Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Thursday, June 30, 2016

More insights and multiD



More insights and multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:06 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate. Dance to the music.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We had a hard time getting to dream last night. At One point We got up to watch more “Eve of Destruction” (the dark matter show) and could not stay awake either. Were We in limbo? This time when We went back to dream We were successful.

When We woke this morning We were not sure it was/is Us We were/are experiencing. We noticed that We were talking in the first person, sooooo????? The person was/is a girl, living in her car with a bunch of cats and working as an attendant in a parking garage. A very different version/aspect of Us than We are at All familiar with. Right away We did real-eyes that it was/is Us: just a different version than We are used to. That person’s parents are rich and sometimes “they” go home to sleep. We do not know what the point of visiting that world/life is: if there is a point. Maybe simply getting used to remembering versions that We do not usually remember.

When We woke We knew that We are awake and even though We wanted to remain in dream (maybe NOT in that world) We reminded OurSelves that now We are able to stay in multiD while awake. We are clearly more in multiD than just 3D even though 3D looks just as dominant as ever. We are having a hard time typing this morning too. There were many other worlds too which are now a distant memory.

Interesting that this is this morning’s message. Remember what We were pondering/theeling as We went to dream last night.

We ARE enjoying playing in multiD and multiworlds this morning as We wake.

Only One more wakeup before five days of dreaming in.

We remember now that as We tried to go dream (at the beginning of the night) We were pondering Our thoughts of alternate 3D worlds and how insane All that sounds. We were thinking: “The difference between Me and a crazy person is that I Am NOT crazy!” thank You Salvadore Dali. To believe/know/experience that there are 3D worlds where there is not inequality, no need, no lack, no struggle, etc does truly seem insane. To believe that We actually live in a world where there is no starvation sounds like a person who needs caretaking. To know that people living beside Us, going to “their” jobs and shopping in the same stores who live in (a) world(s) where those things exist and that We do not is truly the mark of a crazy person. However: if war, famine and disease are marks of sanity????? Maybe insane is not sooooo bad?????

As We ponder Our passed, present and future We remember that We ARE a gatekeeper. There is a lot to that. It is a common thread through many (probably most) of Our alternate lives. We have no clue how that fits into the life that We woke from this morning. Maybe: even more than helping sped kids adjust to limitation 3d We are helping those who are falling into the limitation and separation programming hold onto “their” memories of multiD and unconditional love. That makes Us smile.

We want to share this quote from Suzanne Lie because it does help explain what time travel and teleporting actually are about: “The thoughts, emotions, energy fields and thought forms that are inter-dimensional are paving the way to assist you to fully adapt to living within a multidimensional reality in which your physical laws of time and space no longer function.”

You see (or knot): We do not actually time travel or teleport or even levitate: it just seems like within/from a limitation and separation mindset. That is a huge part of why We (personally) have never mastered these “abilities”. “They” are NOT real. As Einstein said: “A very convincing illusion”. We restricted OurSelves in order to enable OurSelves to expand and evolve. As We have said and typed many, many times: if We had mastered any of those abilities We would have stopped right there. We ARE about multiD and multiworlds and NOT about a nicer limitation and separation.

We just remembered something(s) that was/were rattling around in Our head at some point: We enslaved OurSelves. We chose to experience limitation and separation from many perspectives. Some of those include being powerless, being less than and being in slavery to a corrupt system that just keeps getting corrupter. It really is All about experience AND transmuting All that energy into unconditional love. That is also part of being a gatekeeper. The awareness of having made (and often continuing to make) that choice is as important as anything else. We are here to forgive OurSelves and Our others and to be here to stand beside and with anyOne else who chooses to face having made those choices for “themSelves”. Not everyOne is ready. It is NOT the path for everyOne at least not at this time. Time is truly irrelevant even though it is sooooo important to limitation and separation 3d.

Once again the subject of car trouble is coming up for Us. We do not mind saying that We still do NOT get it. We would love to move beyond this subject. we would love to get it that We truly do NOT need transportation devices and that this is All part of the illusion.

No need is actually real. Need is part of the make believe world that We are creating.

Now the good news is that the need and the car trouble do not hold Us in a death grip as it used to be. We ARE practicing gratitude, even theeling gratitude and still theeling what a One-der-full life We do have.

We were joking with Our driver about starting Our long weekend early and about half of Our students did not ride so We guess that maybe "they" really did start the weekend early.

It was a quiet ride and We still enjoy observing the kids behaviors. We are sure that Our love, care and acceptance of each as "they" are gets through without words. Thoughts speak louder than words.

BTW: it is a really nice day outside and getting quite warm/hot.

Without really doing anything special We are deep in multiD All day. Even with the potential and/or actual car trouble stuff.

We did get to hottub. That relaxes Us and helps Us drift and float and go deep.

We thank Us and We love Us unconditionally.

We ARE enjoying Our day and mostly experiencing being in 3D within multiD. We ARE making progress. We ARE delighted.

A very short day on the bus: only One rider in the afternoon.

We are definitely still in multiD and head straight home to play. It All looks the same. It theels different: slightly different or is it major?

We are gonna go dream a while.

We woke from a world/life where We are having lots of fun with old and new friends. We caught some type of infection and it was worth it if that was the price of this fun. We knew that infection and anything such thing is a fantasy: even a lie. It is only Our belief that makes such things real. Our belief is VERY powerful. We created an impossible world and endowed with Our belief and that made/makes it real. For some reason We wanted to experience All these impossible things and so We fell in head first and it often seems like We can’t get up.

We got up and fell into some YouTubes. We are here AND there. We are not at All sure where there is. We likes it and We likes being there/here.

It is nearly hot outside. We sat out a bit and it was too hot to stay even half an hour. We are drifting and floating and having fun. Maybe with Our imaginary friends?

As We pondered this impossible world (Our familiar, waking world) We thought of the words of the immortal: “Oh the cleverness of Me”.

Now: We are ready to watch some “How to Train Your Dragon” and have some dinner.

We have been planning to make a casserole and it turned out great even though We had feared it would be boring. After dinner We started watching another episode of “Eve of Destruction”. We can not stay awake so We are gonna try to go dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

In multiD Hobbits do have adventures



In multiD Hobbits do have adventures

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:44 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate. Dance to the music.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

Check the time.

At the beginning of the night We had difficulty getting into dream. Whatever was happening with the energies during the afternoon and evening continued to affect Us. We were in multiworlds: We just could not get into dream for a couple of hours. We were up and down and could not get into anything 3D either. When We did sleep We went deep. We woke a couple of times and went right back to dream.

We vaguely remember a few of the worlds that We visited. Our students were in some. We played a lot and as usual met new friends. The realities that We remember are nicer than Our waking reality. More freedom, more camaraderie and more fun.

Our coffee maker woke Us this morning and We really did not wanna get up. We reminded OurSelf that We can stay in multiD and We are. Our head is trying to drag Us back to limitation for that seems safe and familiar. No adventures for this head. Surprise!!!! We are going adventuring. Hobbits DO have adventures.

As We mentioned yesterday We will have a new student starting today. We have had “them” on Our bus in previous years. Our head is trying to worry about the seating arrangements. Interesting that We remember that often not everyOne rides and that will give relief on those days. The rest is that most of Our kids (including the new One) are very cooperative.

