An insightful day in 3D within multiD
Wizard’s Log Stardate: 1:20 PM and/or NOW
Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.
Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.
We are asked to remember this question: “What can be more important than planetary assension?” We agree. The only thing is that: the word assension tends to imply “going somewhere”. We prefer words like “waking”, “evolution”, “expansion” and such. Unified and limitless: next stop on the planetary express.
We are having a fun day dreaming. Often We have woken with “Thank Us” on Our mind. We are exploring worlds and playing with friends. We did not really wanna go to town and Our friends do not really want company. That works.
The sun is out bright and looks really nice through My view screen.
We are pondering vibrations and everything being here and now. We have been pondering this for a while and meant to mention it except that when We are trying to type it slips right through Our fingers. Everything that We see as solid matter is actually energy. This is becoming more and more widely known. Therefore everything vibrates and has a frequency. Where this gets difficult for Us is that there is an infinite array/spectrum of vibration and frequencies. We can not conceive of that/this because We have no frame of reference. We have never (except in trans, meditation and/or dream) experienced infinity. Most of Us can not and do not remember experiencing infinity in those expanded states because it is totally unfamiliar.
Plus: We set this game up AND programmed OurSelves to believe only in limitation and separation. In that game, fantasy and program (hologram/hologame) there is not such thing as infinity. It is a fantasy there and in infinity limitation and separation is a fantasy. Interesting contrast there. The rabbit hole never ends.
So: We keep living the summer reruns until We choose to go on to the next season. The thing is that We did such a good job of setting this game up that it is hard to wake. We designed it that way. We set All sorts of traps and safeguards to keep Us from slipping off the game board or out of the hologram. The “end game” button is protected with multilayer, multilevel encryption. In many ways We are exploring and unveiling this in movies and TV shows. We harbor these vague memories of reality and We portray “them” in fantasy.
Our animation movies and shows are another way that We imitate and explore reality. Computers are also based on those vague memories. For everything that We do naturally (and forgot about) We make machines and technology to what We believe We can not do. Once again: We pretend (and pretend very well) to be what We are not. We believe that We are failures. We believe that We are limited and separate. We believe that We are unworthy. We believe that We are evil. We believe that We are cursed. Most of Us deny believing that We are evil and what We deny even more, much more vehemently is that We ARE gods. Oh it is bad to be evil. It is even worse: it is hellfire and damnation to believe that We are gods. In fact: it is the only unforgivable sin to believe that We ARE God.
We did good.
So: each vibration, each frequency is like a frame in a movie. We stream the frames and get movement, time and action. Most of Us are incapable of slowing down this process and seeing, theeling, experiencing anything and everything One frame at a time. Slow motion is about the closest We can come when awake.
In dreams: We do it All. We move from One place and experience to another without moving. Friends (and enemies) appear and disappear instantly. Frame by frame. We believe that We do shit and that We travel. We do it with Our mind. It truly is smoke and mirrors and WE ARE the magicians.
And here is another thing: Our greatest feats and accomplishments are cheap imitations (not even as high quality as Our knockoffs) of what We can (and do) really do and live. We hide reality behind a veil that is not even opaque. We do not need anything more because We believe the lies because WE ARE the Ones telling the lies. Have You ever seen mist evaporate in sunlight? We do not believe in the sunlight or Our fantasies would be revealed at every turn.
This is changing/expanding of course. Remember though: Our greatest discoveries and moves forward are still less than drops in an ocean, We are capable and We deny Our capabilities. It is natural and We call it supernatural. We confuse and confound OurSelves at every turn. We may believe in teleporting and most who do still believe that We must travel to get to another spot on the vibrational/frequency scale. We do NOT go anywhere. We raise and lower Our frequency and vibration AND We disguise even this by making raise good and lower bad. God: We are good at this.
What We are not so good at waking up and smelling the coffee.
We are certain that when We tell anyOne that “they” are beginning to see and experience how the hologram really works “they” will deny it. “The Matrix” is a fantasy movie: right? The code as it is portrayed in the movies is more complex than it really is. In the movies We watch and are flabbergasted that these guys see anything more than streams of numbers. We do NOT need magik glasses to unscramble the code. WE wrote the damn code. We deny it and most will kill and die to prove that We did NOT write the code.
Here is
another message about All this. We have never thought about desire this way. Or: if We did We quickly forgot. If We stumbled into a world where this is clear then We quickly stumbled back out. We know that We have read similar before: maybe even the same. We did NOT understand it and said something like: “How nice” or “Nice for You”.
We get it when We are ready. We even doubt that We are ready to begin fully experiencing this revelation in Our daily life. Baby steps. Disappointing perhaps. Necessary for certain. This protects Us. It is like an embryonic sack. It is tearing slowly and gently. In Our world bubbles burst suddenly. Not so when expanding into reality. MultiD, multiworlds and unconditional love ARE reality. We have drowned in De-Nile long enough. We ARE making Our way towards shore: made of shifting sands.
Another thing that We want to mention again (because We are experiencing it again and We theel it IS important) is that a lot, many, maybe All of the adventures and experiences which We have avoided like the plague, run from, hated, judged as bad and evil, etc ARE the very portals that can and will lead Us into living multidimensionally. “They” ARE multiD.
Our head is still trying and clinging to planning. When We recognize it We open and allow: We set it free with love. Our head hates that simply because it does NOT understand. Our head IS multidimensional too. We have spent sooooo much time, sooooo many life times pretending to be what We are not that Our head believes that it is what it is not and NOT what it really is. Our head IS afraid of itSelf. Ever heard of being afraid of Your own shadow?
Sometimes when We really get into Our process it is easy to get caught up in the details (and Our head’s limiting expectations) and forget that the whole point is love: unconditional love. It is easy (even when looking towards being limitless and free) to slip back into old, limiting thinking and beliefs. Of course: that too is okay. We (Our head) want to judge Us and throw stones at Us for this/these slip(s). “They” ARE an important part of the process. We set it free with love: We do NOT abandon or destroy it. That IS very important. Every part and pisces of Us is going with Us.
This is a slow and gradual process that sometimes seems to be moving at break neck speed. Often: We go kicking and screaming even though We are getting and have exactly what We asked for. Be careful what You ask for????? Not really. Just be prepared to get it. If You/We can not be prepared at least We can stop doing a resisdance.
We love Us and We thank Us.
We play in multiD and intuits when awake. We have dinner with the last episodes of “Goliath”.
Now: We go dream.
Good night AND thank You for playing.