More multi-D
Wizard's Log Star-date: 07:30:23 AM
Good morning. Interesting morning. We are processing information and Our state of being. It may be information from night last night or accumulated. We don't have any clear memories of what We did in dream last night. Yet, clearly We are not fully present here this morning. Our shift has begun, We know this and have known it. This is part of the information We are processing.
We don't see much evidence of Our expansion when We look around. It is easier for Us to feel it and that We definitely do. It is easy to forget that We see what We believe and not the other way around. Our belief in separation/limitation runs deep and that continues to be what We see. We know that there is more than meets the I. Yes, We would like to see the evidence that Our beliefs are changing. We also must remember that We create Our evidence. It is not really proof of anything other than what We believe.
When We look at Our world, We see a world of separation/limitation. That is certainly there AND there is more. There is also a world(s) of Oneness, unity, connectedness, limitlessness and infinity. As We begin to see this expanded world, everything looks very, very different. It is probably best that this experience comes gradually. Like a gentle waking process rather than being jolted out of sleep. That is what is happening, One way or the other.
To go from seeing separation/limitation to everything connected and unlimited is quite a change and will be a shock if We are not prepared. The old adage applies: Be careful what You ask for.
We went back to dream for a bit. We got some interesting images: growing new beliefs, setting up drains and leech fields to drain off old beliefs from the fields where We are growing new beliefs. The layering of other realities upon and over Our current reality (light and crystal cities being some examples). Time shifting.
It appears that the clouds are clearing and We may get some nice weather, at least for 15-20 minutes.
We've had several reminders about All Our different ways of manifesting Our belief in scarcity and lack: We won't have enough time, We're All gonna die etc. Things We used to dwell on and allow to rule Our days now seeming like silly fantasies and nursery rhymes.
Wow, We just had (and actually still are having) the most amazing and aware experience of being here AND there (being multi-D) that We have had yet so far. We have been outside playing in the paint and a few other light projects most of the day. We've come back in for refreshments, relaxing and some email periodically and then back outside. The last trip in We think We read a few emails and then One in particular that We wanted to reply to. That was when We got it that We were not fully focused or present in just 3D. We have been going up and down a ladder quite a bit to paint and several times while on the ground got the feeling We needed to be careful but never felt any discomfort or lack of balance while on the ladder. Like We have said, We only did light things and took lots of breaks. We could easily tell that this was what the energies were dictating.
When We tried to type the email, it was a “Yeah, right” situation “You think You can do what?” Who rearranged the letters on My keyboard? What do You do after finishing a paragraph? How do You stop deleting everything? And that is how it went. It was a fairly simple email, mostly things We have typed before but We it was very obvious to Us that We were out and about.
We wish We could describe it betterer. We were aware of what We were trying to do (the painting went well and a little carpentry type stuff) yet We were also feeling being expanded, being connected not separate, doing limited activities while being limitless. It is really a lot of fun, an exciting feeling for Us. We just have to go slow and careful and sometimes repeat what We were doing to get it rightish.
It is a very interesting process becoming familiar with being multidimensional.