Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Saturday, March 3, 2007

What If? #13 Goldybear

A long time ago in a multi-verse far, far away, or once upon a time there is an adorable (or is it unadorable) little cub called Goldybear. Perhaps it is unadornable?
As little cubs do, Goldybear went walking through the woods. Okay, walking is not exactly the correct word, rambling would probably be more accurate. Then again You might call it thrashing. Or You might not call it anything at All since it probably wouldn’t come to You if You did call it, and if it did, You might wish You had never called it. I’m sure You would not call it slithering or sneaking because Goldybear believes in the old adage "neither a slitherer nor sneaker be".
Goldy (is it okay to call You Goldy?)
"Well gosh and golly, I’ve never thought about it. Never been called Goldy before, actually never been called before. Do I need some sort of calling plan? Or perhaps a pre-paid calling card? Or some type of cellular device or upgrade? Perhaps a DNA or ATT activation? Is it something I need to buy from someOne else, or do I have the answer?"
Fine, just fine.
One day while rambling, Goldybear rambled upon a cave. Now, this was not the first cave Goldybear had ever rambled upon, as Goldybear tends to be attracted to caves as well as rambling. I Am sure You All-ready real-Ice that if a cub is attracted to caves and rambling that this cub or that cub will attract rambling and caves to itSelf. Perhaps some would even go so far as to say the cub would manifest rambling caves. Speaking of rambling, are We having fun yet?
This particular cave is the home of three rocks: Papa Rock, Mama Rock and Baby Rock (the Polar Rock Café is a few forests away). Goldybear decided to explore this new cave. This new cave obviously is not actually a new cave, but it is new to Goldybear. As everyOne knows, newness is in the I of the beholder. Oldness (however) is to the bone.
The first thing Goldybear saw was a table with three chairs. Goldybear sat in the first chair (Papa Rock’s chair). "Oh My" Goldybear said, "This chair is too tall!"
Next Goldybear sat in Mama Rock’s chair. "Oh My" Goldybear said, "This chair is"
Well, I’m certain You don’t need Me to tell You the rest of that story. When the Rocks returned home from their day at the nearby Astral Fair "they" found Goldybear asleep in One of the beds, the cave was completely trashed by this thrashing cub and All the Rock Porridge was slobbered on or eaten. You can imagine what condition the water basin was in!
The interesting story is about how Baby Rock floats down the river and becomes a seagull knight and brings harmony to the force of gravity. This may make You think (which We All know is impossible, only You can prevent forest thinking) that Baby Rock is a grave soul, but not so! Baby Rock is very light-harded and a wee bit soft-headed which is why it eventually ends up wearing that silly looking mask/helmet. Baby Rock is actually quite fond of levitation and has never even heard of Garth Raider because Mama Rock believes that movies are the work of humans and watching them will condemn Rocks to eternal intelligence. We All know what happens when Rocks eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge!
Baby Rock floating down the river and dreaming of splashing and laughing is disgraceful enough to the Rock family, so Baby Rock tries not to watch movies or read the fantasy stories that are used in human schools.
Perhaps You would like to know where the Uni-verse of the Rock family is located? I believe it is just a flew flights of stars left of the dishes, and a fantasy or seven above the towers. ‘Member My directions are terrorable and You are better off (or on) finding Your own way. I found this story while dreaming of harmonizing good and bad, light and dark. Upon looking into the harmony point (or balance point) I immediately began flowing in a river and of course this triggered My memories of being a rock which obviously caused Me to recall the story of "Goldybear and the Three Rocks".

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