Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Friday, January 31, 2014

The soup thickens

The soup thickens
Wizard's Log Star-date: 02:47:08 AM
Good morning. We woke a little early today because Shadow got up and was outside and We wanted to check on him. We woke giving Our inner child more love and attention. This is a bit different and deeper than how We have cared for Our child before. This is part of the pony hopping process We are currently in. We keep going deeper and deeper and We can feel the changing within. We have begun to feel that this current process is simply amazing.
Even though We do not have a lot of clear memories of what We are doing in dream We know We continue Our process and cleaning and setting it All free with love in Our dream state.
In yesterday's webinar exercise We got a vision of OurSelf relaxing in Our ideal setting. We are in/on the porch of Our cabin with the open front wall, in a very comfortable chair looking out to the meadow which leads down to water with mountains in the background. It is a very lovely, calm and relaxing setting.
This morning We are having some feelings about Our process AND Our progress. Our brain questions and Our heart reassures. We are putting many, many puzzle pieces together. The best way forward is to just relax which is completely contrary to Our old beliefs and programing. Our willingness to just relax and do what is in front of Us and trust this and clean (pony hop) any fears is indeed a sign of progress.
We are seeing/feeling more of the judgments, fears and doubts that Our child within is harboring and We are truly sorry. Please forgive Us. We love You unconditionally and thank You for being part of Us. Please set these memories free with love. We have done sooooo much damage to OurSelf by neglecting, ignoring and even denying this child within. We are grateful for this latest opportunity to recognize and pay attention to Our child within.
Sometime during the day it dawned on Us that We could buy some traction sand and spread on the upper part of Our driveway so We do not slide down out of control the way We did yesterday. That is what We did on One break so again We did not have time to type anything during the day. The sand worked remarkably well and We did not have any trouble coming down the drive.
We did listen to several of Our hypnosis recordings, talk a lot with Our child within and pony hop Our students. It is All coming together nicely. So many pisces and different programs fitting together to make soup.
Good night AND thank You for playing.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Hopping into and after a webinar

Hopping into and after a webinar
Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:00:21 AM
Good morning. It is nice to wake and have the first thing on Our mind be: “I love You”. Lots of interesting dreams. Some were rather odd but interesting. It is part of Our cleaning and processing. There was a lot of worlds where We were working with special needs kids but everyOne was more advanced (for lack of a better word) than in Our waking world.
It is still hard for Us to get up and leave Our dream worlds. We know that We do NOT have to pull OurSelf out of that state as much as We used to believe but (Once again) old habits die hard and We have yet to learn how to do this waking without leaving Our dreams. It is All part of the process.
We have been real-I-sing how amazing Our process is. Taking responsibility for everything is a big order but rewarding. Our cleaning is coming along nicely and We are seeing/experiencing results. We are noticing money coming up more and more and We really wonder why it is such a big deal. It is nice that We do not have to have answers. We just clean. We love You.
Since We keep getting more kids on Our route Our breaks are shorter and We are not typing much during the day. That and We just are not as 3D focused as We were. The kids continue to be a delight and We just keep on learning AND pony hopping.
There is another webinar tonight after work about clearing Our blocks. This One had a short quiz to identify Our strongest block and it says that it is fear of rejection. Interesting that We have been real-i-sing this is a block. The memories of being powerful and paying a huge price in judgment and rejection is really bringing up some stuff. We theel that the memories are false and made up to reflect Our own judgment. We find it quite easy to access memories of feeling really good and jazzed about living in Our true nature but these other memories are rooted deep and have grown to be quite strong. It might/would seem easier to just eradicate “them” but We know that that does NOT really work. “They” would fester as “they” have for eons. Instead: We are owning “them” and loving “them” and adding (or finding) memories that feel good. As Abraham-Hicks says: “Find a better feeling thought”.
We really are going through a complete psychic change and Our views and beliefs about money AND the system AND the rest of Our world are UP big time. We are taking responsibility and We love You. So much to own and pony hop. We love You.
The kids were cooperative and We had fun playing with the preschoolers (especially) and We did a lot of pony hopping. We watched another segment of Dr. Hew Len's seminar and he focused on the relationship between Our conscious (the mother) and Our subconscious (the child within). Even though We have done some work with and acknowledged Our inner child before this took it much deeper and is another I opener. We were glad to pay more attention to Our child within and show him love and affection. We are One-da-ring IF the work We are doing with children in Our waking life is Our opportunity and way to make amends to Our child within? It does seem so. We are sorry. Please forgive Us. We love You unconditionally and We thank You for being part of Us.
When We got home it was just in time for the webinar to begin. We enjoyed it and got a lot out of it. As usual it was also a promo but that too is part of Our projection. We ARE responsible. Thank You for another opportunity. This brought up more fears and doubts and lack of trusting OurSelf. Lots to pony hop so We got busy pony hopping. Our brain is afraid that We are missing out (or will miss out) that We are falling behind, that We will fail. Our heart says We are doing just fine AND Our future Self (in Our secret mirror) says that We are right on schedule.
We hop Our way into dream. Good night AND thank You for playing.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Another short entry

Another short entry
Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:12:22 AM
Good morning. We woke pony hopping. We remember that a lot of memories and fears came up during the night for cleaning and being set free with love. We also remember reviewing Our current process. One of the things that is going on is Our brain is trying to define, figure out and plan Our process and future and that just ain't happening. A lot of judgments are also coming up and getting pony hopped. Our fears and memories (good and bad) around living in Our power are coming up. We went to dream in a light trance with the suggestion of remembering how it felt to live in Our power. This brings up the good feelings because it feels like the bad memories and fears are manufactured after the fact.
It does feel like We have taken Our judgments and projected “them” onto Our world AND OurSelf. Perhaps false projections would be a good description. We are clearly getting it that the world is far, far different from how We perceive it. Our beliefs and judgments of the rich and powerful are very tainted. We project this onto the masses. We are sorry. We love You. Once again We love the projections AND the projector. This feels very important.
Sometimes this All feels new and sometimes it is like We have done this before. Maybe We are just going a bit deeper and being a bit more thorough and included parts that We rejected before? We love You. Please forgive Us. We thank You. It is All up for cleaning and being set free. Our head keeps trying to grasp what really can not be held. Our heart is flying free. We love You.
A lot of old programing is coming up, especially the fears and thinking that love is weak. Interesting as We get deeper and deeper into Our stuff. We love You.
We did some more hypnosis this morning. We are feeling and experiencing change within Us. We love Us.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Another day flys

