If You have been journeying with Me up and down various flights of stars, back and forth across the uni-verses and a few thoughts into the future or past, then you may be aware that very, very close to this reality You can find a realty where Im-Patients are the sentient beings. I have even heard it said that this is the insane asylum for the multi-verse! I will leave that judgement up to You, but if it is true, then this is the place where the lunatics are truly running the asylum.
In this realty there are no nurses, doctors, priests, police or any other type of higher authority than the Im-Patients. As You may have guessed not a lot gets done here because every Im-Patient can not take the time to do anything, "they" just want it done. No One wants to build anything, "they" just want to automatically have everything. This actually works quite well for the few who real-eyes that "they" do already have everything. However, it is quite frustrating for those who have not real-Iced this.
Grapes grow wild in this realty but are not much of a commercial enterprise because every Im-Patient makes their own whine. Cheese making, however, is quite lucrative for several reasons. First of course is that everyOne knows that cheese goes well with whine and Im-Patients certainly do love their whine. Another reason is that cheese making is a slow lengthy process and requires Patients. Patients (with very rare exceptions) do not exist in this realty, and those that do are not sentient, but do make excellent cheese as well as lovely table decorations. Most cheese is imported from other realities, but this is also very costly as no Im-Patients have time to build vehicles to travel to other realities.
There are a few florist and peists here because arranging flowers and people can be done in a relatively short amount of time. Yes, You guessed right, there are only a few because it does take more time than most Im-Patients have.
Now here is the point that I find most interesting. The Im-Patients who do stuff, anything at all, don’t know how it is "they" know how to do it, or why it works because "they" obviously did not bother to go through any process to learn how or why. Exactly, "they" skipped the journey, never walked any path, not a single One has had a single experience, because "they" obviously are Im-Patient.
Okay, if You are anything like Me then You are thinking "this sounds familiar". Well, that is why I said that this reality and that realty are very, very close. Just think, if We believed in magik, We might be re-All-I-sing that We are the Im-Patients, experiencing All the stuff that We missed when We magically made everything. But alas, there is no magik, so We just have to trudge the path. I mean that’s right isn’t it? There is no magik, right? You don’t believe in magik do You? I’m certain that You don’t know any Im-Patients either!
Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”
This IS what We ARE doing
"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."
"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
"A belief is just a habit of thought."
"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)
"A belief is just a habit of thought."
If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:
I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Saturday, March 3, 2007
What If? #13 Goldybear
A long time ago in a multi-verse far, far away, or once upon a time there is an adorable (or is it unadorable) little cub called Goldybear. Perhaps it is unadornable?
As little cubs do, Goldybear went walking through the woods. Okay, walking is not exactly the correct word, rambling would probably be more accurate. Then again You might call it thrashing. Or You might not call it anything at All since it probably wouldn’t come to You if You did call it, and if it did, You might wish You had never called it. I’m sure You would not call it slithering or sneaking because Goldybear believes in the old adage "neither a slitherer nor sneaker be".
Goldy (is it okay to call You Goldy?)
"Well gosh and golly, I’ve never thought about it. Never been called Goldy before, actually never been called before. Do I need some sort of calling plan? Or perhaps a pre-paid calling card? Or some type of cellular device or upgrade? Perhaps a DNA or ATT activation? Is it something I need to buy from someOne else, or do I have the answer?"
Fine, just fine.
One day while rambling, Goldybear rambled upon a cave. Now, this was not the first cave Goldybear had ever rambled upon, as Goldybear tends to be attracted to caves as well as rambling. I Am sure You All-ready real-Ice that if a cub is attracted to caves and rambling that this cub or that cub will attract rambling and caves to itSelf. Perhaps some would even go so far as to say the cub would manifest rambling caves. Speaking of rambling, are We having fun yet?
This particular cave is the home of three rocks: Papa Rock, Mama Rock and Baby Rock (the Polar Rock Café is a few forests away). Goldybear decided to explore this new cave. This new cave obviously is not actually a new cave, but it is new to Goldybear. As everyOne knows, newness is in the I of the beholder. Oldness (however) is to the bone.
The first thing Goldybear saw was a table with three chairs. Goldybear sat in the first chair (Papa Rock’s chair). "Oh My" Goldybear said, "This chair is too tall!"
