Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Preschool started

Preschool started today.  We had 2 of Our 3-5 new students.  One was taken by parents and others are going to afternoon preschool or something or something else.  We take two little boys home from A.M. preschool and "they" are sooooo cute and well behaved.  One is vision impaired so I have to kinda lead him.  He is first off so I sat with him and when I got back on the bus the second boy patted the seat next to him asking Me to sit there.  I like being asked to sit with students.

Our first student is very playful and likes to sing.  I enjoy listening to him playing even though I rarely know what he is playing.  Yesterday I thought it might be starships and today he brought Buss Lightyear. I told that I used to have a boy who had Woody.  He asked: "Who is that?"  I Onedered what world are You on?  These children think and process differently from a lot of Us A-dults.  "They" focus on what is important to "them".  The rest: well, who knows.  I really theel that I Am making progress with My loud boy.From what the other students say he screams in class too.  I can tell that part of it is play and I theel part is for the attention.  He is sleepy a lot and he does often have gas.  Again: glad My nose does knot work.

My game player has a friend who sits with her now and she is better at getting into her seat and getting off the bus.  Her friend helps her unbuckle at school.  Very cute to watch.

Our morning schedule is very tight and We were late on Our second section.

Shop took Our bus hostage for the afternoon as "they" regularly do.  The different bus made everyOne want to sit in different places and We are both okay with that.  It changed the dynamics.  "They" were sharing pictures, videos and cartoons that "they" have on "their" phones and students who normally keep to "themSelves" were participating.  It was interesting to watch.

Our two middleschool girls got a bit carried away and I even had to have the driver pull over Once.  That Allways gets students attention.  It did get "them" to calm down for a few minutes.  I have knot dealt with teenage girls much so I Am learning.

The students Allways teach Me.  I really am grateful for the experiences.

Allmost forgot: I get to go into multi-D a lot because that is where most of the students are.  Sometimes "they" take Me very deep.  I really do knot know how much telepathy goes on.  Probably a lot more than I Am aware of.

Monday, August 29, 2022

The week begins

Another good day.  The students are great.  Our scheduling is still haphazard.  Times that changed Friday changed again today.  I ponyhop and it does get better.  Baby steps.

It does seem like autumn is here early.  Mornings are cold and most afternoons are still warm.  Lots of the fireweed has turned red and lots of tree leaves are gold.

My loud boy started to get loud a couple of times and I was able to calm and quiet him.  I'm not at All sure what the loud is about.  It is mostly noise, but does seem to be happy noise.  It may be about attention.  Sometimes he talks very clear and other times he is hard to understand.  Regardless: I Am glad I can calm him.

One boy missed the bus and We had to go back for him.  That made Us about 20 minutes late to Our first school.  He was very happy to see Us when We got back.

The boy who rides alone will have company starting Wednesday.  He had his tablet for kids today and was having a good time laughing at whatever he had on.  He was out most of last week and forgot where he sat.

My game player went right to her seat and sat down with a little direction from Me and mom buckled her in.  She will have her little sister joining her Wednesday or Thursday.  Lots of parents take "their" children the first day.

Preschool starts Wednesday so We will start having a noon section and get to meet several new students.  Preschoolers are usually My favorites.

Several students did not ride in the P.M. so We had an early afternoon.  Our non-verbal girl still has lots of smiles.  She really has a great smile.

One girl has said that she is ugly several times.  All I can do (in the physical) is tell her she is NOT ugly.  And I can send love and I do.  She and her friend can be a bit of a challenge and I do give "them" as much slack/space as I can.  Today the friend picked up All her trash and threw it away without being told or even asked.  I thanked her.

It is Allways nice to get off early and come home.

Friday, August 26, 2022


Ponyhopping works.  First of All it calms Me.  I repeat: "Please forgive Me.  I love You and I thank You.  Whenever the issue comes up again (and it Allmost Allways does) I repeat again.  My mind is like a dog with a bone worrying it until it is worn out and far beyond,  I did a lot of ponyhopping last night and this morning.