Another day flys
Wizard's Log Star-date: 02:41:51 AM
Good morning. Again We visited and played in many worlds with many friends. The One We remember best was in a world where growings are replacing buildings. We really theel that We ARE creating the life of Our dreams. Our process IS working. We got up a little early to have extra time to play on Our computer before We go play with the kids on the bus. That is if We have school. The temperature is still warm and around freezing.
We woke pony hopping and many memories are coming up to be pony hopped and set free (in case You have forgotten: pony hopping is about loving whatever comes into Our field of awareness). We love You. We are reminded that We love the memory, the action AND that part of Us that is repeating the memory. The point is to love it All. It IS All Us. We ARE responsible. Again: this is NOT about blame in any form.
Our brain is (Once again) trying to take charge and plan and run the show. It continues to create evidence of failure to create which is actually evidence OF CREATING.
Sooooo much is coming up, so many insights into OurSelf AND Our world and Our projections. What We see (so far) AS “the real world” is actually only Our projections. There are sooooo many things that We accept as absolute which are really VERY mutable. We have created many things (like gravity) to make Our lives simple and easy but “they” are really limits. Think about it and remember: We love You. We love every aspect of OurSelf AND Our creations and We set “them” All free with love. Free to come and go at will. Free to fly and visit All worlds, realities and dimensions. Free to play. No longer held captive in Our limitation worlds. We can return here any time We wish.
Another day seems to have flown bye.

Monday, January 27, 2014

A little of this AND a little of that

A little of this AND a little of that
Wizard's Log Star-date: 06:07:57 AM
Good morning. We woke up pony hopping again. We only remember enough from Our dreams to know that We were playing in different worlds (looking through Our mind for the right word here) addressing Our issues, fears and beliefs around money, “the system”, Our natural power and abilities and such. We were playing with friends from waking and friends that We do not remember ever meeting before. We woke feeling quite different and knowing that We would probably go back to dreaming soon. All the new methods We are learning to assist transformation are certainly helping a lot. Then We take this into dream and really process it into the terms We are seeking.
Our conscious, waking mind still (even with All this new help) can not quite accept Our fantasies. These fantasies ARE the real world but We still have trouble with that. Processing this in dream helps embed this into Our subconscious. We have learned and are learning that it really is Our subconscious that runs Our life. If We are not explaining it well or even correctly please forgive Us. We are: “in process”.
We are making changes in Our physical world and Our life. So far these are small enough changes that We can accept “them”. As the old saying goes: “start where You are”. We start with what We CAN believe. As We progress We will be able to believe more. The flip side is that these changes are small enough that “they” can also be explained away if We choose. We are choosing (at least for now) to believe that these ARE changes that We are creating.
There are still a lot of issues and fears coming up and We face “them” and pony hop “them”. It is important to not only be truly sorry for these fears and issues but ALSO to love “them”. “They” are part of Us and part of All that is. We no longer wish to banish or destroy “them”. We want to invite “them” back in and integrate “them” and set “them” free with love. This is very important and a point that We have been missing for a long time. We are just beginning to project this onto Our world.
The money thing is quite entangled. We need and want to address and love and set free with love Our issues, counter intentions and limiting beliefs around money AND We theel that We also want to go about creating money and wealth in a very different way than most are doing right now. We truly want to “create” money and the things We desire NOT “earn” money and buy things. This IS Our contribution to a new world, a new way of doing things and to the mass mind. Again: We may not be wording this well because We are very much just beginning.
We get it that everyOne's financial difficulties and position ARE Self created. We also get it that this is hard to see, especially when stuck in the mud. This is why We do Our best work in Our dreams. In dream We penetrate the blocks and filters that words can never do. We lay the ground work and till the soil so that the waking mind can begin to grasp the idea and begin to take action to heal each individual IF “they” choose to heal in this way.
We MUST remember that everything, absolutely everything that We judge, fear, avoid, etc. IS Our creation AND projection. We love this part of OurSelf that creates and projects, then forgets and denies and judges (whatever it created and projected) as “bad”. We love this part and set it free with love. It is now free to come and go as it pleases AND it no longer rules Our lives.
There is a notification about an update for Our dictionary but We are totally befuddled how to install it. It may All-ready be installed?????
We theel that We are going to go back to dream. We real-eyes that We are afraid (deep inside) that what We are doing and seeking ARE impossible fantasies and so We tapped on that fear. It is reduced.
Wow, We just woke from a very bizarre dream that brought up a bunch of anger so We are pony hopping the dream and the anger. We real-eyes that this dream is part of Our cleaning and it brought up fears about leaving Our secure fantasy world which We still partially believe is the real world. We love You. We love the fear AND the part of Us that holds the fear and is afraid. Please forgive Us. We thank You.
We are also learning experientially about trusting OurSelf. Our brain wants to plan and worry about Our process and Our heart says to follow inspiration. That is One of the points of SITH: getting clear so We can follow inspiration. It sounds great but in practical application is a bit scary at least at first.
Again: We are having fun adding text to pictures. We are also recognizing more fears, blocks, doubts and counter intentions. We really did a number on OurSelf about living in Our natural power and abilities. We have no idea if the memories of suffering from that are real or completely fabricated. It really does NOT matter. We love You. We love the memories and the aspect of OurSelf that keeps Us in fear. We are sorry, please forgive Us and thank Us. Let this cleanse the memories and the fear and set “them” free with love across All time, dimensions, space and reality. Filling Us with love, returning Us to Our natural state and easy worlds. Turning Our thinking into loving. And so it is done. We thank Us and We love Us unconditionally. We also tapped on this One.
We seem to have sorta fallen into adding text to pictures again today. But what the heck, We are enjoying it. We can also tell that We are changing and that is what We want. We really are living Our passion. We like that, We like knowing that and being grateful.
We did go for water and heating oil earlier and made a blueberry cobbler and got in some dream time and some hypnosis vids. A nice relaxing day.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Where did We go?

Where did We go?
Wizard's Log Star-date: 10:23:15 AM
Good morning. We woke earlier and got up and played on Our computer a while and then went back to dream. Again We do not remember what worlds and lives We visited or what We did but We remember having a good time and We woke saying: “I love You”. We remember saying it a lot during the night.
The first thing We did when We got up just now was download and listen to a new meditation/trance for clearing negative and clearing beliefs. It is kinda amazing how many people are focusing on this. That means that We are projecting it more and more. For this We are responsible just as We are responsible for problems We encounter. We love You.
We added some hypnosis recordings to Our Nook for easy access while on the bus. Now We are having fun adding text to pictures for Our slide show.
Well, We have done a lot of dreaming, watched some vids and downloaded (and listened to) an audio instruction about tapping (another method We have avoided for several years now). We love Us AND We forgive Us. We also are getting a lot of pictures edited for Our slideshow. We even filled Our oil tank AND it only took/used five gallons rather than the ten gallons We have been using every week.
This brings up several points. Of course using less heating oil is (at least) partially due to much warmer temperatures BUT (even though We did not have much subzero) it has only been up around freezing for the passed two days. So: We face the choice of denying away Our responsibility for this OR accepting that We have an affect on the weather AND Our need for and use of heating oil. We ARE the solution as well as the problem.
We are surprised at how late in the day it is.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Freezing rain again

