Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Another challenging 3D day within multiD



Another challenging 3D day within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:29 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We decided to dream in a few minutes and keep repeating Our mantras: “We love You and We thank You”. Our coffee maker reawakens Us and We wake grateful. We ponyhop Our world and Our life.

Thank Us!

Our morning had some challenges. One of Our middleschoolers seemed bored with the Nook or something. The last kid (on that section) called in that “they” were not riding so We had extra time to fill. The One keeps repeating questions if not answered. When “they” are asking someOne else We can not really do anything about it. Two have been sitting together and when the One is caught up in a game or reading “their” lack of response upsets the One. Or something or something else.

‘Tis the season for anxiety. Kids are used to being ignored and need attention. The holydays probably emphasize that.

Our talkative preschooler is sleepy so it is a pretty quiet ride. Our gradeschooler who does not wanna get off the bus is getting much better and the teacher asks why We need help with “them”. “They” have fought Us too many times. We may start trying harder to get “them” off the bus OurSelves as long as “they” do not start kicking and hitting. Then again the teachers “handle” “them” (physically) more than We are supposed to and We have six others to get off the bus.

We go hottub on Our break and that is sure nice. We even have time to grab some lunch (or do We????) No: that’s right. We do not theel like hurrying. We wanna relax. We ARE getting better at relaxing All the time. Until We aren’t that is.

We have both riders on Our noon section. “They” both want the same Spiderman and are not real good at sharing. One is very good at expressing exasperation. Cute in a four year old.

We stop at the little store close to Our last drop and We get a smoky hot dog. Better (in Our opinion) than the Ones where We fuel. We also stop to fuel.

We go to Walmart on Our second break because there are some things that We want there. The holyday treats are very tempting and We get some extras. Most will have to go in the freezer.

We get back to base right on time. (The Selfcheck registers were giving Us a bad time.) We do not like cutting it that close. Good thing Walmart is less than five minutes from base.

Our highschooler rode and had more pictures to show Us. “They” say that “their” Nana is giving “them” a stuffed fox and hound set for xmas. Hope it is worth suffering another spaghetti dinner????? We would love spaghetti every xmas eve. Maybe We will start that tradition?????

Our “bad boy” is acting up today. We get teachers on the bus twice before We leave the school. “They” tend to settle as soon as the teacher gets on and then “they” start acting up again. It is like “they” can not contain/stop “themSelves”. It is not fair to the others to let “them” act up especially when that includes calling names. “They” also are leaning out of “their” seat so far that “their” head touches the floor. The roads here are very slick. We really need a safe ride.

We tell the teacher that We will try and may have to return to school. We are right and We return and “they” take the kid off the bus. We hate doing that. The thing is that “they” have been threatened sooooo much that “they” do not think We will take action. “They” did not expect Us to keep Our promise.

This is about sooooo much for “them” AND Us. We take responsibility and ponyhop and ponyhop some more.

Of course Our head is trying to beat Us up about how We handled the situation. We did Our best and theel it really IS the best for the kid.

Interesting that the other kids are more playful than usual?????

We get slightly into multiD on the ride back to base.

We finish on time even with the incident.

When We get home We play a little Animal Crossing and do a couple of emails before dinner. The cabin is just about warmed up when We are ready to fix dinner. We start watching a new movie with dinner. Oneder what this One is. Looks interesting whatever it is.

A little playing in multiD and lots of ponyhopping. We are not ready to let Our “Vortex” take Us to dream. We really ARE learning how to live in 3D within multiD. No escaping for Us.

Thank Us.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Another good 3D day within multiD



Another good 3D day within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:16 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful. We have been ponyhopping most of the night and We continue as We wake. A nice way to wake for sure. We are still kinda amazed at how much We resisted for sooooo many years. We were fighting off the exact thing that We were seeking and noOne could ever have told Us so. We had to learn for OurSelves.

Thank Us.

We are kinda here and there in 3D AND in a bit more settled multiD.

We continue ponyhopping Our life and world. We ARE changing and expanding and evolving.

We ARE grateful. We ARE delighted. Thank Us.

Another fine morning. Our first rider does not ride so We have some extra dream time on Our way to Our second rider. We have One rough spot where One grabs Our Nook outta the hands of the kid “they” had passed it to because “they” forgot (again) to close out where “they” were. We took it away and told “them” that is NOT okay and if it continues then NoOne will be playing it. Kids.

We find that Minecraft is not working right. It had updated and We forgot to go online and open it afterwards. We have other games “they” can play and some sample books (graphic novels) that One likes to read.

Again We get to school just a couple of minutes early. That is about as close as We can time it given different traffic conditions. We really do NOT wanna be late because that makes Us late for Our next section or We have to skip Our bladder break. That would work some mornings and not every morning. The sitting and waiting is really the hardest thing for these kids and most kids in general.

Our gradeschoolers All ride. We end up a little late because of the wait/time for each kid to get on and get buckled. We told Our manager that the schedule is tight and barely doable. We arrive as the other buses are finishing unloading. If We get to school on time there is such a backup of parent cars that We can not get into the loading zone anyway. Our One talkative kid is sleepy so it was a quiet ride. The teacher gets on to get Our One kid off and “they” do much better this morning. Our driver tells Us that “they” did better yesterday too. (We were walking the One to the door and We did notice the other got off the bus faster than “they” had been.) We appreciate the improvement.

Thank Us.

We go to the pool first thing on Our break. The showers are getting hot faster and that is nice. Then “they” went cold and then got really nice and hot. You see: as We get deeper and deeper into multiD: 3D still goes on and on. It is Us that are changing. 3D gets more enjoyable as We allow it to be enjoyable instead of waiting (and grumping) to be saved and escape. We chose this. Thank Us. Gratitude is a key that opens doors and allows Us to evolve.

3D is often (usually and Allways if We look) a metaphor for what is going on within as We evolve. Our physical (3D) world IS a projection of what is happening inside.

We have time to grab a quick lunch to eat on the way to Our first stop. Our driver is running late so We eat Our lunch in the barn.

We only have One rider on Our noon section: the One who did not ride yesterday. We finish a little early and do some shopping. We have been craving fish sticks so We bought some to fix at home.

Our highschooler rides and is more talkative than usual. “They” tell Us that “their” nana has the tradition of having spaghetti on xmas eve. “They” would like something different some years. We list some options. This One has difficulty holding and expressing such thoughts and ideas.

Our PM gradeschooler do great. The One “bad boy” is way better. “They” tell Us that “they” just hate wearing “their” snow pants on the bus. We tell “them” that We really do understand and it is fine to take those off as long as the bus is warm. (It normally is) When We tell “them” that are doing a good job “they” emphatically say: “NO. I Am a terrible bus rider!” What is that about? One day last week “they” said: “I wanna have a bad day”. It really makes Us Oneder. Thank God We use ponyhopping: We do not have to know what is going on inside of “them”.

