Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Dreams #31

Written 10/13/08

I've been dreaming a lot of alternate realities lately. The only thing really remarkable has been the number of realities I visit a night (and remember even if only vaguely). Most are very close to this reality (or what I think of as "this"). In some I Am high school age again only it isn't the past, it is present day and I'm not going to high school. I like that part, ha ha.
You may have noticed that multiple realities, alternate realities, expanded realities have been a focus for Me lately. Actually, that's been the case for many years. Recently I have begun to believe that I/We really can live in and be aware of more than One reality at a time.
Last night was like a beginning for Me. I visited several realities like usual but I woke up remembering a familiar ongoing alternate reality.
Many of You know I Am an ex-smoker of 7-8 years or more. I quit cold turkey (from 4 packs a day) and it was literally the worst year of My life. I do not recommend that anyOne quit. The One thing I Am certain of is that I will never quit again. Therefore I have not had another cigarette since that day I went cold turkey. At least in the reality I call most familiar.
The reality I woke remembering is One where I occasionally smoke cigarettes. From time to time I buy a pack and smoke "them". I assume I smoke the whole pack, but I'm not certain. Apparently in this reality I Am not addicted to cigarettes, because I don't smoke All the time and don't have withdrawals. I would say I don't have cravings, but is there a difference between desire and craving? Well, to Me, yes there is. In this reality, when I desire a cigarette I buy a pack. Like I said, this is only occasionally.
When I woke remembering this I was asking MySelf: I thought I quit? I didn't think I ever had another cigarette. I had to really focus on remembering that I had quit and never had another cigarette, finally that memory returned but I also kept the memory of a reality where I occasionally smoke.
This alternate reality is very real. I don't remember dreaming it before, I remember living it. For those familiar with dreaming I'm sure You know the difference I speak of. OK, I do believe All dreams are real, but it is the feeling, the conscious awareness I Am speaking of.
This is the first time I have had such a conscious clear memory and awareness of living in 2 realities with a clear and distinct difference between "them" and both are ongoing.
I have experienced shifting from One reality to another but the differences are so subtle it is easy to forget there is any difference. Plus those experiences don't feel like I Am in both or multiples simultaneously. That has been My belief: that I Am/We are in multiple realities at the same time, but this is My first experience of it.
My dreams of alternate realities have been like snapshots, a One time shot/experience and then on to another. This is more like the full length movie, and it's a saga.
Another interesting point is that I woke with these memories over 12 hours ago and this is the first time I have written it down at All. I do not usually remember dreams that long unless I write "them" down right away.
I have a lot of vague memories of basically everyday life in this other reality. There is nothing remarkable in it except this smoking difference and no addiction. I Am a person who gets addicted to anything and everything. If it's good, a lot more is better and too much is never enough. At least that is how I remember Me most of the time. Now I have a new memory of Me coinciding this reality.

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