Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Our dry run day in 3D within multiD



Our dry run day in 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:46 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful. Today is bid day for summer school.

We had a Onederfull weekend dreaming. We did watch some YouTubes and did some reading on Our Kindle reader. We are mostly in multiworlds and multiD. We are rarely only in 3D anymore and especially NOT in limitation. We ARE expanding. We are beginning to see beyond Our filters and illusions and through Our limits and boundaries. We visit lots of other worlds with many new friends.

Sometimes this makes 3D a little more difficult. It is like learning to walk All over again. Very few wanna do that and so We take it slow and easy. We ARE blazing trail. Not an easy task in any generation.

The bidding went well. We got a driver that We have never had before. He has a daughter who is very autistic and a son who is an attendant. His wife has subbed on Our route (as driver) a few times. We think that he likes kids and that is what matters to Us.

There is some confusion about making maps and doing Our dry runs after the bidding. Our supervisor decides to print out turn by turn directions so that We do not need to do maps. We can do Our dry run as soon as these directions are printed out. We had agreed (with Our driver) to do Our dry run tomorrow at 10 AM. He is still here and agrees to do Our dry run now. This gets it done in One day. We are also told that We are required to do a live time run a week from Tuesday. This means that We will have to come in at Our checkin time that day and do Our AM and PM sections starting at Our regular start time. As much as We do not really like this prospect: it is probably a good idea. It is required by school district. We are surprised that district actually has a good idea.

Our dry run goes smooth. We have a little difficulty finding a couple of places where a map might have helped. It does not take too much to figure out where the houses are. There is One that totally baffles Us. We call dispatch and “they” look at maps and satellite pictures and We think that We may have found it. We can not take the bus up to the house because of a mud bog in the driveway. We find All the rest and make contact with most of the parents.

Back at base We try to call the parent that We could not get to the house: the number just rings busy. There is another number on the route sheet that is missing the last digit. Our supervisor tries to get the full number without success. She will try more later. We can call next Tuesday.

We go to the pool after We finish at base. The pool with the hottub is closed for maintenance. It is still good to get a long, hot shower.

Next: We go to the store for a few groceries. We do not need much since We are gonna try and use up some of the food We have frozen. We just are not eating much these days so Our freezer is quite full.

We have a ham (in the fridge) that needs to be cooked now too.

At home We are pretty much in multiD. We do put away Our groceries and have some dinner before going back to dream.

Goodnight AND thank You for playing.

Monday, May 21, 2018

Last day of school in 3D within multiD



Last day of school in 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:26 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful.

This is NOT about escaping, going somewhere else and/or being saved: this IS about more. It IS about Us. We ARE the event that so many are waiting for. While We wait: Our expansion and evolution are happening.

Thank Us.

We ARE living what We might be waiting for.

This is Our last day of school for the year. As usual We will miss the kids and We way look forward to dreaming in.

We can theel Our world changing and expanding starting within Us and working its way out. The change begins with(in) Us.

It is the last day of school this year. We say goodbye to Our kids. Some it is on the verbal level and others it is on the mental/telepathy level. Two kids say that “they” hope We are on “their” bus next year. We do love hearing that. We certainly do hope to see “them” again. It has been a rough year in many respects and also a very rewarding year.

Our supervisor got upset with Us and We with her. We feel like We are treated like a slave at times and are supposed to do “their” bidding at All times. Guess that is part of the limitation and separation world that We created to explore. We ARE over it.

We sure are glad that Our day is spent with Our kids and not with supervisors.

Thank Us.

Our driver is out for the morning to attend her son’s sixth grade graduation. Most of Our kids ride and We get to say goodbye on whatever level We reach “them”. We enjoy Our time with Our kids.

We go to the pool on Our break. Even though the hottub is not open at this time We still enjoy a long, hot shower.

Our highschooler is saying goodbye in “their” way. We imagine that We will see “them” again since We have had “them” on Our bus several times.

We get a variety of pasta salads from the Safeway deli on Our break between schools. We like pasta salad. One variety has green peas, hard boiled egg and broccoli. We really like that One.

Our foster kid does not ride as We suspected would happen. We are glad that We said goodbye yesterday. Our “bad boy” and summer school kid kinda get along. Gran’ma tells Us that she and Our “bad boy” are gonna do a lot of camping. We hope that “they” have fun.

Our summer school kid says that “they” will be riding a big bus next year. We ARE glad that We got to have “them” on Our bus again with this driver.

One of the teachers made a point of coming to the bus to shake Our hand and tell Us that “they” hope We come to “their” school again next year. That theels good too.

We stop for groceries on the way home. We also stop at the dumpsters.

At home We are well into multiD and on Our way to dream. We put away Our groceries and notice that We do have to concentrate to do 3D while this deep into multiD.

We have dinner and are ready for dreaming. It is not quite the beginning of summer to Us since We only have a three day weekend and then bid day.

Off We go to dream.

Goodnight AND thank You for playing.

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Another day in 3D deep within multiD



Another day in 3D deep within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:23 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful again and We theel this IS important. We woke just before Our coffeemaker started. Our internal clock woke Us. Now if We can just get it to go multidimensional.

We get Our tablet ready to take so We can read Our current Kindle book on Our breaks if We wanna.

