Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Friday, August 31, 2012



More multi-D

Wizard's Log Star-date: 07:30:23 AM

Good morning. Interesting morning. We are processing information and Our state of being. It may be information from night last night or accumulated. We don't have any clear memories of what We did in dream last night. Yet, clearly We are not fully present here this morning. Our shift has begun, We know this and have known it. This is part of the information We are processing.

We don't see much evidence of Our expansion when We look around. It is easier for Us to feel it and that We definitely do. It is easy to forget that We see what We believe and not the other way around. Our belief in separation/limitation runs deep and that continues to be what We see. We know that there is more than meets the I. Yes, We would like to see the evidence that Our beliefs are changing. We also must remember that We create Our evidence. It is not really proof of anything other than what We believe.

When We look at Our world, We see a world of separation/limitation. That is certainly there AND there is more. There is also a world(s) of Oneness, unity, connectedness, limitlessness and infinity. As We begin to see this expanded world, everything looks very, very different. It is probably best that this experience comes gradually. Like a gentle waking process rather than being jolted out of sleep. That is what is happening, One way or the other.

To go from seeing separation/limitation to everything connected and unlimited is quite a change and will be a shock if We are not prepared. The old adage applies: Be careful what You ask for.

We went back to dream for a bit. We got some interesting images: growing new beliefs, setting up drains and leech fields to drain off old beliefs from the fields where We are growing new beliefs. The layering of other realities upon and over Our current reality (light and crystal cities being some examples). Time shifting.

It appears that the clouds are clearing and We may get some nice weather, at least for 15-20 minutes.

We've had several reminders about All Our different ways of manifesting Our belief in scarcity and lack: We won't have enough time, We're All gonna die etc. Things We used to dwell on and allow to rule Our days now seeming like silly fantasies and nursery rhymes.

Wow, We just had (and actually still are having) the most amazing and aware experience of being here AND there (being multi-D) that We have had yet so far. We have been outside playing in the paint and a few other light projects most of the day. We've come back in for refreshments, relaxing and some email periodically and then back outside. The last trip in We think We read a few emails and then One in particular that We wanted to reply to. That was when We got it that We were not fully focused or present in just 3D. We have been going up and down a ladder quite a bit to paint and several times while on the ground got the feeling We needed to be careful but never felt any discomfort or lack of balance while on the ladder. Like We have said, We only did light things and took lots of breaks. We could easily tell that this was what the energies were dictating.

When We tried to type the email, it was a “Yeah, right” situation “You think You can do what?” Who rearranged the letters on My keyboard? What do You do after finishing a paragraph? How do You stop deleting everything? And that is how it went. It was a fairly simple email, mostly things We have typed before but We it was very obvious to Us that We were out and about.

We wish We could describe it betterer. We were aware of what We were trying to do (the painting went well and a little carpentry type stuff) yet We were also feeling being expanded, being connected not separate, doing limited activities while being limitless. It is really a lot of fun, an exciting feeling for Us. We just have to go slow and careful and sometimes repeat what We were doing to get it rightish.

It is a very interesting process becoming familiar with being multidimensional.

Thursday, August 30, 2012



Gentle steps

Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:43:49 AM

Good morning. We may have seen a ship go zipping across the night sky. It was the first clear night since it started getting dark again.

Our dreams were in several realities and several involved loosing (misplacing) a friend and an animal and then “their” return. Clueless. Perhaps it's about others playing ketchup as We assend?

It looks like the sky might actually clear up today. After how cool it got yesterday it would be nice to warm back up a bit and dry out with some sun. Oops, it clouded over Once again.

This is One of those days of going soft and gentle and at the end of the day having gotten a lot accomplished. Both in the physical and spiritual realms.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012



All is in flux

Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:51:45 AM

Good morning. Seems like it was a fairly quiet night. We woke in/from a visit playing in a very free reality. Another very fun night. We did remember the mantra We could not remember during the day: “Serving with love, from love, for love, as love”. Apparently We were in too many places and times to get it into words.

It looks/feels like We may be processing stuff about money again today, trying to put Our feelings into words. Or maybe it isn't that important. Perhaps the difficulty We are having has to do with multiple realities and perspectives. The knowing that We are happy at heart with the path We have chosen may be enough, may really be Our key. The question keeps coming up about what the future will hold.

Aha, now We remember some from last night. We know that many disaster prophecies have been avoided or altered by Our choice(s). We get the feeling that the financial future may also be in flux currently. In fact, We feel that much of Our future is in flux at this time. Of course, All possibilities play out somewhere/somewhen so it is more like the decision about what possibility We will explore en-mass is in flux. How much transition We will go through seems to be the big question. Sometimes it is hard to hold the understanding that We may not All choose the same. We may pick different rides at the amusement park.

Let's try this on for size: Money is a creation and part of separation/limitation. Neither good nor bad in and of itSelf. All of Our (old) beliefs and practices around money are also part of separation/limitation. As (and when) We move beyond separation/limitation money (and those beliefs and systems built upon and around it will remain in separation/limitation and be left there). This is hard for Us to conceive as is everything beyond separation/limitation.

We decided to return to dream, We were being called. We have little idea or recall of what We did but it was big AND it was important and We feel a shift.

And that is mostly how We spent Our day. More experience of being here AND there. Working on accepting that the future isn't written yet. Many decisions/choices have yet to be made. Remembering that We are love. Remembering and believing in All that We really are and All that Our world really is. Serving with love, from love, for love, as love.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012



Where have We gone?

Wizard's Log Star-date: 09:51:27 AM

Good morning. Another interesting night. It seemed to take hours to get to sleep. We remember processing and receiving insights and information during that time but We have no clear memory of what that information etc. was. Therefore, We must assume We were in dream mode whether We were asleep or not.

We woke from recess, playing with friends in alternate realities. All-ways fun to do that.

As We were waking We got it (experientially) that every morning We emerge from being multidimensional and focus in on limitation 3D. We are trying to remain more aware of expansion and being multidimensional when We are awake. We are not sure how to do this or how to describe the process of removing the separation/limitation filters from Our mind and eyes. The best We can say right now is that We keep running the mantras: “Remembering and believing in All that We really are.”

We hit a block when trying to remember Our latest mantra, funny that.

It is a rainy day and We really don't know what We did with it. We did sort some electrical parts and get the back porch light to work but that certainly did not take the entire day. We did some processing about money and to be honest We have not reached a satisfactory conclusion. We can state that We are glad We have taken the tack that We have. Sure, there are times We wish We had more money, until We look deeper. From that deeper perspective, We are very grateful for where, who and what We are.