Freezing rain again
Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:10:21 AM
Good morning. Again We visited and played in several worlds. It seems that there were several (or One over and over) where We were on a school bus but it was mind controlled like We hope to learn to create and operate in Our waking life. We were able to operate the bus AND pay a lot of attention to the kids and play with “them”.
Several times We woke from dreams pony hopping, saying: “I love You”. It feels good to wake up saying “I love You”. This morning it was not quite as hard to get up but it does feel like We are waking in a slightly different world. Certainly is a slightly different frame of mind. Our process is working and Our thinking and beliefs are changing. Once again it is very hard to put the change into words because it is sooooo different. We really do not (yet) have words to fully describe how it feels to be limitless, free and equal.
Something that is coming up now is taking a look/feel at: “what is it in Us?” that is causing whatever We see/experience. We have pretty much been avoiding this. However: it is time. We are being shown a lot of Our “schtuff” but too really look at AND feel into: “What is it in Me?” is hard to really start because of the old blame game. This is NOT about guilt, blame and shame but that IS sooooo familiar that We react from and recoil in that mindset. So, Once again this is about changing Our mindset AND beliefs. This is good.
It is raining fairly hard outside and We truly hope “they” cancel school. Once again: We are getting it that there really is NO “they”. We have made a lot of progress on that front but there is still a lot of room for more progress. We are creating this and projecting it onto what We call “the world”. It is really Our view screen, the veil which We have hidden the real world behind. It is Our personal holodeck and there are lots of actors (holographic actors) who have agreed to play along. Thank You (for playing). This weather is Our belief in inclement weather showing up. This (inclement weather) is actually as impossible as war and starvation but We do put on a good show. We believe that IS possible to be out of tune and harmony with nature, Gaia, God, source energy, OurSelves AND Our others. A pretty silly notion if We really think about it but it is sure believable in Our holoworld. So this too is coming up for cleaning and setting free with love.
We are sorry for Our belief about being out of tune and harmony with nature (and everything else too). Please forgive OurSelf. We love whatever it is inside Us that creates and maintains this belief and We thank this part of OurSelf. Let this cleanse this belief (and Our inner Self, Our lost and lonely child, Our orphan and castaway) and set it free with love across All time, dimensions, space and reality; filling Us with love and returning Us to Our true nature and easy worlds and turning Our thinking into loving. And so it is done. We thank Us AND We love Us (every part of Us) unconditionally.
They” canceled school (as We were certain “they”/We would) AND We got the call before We finished getting ready to leave. YAY!!!!!! It just feels right. Now We will see how Our process unfolds as We stay home. We are really enjoying the slide show We ARE creating and We watched it while listening to a hypnosis recording. It is planting Our dream world in Our subconscious waking mind.
There are a bunch of insights coming up that We are not getting into the typing because there is just too much to get it All AND words are hard sometimes.
We returned to dream and visited another world where We are an attendant on special needs school buses. Interesting. When We got up We did the file merging between Our laptop and desktop that We wanted to do. Now We are checking out some other information about retraining Our brain and changing Our beliefs and thinking. We will probably look into adding graphics/text to pictures too.
We started looking for adding text to pictures but We are too multiworld focused to do anything techy. We are doing some mind training reading though. We found a free online program for adding text to pictures and We are doing it for a slideshow for Us.
Once again We returned to dream. We do not remember what We did but whatever it was We enjoyed it and We woke up repeating: “I love You”.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Another ice storm

Another ice storm
Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:13:11 AM
Good morning. Once again We did not want to leave Our dream lives. We are practicing allowing OurSelf to remain in an altered/expanded state but the old habits of waking to limitation and separation remain strong. We are making progress though. We visited several lives again. In One We are a high ranking officer in the navy and We were supervising a battle. We practiced pony hopping this version rather than reject it. More progress that. In another We were doing something more in line with how We think of OurSelf but now We do not remember what. It was still quite different from Our waking version.
We are seeing how We cling to Our surface memories and We pony hop that. We real-eyes that if We cling to these fleeting and surface memories how much more We cling to and are affected by those which are buried deep and rehearsed over lifetime after lifetime. We love You. Please forgive Us. We thank You.
There are many “I Can't” and “I don't know how” beliefs coming up for Us. This current process and pony hopping is bringing a lot to life. The last vid We watched with Dr. Hew Len helped Us real-eyes that We need to love these not just say We are sorry. These beliefs could become (maybe are) more orphans. It is time to stop creating and rejecting Our orphans and begin loving “them”. Everything just wants to be loved. That is pretty simple.
When We got up from Our chair We get it that One of the ways We allow OurSelf to go into light trance and be less focused in limitation 3D is Our writing/typing. When We get into that We do zone out. It is another tool.
We also started a Secret Mirror journal. It feels like that will also help. We love You.
Our “I can't” and “I don't know how” beliefs are pretty big even though We did not see “them” clearly before. We love You and We thank You. Please forgive OurSelf. Let this cleanse Our “I can't” and “I don't know how” beliefs and set “them” free with love across All time, dimensions, space and reality and fill Us with love and return Us to Our natural state, easy worlds and turn Our thinking into loving. And so it is done. We thank Us AND We love Us. Even as We were typing that We tried to cling to these beliefs AND We set “them” free with love. As long as We hold any beliefs and memories captive then We hold OurSelf captive. We love You. We love OurSelf unconditionally.
Lots of insights this morning. These “I can't” and “I don't know how” beliefs are bringing up a lot of fear too. We love You. Another thing We real-eyes is that We have rarely told a problem that We love it and definitely have not been telling the part of OurSelf that creates a problem that We love it. AND, even if We do/did We still have an expectation of the outcome. So much dross. We love You. We are reminded that Our specific expectations limit Our options. Expecting miracles expands Our limits and opens Us to limitlessness. We DO real-eyes that often: what We expect is NOT what We really want and We know it but We believe it is the best We can have at the time. We love You. Please forgive Us. Thank You. We love that belief and the part of Us, within Us that created and maintains that belief. We love You. We love You. Let this cleanse this belief and set it free.
We did not feel like typing during Our breaks because We had a mild ice storm and “they” kept the buses running. We only had trouble in One spot but it was very slick and a lot of buses had a lot of trouble. We did feel that We were responsible for Our bus doing okay AND the whole thing. We are creating Our world. We spent Our breaks preparing in case school closes early or All day tomorrow.
It feels very different to take responsibility for everything. Blame is so familiar and We have become sooooo blind. But: We created All of that too and We are living out Our rerunning projections. We love You.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Another short entry for an active day