We ARE reminded to remember how success theels. It is a vibration that We wanna remember and retheel. We notice that We ARE mostly in multiD as We wake today. That IS a good thing. That IS progress. We wanna theel higher vibrations. We wanna live as unconditional love wearing a physical body. That IS what We really are and now We wanna live that way.

Another great day with the kids. Our middleschoolers are typical. We send love. We can drop “them” off early and Our first gradeschooler is a noride so We get a bit of a break. We get a package of blueberry muffins and some strawberry milk. Yummy.

We have four gradeschoolers and “they” are All in good moods. One has really warmed up to Us recently. “They” Allways look kinda vacant. As We watch close: We see that “they” are actually very aware of the world around “them”. “They” are probably a great example of what living in multiD is really All about. “They” are clearly here AND there.

We get gas and go hottub after Our AM section.

Our highschooler is looking at “their” yearbook most of the ride. “They” just can not resist touching Us as “they” get off the bus. We guess We can allow this little indulgence.

We have Starbucks on Our break between schools. We read some of Our Kindle book and this helps the time go quickly.

Our PM kids are great. Our foster kid made a 3d cityscape and it is quite good. Our “bad boy” is playful and asks if We can try to be on “their” bus next year. We say that We will try. We can not promise. We will try. Our summerschool kid is engrossed in “their” DS.

When We get to Our last stop “they” left “their” book on the bus so We have Our driver honk and take the book up to “them”. “They” do not think anyOne is home. “They” are kinda at a loss at what to do. We have “them” get back on the bus with Us and have Our driver call in. The foster mom does not answer and the student remembers that she has a meeting about the foster kids. The dad is at work and should be home in around half an hour. We wait. Soon the mom shows up with several of the foster brothers.

We finish a little later than yesterday: not much though. We ARE ready. Our driver comments that it feels like a long day.

We are into multiD and slip a little deeper in.

We stop for groceries on the way home.

At home We go dream for a bit before anything else. When We get up We theel like a light dinner and fall into YouTube for the evening. Many of the kids bring Us to tears. Some of these folks are simply amazing.

We stay up a little late enjoying the videos.

Now: We will let Our “Vortex” take Us to dream.

Goodnight AND thank You for playing.

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Early outs in 3D within multiD



Early outs in 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate:3:20 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful. We woke just before Our coffeemaker started. It was kinda a fitful night for Us. We pondered Our old dragon quite a bit. Just as We woke We remembered that One of the drivers had been a little interested in Our dragon and “they” are now driving “their” old truck to work. We decided to ask if “they” want the dragon. We really have no room or need for it.

We do wanna remember how to teleport. When We do that We should have no need of vehicles. We shall see. We thelt One of Our students contacting Us during the night wanting to teleport too. We do theel that soon people will begin remembering how to teleport. We theel it may start small and grow. Who knows?

We notice that Our head is trying to attack and distract Us this morning. Silly head. We set it free with love. We are NOT leaving Our head behind. It may be afraid of teleporting. It will be fine. Our head will go with Us everywhere We go. We ARE safe and remain safe.

We love Us AND We thank Us.

We realeyes that the word teleport (or Our understanding/concept of it) is not quite accurate. We theel this is part of what is stopping Us. In Our thinking: teleport is about changing locations. It is really about changing/shifting vibration. There really are NO other places and We theel this is an important point for Us. There are (We theel) different energies and vibrations. We theel that this concept of reality is important for Us to begin to grasp and live. The old concepts/beliefs of time and space are just that: old. We wanna move forward. Getting another car project would not help Us focus on expanding Our thinking and beliefs. At least: not that We can see. We also know that We theel much better (inside) since We decided to tell the other driver about the dragon.

We theel that We are getting closer to travelling vibrationally. Even the word travelling carries old meaning for Us. All space is right here. It is inside NOT outside. This is not a new concept for Us: it is simply a concept that We have yet to live and fully believe. Our old beliefs still hold sway for Us. “They” remain Our default thinking and beliefs. We ARE growing and expanding. It IS a slow and gradual process.

Another great day with the kids. We enjoy Our middleschoolers even if We do not talk with “them”. We do connect on deeper levels. We do not know if “they” are aware of this in 3D or knot.

We have a fairly long break (between schools) because Our first two gradeschoolers do not ride. That leaves only three riders. “They” are pretty playful. One has a little basketball today.

We have a two hour break because of early outs. We talk to Our previous driver about Our old dragon. He is quite interested and talks to the gal who bought it. We explain that We just do not have room for it. The driver has more need of it too. We talk a while about cars and trucks and such. He Allways has plans to do this and that. He has more ambition than We do in 3D. We know that a lot of his ideas never go beyond planning stage. He does have older kids to help him.

Then We go to the pool. The hottub is not open at this time so We take a long, hot shower. That is nice too.

We stop at Safeway for some lunch. “They” have “their” stuffed, baked taters that We really like.

We have Our highschooler and do that section right on time. We have to clock out between schools now. We are kinda pissed about that. However: We KNOW that being pissed is old thinking and beliefs. We ponyhop. We do NOT want to cling to limitation and argue for Our limits. We wanna set All that free with love. It is old patterns, programming and thinking and it IS limiting. Ponyhopping We go. We DO set it free with love. It theels much better to set it free than it does to grump about it. Grumping and getting upset is just a pattern now. It is no longer Our lifestyle and mindset. We ARE growing and expanding.