Whatever it IS within Us that is causing problems for Us and You: please forgive Us. We love You unconditionally AND We thank You.

One preschooler has fallen asleep and the other is a little more talkative than yesterday: more smiles anyway.

We are deep in multiD and dream when We get back to the barn. When We get in Our chariot We real-eyes that We forgot to bring Our Nook home. We choose NOT to go back for it. The kids can play other games besides Minecraft another day and there should be enough charge.

At home We play Animal Crossing and do an email while Our cabin warms up. We put Our fish in the oven and enjoy the smell as it bakes. We also make some more Stovetop to go with Our leftover turkey. We wanna freeze several portions of turkey and dressing with gravy and We found that half a turkey breast would have been plenty.

Our fish makes a good dinner and We start watching “The Mountain”. It is NOT Our best choice in movies.

We play in multiD just a bit before being ready to let Our “Vortex” take Us to dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

First day back after T-day in multiD



First day back after T-day in multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:19 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful. We ARE ponyhopping and relaxing as We wake. We are waking in multiworlds AND multiD. We ARE evolving. The way We look at things is changing and expanding.

We had a great weekend: mostly dreaming and playing in multiD. We also got quite a bit of 3D done.

Our plowguy came while We were dreaming. Our first step in getting 3D tasks and chores done in Our dreams. We did the rest of Our show snovelling in little bites over the four days.

We discovered a game on Our tablet: “Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp”. It is a lot of fun and addictive. What We really like is it is about helping and cooperation rather than fighting and competition. Quite refreshing and a move in the right direction. We had Onedered if there could be games, movies and stories that are popular without fighting and competition. We ARE pleased.

The booster heater on Our bus is not working and We are finding how much good it does. It is between ten and twenty below outside and the bus is quite cold. It is not too bad around town and very cold when We are traveling down the highway. We have a lot of highway on Our AM section. The kids are All bundled and do not seem to notice the bus being cold.

Our middleschoolers play Our Nook and “their” 3Ds. The kid with a 3DS is playing Animal Kingdom the game that We got on Our RCA tablet this weekend. “They” have the Nintendo version and We have the Android version. Similar yet quite different. “They” do not get it that Our version is different from “theirs”. Our last rider does not ride and since “they” did not call We went there. We arrive at school just two minutes early so Our driver got it timed very well.

One of Our gradeschoolers is very out of sorts and We have to get “their” mother onboard. We are VERY surprised. This kid has never given Us any trouble and We have had “them” before. We let the mother know. “They” settle down and are fine with Us when We get to school. “They” even want Us to walk in to school with Us. The kid who does not ever want to go into school is the same and an aid gets “them” off the bus while We walk the other to the door of the school.

We are glad to finish and get off the cold bus. Our driver calls in that Our bus is freezing and “they” okay taking it to shop.

We go hottub on Our break. We did not think that We dawdled and still barely got back on time. We did get to the pool a little later than usual for some reason. One of the regulars tells Us that it is supposed to be above 0 by Wednesday. Right now the moisture in the air is freezing on the roads and making “them” slick again. Not as bad as freezing rain or melting and freezing though. Above 0 will be nice after this subzero spell.

Our driver has a doctor’s appointment so We have a subdriver and subbus which is very warm. We only have One rider so We finish a little early.

We play Animal Crossing on Our break mainly to see how it does on Wifi. It plays just fine. We have clam chowder for lunch. It is hot and soothing on this cold day.

Shop got Our heater fixed. It is very nice to have a warm bus again.Our highschooler does not ride so We have another break. We thought about suggesting We go fuel and forget.

Our gradeschooler All ride and even Our “bad boy” does well. We appreciate the behavior. The “good boy” seems a little mean to a gradeschooler. We observe and are NOT certain what is happening. It seems that the older One does NOT wanna share “their” book for some reason. We do NOT force kids to share “their” personal things with others.

We stop to fuel so that Our booster heater works right All morning tomorrow. We have to be above half a tank for it to work even though that was NOT the problem this morning. We remember that We DO create Our reality.

This IS All experience. We remain grateful All through the day with lots of ponyhopping. We ask Our students how We can serve “them” at a mental level. We know that We ARE reaching “them” regardless of appearances. We DO appreciate when We can SEE progress and positive shifts in behavior.

We are deep in multiD when We get back to base. The cold kinda brings Us back more into 3D. We ARE both and that is really what it is All about.

We are warming Our cabin and have more turkey leftovers for dinner. We are just about over turkey leftovers. Hopefully We will theel like freezing some very soon.

We finish watching “Ultraviolet” with dinner and play in multiD a little while We finish letting Our cabin warm up.

The cabin is warm and We let Our “Vortex” take Us to dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Monday, November 27, 2017

A typical 3D day within multiD



A typical 3D day within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:05 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful and ponyhopping again.

As We ponder Our day: We have a different view of the kids acting up than We used to. It IS nice to have “them” behaving and be able to talk and play with those who want and observe those who do not wanna interact. However: the kids acting up helps Us remember to ponyhop and send love and ask: “How can We serve You?” at that mental level. We tend to get complacent with well behaved kids. The Ones acting up are usually seeking/demanding attention. We do pay attention and try to pay as much attention to “good” behavior as “bad”. However: Our ponyhopping tends to lag when the kids practice “good” behaviour.

Another great message. It reminds Us that We are NOT trying to kill Our head: We ARE merging and balancing Our head and Our heart. Integrating NOT destroying and conquering.

Our last day before T-day break. We will miss the kids and We look forward to a lot of dreaming. We do have a few things that We wanna get done.

Our morning goes well. One morning middleschooler does not ride so We get to school fifteen minutes early. We let the two keep playing on Our Nook and that helps pass the time. The other wakes and tries to go back to sleep. “They” Allready had the longest turn on Our Nook so We do not theel too bad for “them”. “They” get the longest turn every morning. We send love and ponyhop.

Our gradeschoolers are “their” usual. Most are quite and only One is much of a talker and that One IS very talkative. Others are starting to talk and some have a comment here and there. The last kid is the One that does NOT like to get off the bus. We have an aid come on as usual to take “them” in to school. When she gets “them” off the bus Our driver barely gets the door shut in time as “they” try to run back and get back on the bus.

We enjoy Our morning break and get to hottub.

Only One kid rides on Our noon section so We finish a little early. We get lunch after.

We do not have Our usual highschooler. So We get another break.