Another short entry for an active day
Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:10:38 AM
Good morning. We woke a little early and stayed in bed pony hopping, using the very short method: saying “I love You” to everything. After All: We are responsible and We created it All. This is going to a whole new level. When We did get up, We felt something new, something a little more magikal than before. We (Once again) feel the choice(s) as We wake and We real-eyes that We can choose to be in many worlds at Once. Yes, We have known that for some time and even experienced it but it is still unfamiliar.
We are familiar with being totally in One world, be it limited or limitless but being in multiworlds is still new to Us. We keep pony hopping. Dr. Hew Len says to do it All the time and We can see that. It is not easy to do it constantly like breathing but it can become a constant part of Our life. Taking responsibility for everything is not as easy as it might sound. There is sooooo much that We normally blame or externalize. We have taught OurSelves to push it All outside of Us but it is truly All inside of Us. Again, We have said this All before but it is becoming experiential and that makes a big difference.
Yesterday's video (of Dr. Hew Len) put things in a different light. It is amazing how a slightly different perspective can shed sooooo much light on something(s). We were missing the point of loving whatever is inside Us creating whatever it is We do not like. We were saying that We are sorry and that We love the creation but We forgot to love the creator (especially the creator of things We do not like). We are becoming very aware of the dichotomy of loving Our creations while NOT liking “them”. We are also aware of feeling stuck, feeling the looping of playing/acting out memories over and over.
Most of Us cling to memories but do NOT real-eyes that memories are keeping Us looping in the same behaviors over and over and over again. We find it interesting that We have instinctively known to release this clinging to memories without really knowing why and the depth to which this goes. Like everything else: there is nothing wrong with memories. It is the getting stuck and letting memories rule Us and run Our lives and play out over and over and over. We love You.
It is exciting to Us how many more people are focusing on love because this means that We are projecting love more and more.
We are also being reminded of Our computer area being a communication center. We have no idea how/where this will evolve but it theels important and We just need to be aware and infuse it with love. We love You. We thank You. Again We are reminded that everything is perfect just as it is and We are. We are trained and programed to think that We are missing something and NOT “doing” enough. Again: that is old data and memories replaying and looping. We love You AND We thank You.
Again We had several things to do during Our breaks and did not take time for typing about Our day. The kids are doing great. We are cleaning many issues. Setting Our fears, doubts and worries free with love is no small feat.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Hopping inside OurSelf

Hopping inside OurSelf
Wizard's Log Star-date: 02:34:00 AM
Good morning. Lots of processing and pony hopping AND visiting and playing in easy worlds. Lots of friends too. Some from Our waking/pretend life and some We just met. We were kinda surprised to wake in this world again. We get it that We ARE responsible and All the blame We cast on to others is Our own blame BUT there really is NO blame. We chose this and now We are waking up to this choice and choosing to set it All free with love.
It has just occurred to Us that We are sabotaging Our finances and peace of mind because We still believe that life is hard and must be a struggle. We impose and project this onto Our world and those who play here with Us. Since Our current job is easy and We really enjoy/love it We believe that We should suffer in some way and that We can NOT support OurSelf this way. That (of course) is a lie but We create proof for Our belief. We are sorry that We believe that life is hard and must be a struggle. Please forgive OurSelf. We love Us unconditionally AND We thank Us. Let this cleanse this belief that life is hard and must be a struggle and set it free with love across All time, dimensions, space and reality filling Us with love and returning Us to Our true nature, to easy worlds, to real worlds and turning Our thinking into loving. And so it is done. We thank Us and We love Us unconditionally.
We find that Our process is taking Us deeper and deeper into these buried beliefs. These are not Our true core beliefs but “they” are just about as deep. Perhaps as Our core beliefs grow and gain strength “they” push All these other erroneous beliefs to the surface?
Sometimes/often We wonder what We should do, what action to take and We are reminded that inspiration will guide Us. Relax and repeat: I love You.
Our computer is running slow this morning and We are drifting around and about. Relaxing.
We do not have much to report this morning. We had another sub driver so We were not able to focus on Our process and pony hopping as We would like. We were able to pony hop each student but that was about it. We also had to sit close to the driver so We did not get as much interaction with the students as usual. We were able to remember to say: “I love You and thank You” a lot.
This current stage of taking complete responsibility for Our world and life and really getting it that what We see is only Our projection is very I-opening. It is also hard to type about because it is totally unfamiliar.
We are going to try watching another vid with Dr. Hew Len. The video was One-der-full. He showed a cleaning procedure doing simple breathing.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

A day of play

A day of play
Wizard's Log Star-date: 07:52:19 AM
Good morning. Once again We visited and played in many worlds with many new and old friends. These worlds were very similar to Our familiar waking world except that “they” ARE easy worlds. We theel it is important for Us to note that We ARE living in easy worlds in Our dream worlds. We woke theeling like We are on board ship. We have only thelt that way a few times in Our waking state. We are reminded to clean and allow inspiration to lead Us. We were pondering trying to do some writing but We truly do not feel inspired to do so right now. We love You and We thank You. We love OurSelf unconditionally and We thank You.
It seems that much of what We used to enjoy reading just is NOT ringing Our bells right now. We try to examine and judge it or OurSelf. We love You AND We love Us unconditionally. Thank You. Let it just be and allow inspiration. Open to love, set it All free with love and allow love.
It is coming up that All-most All (if not All) of Our thoughts and beliefs about money are limitations and judgments AND that We really do have a LOT of “I can't” beliefs. As We continue this process of ho'oponopono We ARE getting deeper and deeper into Our buried and hidden beliefs and programs. In the passed We would install new programs but those are still programs and probably NOT universal and timeless. Now, We clean: We are sorry for All of Our buried and hidden beliefs that ARE within Us. Please forgive OurSelf. We love Us unconditionally and We thank Us. Let this cleanse ALL these beliefs and set “them” free with love across All time, dimensions, space and reality. Filling Us with love. Returning Us to easy worlds. Returning Us to Our true nature and to Our natural state. Turning Our thinking into loving. And so it is done. We thank Us and We love Us unconditionally.
We are sorry for All of Our limiting beliefs and judgments around money AND Our beliefs that “We can't”. Please forgive Us. We love Us unconditionally and We thank Us. Let this cleanse these beliefs and judgments and set “them” free across All time, dimensions, space and reality. Filling Us with love. Replacing “them” with: “We/I can” and turning Our thinking into loving, returning Us to easy worlds and Our true nature (where We truly can). And so it is done. We thank Us AND We love Us unconditionally.
As We read Suzanne Lie's latest: THE STAIRWAY 1/19/2014 We resonate with it AS Our current process. Earlier We were feeling kinda like We were losing or straying from All the processing and expansion We had done up until now. That is NOT the case at All. We are expanding and We are reconnecting with parts/versions/ aspects of OurSelf that We have forgotten, abandoned, tried to destroy. The pieces are coming together and We are focused in another area of Us right now.
It seems that We got to playing and Our day disappeared All too soon. And We can't find Our way back to the wood. Silly old bear.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Mostly in trance