We get some I-scream for Our desert.

There is a long gap between schools now. We wish that We had thought to update Our Kindle reader on Our Nook. We hope to remember to do that or maybe start bringing Our RCA tablet again to read during this gap.

There are no PM preschoolers for early outs and Our foster kid went home early. We only have three gradeschoolers. We are surprised that “they” get along very well. Two who were upset with each other yesterday are sitting together and being chums today.

Our “bad boy” plays his Mario pretend with Us.

We finish pretty early.

We stop at the post office on Our way home. We are pretty deep in multiD so We kinda havta pay attention to what We are doing.

At home We go dream a bit before doing much else. We barely wake after that. We decide to go ahead and get up and have some dinner. We watch more of “The Rain” with dinner. We are not very hungry. Soon We are ready to let Our “Vortex” take Us to dream.

Goodnight AND thank You for playing.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Interesting 3D day in multiD



Interesting 3D day in multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:24 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful. We have Our coffeemaker set to start a few minutes before Our alarm goes off and that is nice. We did not sleep real well last night so even Our coffeemaker was a bit of a shock. We ARE waking in multiD so that is easier than trying to jolt back into only 3d.

We had a great weekend dreaming and being in multiD when awake. Lots and lots of worlds with many, many new friends and several from Our waking world too. Some of the worlds are nearby vibrationally and therefore quite similar. We notice more freedom and less limitation there. We theel that soon people in Our waking world will begin teleporting. Imagine what a difference that alone will make in Our world.

This is Our last full day of school this year. We will miss the kids and enjoy the extra dream time. We ARE getting more and more into multiD with every passing day.

We have a nice morning with Our kids. Our middleschoolers are typical and seem to be having a good morning. We will miss “them”: really nice kids.

Our first gradeschooler is a noride and One of the other buses broke down so We are gonna get One of “their” kids. We were gonna get two of “their” kids until We found out that One is in Fairbanks and We are Allready in North Pole. When We check on the pickup time for the One We decide to pickup All of Our kids first. The extra kid does not come out when We get to “their” house. We do hear the other route call in that student quite a bit.

We end up being about ten minutes late to school.

We have lunch on Our first break since it is a little shorter than usual.

Only the closest two kids ride on Our noon section so We finish an hour early. We decide to go hottub since We have time. That is nice. We really enjoy it. We stop for a soda on the way back to base and get back a little early.

The attendant who bought Our old dragon asks Us if We want it back: for free. She just wants it gone. We tell her that We will take it. We do not theel that there is as much wrong as she has been told.

Our highschooler does not ride. We go to his stop to tell “them” his drop off time for the next three days.

We have Starbucks on Our break between schools.

We ponder Our old dragon All afternoon.

Only the first few kids ride so We have a short run. Three of the kids from the same class are having a hard time with each other. Two that usually do NOT get along get along fine. One left “their” game cards inside and by the time “they” realeyes it the teachers are back inside and We are locked out. “They” get quite upset and have a hard time handling it. Our “bad boy” is doing great. Our summerschool kid had a bad day and for some reason “their” classmates do NOT wanna talk to “them”. We are surprised because “they” are usually popular. “They” cope and only just.

After the first two are dropped off things settle down. Of course: We only have two more stops after that. The last stop is a fairly new preschooler who is having a grand time.

Our driver takes the long way home so We only finish a little early.

We stop at the dumpsters on the way home because “they” are not open on Our way to town in the mornings now.

At home We call Our mechanic friend and leave a message. We Oneder what is going on with him. We tell him about Our old dragon.

We have dinner with “The Rain”. We kinda enjoy this new show.

We ponder Our old dragon All evening. We realeyes that We do not really want it back. We do not have room for it and We would rather put Our time and money into Blue. What We really want is to put Our energy and vibration into remembering how to teleport. We kinda thought there might be a message in her asking Us if We want it and another driver thinks We should take it back. That is NOT what Our intuition is saying to Us. Our mechanic has not called back and We are ready to let Our “Vortex” take Us to dream.

Goodnight AND thank You for playing.

Monday, May 14, 2018

Another 3D day mostly in multiD



Another 3D day mostly in multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:11 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful. First We woke and got up early and then We decided to go back to dream for a while. We did not sleep real well last night and have no idea what was going on. Apparently something with the energies. We did visit lots of worlds with many new friends. That IS important.

Our driver is out again this morning. We have One of the young kids for a sub. He is a nice guy and a good driver. A little talkative and that is okay since We have to stay awake to give directions anyway.

Both of Our middleschoolers ride. The first is quiet as usual and the other talks a little. “They” are both really nice kids. We can drop “them” a little earlier than We could the other kids that We had earlier in the year. That is nice since it gives Us time for a potty break.

Our first gradeschooler is a noride so We have even more of a potty break so even nicerer. We only have three riders for gradeschool. Several are out sick. The One sensitive kid seems upset again and recovers by the time We get to school.

We have lunch on Our first break. We go to Safeway for “their” $5 Friday lunch. After We get Our order We notice that “they” have spaghetti. That woulda been good. We will have to remember to look for it next time.