We are in training for introducing people to star ships. It will be a shock to many. It will certainly be a change. We think that most special needs kids will adjust better than others because “they” are more familiar with the Galactics and star ships. We just now real-eyes that there will be some (maybe many) who act like the One student did yesterday. That reaction is actually beyond the person’s control. We forgot that yesterday. Once a person gets that wound up what follows is beyond control. Those of Us considered “normal” can usually control such reactions and outbursts. Sensitives have much less control. Not really less control: much more sensitivity. Sensitivity that comes from We know not where and grows really large, really fast. EveryOne remained very calm even when getting hit and after a short time the student calmed down too. That is the key. We have done the same in previous incidents with other kids. This is a good reminder.

We are reminded that asking for help is NOT a “bad” thing. We knew that We could not handle Our agitated student alone and We got help. Learning to do that IS important. Just because there have been times when We could handle an agitated student by OurSelves does not mean that We have regressed. Sometime it just takes the addition of someOne different, someOne who was not there when the meltdown started. There are sooooo many factors and each case (not just each student) is new and different. It truly is no longer a One size fits All world. There is sooooo much to be learned in every incident and every experience. Lots of reasons to be grateful.

We can theel OurSelves slip, sliding in multirealities. We likes it. Hobbits on adventure. Everyday adventures. Adventures everyday.

It is sad (kinda) that We do not have anyOne locally that We can talk to about being a gatekeeper and helping people get familiar with being onship.

We have decided to start adding the label “gatekeeper” to many of Our daily posts (on Our blog) because (like pony hopping) it is part of Our daily life and We often do not even real-eyes it. Perhaps it should be: “gatekeeper in training”. Adding the label is a good reminder for Us.

BTW: lest We forget: it is raining a lot again this morning.

Getting it that yesterday’s incident was a training exercise helps. Everyday (in Our waking life on the bus) We help special needs kids adjust to being in limitation 3d. This is a slightly new perspective for Us. Everyday We ARE learning. Have We ever mentioned that before?

It IS okay to ask for help. Very okay. We do NOT have to do this alone. Some are more capable of helping than others. We do have higher aspects, parts and pisces of OurSelves that ARE available and very willing to help at All times. We just have to remember to ask. That is Allways an important lesson and We will probably forget.

We are getting it that Our “car trouble” is also part of this training. For One thing We are learning through experience NOT to live in fear. We used to live there 24/7. There is also asking for help. Sometimes We do read the manual too.

We ARE grateful for Our insights AND experiences. The insights make the experiences easier to cope with.

We real-eyes that You can not tell the difference between when Our cloud works and when snot. For some reason Our tablet is not picking up Our "Today" in Our cloud again. We are glad that it is quite easy to add a during the day entry/addition this way. If We kept Our fingers quiet You would never even know.

It turned out that Our new student knows One of the other students and chose to sit with "them" without needing any coaching or direction from Us. Our heart knew: it was only Our head that wanted to imagine a problem or potential problem. Our head likes to make mountains out of dust balls.

We have noticed being more in multiD most of the morning. We do like Our progress.

We had kinda wondered about Our talkative student after the day "they" accused Us of messing with "them". "They" invited Us to sit with "them" when the bus was getting full. We appreciate "them" letting Us know All is okay between "them". "They" have said that "they" like hanging out with "their" brother and a couple of times now "they" have said: "If You, Me and My brother went ....." This too tells Us that We are connecting. "They" are really nice and All the other kids seem to like "them".

From time to time We All have trouble squeezing into these bodies and living in limitation. We are glad that We keep getting insights into what is going on in Our life and world.

It does look like the rain and clouds might clear up. We do not want a lot of smoke from forest fires and still it is nice to have some sunshine.

For some reason the Wifi at the pool did not work well. We are at Safeway where it is a lot noisier. It is kinda interesting listening to the muggles. One Youngstar sitting behind Us sounds like "they" might be a bit special needs or not quite as sold out to limitation. Or something or something else.

We had pizza at Sam's Club and a macchiato at Starbucks here. Now: We theel ready for a short dream spell before Our afternoon section.

A very pleasant easy afternoon AND We found out that We have a five day weekend for the 4th of July. The student who thought “they” were getting picked up yesterday got picked up today. Who knows if “they” had the wrong day or it changed and noOne told “them”. For some reason: A-dults tend to think that it is not All that important to tell kids about changes. Go figure.

None of the kids took a nap and still We went way deep. We did not real-eyes that We got to dream after the kids were All dropped off because We thought We were 3D conscious the whole ride back to base. However: at the end We knew that We were way deep somewhere other than 3D. That is “good” news. We are not sure what We want for dinner and We certainly do NOT theel like stopping anywhere on the way home. A nice juicy hamburger sounds really good. Another day.

At home We are playing in multiD and enjoying being deep and even deeper. 3D is All around Us and We are still deeper in multiD. We really likes it.

We played in multiD a while and theel like We need to go dream.

The rain and clouds cleared up and it is really nice outside when We got done dreaming. We theel gratitude for Our life. We really do have a One-der-full life. We thank Us. We ARE creating this. Look at everything We have in Our life. We love Our job being with the kids and paying attention to “them”. We live in a beautiful forest. We have a very simple life. Rich and simple.

We know that what We have been doing is working for Us: for the best for Us.

We decided to sit out on Our porch and enjoy the sun. We can sense the Agarthans and the activity of the space port here. Not sure if that was before or after dinner. That is how deep in multiD We are even as We do things as 3D as eating and sitting in the sun. We had another vine ripened tomato with dinner. Yummy. We watched another episode of “Race for the Edge” the latest in the “How to Train Your Dragon” series. Then We started watching a series about dark energy. Yes: another doomsday type series complete with “Occupy” and a Monsanto look alike. It is the dark energy that caught Our attention and We are enjoying it. We forgive OurSelves. Lots to forgive and We ARE creating All that We have in Our life and world.

Oh: We have been having some theelings/intuitions about Our project a few years ago to end starvation globally. We know that We succeeded. We knew it back then. What does the news tell Us? Dunno. Remember: We each create Our own reality. Some (maybe many) may be creating a world where people are still starving. Remember the two brothers? In “their” world everyOne is equal and has plenty. “They” could not even fathom need, scarcity and lack until We took “them” to a world (Our world at the time) where these things are the norm.

It is up to each of Us. What do You wanna create. What can allow? What can You believe? The truth is NOT what We have Allways been told, what We have taught, been taught and believed. We really do have it All bassackwards. We ARE powerful creators. It IS up to Us. We have the power. We do not need to take it: only accept it. We need to acknowledge and own who and what We really are.

It IS time to begin living as Our true nature. We ARE the Ones We have been waiting for.

With that We are gonna see if We are ready to dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

An interesting day in 3D within multiD



An interesting day in 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 5:14 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate. Dance to the music.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We visited several/many worlds and were aware of being on ship a lot. At One point (at least) We were aware of being multilocated. This awareness: being conscious of being in these multilocations simultaneously is still new and hard for Our head to grasp. Our head is not used to processing Our eyes seeing many different scenes/locations All at Once. This awareness is a step forward.

We woke about an hour early and lay in bed drifting around in multiworlds, multiD and dream. We did not wanna get up and reminded OurSelves that We get to be/stay in multiD as We wake. That makes Us smile. We have been playing in multiD All morning so far. Kinda lost there and that is a good thing.

We are having a little difficulty doing common 3D stuff: We have to think and concentrate instead of doing on autopilot. Again: this was One way We used to keep OurSelves locked in only limitation 3d. Now: it is kinda fun to notice that We are NOT focused only in limitation 3d. Our head still tries to worry and plan Our future. We know that it is not important. Everything IS working together for the best for Us.

