Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Another short entry because Our day slipped away

Another short entry because Our day slipped away
Wizard's Log Star-date: 05:08:58 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
We woke saying: “I love You”. We remember that We went back to Our memory of the original separation and other times in Our passed and added love to those memories. We remember that it is changing Our life and world. We do not remember much else. We are not focused in limitation 3D and We like that.
We love You.
Today We have Our first day of retraining for the new school year. We thought it started at 8 AM but We just looked at Our sheet and it starts at 7 AM. Glad that We looked.
This morning We are aware of Our process of change. It is kinda strange to actually experience the change and choice as it happens rather than in hindsight. To face the choice and to see how We used to choose kinda by default. We are opening, setting it All free and allowing with love. Breathe.
Our retraining took about half the scheduled time and that is a good thing. We noticed that We really were not focused in 3D during the class even though We were functional and communicating with others. We went to the pool and did Our shopping afterwards but still were much more in multiD and multiworlds than in limitation 3D. Now that We are home We are slipping more and even more out of limitation 3D focus. This is Our choice and We love it.
We really do not what We did and/or where the rest of Our day went. We were here but Our 3D memories can not fill the time. Learning through experience how to be here AND there.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014


Wizard's Log Star-date: 07:02:19 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
Another fun night with new and old friends. Early in the night We were aware of visiting realities that We have been visiting fairly regularly. We also remembered some information that We have been getting the last few days and nights but this morning none of that is clear. We do remember the last world We visited before We woke and it is a transitioning world which is ahead of Our waking world. It is much more free and playful.
What do people do when “they” are free of need and everyOne is equal? Obviously: whatever “they” want. “They” want to play a lot. We remember thinking about the pure joy of rolling in the grass or jumping and rolling around in huge piles of leaves. In Our minds there is a lot of frolicking and its a lot of fun.
During the night (as during the day) We did a lot of pony hopping and there are a lot of: “I love You”s. The question: “How can I/We serve You?” was/is very helpful on the school bus and We are using it as We transition.
We started to type up Our experiences over the last few days and nights, but since the bulk of this came to Us in dream and it is quite lengthy: We decided to type it up as a separate “Night School” because that is what it actually is. Typing it up is an interesting experience in itSelf as We are actually going back within and reliving it as We type it up. We are taking breaks to do other 3D stuff, and even though the typing is 3D it takes Us into multiD realms and this obvious whenever We stand and/or do other 3D tasks. We ARE changing. We are setting Our expectations free with love when We recognize OurSelf going into that mode. We are focusing (when focusing in limitation 3D) staying in the now.
It is mostly typed up and now We need to let it sit before We proofread it. We allowed OurSelf to drift off a lot so We theel that We will probably find some things We want to add.
Recently there have been a lot of experiences and insights based on Our new adding: “I love You” to Our original memory of separating. A lot of it is just not fathomable without this perspective. We will probably type about it later but for now it just seems impossible to make All the changes (in waking) that We are experiencing in dream.
We returned to dream for a while and are still mostly in multiD. We proof read Our “Night School” and posted it. We were torn about announcing it but decided that a short announcement was in order.
Also, We continue to be more aware of being on ship and going back and forth. The line: “and home in time for dinner keeps coming up”. We find that We are going out and about (multilocating) and having adventures and then returning most of Our awareness to the ship and sharing Our adventures with Our friends on board. “ They” seem to be doing the same.
We find OurSelf repeatedly asking Our children within: “What do You want, how do You want to live?” Asking what reality “they” want to be “their” primary focus.
Another thing that is coming up is that separation has more action and excitement than We think unity does. Whether or not that is correct remains to be seen.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Adding new experiences