Our noon section is fairly typical. We have fun with these kids. Especially when “they” do not argue about Spiderman. Sometimes bringing toys causes more problems.

We hang out in Our chariot for Our second break and it gets quite windy.

We have a driver that We have had before. The wind is blowing Our bus. These vans are light with a lot of wind resisdance. We also think he is falling asleep on Our gradeschool section. Of course so are We when We do not have kids. We theel there are a couple of times that it is a good thing that there are no cars in the oncoming lane. We are not paying attention when We leave the school (because We thought he knew the way) and he takes a wrong turn. Our foster kid shows some concern: more than just going the wrong way. The driver did fall sound asleep waiting for time to pickup the kids.

We only have a few riders so We finish early. On the way back We run up on the opposite sidewalk at One point. We are very glad We have no students on board and there is no oncoming traffic.

We go hottub afterwards. The pool is closed until 5 today so We take Our time getting there. Relaxing in the hottub helps Us slip deeper into multiD.

At home We ARE deep in multiD. We have a good time there and go dream fairly soon.

Goodnight AND thank You for playing.

Friday, May 11, 2018

More learning to do 3D within multiD



More learning to do 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:53 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful. We did have to remind Us that We get to wake in multiD to get Us out of bed. Puts a smile on Our face.

Lots of worlds with more new friends.

Thank Us.

It is sooooo nice outside that We try to sit on Our porch to listen to Our “Vortex”. The mosquitoes swarm Us so We come back inside and leave the front window open. We let it get too warm inside.

We have fun with the kids. One middleschooler is not riding so We drop early (because We can) and go to McDonald’s for a break. We decide to get a McGriddle samich. “They” are soooooo slow that We fear being late. We got back to the bus before Our driver and she wants to wait a bit before starting so that We are not too early to school. So: We have time to eat Our breakfast. We can “have” Our breakfast and eat it too.

Our gradeschoolers are mostly quiet. The One kid wants “their” IronMan and mom does not know where it is. We ended having to go up to the door and having mom put the kid in “their” starseat. “They” held onto “their” mad quite a while even though “they” did stop crying.

We had lunch on Our first break and got gas for Our chariot. We have extra time so We take it slow.

We go to safety (on Our way to the bus for Our noon run) to get a refill on Our body fluid kit. We kinda go around in circles with the safety guy and He finally comes to the bus and sees that the plastic box for the kit IS screwed down. He gets it loose and goes to get Us another. We follow him and put the new kit in the bus. We can not get it back on the screws and just attach it with the sticky stuff that was under the old kit. We are only a few minutes late to school if that.

One of Our noon kids brings a handfull of rocks on the bus and dumps “them” on the floor. We want “them” to sweep the rocks up. “They” refuse so We get the teachers and “they” tell him to sweep up the rocks and he does. Not very well. We real-eyes that how well he does it does not matter to Us. We want to teach “them” NOT punish “them”. Okay: at first We wanted to punish. We ARE still human and vibrating below unconditional love. We get over it and have a nice conversation with the kid on the ride home.

The other kid is still having a hard time sharing. We tell “them” that if “they” keep it up “they” will not get any toys. The other keeps saying that “they” will not get any toys any more. We let “them” know that We are NOT ready to go that far. We also explain to “them” that We did not stay mad at “them” after “they” swept up the rocks and that is how We try to treat everyOne. One student does not ride on Wednesday and the other got picked up. We only have the two kids that live the farthest out.

We finish Our usual time.

Again: We hang out in Our chariot for Our short break. It is pretty warm.

It gets up over seventy and then starts clouding up. Looks like rain.

The gradeschoolers do great. We are quite amazed at Our “bad boy” and summer school kid. We appreciate “their” behavior. We finish early because several kids do not ride.

We are deep in multiD by the time We get back to the barn. We do a little grocery shopping on Our way home.

At home: We put away Our groceries. We really ARE learning how to 3D within multiD. We watch a little “3%” with dinner. We do not eat a lot. We are still coughing a lot.

We let Our “Vortex” take Us to dream. Our cough wakes Us several times. It seems like We do not even sleep and real-eyes that We ARE visiting other worlds and playing with friends. We ARE aware of being awake in those worlds and that is why it seems like We are not sleeping.

Goodnight AND thank You for playing.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Continue learning to live in 3D within multiD



Continue learning to live in 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:11 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We dreamt in a little. Visited lots of cool worlds with new friends and some from Our waking world too. We remember in One there was a rock band playing at some function or gathering that We were involved with.

We are waking in 3D within multiD. Our world IS evolving: gradually.

Thank Us.

Our driver did not come in this morning. We have a sub driver who has not driven Our route since We got this gradeschool. He knows the first stop and the middleschool and that is it. We keep telling him that We wanna go the long route. The last kid’s mother came out to talk to Us. She says that “they” will not be riding because they get beaten on after We drop “them” at school so she is gonna take “them”. We told her that “they” did not wanna get off One morning and that “they” did not say why. She says that “they” are not capable of explaining “themSelves”. Wish We got more information. She says that “they” did really like riding Our bus. We are happy to hear that.