The children were great.  Some were a bit wired (probably because it is Friday) and it was happy wired.  We can work with that.  My loud boy started to get loud a couple of times and I was able to calm him.  Progress for sure.

Preschool starts next Wednesday.  I made My parent calls right after morning route.  Some of preschoolers whose pickup times were impossible for Us are going to PM preschool and so will not be on Our route.  This makes the times possible.

I did not have time to get as deep into dream as I have the last 2 days.

My PM students were great too.  My non-verbal girl is still happy, smiling and waving.  The last boy home did not show any signs of talking to him-Selves.  There is no seat directly across from him because that is where a wheelchair goes.  He was ducked down behind the seat in front of him most of the ride.

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Allmost All great

Today was a great day except for getting next weeks schedule at the end of the day.  The times are knot just bad: "they are impossible" and I can ponyhop: Please forgive Me.  I love You and I thank you.

The morning students were happy and some singing again.  My scared boy was relaxed enough to play.  He made baby sounds, then dog sounds and then cat sounds.  Then he showed Us All how he likes to wear his jacket (to look kewl?).

At school My game player took My glasses when I was getting her out of her starseat.  I tried to get "them" back but that wasn't happening.  All the other students were backed up behind Me.  I finished unbuckling her and checked for My glasses.  She showed Me that she was wearing "them" and giggling.  Cute, but.  I took "them" back and We All got off the bus just fine.

I did not go quite as deep into dream on My break but it was still nice.

Several afternoon kids didn't ride so it was a little quieter.  One boy started in a bad mood and by the time he got home (Our first stop in the P.M.) he was fine.  I have seen other kids flip this fast before and it Allways amazes Me.

Our last drop off likes to talk to him-selves.  I was able to observe him today and his facial expressions were like someOne having a conversation with another physical person.  It was very interesting.

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Great day

If this wasn't a great day it was a close second. Most of the students were a little quiet and there was some singing going on throughout the day. I have no idea what "they" were singing but "they" were singing.

Our first stop rode for the first time today. He's been sick. It was nice to meet him. He knows several of the other riders from previous years. When We got to the next stop (loud boy) he says "He's Allways loud". I had to chuckle. I said that We are working on it.

It really does seem that he just does not know how to be excited without being loud. I keep calmly and quietly telling him "not so loud" and "bring Your volume down". Our driver tried telling him to quiet down and I told Our driver that he could not even hear him. It really was not too bad and he snuggled up to Me and farted. Then he farted again. What can I say? I Am grateful that My nose does not work.

Our scared boy is definitely doing better. He was happy today.

Mom just followed the little girl onto the bus and put her right in her seat and buckled her. It went much smoother. Mom had given Me her pack pack and lunch bad and I gave "them" to the girl right away. She was happy. Later when He pack pack started to slide off the seat I grabbed it and slid it back to her and We had a little laugh.

On My break I flashed on  this 'cause I was wearing My Snoopy shirt.  That lead Me to dreaming down memory lane.  It was fun.

Afternoon went great too.  Dispatch got permission to make Our morning checkin earlier so that We can get to school on time.  Now both checkin times should be good permanently (or something there abouts).

One of Our girls tried to sneak on another bus but the school caught her and brought her to Our bus.  She was mad.  Her friend calmed her down.  "They" had a good time.

When the students get off I wish "them" a good day and All the verbal Ones are saying "You too".  That's pretty good for middle and high schoolers.  It makes Me feel good.  We are getting to know each other and bonding, I theel.

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Another good day

Each day gets a little better.  Sure glad I have the students to keep Me sane.

I've done and am doing a lot of ponyhopping (ho'oponopono U can Google it).  My current short version is: "Forgive Me.  I love You.  Thank You.  It is taking responsibility for everything that is/seems wrong in a person's life.  I use it because it works (for Me).

My little game player still had to have dad pick her up and buckle her into her seat but much less struggle and at school she got her lunch bag and got right off the bus.  Much, much better.  I did sit across from her a while and We shared lots of smiles.

The new boy was much more comfortable and did not mention being scared at All.