Our PM gradeschooler are typical. The last One on is still having issues. We have the teachers wait and have to have One get on and talk with “them”. She tells “them” that if “they” do not settle down and have to be taken off the bus the police will come get “them” until “their” mom gets off work. The others have a good time. The One actually says that “they” want a bad day? We ponyhop and ponyhop somemore. We have no clue what to do for this One in the physical. We are sure glad that We know that We ARE reaching “them” at a deeper level. Otherwise We would theel pretty helpless and hopeless.

Thank Us.

We go deep into dream and multiD on the ride back. We stop for some more groceries on the way home. We left some shopping for today forgetting what a mad house the stores would be the evening before T-day. It is not too painful and We get what We want and escape unscathed.

At home We bring in Our groceries and call Our plowguy while Our cabin is warming. He is going out to his cabin for the four days and will either get Our drive this evening or Sunday.

We have dinner and are soon ready for dreaming. Way ready for dreaming.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Snow and more 3D within multiD



Snow and more 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:21 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful, ponyhopping and way deep in multiD. We remember hating and resisting waking this way. We did NOT know what was happening. Ignorance is NOT bliss. We fought the very thing that We sought. We forgive Us. We love Us unconditionally AND We thank Us.

One more wakeup before Our four day T-day weekend. Dreaming in for four days. YAY!!!!!

We ARE reminded of how much more/deeper We are in multiD AND how much 3D is still here and very real. This is NOT what most of Us expected: certainly not Us personally. Yet: We also knew. We just expected more difference.

As We practice gratitude and ponyhopping and sending love and relaxing and breathing 3D does get more comfortable. Our fighting for what We thought was right just bound Us in chains of Our own making. Resisdance is not only futile it IS painful.

We forgive Us for We did NOT know what We were doing. We love Us unconditionally AND We thank Us.

Some challenges and lots of fun. Our first group each day are middleschoolers. We got Our schedule fixed so that We can be on time and We got it fixed a little too good. We are now five minutes early. It is nice to have some breathing room only sitting and waiting is the hardest thing for kids. It is really hard for this group. One (the first One and quietest) does okay with it. The rest get rowdy. We took a slightly different route which did not take any more time. Our driver has some more ideas. We also have the holyday excitement going on and You just never know what actions and reactions that will cause in/with the kids.

Our gradeschool section goes great until the last stop. Our newest kid on this section is a talkative preschooler. Very cute and aware. We do not Allways understand what “they” are saying. It is nice to have One who talks to Us. At this age the world is an amazing place. The last kid has been doing great on the bus and has been a problem getting off the bus. This morning “they” started acting up as soon as “they” got to “their” seat. “They” stood up in the seat and We could not get “them” seated. It was All that We could do to keep “them” in the seat at All. We had Our driver honk and then go up to the door to get the father. The father could not get the kid to sit down either and ended up kinda dragging “them” off the bus. Of course this made Us late.

We have time to go shower and get gas afterwards on Our first break. We were even able to get hot water fairly quick. The showers have been running cold again. Usually: We can have as much very hot water as We want. Kinda spoiled. We have been letting the lifeguards know and hope it will get fixed again.

Only One rider on Our noon section. The road to “their” house has now been plowed so We can go there instead of meeting at the nearby store. We are a little early since We did not have the other rider. This One is asleep so waiting does not bother “them”. Earlier: “they” had One spiderman toy and in “their” cute four year old voice asked: “Can I have the other One please?”. Adorable. So smart.

We have time to have lunch on Our second and do not take time for Wifi. We have cheddar-broccoli soup and onion rings. We just have time to eat most of it and get some bananas for tomorrow and the weekend.

“They” are having Us do front door evacuation drill at Our highschool today. We only have One rider and “they” understand so it goes very easy. “They” are happy that it goes well too. This was “their” first evacuation drill.

Our “bad boy” is late because “they” are protesting having to bundle up. As soon as “they” get on the bus “they” start acting up. We get the teacher to return and work with “them”. As soon as We called out that We needed help the kid started calming down. “They” knew that “they” had gone too far. Perhaps “they” were testing “their” limits. Perhaps “they” were looking for attention. The other kids were at risk. The teacher radioed in and another teacher got on with her. The first asked if We wanted the student taken off. It was tempting. We asked the student if “they” could settle down? “They” had “their” typical reaction to being taken off the bus: “How will I get home?”. “They” settled down enough that We said that We thought that We could transport. As We were leaving “they” started yelling and We told “them” that if “they” did not settle We would return to school. “They” mostly grumbled All the way home. The teacher did call the mother to report the incident.

After that the two preschoolers were a great for Us. We got to play and observe calm behavior.

We went to dream after discussing the incident with Our driver some. The kid reminds her of her adopted daughter. We agree that there is something wrong at home. There is not much that We can do. We ponyhop a lot and send love. Whatever it is within Us that is causing problems for Us and You: please forgive Us. We love You and We thank You. Various renditions on the drive.

We are pretty deep in multiD and go directly home. It is warmer (0 to +5) and snowing pretty hard. The drive home is fine as it is cold enough to not be too slick.

We start Our cabin warming and move Our dragon some so it is out of the way of the snowplow in case We leave it home tomorrow. We have to do a little snovelling to get it where We want it and be able to get around it.

This kinda brings Us more into 3D while still much in multiD.

Thank Us.

We have been watching “Mist” and continue with dinner. A little more playing in multiD while We let the cabin warm up more. Even though it IS warmer outside it was pretty cold out here during the day.

Now: We let Our “Vortex” take Us to dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

A cold day in 3D within multiD



A cold day in 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:15 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful and ponyhopping again. We likes it. We have ponyhopping most of the night. We also visited fun worlds with fun new friends as usual. We really do theel that Our ponyhopping IS creating (a) world(s) of love. We are also getting into alignment with who We really are. We relax and breathe Our way into alignment. These work together with gratitude to create the change and expansion that We have been looking for.

We spent Saturday dreaming. Yesterday We got up early (for a Sunday) because We were awake and had stuff that We wanted to do. We went to town to shower and hottub because We did not have a chance on Friday and will not have time today because We have a safety meeting during Our morning break. Our afternoon breaks are too short to do much of anything.

We stopped at the store and got a whole, bonein turkey breast. We have never tried One of those before. We kinda wanted boneless. This One is fresh and boneless woulda been frozen. We will see how We likes it.

When We got home We went back to dream. After that We filled Our oil tank and snovelled enough show to get Our dragon out and We cleaned up the show around where We park Our chariot. We tried doing this slow and gentle and in a way We did. We were still kinda tired afterwards.

We ARE practicing living in easy world. Our demands and expectations on OurSelf and Our world and life keep Us stuck in limitation and separation.

We ARE setting OurSelves free with love.

Thank Us.