We have several norides on Our gradeschool section so We take a short break before starting. All the kids are in good moods. The One takes the time to get “their” stuffed, talking Spiderman from the yard. It is pretty cool and “they” show it to everyOne of course.

We have about half an hour to fill before We can drop off at school. When We do get to school traffic is terrible because “They” are having a bike rodeo today. The kids are excited. One mentioned/complained that “they” do not have a bike so “they” can not be in the rodeo and then asks why everyOne wants to be in the bike rodeo.

We have plenty of time to go to the pool on Our first break. We see a guy that We often see during the summer. He tells Us that he is buying a five yard dump truck and would be happy to haul a load of tailings for Us this summer. That would make a great start. We have no clue how much of Our drive five yards would do. Probably more than We would wanna spread anyway. Maybe We can buy the dumptruck after he is done?

Our driver just overslept and is here for Our noon run.

All of Our kids ride on Our noon section. “They” are All in fun, playful moods. The two rivals wanna sit together and We let “them” try. “They” do well until just before the second stop and there We have One move and “they” do with out any argument????? “Who are You?” LOL

We hang out in Our chariot for Our short break. The driver’s PIN did not work at the fuel pump so We ran later than usual and Our break is even shorter. Seems like We just sat back when Our alarm goes off.

Our highschooler has some pictures from the computer with “them”. He does not really tell Us about “them” since We are sitting behind. If “they” had something to show Us everyday We could probably sit across from “them”.

We get sushi from Safeway between schools. It is spicy tuna and spicy IS accurate. Pretty good. Did not need any wasabi. Glad We tasted the sauce before We added any wasabi.

Most of Our gradeschoolers ride. It is the last day for One of Our preschoolers. We will sure miss “them”.

The kids All do great. We are sure happy not to have any challenges. Perhaps Our releasing resisdance (through repeating Our “Vortex” meditation) IS affecting the kids too? Imagine that. The inner reflected in the outer.

We are pretty deep in multiD again.

We are able to focus a little more in 3D than We did yesterday. We do an email and then dinner. We bought potstickers yesterday and are gonna nuke “them” today. We had to make Our own sauce. Turned out good.

Now: ready to let Our “Vortex” take Us to dream.

Goodnight AND thank You for playing.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

A broke down bus in 3D within multiD



A broke down bus in 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:54 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful again. We decided to lay back down which helped/allowed Us to wake more in multiD. We did get back to dream and even though this world looks just like Our familiar, waking world: We can tell/theel that it is (at least) just a little bit different.

It seemed like We did not sleep real well. During the night We real-eyesed that We were dreaming and active in other worlds when We thought We were awake. We were asleep in this world and awake in other worlds. How cool is that?

Thank Us.

We ARE clearly more in multiD than usual when awake. We CAN theel Our Faerie castle All around Us. We notice that Our Faerie castle includes many (if not All) dimensions. That is probably why We still can not see it: We are not yet trained to see more than One of Our limitation (and even less limited) dimensions at a time.

Our bus broke down again (same thing) on the way to Our first stop. We went back to base and “they” sent Us to shop. We were over an hour late when “they” started getting another route to cover Our route. Who knows how late the kids were to school. “They” finally sent Us back to base in another route’s bus. We talked to Our new manager and he said We get paid for Our standard time. We told him the saga of this issue. He was not pleased and We do not know if he will do anything.

We did Our noon section and had Our usual three riders. “They” are playful. The One is still Batman and has a hard time with sharing. One is sooooo independent. It is cute. We both enjoy the kids.

We hang out in Our chariot for Our second break. It is getting much warmer. Nice.

Our driver’s fuel card is not working so she goes for fuel (with another card) after dropping Us off. We end up riding to Our highschool with another section and meeting Our bus and driver there.

Our highschooler is typical. We wish We could enjoy “them” more. “They” still have a hard time keeping “their” hands to “themSelves”.

We go to Safeway between schools and get pastasalad with extra cheese and raspberry vingarette dressing. We also get some potstickers to warm in the nuke at home later.

Our gradeschoolers are amazing today. “They” All play “guess the fruit” inspired by Our “bad boy”. We have to remind “Them” not to shout while everyOne takes turns guessing and thinking of a fruit. This entertains “them” far into the route. We have All of Our riders today which is unusual. We finish later than usual because of having everyOne on the bus. We enjoy the One who rarely rides even though “they” yell a lot. If “they” rode more We could probably teach “them” lower volume on the bus.

When We get back to the barn We are quite deep in multiD. We theel that We will go right to dream when We get home.

At home We are able to put everything away from Our chariot. We were not sure if We were in 3D enough. We go dream right away. We do wake a couple of times during the night and go right back to dream. We theel that We need this extra dreaming. We do not have dinner.

Goodnight AND thank You for playing.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

More 3D within multiD with the kids



More 3D within multiD with the kids

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:31 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful. We woke about ten minutes before Our coffeemaker started and lay in bed another ten minutes repeating Our mantras. We love Us AND We thank Us.

We are waking more in multiD All the time. We ARE allowing Our dream world(s) to continue as We wake. Progress not perfection.

We had a great weekend dreaming. We also got some 3D stuff done in between Our dreams. We were mostly in multiD when awake and sometimes 3D functional and sometimes not so much.

This is Our last full week of school. Summer school starts early this year and is only four weeks.