We must be spending the day everywhere. That would explain why We can't put words on it.

Monday, August 27, 2012




Wizard's Log Star-date: 09:13:41 AM

Good morning. My night was filled with playing in alternate realities, what fun.

We are processing this morning. Seeing through the illusion of separation and limitation. What We see and experience now is very different from being One AND limitless. We could say it is not real, but that is a misnomer. Our believe makes it real. We are pretending to be separate and limited and even that pretending makes it real. Because We ARE THAT powerful. So, it is real but it is not the ONLY thing that is real, not the only thing that exists around Us. The illusion is that there is not more, right here, right now.

What We see as solid is solid AND it is permeable. There is more existing in the same space as that We which We perceive as solid and the only thing in that space. Yes, it is real AND the “more” that coexists with it, within it, around it is also real. This is the part it is hard (nearly impossible) to grasp. This is the opposite of what We have been taught (what We taught OurSelves) and what is supported” and “reinforced” by Our society, by Our game rules and guidelines. It is this game that keeps Us locked in separation, limitation, lack and scarcity.

Everything We see and experience is based in separation and limitation and therefore scarcity and lack. Most All (if not All) of Our beliefs and actions and thinking are based in separation, limitation, scarcity and lack. We live in a prison of Our own making and when We begin to real-eyes that We live in this prison most of Us blame someOne, something else. This is just more separation and limitation.

We are convinced that: “No We can't”. In Our dreams We can and We do, but We believe these are only dreams and fantasy and not real. It is oh so real: “Yes We can”. We need (if We are to ever leave this Self made prison) to begin and learn how to believe in All that We really are.

The thing is that what We see and experience is seen and experienced through the filter of separation/limitation (which is Our pretend game but We must remember that by Us powerful creators pretending We make it real). Man oh man can this be tough to get Our heads around, or at least it seems that way. However, it is All still connected and One even though We are pretending it is not. Once again, pretending to be what We are not. We are sooooo very good at pretending. When We really get it, think it, believe it and live it that everything is One, everything is connected, every thing” is an individual part of All that is, then it” will look very different AND Our experience will be very different.

As We become conscious of who We really are and Our multidimensionality, We will then be able to toggle back and forth between and amongst these different views and perspectives. Won't that be a trip?

So, here We are in Our limitation 3D reality” (which is every bit as real as anything is real) and when We take Our filters off We will also see that is is different because nothing is separate and nothing is limited. Oh what a difference that will make.

We may or may not remove those filters in the blink of an I. That would be a bit like cataract surgery only We have never before seen what We will see (except maybe in Our dreams/meditations/hypnosis). A person having cataract surgery regains a sudden vision that had been familiar previously. This will be giving sight to people who have never before truly had vision.

Imagine, several billion blind people All of a sudden being able to see. Are We ready?

Perhaps another way to say All this is: the way We see and experience All this is real. The thing is that the way” that We see and experience it is not the only way it is. Again, there is more and this more” is right here and right now.

Another thing that just dawned on Me is that the reason I can't/don't get a clear direction about what is next for Me (in the physical) is that it hasn't been decided yet. Decided by who? By Me AND by the choices made by the masses. I do know that I have chosen to be of assistance. What will be needed will depend on what choices the mass mind makes. Somehow, this has given Me more confidence, comfort and reassurance (in relation to My 3D life) than much else has recently.

Sunday, August 26, 2012



Remembering AND believing

Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:23:43 AM

Good morning. Our dreams were All over the place last night. Lots of fun, lots of recess and some interesting insights. Brought back a new mantra which feels like it is a new foundation: “Serving with love, from love, for love, as love.” We think We can build on that. Much about love last night. Love remains Our focus even if We do get sidetracked sometimes. Sending love into the grid, the mass mind is the most important thing We can do and it is obviously My assignment at this time.

It is rainy today, but not gloomy. It feels like another day to drift and float, focus on sending love and seeing/feeling past the illusion of separation/limitation.

And that is really My day today. Focusing on remembering All that We really are AND believing it.

Saturday, August 25, 2012



A little in a little out

Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:35:28 AM

Good morning. Last night's message is: “Ease of living”. We could All-most type a night school about it but not feeling like it is quite ready, or We are not quite ready. There was also lots of play in similar yet different realities. This is some confirmation and reassurance that We have been looking for. We can feel how We are easing into this ease of living. From what We have seen just glancing at Our email this morning it looks like there are a lot of messages saying what We were dreaming.

There was a segment about the world being Our canvas on which We paint Our story. Interesting that but not really describable in words.

The air is very smokey from a forest fire and We are very drifty. A little in and mostly out in the ethers. We were outside for a bit but throat got scratchy from the smoke.

Back to dreaming and just floating in Our mind.

Friday, August 24, 2012



Wizard's Log Star-date: 09:30:18 AM

Good morning. More expansion and familiarization. And Once again, We learn by playing. It was a very busy night there was so much playing to do.

As We were beginning to wake, We felt distracted somehow but it was very easy to set Our attention back on being love and sending love and remembering All that We really are AND believing in All that We really are.

Just had an “aha” moment. Let's see if We can put it into words: I have a real contention with money. Obviously this restricts the flow of money into My life. However, the only real purpose that I can see for money is to keep Us unequal”. AND of course, We seem to need” money. A conundrum to be sure. The thought (aha) is from a post by Rene: money can be manipulated by the mind. So......................... Just because the purpose of money is to keep Us unequal doesn't mean money is bad, it is the way people use it AND bad is just a judgment anyway. Another thing for Me is that We don't want to spend a lot (any) time focusing on money, yet We do. Thankfully much less than We used to.

So, We know that We want to focus on being and sending love AND remembering and believing in All that We really are. Abundance is part of that. We can and are bringing abundance (in every way and form) into Our life by Our current focus.

Once again We are reminded that when it comes to money, We want something even better. Manifesting money keeps the old paradigm going. We are creating something new and exciting. We want an economy of giving that is equal for All. Money measures and therefore limits. We are creating freedom and limitlessness. We are learning and beginning to live free of need. We continue to have fears and doubts as We are in process and this goes completely against what We have been taught and what most everyOne believes. It is not easy to birth a new paradigm. However, the fears and doubts are much less and much shorter lived than previously.

Thursday, August 23, 2012



Believing in All that We really are

Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:09:28 AM

Good morning. Great dreams but Shadow was nervous much of the night. We don't know what he was anxious about, there did not seem to be any storms.

I don't remember if I have talked about adding to Our mantra again: “Believing in All that We really are”. It is opening a whole new horizon and expansion for Us.

