Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


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I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Morning Review: "Attempting to remember My night" 4/23/12


Attempting to remember My night

Morning Review (as I was waking)

Early in the night there was something that I really wanted to remember to type up. Of course, I forgot it in the course of events throughout the night. I Am hoping that typing this will jiggle/joggle My memory. There were dreams of different realities. I do remember feeling that it is important for Me to know and believe that the relief effort has begun, whether there is any sign or acknowledgment or knot. I remember visiting relief sights and talking with people there. I remember something about inviting someOne to be a part of My relief team. I felt funny calling it Mine, but I was re-assured that this was fine and part of each of Us taking ownership. It is important to remember that it is not Mine alone, I Am a joint caretaker/custodian.

This is One of the new perspectives/attitudes that We will need to adjust to: taking co-operative ownership without taking sole ownership. Nothing is Ours alone, for We are no longer alone in any sense of the word, and EVERYTHING is Ours to experience and love and care for.

This is All contained in love. That has been an important point that is emphasized many times recently. Love is no longer an abstract idea or some mushy surface infatuation that We play lip-service to. Love is real and concrete and can/will be the basis of Our lives, if We so choose. Love includes All the virtues and benefits that We long for. Many of these can possibly be imitated without love, but “they” are empty and false imitations. Pouring Our lives into these is like pouring water into a sieve. We have All-ready had lots of experience doing this and living in this manner. Now, We can experience and live the real thing.

I remember now that last night (night school) seemed to be a lot of review and recess and practical application. I know there was information and practical experience about sending love energy. Yes, I remember specifically sending to certain world leaders, not easy. I remember noticing that We really have a difficult time knowing who are the puppets and who the puppet-masters. I remember about sending love directly to some individual and All-most dueling.

Ah yes, love is like a force and it is a force. Here We go, this is what I think I wanted to remember. We have All seen or heard of feeling sounds. Sounds in the extreme ranges (at least) have force and can be felt as well as heard, perhaps even more than heard. We have All heard about sopranos that can shatter glass and crystal. Most of Us have felt the bass sounds pounding away either from Our own sound system or a neighbors. Sound can be directed as a force. In “Dune” it is called: “The Weirding Way”. We usually are aware of this (and access this ability) in anger, hatred or fear.

Love can be directed in much the same way. The thing is that the recipient has totally free choice, free will what to do with this force of love Once it is perceived and/or received. To a person who is filled with hate and chooses/wants to continue living filled with hate a loving onslaught does not feel good. To a person seeking love and higher vibrations (expansion, awakening, awareness) an onslaught of love will feel like bliss. To One recipient (hateful) it will actually feel and be perceived as evil. To another it will be feel and be perceived as divinely good.

Then there was recess. The joyful abandonment of little children.

I woke with the real-I-zation that I had been dreaming about two different realities that were All-most identical. The only difference was My coffee cup, in One it didn't have any coffee stains on it. Everything else was exactly the same. I real-eyesed that I need to start paying attention, watching for slight alterations in little details to inform Me when I have slipped into an alternate reality. This is a technique that is used in lucid dreaming. As I have said before, I want to learn to lucid wake. It seems My training has begun.

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