We are reminded of several things this weekend AND this morning: mainly about multiD being MORE and never less. There is sooooo much more to 3D than We ever imagined and We beginning to live it. There is much more here than meets the I. We ARE grateful. Grateful to begin experiencing it even when We do not see it. Our filters are mostly still in place: especially Our visual filters. Our theeling filters are growing weaker and thinner.

Thank Us.

This AND that.

Another great day with the kids. Our middleschooler (who had a hard time Friday) is doing fine today. We helped “them” with the door (at school) again. We will miss this group a lot.

Our first gradeschooler is a no ride so We have a short break between schools. Our bus has started giving Us the cleaning message so We do not shut it off even though the message cleared.

The other kids are playful. It IS spring.

We ended up with only three gradeschoolers.

We go to the pool on Our first break. We enjoy a nice, hot shower.

We only have three riders on Our noon section so We finish a little early. Batman is riding and does not have snowpants on. Mom says that she had to hide “them”. “They” All play well and then get sleepy.

Our highschooler definitely misses getting to paw at Us. We do NOT miss it.

We take turns going in to the store (between schools) since We do not wanna shut Our bus down.

All of Our gradeschoolers ride. We still finish about the usual time since the roads are getting better. Our kids are All playful and cooperative. Two have “their” DS games and find that “they” played so much during the day that the batteries are run down. Our foster kid is very quiet. We theel that “they” want some time alone.

We are pretty deep in multiD still. We are getting more used to being here.

We go to the dumpster on the way home. We really miss getting to stop on the way to town. It is nice for the sight to be cleaner.

At home We play in multiD a little and watch some “3%” with dinner. We kinda like it.

Soon: We are ready to let Our “Vortex” take Us to dream.

Goodnight AND thank You for playing.

Monday, May 7, 2018

Again: more in multiD than 3D



Again: more in multiD than 3D

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:22 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful and We likes it. Our coffeemaker starts several minutes before Our alarm goes off and that is a much gentler, softer way to wake: the sounds and smells of brewing coffee.

We remember visiting a couple of worlds with new friends. Both were lives where We are working in retail again/still. We have less limits there so We do seem to be happier. We still have a job so not totally limitless there yet either. More freedom tho.

We are reminded that multiD is Allways about more and never about less. Therefore: going gently it is not as different as We would have expected. Sometimes We theel very different even going gentle. However: so far Our world looks the same. Our visual filters are still very strong.

We are reminded that Our “other” worlds and lives are NOT really “other”. “They” are expanded versions of Our waking “limited” reality. It is All here and now: it IS All within and that is a hard concept to grasp because We have lived sooooo many lifetimes believing that it is All without: outside of Us. We ARE more than We ever thought possible and We are beginning to live that.

We are having another great day with the kids and mostly in multiD. In multiD everything still looks mostly the same as multiD DOES include 3D. It just theels different so far and that different gets more and more different.

One middleschooler is having a bad day and does NOT wanna get off the bus at school. We into the class room and ask for help. The two inside say “they” don’t do that.????? WTF??? We go back to the bus and have the driver call for an admin. Two others come out and very nicely get the student off the bus and into the class room. We do theel sorry for the kid and are glad “they” just pretend to sleep and do not fight Us.

Most of Our gradeschoolers ride including One who usually does not ride on Fridays. “They” are cute and mostly playful. We get to school right on time so the kids do not havta wait on the bus. We have to take the long way ‘round (to fill time) since Our last kid no longer rides. “Their” road is sooooo bad that mom just takes “them” to school.

We go to Safeway for “their” $5 Friday lunch. It is a little early so the selection is not the best. We have about half and take the rest home.

We get back to base a little early and take Our time.

Most of Our noon riders ride. The One who only rides Monday, Wednesday and Friday does not ride. It is not unusual for “them” to miss a day. The other three are in good moods. The One who likes to dress as Batman complains that “their” mask is wet and does not get it that if “they” would take “their” hat off “they” would not sweat as much. We mention this to mom and she says that he is like that and that he will have a hard time transitioning out of snow pants.

We hang out in Our chariot for Our second break. We have some granola bars that We snack on. Snacks are good. Even in multiD.

Our highschooler is kinda disappointed that We are sitting behind “them” even though “they” still do not wanna keep “their” hands to “themSelves”. “They” are much less talkative this way which is sad. However: We do NOT miss being pawed at.

Our gradeschoolers are All champions today. We appreciate it. Our summerschool kid says: “May the force be with Me” and “they” board. We do not get it. There is a lot of Star Wars chatter on the radio and We still do not get it.

We enjoy the ride and get to chat with Our “bad boy” since it is the other kid’s turn to sit with the One preschooler.

We go hottub afterwards and life is good. We really do enjoy starting Our weekend with the hottub. It helps Us get more into multiD.

At home We get an email wishing Us a happy May 4th. We still do not get it and ask what it’s about. As We play and read a bit online several say: “May the fourth be with You” and We finally get it. Sometimes We just are not focused in 3D enough to get things like that. Today is One of those zoomed (zoned) out days. We remember that We wanna put Our StarWars bed sheets on this weekend.

We play in multiD a bit with dinner before We are ready to start Our weekend of dreaming.

Goodnight AND thank You for playing.