Next Goldybear sat in Mama Rock’s chair. "Oh My" Goldybear said, "This chair is"
Well, I’m certain You don’t need Me to tell You the rest of that story. When the Rocks returned home from their day at the nearby Astral Fair "they" found Goldybear asleep in One of the beds, the cave was completely trashed by this thrashing cub and All the Rock Porridge was slobbered on or eaten. You can imagine what condition the water basin was in!
The interesting story is about how Baby Rock floats down the river and becomes a seagull knight and brings harmony to the force of gravity. This may make You think (which We All know is impossible, only You can prevent forest thinking) that Baby Rock is a grave soul, but not so! Baby Rock is very light-harded and a wee bit soft-headed which is why it eventually ends up wearing that silly looking mask/helmet. Baby Rock is actually quite fond of levitation and has never even heard of Garth Raider because Mama Rock believes that movies are the work of humans and watching them will condemn Rocks to eternal intelligence. We All know what happens when Rocks eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge!
Baby Rock floating down the river and dreaming of splashing and laughing is disgraceful enough to the Rock family, so Baby Rock tries not to watch movies or read the fantasy stories that are used in human schools.
Perhaps You would like to know where the Uni-verse of the Rock family is located? I believe it is just a flew flights of stars left of the dishes, and a fantasy or seven above the towers. ‘Member My directions are terrorable and You are better off (or on) finding Your own way. I found this story while dreaming of harmonizing good and bad, light and dark. Upon looking into the harmony point (or balance point) I immediately began flowing in a river and of course this triggered My memories of being a rock which obviously caused Me to recall the story of "Goldybear and the Three Rocks".
As little cubs do, Goldybear went walking through the woods. Okay, walking is not exactly the correct word, rambling would probably be more accurate. Then again You might call it thrashing. Or You might not call it anything at All since it probably wouldn’t come to You if You did call it, and if it did, You might wish You had never called it. I’m sure You would not call it slithering or sneaking because Goldybear believes in the old adage "neither a slitherer nor sneaker be".
Goldy (is it okay to call You Goldy?)
"Well gosh and golly, I’ve never thought about it. Never been called Goldy before, actually never been called before. Do I need some sort of calling plan? Or perhaps a pre-paid calling card? Or some type of cellular device or upgrade? Perhaps a DNA or ATT activation? Is it something I need to buy from someOne else, or do I have the answer?"
Fine, just fine.
One day while rambling, Goldybear rambled upon a cave. Now, this was not the first cave Goldybear had ever rambled upon, as Goldybear tends to be attracted to caves as well as rambling. I Am sure You All-ready real-Ice that if a cub is attracted to caves and rambling that this cub or that cub will attract rambling and caves to itSelf. Perhaps some would even go so far as to say the cub would manifest rambling caves. Speaking of rambling, are We having fun yet?
This particular cave is the home of three rocks: Papa Rock, Mama Rock and Baby Rock (the Polar Rock Café is a few forests away). Goldybear decided to explore this new cave. This new cave obviously is not actually a new cave, but it is new to Goldybear. As everyOne knows, newness is in the I of the beholder. Oldness (however) is to the bone.
The first thing Goldybear saw was a table with three chairs. Goldybear sat in the first chair (Papa Rock’s chair). "Oh My" Goldybear said, "This chair is too tall!"
Next Goldybear sat in Mama Rock’s chair. "Oh My" Goldybear said, "This chair is"
Well, I’m certain You don’t need Me to tell You the rest of that story. When the Rocks returned home from their day at the nearby Astral Fair "they" found Goldybear asleep in One of the beds, the cave was completely trashed by this thrashing cub and All the Rock Porridge was slobbered on or eaten. You can imagine what condition the water basin was in!
The interesting story is about how Baby Rock floats down the river and becomes a seagull knight and brings harmony to the force of gravity. This may make You think (which We All know is impossible, only You can prevent forest thinking) that Baby Rock is a grave soul, but not so! Baby Rock is very light-harded and a wee bit soft-headed which is why it eventually ends up wearing that silly looking mask/helmet. Baby Rock is actually quite fond of levitation and has never even heard of Garth Raider because Mama Rock believes that movies are the work of humans and watching them will condemn Rocks to eternal intelligence. We All know what happens when Rocks eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge!
Baby Rock floating down the river and dreaming of splashing and laughing is disgraceful enough to the Rock family, so Baby Rock tries not to watch movies or read the fantasy stories that are used in human schools.