Mostly in trance
Wizard's Log Star-date: 07:15:16 AM
Good morning. We woke focused on pony hopping, transmuting into love and living in easy world. We are definitely NOT focused much in limitation 3D and will probably return to dream soon. During the night We visited and played in several worlds. Some of that was about cleansing and setting memories free with love and others were about the worlds that We can explore and play in as We cleanse and set Our old limitation and separation beliefs free.
We are reminded that this world really IS Our holographic projection and just like on a Star Trek holodeck We can turn the program off and exit the holodeck. The program remains stored and We can access it anytime We want at any point We want. That is what Our brain is about, especially the part We do not use. We locked OurSelves in this One minor holoprogram when We turned off the 90% that We do not use.
There is a website called Easy World which We have not (yet) fully explored. We visited it before going to bed and it ran through Our mind a lot during the night. This morning it dawned on Us that in Our dreams most worlds ARE easy worlds and that is the big difference between Our dreaming and Our waking. We have added: “return Me to easy worlds” to Our cleansing mantra.
It theels to Us that many people are saying basically the same things in different words and at different levels to reach the vast array of people in/on Our world. One of the things that We (personally) are here to do is to blend these and put the pieces of the puzzle together to form a beautiful mosaic. (Our judgments often get in the way of this.) Another thing We are doing is pushing some up a notch or expanding “them” beyond “their”/Our current limitations. Again: We must set Our judgments free with love in order to accomplish this and that is a big part of what We are doing.
We are in the midst of a complete, radical and total change of thinking and mindset. This is taking just about All of Our time, energy and focus. It is not easy (simple but not easy) to turn OurSelf completely inside out but We theel that is what it takes to get to where We are waiting for OurSelves to arrive.
After watching a couple of vids We returned to dream and now We are back in the waking world. Pony hopping and rehearsing some mantras. We hope to get a few 3D chores done today but first things first.
We find that Our attitude and beliefs are changing.
Somewhere along the line We real-eyesed that We are in trance and enjoying it. We are not able to focus on words much but We are able to do things like fill Our oil tank and do dishes. We listened to some vids of a Zero Limits seminar with Joe Vitale and Dr. Hew Len while We did dishes. One of the things that comes to mind is that We ARE very grateful for what We have and sometimes We do forget how great that is.
We also watched a “mind movie” and listened to some other vids. All of this combined is changing Our thinking like We are seeking. We real-eyes (even more deeply) that the world We perceive on a day to day basis is NOT the real world. It is based on/in the real world but it IS Our “projection” of Our limitation beliefs. It covers and hides and disguises the real world like a thick veil and/or mask. What We see is what We project. We are preparing to project something quite different from limitation and separation. Not only are We preparing We are beginning.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Setting ME free with love

Setting ME free with love
Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:35:01 AM
Good morning. Another night exploring and playing in lots of worlds with lots of friends. Some are also living in Our waking world and others We have never met in waking or dreaming before. As We moved from world to world We forgot most of the previous world(s) only remembering that We had been playing in another world with some of the same friends as the current and some who (at least) seemed to be unique to that world. While noticing this We got it that Our physical brain is part of Our physical body. Whatever body We wear in those other worlds has its own brain. Most of Our current remembering uses Our physical brain.
Our memories also serve to keep Us trapped in this limitation world and We are actually looping within old buried and forgotten memories. We do not fully understand All this AND We do NOT have to. We can take responsibility and cleanse and set it free with love. We do take responsibility. Let this cleanse the memories and beliefs of limitation and separation and set “them” free with love across All time, dimensions, space and reality and fill Us with love, return Us to Self I-dentity and turn Our thinking into loving. So it is done. We thank Us and We love Us unconditionally.
Perhaps as We activate Our unused portions of Our brain We have more access to awareness of what We are doing in other worlds. Perhaps We will allow Our memories to control Us less. Again, We do not know how this All works and We do not need to. As We allow inspiration to guide and direct Us more shall be revealed. Right now We get it that We need/want to stop trying to remember and allow inspiration to inspire Us. We will probably still have memories, probably many more and much more accurate than currently but We will not need to attach to these memories the way We do now.
Our brain is “trying” to figure out and plan: “what comes next”. This could only limit Us. We want to allow Our heart, love to guide and direct Us and lead the way. We feel love and inspiration stirring deep within this morning. Our brain wants to control and keep Us in the old loop but Our heart and inspiration are beginning to lead the way. Heartmind and love and inspiration do NOT control and/or take charge. “They” are gentle and coaxing and soft as a whisper. Our brain is generally loud and demanding. We love Our brain and it does have a function. We honor that and it no longer needs to try to do and control everything. Our heart is returning to its proper place too. Let this cleanse Us and set Us free with love across All time dimensions, space and reality and fill Us with love, return Us to Our true nature and turn Our thinking into loving. So it is done. We thank You AND We love You unconditionally.
As We were adding to “Our Program” We remembered something from earlier or last night: As far as We can see: All of Our current beliefs about money are erroneous, unloving and limiting. Let this cleanse All of Our current erroneous, unloving and limiting beliefs about money and set those free with love across All time, dimensions, space and reality and fill Us with love, return Us to Our true nature and abilities and natural power. And so it is done. We thank Us and We love Us unconditionally.
Again Our brain is trying to plan and control but We are allowing OurSelf to follow Our heart and inspiration moment to moment. This brings up fear in Our headmind. Let this cleanse All fear and set it free with love across All time, dimensions, space and reality AND fill Us with love and return Us to zero point and convert Our thinking into loving. And so it IS done. We thank Us. We love Us unconditionally.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Allowing the real