Friday, May 4, 2018

Another great day with the kids in 3D within multiD



Another great day with the kids in 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:26 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful again. We do not remember Our dream lives as clearly as yesterday. We do know that We visited other worlds and lives with new friends. We know/theel/remember that We had fun.

When We are exploring the truth, expanding and evolving Our words and language fail Us because “they” were never meant to express the truth. “They” were meant to be a tool to keep Us limited. “They” ARE limiting by definition. Think about it. There IS noOne to blame. We chose to explore limitation and We kinda fell in. Now: We are slowly finding Our way out. The way out is to open and allow: breathe and relax. “Trying” is like fighting Our way outta quicksand. We only get stuck deeper and deeper when We struggle. The illusion is that what We see is All there is and that it can threaten, control and limit Us in some way. We believe that We are “less than” and unworthy. These ARE the lies that bind.

We have All of Our middleschoolers this morning. An interesting group. Mostly quiet. Very nice kids. The other bus unloaded just before Us so the One went in with the other kids and We did not need to help “them”.

We have Our first gradeschooler so We do not get any break between schools. One regular does not ride on Tuesdays and Thursdays so We do have some extra time after Our first stop. The One kid has a Captain America and Iron Man action figures that “they” show everyOne. It is cute to watch. We have to ask who the Iron Man figure is. We get to school just a couple of minutes early so the wait is not bad.

We get gas and have lunch on Our morning break. We get back to the barn a little early so We take Our time getting into dispatch.

We have Our three riders and “they” are in good moods. The One is getting better about sharing (maybe). Today “they” are batman again.

We have to go to a further store to get fuel because Our regular stop has three cars in line ahead of Us. The first is filling two fifty gallon drums. We finish about five minutes late.

We hang out in Our chariot during Our PM break and eat snacks. We have some Mountain Dew left from morning too.

Our highschooler is late because the bus for “their” fieldtrip broke down. We still have time for a break between schools.

We are happy to have Our regular bus so that We can separate the two that do not get along. Our summerschool kid wants to sit right across from Our “bad boy”. We have to call for administrators to come back out. “They” act up a lot while Our “bad boy” is doing great. The teachers end up taking the One off the bus. We are really surprised since “they” have been doing sooooo well. It looks like the conflict is not as One sided as We had thought.

We can give Our foster kid Our Nook early since the One is not riding. It is too hard to share One Nook between this many kids so We wait until the other, older kids are off the bus. We explained this to “them” back when. “They” did great through the turmoil with Our summerschool kid. “They” do not ride on Fridays so We wish “them” a good weekend. We would love to be able to do more for “them”. More for All the kids really: especially this One who has been bounced around between several foster homes.

We remember to get groceries on Our way home. The parking lot looks like lots of people are doing “their” weekend shopping early. We get everything We want including cinnamon raisin English muffins and cinnamon swirl bread for the weekend.

At home We are in multiD for sure. We enjoy it. What We used to resist (not knowing what it was) is now a welcome state of bean. We watch some “Andromeda” with dinner. Now: We are ready to let Our “Vortex” take Us to dream.

Goodnight AND thank You for playing.

Thursday, May 3, 2018

A cool night of dreams and multiD



A cool night of dreams and multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:39 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful Once again. Thanks Us.

We visited several fun worlds/lives with lots of new friends last night. One was during the American Civil War era. Many of Us were black. We are white with a very thick southern accent. We are setting everyOne free: black and white. There is a lot of white trash that We are liberating. We have a lot of fun with everyOne: lots of play. The actual fighting is either over or far away. There may not have even been a war in this world.

Next: We are living in the current time or even the future and We are in highschool. There is another kid whose family rich: a lawyer or corporate VIP. The kid is a whistle blower. We are not friends at first. Somehow We get hooked up doing a school project together and become friends. We find out that We are/were both afraid to talk to the other: fear of rejection. We become very good friends and spend lots of time together. “They” can not have Us visit at “their” house because We are from the wrong side of the tracks. We even end up setting up a campsite for Us and other friends during the summer.

The last is not as clear: it is something about a restaurant.

Then We returned to the highschool world/life again.

We have been focusing on this 3D world NOT being as important as We had Allways thought and believed. There IS much more and We are focusing more on that. Opening and allowing: breathing and relaxing. We are also getting excited about summer break coming soon. Lots of dream time and less pressure. We do real-eyes that the pressure comes from within and We are applying a lot less on Us.

It snowed a little more last night and froze. The front steps are a bit slickery.

It is snowing less than yesterday. Snowing heavy in some spots though. We have a sub driver because Our driver is in Seattle with her husband.

We enjoy Our kids. We arrive at the middleschool a little early and the newest rider has a few things to talk about. “They” are the most talkative of this group. We do enjoy talking. The One still needs help with the door to “their” classroom. We are happy to help and end up holding the door for the kids from the other bus. We do not mind at All.

Our first gradeschooler is not gonna ride so We have time for a short potty break. We take Our time because the last kid does not ride anymore either. We see that One when mom is bringing “them” to school and get to say “hi”. The two girls are VERY talkative. “They” are a little loud. Solar powered. We theel “they” will probably start sitting together again soon. “They” still have disagreements. One boy starts getting loud with “them”: following “their” example.