A great morning with the kids. We had to stop using Our booster early on because We were low on fuel. Later Our driver remembered a trick to get more heat that We discovered last year. That helped. It was cold and not too terrible. It is around fifteen below most places and a little colder some places. It was still above 0 at home.

Our first rider did not ride. That is the quiet One. Our other kids did well and each passed Our Nook on to the next without acting up. We got to school early and had to sit and wait. That is the hardest thing for kids. “They” did okay and We had to keep asking “them” to sit down. “They” were very happy when it was time to go into school.

Most of Our kids rode to gradeschool. We would have been on time except that the parents are used to Us being late so the kids were not ready.

At school the One kid who never wants to go into school still does NOT wanna go into school. We walked in with the kids because there was only One teacher for six kids and We got an administrator to come out and get the One. She had quite a struggle and finally got “them” off the bus. We can NOT manhandle the kids the way the teachers do with this One.

We have a safety meeting on this break. We make a quick run for Starbucks before the meeting. It is a fairly good meeting. The new safety person is running it and shows some actual concern for the reality of everyday on Our buses. Some attendants use this as a reason to turn it into a bitch session. Some people just are NOT capable of keeping discussion(s) short and sweet. (Passive shadows?)

We have a little time before Our routs and choose the hangout in dispatch.

Our bus is pretty cold by the time We finish Our noon section and go fuel. We choose to theel and practice gratitude and that helps how We theel. We love Our kids and focusing on “them” helps Us. After We fuel We can use the booster heater and that really, really helps.

We choose to stay in dispatch during Our short, second break. We have time to go to the nearby store and choose NOT to drive in Our cold dragon. For One thing that would give up the good parking place close to a plugin. The other is that is warm in dispatch and We do NOT wanna drive a cold dragon right now.

Our regular highschooler rides as usual. “They” have a picture of the wicked stepmother and two wicked stepsisters that “they” printed out online. “They” are drawn to the villains in Walt Disney movies and stories.

Most of Our gradeschoolers are happy and playful. The One “badboy” is very upset that “they” had to bundle up. “They” say that someOne else got “their” boots and “they” have to wear someOne else’s boots that do NOT fit. “They” are very upset. “They” also wanna take “their” snowsuit off and since the bus is warm We let “them”. We would obviously be facing a meltdown if not. The student is still upset and We have to really work with “them” to calm and comfort “them”. To “them” this IS the end of the world. We stay calm and positive and it helps a little. It theels good to be able to help if only a little. We ash “them” what We can do to help. We can tell that “they” are NOT used to that. At home “they” put “their” snowsuit in “their” backpack and put on the boots without being asked or told. “They” know what needs to happen and pushing “them” IS the wrong move.

We get to talk and play with the last two kids (preschoolers) on the way to “their” stops.

We enjoy Our warm bus on Our way back to base and get to dream.

We stop for some groceries and let Our dragon run and warm up while We are in the store. That helps as it was kinda icy from sitting for several weeks and then All day today at these temperatures.

At home: We are way deep in multiD. We do function in 3D and get Our cabin warming put Our groceries away. We take Our time playing in multiD so that Our cabin warms before dinner.

We finish watching “Other Life” and continue watching something that We had started a while back. Oneder what it is?

We take some more time playing in multiD and letting Our cabin warm before dream.

Now: We ARE ready to let Our “Vortex” take Us to dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Another day with the kids in multiD



Another day with the kids in multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:46 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful and ponyhopping again. We are also deep in multiD and We would love to remain in dream. Tomorrow We get to dream in. We sure liked and enjoyed some of the worlds We visited last night.

We get it (experientially) that Our challenging kids help Us remember why We are here. When everyOne is behaving We kinda get complacent in limitation and separation. We can play and enjoy and not focus on evolving OurSelves and Our world. We appreciate the smooth sailing. Maybe now We can have smooth sailing AND remember to ponyhop and send love to Our world.

Thank Us. We do tend to remain grateful and that is a key to expanding.

We had to chain up on Our way to Our first stop. Our first kid is very quiet and usually sleeps most (or All) of the ride. We did notice them noticing the others playing Our Nook so We offered it to them until We got to the next stop. “They” actually get the longest turn. When the next got on “they” passed it on and went back to sleep. Maybe “they” are a dreamer like Us?

We were late because of chaining.

The next kid was kinda acting up after passing Our Nook on. That One has a 3DS and still wants to play Our Nook instead. Pretty common. Probably the novelty. To kids tomorrow never comes so telling “them” that “they” can play Our Nook the next day does not really help. Sometimes experiencing Us keeping Our word helps. We really do Our best to keep Our word. Oneder how many times “they” have been disappointed because A-dults did NOT keep “their” word?

Most of Our gradeschoolers and preschoolers ride even though We are late. We enjoy “them” even though “they” are mostly a quiet group. Communicating on deeper levels which We tend to miss.

Our morning break is short because of running late. We have lunch and a little Wifi.

Only One of Our noon kids rides so We finish a little early.

We musta done something on Our second break. Oneder what it was?

Our One highschooler rides after not riding All week. “They” think that “they” missed the bus and go back to the office. We find “them” inside the school because another attendant told Us “they” saw “them” waiting inside for Us.

Our last kid does not ride on Our PM section so We finish early. The others are fun and playful. Once again Our “bad boy” has made the turn around and is a good rider. We pay attention to “them” even when not sitting close. Kids need attention and most are attention starved these days.

We do Our grocery shopping for the weekend and preparing for T-day.

We are deep in multiD when We get home. We play in multiD and have dinner with more “Falling Skies”.

Now: it is time to start Our weekend dreaming.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Friday, November 17, 2017

Another fun day in 3d within multiD



Another fun day in 3d within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:43 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We are waking and walking grateful and ponyhopping. We lay in bed a while repeating Our mantras. We like theeling grateful when We wake and ponyhopping Our world.

More learning to live in multiD as We wake. We ARE grateful. Thank Us.

It snowed last night and continues to snow this morning. We are glad that We have this bigger bus. It does much better in the fresh snow.

Another great morning. As usually happens when We bring Our Nook for a student who does not have a game device: the Ones that do have a game want to play Our Nook instead of “their” device. We tell “them” that “they” can play Our Nook tomorrow until We get to the next stop. It really is part of the fun for Us. We do not really like monitoring the game play and yet We do enjoy paying attention to the kids.

We go to the pool first thing on Our morning break and that takes most of Our time.

Both of Our noon kids ride. It takes a minute to figure out where “they” are gonna sit with this different bus. The starseats are really hard to move in this bus and there is a starseat in the seat where the two usually sit. The One is kinda One of those who wants whatever We do not want. That complicates picking seats. “They” both want a Spiderman toy and that too interferes with getting seated and buckled. “They” have different priorities than We do. We get “them” seated and give each a Spiderman toy. Of course: “they” each want the One the other has. After a bit “they” switch and are happy.