We are looking forward to seeing Our students this morning. Even though “they” visited Us in Our dreams We still miss “them” in the physical. We do theel strongly that many are onship with Us. For some this (being on ship) is new and for others it is old hat.

Once again Our “Today” did not make it to Our cloud (yet). Clueless.

It has been raining All morning and nicely cool. The rain is mostly light with some heavier bursts.

All of Our kids rode and tomorrow We get a new kid. That will make the bus a little full. Some kids who like to sit alone will have to share a seat. Should not be a real problem with this group. Some kids We can NOT make share. This group is not extreme that way.

It was really interesting observing the behaviors today. We just never know what the kids will come up with. "They" had fun and We likes that.

Gonna do some grocery shopping and then We "should" be able to hot tub for the first time in about a month. We are really looking forward to that. Our schedule will not give Us time to hottub on Tuesday and Thursday unless We go after route. Probably won't do that because after route We really like to go home.

We theel like We slipped into (an) alternate reality(ies) or twelve. Because (of course) We did. Remember: not All alternate realities are better. We often forget that part.

At school: One of Our students is concerned because “they” think that “their” respite worker is supposed to pick “them” up. The school does not know anything about it. The student is okay with waiting on the bus. “They” go from anxious and concerned to agitated. When it is passed time to leave and We try to get “them” seated “they” begin to meltdown. We got an admin to try and help. When the student hit the admin We went for more help. The student hit another admin and was swearing at All of “them”. We have had this student on Our bus before and We have never seen this type of behavior.

After a while the admins got the student calmed down, seated and buckled in. We were able to proceed only ten minutes late. All of Our students were confused and a little upset yet “they” All handled it okay and were very cooperative. The two students who are friends from middleschool played video games All the way and that helped relieve “their” tension. The agitated student did fine for the ride home.

Our last student (Our talker) fell asleep after “their” friend got home.

We knew that We were a bit rattled and did not fully real-eyes what is going on with Us. When We got home We real-eyesed that We are not really here. We are somewhere else. That is good to real-eyes. Are We slip, sliding through many realities? It sure theels like it and We are very grateful to have a clue what is going on with Us. Without a clue We might think We had lost it. Whatever “it” might be in the moment.

To recognize that We were/are slip, sliding through realities makes sense of a seemingly senseless afternoon. Why is it senseless? We theel very odd and disconnected. Disconnected from what? From Our usual Self. Kinda like We are bouncing off walls that do not exist. Like We are walking on air or shifting sand. We do not like any of Our options for dinner and yet We also did NOT theel like stopping anywhere for takeout. Like a leaf in the wind?

We decided to try a combination of some different dinner options and add some melted cheese. That worked. We finished “Cat.8” during and after dinner. We still theel like We are adrift. We may or may not be ready for dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Monday, June 27, 2016

Lots of dreaming and a little 3D within multiD



Lots of dreaming and a little 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 10:13 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate. Dance to the music.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

Just ‘tending again.

We seem to have been dreaming and waking in two hour spells most of the night. We know that We spent a lot of time on ship. Helping others adjust to being there. Mostly just being there with “them”. So that “they” know that it is real. Yes: It IS Your imagination. Your imagination IS real. So each personal experience is different because We are each imagining Our own experience. That is a little hard to imagine/grasp so do not try to imagine everyOne’s different experiences: just imagine Your own.

More dreaming. We are primarily aware of (focused on) being on ship. This is still a little hard to remember details because it is in multiD. We remember theelings. We are still helping others to adjust. As We have said this “help” is mainly just being with “them” and reassuring “them”.

We did sit out in the sun for a bit and it is too hot to stay out long. Whenever We are out there We can theel the fae and Agarthans that We know also inhabit this area. We ARE certain that there is a portal to inner earth here. Perhaps: We ARE that portal?

This weekend is kinda like being on retreat. Except for going for water We have stayed home All weekend and that is the way We likes it. We do seem to be able to get deeper into OurSelves the longer We are at home dreaming and playing in multiD. Our head tries to convince Us that We should be “dong” 3D projects and exerting effort. That is the old way. That is limitation and separation mindset. It does not hold Us as strong as it used to. We (Our head) do Oneder what is going on with Our dragon. Will We get to experience another mode of transportation soon? Will We be able to shift Our attention and vibration to another location? Will We get it what is actually going on? Will We begin to live in reality and set the fantasy free to play with itSelf?

We hear thunder in the distance and there are clouds moving in/through. It is a bit cooler outside and that is nice. We like it warm and NOT hot.

Whenever We are outside We are noticing more and more glimpses and glimmers of otherworlds: mostly beans from alternate realities/worlds that coexist here at other vibratory levels/frequencies. We theel that admitting and acknowledging that these “ghost” images are real is a step towards experiencing more. The fantasy, the illusion is that there is only One reality. We now know better and We are starting to live “more”.

Many are focused on “first contact” and as exciting as that seems: We are certain that We ARE “first contact” and it IS occurring. We ARE the Ones We have been waiting for.

The thunder is getting closer and so We are going to shut down Our puter and see if We can go dream.

We dreamt a bit and now We are having dinner. We decided to start watching “Cat 8” another doomsday type series. Why do We enjoy these? Faster pace? Adrenaline? Haunted house and joy ride type thrill? Lots to forgive that is for sure. Lots to own.

We love Us unconditionally. We do theel taking people to ships in some of these type scenarios. “They” will need assistance to get used to being on ship. For some this will be a sudden and drastic change. There will probably be fear: at least the typical fear of the unknown.

Now: We will go dream for the night: maybe.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Mostly dreaming and drifting in multiD



Mostly dreaming and drifting in multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 1:12 PM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate. Dance to the music.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

At the beginning of the night We thought that We were having trouble getting to dream. When We got up We real-eyesed that it was more like trouble staying in dream. The time that elapsed shows Us that We had been to dream. We woke several times during the night. We have also been up several times this morning and gone back to dream. There were times that We played in multiD, times We read, times We did both and times that We just went right back to dream.

The only world(s) that We remember were about exploring and settling new lands/worlds. We were in a wagon train. We do not know if the wagons were horse drawn or self-powered. Perhaps/probably some of both. There are times onship that We are talking about exploring new star systems. We think that there were probably several worlds where We were in a wagon train and Our brain/memory kinda blurred “them” into One memory/experience.

We may be up for the day or not. We did sit out in the sun for a while. It was too hot to stay too long. We were drifting into multirealities and that is nice.

We did some reading and returned to dream. We woke and drifted back to dream where/when We visited a world where We are living with Our parents and sister in a cabin similar to this One. This life is a combination of Our current waking life and other lives. Quite interesting. We got up and are doing some more reading and will probably fix dinner. We are clearly here AND there and We likes it.

More “Enterprise” with dinner. “Enterprise” is not holding Our attention like some shows do. It is a very limitation depiction of exploring the stars. The original Star Trek may have been similar. That was new and exciting. This is kinda rehashed. We may look for something more interesting. Or snot.

We are ready to go dream. Not much to share today. A typical day of going back to dream. We know that We are transitioning even though We are not seeming to have much insight today.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Mostly dreaming with 3D and multiD when awake



Mostly dreaming with 3D and multiD when awake

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 11:52 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate. Dance to the music.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We seem to be awake. We have been up several times and (surprise, surprise) We went back to dream. Sometimes We played in multiD a bit and others We just went right back to dream right away. We woke from several worlds and apparently from the same otherworld Once or twice. We remembered some more when We first woke than We do now. (We have been up a while getting oriented in 3D before We could type.

