Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Adding new experiences

Adding new experiences
(From night school last night)
The last few days We have been practicing changing Our beliefs. Last night a lot of pisces came together in night school:
Back before We moved to Alaska We took some hypnotherapy training. It is One of the many things (in Our life) that We did not finish. At One point (during that time) We were writing a story and We (accidentally) regressed OurSelf back to the original separation (or so We thought). We clearly remembered that We did NOT want to play separation but everyOne else did. Okay, that is (obviously) after We real-eyesed that there We others which means that We had All-ready separated.
The way We remember it: We were All One without a distinction between minds and the infinite number of thoughts going around. We did not have a (or any) body/bodies. Neither physical or non-physical bodies. We might have appeared as a constantly shifting, massive, nearly invisible, gas cloud but We were not even that solid or formed or permanent. We had no form but We had lots of thoughts and awareness. It is clear (now) that it is hard to describe something that does not have a body or form to/from/in a 3D brain/mindset.
So: these thoughts began to kind of gather around the idea of becoming separate beans. Many thoughts were wondering about becoming individual parts of Our current mass. The way We (personally) remember it We (personally) did NOT want to do this. Even when the majority of thoughts were about “just pretending” to be separate, just playing a game, still We (personally) did NOT want to play.
When All the others (still only thoughts and consciousness) decided to play the game: there We (personally) were: left alone and separate whether We wanted to play or not. We decided that if We were to be separate and alone, then We would go off somewhere and be alone by OurSelf rather than be alone in the crowd. After some time (time was not even a concept at first) We began to miss Our other thoughts (which had now taken form(s) as We had). We decided to return to the group, but as We approached “they” saw Us in the distance and grew angry. “They” berated Us and blamed Us for rejecting “them”. “They” demanded (in the harshest of terms and words) that We go away. When We insisted that We were sorry and tried to join the group “they” grew even angrier and stoned Us to death.
Here We will interject that: in Dr. Hew Len's teaching (of modern day ho'oponopono) he says that Our memories replay over and over and that these memories control Our lives until We clean and clear the memories. Ho'oponopono (pony hopping) is the method he teaches (and We have been using) to clear the memories. We can certainly see how this memory (of the original separation and Our choices and Our rejection by OurSelf AND Our others) has replayed over and over in Our many limitation 3D lives. Just now We are thinking of how We also have many other lives and realities and worlds where these memories do NOT affect Us.
A few years after We moved to Alaska We real-eyesed (and accepted and owned) that We (personally) had actually agreed to play separation and (in fact) were One of the instigators. Later We real-eyesed that there were many versions. The thing/choice that We held on to was the rejection. We played that out in many different forms.
Throughout Our waking life (and many incarnations in limitation) We replayed the judgment and rejection over and over across the eons and centuries of civilization. Just yesterday We listened to an interview with Barbara Handclow from 2013. Several times she mentioned the era of priests and kings. This is a great description of Our replaying the rejection over and over: priests and kings with the rulers and the followers.
Recently We became aware of this pattern of replaying memories (priests and kings) where We lived lives being rich and powerful and We judged OurSelf and condemned OurSelf and then projected that onto the masses who gladly judged Us. In some of these lives We experienced witch hunts in others the commoners overthrew Us (the rulers) or just made Our life miserable.
When We became aware of this pattern We started changing Our behavior in and beliefs about these lives. This had great affects on Us. We also did a lot of pony hopping and We kept telling the people that We love “them”. We also reassured Our children within that We love “them”. We have caused Our children much pain and suffering and We ARE sorry. We ask Our forgiveness.
Then: a few days ago We revisited the original separation. This time as We were All (All parts and pisces of the original One) sitting or wandering around (kinda in a fog from the sudden change/fall) instead of feeling fear and anger We immediately started saying (to OurSelves and Our others): “I love You” and often We added: “How can I serve You?”. Day after day and night after night We kept at this. Gradually We began to change and Our thinking, beliefs and mindset started to open. We focused on opening, setting it All free and allowing with love.
We wish to interject that We did NOT consciously go seeking or hunting any of this. It All came easily and naturally to Our awareness and We acted according to Our inspiration without thought and planning.
What We noticed is that as We continued the pony hopping and the “I love You”s Our outlook began to shift. We real-eyesed that We had (All-ways when within limitation 3D) believed that the only result of pretending to be separate is fear and anger. We thought that God would be angry with Us and punish Us so We rebelled, We were afraid and We acted this out. Over eons and lifetimes Our actions became more fierce and destructive. Even when We real-eyesed and accepted that We (collectively) ARE God, We still had this fear of and anger towards God (because We retained that original memory and fear).
Only when We began to send love and share love and play with Our newfound parts and pisces did We see that there could be another result/choice/option. Since We (collectively) are God: it was God who decided to pretend to be separate to experience it. We have known and heard and read this before but it has a new impact/perspective now that We are allowing love at the beginning of Our separation. This is literally changing everything.
This new perspective: love from the beginning of separation AND that it IS God (whatever that might mean to any particular person or whatever name One might want to apply) who chose to separate means that there does NOT have/need to be any fear in this.
In dream/trance/meditation/whatever We are experiencing this beginning anew. As soon as everyOne (whatever that might mean) finds “themSelves” in these separate bodies We (everyOne) begin to tell each other that We love each other. We begin to play and cooperate rather than fight and compete. We do not even think/conceive of being limited. Limitation is a belief born from the fear and anger of that other separation (when We thought God would be angry). In this version We are free of need. We are free of ALL need. Need is part of limitation.
For years We have known that We are changing the rules of the game of separation and limitation but We have never experienced it like this. This is real to Us. This is far beyond Our wildest dreams. This could only happen by going back to Our earliest memories of separating from One and adding: “I love You”.
It seems that We followed Our memories, Our thread, Our waking timeline back and back and back. Along the way We added: “I love You” to each fragment of Our experiences. We finally got back to Our earliest memory of separating/separation and added love there. Now We do NOT have to reject OurSelf and Our others. We play together in harmony. We do have wants and desires but NO needs, not a single need. That is All-most impossible to even imagine.
Now: We are moving forward into Our present with these new experiences. Our world is much less threatening and We feel much less like a victim of life and Our world, society, religions, government, etc.
For some time now We have had visions of two (and more) worlds. One (or many) derive from Our memory of separating with fear and anger. Another (or others) evolve from this love and cooperation experience of separating (up until now We did not have any idea where those worlds came from). Recently We also have the vision of timelines connecting and merging and visions of timelines coming very close but NOT connecting, only affecting each other. We have visions of worlds that began with a loving separation and evolved from there AND We have visions of Our waking world (and other limitation worlds) transitioning into a loving and equal and cooperative world.


Andrea Scully said...

Stunning. I love the time traveling. I, too, came to it through the concepts taught in hypnotherapy.

Going to the past and going to the future, all the other ways of using the imagination as the doorway to where everything 'else' is is wonderful.

Keep sharing this, brother. It's good to know there's a wizard in Alaska willing to share...


myrddin said...

Thanx. I appreciate the support and encouragement.

Anonymous said...

Mark...thank you for sharing your dream travel.
We are only limited by our own thoughts. Keep dreaming and sharing it is so needed to raise the frequency.


myrddin said...

Hi Elizabeth,

Thanx for Your comment.

I love dreaming and sharing when I can find the words.