Adding new experiences
(From night school last night)
The last few days We have been practicing changing Our beliefs. Last night a lot of pisces came together in night school:
Back before We moved to Alaska We took some hypnotherapy training. It is One of the many things (in Our life) that We did not finish. At One point (during that time) We were writing a story and We (accidentally) regressed OurSelf back to the original separation (or so We thought). We clearly remembered that We did NOT want to play separation but everyOne else did. Okay, that is (obviously) after We real-eyesed that there We others which means that We had All-ready separated.
The way We remember it: We were All One without a distinction between minds and the infinite number of thoughts going around. We did not have a (or any) body/bodies. Neither physical or non-physical bodies. We might have appeared as a constantly shifting, massive, nearly invisible, gas cloud but We were not even that solid or formed or permanent. We had no form but We had lots of thoughts and awareness. It is clear (now) that it is hard to describe something that does not have a body or form to/from/in a 3D brain/mindset.
So: these thoughts began to kind of gather around the idea of becoming separate beans. Many thoughts were wondering about becoming individual parts of Our current mass. The way We (personally) remember it We (personally) did NOT want to do this. Even when the majority of thoughts were about “just pretending” to be separate, just playing a game, still We (personally) did NOT want to play.
When All the others (still only thoughts and consciousness) decided to play the game: there We (personally) were: left alone and separate whether We wanted to play or not. We decided that if We were to be separate and alone, then We would go off somewhere and be alone by OurSelf rather than be alone in the crowd. After some time (time was not even a concept at first) We began to miss Our other thoughts (which had now taken form(s) as We had). We decided to return to the group, but as We approached “they” saw Us in the distance and grew angry. “They” berated Us and blamed Us for rejecting “them”. “They” demanded (in the harshest of terms and words) that We go away. When We insisted that We were sorry and tried to join the group “they” grew even angrier and stoned Us to death.
Here We will interject that: in Dr. Hew Len's teaching (of modern day ho'oponopono) he says that Our memories replay over and over and that these memories control Our lives until We clean and clear the memories. Ho'oponopono (pony hopping) is the method he teaches (and We have been using) to clear the memories. We can certainly see how this memory (of the original separation and Our choices and Our rejection by OurSelf AND Our others) has replayed over and over in Our many limitation 3D lives. Just now We are thinking of how We also have many other lives and realities and worlds where these memories do NOT affect Us.
A few years after We moved to Alaska We real-eyesed (and accepted and owned) that We (personally) had actually agreed to play separation and (in fact) were One of the instigators. Later We real-eyesed that there were many versions. The thing/choice that We held on to was the rejection. We played that out in many different forms.
Throughout Our waking life (and many incarnations in limitation) We replayed the judgment and rejection over and over across the eons and centuries of civilization. Just yesterday We listened to an interview with Barbara Handclow from 2013. Several times she mentioned the era of priests and kings. This is a great description of Our replaying the rejection over and over: priests and kings with the rulers and the followers.
Recently We became aware of this pattern of replaying memories (priests and kings) where We lived lives being rich and powerful and We judged OurSelf and condemned OurSelf and then projected that onto the masses who gladly judged Us. In some of these lives We experienced witch hunts in others the commoners overthrew Us (the rulers) or just made Our life miserable.
When We became aware of this pattern We started changing Our behavior in and beliefs about these lives. This had great affects on Us. We also did a lot of pony hopping and We kept telling the people that We love “them”. We also reassured Our children within that We love “them”. We have caused Our children much pain and suffering and We ARE sorry. We ask Our forgiveness.
Then: a few days ago We revisited the original separation. This time as We were All (All parts and pisces of the original One) sitting or wandering around (kinda in a fog from the sudden change/fall) instead of feeling fear and anger We immediately started saying (to OurSelves and Our others): “I love You” and often We added: “How can I serve You?”. Day after day and night after night We kept at this. Gradually We began to change and Our thinking, beliefs and mindset started to open. We focused on opening, setting it All free and allowing with love.
We wish to interject that We did NOT consciously go seeking or hunting any of this. It All came easily and naturally to Our awareness and We acted according to Our inspiration without thought and planning.
What We noticed is that as We continued the pony hopping and the “I love You”s Our outlook began to shift. We real-eyesed that We had (All-ways when within limitation 3D) believed that the only result of pretending to be separate is fear and anger. We thought that God would be angry with Us and punish Us so We rebelled, We were afraid and We acted this out. Over eons and lifetimes Our actions became more fierce and destructive. Even when We real-eyesed and accepted that We (collectively) ARE God, We still had this fear of and anger towards God (because We retained that original memory and fear).
Only when We began to send love and share love and play with Our newfound parts and pisces did We see that there could be another result/choice/option. Since We (collectively) are God: it was God who decided to pretend to be separate to experience it. We have known and heard and read this before but it has a new impact/perspective now that We are allowing love at the beginning of Our separation. This is literally changing everything.
This new perspective: love from the beginning of separation AND that it IS God (whatever that might mean to any particular person or whatever name One might want to apply) who chose to separate means that there does NOT have/need to be any fear in this.
In dream/trance/meditation/whatever We are experiencing this beginning anew. As soon as everyOne (whatever that might mean) finds “themSelves” in these separate bodies We (everyOne) begin to tell each other that We love each other. We begin to play and cooperate rather than fight and compete. We do not even think/conceive of being limited. Limitation is a belief born from the fear and anger of that other separation (when We thought God would be angry). In this version We are free of need. We are free of ALL need. Need is part of limitation.
For years We have known that We are changing the rules of the game of separation and limitation but We have never experienced it like this. This is real to Us. This is far beyond Our wildest dreams. This could only happen by going back to Our earliest memories of separating from One and adding: “I love You”.
It seems that We followed Our memories, Our thread, Our waking timeline back and back and back. Along the way We added: “I love You” to each fragment of Our experiences. We finally got back to Our earliest memory of separating/separation and added love there. Now We do NOT have to reject OurSelf and Our others. We play together in harmony. We do have wants and desires but NO needs, not a single need. That is All-most impossible to even imagine.
Now: We are moving forward into Our present with these new experiences. Our world is much less threatening and We feel much less like a victim of life and Our world, society, religions, government, etc.
For some time now We have had visions of two (and more) worlds. One (or many) derive from Our memory of separating with fear and anger. Another (or others) evolve from this love and cooperation experience of separating (up until now We did not have any idea where those worlds came from). Recently We also have the vision of timelines connecting and merging and visions of timelines coming very close but NOT connecting, only affecting each other. We have visions of worlds that began with a loving separation and evolved from there AND We have visions of Our waking world (and other limitation worlds) transitioning into a loving and equal and cooperative world.