We go to the pool on Our first break. Good choice.

We have the same subdriver All day. That makes it a little easier for Us even tough the route is different schools every section. Some areas are the same or similar.

All of Our noon kids ride. “They” are All awake and in good moods. That is nice to see and experience.

We hang out in Our chariot as usual on Our last break. It is a very short break.

Our highschooler is not as talkative since We started sitting behind “them”. “They” say hi a lot which is pretty normal: just not much else. We like talking with “them”. We do NOT like being pawed at.

We have a break between school as usual. We have Our driver stop at a store that has good I-scream and get a dish.

Our “bad boy” is out of sorts. Having the bus with few seats may be taking its toll. We have the teacher get on and she does not do much. Just having her on settles things down. The kid from summer school is very frustrated with Our “bad boy” and getting tired of ignoring “their” rude comments. We are glad that it is a short ride. Our “bad boy” is running around: acting out at home. The driver is a bit afraid that “they” will run behind the bus as she is backing out of the drive. We keep an eye out.

The rest of the kids do well and play. We are kinda distracted trying to play and give directions. One kid has a plastic box with toy motorcycles in it: fun.

Our last kid is playing Minecraft on Our Nook. “They” kinda show Us what is happening. It is nice that “they” wanna show Us.

We talk about the kids on the drive back to base. This driver has a daughter who had a rough time growing up.

We are pretty deep in multiD on the drive home. We stop at the dumpsters since “they” are no longer open on the way to work. It is an effort to keep the area cleaner and safer. Not sure the safer is working though.

We play in multiD while Our cabin warms and We have dinner. We are reminded that the illusion is the limits. We open and allow. It does not take long to warm up these days. It is around freezing outside.

We do a little reading online. It does seem that more and more people are waking to the reality of more. Different experiences. No longer a One size fits All world. Allways more and never less.

We are ready let Our “Vortex” take Us to dream fairly early.

Goodnight AND thank You for playing.

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Another snowy day mostly in multiD



Another snowy day mostly in multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate:4:29 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful. We dreamt of a time and spacial recognition software upgrade which allows more to fit into the previously accepted units. That is the dream.

We decided to go back to dream for about an hour and it is good. When We woke it has snowed and this time it stuck a little. Seems bizarre.

MultiD DOES include 3D and that is where We are: in 3D while zoomed out into multiD.

We likes being in multiD. We enjoy being back with Our kids again too. It is snowing All morning.

We like to be able to give the kids attention and bring a little fun to “their” lives. One of Our middleschoolers does not seem to be able to deal with how the teachers prop the door open so We help “them”. We do not have any idea what the problem is. It looks like this is gonna be pretty much an everyday thing. We are happy to help if it makes “their” life/day a little bit better. “They” seem very confused if noOne helps with this.

We have some norides on Our gradeschool section. Some kids seem to like the snow and others NOT. The One has two cars that “they” want to show everyOne. It is fun to watch. We sure like it when “they” are happy.

We have lunch on Our first break and do a little shopping. We get back to the barn a little early by accident.

Our usual three kids ride today. “They” are All in a good mood. One still does not wanna share spiderman. We do not know how to improve this. “They” have a really cool hat: swashbuckler. We think “they” are a musketeer. Mom tells Us “they” are Puss in boots. We did notice the shiny, new, black rubber boots and did NOT make that connection?????

The snow has stopped and started melting again. It is pretty sluppy everywhere.

We hang out in Our chariot for Our second break. We do not get much into dream. We ARE mostly in multiD.

Our highschooler is getting it that We are gonna sit behind “them”. “They” still try to reach Us for a short time and then settle into “their” seat.

We have All of Our gradeschoolers which makes for a very full bus. This standby bus has very few seats. We had a heads up that One kid would probably be riding for the first time in a while. We let Our supervisor know that We would be crowded on this section if everyOne rides. We might get a larger bus: or knot.

We finish a little later than usual since everyOne rode. We are pretty deep in multiD back at base.

We go straight home. The roads are clear and it starts hailing and snowing as We get close to home.

We have dinner fairly soon and play in multiD. We do not theel like watching anything on the tube even though there are some shows that catch Our interest.

We wanna focus in multiD and go to dream right after dinner.

Goodnight AND thank You for playing.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

On the bus in 3D and mostly in multiD



On the bus in 3D and mostly in multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:44 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful again today. We ARE in multiD. We ARE changing, expanding and evolving. We can theel it. Everything may look the same. It is Us that is changing. We wake in multiD. We live in expanding 3D.

Thank Us.

It is snowing All morning. Our kids are as amazed as We are. All of Our regular riders ride and seem to be having a good day. The quiet, sleepy Ones are quiet and sleepy. The talkers are talkative. Some are a little more awake with the increased daylight. It is good to be back with the kids.

We have time to go to the pool for a shower and that is a good thing.

All of Our noon kids rode and are in good moods. The last One zonked out part way home. “Their” mom said “they” had a busy weekend.

We ARE aware of being here AND there. Mostly there yet 3D functional and aware.

It has stopped snowing.

The rest of Our day is pretty typical except that We ARE deep in multiD and really do not have words.

We are gonna go ahead and post this unfinished.

Goodnight AND thank You for playing.