My loud boy was sleepy the whole ride and whenever I sat with him he rested his head on My shoulder.  Remember: I just met him last Wednesday.  (It's the little things)

The service dog rode yesterday and today.  Everybody likes her.  I had the student sit up front which worked very well since she likes to talk about video games and so does My driver.

Two high school boys are good friends and I told "them" that "they" could sit together and "they" had a really good time.  It's fun to hear laughter.

My non-verbal girl tried to talk to Me in sign but I don't know sign.  One of the other girls does know sign but she was having a rough day.  I will ask her to interpret.

Monday, August 22, 2022

Start of week 2

Things are starting to straighten out and I Am stressing less.  The first week is Allways hard but this was the hardest I've had.  We expected it to be hard last year being the first year with this company.  We really thought this year wood bee better.  Lesson in expectations?????

We continue to get new students and that's cool.  I AM getting to know "them" and that is even cooler.  I've never had this many children before.  "They" are loading up the routes because they are so short on drivers.  That makes it a little harder on the students also.  Longer rides and more personalities in each section.

One little girl makes it a game to not get in her seat and not get off the bus.  As much as I like seeing children playing games: that One really does not work for Me.  Mom gets on the bus and puts here in her seat and the teachers kinda help get her off the bus.  She is laughing All the time she is fighting Us.  It is hard not to laugh to.  Maybe I should?  At least I don't get angry.  I don't like getting angry.

One boy rode the bus for the very first time today.  He kept saying he was scared.  I asked what he was scared of.  He said: "The bus".  I told him that We would keep him safe and it would probably get better as he got used to riding.  Our driver did not hear this and started talking about sliding in the winter.  I told him the boy was Allready scared.  Later I asked how he was doing.  He said: "Still scared".  I asked: "getting better"?  and he said "yes".  Soon he was dancing in his seat.  It turned out that he has a couple of friends on the bus too.

I'm really glad that the two middle school girls are friends.  That makes "their" ride much better.

Most of the students have cell phones now and "they" are glued to those the whole ride.  I can observe those and send love.

Friday, August 19, 2022

And even better

Much better today.  Until it wasn't.  Just kidding (kinda).

In the AM We had a 5 year old for the first time (because We had the wrong address.  She was a little anxious getting on which is not usual the first time.  Mom got on and buckled her in and she was fine.  I thought it might help if I sat with her so I asked.  The answer was no because her lunch box went there.  Okay then......I sat across from her and that was fine.  She calmed down and was quite talkative though I rarely understood what she was saying.  She knew what she was saying.  The next student on wanted to sit with her but he does not keep his hands to himSelf so I had him sit across and I went back to sitting with My loud boy.

The boy who rides the bus alone had his phone today and as soon as he was buckled he said: "I finally get to play this".  From then on he was totally absorbed in his game until he got to school.  Then he waited for Me to say okay before he unbuckled and got his pack pack on.

The computer took Me off My PM section completely.  I told Our ops supervisor in the morning and she said she would fix it.  When I got back she was gone and I still was not in/on the computer for PM.  I talked to another supervisor and he said to come in the same time as yesterday.  At first ye said: "the usual time" and I said it had different both days.

My break went swell and I wasn't fretting about anything.  Got My week's groceries (I have a frozen gallon jug of ice that I put in My large icechest) and had a Reuben samich at Arby's with a large Jamocha shake.  Yummy.

When I got back the ops supervisor was there and she wondered how it was even possible.  She had Me do a paper sign-in and she was going to look into it.  (I asked several supervisors if I could take the afternoon off and All said "NO")

We got to Our first PM school as scheduled and All the other buses were leaving.  My driver asked the teachers and We were scheduled 10 minutes late.  I asked if "they" could call district and tell "them" and she got the vice principal and My driver talked to him as I gave MySelf another lesson in driving and securing an electric wheelchair.  I Am making progress.

The students were glad that We were closer to on time and We had a pleasant ride.  Two middle school girls have become friends and are sitting together.  I tell You though the things "they" discuss were totally taboo when I was that age.  One asked the other her sexual orientation.  If anyOne had asked Me that at that age I probably would have said that I Am a guy.