Allowing the real
Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:05:55 AM
Good morning. Many worlds and what We remember is that “they” seemed bizarre. Not “bad” bizarre but rather a pleasant bizarre. We woke pony hopping again. Our head is trying to return to the old and familiar but that is no longer Our place or life. We could choose that again but it is no longer Our choice. We love You. We thank You.
We are practicing not really coming into 3D focus but remaining mostly in dream. We have been practicing this a bit for some time but Our training and programing is to remain in limitation 3D is strong. Remember that We are learning to do something We have no manual or roadmap for. We have only recently remembered ever doing this before and those were not pleasant memories. Unlike being in limitation 3D, We do not have any role models or instruction manuals or training schools. Not yet anyway.
Because this is an individual process We really can not have a cut and dry program like We did with limitation. We must allow OurSelves to fly free.
We are sorry for Our old limiting beliefs. Please forgive OurSelf. We love Us unconditionally. We thank Us.
We just had a flash that as much as We resist, what We are doing on/in waking and NOT coming into focus is exactly what We need. Let this cleanse Our old thinking and beliefs across All time, dimensions, space and reality and fill Us with love and return Us to Self I-dentity. And so it is done. We thank Us. We love Us unconditionally.
It seems that We are breaking the old programing and conditioning. We asked for a complete psychic change and THIS is part of that process.
Abraham-Hicks suggests that We repeatedly ask OurSelf: what is it that We want? We like that idea. Yesterday We started a list of goals or what We want to attract. The word goals is a bit misleading because in old thinking it means what We try to “make” happen or what We strive for. That is NOT Our intention. We wish to allow Our goals to become “real” in Our life.
Breaking Our old conditioning and programing is no simple feat and the word breaking is not quite accurate. (The word breaking implies destruction which is NOT what We are doing but this IS a very extreme and complete change) In a normal day there are a lot of distractions which are designed to keep Us in limitation and it works pretty well. We really have to focus on pony hopping to overcome and transmute Our old habits, patterns and thinking. It is easy to blame the system or leaders or, or, or..... but it is actually Us that set this up. No blame, it is how and what We wanted to experience. We just set it up a bit too good. We love Us.
Several ideas for Our goals are coming up and We still not really focused in 3D. This is a “good” thing but it makes it hard to type everything up because there is soooo much coming in sooooo fast. Again, this IS what We are after so We want to set resis-dance free.
Yes, there really is a lot to being limitless and connected to everything.
There are many examples of trying to revert to old thinking and in Our limitation world there is a lot of visible support for this. The support for Our change is much less visible BUT it is much stronger too.
Today it really seems like Our hard-fast beliefs are softening. We are making progress AND We are having fun with the kids but We are not 3D enough to really type much.

Friday, January 17, 2014

A short entry with a lot of process

A short entry with a lot of process
Wizard's Log Star-date: 04:09:36 AM
Good morning. We allowed OurSelf to dream in and We are still pretty dreamy (not focused only in limitation 3D). It is a bit of a challenge to allow this for OurSelf but We ARE doing it. We are changing and expanding and this IS the process.
Yesterday it felt like We had stepped back for a bit but it was actually an opportunity to choose to move forward and to take responsibility. We have been having visions of where Our journey can be taking Us if We allow it. We like the possibilities We theel are ahead. We are allowing Our imagination to create for Us but NOT trying to control Our imagination. There is a big difference between free flowing imagination and controlled imagination.
One thing is for certain: this current process and pony hopping is bringing up a lot of stuff for cleansing and setting free. It is also changing Our view, thinking and perspective.
Just like most people, We have been so programmed and trained to believe that this world is ONLY the way We see it and that it as the ONLY thing that exists. We are just beginning to expand Our mind even though We have been focused on this for some time. We know that it is a combination of the energies AND the new variations on Our techniques and mantras and of course: the pony hopping.

Thursday, January 16, 2014


Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:10:22 AM
Good morning. Again We do not remember what We did and/or were doing but We did not want to stop and leave. We did wake up setting things free with love though. We reminded OurSelf that We could stay in a waking dream or trance state. It is kinda working. Our computer is having a hard time connecting to the internet and that is kinda bringing Us into limitation 3D focus. We are theeling that it would be nice to be in 3D without the limitations. We are repeating some mantras and pony hopping.
In a way, We really do not need to connect to the internet but We do want to get what We typed on Our laptop transferred here. We reset Our modem and router and it looks like We will be connected soon. Okay, We are live on the net and pony hopping to Our heart's content. We are sorry for All Our limitation and separation thoughts, beliefs, fears, doubts, memories and programs and for believing that it is All that there is. Please forgive OurSelf. We love OurSelf unconditionally. We thank Us. Let this cleanse the belief that limitation and separation is All that there is which within Us and set it free with love across All time, dimension, space and reality and fill Us with love and return Us to Self I-dentity. And so it is done. We thank Us and We love Us unconditionally.
As We begin Our day, something feels different, less limited. We likes that.
It seems that some sights online are also having difficulties. We know this is part of the experience and We keep pony hopping. We are in between feeling limitation and scarcity and lack AND feeling limitless and abundant. That is actually progress.
Our head keeps trying to argue for Our limitations but it is a much weaker voice than it used to be. We love You. Thank You. We are reminded that We do NOT need to know or fully understand everything that is going on and/or that love is doing. In fact: We are not able to fully understand or know everything until the unused portion of Our brain gets reactivated and Our heart is fully connected. We are in this process AND We ARE learning and shifting.
We are reminded that Our thinking still believes that Our job and bank account are the source. This is part of the old, erroneous and unloving thinking, beliefs, programs and memories. We are sorry. Please forgive OurSelf. We love Us unconditionally. We thank Us. Let this cleanse that and set it free with love across All time, dimensions, space and reality and fill Us with love and return Us to Self I-dentity. And so it is done. Thank Us. We love Us unconditionally.
We are going to listen to a trance recording. Our brain is still struggling. We love You.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