Perhaps You would like to know where the Uni-verse of the Rock family is located? I believe it is just a flew flights of stars left of the dishes, and a fantasy or seven above the towers. ‘Member My directions are terrorable and You are better off (or on) finding Your own way. I found this story while dreaming of harmonizing good and bad, light and dark. Upon looking into the harmony point (or balance point) I immediately began flowing in a river and of course this triggered My memories of being a rock which obviously caused Me to recall the story of "Goldybear and the Three Rocks".
Friday, March 2, 2007
What If? #12 Towers
If you found a reality full of towers, what would it be like? Would there be a young Watchtower who was taken in and raised by the Wizardstower the way young Arthur was taken in and raised by Merlin?
Can you imagine such an event? Look into your mind, look into your thoughts, look into your time and tell me what you see. Relax, leave the rush behind, look deep in your mind. Is there a place; is there a time? A time for a Watchtower, a one of a kind? Is there hope and is there despair? Is there a tower for a watcher to wear?
Come with me, I’ll show you a way, it’s not far away. Drift and go deep, relax and be safe, we can walk across rainbows and float in our dream. Follow the sounds to the cool flowing stream. Take your time and flow with me.
The land of the towers awaits our dream; it needs only one child to say, "I believe." The towers are many and troubles are few, a land full of wonders waiting for you. Drift and go deep and follow my words, I’ll spin you a tale, we’ll dream the absurd.
Imagine a day, a dawn before time and let your mind go where our feelings all rhyme. It’s fun to feel joy, it’s great to be born, our journey awaits, see the white unicorn?
Are you the One child? Can you say, "I believe"? Then come with me. Come with me and you will see a land of great towers, a land of the free.
See the Wizardstower? It’s standing next to the little Watchtower, holding its hand. Yes, you are right, that little Watchtower does have a face that resembles Mickey Mouse!
The Wizardstower is raising this Watchtower to keep it safe and teach it many ways, and show it many choices. I know, we all have many choices, but this Watchtower is very important to the Wizardstower and it will benefit greatly from a childhood drenched in wizardry ways.
At night the bell towers sing lullabies, if you listen real close you can just catch a sigh. Our little Watchtower (let’s call it Art) is gently carried to the land of dreams by the song of tinkling bells. It dreams of such a variety of delights. Delights the Wizardstower has shown during the day, and delights yet to be known in its waking life.
Art is living quite a life, see it run and play, and look at how quickly it grows. Lessons fill its grand head and dreams guide its path. What do you think it will grow up to be?
See all the choices ahead in Tower-land? There are Clocktowers, Churchtowers Courthousetowers, and more. There are choices and choices and choices galore. See the many Belltowers, Brasstowers, Blocktowers and more. You see choices and choices and choices galore.
What will Art decide to be? Just like you and me, Art can choose its destiny. Will Art be a Gallerytower, Glasstower, Greentower or more? Wise choices, grand choices, free choices for sure!
You think Art wants to be Kingtower? I thought most Watchtowers grew up to be Clocktowers. Isn’t that kind of a pre-destiny type of thing? "Not at all" you say? Why not a Maytower? Imagine the fun of all those Dancingtowers swirling ‘round it every spring. Art could be a Cornertower, an easy job and yet the foundation of the community.
Okay then, if you insist, I will ask Art if it truly wants to be Kingtower. I know that was the point of all the teachings and adventures of its youth. I just do not believe a young Watchtower can pull the sword from the Stonetower. Look at it. Its arms aren’t even the same lengths.
You say Lady Laketower spoke in your dream? Oh, I do envy you. You are a fortunate indeed to have met the keeper of the sword. I thought she had fallen into eternal sleep. I thought she had forgotten us with our wandering ways.
If Lady Laketower says Art is the One, then Art is the One! Captain Gaurdtower will scream the alarm! Sir Stabletower was certain he had the horsepower necessary to draw the sword. General Garagetower will be driven to blind rage. The Wartower will probably raise arms and revolt.
The story has many possible outcomes, which choice would you choose? Do you think Art will unite the land and start a Roundtower to set all to right? Will the Knighttowers rally to Art’s banner? What will become of Art’s son?
Will Art fall to the sword by which it chose to live? When our Kingtower grows wise will it be a Watchtower again? Will Art open the mind and raise consciousness enough to become the Mighty Watchtower to oversee the land? Will you witness the day, the return of the Kingtower as it ascends to the heavens and transforms into the greatest of Towers and sets its I looking every way?