We really wanted to stay in dream and repeating Our mantra: “Remembering and believing in All that We really are” but also felt the need to get up. Not sure why as We certainly aren't very here. Having difficulty doing basic tasks.

The other realities We visited were Once again much fun and We are getting a real sense (insight?) of what this world really is. Ah yes, We also added: “Perceiving this world as it really is”. Our current perception is of the world based in separation/limitation, this is changing and it changes everything.

We returned to dreaming several times. We even got out Our lounge chair outside and did some dreaming out in the sun.

Spending most of Our time doing Our mantras.

Later in the afternoon We got into cleaning out the old shed and got it All-most All emptied. Much more than I had anticipated getting done this summer.

Expansion is ongoing.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012




Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:02:12 AM

Good morning. We dreamt of a reality that could well be a future reality, it was certainly futuristic. In this reality people bonded. This bonding was similar to the energy exchanges that We have experienced (in dream and waking) but it is deeper. People can bond with One or many others. We are All connected All-ready and this is a strengthening, a deepening of that connection. A bit like the difference between being connected with a string or a chain AND it is internal as well as external.

There were also people still filled with anger and hate too. We have begun to use love to protect/shield Us from “their” attacks and We can wield love like a sword. When We send love to “them” it burns but there is no fire. Many surrender and begin to love and be love also but others still fear. It is Our choice.

We feel the multidimensionality this morning. As We look around, everything looks the same as We remember it but We feel a slight difference, a slight change and We know that the change is within Us. Multidimensionality has All-ways been present, We are only now becoming aware of it being present.

We keep flashing on little things from last night's dreams and smiling. It's fun.

Some kind of downloading or integration familiarization going on today. We can really tell that We are NOT focused in 3D and feel quite dreamy.

We returned to dream for a while, no idea how long We were out or how far We went. Just before going to dream We got a strong feeling of just how much We limit OurSelves with Our thinking and mis-beliefs. We really did a good job of locking OurSelves into this limitation/separation game. So many things that We label good and bad right and wrong and then believe the labels and judge OurSelves by “them”.

Everything in Our current waking world is based on/in separation/limitation. It is made real and solid by Our beliefs. It is a separate and limited version of what it really is. As We expand beyond limitation/separation thinking and beliefs, everything will be very different from the way We currently perceive it. Again, these concepts are hard to convey in words as words are (by definition) limited.

The thing is: We are beginning to see/feel/understand/comprehend beyond and through this old way of thinking and believing.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Continuing to learn to believe in All that We are
Wizard's Log Star-date: 09:30:07 AM
Good morning. Feeling here AND there this morning. Our dreams were a continuation of visiting other realities, lots of play. We feel there was some intense learning and training but All We remember was recess and even that isn't clear. It is still hard to translate multi-D experiences into 3D words.
This morning is certainly a continuation of this being multi-D. Our mind/whatever tries to drag Us back, trying to plan, think and focus in 3D. So far We are mostly just observing it.
Yesterday and this morning getting some input about creating Our reality. This is not new but it is going to a new depth and a new height. Expansion is an accurate word.
When We tried looking a bit into a thought about what We might need to do in 3D (job,work,business,money related) the first thing that came was: “Something even better”. We can wait for that. We like that.
We think that the thing We seem to be a bit short on at this time is confidence. This connects to trusting OurSelf and believing in All that We really are. And We are constantly reminded that is We stay centered in and focused on being love, it All works out for the very best.
We are doing a few things outside, it is obviously a low energy day but a good day for light tasks, cleanup, re-organizing type things. Sometimes when looking at All the little things We want to do (many that have been put off due to other higher priorities over the years) it gets overwhelming and nothing gets done. Of course there are also many times when “doing” is just NOT what needs to be done. It is nice to be getting rid of some/much of My clutter and finding many lost items from over the years. Hopefully We are now storing tools and parts and pieces in places where “they” are easy to find and get to AND to remember that We have “them” and where We put “them”. Is that too much to ask? We will see.
Much time spent going inside and focusing on remembering and believing in All that We really are.

Monday, August 20, 2012

The wilds of My mind
Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:30:59 AM
Good morning. Lots of dreams. It started out with waking dreams and clear information that I was certain I was integrating but would not remember clearly in the morning. I can feel the fringes floating around and would not be surprised to see some come clear during the day.
Then there was recess. Playing with the Sirians romping amongst the stars. What fun. As I was waking there was One new friend that others were worried about (I don't think these were Sirians). I was asked to check it out. The friends were not concerned about “their” friend changing “they” were concerned that might be something “they” could be doing to assist that was not being asked. Interesting, now I see it was another case of wondering if a person is willing to receive.
There is smoke from a fire fairly heavy in the air this morning. It actually has a pleasant odor but is affecting My sinuses a bit. It was in the air lightly yesterday morning but cleared shortly after We went outside.
Definitely staying in multi-D today. Playing out and about amongst the stars.
Listening to a video by Ron Van Dyke We are reminded of part of last nights message: “It is a game but We take it too seriously.” We fell into the game, the picture. We CAN step in and out without falling in.
And then I went away for the day, into the wilds of My mind. It is nice in there.
Sometimes (often) it is hard to allow and accept that We are traveling between and amongst dimensions and realities. We allowed OurSelf to do this today.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Remembering AND believing
Wizard's Log Star-date: 07:09:27 AM
Good morning. Lots of dreams, mainly recess. We woke with the sense that it is important now to keep recess on mind during the day. Our day dreams and fantasy worlds are real. Yes, it is nice, it is fun and it is real to visit “them” at night in dream. AND now it is time to begin to allow OurSelf to live “them” during Our waking day. We took a bit of a stab at this a few weeks ago but now We are reminded to go deeper and maintain for longer.
Remembering what We really are. Remembering what We are really capable of. Remembering that everything We imagine is real AND there is more, so much more than We can even imagine. Letting worlds spring up wherever Our dreams touch down. All those imaginary friends, All those imaginary adventures from childhood (and for some into A-dulthood) are real. “They” All-ways were and “they” All-ways will be.
We are feeling very dreamy, yet We do NOT feel like We wish to return to bed. What We want to do is learn to carry this into Our waking. This may sound easy but it is not. We have to learn to see through the veil of forgetfulness. We have to learn how to walk on the ground as it moves or to rise above it. We must learn to recognize Our invisible friends. We must peel the film from Our eyes.
We are reminded that as We learn, as We even just think about these things We are introducing “them” to the grid, the mass consciousness. The more We entertain these thoughts the more We re-enforce “them”. The more people who dwell upon this new reality the more it is reenforced in the mass mind.
Again, We are reminded that there are many “things” which We may wish for that could easily be seen as arriving and therefore We would/might stop. This is not desirable for Us. Therefore, often the thing We wish for may not be granted because receiving it would prevent Us from getting something even better. This imagining is a key right now. It is an important key.
The thing is that it is sooooo easy to loose sight of what lies beyond Our vision when We get active in Our world. Even when I Am alone and playing around with stuff outside, I must continue to remind Me to expand My focus. I must be reminded that there is more, so much more.
We were inspired to add a mantra to: “Remembering All the We really are”, it is: “Believing in All that We really are”. We can certainly see the importance in this.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Dream, dream, dream
Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:17:24 AM
Good morning. Some very intense dreams last night about remembering what We are and living multidimensionally. We are going to try to type “them” up as dreams #79. Still in the ethers this morning. We seem to be spending more and more of Our life there. This is a good thing.
We think We got Our dream All typed up. And We are pleased.
Now, We begin to live as what We really are. We continue to expand Our awareness of being here and there and everywhere and it is now. We begin to release Our limits and boundaries that We had false imposed upon OurSelves. We begin to live free and equal.
Now We are remembering even more dreams. We dreamt of two different worlds that We are living in. One world is turning, transforming, transitioning into a world of freedom and equality. It is quite a long and expansive project to convert Our current world into freedom and equality. The concepts of everyOne enjoying the same benefits as everyOne else, of not owning anything yet having everything We need or desire are hard to grasp after so many lifetimes of limits and hierarchies. Then, there is another world, where We wake up and find that We have All-ways lived in freedom, equality, joy and abundance.
In both worlds, instead of buildings We have growings. The roads and highways are now lanes and avenues strewn with flowers, pretty pebbles and shiny objects. It is like the dragons have All opened up “their” lairs and emptied “their” hoards upon the land and amongst the people.
I may weave this into what I All-ready typed up. It followed the part I All-ready typed up as One leads to the other.
We return to dreaming.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Dreams #79
Be what We are, not what We are not.
Sit back and relax, if You can. Take Your time. Let Your mind drift with Us.
We began drifting into dream repeating Our usual mantras:

We are love.”

Sending love into the grid.”

Remembering what We really are.”

We are outdoors in the beauty of nature. The trees, the flowers, the birds, the animals and even the grass are All making “their” natural sounds, the song of nature. Nature sings her song gently and quietly soothing the soul.
We are gathered around an object and We are unwrapping this object. We peel the layers and layers of wrappings. We find that We are uncovering, discovering, remembering Our core essence. As We peel the last layer the light is blinding. Think: “burning bush” here. We can not stand in the light of Our own brilliance. No wonder We decided to wrap Our light, Our shining, Our divinity in so many dense layers and hide it from Our eyes. Yet, if this is what everyOne is made of, if this were familiar, would there be a need to hide it? We see, that now, having grown accustomed to the dim and dark, the shadows of OurSelves that We call Me, it is difficult to face Our brilliance.
We understand that given the nature of the onion, infinity and eternity there is undoubtedly more core, more essence beneath even this bright and shiny layer We have finally uncovered after so many eons of hiding and even denying OurSelf. For now, this is the core that We have been seeking, that We are willing and able (if only just barely) to accept and own and integrate into Our daily being. We are a bright and shining light, a brilliant and divine bean.
Our divine, pristine condition has been revealed and We are ready to begin to live as who and what We really are.
It is easy to imagine Gaia's divine, pristine condition being restored. We can accept, honor and contribute to that. We can participate in Gaia's unfolding and We willingly carry out this role. BUT, to announce that We are this magnificent? This is going to take some getting used to. Perhaps We should put an umbrella or curtain around this brilliance. Perhaps We should hide this light under a rock Once again? These are the choices We face, and We face “them” now.
For those who are gathered around Our core essence that now lays vulnerable and exposed, it is hard to embrace but a little bit harder to deny. We clearly see that this essence can not be squeezed into Our body, it never could, it never really was. Those of Us who have gone through the birth process know how difficult and uncomfortable it was to force even a small amount of this core into those little bitty bodies. Even as We grew and expanded, there was never enough room for All that We are to fit in a bubble framed of bones and covered with skin. It just does not work, try as We may to convince OurSelves that a body is All that We are.
Here lies Our core, Our pristine essence to put the lie to Our belief.
We see that Our bodies are tools, physical tools to explore and experience physicality. “They” are the hand or foot that ventures out from everything and into something. Our bodies are probes that We sent out from Our core to explore and learn what this “physical” is All about. What can We make this “physical” be and do? We needed physical bodies to fully comprehend every nuance of being physical. We had to convince OurSelves that this body was: All that We are in order to completely and thoroughly experience the depths to which We could go. And We have done that and done it well.
Now, We can begin to embrace All that We really are. We have seen Our own brilliance. We have barely begun to probe the vastness of OurSelf.
Will We choose to embrace this core, this pristine beauty that shines so brightly here before Us? It is truly Us. It is for Us and it IS Us. Will We embrace this and expand Our awareness to begin to be a part of All that We really are? Or will We continue to try to shove ten pounds of stuff into a five pound bag?
As We pondered these deep and serious questions the children brought Us some play. “They” danced to that music of nature and wherever “their” feet touched down, flowers sprang up. We found that We could float above the ground much easier than treading upon the earth AND it is natural. “It is a game” the children sang out in true harmony with each other and with Gaia. “It has All-ways been a game and everyOne won.” “Now join Us in Our song and dance. Let Us play a new type of game. Let Us be what We are and learn how to really PLAY.” “We decree, by the power invested in Us by We that there shall be ice cream for everyOne and flying toys All around.”
And so it is.
The children pulled back a curtain of air (the veil) and revealed the faerie mists which are becoming so thin that We can finally see through to the other side. It was like removing a film from Our eyes to allow what has All-ways been there to finally be seen. On the other side We can see two worlds co-existing. It looks a bit like a double exposure picture, but both worlds are clear and distinct.
One world is transitioning into a world of freedom and equality. The other world has All-ways been a world of freedom and equality, a world of Oneness in limitlessness. With every passing minute the first world becomes more and more like the second world. In both worlds, instead of buildings We have growings. The roads and highways are now lanes and avenues strewn with flowers, pretty pebbles and shiny objects. It is like the dragons have All opened up “their” lairs and emptied “their” hoards upon the land and amongst the people.
Are We flying or dieing?
Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:04:05 AM
Good morning. It was One of those nights when dreams were very clear and active and We don't remember the details. It was about becoming multidimensional, remembering what We really are. It was about the importance of following the path, the course and not trying to take shortcuts. The remembering what We are MUST happen before Our natural abilities can fully come on line. Circumventing this process produces undesirable results.
Once again We could feel Our dreams calling Us. We answered.
We don't know how to describe Our current process but it is abundantly clear that We need to focus on being and sending love AND on remembering what We really are. We are love but/and there are many aspects to that. We have All-ways been and All-ways will be love but We can forget and pretend to be what We are not.
It feels difficult to be what We are living in a world where most people continue to pretend to be what “they” are not. I guess that is part of what We are feeling these days. We chose to be of service and that continues to be Our heart cry. Yet, it can feel difficult to swim against the current of the masses even if and when that is actually flowing “with” the current of the multi-verse. We continue to feel the pressure of marching to the beat of a different drummer and We continue to feel We must heed that call. We are the drummer, We are the source of the clarion call.
Fear and ego insist that We can NOT but spirit knows that: “Yes, We can”.
Ego screams: “We're gonna die, We're All gonna die.” Spirit whispers: “We're gonna fly, We're All gonna fly”.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Doing what I want to do
Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:01:30 AM
Good morning. Lots of dreams and many were clear at the time yet We bring no real specifics into waking, except recess, We remember recess. We had the feeling this would happen. It was about integrating multi-D and some type of decoding, maybe to do with DNA upgrades? We could tell that We were integrating and upgrading and getting familiar with multi-D, being an energy body, visiting other planets, star systems and star beings. Meeting new friends and family AND this time interacting with some familiar friends and family from Our waking life.
This morning Once again, We are definitely aware of being multi-D. Though working on some very 3D tasks Our attention is zoomed out to take in a bigger picture than just 3D.
It All-most seems like the more I do the less I Am here. We were just trying to read something after having been outside and real-eyesed how much Our attention is NOT in 3D. We are here AND We are many, many other places and times too.
Because We are exploring uncharted territory, there are no instruction manuals, owner's manuals or disclaimers such as: “When walking between worlds, use caution when operating devices such as computer keyboards and Your feet.”
