Experiencing creating Our 3D within multiD
Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:45 AM and/or NOW
Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.
Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.
We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.
We woke several times during the night from many worlds and playing with lots of new friends. There were also friends from Our passed visiting Us.
It is hard to describe how We theel this morning: grateful for sure AND different. It is like We ARE in a different world(s) this morning even though it certainly looks the same. We have changed/expanded/evolved. Our sense of time and place is skewed or is it finally accurate? We are sensing vibration. We can theel it.
Thank Us.
Our priorities have shifted. We really do not like the word change because (from Our passed) it implies something being abandoned, destroyed and left behind. Nothing is left behind or destroyed. We ARE integrating and expanding. We are getting more never less.
We ARE expanding and evolving. We are experiencing more. We are experiencing creating Our life, reality and world. We are experiencing being onship and in Our cabin in Alaska. We ARE both here AND there. We are in several heres and theres.
It was twenty above at home and it is ten below in town: shoulda stayed home. Guess We are not done pretending that cold is "bad". Our toes are not happy. We will probably go back to Our warm boots tomorrow.
All of Our kids rode and All are doing fine. Fun as usual.
We really do get it that We ARE creating what We are experiencing and feeling. Once We get into something it is not so easy to switch gears to something better: to find that better theeling thought. When Our vibration is higher then it is easier to find the better experience and the better theeling thought. We tend to continue in the direction that We have been flowing. We CAN change course. It just requires some concentration and repeated repetition of what We know works. It does NOT require effort which is usually Our first choice. Effort just drags Us deeper into what We are “trying” to rise above. Breathe and relax IS the key. Open and allow.
The weather is warming. By Our PM section it has gone from ten below (F) to between five and ten above (depending on which side of the street U R on). One thermothing was ten below this morning, then ten above when We started Our PM break and then five above when We were returning to the barn for PM.
Oh: as We refused to focus on bad parking We easily found a parking place before Our PM section. We create by Our thoughts and where We place Our attention. Remember: “attention” IS the currency of the new millennium and We ARE experiencing that: We just do not usually notice.
EveryOne rides on Our PM and again We really enjoy hearing from the broadcast kid. “They” have sooooo much information stored and when “they” are on a roll it really flows forth. The other day “they” said it would be cool if We could come to “their” home when One of “their” shows was on. Too bad that “they” live sooooo far from Us.
One of the messages that We have been reading is a teenager talking about being born aware and growing up on Earth and then going to live on “their” starships. This really does encourage Us about the now kids.
For some reason We do not seem to be able to get comfortable physically to dream on the ride back to base. It theels like We slip, sliding too quickly between worlds, realities and dimensions. How do You get comfortable and relax when going down a water slide? We created life to be like that so that We would NOT slip back into reality and wake up too soon.
At home: Our cabin warms fairly quickly. We left the heater off and it is warmer outside so We warm faster. We did some shopping on Our PM break and the juice and maple slyrple did NOT freeze. We did not think “they” would only We thought it would be warmer in town. It seems to have held at twenty above at Our cabin.
We have dinner with more “Unfortunate”. The children’s gifts are mentioned. Maybe?????? We play in multiD a while and now We are ready for Our “Vortex” and dreaming.
Good night AND thank You for playing.