More worlds that We likes in 3D within multiD
Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:31 AM and/or NOW
Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate. Dance to the music.
Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.
We visited lots of worlds last night with lots of new and old friends. Of course: the Ones We remember the clearest are the Ones closest to Our waking 3D worlds. These waking worlds are now much less limited. As We woke We were thinking about a kind of cereal that We often eat in some of those other worlds. Our first thoughts upon waking are: “We thank Us. We wake to play another day. Some days ARE more playful than others. We are the One who determines which days are playful.” These thoughts are fairly new to Us. We used to think and believe that it was outer events and circumstances that determine how fun and playful Our days (and therefore Our life) are. We thank Us.
We send love into Our future and to All those We are in contact with. Our possibilities are expanding. We really theel that.
We are getting the theeling that Our morning gradeschoolers will more and more become part of Our transitional world(s). This is kinda hard to believe with Our head and still We theel it strongly. This will be quite a transformation. We theel about how One teacher (whom We often read) keeps talking about creating Our earth dream. We do not really know what she means. Or do We? We do theel that Our paradise world that We dream of (and often remember in waking) is part of that and only part. There was a time that it would have seemed to be All of it. These kids being free and nice will be quite a transition and a real dream come true.
Here is another message about what We are living, theeling and intuiting. More confirmation. If We are the One creating these messages then that is even more confirmation.
We really like the worlds We are in this morning. There is a glitch in that in One world the other day We were told that One student would not be riding the rest of the week and this/these world(s) “they” need a ride so We have to go back to get “them” and that makes Us twenty minutes late. Students that usually do not like each other are sitting together and sharing games. Students who normally like each other are putting more distance between “them”. OverAll everyOne is getting along very well and playing well together. That/those is/are (a) world(s) that We like.
EveryOne playing well together. We can really get into that.
Our middleschooler rides alone as Allways. “They” do well and walk into school well.
We so a little shopping, get sushi that is not very good and do get Wifi at the store nearest the bus barn.
Our noon kids are fun and playful as usual. Another group that is changing up who sits with whom. This group usually gets along better than Our morning group. The changing seating is more about doing something different than acceptance and rejection.
We have time to hottub on Our second break except the chemicals are out of balance and “they” close the hottub just before We go out. We do get to see the group of highschoolers that come on Thursdays. Some of these We only get to see at this time. “They” are another group of special needs kids.
Most of Our kids ride in the PM and the verbal Ones are pretty wired. It is a bit noisy until We get a couple dropped off. Funny that is not the Ones We dropped off who are noisy yet the others quiet down better after these others are dropped off. We do not want to be too hard on the noisy Ones as “they” ARE playing and this is the first time this week that “they” have been in a good mood. “They” were not feeling well earlier in the week.
We slip into multiD on the ride back to base and not so much into dream.
At home We take Our time and go slow with any 3D tasks and fixing dinner and play in multiD a bit. We finish “Automata” and start watching a new (to Us) series. We think that We like this One.
We play in multiD a little more before going to dream.
Good night AND thank You for playing.