I continue to be reminded of some things, different but related things: “How much does “it” (whatever it” may be)”, usually it” is free of matter. Do want You want to do (and/or be doing in the present moment) NOT what You want to get done. Whatever You do is for entertainment and recreation (this refers to do” as opposed to be”).
It is becoming more and more obvious that living aware of being multidimensional takes some getting used to. It is a process and every day We are getting more familiar with it. Letting go of old thought patterns and beliefs is a big part and not an easy part.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Being and doing in multi-worlds
Wizard's Log Star-date: 07:13:45 AM
Good morning. We don't remember much from Our dreams. A little bit of playing with some new friends but that's about it. Yet, We are certain that something shifted and is shifting. We can not yet get any kind of grasp on it, but feel it and many questions are coming up/ More processing, releasing and integrating. We are in the midst of the 25th anniversary of the harmonic convergence.
As I took My first morning foray outside (remembering to take My time and connect with Gaia as We walked barefoot on the bare wet ground) I noticed things I had done and not done before going to dream last night. We are certain that these things (no memory of the doing or not doing) show Us that We slipped timelines somewhere in there.
It feels like today is Once again about choices. Probably more about being aware of more choices, We make choices every minute but are We aware of those choices and what options do We leave unexplored?
Interesting, We felt Our dreams and/or going within demanding Our attention. We laid down and within a few minutes of thinking about Our energy body and making a quick connect with the Sirians it was obviously time to get up and get on with Our day (whatever) that might mean.
Walking in multi-worlds does take adjustments. It is fun AND it can be challenging. For those who have used or do use drugs and/or alcohol it can be a lot like that only with more awareness of what is going on. It is more experiential with a bit more control and choice.
We are getting a lot of cleanup and clean-out done outside but We really do need to remember to take it slow and easy and take lots of breaks for this is not the only world where We are doing things. That is easy to forget even as the other worlds become stronger in Our focus and awareness.
We spent a good deal of time swinging in Our swing under Our treehouse.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Wizard's Log Star-date: 09:46:27 AM
Good morning. Been up a while and just now getting around to typing. Having a nice relaxing morning. Lots of dreams but can't think of anything to say about “them”, not yet anyway. Beautiful day outside, will head out to play soon.
Interesting, as We are outside doing things (some magik, some mundane) and drifting amongst multi-worlds We are getting some great insights. However, when We come inside and focus in 3d enough to type We can't seem to get “them” to come out of Our fingers. Alas. Yet, We know with certainty that these insights are now implanted in Our mind and heart and functioning to assist Us on Our journey.
Another day spent outside doing and drifting. Made a lot of progress on projects and see several new possibilities. Yet, not really here Once again.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:07:00 AM
Good morning. It seemed to take a long time to go to sleep last night. Hours and hours of waking dreams. We found a fear that has held Us trapped for a long time. A bit difficult to explain. It is about infinity and eternity, about a misunderstanding. Because We believe in infinity, We were in fear that when We awoke, assended, whatevered We would leave Me behind. We feared that there would be a Me still struggling and suffering in/on a physical world somewhere. In a sense this is true as there are other versions of reality and timelines that will continue. However, this Me that We are so familiar with has reached the stage/state where I will fully awaken.
I will remain here but with the full knowledge and ability of what I really am. The versions/aspects of Me that I observe of My others and whom choose to remain in limitation 3D will continue there. Some will later advance and others will go on and on and assension will happen in stages, a cycle for infinite worlds. This is All very difficult to explain from and to 3D consciousness. It is part of limitlessness and infinity and We are using limited and finite words and understanding still.
A couple of important points: It is choice. I have chosen to experience a different level of the game, the experience and there are others who choose to remain at this level longer. I can visit this level and even lower levels (now that is hard to imagine and cope with right now) to assist those who want assistance just like others versions and aspects of Us have returned to assist Me/Us at this time. It is possible now to return, to travel to any reality and dimension without forgetting what We are and falling into the game. Falling into the game was a bit like the idea of falling off the edge of the earth.
There has been a definite shift. We have taken a step forward and made some changes and choices that assist in Our awakening/remembering.
We know We were visited again by Sirians, or that We visited Sirius. Duh, now We get it that it was a combination. We are remembering things We never dreamed of and some of the technology and abilities that We did dream of are coming closer to the surface. We feel OurSelf becoming more awake in Our multidimensionality.
As We go about Our morning wake up routine (don't really like that word???) We are remembering to take a little more time (with each thought and action) and remember what We really are, feel it and embrace it. Remembering Our abilities too.
Was nice outside so We went out and did some little things. All of a sudden dreams hit Us and We got out the lawn chair and laid down. As usual, I was not comfy going to sleep outside so We came in and went to dream. Just then storm clouds moved in big time. It never rained but it was gray and dark until later in the evening.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Ghost walking?
Wizard's Log Star-date: 07:24:50 AM
Good morning. Last night was recess, or perhaps it was learning by playing. There was certainly learning AND playing going on. There was more about abundance and the importance of just allowing it and letting it flow. We visited many new (to Our memory anyway) realities and played with new found friends and let everything flow. We were actually able to feel, experience abundance permeating and filling the air around Us. And did I mention that We played and played and played. I could say We played until dawn but that was hours ago and We are still playing now.
There was more about an economy of giving. More information and even experience of living that way. That was cool.
The weather is nice so We are going to play outside a while until time to go into town. We started doing One thing and then wandered off and started something else then wandered off and started something else. Leaving a trail of breadcrumbs (tools and parts and pieces) strewn in Our path. When a friend called and We tried to talk and have conversation We real-eyesed how not in 3D We were. Fortunately, We had been going slow and gently and had not hurt OurSelves as can happen when doing things in 3D and not being focused there. Perhaps We are learning more how to be multi-D.
After the phone call, We retraced Our step, finishing what We could and putting away the tools and leftover parts and pieces as We went. We finished redoing the wheels on One storage box just about the time We had wanted to start getting ready to go to town. Once again We are reminded of how We really do manipulate time, especially when We allow the flow.
Our trip to town was fairly uneventful, definitely not really focused in 3D. Maybe ghost walking???????? Being but not present. Walking in multi-worlds. Being in the world but not of the world.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

