Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


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I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

My rant 3/14/09

Soooo many of Our beliefs are expanding and something has to carry "them" or link "them".
Like fear, I know I used to be One of those that thought fear (and other negatives) need to be destroyed. Then over time, I saw that it is All part of All. The same with guilt, I don't think I ever thought of integrating guilt until who's it talked about kicking guilt out of "their" life. I Am amazed watching who's it growing as "they" explore and read and share and ask questions. It is amazing.
Then there is ........, would like to shake her 'til I get All the christian prejudice outta her. Guess the same goes for ...........
I've been keeping All this in and think I'll just go ahead and vent it. You may or may not wanna read the rest: I wanna delete All-most every e-mail from those two, it is like I have to hold One hand with the other and force it to the approve button. "They" are so locked into separation, it All-most hurts. And here I Am All-ways talking about accepting and honoring everyOne's choices, and I'd like to flush these two. "Fake it 'til You make it".
It's good mirror stuff for Me, My Own shadow-work in the part of My life I really love the most.
I know that there are those (many times many) who still believe in good and evil, and this includes the Newest Age community, the enlightened as well as the muggels. This is part of infinity. Butt damn!!!!!!!! I wanna scream at "them": "Have You ever read any of the Reconnection's material?" It amazes Me how many that I Am in contact with are totally void of the Reconnections and StarChild websites.
I Once told DJ I wanted to delete One of .....'s e-mails. I told him it reminded Me of a bumper sticker I Once saw (which I love):
God loves You.
But he likes Me best.
Then I read of her telling her unborn daughter about the "bad" guys having NO light. I All-most cried. How can there be any hope for the future when a starchild is gonna teach the unborn these same prejudices????????????
And ....... just won't let go of the belief in "bad" sex, naughty behaviour and judgement and condemnation for it.
Where will it end?
It won't, it is part of All that is. "They" continue to inhabit and explore a part of infinity for Me and as Me, so I can focus on other parts. Without these poor lost bastards, We would never expand, never be aware of even half of eternity/infinity.
I have the same kind of conflicts/conversations within when there is any mis-understanding between spiritualists. How can We have any hope for the world, if We can not agree???
Hope does not rely on agreement, it relies on acceptance. And not even everyOne's acceptance, only My Own.
Speaking of shadows and assholes, the kid at work has actually started speaking to Me. I feel that We will eventually become friends and then I can drown the little son-of-a-bitch. (kidding about the drowning but he's probably lucky the rivers are still frozen). He does represent (to Me) those who are gifted and just don't know what to do with it. I have a vision of he and I talking and breaking through the walls of protection and finding the hurt star inside him. It is a vision that applies to many out there/in here.

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