We get gas and a few groceries on Our second break. We were not paying close attention to the time and We were two minutes late.

Our highschoolers do not ride again. We Oneder if the One who usually rides is sick or getting picked up?

We have another break before Our gradeschool. A bit of dreaming.

As usual: We are connecting with Our “bad boy”. We pay attention to the others and connect. It is just stronger with the “bad boys”. We have no idea what this One needs. It is clear that he needs something that he is NOT getting. He really seems to want to be good. He has an itch that (so far) can not be scratched.

We are deep in multiD by the time We get back to the barn. It has snowed quite a bit so We take the time to sweep off Our chariot. The driving is fine as it is still around fifteen above. When We get home We find that Our plowguy has been here and plowed Our driveway. We were kinda hoping that would happen. It is nice to have a completely clear drive.

We continue to get it that We ARE ponyhopping everything. It is All askew and We ask forgiveness for creating this. We are forgiving OurSelves. We love Us AND We thank Us.

A bit of email and playing in multiD while Our cabin warms up. Mac and cheese with more “Falling Skies”. A little more playing in multiD and time to let Our “Vortex” take Us to dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

A smoother day in 3D within multiD



A smoother day in 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:54 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We woke early and stayed in bed being grateful and ponyhopping for about an hour.

Thank Us. Gratitude and pony hopping (taking responsibility for Our creations) are changing Us. We ARE evolving into who We really are. It IS about “being” NOT about “doing”.

Another great morning. The temp dropped so driving is better. The kids are fun and loving the snow. Most ride now that the roads and driving is back to normal. It is fun to watch even the kids that do not talk. One seems to be starting to open up more. Our difficult kids are coming around. We are finding ways to make it more fun for “them” AND We ARE paying attention to “them”. Sometimes it takes time for “them” to real-eyes that We DO pay attention to “them”.

Our bus will not go over 40 mph so We take it to shop after Our first school and get another bus. It is bigger, holds the roads better and even warmer.

We run late so Our morning break is short. We have lunch instead of going to the pool since We would really have to rush to make it to the pool and back on time. Much better for Us to relax. It takes time to get a Wifi connection so We do not have time online. We relax and enjoy Our lunch.

Breathe and relax. That IS the way to success in this new energy.

Thank Us.

We have Our two regular riders and have fun with the two except that We forgot Our Spiderman toys and “they” are disappointed.

We do Our shopping and have a bowl of chili on Our second break. Not as good as Our homemade chili. We will use the leftovers for nachos.

Our highschoolers do not ride again. That gives Us a break before Our PM gradeschool.

Our preschoolers and gradeschoolers All ride. The “bad boy” does great. We try to pay attention to the “good boy” without attracting the other’s wrath to/on “them”. We ARE learning a balancing act. One preschooler plays “themSelves” to sleep. The other is quiet. Paying attention IS the currency of the new energy.

We are pretty deep in multiD. The temp is warmer than this morning and still cold. Probably about five above. Better driving than yesterday and still feels cold. Of course good or bad are judgments. We ARE learning.

At home We put Our groceries away and warm Our cabin. We are soon ready for dinner and “Falling Skies”. After dinner We play in multiD just a bit before We are ready to let Our “Vortex” take Us to dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Another day living in 3D within multiD



Another day living in 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:29 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful and ponyhopping again and We likes that. Our head is trying to drag Us back into negative thinking and replaying negative memories. Please forgive Us. We love Us AND We thank Us.

We choose the easier, softer way. Breathe and relax. Open and allow.

Thank Us.

Remember what success theels like. It is still easy to slip back into old thinking and mindset. It is sooooo familiar and We have lived there for sooooo long. We forgive Us. We love Us unconditionally AND We thank Us.

We are reminded to stay in the now and remember the theeling and vibration of success.

Our head keeps trying to throw rocks at Us. Sometimes the rocks are like soft dirt clods and sometimes like boulders. We forgive Us.

By relaxing and breathing, opening and allowing We ARE receiving inspiration. It is hard to believe that We can (and do) turn Our life around through Our thoughts and being. We are so trained that We create change only through action. Another lie (or more of the same lie). Action is just like spinning Our wheels on ice and deep snow. We have plenty of experience at that. We are ready to relax and ease Our way into (a) world(s) of unconditional love. We ARE well on Our way even though the evidance may appear otherwise. Breathe deep. Relax. Ease. Now. Here.

We ARE love learning to live as love in the physical. We ARE learning. We ARE learning how to do this.

We continue to grow, experience and learn AND We ARE grateful.

Thank Us.

Another interesting message!

Our driver is out today. We sure do NOT blame her after yesterday. Rolling around in the snow trying to chain up and get unstuck is NOT easy: especially several times and hours. She got very wet and chilled.

The roads are much better and still slick (at least with Our bus). We do not have any trouble. Two of Our middleschoolers do not ride so We have to wait for dropoff time at the middleschool.

We start Our gradeschool a little early and make some wrong turns to finish late. We have never checked the times since We are usually late starting and We have been told that school district is NOT doing anything with Our live times. That is no surprise.

We get rocksalt and a few other things before We go to the pool. We spent a little more time shopping than We meant to so We hurry just a little at the pool. Of course: the showers are running cold and We have to wait for hot water. No hottub on Tuesdays or Thursdays.

We have two riders on Our noon section. The first One’s road is barely passable and We make it without incident. The second One’s mom meets Us at the store nearby. It is a long ride back to town and We get to dream a while. We stop for fuel and sweeping the bus.

We do a little shopping on Our second break which is short because of stopping to fuel.

We have no highschoolers ride and have time for a break. All of Our regular gradeschoolers and preschoolers ride. EveryOne is clamoring for attention. We do Our best to spread Our attention. Our newest “bad boy” IS making a real turnaround. We are able to talk with “them” and We All have a good ride. The preschoolers are Our last drops and We really do enjoy “them”. Preschoolers do tend to be Our favorites.

It seems to be getting colder when We get back to base. As much as We hate being cold it is welcome for driving. Of course: being cold IS an attitude and frame of mind and We ARE learning to live in a better attitude and higher vibration.

Thank Us.

We are able to park Our chariot in Our normal spot and no sliding down Our drive even with only One chain. The rocksalt helped and the cooler temp helps a lot.

We kinda take Our time playing in multiD and having dinner with more “Falling Skies”. It theels good to be more relaxed. We are doing better All around. The slick drive yesterday and being stuck most of the day did make Us tense: OR We allowed it to.