In One world We live in some kind of prison camp. It may not be an actual prison: that is just the closest 3D description We can think of. Rather sordid conditions and We are trying to help others feel safe and as comfortable as possible. In another We are visited by an ET named Sentium who is a familiar friend with Us and Our family. We are reminded how in many of Our dream world(s) AND Our waking world We are helping others adjust and be comfortable. Do You remember a few years ago We dreamt about being a gatekeeper and Our function is to escort beans (living and dead) back and forth across the veil and help “them” (be with “them” giving aid and comfort as possible) adjust and get familiar with the other side (whichever side that might be). Hopefully We will remember to add the label “gatekeeper” to this post. If not You can find other “gatekeeper” posts under that label.

We decided that We wanted some coffee and We know that We want to go for water and take garbage to the dumpster. We will be glad when the dumpster on the way to town reopens at the end of the month. We do not need to go for water every week. There is a dumpster between here and the spring so why totally waste that trip? We can not put garbage outside because it attracts bears. We had not heard of any bear sightings nearby in a few years until again this summer. We do think that that was after the main dumpster sight closed for renovations.

We do live in the lost frontier and in the forest. This is a very large forest too. Especially as the bear flies.

We sat out on the porch for about half an hour before getting ready to go for water.

We went for water and to take trash to the dumpster. Uneventful really. We were functioning in 3D while mostly in multiD. Now: We wanna play in multiD a bit and see where that takes Us.

We played in multiD, read a bit and then went to dream a bit. We had fun even though We do not really remember where We went and what We did. We woke smiling and grateful. Now: We are ready for “Enterprise” and dinner.

BTW: it is quite warm today. Maybe even hot for here. Much better weather for Our tomato plant. Interesting that Our citronella is much more fragrant than previous years and still has not bloomed at All.

We had dinner with more “Enterprise”.

We played in multiD some more and now We are gonna go dream. We theel dreamy.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Friday, June 24, 2016

More 3D experiences within multiD



More 3D experiences within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 2:36 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate. Dance to the music.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We slept and dreamt pretty well until a little while ago. We woke from a reality where a very large nuclear bomb was detonated half way around the world from wherever We are in that reality. The world went very, very quiet waiting for the results. It was not silent and business did not stop but it was close. We can still theel the theelings. We do not theel that this happened in Our familiar, waking reality. However: We can theel it. A great disturbance in the force. A disturbance large enough to be thelt in other realities. NoOne knows how far the radiation will travel and how much affect it will have. We wait.

We can theel how much another reality can affect Our familiar, waking reality. We have gotten messages before that it happens: other realities affect Our waking world. We know that We have experienced this. We have never been fully aware of how much. Now: We theel it to Our core.

We do not want to be up for the day yet. The theelings from that reality are keeping Us from returning to dream. We can not seem to convey how strong the theelings are. We rarely theel and remember any dream world(s) this strong. In fact: We are not aware of ever theeling it quite this strong. Maybe close. Not this strong and pervasive. Typing does seem to be relieving the theelings.

We were able to easily return to dream and woke from a different, much more pleasant world. In this world: We work in/at/for a college or university in admissions helping new students get settled in. The theelings are not nearly as strong and pervasive as from the nuclear bomb world. We remember it more clearly too. It is a fun world. It is another limited world. Not sure if it is as limited as Our waking world.

Our talker did not ride this morning so it was a quiet ride. We do have Our regular driver back. Allways better for Us and the kids to have Our regular driver. Change is hard for the kids: any change. Giving directions means We have to pay more attention to the roads rather than only paying attention to the kids.

We gave another attendant a ride from school to base so We got to swap stories and tips about the different kids.

At the pool We noticed a lot of tiny pieces of broken glass on the lockerroom floor. Of course there was no male lifeguard working. We were the only One in the lockerroom so We watched the door while the female lifeguard swept the floor. It was quite spread out over the floor. We were talking with the guard about how Our brain filters out the very unexpected: at first We did not believe it was broken glass. Hopefully that will be All Our excitement for the day.

We decided to try some squid salad and octopus salad for lunch. Not really Our cup of tea. We theel we would like it better mixed with fried rice.

We are taking Our time before going to another store to do some grocery shopping for Our weekend.

We decided to just have more lunch and leave the grocery shopping until after work (mainly because it is hot and We wanna buy some frozen rhubarb for a pie).

We had a short afternoon since Our talker did not ride and “they” are the farthest stop. It was quiet except when One got upset because the seatbelts on these new buses do not loosen as easily as the old buses which “they” are used to. That is actually a good thing if the seatbelt is needed. We had the driver pull over because We did not know if the student was having some kind of seizure or throwing a tantrum. We got “them” calmed down and it was just a tantrum.

We were quite dreamy when We got home so We took a dream break. It is nice enough to sit outside. We just do not theel 3D enough to sit out there without falling asleep and falling out of Our chair.

We finished “Revolution” or at least the available episodes. Seems kinda/very unfinished. Then We started watching “StarTrek Enterprise”. We thought We had watched it before and yet We do not remember anything that happened. Maybe We started further into the saga. We had mock eggs benedict for dinner. We thought that We had Hollandaise sauce and We were wrong. We have cheese sauce so We used that instead and it is great.

We thought that We might need to stay up late since We have Allready had a dream spell. We theel ready to dream so off We go.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

And 3D continues within multiD



And 3D continues within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:41 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate. Dance to the music.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We slept and dreamt in One hour spells most of the night. We do not know why. It does mean that We woke from many worlds: some nearby and some more distant. Nearby and distant does not really refer to space or even time. It is more about similarity and density. We have some vague memories. It theels like We could remember more if We spent time focusing or maybe zooming out more. Of course: We are reminded that what We think of as out is actually in. Bassackwards again.

We theel a shift and We know that it is mostly in how We think. Of course: that affects everything. We never had a clue how much Our thinking and beliefs affect Our everything. Even when We got a clue: We were still pretty clueless. We knew it without living it. That is a step in the right direction. Without living it though: it is pretty pointless and empty. We are beginning to live and experience it.

Once again this message speaks about what We are typing.

We theel the shift.

Now We remember that there was a lot of time onship AND escorting earthlings (mostly kids who are open) back and forth to the ships. We theel that younger people are more open to extraterrestrial life. We have known for some time that We are multilocating between the ships and different places on Gaia. The word “ship” is actually a misnomer and is used so that 3D focused people have something that “their” heads can grasp. Gaia herSelf is a ship. Our 3D heads really can not grok what We are theeling. Remember: matter is energy. Energy has to vibrate very slow to appear as matter. We ARE masters of this game and We slow the vibration(s) quickly and easily. We have forgotten and denied how to speed the vibration back up.

We ARE theeling All this. Words are hard. We theel that the kids on Our bus are probably more open to the Galactics and such. “They” are also well indoctrinated and want to “fit in”. We know that theeling well. We know that We communicate more on a mental level than physical and verbal. We know that We connect with kids We have on Our route, that We have had on Our route and kids/people We have just seen out and about and many that We have never had physical contact with. Those that We meet and have contact with are easier to believe that We connected in many ways. Then again: We tend to see the side that is trying to fit in. Those that We just see in passing and catch “their” eye: those are the Ones that We really know that We have touched.

We are having trouble connecting to the internet (at Safeway) for some reason. So We will do this differently for now.

All of Our kids rode this morning and we had a sub driver. It All went well. A little louder since We had Our talker. It was fun. we actually enjoy it more when the kids are talkative and playful.