A hazy summer day
Wizard's Log Star-date: 07:51:48 AM
Good morning. More experiences visiting Sirius. These started before We were asleep. We were in Our energy body and met with Sirians (in “their” energy bodies also) who were familiar. At first We were a bit frightened to actually experience being in Our energy body and to see others in “their” energy body. It really was not about “seeing aliens”, it was the newness, unfamiliarity of experiencing being in Our energy body and seeing others that way too. It is hard to explain since We have imagined this before. We have even dreamed of it, yet this was like the first time.
Perhaps it is like imagining and dreaming of dragons and then being and seeing dragons when awake. There is a definite difference between waking and dream experiences. At least when We first begin to experience those things We have been taught and We used to believe are relegated to the realm of: “not real”.
The fear was short lived and We talked about it, admitted and owned it, loved it and set it free. We discussed All this with the Sirians and “they” assisted Us with care and support. We don't remember any advice or direction, simply care and support. Once We acclimated to the energy bodies We were very comfortable and it All felt familiar. We could remember being here before and knew that We are in a familiarization process. We are happy with this and content to move at whatever pace We move at.
Somewhere We went from waking to sleep.
During night school it seemed plain and clear and We thought We would be typing it up. Silly We. Barely remember anything. It is about balance, imagine that. To bring in this new age and new earth We need balance. We must do Our part, which is a doing by not doing (sounds rather Zen doesn't it?) and allow Our higher aspects of Self (be it in the form of space friends, assended masters or whatever) to give Us aid. We need also be able to receive aid from Our peers.
Ah, now night school is beginning to coagulate. Maybe, just maybe.....................
YES, I finally got One typed up. We can see why this One had to percolate and be assimilated over a period of time. We will go back and re-read it later, need to sit on it a bit. All done and posted.
Today seems to be a painting day. I had some that I definitely hoped to do the next nice weather day but I had no idea how much I would get into it. Have to remind Me to take breaks. I Am starting to learn how much more effort it takes to work from a ladder. Something I never took into consideration before. One paint We used seems to have a glamour on/in it. When We opened it and stirred it up We thought it was shit paint so only used it on some edges. When We try to look at those edges now (out in the forest in sunlight with leaf shadows playing in the wind) those edges seem to disappear. How cool is that?
It was kinda odd outside, definitely not cloudy and sunny but........................ hazy. It took Me a while to get it that the haze is smoke from a forest fire. I could smell it vaguely, was more like a campfire smell. This is the first time this summer I've had haze or smoke from any forest fire(s) and it is sooooo late in the summer I just didn't get it what was going on for a while.
I was rather amazed at how much We accomplished outside. We got things painted (in even more colors) that We thought would be waiting for Us next summer.
The experience with the glamour paint was exciting. Abundance abounds and We live in the midst of it.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Night School "Survival of the taker" 8/10/12

