Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Monday, January 27, 2014

A little of this AND a little of that

A little of this AND a little of that
Wizard's Log Star-date: 06:07:57 AM
Good morning. We woke up pony hopping again. We only remember enough from Our dreams to know that We were playing in different worlds (looking through Our mind for the right word here) addressing Our issues, fears and beliefs around money, “the system”, Our natural power and abilities and such. We were playing with friends from waking and friends that We do not remember ever meeting before. We woke feeling quite different and knowing that We would probably go back to dreaming soon. All the new methods We are learning to assist transformation are certainly helping a lot. Then We take this into dream and really process it into the terms We are seeking.
Our conscious, waking mind still (even with All this new help) can not quite accept Our fantasies. These fantasies ARE the real world but We still have trouble with that. Processing this in dream helps embed this into Our subconscious. We have learned and are learning that it really is Our subconscious that runs Our life. If We are not explaining it well or even correctly please forgive Us. We are: “in process”.
We are making changes in Our physical world and Our life. So far these are small enough changes that We can accept “them”. As the old saying goes: “start where You are”. We start with what We CAN believe. As We progress We will be able to believe more. The flip side is that these changes are small enough that “they” can also be explained away if We choose. We are choosing (at least for now) to believe that these ARE changes that We are creating.
There are still a lot of issues and fears coming up and We face “them” and pony hop “them”. It is important to not only be truly sorry for these fears and issues but ALSO to love “them”. “They” are part of Us and part of All that is. We no longer wish to banish or destroy “them”. We want to invite “them” back in and integrate “them” and set “them” free with love. This is very important and a point that We have been missing for a long time. We are just beginning to project this onto Our world.
The money thing is quite entangled. We need and want to address and love and set free with love Our issues, counter intentions and limiting beliefs around money AND We theel that We also want to go about creating money and wealth in a very different way than most are doing right now. We truly want to “create” money and the things We desire NOT “earn” money and buy things. This IS Our contribution to a new world, a new way of doing things and to the mass mind. Again: We may not be wording this well because We are very much just beginning.
We get it that everyOne's financial difficulties and position ARE Self created. We also get it that this is hard to see, especially when stuck in the mud. This is why We do Our best work in Our dreams. In dream We penetrate the blocks and filters that words can never do. We lay the ground work and till the soil so that the waking mind can begin to grasp the idea and begin to take action to heal each individual IF “they” choose to heal in this way.
We MUST remember that everything, absolutely everything that We judge, fear, avoid, etc. IS Our creation AND projection. We love this part of OurSelf that creates and projects, then forgets and denies and judges (whatever it created and projected) as “bad”. We love this part and set it free with love. It is now free to come and go as it pleases AND it no longer rules Our lives.
There is a notification about an update for Our dictionary but We are totally befuddled how to install it. It may All-ready be installed?????
We theel that We are going to go back to dream. We real-eyes that We are afraid (deep inside) that what We are doing and seeking ARE impossible fantasies and so We tapped on that fear. It is reduced.
Wow, We just woke from a very bizarre dream that brought up a bunch of anger so We are pony hopping the dream and the anger. We real-eyes that this dream is part of Our cleaning and it brought up fears about leaving Our secure fantasy world which We still partially believe is the real world. We love You. We love the fear AND the part of Us that holds the fear and is afraid. Please forgive Us. We thank You.
We are also learning experientially about trusting OurSelf. Our brain wants to plan and worry about Our process and Our heart says to follow inspiration. That is One of the points of SITH: getting clear so We can follow inspiration. It sounds great but in practical application is a bit scary at least at first.
Again: We are having fun adding text to pictures. We are also recognizing more fears, blocks, doubts and counter intentions. We really did a number on OurSelf about living in Our natural power and abilities. We have no idea if the memories of suffering from that are real or completely fabricated. It really does NOT matter. We love You. We love the memories and the aspect of OurSelf that keeps Us in fear. We are sorry, please forgive Us and thank Us. Let this cleanse the memories and the fear and set “them” free with love across All time, dimensions, space and reality. Filling Us with love, returning Us to Our natural state and easy worlds. Turning Our thinking into loving. And so it is done. We thank Us and We love Us unconditionally. We also tapped on this One.
We seem to have sorta fallen into adding text to pictures again today. But what the heck, We are enjoying it. We can also tell that We are changing and that is what We want. We really are living Our passion. We like that, We like knowing that and being grateful.
We did go for water and heating oil earlier and made a blueberry cobbler and got in some dream time and some hypnosis vids. A nice relaxing day.

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