Time to let Our “Vortex” take Us to dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

A different kinda day in 3D within multiD



A different kinda day in 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:29 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful and ponyhopping again. We ARE creating worlds of love One “We love You” at a time. We are growing and evolving.

Thank Us.

We went outside and did some show snovelling. Back inside We are remembering how success theels and find that We are deep in multiD.

Thank Us.

We got stuck in the deep, fresh snow on Our way to Our first stop. We waited over three hours to get pulled out. More dream time. We did not pickup any of Our morning kids or go to any of Our morning schools. Another route did Our morning section and most of the kids were taken to school by parents. We got pulled out in time to be half an hour late for Our noon section. We had One rider and got stuck in “their” road after We dropped “them” off. This was not as long a wait and We got pulled out in time to be close to an hour late for Our PM section.

Our PM section went smooth and We even finished a little early. We only had four riders All day. “They” were All fun and playful. Kids love snow. Some were a little anxious about the road conditions and most were just caught up in the playfulness of deep, fresh snow.

We were pretty deep in multiD.

At home We slid down Our drive. We stopped at the bottom and put the second chain on. We still slid and landed just passed where We normally stop. It is quite warm and very slick. After We warmed up a bit We put rocksalt in the area where Our plowguy got stuck yesterday. He called a little later to see if We wanted plowed again. We told him not tonight because We are blocking the drive. That was Our first reaction. Our head is trying to second guess Us.

We are having dinner with more “Falling Skies” and soon We are ready to let Our “Vortex” take Us to dream. We are very ready to dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Monday, November 13, 2017

A short day and short entry in multiD



A short day and short entry in multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:38 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful and pony hopping again and We are glad. We add: “How can We help You?” and “How may We serve You?”. We have found that these are important questions. This is NOT intended for physical action (though that may ensue). It is meant at deeper levels. Levels that circumvent the veils and filters that We have in the physical. We aim for the heart.

Thank Us.

Another message about what We are living and experiencing.

We are making progress with Our loud middleschooler. “They” like to play Minecraft so We will try to remember to bring Our Nook for “them”. The others play well together and the One sleeps as usual.

Our gradeschoolers are fun. One rides for the first time and does well until We get to school. “They” do NOT wanna go into school. We have an aid help Us and “they” fight her a lot. It takes some time and finally the aid gets “them” heading into school.

We have One long break because of early outs. We have lunch and do some shopping for the weekend.

None of the preschoolers from Our noon section ride. That makes a long break to fuel and hang out. One highschooler rides as usual.

No preschoolers on Our PM and that leaves only two gradeschoolers. We have the opportunity to talk and “listen” to Our latest “bad boy”. “They” wish We had toys on the bus. We can do that.

Home early and pretty deep in multiD. We play in multiD a bit and have dinner with more “Falling Skies”.

Soon: We are ready to start dreaming and in We go.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Friday, November 10, 2017

Progress in 3D within multiD



Progress in 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:48 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful and pony hopping and We likes it. We woke from another interesting though the memory is fading as We wake.

Thank Us. We ARE grateful for everything that We have in Our life: even the difficult kids who teach Us about OurSelves. Thank Us.

We have a good morning with the kids. The One middleschooler does better today. “They” sit in the back and talks to Us while One sleeps and the other two play together.

We are closer to on time now that We are learning the route and the roads are less slick.

We have most of Our gradeschoolers this morning. None of these talk much in the morning. Two siblings seem to want a lotta help and do not talk. That is okay. We like to let kids be “themSelves” as much as possible. It IS easier to let quiet kids be “themSelves” than loud kids. We do NOT need the driver be distracted by yelling even when it is happy yelling. Loud often bothers other kids too.

We know that as a child We did NOT like the side of the family that yelled.

We have lunch and shower on Our morning break. Quick lunch before shower.

We have Our two regular riders on Our noon section One is quiet and One is very playful. The quiet One is asking for a Spiderman toy.

We do a little shopping on Our PM break and have some soup. Soup sounded really good with the snow. BTW: it is snowing pretty good. Precursor to the coming storm?

We only have One highschooler as usual. “They” are a student We have had several times before.

Our gradeschoolers are fun except when the One decides to act up again. We have Our driver pull over until “they” are ready to settle down and stop hitting. We really do NOT know what is up. “They” played very well with Us the first two days? We pony hop and ask: “How may We serve You?” on a mental level.

We are pretty deep in multiD by the time that We get back to the barn. Lots of ponyhopping.

At home We ARE mostly in multiD and do not even theel like reading any email much less responding.

We have dinner with “Falling Skies”, then a little playing in multiD and now Our “Vortex” will take Us to dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Slipping deeper into multiD and multiworlds and still in 3D



Slipping deeper into multiD and multiworlds and still in 3D

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:49 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful, ponyhopping and clearly in multiD and those are All good.

Thank Us. We are deep enough in multiD that it is hard to type.

Here is another good message that helps explain what We are experiencing.

We had the last middleschooler ride today. “They” are loud and outspoken. Another challenge. The talkative kid is a bit less talkative.

We are only ten minutes late even though We had never been to that house before. We do not take a bladder break and are Allmost on time for Our gradeschool. We have a student that had not ridden these week. “They” were on Our bus a couple of years ago. Interesting to see “them” a few years older. It is nice to be closer to on time.

We have an egg roll for lunch and do a little shopping before the hottub. We have to take less time (in the hottub) than usual and are grateful that We have time at All. We should be able to hottub Monday, Wednesday and Fridays with this new schedule.

We have Our usual two riders on Our noon section. We had both last summer school. One really likes to answer “NO”. Regardless.

We get gas and Starbucks on Our last break. This is when We fuel the bus so that We get Our full morning break.

We have another rider who has not ridden yet on Our PM gradeschool. One kid who has been an angel is really acting up. Apparently there are some issues there. Pony hopping time. Our head tries to figure out and plan what to do. Pony hopping and sending love is where We start. We are All about doing the deeper work. Please forgive Us. We love You AND We thank You. Repeat over and over and over again.

We get stuck in One driveway and still finish only ten minutes late. We are ready. We are slipping deeper and deeper into multiD and dream.

It is snowing pretty heavy. There is a snow storm predicted over the next few days.

At home We find that Our puter monitor seems to have gone out. We were not gonna switch with Our other monitor until We noticed the other One only has wires as opposed to many wires on the One We were using. It is a fairly easy switch and We are glad that We went ahead.

We have dinner with “Falling Skies” and are ready to go dream a little early. We theel a bit out of whack: mildly. We pony hop and We ARE grateful for Our life. It seems to be the new theeling of walking in multiworlds. The deeper We go it keeps being and theeling new and different.

