Deeper and deeper into multiD
Wizard’s Log Stardate: 2:08 AM and/or NOW
Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.
Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.
We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.
We wake grateful. We ARE changing how We think: We ARE expanding. We allowing OurSelves to wake in multiD. We ARE more than this body and We let the energy (love) flow through Us.
Thank Us.
We ARE making progress and We ARE grateful. We ARE waking in multiD. We have been seeking this AND resisting it for a long time.
Another great day with the kids.
We ARE slipping deeper and even deeper into multiD: into OurSelves. The kids are in multiD too even though not All are aware of it. MultiD includes 3D so We are present with Our kids. The currency of this new millennium is “paying attention”. We pay attention to Our students and do Our best to allow and give “them” what “they” need. We stay in the now to the best of Our ability.
We are reminded that We never get it done and We never get it wrong. That is sooooo contrary to what We have Allways believed and lived. We are learning to think and act in completely new ways. We can not get it by Our current abilities to think because that will only keep Us in the old because that is All that We know. We MUST open and allow. We open to love and allow love. We set it All free with love. We set Us free with love.
Thank Us.
Our highschoolers are typical: lost in “their” worlds.
Our gradeschoolers are “their” typical Selves also. We are mostly on time. Close is good enough.
The One kid gets off the bus and walks up to the school by “themSelves”. Lots of progress. As We were pulling into school “they” asked: “When do We go home?”. We had to chuckle. The other older kid waits for “their” preschool sibling. That is fine. “They” are very protective.
We have lunch and Wifi on Our morning break. Again: We ARE learning how to do this: how to live in 3D within multiD. How to be in the world and NOT be of the world. It certainly IS a process. We had no idea what We were seeking. We ARE finding.
Our two noon kids wanna sit together and have Us sit with “them” again. It is a little tight because the first chose to sit in a starseat which takes up more room.
At the first daycare We tell the student that the teacher wants “them” to hold Our hand up to the gate so that We do NOT get lost or in trouble. “They” are very willing to comply. We are glad there is no struggle. “They” are known as a “runner” though it is hard to imagine. “They” are totally willing and cooperative with Us.
We have experienced control issues with this daycare before. Regardless We must comply and follow “their” rule(s).
The second kid goes right in to “their” daycare and seems excited to see friends. “They” were very happy that We fixed the pocket on Our safety vest.
We go hottub on Our second break. Same time, same things and We finish early enough to get an I-scream cone for the drive back to base. We actually finish Our cone at base. We even get a few minutes to dream. We ARE deep in multiD. I-scream, dreams and multiD. Does it get any better than this?
Our first afternoon rider is gone to dream right away again.
We stop for fuel and get to Our afternoon gradeschool early. Our assistant manager is an attendant again and comes to talk with Us. We joke around and Our driver tells him that We are a real loner. He jokes asking if We live in a dry cabin in the woods and We say “Yes”. He is surprised and a little embareassed.
We have fun with the kids. Our little kid (literally very small) is delighted that We sit with “them” and plays until “they” fall asleep. We have One regular rider who does not ride. We tell a teacher that We have a new address for the One who has not ridden yet so maybe “they” will start riding next week. She asks if “they” are on a different route. “They” are tired of the routes changing.
We finish a little early and go straight home.
We try to get ready for dinner early. It is a little early when We have dinner with “Eureka”. We were not sure if We would enjoy Our chosen dinner and it turns out to be really good.
Time to let Our “Vortex” take Us to dream.
Goodnight AND thank You for playing.