Survival of the taker
(From night school last night)
We took a look at finance. For a long, long time We have lived in a world, a game board of separation/limitation. Scarcity and lack are a big part of this world/game.
We have feared scarcity and lack while the abundance of the multi-verse showered down All around Us. We have been so blind and locked into separation/limitation that We saw the abundance and believed that there is not enough for Us. Fear dominated every human among Us. The have-nots thought that the haves lived in splendor and without fear. The haves lived in fear and hid that fear beneath robes of silk with gold embroidery. All in the game feared scarcity and lack.
The haves had agreed to play the game pieces of: plenty with fear of not enough. Others played game pieces that had different levels of lack and scarcity with great fear and a belief that “they” are the slaves of the system ruled by the haves. All lived in fear of scarcity and lack. Those with full stomachs and wallets feared loss of what “they” had and an inability to provide for “their” own needs and the needs of friends and family. Those with less lived in less and “they” too feared loosing what little “they” had. The fear grew so strong that it began to manifest. Throughout the eons there was an ebb and swell of this fear and manifestation of scarcity and lack. Whenever the fear began to manifest for large numbers of have-nots there was some type of rebellion and revolution, usually violent.
From the beginning of this world/game to the near present most everyOne tried to conquer scarcity and lack by taking from others. Some saw it as “their” divine right to receive the fruits of another's labors. Others saw it as “their” divine right to be paid by others for “their” labor. Some were paid well and some poorly. It was All based on take from an-other. There was no concept of living peacefully and equally in the abundance of the multi-verse. We All believed that to have, We had to take. We did not see “earning” as a form of “taking”. We felt that only those who took without “earning” were the takers. Most of Us felt that We (personally) were the only One in the entire world who actually fairly and rightfully “earned” what We had. In fact, most felt that We earned and/or deserved more than We were paid. Some then justified another form of taking called stealing.
With very rare exceptions, no One simply lived in the abundance that surrounds All of Us.
Throughout the ages there was much teaching about giving. It was often taught that the have-nots should give to the haves. Sometimes a little, sometimes a lot. This willful and obedient “giving” was seldom seen as taking by the haves. Over the years We devised many words to label and justify this taking.
Occasionally someOne would come along who would suggest that We could overcome scarcity and lack by giving. This idea was scoffed at and ridiculed. It was obviously simple minded and absurd. AnyOne can see that if You give You no longer have. That was the simple and understandable law which kept Us locked in scarcity and lack, no matter how much We had.
Then, people began to practice giving. This was a giving without an obligation or requirement of any kind. Often it was a giving without hope or expectation of repayment or reward. The funny thing is that it worked. When a person gave voluntarily, somehow “they” still had. The abundance that is All around Us and permeates Our world but is not allowed to interact with the game, somehow is able to interact with the game when a person gives willingly.
Now, as time passes and more and more people have learned and experienced this variation on the law of scarcity and lack, We are sometimes faced with the need of someOne to receive. Our game/world of separation/limitation has many fail safes and triggers to keep Us locked on the gameboard. When a giver can not find an open and willing receiver, this is One of those fail safes. If this fails to be affective then there is All-ways fear: “If I give All, I will have nothing”.
The abundance of the multi-verse is All around Us and does not require any taking. It just is. It does not require giving and receiving. We have but We do not posses. We can share but there is no requirement to give (either willingly or under duress). Abundance does not negate or deny giving and receiving, it simply does not require anything.
Need is a belief. It is an integral part of the world/game of separation/limitation.
Abundance is a lot like a game of hot potato, pass it on. Abundance thrives, surrounds Us and permeates Us regardless of Our actions or even awareness. It is Our choice whether or not to live in abundance. This is quite unfathomable to anyOne in the world/game of separation/limitation. The idea of earning and some form of taking is so engrained into Us that We just can not conceive of being abundant simply by choosing to accept it.
Until the game timer goes off, it will be very difficult to accept All (or even any) of these ideals.
When” the game timer goes off can and/or may be a collective agreement and/or a personal choice. It is possible (but usually difficult) for an individual to march to the beat of a different drummer. It is the collective belief that people need and in order to “have” We must take.
We are in a time of choice and change. We can choose to live in harmony with nature, Gaia, the multi-verse and All the inhabitants therein. Within this harmony there is abundance which is accessible, available, experiencable (no that is not yet a word) to All AND there is no such thing as need. These are hard concepts to grasp as real because “they” do not belong and have no place in a world/game of separation/limitation full of scarcity and lack. Yet, “they” are beginning to seep in through the cracks and crevices of the walls, the veil and even the faerie mist that keeps Us within and abundance without.
Shifting sands
Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:00:21 AM
Good morning. Interesting dreams about multi-locating, alternate realities and alternate Selves. There was a lot about Sirius.
We also felt some type of strong shift and it did seem connected to the Lion's Gate Portal.
It was One of those days that started out clear blue skies, then clouded over, then clear. Now it is gloomy gray clouds except right where the sun is which is blazing thru the clouds.
Seemed to have a lot of energy and got more cleanup and moving sticks and stones around. Found some good containers to store some of My rocks in, that is very important You know. Now if I could just find a way to keep My marbles, or snot.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

The Lion's Gate
Wizard's Log Star-date: 07:38:40 AM
Good morning. The Lion's Gate Portal.
Actually processing and looking within and for some reason needed to get out of bed to do it??????
Just watched Lee Harris's August energy report. He's telling My story:
Interesting mix of dreams, still hard to translate into words. Beginning to wonder if the way I share My dreams and My writing is going through a transition???? Why not, the rest of the world is.
We are having the opportunity to look at and process some of the stuff We are still carrying around but don't want to take with Us into the new paradigm. Giving and receiving in particular this morning. What really comes up is the need to continue processing and being open in order to be able to move forward.
Also, seeing more possibility of living in multi-worlds. It is sooooo easy to revert to either/or thinking. We can have it All, why settle for less.
Seeing/remembering that this reality (3D) is actually a vacation in limitation, it is recreational, it is an opportunity to learn by playing. We just forgot (at least for the most part) that it is a game. We made it a game of life and death. I Am enjoying the cleanup and organizing and building I Am doing around home, I enjoy it even more when I remember it is play and not work. Sometimes I wonder if it is worthwhile, will it matter next year, etc. Well, duh. If I Am enjoying the doing, the recreation and the results what does it matter if it matters or snot? AND, I Am learning.
I Am also working on spending the time (or as much time) that I spend thinking, planning and figuring out projects to mentally explore and remember free energy methods and living in harmony and abundance. Spending the time moving into the new earth and new paradigm.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

