More insights and multiD
Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:06 AM and/or NOW
Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate. Dance to the music.
Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.
We had a hard time getting to dream last night. At One point We got up to watch more “Eve of Destruction” (the dark matter show) and could not stay awake either. Were We in limbo? This time when We went back to dream We were successful.
When We woke this morning We were not sure it was/is Us We were/are experiencing. We noticed that We were talking in the first person, sooooo????? The person was/is a girl, living in her car with a bunch of cats and working as an attendant in a parking garage. A very different version/aspect of Us than We are at All familiar with. Right away We did real-eyes that it was/is Us: just a different version than We are used to. That person’s parents are rich and sometimes “they” go home to sleep. We do not know what the point of visiting that world/life is: if there is a point. Maybe simply getting used to remembering versions that We do not usually remember.
When We woke We knew that We are awake and even though We wanted to remain in dream (maybe NOT in that world) We reminded OurSelves that now We are able to stay in multiD while awake. We are clearly more in multiD than just 3D even though 3D looks just as dominant as ever. We are having a hard time typing this morning too. There were many other worlds too which are now a distant memory.
Interesting that this is this morning’s message. Remember what We were pondering/theeling as We went to dream last night.
We ARE enjoying playing in multiD and multiworlds this morning as We wake.
Only One more wakeup before five days of dreaming in.
We remember now that as We tried to go dream (at the beginning of the night) We were pondering Our thoughts of alternate 3D worlds and how insane All that sounds. We were thinking: “The difference between Me and a crazy person is that I Am NOT crazy!” thank You Salvadore Dali. To believe/know/experience that there are 3D worlds where there is not inequality, no need, no lack, no struggle, etc does truly seem insane. To believe that We actually live in a world where there is no starvation sounds like a person who needs caretaking. To know that people living beside Us, going to “their” jobs and shopping in the same stores who live in (a) world(s) where those things exist and that We do not is truly the mark of a crazy person. However: if war, famine and disease are marks of sanity????? Maybe insane is not sooooo bad?????
As We ponder Our passed, present and future We remember that We ARE a gatekeeper. There is a lot to that. It is a common thread through many (probably most) of Our alternate lives. We have no clue how that fits into the life that We woke from this morning. Maybe: even more than helping sped kids adjust to limitation 3d We are helping those who are falling into the limitation and separation programming hold onto “their” memories of multiD and unconditional love. That makes Us smile.
We want to share this quote from Suzanne Lie because it does help explain what time travel and teleporting actually are about: “The thoughts, emotions, energy fields and thought forms that are inter-dimensional are paving the way to assist you to fully adapt to living within a multidimensional reality in which your physical laws of time and space no longer function.”
You see (or knot): We do not actually time travel or teleport or even levitate: it just seems like within/from a limitation and separation mindset. That is a huge part of why We (personally) have never mastered these “abilities”. “They” are NOT real. As Einstein said: “A very convincing illusion”. We restricted OurSelves in order to enable OurSelves to expand and evolve. As We have said and typed many, many times: if We had mastered any of those abilities We would have stopped right there. We ARE about multiD and multiworlds and NOT about a nicer limitation and separation.
We just remembered something(s) that was/were rattling around in Our head at some point: We enslaved OurSelves. We chose to experience limitation and separation from many perspectives. Some of those include being powerless, being less than and being in slavery to a corrupt system that just keeps getting corrupter. It really is All about experience AND transmuting All that energy into unconditional love. That is also part of being a gatekeeper. The awareness of having made (and often continuing to make) that choice is as important as anything else. We are here to forgive OurSelves and Our others and to be here to stand beside and with anyOne else who chooses to face having made those choices for “themSelves”. Not everyOne is ready. It is NOT the path for everyOne at least not at this time. Time is truly irrelevant even though it is sooooo important to limitation and separation 3d.
Once again the subject of car trouble is coming up for Us. We do not mind saying that We still do NOT get it. We would love to move beyond this subject. we would love to get it that We truly do NOT need transportation devices and that this is All part of the illusion.
No need is actually real. Need is part of the make believe world that We are creating.
Now the good news is that the need and the car trouble do not hold Us in a death grip as it used to be. We ARE practicing gratitude, even theeling gratitude and still theeling what a One-der-full life We do have.
We were joking with Our driver about starting Our long weekend early and about half of Our students did not ride so We guess that maybe "they" really did start the weekend early.
It was a quiet ride and We still enjoy observing the kids behaviors. We are sure that Our love, care and acceptance of each as "they" are gets through without words. Thoughts speak louder than words.
BTW: it is a really nice day outside and getting quite warm/hot.
Without really doing anything special We are deep in multiD All day. Even with the potential and/or actual car trouble stuff.
We did get to hottub. That relaxes Us and helps Us drift and float and go deep.
We thank Us and We love Us unconditionally.
We ARE enjoying Our day and mostly experiencing being in 3D within multiD. We ARE making progress. We ARE delighted.
A very short day on the bus: only One rider in the afternoon.
We are definitely still in multiD and head straight home to play. It All looks the same. It theels different: slightly different or is it major?
We are gonna go dream a while.
We woke from a world/life where We are having lots of fun with old and new friends. We caught some type of infection and it was worth it if that was the price of this fun. We knew that infection and anything such thing is a fantasy: even a lie. It is only Our belief that makes such things real. Our belief is VERY powerful. We created an impossible world and endowed with Our belief and that made/makes it real. For some reason We wanted to experience All these impossible things and so We fell in head first and it often seems like We can’t get up.
We got up and fell into some YouTubes. We are here AND there. We are not at All sure where there is. We likes it and We likes being there/here.
It is nearly hot outside. We sat out a bit and it was too hot to stay even half an hour. We are drifting and floating and having fun. Maybe with Our imaginary friends?
As We pondered this impossible world (Our familiar, waking world) We thought of the words of the immortal: “Oh the cleverness of Me”.
Now: We are ready to watch some “How to Train Your Dragon” and have some dinner.
We have been planning to make a casserole and it turned out great even though We had feared it would be boring. After dinner We started watching another episode of “Eve of Destruction”. We can not stay awake so We are gonna try to go dream.
Good night AND thank You for playing.