Insights and outsights
(From night school last night)
I don't know where to start with this One. It was like a packet of information was dumped inside My mind and it was up to Me to sort it out. This was part of the message. I have been thinking, knowing and saying that I have been sending telepathically for several years now. What I need is to learn to listen and hear telepathically. I was being shown that I can listen and hear telepathically and that I Am learning how to do it. I Am doing just that. As exciting as I would expect this to be it kinda feels like an everyday experience now. Things have certainly changed in the last few months.
Of course in multi-D things don't happen in linear fashion like “they” do in limitation 3D so that is another reason why I can't really find or give a time-line for My dreams last night. And that was another thing. I was much more lucid than I used to be in dreaming. I was shown how My dream life and My waking life are merging. That is a good thing and to know what is happening when this happens is a good thing. There was stuff about altered states, waking, sleeping, dreaming, being lucid. We are living more and more in a lucid state as opposed to the sleep walking way We used to live Our lives. Being in an altered state as We go about Our lives is more and more common.
I got it that sometimes We don't notice the changes in Our lives because “they” happen gradually. Most of Us are familiar with two ways of turning on lights. There is a toggle type switch where U flip the switch and (All-most) instantly the light comes on (read: instantly it goes from dark to light or light to dark). This can be a little shocking. There is also a dimmer type switch where the light comes on (or goes off) gradually. This is how lighting is done in theaters also, do You think there is a reason for that? The gradual change is the best way for Us to adjust and acclimate to Our new surroundings. Often, We have been through a lot of gradual change over a long period of time and say: “Why isn't anything changing?”
Another thing that happens is that there are technologically advanced beings who have (and use) holographic abilities. We can be taken, teleported, transported to a place and/or time that is actually very different but We are holographically shown surroundings that are so similar to the familiar that We don't real-eyes We went anywhere (and/or We can do this to OurSelves). We can be on a space ship and think We are in Our bedroom. This is to reduce Our shock and allow Us to slowly adjust and acclimate. Our minds are fully capable of doing this for Us to avoid anything that We anticipate as being too scary/different for Us to handle. This can be DE-Nile or knot.
I was reminded that “acclimation” is a psychic gift or ability that I Am (We are) just becoming aware of. We have All used this ability in seemingly minor and normal ways throughout Our lives. However, as We have entered a time of drastic change this ability will become more and more useful. We will also find that as We learn to acclimate, the weather will not affect Us (and Our moods) as much.
Once again We are no longer (if We ever were) in a “One size fits All” world. Yet, We continue to live side by side with people who make very different choices about “their” world, “their” reality and “their” awareness. Therefore, We have to choose (possibly moment to moment) whether to buy into “their” reality or Our reality. As I imagine trying to keep up with All the different choices “out there” being made by All the different people “out there” I think We will soon be overwhelmed and very frustrated and exhausted by trying to live in (experience) “their” reality(s). So, what We see may not be Our reality, but it may well be “their” reality. I can certainly understand how this can get confusing. We have much to learn about being multi-dimensional.
I was shown that We are in the introductory phase of Our transitional world. Many of Us (MySelf included) had no idea We would be entering a transitional world. We did NOT expect the “dimmer switch” approach to en-light-en-ment. We expected to be “poofed” into the land where the streets are paved with gold. We certainly did NOT expect to go through months, years, maybe life times of an introductory phase to this transitional world. However, if We ever did experience getting “poofed” into something totally new and vastly different Our ability to mask it and make it appear like Our everyday world kicked in and We never even noticed a change. EXCEPT that many of Us held vague memories of that different world, even if We only caught a slight, momentary glimpse of it. For some of Us that memory has remained as an itch that We just could not scratch.