We real-eyesed that We often forget how medicated these kids are. A couple of things reminded Us. this affects a lot of things and especially how connected "they" theel to magik, the Galactics and All of Us.

The whole purpose of the meds is to make "them" "fit in" to the mold, the box, the narrow lines established by society. Magik, the Galactics, unity and limitlessness do NOT fit inside those boundaries. We do forget how much the meds affect "them". Another reason why We use telepathy and connect more on the deeper, mental levels rather than physical and verbal. We use the verbal and physical also just not for the more important stuff.

It is just sooooo easy to fall back into limitation and separation thinking and mindset when Out in the world. Much easier to stay focused when home alone.

We had a fun afternoon. The kids started making animal sounds (and “they” are pretty good at it) so We were tending that We had All these animals on the bus (noOne mentioned “pretending”). We had the same subdriver as We had this morning and she plays along with Us. When Our talker crashed the bus went mostly quiet.

Our talker took a nap and took Us into dream a bit. We had to wake “them” at “their” home.

We talked with Our subdriver All the way home about 3D stuff and kids and All that.

We were mostly in 3D for the drive home. At home We are playing in multiD and theel We are ready for a bit of dreaming. We did not know that We fell asleep and when We woke (at first) We did not think that We had slept. Then We knew that We had slept. It is like knowing that We have dreamt without remembering anything.

We are having a light dinner with “Revolution” and it is nice enough to sit out in the sun a while. We came in because any longer out in the sun and We would fall in sooooo deep that We might not come out to go to bed to dream. We could theel the Agarthans and Galactics roaming around the grounds/forest.

We theel that We will watch more “Revolution” before going into dream.

We find that We are very ready to go dream: at least for a short spell.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

More insight and experience in multiD



More insight and experience in multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:49 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate. Dance to the music.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We slept and dreamt well last night after about the first hour or so and until around three thirty when We woke and could not get back to dream. Then the filter collapsed in Our coffee makes which Allways pisses Us off. Why do We do this kind of thing? Why do We create it? Here is a message talking about just that. We do not have to like it to accept it. We ARE reminded to be grateful for it All. We are reminded that We ARE love learning to live as love in the physical world. We are living in a transitioning world and that IS Our choice.

Obviously a collapsed coffee filter is a pretty minor inconvenience. It does remind Us of creating things like car trouble or Our heater not working for One reason or the other. Those seem like more threatening events especially in the cold of winter. However: “They” are All Our creation and really of the same import. It just depends on how much importance and power We attach to each. We have never really suffered. Even if We thought that We did it was short lived. Certainly: We are NOT suffering now from any of these creations. We have never thought of “them” as being about the emotions “they” bring up. So there is room for growth. Perhaps therein is the message We have been giving OurSelves and missing.

We can practice being grateful even at the (seemingly) worst of times. Today: We theel the gratitude. We remember when We thought We were suffering and doomed. We really believed that in the passed. We ARE so very grateful for Our progress and Our transition. Thank Us unconditionally.

As We have mentioned before: what causes Us distress is Our head and Our limitation mindset and way of thinking and believing. BTW: We are NOT feeling distress this morning. We ARE theeling love and gratitude. Our head is reminding Us of times that We did feel distress AND warning/threatening Us that We will feel distress in the future. Our head tries to figure and project what We want to create. It only has limitation experiences and ideas to draw from. Therefore what it thinks We want is different from what We get and far short of what is possible. We trap OurSelves. We think (with Our head) that there is only One possibility that will make Us happy. Hmmmm: look at that statement. It is a great example of limitation and separation thinking and words. Nothing will make Us happy except choosing to BE happy. It comes from within and We still think that it comes from without.

We ARE delighted with where We are and what We have. We choose to be happy and that affects Our external world. Thank Us. We love Us unconditionally. Even Our head. Our head is doing its best. It just needs practice at living in unity and limitlessness. Our head needs limitless and connected experiences. We ARE beginning to give those to Us.

Thank Us, thank Us, thank Us. We theel grateful today.

Our talker did not ride this morning so it was a quiet ride. We can not really which We prefer. Quiet is nice and We enjoy observing the kids having fun. Of course "they" can be enjoying "themSelves" silently. The student who talks to "themselves" does not seem to affect the group nearly as much as the other One does.

We were a little late because the stop arm kept deploying whenever and wherever.

As We go about doing 3D things on Our break We are clearly here AND there. Perfectly 3D functional (perfect???? it is the word that came to mind) AND very much drifting in multiD too. Drifty, spacey and in the zone.

Maybe We will go to base and take a dream break.

We decided to have a Starbucks and read a bit from Our Kindle book “The Rise of Dragons”. Then We went to base and did some fast (coffee induced) dreaming.

A quiet, short afternoon since Our talker and talks to “themSelves” did not ride. We are here AND there until We are down to One student who is taking a nap and took Us to dream with “them”. It was All that We could do to stay awake until We got “them” home.

It is a short ride back to base so We choose not to dream. We are mostly in multiD and still alert enough to drive home. At home We are doing some 3D and mostly playing in multiD. We may go dream before dinner even though We would just as soon stay up so We can sleep tonight. We are reminded that Our sleeping has more to do with what dreaming needs dreaming than how tired We are.

We are having dinner with more “Revolution”. It really does show how Our world would evolve IF We do NOT change/expand Our hearts. There are many scenarios and One direction that We can go IF We do not evolve: if We do NOT start to live as Our true nature. We can only hide from OurSelves for so long.

We tried to dream and got back up to watch more “Revolution”. We seem sleepy and yet dream evades Us or is short lived.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Insights, outsights and multiD



Insights, outsights and multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:45 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate. Dance to the music.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

Happy solstice. Actually: it will be after solstice when You read this. It will be solstice this afternoon as We type this.

We slept and dreamt well All night. A bit unusual on a Sunday night after a weekend of dreaming. This is another indication that Our dreaming is NOT about rest. It is about visiting other worlds and other lives. We had a lot of fun and visited many worlds with many new friends and a few old friends. We remember One world that We woke from during the night where We are helping people find housing: some permanent, some temporary. We enjoyed meeting these new residents and visitors. We also remember theeling being onship a lot. And let’s not forget inner earth. We do theel a strong connection between inner earth and the fae.

On waking Our head tried to take charge and plan and worry. We quickly recognized this and switched to theeling gratitude. Our focus is becoming unconditional love. Great progress. We deserve an “attaboy”.

It has been raining lightly All night and We woke to the sound of steady rain and then Our coffee maker. Much nicer than an alarm clock or even clock radio. It took Us a few minutes to come out of dream to 3D consciousness and even multiD consciousness. Which came first: the chicken or the road? The rain sounds nice on Our metal roof.

We are doing a little reading and playing in multiD as We wake. It is much easier to play in multiD than read. Even typing is easier than reading: at least it is this morning. Some mornings it is very hard to type.

We are getting ready to go play on the bus. We real-eyes that Our attitude is what needs to change in order to NOT theel cheated that We have to stop dreaming to be on the bus. Being on the bus is as much a part of Our process as dreaming. Dreaming takes Us to less limited worlds and many of those are less separate even though still separate. “They” theel less pressing and threatening than Our waking, limitation world. As We get it that Our waking, limitation world is NOT really threatening and dangerous or even real: it is easier to climb out of dream. We CAN allow OurSelves to dream more during the day and be aware of being in multiD and being multidimensional.

