And mostly in multiD again
Wizard’s Log Stardate: 2:59 AM and/or NOW
Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.
Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.
We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.
We wake grateful. We woke a bit before Our coffeemaker started and lay in bed repeating (and theeling) Our mantra: “We love Us AND We thank Us”. We open and allow. We relax and breathe.
Relaxing Our way to success. Our head still thinks that We have to struggle and strive to succeed and even to just merely survive. This IS changing. Our heart IS coming forward to lead and guide Us. Our natural state IS well being. That is soooooo contrary to how/what We have Allways believed. We ARE making a monumental change in how We think, believe and live.
Thank Us.
Our student who lives the farthest out rides today. We like having “them” on Our bus. “They” are a lot of fun. “They” sleep most of the ride today and that makes it a lot quieter than when “they” are awake. We likes it either way.
Our second rider is wide awake and would like the first to wake up and play. After a while “they” go to sleep too.
Next: We have another student who only rides Wednesday and Thursday. This One is a real talker. We enjoy “them” too.
Our next riders are siblings and We Oneder if “they” might be twins? Originally: We only had One and We thought that “they” were older: seeing “them” together We Oneder. “They” are pretty quiet though “they” do try to talk. “They” know what “they” are saying and sometimes We do too. Today will be “their” last day for the summer.
Then We have a very autistic student who has also been (mostly) a delight. “They” are very happy and playful this morning.
Our “friend” is next. This One does NOT talk. “They” sure can communicate though. “They” want Us to sit with “them” today.
We have two more who are pretty quiet and there are two more sets of siblings who do not ride today.
We unload at school and go for Our extra kid. “They” have a bag of tortilla chips with “them”. We are uncertain about this. We do NOT wanna fight with “them” about the chips. As We get close to school “they” try to eat All the chips before getting off. This does NOT work. The teacher ends up getting on and We get chip crumbs All over the seat. The fight is minor. This kid can really put up a fight when “they” do not get “their” way.
Today is a hottub day. We have breakfast and do a little shopping waiting for time for the hottub to open.
There are some kids from another program at the pool. One clearly recognizes Us.
It is very nice to relax and let the massaging bubbles take Us deep into multiD.
We have time for some dreaming before checkin time. Our alarm goes off and draws Us back to 3D. We do not really wanna return to 3D. We allow OurSelves to wake in multiD and that helps. We probably look like We are sleep walking (or drunk). People are getting used to it with Us.
All the kids who rode this morning ride this afternoon. “They” are All awake and playful. We have to remind some to keep the volume down. After a while One gets overwhelmed with another. “They” can be a bit intense. We distract the One for a bit and then “they” are back at it. As long as both are having fun We appreciate “them”. When “they” need a break at least One real-eyes it before anything blows.
The last kid has a fairly long ride by “themSelves” and takes a nap. “They” make sure that “their” imaginary friend is buckled in well (first) though.
We stop for I-scream. Our melts and Allmost makes a mess. We ARE grateful for the extra napkins that We keep stashed behind a car seat.
We get back a little after Our scheduled time because it has never been adjusted for having All of Our kids.
We ARE deep in multiD Once again and come straight home.
We go right to dream. After a couple of hours We get up and read with dinner.
Now: We let Our “Vortex” take Us to deep dreams.
Goodnight AND thank You for playing.