One did call out: "______ You're gay".  I said: "Girls: that is inappropriate on the bus".  Later One said "gay" again and the other said: "You can't say that in front of him" pointing at Me.  I said "The word gay" is not inappropriate.  Calling someOne "gay" on the bus is inappropriate.  I really don't know if I was clear or knot.  We did discuss a couple other things so We seemed okay.

The oldest boy showed Me the cartoon on his phone again and asked if he had shown it to Me.  I guess he really likes it.  It is Sponge Bob.  Oh I forgot: the loud boy on My Am is Allways looking for the Mickey Mouse club house when We get to town.  There is a children's museum in that area.  I Oneder if that is what he means?????

Now: I'm home and it is the weekend and i to dream for 2 days.  "They" finally get Me in the computer for PM and We got the message that starting Monday Our PM checkin would be another 10 minutes earlier.

Thursday, August 18, 2022

More better

Well: I did better today even though the route had more problems.  That is what is really important.  The students too of course and "they" really are My saving grace.

I sat next to the loud boy and that did seem to keep him calmer.  The thing is that I have long hair and he has known to pull hair in the passed.  Here's hopin' that doesn't happen.

Then We found that We had 2 wrong addresses on Our morning section.  Dispatch kept calling Us about One and the other rides a different route.

One little guy who rides alone told Me yesterday that he is 8 and today he said his phone was charging and it takes a long time.  He had a tablet and when I ask him what kind it was he said it was for kids.  I love these kind of conversations.  He had electric orange shoes and I told him "they" were cool.

We have a different bus in the PM because We need 2 wheel chair spaces.  "They" gave Us an extra 15 minutes today but did not tell Us.  When My driver told Me his time had changed I checked and Mine had also changed.  I clocked in and went out to install the wheel chair securements.  I found out that half Our wheel chair equipment was missing.  Getting this resolved was quite a chore.  I found out that there are different types for different buses.  So: We started 15 minutes early and were 20 minutes late going out on route.

While this was frustrating I was knot as upset as yesterday.  When We got to both Our afternoon schools I was able to apologize to the students and My driver apologized to the teachers.  So far the only wheel chair that We have had is an electric chair.  Apparently the student can not operate the control so I Am getting to learn how to drive an electric wheel chair.  (Remember: I hate learning.)

I was happy that I remembered All the students names and could call each by name or nickname.  Some had questions for Me and others wanted to have complete conversations.  I never know what a student might want each day and I let "them" initiate conversation.  Several years ago a little boy taught Me that.

Oh: I wanted to mention: I have noticed that idea of "play date" seems to popular and quite common.  I theel that is really cool.  One boy in summer school was very excited One afternoon because he had a play date with his sister at the park after he got home.  Then One day at Subway two gradeschoolers  asked "their" parents if "they" could have a play date and both sets of parents said "Yes".  No One seemed surprised or embarrassed or awkward.  YAY!!!!

Play dates forever.

On My break I listened to You Tube and zoned out really deep.  I do not theel that I went to sleep but I sure went deep and it sure felt good.

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

First day back

First day of the new school year today.  It was confusing (normal for first day) but it really frustrated Me which is knot normal.   zI think it is the first time I have had All new students.  That means new areas, new places and All new personalities.

This company (new last year) does knot wanna pay Us to make maps and "they" are cutting Our times really short.  This is My belief and therefore what I get.

About half the students did not ride and that tends to make a confused Me even more confused.

Did I mention that I was confused? So glad I was knot driving.

Also glad that the students ARE great.  I tell Ya: the children keep Me sane.  Fortunately I was able to knot take My frustration out on the students.  I Am sure that "they" could sense My frustration and I even told My middle and high schoolers that I was not having a good day.  One then wished Me a good day.  I thought that was sweet and thanked her.

One morning student was very quiet until his friend got on and man oh man did that change.  I like the students being happy but this was Allmost dangerously loud.  Gotta work on that One.  I Allways tell My drivers that I don't yell at My students I try to work with "them".  This is a good example.  I remain calm and try to quietly tell "them" to bring the volume down.

As We learn Our route and children it will improve.