All over the place and back again
Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:50:38 AM
Good morning. Once again We woke from recess and that is about All We remember. It is such fun to play in the uni-verse and alternate realities. To romp and roam with friends with whom We relate and connect on a soul level. In dream state there is no misunderstanding only acceptance. We are free of the limits of separation in dream. Thank God We are becoming free in waking too.
We just watched a video from Infinite Waters. (We recently started watching his vids and usually really like what he says and agree) Waters said something that reminded Us of something from night school: not everyOne is meant to wake-up, at least not at this time. This was a bit of a shock for Us. Perhaps that seems odd, We think We may have been aware of this before but somehow We got into the mindset that everyOne needs to wake now or in order for Gaia and the masses to move into 5D or assension or whatever. How quickly We forget??????
One of the things We need to remember is that in multi-D it All looks (and is) different than in 3D. Thinking everyOne has to wake is 3D thinking. Trying to explain this is hard. We remember being surprised at the real-I-say-tion yet it is not Our belief, it is not where Our thinking focuses. Interesting...............................
We allow and honor each person's journey, yet somehow We slipped into thinking everyOne has the same agenda/goal. This may be the multi-D view and eventual outcome but it is not the way things are on planet earth at this time.
There was more information about leadership, leading by example, blazing trail AND walking beside those on the path. Not an easy task. We can do it by running back and forth and We can do it through bilocating.
We also got the message that Shadow and I will soon be going to Sirius. Now that was a shock, and yet not. We look forward to seeing how this unfolds.
Also, more about Us being the free energy devices. A combination (it seems so far) of Our energy body and Our physical body (which is becoming crystalline) channeling (being a conduit, wire, pipeline, whatever) the abundant energy (love) which permeates Us and Our entire world (uni-verse, omni-verse, mutli-verse). In the passed We harnessed energy and that is how most of Us think about it: “harnessing”. That is old paradigm thinking. We need to change from harnessing to channeling and connecting.
I took My energy out to My shed/shop and got a whole bunch of cleanup/organizing done. Hung up much that was on My play table out there and built a shelf I've been thinking about since before I built the shed. And of course, trying many brilliant ideas that didn't work for shit.
The cool thing was that when I hit a wall (wasn't happy with the way the shelf and stuff stored under and on and around it was going) I just stopped and went to adding screws and hooks around the table to hang stuff up there. Today I will probably re-do the way I have lumber and ladders stacked and scrunched around the new shelf so it works and looks betterer for Me. Really happy with the way it is going now and makes it easier to play out there.
When We decided to walk away from All that and leave the brick wall standing rather than pounding Our head against it, turns out it is time for dinner and another old episode of Star Trek.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:59:21 AM
Good morning. Well, We remember that We had fun at recess and that We were thinking about enjoying learning by playing as We were doing just that. But, We have no idea what We were learning. That is okay, We know it is integrating. It is about remembering what We really are and that is what is important, very important.
Woke up with nasty sinuses. This is supposed to be an occasional and short lived ascension symptom.
Obviously another day in multi-worlds. This seems to be the new normal, hehehe.
We remember now some/much processing last night. More releasing of fear. We were rather surprised at the fear We found but glad to own it and set it free with love.
And We remember playing with Our physical body and energy body, finding that Our energy body encompasses the physical not vise-versa as many think.
Another nice day spent outside. Again, We must go slow and easy and be careful as We are aware that Our focus is split between worlds. Sometimes We speak/type of really great ideas that just don't work for shit. I Am putting wheels on a couple of wooden storage boxes to use underneath the cabin (this is “planned” to get some of the outside storage cleaned up). This would seem to be One of those really great ideas. The thing is that I can fix the problem and We are not as frustrated as I usually am with such a situation. We call it seeing the problem as having spilled water on the carpet rather spilling milk on the carpet.
We continue watching old episodes from Star Trek and We think it is helping open Our awareness.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Walking between worlds again
Wizard's Log Star-date: 09:13:36 AM
Good morning. This is One of those mornings when I wake with a smile on My face, no memory of what I was dreaming but I sure enjoyed it.
Sending and being love and remembering what We really are continues to be of utmost importance. It really is just about All We are doing recently. Being very drifty each day. Walking in multi-worlds.
The weather is nice so We spent most of the afternoon outside, doing stuff. We can tell that We need to be gentle and focus on what We are doing so as not to hurt OurSelf. Gotta be careful when not fully focused in 3D.
It was very enjoyable to be able to be outside again. We didn't get a lot done but We spent a lot of time doing it.
It is hard to write about what happened when We weren't here.

Sunday, August 5, 2012


Alternate timelines

Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:44:41 AM

Good morning. Another very interesting night. We visited and played in many alternate realities again (recess) but before that We remembered being awake in different timelines. I was having difficulty with how to express this and that is what I got. We had clear memories of doing things in Our waking life that do not fit with memories of Our current life. These would be best described as different timelines. Although “they” could be called alternate realities, “they” felt very much like this reality only remembering doing things and living in places and ways that never happened in this reality and timeline.

One of My main mantras and focus right now is: “Remembering what We really are.” We think these memories are part of that remembering. We as so much more than We think We are.

Once again We read others talking about these same things: expanding and being love, remembering what We really are, balance and harmony.

There was information about transforming into Our crystalline bodies too. We had forgotten that until We read it mentioned in and online article. It seems that yesterday (as We were zoning) We underwent some major DNA shift/expansion and transforming more into Our crystalline body. This is the method for channeling the free, abundant energy that surrounds Us All the time. Our crystalline bodies naturally channel this and We felt it happening or at least beginning to happen and viewed it developing in the very near future.

Another day spent mostly in the ethers. When I was trying to explain My dreams of alternate timelines to My local friends and how it was different from My dreams of alternate realities One friend put it quite well: “Experience is experience and memory is remembering an experience.” And that is it. Usually My dreams are experiencing and living alternate realities, these were clear memories of doing things that I have never done in My waking reality.

This brings up the idea question of what memory really is. Is it accurate or is it made up to give continuity to Our waking/dreaming? Do We really wake-up in the same world We woke up in yesterday and/or went to sleep in or does Our mind (maybe Our ego) make it All up to provide a (false?) sense of stability and security? Do We cling to this as the drowning cling to a rock? This feels accurate and feels to be changing.

Saturday, August 4, 2012


Another day away

Wizard's Log Star-date: 09:18:54 AM

Good morning. Not sure how to describe how We feel and where We are this morning. Definitely feeling something.

My internet is being weird and the weather went from a bit overcast to very gray and gloomy.

Still not sure where I Am, wondering if We are having another walk-in/share-in. Feels a bit like We are introducing a newcomer to 3D.

We just remembered a few things from last night: these bodies are for having physical experience and exploring physical sensations like pleasure and pain. We (society) has both honored and villainized these sensations. We are much more than Our bodies but Our physical experience is still important. We are at the time when We can choose to move beyond limitation or remain in limitation. And that is what We are experiencing today.

We are spending the day surfing the internet and watching videos. What We are actually doing is distracting Our mind and zoning while We receive some massive downloads and upgrades. As Our mind drifts here and there, hither and yon We are receiving information downloads at a cellular level.

Much later in the evening We became aware of what had actually been going on. We ARE remembering more of what We really are. From what We read this is happening to many people. Some recognize it, many do snot.

Friday, August 3, 2012


Accepting differences and disagreeing

Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:40:59 AM

Good morning. Again lots of interesting and insightful dreams but I only remember recess. We know it was more about expansion and awareness/remembering what We really are. It feels like We integrated much of the insight and teaching even though We don't remember in a way that We can put into words. We wonder if this might be part of the new way of being, part of being multi-dimensional.

More about accepting Our others, strength in diversity, not expecting people to All agree, allowing discord, some hard issues to get through My head. It is old limiting believes and energy that tells Us everyOne has to get along and make nice. It just doesn't work that way. Maybe someday but I seriously have My doubts. There is infinite diversity in infinity. For the human bean this causes distress and high emotion. Perhaps what We are trying to say here is that We won't change the flower without changing the root. We are not certain that looking for or expecting people to stop arguing and disagreeing is anything but a waste of time.

We need to focus on being love and living as love. What evidence We see is merely Our projections and proof of nothing. Focus on Our own growth and awakening and this will feed into the mass consciousness much faster than if We try to convince others with a hammer.

I need to real-eyes the perfection in the disagreements and that is a hard One for Me.