It has Allways felt like being in multiD while awake was escaping and holding Our head in the sand or clouds. Maybe it is. After All: those are just as real as Our waking, limitation world. More real actually. We love Us unconditionally. We forgive Us unconditionally. We thank Us unconditionally. There are sooooo many keys. Sooooo many portals. We used to avoid and hate and deny All of “them”. Our head tells Us that We will suffer and die a slow and very painful death if We pay attention to Our fantasies. It is limitation and separation that is the true fantasy. We will find love and joy in multiD and unconditional love. Happy is a choice. Happy and gratitude are huge keys in Our limitation cage.

No boundaries and no limits and noOne left behind. We ARE smiling a lot this morning. We are deep enough in multiD that We forget how to do common things. We remember how this used to frustrate Us and We would run screaming back to limitation. Now: We embrace this theeling. We love it and appreciate it. We ARE delighted with OurSelves. That too used to be judged as a “bad” thing.

We are reminded to stay in the now as Our head tries to plan and then worry about the future: near and distant. Now is where it is truly All happening. Staying in the now totally goes against the grain of what We have taught, been taught and programmed. We have taught and been taught to live in the future and dwell in/on the passed to keep Us out of the glorious now. We have taught and been taught that “now” is a dangerous place and IF Our “now” is nice: “this too shall pass”. We have taught and been taught that danger awaits Us at every turn and in All the shadows. God knows that We have created many shadows where danger lurks.

These were not the forward thoughts: We hid “them” in Our shadows. “They” lurked and ate away at Our conscious brain. “They” festered until “they” erupted as open sores and wounds filled with the poison that We infected “them” with. Now: it is time to infect OurSelves and Our world with love: unconditional love. Thank Us.

Oh: We really likes this message. Juicy. We really do try to overcomplicate “it” (everything). That is the way of limitation and separation: the old pair-a-dime and old energy.

Interesting: at the bus barn another attendant (One who is much more mainstream than Us) asked: "Is this an alternate reality?" So it IS touching the mass mind: the mainstream.

The student who rode for the first time on Thursday rode again today. Very nice and way more talkative than the others (except the One who talks to "themSelves") and "they" do get the others talking more too.

We really do enjoy this group of kids. Mostly (if not All) freshmen.

One end of Our route was in bright, hot sunshine and the other in heavy rain.

We are still mostly in multiD even though it is easy to slip back into 3D thinking and focusing when out and about. We do theel the shift even if We do not see it. Not much anyway.

Lunch and Wifi after the pool this morning. Then a little grocery shopping and maybe more Wifi.

Yep: more Wifi. We are reminded that it is solstice AND full moon both today.

We are walking around in 3D and did Our grocery shopping AND find that We are beginning (again) to drift deeper and even deeper into multiD.

It seems that hypnosis was/is another portal to multiD. That/this is One portal that We enjoyed and yet avoided when up and about in 3D. Another aspect that We liked and most people do not like is spinning or spiraling. Again though: We like/liked it only when sitting comfortably or laying down.

Allmost time to head back to the bus.

Our last student took a nap after the other kids got off and We thought “they” took Us to dream. Afterwards (on the drive back to the barn) We seemed to be more here (3D) than there (everywhere/multiD) and then on the drive home We thelt more there than here??????

At home: We are definitely BOTH here AND there. We are finishing putting Our laundry away and having dinner with more “Revolution”. We are clearly drifting in multiD and yet not theeling dreamy.

We want to go dream and will try. We kinda doubt that We will have much success at this time. We will see what happens.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Monday, June 20, 2016

More drifting in multiD when awake in 3D



More drifting in multiD when awake in 3D

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 11:40 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate. Dance to the music.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We slept and dreamt well All night. We have been up and back to dream a few times this morning and will probably go back to dream again soon. We woke and decided to file Our unemployment to have that done.

We have visited lots of worlds and lots of new and old friends. Some of Our students showed up too. We remember quite a bit and had a lot of fun. We are kinda anxious to get back to some of those worlds.

Each time We woke during the night and morning We brought in a little more laundry and the water that We got at the laundromat. We still have some laundry to put away and the water jugs are probably dry enough to be put away. For now We are gonna go back to dream.

We can theel that there is something happening within Us. That is why We have been so deep in multiD and dreamy since yesterday afternoon and actually since Our afternoon route Thursday. Some kind of download and/or upgrade or something or something else.

This message talks about receiving light language messages and We theel that that is (at least) part of what is going on. Remember too that the solstice energy is very strong.

We are NOT complaining: far from it. We are observing and commenting. We can theel change/evolution. Nothing left behind and nothing destroyed. More is added.

Here is another message about what We are living. It speaks of “feeling” and “experiencing” the energy shift. That IS what is happening.

We got Our jugs of city water put away. We are clearly still very deep in multiD and doing some 3D stuff. We started to use the word “tasks” and that is sooooo old energy and mindset.

It has been overcast All day and just now We got a small rain shower. Very small.

We are reminded that when We woke this morning We were focused on unconditional and how often We wake grateful. We real-eyes that We have not mentioned being grateful today. We ARE unconditionally grateful. This is becoming Our state of being and not just momentary. We ARE learning how to live as love in the physical. Yes: the shifts are small and subtle: not really noticeable. That does NOT change the fact that We ARE evolving. We ARE transitioning. We are becoming Our true Selves, Our true nature: Love.

We decide to have an early dinner with “Revolution”. Lots to forgive and it truly is how it can be when We try to change the outer without changing the inner. We are grateful that We ARE choosing to change Our inner bean and will see (a) world(s) that result from that.

We are gonna go dream early. We theel it will be a short dream spell.

We got up after about an hour or so and are having dessert with more “Revolution”. Another short waking spell and We are ready for Our night dreams.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Slipped deep into multiD while doing 3D



Slipped deep into multiD while doing 3D

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 5:27 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate. Dance to the music.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

Not really up: just tending. We want to share a bit about Our dreams. Lots of worlds and lots of friends. As We ponder “them” We find an other worldly quality that We did not notice while dreaming. In the dreaming We are there and fairly used to expansion and worlds without limitation. In waking: these are still unfamiliar and therefore more noticeable. And that is probably what this other worldly quality is: no limitation.

Worlds without boundaries, polarities and conflict seem unreal and otherworldly to Our waking brain. It is actually limitation that is unreal. It is however a familiar lie.

We have been back to dream several times. Most of those We did not think that fell asleep until We saw how much time had elapsed. This time We woke and could not get back to dream so We got up. We do wanna do laundry today and even so this is a little early to be up. We theel very dreamy and as We knew when We got up this is about learning more how to wake and walk in multiD.

We are doing Our best to allow. We can theel being more than just/only focused in 3D. We likes it.

We ARE clearly in multiD and expanded beyond limitation 3d focus. We can theel it even if We can not see it. Everything looks the same and still it theels very different. We are sooooo deep into multiD that We are slipping into dream sitting at Our computer. We are gonna lay down and see what happens.

We got to dream and other worlds. Our neighbors have a car that needs a muffler and that woke Us. It is about the time that We had wanted to get up to get to do laundry originally. We only remember that We had fun with new friends in Our dream ventures.

It has been smokey All morning and seems to be clearing a little. We are gradually getting ready to do laundry. No rush. It is pretty warm and We have Our windows shut to keep some of the smoke out.

As We get ready to do laundry We can really tell that We are still deep in multiD AND 3D functional. We ARE learning how to do this and We ARE getting betterer at it. We ARE delighted. We thank Us unconditionally.