Time to let Our “Vortex” take Us to dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Another day of progress in 3D within multiD



Another day of progress in 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:33 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful and ponyhopping a lot. We woke from a very cool world where there are less taboos and restrictions and We are allowed to be Our natural Selves in All respects: We ARE allowed to express OurSelves freely. It was fun and it was exhilarating. We CAN raise Our vibration remembering how it theels.

Thank Us.

We keep remembering the world that We woke from and how that thelt. This raises Our vibration: We can theel it. Our head keeps trying to sabotage Us and We ponyhop and remember how that other world theels.

Progress. We thank Us. We ARE delighted that We recognize the old thinking and behavior and choose to change: to set it free with love and gratitude.

Our driver was able to talk to Our assistant manager and it turns out it was something completely unexpected and unrelated to anything Our head had dreamed up. Our middleschool girl had spilled perfume on herSelf and had to be washed up by the school nurse. Apparently the mother was kinda blaming Us. She talked to Us a little at the stop this morning.

We enjoy these new kids. The One middleschooler is still very talkative and a little hard to understand. We really have to pay attention to understand “them”. “They” sure seem to be interested in cops.

After that We have gradeschoolers. We had One before and “they” ride today. “They” say that “they” do not remember Us yet seem to show some recognition. Several of this group do not ride for One reason or another or something else. We are running a little late again. Roads are still slick and traffic is slow in several places.

We have time for a shower and a bite to eat on Our morning break. The hot water is acting weird at the pool. We do finally get a nice, hot shower though.

Only One kid rides on Our noon section and “they” are very playful. This is a kid that We had for summer school this year. “They” hated waking and after that “they” are fun and playful.

We do a little shopping on Our second break. We wanted to get some dowels to prop up the windows that will not stay up on Our bus.

We cut the dowels on Our way to Our afternoon highschool and “they” work great. We had been running the heater on high and now We can run it on low. This tells Us that the bus should be fairly warm this winter. We likes that.

We only have three riders from Our afternoon gradeschool. “They” wanna play games on the ride and We join in. The One preschooler is very shy and plays peek-a-boo with Us.

We slip deeper into multiD and get back to base nice and early. The driving is a little better with the cooler temps. It is still kinda warm for this time of year. Warmer is nice except for driving.

We are quite deep in multiD when We get home and would just go to dream if Our cabin was warmer. We have dinner with more “Falling Skies” and then play in multiD a while.

We get Our cabin nice and warm and not too hot. Now: We are gonna let Our “Vortex” take Us to dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Lots of 3D and ponyhopping in multiD



Lots of 3D and ponyhopping in multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:23 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful and ponyhopping. We got up a little early mainly because of the time change.

We are starting to experience and be aware of Our evolution. Our outer world does not look different: it sure does theel different. We ARE changing from the inside out and that IS what it is All about. Our sense of survival is being replaced with a sense of play.

Thank Us.

Again: this is hard to explain with words because it is too new for words. We have never been here before so We do NOT have words for it yet. Expanded for sure. Beyond All expectations. Our expectations only limited Us.

We spent most of yesterday in dream. We got up early to go for water and then went right back to dream for most of the day. We did get up to fill Our heating oil and did not get back to dream after that. We did a lot of ponyhopping.

We keep remembering how Dr. Hew Len cured the patients without ever seeing “them” and only using “their” files to ponyhop “them”. We take responsibility and We can heal Our world. That is what We are doing. We will meet new kids on this new route and ponyhop “them” AND the students that We have had before. It will be a bit like remote viewing and healing.

We ARE saving Our world One “We love You and We thank You” at a time. Is that too big a challenge? We think not. We ARE the One who brings balance to the force. And that includes You. We hope that You are encouraged by Our words.

Having fun with the new kids. Our first stop is up a bit of a steep road with quite a bit of fresh snow. Our drop chains (onspots) seem to be frozen and We have to back down and try again. We make it and go passed the house and turn around and come back. The student is waiting beside the road for Us. We thank “them” for coming out to the road.

We run a little late to Our first school and have most of Our new kids. One is really talkative. “They” are a little hard to understand so We have to pay close attention.

The roads are a bit slick All over. We start Our next school fine only One pickup does not see Us and We have to go back and then another is in an alley with no note about that on the map or route sheet. We end up finishing about an hour late. This means a short morning break.

Our noon section goes smooth and We have two kids that We know from summer school. The One that We do not know is absent today. The two remember Us and are very playful.

Another short break and We do Our PM section. We only have One highschooler and “they” are another kid that We had last year.

Our PM gradeschool is the One that We had last year. Some things have changed because of the new portal to portal policy (do NOT go in to the schools). The other bus attendant says that We can NOT receive the preschoolers early like We did last year. We tell “them” that that is a change. Then “they” do not want Us to pass “them” to leave after We both have All of Our kids. Dunno?????

It is a delight to see most of the kids that We had from here last year and most recognize Us. We only have One of “them” on this route though. We tell “them” All that We are happy to see “them” even if We do not get to have “them” on Our bus. We only have three of Our five students so even not knowing the route We finish a little early. Even with All the kids We will finish over an hour earlier than Our old route.

We have a little trouble turning around at Our last drop which is the student from last year who has moved. “They” knew the directions to “their” new home.

Back at base there are notes on both Our and Our driver’s boxes to see the assistant manager who is not there. This really messes with Our head. We are ponyhopping and Our head goes into defensive mode. Our head wants to defend and justify everything that We did. There is also a lot of fear. More ponyhopping and then more defense and then more ponyhopping. This continues All the way home and All evening.

It is really nice to get home earlier and NOT so nice for Our head to keep trying to run wild. We know this is NOT about whatever happened: it IS about Us. Our inner stuff. Our fear and old thinking and behavior. We ponyhop and then Our head rears up again and We ponyhop some more. We finish watching “The Veil” with phi and I-scream for dinner. There have been a few great lines. It is very stuck in fighting though. We had a sausage on the way home. We did a pit stop at a store that has great sausages.

Now: We ARE very ready to let Our “Vortex” take Us to dream. Ready to align with who We really are and NOT who Our head thinks that We are.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Monday, November 6, 2017

Rebid day in 3D within multiD



Rebid day in 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 8:56 AM AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We are awake, grateful, ponyhopping and getting ready to go in for Our rebid. We theel Our world shifting and expanding. We continue to have visions of changing Our world and life through ponyhopping and sending love: NOT physical action.

We ARE love. We ARE ready (to be ready) to live AS love.

Thank Us.

We find that We are still delighted about the other driver maybe getting Our challenges. We have made lots of progress and We do hope that “they” will remember that someOne actually cared, listened and payed attention to “them”. We hope that Our ponyhopping and love sending will help “them” live free. “Let this cleans, purify, release and set free All negative memories, blocks, energies and vibrations and transmute those energies into pure, unconditional love….. And it is done. Thank Us.