More processing and insighting

More processing and insighting
Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:11:18 AM
Good morning. Once again We have no idea where We were or what We were doing but We did NOT want to stop and We did NOT want to leave. When We did get up We were very limitation 3D focused for some reason. We had to remember and remind OurSelf to pony hop. Of course the good news is that We recognized this and started cleaning (pony hooping) right away.
At the beginning of the night We were processing and pony hopping Our memory of living large. We recognize that contemplating living as love triggered that memory but somehow it turned sour. That memory/experience definitely has a lot of control over Us in Our familiar waking life. We think of living in Our power and ability as bad, VERY bad, because of that memory. When We first real-eyesed this We wondered if maybe We were not really living as love in that life. All-though that is possible it feels more like We were just experiencing it from a different perspective. Remember, We chose to experience OurSelf and everything from every possible angle and then some more. That includes experiencing good as bad.
There is a whole slew of things coming up about this. We love You. Please forgive Us. We thank You. Let this cleanse these memories and set “them” free with love across All time, dimensions, space and reality and fill Us with love and return Us to Our true nature of love. And so it is done. We thank Us. We love Us unconditionally. This is working. We are getting into Our mind and changing Our mindset. There is a lot to type up about this newest experience/memory and We theel that We can set it free AND type about it. If We were trying to destroy it, then the whole experience: All experience would actually be pointless.
We are very drifty now so We will see if We can type up any more about the experience/memory or not. Typing about Our insights AND setting the experience/memory free do NOT have to be diametrically opposed. This is a real learning experience. We are familiar with clinging to such memories but We are NOT familiar with setting “them” free.
There are a lot of memories and choices coming up for cleaning and setting “them” free.
As We peruse Our email, We find that others are going through the same or similar process around choosing love. This is simple but NOT easy because of All the sour memories and defenses We built up and set up. As Matt Kahn says: changing Our world One I love You at a time. We say I love You to each of these memories and defenses as “they” come up.
We have not mentioned the kids much lately because of being focused on Our process and pony hopping. We ARE having a great time with “them”. Even the over active gradeschooler is teaching Us and giving Us lots of opportunity to pony hop. We have several new preschoolers and the preschoolers really are the most fun for Us. One preschooler is strongly autistic and even he is cooperating more and more especially if We let him do it himSelf. We hope to be able to teach/show/help him to buckle himSelf into his starseat next. Whatever it is within Us that shows up as difficult behavior in the kids is getting cleaned and set free with love.
We read some more about pony hopping and even though We had read this before it kinda cemented the Self I-dentity in for Us. A lot of programs work on a thought or belief but do not replace it with something else or what “they” do replace it with is only “better” from a limitation perspective. Self I-dentity is the void (as We understand it now) but it is also love. So, as We have been focused on love for some time, We theel this is bringing Us closer to Self I-dentity. Even though We are getting closer to the void We are not leaving Our mind empty and searching for something to occupy it. We are cleaning and setting free with love and filling with love and returning to the void which is Our true nature. The void is nothing AND it is everything. A concept that is unfathomable to a limitation 3D mindset.
There was a slight incident around leaving a student stop early and We told Our supervisor that she needed to talk to Our driver. (We have no control or say over what he does unless We tattle on him.) He got angry and blah, blah. We are sorry for whatever it is within Us that is showing up as this behavior, please forgive Us. We love You and We thank You. Let this cleanse this and set it free with love, across All time, dimensions, space and realities, filling Us with love and returning Us to Self I-dentity. And so it is done. We thank Us. We love Us unconditionally.
We are working on some hypnotic suggestions for OurSelf like: “It is Onederfull and exciting to have lots of money.” “It is Onederfull and exciting to live as love, to live in and use Our natural power and abilities.” We hope to incorporate these into some recorded trance inductions and sessions.
What We are doing IS working and We want to keep going.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:01:37 AM
Good morning. We woke pony hopping from a dream about some old friends. It was fairly true to life so to speak even though it was also different from anything We did with those friends. It was a pleasant memory from a not so pleasant part of Our passed. Interesting, it seems that Our current process and focus may be having an affect on Our passed or maybe it has begun adding new memories?
We love You. Please forgive Us and thank You.
There was a lot of processing and pony hopping going on All night. We woke several times and were deep in process every time. We like that. We were still pretty sleepy feeling when We woke this morning and drifted in and out of wakefulness a while before getting up. Now, We are drifting in and out of Our waking world. We can feel change within Us.
Several blocks and counter intentions came up during the night and We did Our long version of pony hopping over and over: We are sorry. Please forgive OurSelf. We love OurSelf unconditionally and We thank OurSelf. Let this cleanse this and set it free with love, across All time, dimensions, space and reality; filling Us with love and returning Us to Our true nature of love. And so it is done. We thank Us. We love Us unconditionally.
The reminder to trust OurSelf and Our process comes up as We ponder where We are and what We are doing. We did not sleep real well because We kept the cabin a little warmer than usual because We did not want it to get too cold with the outside temperatures dropping. We are kinda remembering several things from last night but in this state “they” are vague and fleeting.
When We were typing up “Night School”s in the passed We often found that the typing brought up memories that seemed forgotten. We are hoping to do some of that this morning. We did have several counter intentions, blocks and limiting beliefs come to mind during the night. We did Our long version of pony hopping those. We also did a little hypnosis on “them” which was pretty easy because We went into trance before We went to dream. We are happy to be getting back into hypnosis more. It feels good and timely.
Several cases/examples of what We project onto the world and call “the real world” came up for pony hopping during the night. We are seeing more and more clearly how We think of these projections as “the real world” and the only thing that exists. We think it is absolute and unchangeable. It just ain't true. We are also getting more ideas or expansion of vague ideas.
As We listened to another trance induction We real-eyesed/remembered that often (maybe All-ways) when We take a nap and/or go to dream on the bus We are actually going into a trance. We go deep pretty quick and easy. We have know that We go deep into trance quickly and easily for quite a while which is why when We feel drifty at home We like to go to bed.
It seems that several when We did these new trance inductions We remember and expand the vision of Our cabin being a growing rather than only a building and the meadow that lies directly in front of the open front wall and stretches into everything.
We had a substitute driver this morning so We had to stay fully focused in 3D to give directions. We were able to pony hop through most of the morning but when Our active/energetic gradeschooler decided to act up and be defiant it did throw Us for a bit of a loop. During Our breaks We were either busy or in trance state. During the afternoon We had a memory recall that kinda blew Us away. All this time We have been saying/typing that We have never before lived AS LOVE in the physical. Now, We remember doing just that. Whether this is a passed life, concurrent life or future life We have no clue but since All time is now that is really a mute point. We hope to type up this memory/experience and some other insights that are related. We are going to start that now. We got started but it is taking Us even further into trance and Shadow is insisting on dinner.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Finding counter intentions