Laundry is going well and not too painful. We continue to find OurSelf drifting and playing in multiD.

We are reminded that doing mundane 3D tasks is NOT failure. MultiD does include 3D so We can, do and will do 3D stuff while in multiD.

We are way deep into multiD by the time We get to Our friends house: way deep and barely able to stay awake. Not able to talk much. We think “they” may have been a little worried about Us from some questions “they” asked. We played One hand of cards and had a light dinner and had to head for home. We are just too deep in multiD to stay any longer.

When We get home We do NOT feel like bringing in much laundry. We put clean sheets on Our bed and head for dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Dreams, 3D and multiD



Dreams, 3D and multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 6:49 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate. Dance to the music.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We are not really up for the day. We are just tending and We wanted to share a little about the worlds We have been visiting during the night. There have been several and there are two that We remember the clearest. It is funny: even though We clearly remember the worlds and the new and old friends there: the words are hard.

In the first We went to some kinda recreation center that had lots of games and toys. Like an indoor amusement park. Lots of the games and activities were to assist in people bonding. The people looked exactly like how people look in Our waking world. The thing is that “they” are much more malleable. Like several A-dults could (and did) fit in an average size clothes dryer and go for a tumble (literally). Now that is bonding. There were/are lots of games and activities like that. Something from Our familiar waking world used in a totally different way. A way that would be impossible in Our limitation world.

We woke from that world and were not quite in 3D enough to type about it. We remember lots more images and theelings from there. The words just are not adequate to describe it.

The other world is another catering world for Us. We really do Oneder why We visit and/or revisit that era sooooo much. Some of Our friends and employees from Our waking experience were/are there and there are new friends and employees too. We had some construction project going and several of Us had gone to get lumber. We were late getting back to load up for the day’s catering event and the Ones We had expected to be there to cover for Us were also late. In fact One of Our main employees was badly injured and came to work anyway. We were thrilled to see “them” and quite concerned that “they” were not really able to work without hurting “themSelves” more.

Then We woke and got up to share.

We have slept and dreamt well All night. Very deep and We theel that We are going through some more transition that requires much rest. Our body is going through more transition and We can definitely feel it. That may be why We are needing more rest.

Back to dream and more worlds and more friends. We do not remember as clearly so “they” must be further away from the familiar. People that can adapt to fit in a dryer is pretty unfamiliar so something even further away would be interesting to experience and remember.

We will be going back to dream soon.

More worlds and more friends. Not so much clear memory. All that We know for certain is that there is more transformation going on. We are taking All of Our parts and pisces with Us. Nothing/noOne is destroyed and nothing/noOne is left behind. All of Our children within are invited and included. No more castaways and rejects and no more orphans. Imagine (a) world(s) without any orphans. Every child is honored and cherished. Each child gets ample attention.

We ARE love.

Here is another message that tells about Our life. It helps explain why We may sometimes sound (and theel) less than happy and excited about Our life. We truly have a Onederfull life. It is just that We have remembered that there is sooooo much more: that WE ARE sooooo much more. We know it and We have yet to consciously experience it and that can be very disappointing. We know now (and We live) that even this “falling short” is no reason to NOT be happy. We are not really “falling short”. We make choices to experience. That is All everything within limitation and separation are: experience and only experience of an impossible illusion. Our belief makes this impossible illusion real. We ARE that powerful. We forgot. We denied. Now We remember. Now We begin to choose to live more of who We really are.

A little reading and a little playing in multiD and We are ready to do some more dreaming. BTW: it is quite warm/hot outside. We have a window and the back door open with Our fan running in the back door (the shady side).

We theel that We only got to waking dreams. We got up and decided to sit out on Our porch for a bit. We cut that a little shorter than We had intended because it was/is just too hot. When We came in We find that are way deep in multiD. Walking is a challenge. Sitting not so bad. Sometimes (like now) in multiD We do not have much 3D equilibrium: another trap We set up to keep Us locked into limitation.

We had dinner and started watching the movie “Synchronicity”. It is about time travel and much more up Our alley than what We have watched lately. A lot of it does resonate with what We have intuited. It still believes in time being real. There is a line/theory that is repeated about there are infinite versions of reality going on simultaneously. It also talks about some of these versions being close and the differences so slight that “they” are easily ignored.

We went back to dream a couple of times and finished “Synchronicity”. We had some waking and dream experiences of the vibrational shift that is what We (those in 3D mindset) would call “time travel”. “Time travel” is definitely a misnomer. There is no travel. Travel is also an illusion based in limitation and separation. Our head is beginning to get around these concepts just a little bit. The duir has opened just a crack.

Now: We go dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Friday, June 17, 2016

Lots of 3D within multiD and then dreaming



Lots of 3D within multiD and then dreaming

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:42 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate. Dance to the music.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We slept and dreamt well until around 1 AM when We woke and could not get back to dream. We got up to do a little reading and play in multiD a few minutes and then were able to go right back to dream. We woke around 4 AM and then went somewhere/somewhen in dream and Our coffeemaker woke Us at 4:30. We took a few minutes to orient to 3D a bit and are still more in multiD than just 3D. We continue to make progress. Bit by bit. Slow by slow. Gentle as “they” go. Thank Us.

It really is delightful to be able to recognize Our progress. Hopefully soon We will be more able to share more with others locally. We know the kids are in tune. “They” just have been trained to conform. That is why We are sooooo okay with those who talk to “themSelves” and “their” voices and bring “their” imaginary friends with “them”. These ARE real. As real as Our dreams which are totally real.

Here is another message about what We are living. “They” use the word “mind” where We use “head” and “brain” to differentiate between heartmind and head.

Once again We are finding that We have to pay attention to do mundane 3D tasks. Progress.

It is quite warm this morning. It was very comfortable for sleeping. Not too warm and not too cool. Now: We have a front window open just a crack to get some cool air in. We may open Our back door for a bit before We go to town. Last day of summer school this week.

After a short walk outside and doing a little watering of Our plants We find that We are way deep in multiD and We likes it. It is a lot like the old feeling spacey only more betterer.

We remembered that since it has not rained We might wanna water Our transplanted pea bush. It seems to be doing well and We wanna keep it going. We have plenty of time. Next week We start about a half hour earlier which is actually Our original start time before it got changed.

The pool was open and that did help fill Our break and We won't have to take time to go anywhere after we finish playing on the bus.

We also ran late and had to fuel after route.

We finally met Our last student who had not ridden before. "They" are quite talkative and very pleasant. Turns out "they" know One of the other students too. We have a very full bus when "they" All ride like "they" did today.

We do not have enough seats for everyOne to have "their" own seat when everyOne rides. Two students really need to sit alone and We do have enough seats for that.

The scheduling should be fixed next week so We can get to school on time or at least close.

It is really warm outside today and that makes the bus warm too.

So: it's a good day in 3D as well as multiD. We are not quite as deep in multiD as yesterday or We are getting more used to it.

The afternoon took Us way deep into multiD and then dream. The kids were more talkative than ever before for this group. Did the new kid change the dynamics that much? It seems so. After a bit “they” wanted to play I spy and so We did for a while. When the new kid took a nap the interest in I spy seemed to go away. Interesting. After the last student is home We go deep and even fall asleep. That is unusual for Us on the bus.

We are deep in multiD and even though We stop for gas We really do not theel like going in to get any treats for the weekend. Treats are not as big a deal as “they” were to Us anyway. We just wanna get home now.