Behold Master Watchtower, the humblest and wisest of All! Waiting and watching, never interfering, seeing our choices, the possibilities and letting us be free. Mater Watchtower will answer if asked, but the decisions are ours.
Do you believe in Magiktowers?
Can you imagine such an event? Look into your mind, look into your thoughts, look into your time and tell me what you see. Relax, leave the rush behind, look deep in your mind. Is there a place; is there a time? A time for a Watchtower, a one of a kind? Is there hope and is there despair? Is there a tower for a watcher to wear?
Come with me, I’ll show you a way, it’s not far away. Drift and go deep, relax and be safe, we can walk across rainbows and float in our dream. Follow the sounds to the cool flowing stream. Take your time and flow with me.
The land of the towers awaits our dream; it needs only one child to say, "I believe." The towers are many and troubles are few, a land full of wonders waiting for you. Drift and go deep and follow my words, I’ll spin you a tale, we’ll dream the absurd.
Imagine a day, a dawn before time and let your mind go where our feelings all rhyme. It’s fun to feel joy, it’s great to be born, our journey awaits, see the white unicorn?
Are you the One child? Can you say, "I believe"? Then come with me. Come with me and you will see a land of great towers, a land of the free.
See the Wizardstower? It’s standing next to the little Watchtower, holding its hand. Yes, you are right, that little Watchtower does have a face that resembles Mickey Mouse!
The Wizardstower is raising this Watchtower to keep it safe and teach it many ways, and show it many choices. I know, we all have many choices, but this Watchtower is very important to the Wizardstower and it will benefit greatly from a childhood drenched in wizardry ways.
At night the bell towers sing lullabies, if you listen real close you can just catch a sigh. Our little Watchtower (let’s call it Art) is gently carried to the land of dreams by the song of tinkling bells. It dreams of such a variety of delights. Delights the Wizardstower has shown during the day, and delights yet to be known in its waking life.
Art is living quite a life, see it run and play, and look at how quickly it grows. Lessons fill its grand head and dreams guide its path. What do you think it will grow up to be?
See all the choices ahead in Tower-land? There are Clocktowers, Churchtowers Courthousetowers, and more. There are choices and choices and choices galore. See the many Belltowers, Brasstowers, Blocktowers and more. You see choices and choices and choices galore.
What will Art decide to be? Just like you and me, Art can choose its destiny. Will Art be a Gallerytower, Glasstower, Greentower or more? Wise choices, grand choices, free choices for sure!
You think Art wants to be Kingtower? I thought most Watchtowers grew up to be Clocktowers. Isn’t that kind of a pre-destiny type of thing? "Not at all" you say? Why not a Maytower? Imagine the fun of all those Dancingtowers swirling ‘round it every spring. Art could be a Cornertower, an easy job and yet the foundation of the community.
Okay then, if you insist, I will ask Art if it truly wants to be Kingtower. I know that was the point of all the teachings and adventures of its youth. I just do not believe a young Watchtower can pull the sword from the Stonetower. Look at it. Its arms aren’t even the same lengths.
You say Lady Laketower spoke in your dream? Oh, I do envy you. You are a fortunate indeed to have met the keeper of the sword. I thought she had fallen into eternal sleep. I thought she had forgotten us with our wandering ways.
If Lady Laketower says Art is the One, then Art is the One! Captain Gaurdtower will scream the alarm! Sir Stabletower was certain he had the horsepower necessary to draw the sword. General Garagetower will be driven to blind rage. The Wartower will probably raise arms and revolt.
The story has many possible outcomes, which choice would you choose? Do you think Art will unite the land and start a Roundtower to set all to right? Will the Knighttowers rally to Art’s banner? What will become of Art’s son?
Will Art fall to the sword by which it chose to live? When our Kingtower grows wise will it be a Watchtower again? Will Art open the mind and raise consciousness enough to become the Mighty Watchtower to oversee the land? Will you witness the day, the return of the Kingtower as it ascends to the heavens and transforms into the greatest of Towers and sets its I looking every way?
Behold Master Watchtower, the humblest and wisest of All! Waiting and watching, never interfering, seeing our choices, the possibilities and letting us be free. Mater Watchtower will answer if asked, but the decisions are ours.
Do you believe in Magiktowers?
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