Finding counter intentions
Wizard's Log Star-date: 07:13:07 AM
Good morning. Lots of processing and pony hopping and other mantras. We only remember One dream world and in that We were just NOT nice. A reminder that We ARE responsible. We live many lives and explore many versions of OurSelf. We ARE sorry. Please forgive OurSelf. We love Us unconditionally. We thank Us. We also recognize that We love, really love and cling to Our limitation and separation beliefs, worlds, lives, memories and programs. That is why (or part of why) anything that even hints at destroying, abandoning or casting away anything about or from those limitation and separation worlds, etc. just does NOT work for Us. We have no real idea if it actually works for anyOne else or not. We clean Our side of the street. Let this cleanse All that and set it free with love across All time, dimensions, space and realities and fill Us with love and return Us to pure love. And so it is done. We thank You. We love You. We love OurSelf unconditionally. Converting Our thinking to loving.
We get it that We are projecting Our thoughts, beliefs, memories and programs onto Our world. We see it in Shadow and We are truly sorry. Please forgive OurSelf. We love Us unconditionally and We thank Us.
One of the things that came up last night and which We want to focus on today and going forward is Our counter intention about forming whatever We want out of/from the energy that is All around Us and running through Us. We theel this is a big part of Our mission and plan. We are sorry for whatever it is within Us that is blocking this ability. We do not theel that We are unique in this ability and that Our waking it will awaken it in others. Of course We want to do it in and with and as love. Remembering that We are love and learning to live AS love is Our priority. The rest comes as a result of this.
We are sorry for All of Our old, erroneous and unloving thoughts, beliefs, fear, doubts, memories and programing that We project onto the world and think of AS Our world. Please forgive OurSelf. Let this cleanse and set “them” free with love across All time, dimensions, space and realities and fill Us with love, return Us to pure love. And so it is done. Thank You. We love You. We love OurSelf unconditionally.
Lots of processing and pony hopping going on this morning.
Aging, infirmity, lack and scarcity are NOT real. “They” are Our projection onto and over the real world which is love. We are love but We forgot. ALL the things and attributes about Our world that We think are bad are only Our imagination/memories/programs projected onto the world. We have been doing this for eons and so We believe it is real AND We believe in Our limits. Limits are only imaginary. Limits make Our world appear far different than it really is. A select few see and know the world as it really is and We blame “them” and make “them” villains because We think We are “their” slaves. The truth is the We are Our own slaves. Very few are willing to even consider that possibility.
We are sorry for whatever is within Us that is causing Us to believe that We are slaves and victims of those who live without Our Self imposed limitations. Please forgive OurSelf. Let this cleanse and set this free with love across All time, dimensions, space and realities and fill Us with love and return Us to love. And so it is done. Thank You. We love You. We love OurSelf unconditionally.
For some time now We have thelt that those We think of as “in control” of this world, as those who victimize Us and the rest of the world are actually assended masters doing a service of true love to try and help/assist/force Us to wake up and take back Our power. Now, We see that “they” are living in the real world and reaping the benefits of that while We judge “them” and even hate “them” because “they” are NOT living under and within Our projected limitations and separation. How dare “they” live as love while We pretend to be something other than love. What a snare We set for OurSelves and stepped into.
We are sorry for believing that those who ARE living in the real, loving world are bad guys. Please forgive OurSelf. We love Us and We love “them” unconditionally. We thank Us AND “them”. Let this cleanse this belief and set it free with love across All time, dimensions, space and realities filling Us with love and returning Us to pure, unconditional love. And so it is done. Thank OurSelf. We love OurSelf unconditionally.
We are getting more and more insights, inspirations and clarity and We ARE grateful.
This thing about how We see/view/perceive the rich, world leaders, businesses and business people, the churches, corporations etc. goes way deep. As much as We have focused on converting Our beliefs to something better We still judge “them” and feel a victim and that “they” are being unfair. The truth is that “they” are living the way We want to and are practicing what We want to practice AND We judge “them” as “bad” and project that onto “them”. “They” know and practice what We have forgotten but because We project Our counter intentions and limitations and separation onto “them” “they” appear and even act like monsters in Our projected world/hologram.
There is a lot to this.
We are listening to some more vids and getting some more information on hypnosis. It is interesting that a few days ago We were thinking that We would like to learn more about hypnosis and get back into that more and then today We found more information on line for free and/or low cost. Hard to say where this will go. Just following My inspirations for now.
We did look into Wordpress for Our blog and adding a PayPal account and button but We do not have the focus for that right now. We bookmarked the PayPal information. We All-ready have a Wordpress blog that We have only barely used. We could re-work that to host Our program or get a free website that We have bookmarked too. Hard to say. The program is just gathering ideas right now. We have had some ideas about how to begin/an introduction of sorts but We forgot 'cause that was in dream and did not wake with Us. We are confident if it is inspired and We do what is in front of Us it will manifest just perfect.

Sunday, January 12, 2014


Wizard's Log Star-date: 07:00:17 AM
Good morning. We woke from a world that is much like this One but with less restrictions and more freedom. We also remember a lot of processing and pony hopping during the night. We woke and started pony hopping right away.
Something that came up several times yesterday and last night is All the outside influences We experience and receive. Other people's thoughts and beliefs, radio waves, microwave signals, the memories stored in the area, buildings, dirt, plants of what has gone on there since the beginning of time. These are reasons why One cleaning is not enough. One cleaning is effective but We continue to be exposed to thought viruses and programs so We need to continue to clean. Pony hopping is an effective and easy method to do this. We especially like the combination of Christie's clearing statement and pony hopping phrases that We have come up with (and We have several variations on it too): Bless All Our erroneous and unloving thoughts, beliefs, fears, doubts, memories and beliefs; let this cleanse “them” and set “them” free with love, across All time, dimensions, space and realities and return Me to love. So it is done. Thank You. I love You and I love Me unconditionally.
Of course All of these influences and exposure to thought viruses and programs is ALSO Our responsibility. Not Our fault but Our responsibility. There need not be any blame here of OurSelves or Our others. Blame is the cornerstone of staying sick and stuck. We played the blame game very well and We can return to it any time We want. However, We are no longer enslaved. We are free to say: We are sorry. Please forgive OurSelves. We love Us unconditionally AND We thank Us. We are free to be free.
We are reminded of Matt Kahn's saying: “Changing Our world, One I love You at a time.”
Lots of ideas, insights and reminders coming up. We are typing up and saving everything that We can. Joe Vitale strongly encourages “inspired action”. We ARE taking action on every inspiration that We recognize. However: ego action also comes to mind. We pony hop that too. Ego has its place and function but it is NOT inspiration. We bless and love Our ego. This is important to Us because We have tried to destroy and/or abandon and/or cast it out (along with so many other parts of OurSelf). That was another trap. Now, it is VERY important to reassure every single part of Us within and without that We are loving and integrating All of Us NOT destroying, abandoning and/or casting out anything or anyOne. And sometimes Our limitation 3D aspect(s) need to be reminded too.
We got Our fallen tree the rest of the way down and it was much easier than We anticipated. We KNOW that the inner process We are doing is a part of it being easier. Actually, it is THE cause of the project being easier. We ARE setting Our counter intentions and limiting beliefs and thinking free with love. This is very important to Us.
Since We got done earlier than expected We decided to go to town for Our usual visit with Our friends. We had a nice visit and great pastrami samiches for dinned. We kept pony hopping All day.
We keep getting insights and reminders and reflections into Our old limiting beliefs.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Our day disappeared

Our day disappeared
Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:11:40 AM
Good morning. Many worlds and realities and friends and games to play. We woke from a world where Shadow is much more spry and energetic than in Our waking world but still stumbly at times. We also met another new friend who is very playful. We are quite aware that We are phasing in and out of this world (whatever world this is). We real-eyes that it is a choice exactly which world We wake to. We have rarely felt this choice this strong. We may have been aware of the choice philosophically but not not this strong and real.
We open to love, We set free with love. We allow love across All time, dimension, space and reality. Return Us to pure love and so it is done. Thank You. We love You.
Something is going on with Our eyes that last few days and We are not sure what it is. We DO theel it is part of Our transformation and evolution. We are again aware of choice. We are reminded that it is clinging to Our memories and plans and intentions and resolutions that keeps Us locked (or appearing to be) in this limitation world. We set it free with love. We love You.
We are definitely feeling change within Us. Today's quote from Abraham-Hicks is particularly appropriate: “Someone has said, "the Universe has imagined it even better than you have." And we like to add to that: The Universe got all of its information about what you like from you, and it has remembered every piece of it and has put it together in perfect formation. And so, the things that are on their way to you are so much better than you even know that you want. And as you allow them, the essence all of these things that the Universe knows that you are wanting make their way to you and appear in perfect timing for you.”
We decided to download some more ho'oponopono information AND while doing this remembered that We also wanted to reorganize some of Our files (which We did). And now Our morning is pretty much gone by, bye. And it seems the day did the same.
Also, We are experiencing what We can only call phenomena. This is happening more and more often but to try and describe these incidents is beyond Us at this time.