At home it is Allmost too warm or We are too dreamy to sit out. We play in multiD a bit and try to sit out on Our porch. After a few minutes We come in and go dream. We dream for a couple of hours before getting up for dinner.

We have the last steak with mushrooms and onions and a small baked potato. We only have half the steak and will freeze the rest. We finish “The Giver”. After dinner We watch another movie “The Re-do”. We thought it was gonna be about time travel. NOT. We really do not know why We enjoyed it and kept watching. We even finished it. Then more playing in multiD and We are ready to go dream.

We are kinda surprised that We are ready to dream since We had did that dreaming on the bus and again before dinner. We are definitely ready.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

And more summer school mostly in multiD



And more summer school mostly in multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:23 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate. Dance to the music.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We slept and dreamt well until a little while ago We woke and could not get back to dream. We decided to go ahead and get up rather than continue to lay in bed awake. Maybe We were still playing in Our dream world? We vaguely remember it now. Awake AND in Our dream world(s)? That would be new: at least to Our conscious awareness. Maybe We still are in Our dream world? Looks like Our waking world. Something definitely theel different though.

We are theeling that We might go get water since We are up so early. Or maybe stay home and explore multiD more? That is what being in dream world(s) while awake would be isn’t it?

We do theel that something is shifting (has shifted) this morning. Clueless beyond that or what “it” is? We do know that We ARE expanding and that is what matters. We ARE love learning how to live as love in the physical. That is a pretty vague and nebulous concept. It will be clearer as We get more familiar with living as love. For sooooo long We pretended to be what We are not that We forgot what it is like to be what We ARE. We forgive Us. We love Us. We thank Us.

It does look like We are going to go get water. We are getting everything in Our chariot to stop at the dumpster afterwards. We actually need to go to the dumpster more than get water and the dumpster is on the way to or from the spring. The dumpsters We usually use are closed this month for sight maintenance and it looks like “they” are expanding the sight too.

As We go outside We get it that what is shifting is Us. We are expanding: especially how We think and believe. That will also shift Our world though it may still look the same or at least much the same. What does a limitation world look like without the limits?

We have often asked OurSelves: “What will Our school bus and kids be like in multiD?” We get it that We ARE experiencing it. There will be more. We ARE filtering out anything beyond limitation 3d. We ARE the One who limits Our experience. We do not really believe that. Not yet. We know it. We do not live it: YET.

Here is a very interesting perspective. Not really new but surely forgotten.

We are reminded that Our shift is slow and steady: gradual. SO: Our world and life look just a little different today than “they” did yesterday (or even last night). Not really noticeably different, just ever sooooo slightly different. And tomorrow it will look just a little more different too. This has been happening for years. We just do not notice because each day more unnoticeable expansion. It is like moving gradually along a scale. If We jump from One end of the scale to the other then the difference is mega noticeable. Slip, sliding back and forth along the scale increment by increment any change is not noticeable. We are still close to the last increment and close to the next increment.

We have been expecting the jump from One end to the other and that is NOT what We ARE experiencing. We ARE delighted. We ARE grateful. We are pony hopping.

We went for water and are back home Allmost ready to get ready to go play school bus. The thing is that We are way deep in multiD. We had enough 3D focus to drive safely, fill Our water jugs, put “them” back in Our chariot and bring “them” inside when We got home. However: We are not sure that We have enough 3D focus to stand, shave, comb Our hair and the like. Once again: We note that how We theel right now is something We hated and avoided when waking and getting ready for work (oooooo “bad” word) and such. We locked/blocked OurSelves out of multiD awareness for sooooo long. It was not even ignorance. At least not when We started. We made the conscious choice so that We could fully explore limitation and separation. We done good.

We gave OurSelves a few minutes sitting at Our computer, reading and playing in multiD and We still had to concentrate to remember how to shave, comb Our hair and put Our shirt on. Yes: We have avoided this for eons. Now: We embrace it. We face Our fears. We face OurSelves.

Notice how Selves could be S-elves?

We were just thinking: As We are having a little difficulty with time right now: if We are/were late and work called asking where We are We would answer that We do NOT know. I remember Once during Our drinking days We were late and Our secretary called asking: “Where are You?” We were hung over to the gods and answered: “Don’t know. What number did You call?”. Now We would do that and We are completely sober. Hmmmmm????? Was Our drinking a dress rehearsal for going/being multiD?

Interesting: For some reason today's "Today" did not make into/onto Google Drive even though We thought that We had saved it the same as We did yesterday and the day before. Maybe it's 'cause there are no clouds in the sky today so Our cloud (Google Drive) is not working?

So: We are going to try doing it this way.

We had a short afternoon because We only had three students ride.

The driver that We started with last year (the One who changes routes without saying anything to Us) has more seniority than Our current driver and bid the route that he wanted. The route that she bid has more regular route hours for both driver and attendant plus she has the All day shuttles that Our driver had last summer. Today We found out for certain (from her current attendant) what students “they” have and We are really, really grateful that We did not get that route and Our driver is also glad. Our old driver also complained to both Us and Our driver about the kids that she has. “They” are not bad kids individually it is just that there are several who are hard to deal with: who each need a lot of care and attention. Having “them” All on One bus makes it really hard on both the driver and attendant.

We are very fortunate to have this group of nice, mostly quiet kids. Reflections?????

We stopped at Our friends house before going home.

All day We have had to really concentrate to do common 3D tasks. Things like turning on a water faucet, combing Our hair, putting on a shirt, etc. This continues into the now. When We got home it is sooooo nice that We sat out in the sun (on Our front porch with Our plants) about half an hour. We came in so as not to burn and We were way drifting in multiD and maybe dream. When We came in We went straight to bed. We went right to dream for about an hour. It took a while after We woke to be able to get up and come to Our computer.

We did find Our “Today” on Our tablet finally: it just was NOT where We thought it should be and where yesterday’s “Today” was/is. Who knows. Now We know where to look. Our test way of doing an entry did work and We could easily copy and paste it here on Our desktop.

Too much 3D. Doing these common 3D tasks while sooooo deep in multiD reminds Us of being a little drunk or on some drugs. As We have said before: We have avoided this for eons (at least when sober). When We got sober We did get it that being an alcoholic was directly connected to Our spiritual quest and feeling so lost, so NOT at home and sooooo alone. Now: We see another connection.

Now: We embrace this difficulty doing common 3D tasks. We embrace being deep in multiD. We love it actually. We forgive OurSelves unconditionally and right now We really theel needing to forgive OurSelves for rejecting and avoiding this for sooooo long. We love Us unconditionally and We thank Us unconditionally. Lots to pony hop. Lots of children within to embrace and care for.

We are still drifting in multiD and being gentle with Us. Enjoying being here and now. Soon We will fix dinner. We are gonna have a breaded chicken tender with bread and homemade chicken gravy. We do love homemade chicken gravy. We do not make it much because We do NOT like or make homemade fried chicken. We do like chicken breast fixed several ways. The thing is that We have been having a really hard time finding good tasting chicken breasts the last few years. Since We are NOT eating a lot any more: We have not even tried making any homemade chicken of any type in over a year. This tender that We are having is store bought. Lots of breading which is really the part that We like. This is making Us hungry.

Our dinner IS Onederfull. We are theeling about ways to do chicken at home so We can do more homemade chicken gravy. We started watching the movie “The Giver”. It is another futuristic sci-fi about what might/may happen when We try to change the inner by changing the outer. It sounds good and makes sense to Our head: it just does NOT work.

We theel ready to go dream after about half the movie so off We go.

Good night AND thank You for playing.