. Our learning is much more experiential than ever before. Our choice/decision to be happy or unhappy may not be a conscious choice. We are getting a lot of insights about this but most people would argue with most of what We have to say even if We could get the words out Our fingers. Perhaps it will suffice to leave the thoughts at this beginning for now.

Being critical and judgmental do not lead to happy. Most (if not All) people want to be happy and seek many avenues to what We think will make Us happy. Happy comes from within but most everyOne looks for it without. Generally: We are happy by accident and not by intent. We can change this. We can change how We think. We can begin to theel and theel multidimensionally. Being stuck in limitation feels restricted because it is. It also feels safe because that is Our programming.

If You disagree, that is okay. After All: this IS about changing Our thinking and beliefs.

The kids support and help Us. “They” are leaders in changing. Society tries to keep “them” in boxes but that just does NOT work anymore.

We are spending Our day consciously choosing to be happy. This seems to help Us stay in multiD. We really do not remember much. The older brother seems to do better today. We pony hop a lot too. At home We must do something as We find We are going to dream about a half an hour late.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

A slip back and a step forwardish



A slip back and a step forwardish

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:59 AM

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am the divine. Celebrate.

We seem to have spent most of the night visiting a life in 3D where We travel a lot for Our job. We spend a lot of time on jets. There is a group of Us that work and travel together but We have One main partner who is also a good friend. Later on a third person joined Us to make a trio. Our job is being witnesses and observers of cases being investigated. Sometimes WE are observing someOne(s) being accused of something and sometimes We observe someOne who needs help.

It seems to be part of the court/justice system which is very different than Our current, waking justice system. It is more enlightened even though it IS still in a world of limitation and separation. It seems to be a world that is more evolved and further into transition. There is more freedom, acceptance and love.

This morning We feel quite different: not as trapped and more like someOne who is visiting and observing this world (Our familiar waking world). We feel more like a traveler. Even more of a traveler than in Our dream life last night. We know that Our world is very different from what We have Allways believed it to be. This knowledge is becoming experiential. We theel that limitation 3D is no longer Our dominant reality. That theels sooooo nice.

During Our morning We are mostly in multiD and having fun. Somehow, something kinda clicked and We are aware of slipping back into more old thinking. We do not know what happened but We are aware of it happening. A choice? Had to be a choice. All things work together for Our best.

We spent the rest of the day looking for happy thoughts but not being able (seemingly) to hold “them”. We kinda let the day (actually Our thinking but We blamed circumstances) beat Us down. We are delighted that We are aware of what is happening even if We do NOT know why We are making these choices. We pony hop and that does help but We still seem to be mired in old thinking. We recognize that this IS part of Our learning process.

We pony hop and look for better theeling thoughts. We must start where We are, wherever that is.

When there are no students on the bus We return to dream but when We return to 3D We are not very happy. We want to be somewhere else.

The younger brother did not go to school today as well as several other riders being absent. The older brother did some mild acting out and ended up in tears. Our driver (for some reason) was unwilling to help with him and insisted that We get his teacher. The boy was mostly (Allready) calmed by that time. His teacher talked calmly with him seemed to get him to calm and relax.

Since We had only a few students We are able to sit with the brother fairly soon. He is happy about that but does not pay much attention to Us.

By the time We got home We are mostly back in multiD and not much aware of what We are doing in 3D. We are a little late going to dream but now We are on Our way.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Monday, March 9, 2015

A day functioning in 3D AND playing in multiD



A day functioning in 3D AND playing in multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 9:23 AM

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am the divine. Celebrate.

We remember visiting some worlds that are very similar to Our familiar waking world but slightly different. There are friends from Our waking world in those worlds too.

Once again We got up early to play in multiD and then returned to dream. While awake We got (and are getting) some more insights into how Our thinking keeps Us trapped in limitation. This/these is/are not new but more experiential than before. We have a choice (actually many choices). We can be disappointed and even upset with OurSelves for keeping OurSelves trapped OR We can be delighted that We are experiencing and growing and learning. Thinking negatively about OurSelves is another mindtrap. We choose to be delighted with Our progress and deeper experiences. We celebrate Us.

We are learning about thinking. This learning is experiential. The thinking is Our old pattern and habit and mindtraps. We are becoming more and more aware (through experience) how Our old pattern(s) of thinking and planning (and of course Our shoulds and musts) keep Us locked into limitation. We think: “I/We will ........” and/or “I/We must ........” and/or “I’m/We’re gonna ........” and BANG the cage door slams shut. The door is NOT locked, it only appears to be. In fact it is not even shut tight, at least not anymore (if it ever was). There IS a crack that lets in light and energy.

These thoughts appear normal (which “they” are) and even natural (which “they” are NOT). “They” seem innocent and even necessary (which again “they” are NOT). We are (generally) unaware that it IS memory looping and recycling that keeps Us in limitation. Most of Our days are actually memories looping. Some details change but it is generally the same old bullshit replaying over and over.

Modern day ho’oponopono is about cleaning these memories. In addition to that Our process is about setting these memories (Our creations) free with love.

We continue to find teachers who teach people to kill, destroy and/or banish and abandon these creations. (This too is Our projection) However: it does NOT work for Us. We find that acknowledging, owning, loving and allowing integration is what works for Us. We continue to return to the original separation and We find that now the memory of separating with love and compassion is Our default memory/version. Yes: it is still a memory. We are finding that We are evolving from this version of separation rather than Our old version.

As We practice setting Our plans/planning free with love: We remember Our thoughts about assending in freefall. This is what it theels like when allowing Our thinking to become theeling and We stay in the now. We theel like We drifting and when We fully set Our tether free than it theels like freefalling. It is a safe and secure feeling NOT a scary and threatening feeling. (Well: maybe a little scary because it is new)

We have had a good time even though We did quite a bit of 3D show snovelling. We did a lot more playing than labor and tasks today. We were quite successful at procrastinating. YAY for Our team!!!!!!!

We are delighted with OurSelves and the progress that We are making.

We had dinner and now We are off to dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.