Our service dog is supposed to start riding tomorrow.  Our safety manager was upset that school district did not give Us any training.  School district did not know "they" were expected to.  That had been a concern which finally got resolved.

Most of the students were quiet which is normal for All new.  A couple definitely wanted to talk to Me and did some.  One highschooler showed Me a cartoon on his cell phone which I theel showed frustration like I was theeling.

Several times I did remember to repeat My current mantra: "Love, peace, calm and well being.  Our true nature.  Our natural state of being."  This is so contrary to what I usually experience in My waking world that is very easy to forget and fall back into the old beliefs of struggle and strife:  Us vs. "them".  Progress knot perfection.

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Dreaming of dreaming

I've been dreaming and loving it. I have no problem with going over the edge; it's the coming back that hangs Me up. When I Am on the bus I have to come back to at least some extent.

There are just soooo many alternate worlds and lives to explore and experience. Some I remember and some I don't. I Allmost Allways wake with a smile.

I had One dream that was about dreaming. It explained a lot of what I experience to Me: I was in class (obviously a different timeline yet still very 3d) and typing a story on a computer. I was making it up as I went along so I went into the story to write it. I was way deep into the story. Something woke Me a bit (probably the bell for end of class). I did NOT want to leave My story. (Ah mom, just five more minutes???)

Apparently My classmates were used to this. "They" helped Me gather My things and shut down My computer. Then "they" helped Me stand up and untangle My legs from the desk. I was barely capable of doing these things and really needed help.

In My familiar, waking life I rarely have anyOne to help Me climb out of dream or living in My stories. It is kinda like falling asleep on a plane and waking in another country and timezone.

Most of My other lives and worlds are pleasant and lots of love. There are certainly some that are knot so pleasant but I rarely revisit those. The lives with fighting and such are knot hard to leave. The rest I really want to stay there.

So: I've been playing a lot. The regular school year starts next week.

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Kickoff day

I have a really good theeling about this coming school year. Or maybe it's just about life and I'm thinking about the coming school year since We just finished Our first day of prep for the coming school year.

I Am watching the Marvel Cinematic Universe and I know that is helping. You see: I have seen some of that stuff in dream before I ever watched anything from Marvel. I'm sure some of You are shaking Your head(s) and thinking I've gone over the edge this time. Well: isn't that what living the woo is All about? If You take My hand You can go over the edge with Me.

I don't know much about My new route yet but I think it will be Allmost All new (to Me) students.  I know that I will have pre-k through high school.  I have the same driver as last year which is okay.  Knot My first choice but My first choice went big bus last year and hasn't come back to sped yet.  The driver that I have is stricter and more mainstream than I Am.  He has a daughter of his own and I Am certain that We are paired up again for a reason.


I Am theeling the energies.  Everything that I Am reading says the energies of this August are very trans-formative and I Am theeling it and dreaming it: intense.  I cannot put what I Am theeling (in waking) as I dive further and deeper into the multiverse.

We had quite a thunderstorm last night and We have had several these past few weeks.  I hope the rain from this One put out any forest fires that the lightning started.  I don't think I mentioned that the 2 days I was without power the outage covered a two hundred mile stretch and even took out 911 serviced for a few hours.

Today is kickoff and bid day for the new school year.  It's a bit early.  Then Thursday We will do dry runs and Friday will be live runs.  School does not start until the 17th and We will do another live run (checking the times on the route) on the 15th.

After today I will know what students I have but won't get to ride with the children until the 17th.

So: I will get quite a bit of dream time.  I've really been enjoying My dreams which are other/alternate/parallel lives and realities that I Am living.  A lot of My recent visits are on star ships: fun.

In One world/life a friend and I landed Our star ship and for some reason could not take off again.  Then We were chased by some Alien hunters.  My friend led Us to the home of a friend.  "They" were very friendly and hospitable despite firing a shotgun out the front door as We approached.  As soon as "they" recognized My friend it was All smiles and hugs.

This was a very remote and hillbilly type spot and noOne came there looking for Us.  Apparently "they" thought it would be more likely to find Us in a city.  (Silly Wabbits)

We had a lot of fun with these folks.