More typical 3D within multiD
Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.
Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.
We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.
We wake grateful.
We would love to stay in dream. We remind Us that We ARE waking and walking in multiD. We remember some of the other worlds We have visited recently. We can continue to visit “them”.
Thank Us.
We left early to stop at a minimart to get large bottles of Code Red for the weekend. The big stores are not carrying that size anymore?
Our morning dispatcher says that Our driver will be back for noon and PMs starting Monday. We ask how that works since usually a part time driver or attendant has to go sub and can not keep a route. We ask because We would like to do that next year only not as a sub.
All of Our highschoolers ride and “they” take Us to dream. “They” take Us to visit “their” world(s0 and We real-eyes that some of the world(s) that We visit in Our dreams at home ARE “their” worlds. Interesting that.
All of Our gradeschoolers ride. The One sits by “themSelves” today and the other is upset. At school: the other One tries to trip the older kid who Allways gets off first. We tell “them” that that IS wrong and that We will talk to “their” teacher. We have tried to explain why the One gets off first to no avail. After the first One gets off We signal the teacher on and tell her that the One tried to trip the other. We hope this will put an end to that behavior. Afterwards We found the tripper had left “their” gloves on the bus and We took “them” in to the office.
Only the first kid rode to Our second school. The siblings are still sick.
The One got up and off the bus with only Our coaxing. We suggested to the teacher that “they” get a reward. We praised the kid so that “they” could hear Us.
We went to hottub on Our first break. Nice.
Only One rode on Our noon section so We finished early.
We went for lunch and Wifi.
We take Our time since it is warmer and We are not concerned about getting a plugin. We read a bit from Our Kindle book and some email.
We get back to base a little early and do get a plugin so We can have Our electric heater on for some dream time.
Our subdriver tells Us that she talked to management and that Our driver being part time has to be temporary in order for her to keep the route. That means that a driver with more seniority can not bid Our route. We are relieved about that.
Both kids ride from Our first PM school. One is wound up with sugar and the other is way into “their” music as usual.
Most of Our gradeschoolers ride. We finish about the usual time and go straight home.
We play in multiD, have dinner and head to dream early.
Goodnight AND thank You for playing.