Setting more free in 3D within multiD
Wizard’s Log Stardate: 8:12 AM and/or NOW
Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.
Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.
We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.
We do not plan on being up for the day. We had some great play time in new worlds with new friends. Also more insights into Us and Our process. We ARE facing Our fears: We ARE facing OurSelves.
We got the predicted snow and now the wind seems to be coming up. We snovelled a path to Our outhouse and that was quite tiring. We are practicing being grateful. It is a touch more than “acting as if”. We are noticing Our vibration. We know that this is a day of paying attention to Us. Our head wants to say it is THE “make it or break it” day. That is a lie, a myth. That is old limitation and separation thinking. We ARE immortal and connected to everything: even the snow. Thank Us.
It is THE day to open, allow and set it All free with love. We open and allow as much and as far as We can. We love Us unconditionally. We are scared. It is okay to type the truth. We love Us. We know that everything IS perfect AND everything IS working together for the best for Us. Our emotions may feel differently. We forgive Us. We love Us AND We thank Us. We certainly ARE having experiences. Thank Us.
So: Our plow guy came through and looked at Our truck. He says that We got everything off and the cylinder must just be seized up from rust and grease (and gremlins? Our words not his). We wanted that confirmation before We started beating on it with One locking something still in place. We have done that before. Also: remember: the outer life, etc reflects the inner. We took the “don’t force it get a bigger hammer approach” and with more penetrating oil and a bigger hammer and pry bar to cylinder came free. Now: We can move forward since that is where We were stuck. We also theel less stuck within.
We had a power outage just as We were typing this and We kinda lost Our train of thought. This experience IS about Us. We are certain of it and not just because it IS happening to Us. We can see many of the lessons and fears that are happening. We know that Our higher aspects ARE helping Us and We ARE grateful: very grateful.
It is still snowing lightly (kinda lightly) so We are only out working on Our truck for brief spells. Putting it All back together may be a tedious process. We did spray the old bolts and such with brake cleaner. We may wanna do that with more parts as We move forward. We really are very relieved. It is hard to believe what monsters Our head can paint.
Perhaps We will return to dream for a while.
Waking dreams. Part of what is happening is that even though the brake stuff has Us quite 3D focused We are also deep into multiD and multiworlds. This does make the repairs a bit more difficult on One hand. It can also simplify things when We align with whatever (OurSelf).
We decided to start putting the new cylinder on and now the brake line is not cooperating. We can theel that there is some more releasing (setting free with love) that We have not accomplished. We do NOT know what it is: rather clueless really. Not even sure that it is specific or that We need to know if it is. Our snow storm is also kinda still here: mostly wind. It is not the best conditions. We are okay with taking a break until tomorrow. The okay part IS progress. We ARE grateful.
Notice that We mentioned aligning. Here is the thing: this brake line fitting is the exact same type as the power steering line fitting on Our dragon that We can/could not get to align. What are the odds? We need to align Our vibration. Abraham-Hicks talks about this a lot and the messages that We often link to continue to talk about Our vibration. Are We listening? Kinda. We are doing Our best. Missing something perhaps????
So: We are spending the rest of Our day focusing on aligning: whatever that means. We do NOT have to know or understand. That is the beauty of spirit and multiD and Self.
We do some waking dream, have dinner and watch more “Travelers” on NetFlix. A bit more playing in multiD and We are ready to dream.
Good night AND thank You for playing.