Bid day went well. We did change routes because of losing Our medicated kid on Our other route. Our new route has better hours and ends earlier with a noon section instead of a four hour break. We theel We will like that betterer and some of the kids were on Our route last year. We know We will like getting home earlier.

We easily slip into multiD as We drive home.

At home We go to dream a bit before dinner. We really have very little memory of anything after looking at the maps for Our new route. We are typing this from 3D and We were much more in multiD.

Oh: We stopped at the store for butter and cocktail sauce because We saw the roadside seafood guy was open on Our way in. We stopped on the way home. It was $135 for five pounds of scallops. That is pretty steep. We really wanted to try “them”. “They” are frozen on the boat and not fresh. We will probably only do this One time.

We did watch more “Falling Skies” with dinner.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Saturday, November 4, 2017

More fun, snow and ponyhopping in 3D within multiD



More fun, snow and ponyhopping in 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:27 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful and ponyhopping.

We ARE creating (a) world(s) of love and We thank Us. We theel it.

Yesterday We were theeling sorta odd. We knew it was/is about being in a new place/space. This IS an internal place/space. We theel odd and out of balance because We are not worrying, planning and “trying”. We have never lived this way before. It is new. It is unfamiliar and therefore uncomfortable at first. We greet the new and welcome it in.

Thank Us.

As We theel Our progress (yes everything still “looks” the same) it is interesting to see how We “tried” and “tried” to let go and that effort was actually hanging on to the old that We were (or thought that We were) “trying” to let go of. For sooooo long We thought that this process/journey was dragging on and on. Now: We see that Our struggle just tangled Us up in knots.

Thank Us.

Having fun with the kids again (and again and again). The roads are a little slick. Some of the kids really love the snow. Most are simply the way “they” Allways are and some are excited. Excited may or may not be good on the bus.

At the highschool Our driver helped another driver put on his chains and that set Us back about half an hour. We did Our AM gradeschool section about half an hour down. Finishing late helped fill Our break.

Still no Wifi at Safeway. We may stop going there for lunch only We do like some variety. Maybe We will try Taco Bell????

We have a nice hottub and then some grocery shopping for the weekend. We wanna be stocked up in case the weather turns really nasty. We also wanna make corn chowder this weekend.

Our afternoon goes well. One gradeschooler has been in Seattle and is back today. “They” are a little upset because “they” lost a ring in the snow. Other than that “they” are doing well and tell Us a little about the trip for medical stuff.

Two middleschoolers do not ride. We find out that Our medicated kid is gonna be a no ride until further notice. That takes over an hour off this route. We may wanna rethink keeping this route tomorrow at the rebid. We could bid the route that takes some of Our morning kids home.

We are giggling thinking about the other driver (the One who wants to take Our route away from Us) dealing with Our challenging kids. That would be such a fine reward. We are sorry that We theel this way: We sure do though.

We thought about picking up some takeout on the way. We really wanna get home though. We wanna get the chains on before it gets completely dark.

We do slide partway down Our drive even with both chains. We get stopped and are able to back into Our usual parking spot. First time We have done that since last week. Our head is trying to tell Us that We are doomed with these slick conditions even though We got parked just fine. We ARE giving Us credit and Our head is trying to trip Us up and set Us back. Kinda like returning to the dark ages.

Thank Us. We appreciate Us and Our progress. Not long ago We woulda slipped back into old thinking and behavior.

We play in multiD a little and have dinner with more “Falling Skies”. A little more playing in multiD and We are ready for dreaming.                                                                                                                                   

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Friday, November 3, 2017

More insights and experiences in 3D within multiD



More insights and experiences in 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:56 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful and We ARE pony hopping. Changing Our world One We love You at a time. We keep having visions of remote helping others transition and We likes that. Some are kids, some are A-dults, some We know from waking, some from dream and some We do not remember ever meeting.

Thank Us.

For some reason the chain that We have been using did not wanna go on the tire this morning. The new One went on slick and easy. We thelt glad We had the chain on going down the drive.

Having fun with the kids again.

Our driver tells Us there is a snow storm predicted. It is only snowing very lightly so far and some places are quite slick.

We ARE having insights as We walk in multiD. We theel kinda strange, displaced or something or something else. Is it the energies or adjusting to being/living more and more in multiD?

We ARE getting it that evolving, awakening is NOT an action step. "Doing" and/or "action" are actually counterproductive even though We "believe" that "they" ARE necessary. Ease and wellbeing, limitless ans united ARE Our natural state. So: "trying" to "get there" is actually keeping Us in Our unnatural state. It is denial of who/what We really are.

If You are breathing then You do NOT "try" to breathe. If anything that "trying" makes it hard to breathe. All that We really need is to relax and breathe and allow. Those ARE keys.

We had a very nice hottub and went very deep within to multiD. We Allmost got into dream. More and more We are learning how to live in 3D within multiD. It is different and certainly NOT what We might have expected. We theel sorta displaced and quite odd. We accept what is happening and release resisdance.

Thank Us. Breathe and relax. Allow. Keys.

This is NOT a journey of action. It IS a journey of relaxing: opening and allowing and setting it ALL free with love.

Thank Us.

Our post highschoolers are in good moods as usual. Only two of Our gradeschoolers ride. One is having oral surgery tomorrow. We theel “they” will greatly appreciate the surgery after it is done. The two that ride are having fun. The One continues to do well sitting in a big seat. This One was known as a runner and seems to be making progress on and off the bus. “They” are very curious. More than running “they” wanna go exploring and often that just does NOT fit in the A-dults agenda. Someday: We will make room for kids to be kids in Our agenda(s).

We continue to theel Our expansion. It is new and theels kinda odd.

We only have two middleschoolers ride so We finish early. We are ready to go home.

We put One chain on Our chariot before We go down Our driveway. We are glad to have it and two would have been even more better. We take the time to put the second chain on. We found out what caused the problem this morning. The chain got tangled into One of the hooks the wrong way. Our head was trying to tell Us that We had ruined it somehow. We did not listen. Thank Us.

We did get just a dusting of snow and Oneder if We will get the predicted storm tonight? If We do the chains should be helpful since Our drive is ice. Snow over ice is not a good combo for driving. We accept and release resisdance.

Soon: We are ready for dinner with more “Falling Skies”. Sooooo typical how it is and would be to live without a change of heart. We keep sending love and ponyhopping. We ARE changing Our world(s) One “We love You” at a time.

Now: We are ready to let Our “Vortex” take Us to dream. Breathe and relax.

Good night AND thank You for playing.