Wizard's Log Star-date: 07:01:39 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
Again the theme of the night was: “I love You”. We traveled back to the beginning (that We remember) and made a new start, a new experience and everyOne is saying “I love You”. Instead of fear and anger and competition We love and play and help and laugh. We are without need because We are based and made and live in/with love. We can merge with each other and become One or many. It is a completely different world from the One We remembered for sooooo long.
We have visions of two worlds merging and becoming One world of love. It is a gradual shift but not over eons. We ARE love and We are learning how to live as love. We are creating a new experience.
As We walk around We find that We are not as solidly in “only” limitation 3D as We were. We are reminded that this is part of Our change of thinking, belief and mindset that We have been seeking. We ARE experiencing Our complete psychic change and that is changing Our waking experience.
Again We are exploring multidimensionality as We set Our 3D focus free. We find that again Suzanne Lie is talking about very similar things to what We are intuiting and experiencing. We are on schedule even though Our head tries to convince Us that We will not make it in time and We will suffer greatly for Our efforts. This (of course) is another misconception.
As We read a bit online We find more evidence of Our change. Others are beginning to express similar (or the same) as We are experiencing. Love is becoming evermore the focus and answer. People are beginning to cooperate rather than compete.
Lots of pony hopping and lots of: “I love You”. We are getting many insights but (Once again) most of the words escape Us. We have thoughts without words????? Love is the key. Focus on love and All the rest will follow. It is not something to figure out or even really understand, at least not with limitation 3D thinking. It is an experience. We ARE love. That sentence/mantra is forefront in Our mind today. We are allowing it. It is important. We are love.
Once again: We find that We are the experiencer AND the observer. We are learning to live multidimensionally and it does take adjustment. We forget what is happening and We slip back into old beliefs and thinking. We remember sooner and We love OurSelf and forgive OurSelf. We are even beginning to trust OurSelf.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Monday, July 28, 2014

A few more words

A few more words
Wizard's Log Star-date: 07:26:38 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
We love You. How may We serve You. That is the theme of last nights journeys and adventures. Again: this morning We do not have a lot of words but We woke with the phrase: “setting the world to rights” on/in Our mind. That is what We are doing by returning to love. We (All humans, plants, animals, rocks, etc.) ARE love. We are waking and returning to Our true nature. That is Our mission, that is Our heartcry.
Pony hopping, being in the now, being open, setting it All free and allowing with love are ongoing themes day and night.
We are enjoying being in multiD and multiworlds this morning. We are reminded that even though the outer world looks much the same as every morning it is the change within that must be Our measure of progress. It is a very peaceful, gentle and calm feeling. Is not that what We have been seeking All along? Can We carry this serenity into the outer world and reality? We are making progress.
And so We decided to fiddle with the dragon a bit. All indications are that We did not lost the battery over the winter (a possibility at Our winter temperatures). It appears that the leak may fixed (several possibilities here physical and mental) but the fan may not be working properly. If the fan is not working properly that may be the original problem even though it was coming on before but perhaps not as often as needed????? There are many possibilities why the (electric) fan is not working right and We are rather stumped. We decided to walk away for now as We are certain that trying to win is NOT the answer. We got the distinct impression/feeling that if We walk away the answer will present itSelf in Our mind. If We struggle, well We just know that that is NOT the answer.
We decided to read Suzanne Lie's latest blog entry and she is going much the same as We are. Probably very different circumstances but very similar emotions, thoughts, quandaries and insights. This is about learning how to live multidimensionally, how to live as love in the physical, how to heal Our wounds of believing only in separation and limitation.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

A few words

A few words
Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:24:25 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
Another very interesting night. Lots of time travel to places All over the globe to forgive OurSelf and heal the wounds We have caused OurSelf. It is a fun process and not a hardship or labor of any kind. Our waking can be tumultuous (internally) because then We are using Our conscious mind/head which just does NOT know, it does NOT have All the information.
We are in a much better frame of mind this morning than yesterday. We do not know where We woke up yesterday but it is part of the process. We are learning to detach with love. We are learning how to do many different things and how to do many things different. We ARE changing.
It seems like words are few today. We went to town to grocery shop and shower. We were mostly in multiD the whole day yet able to function in 3D. We are making progress.
However: words are a bit harder right now.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Saturday, July 26, 2014


Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:06:28 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
What a night. It would seem like after All the adventures We have been happening it would be hard to have anything be exciting but it just is not so. We had a blast. The realities were slipping around quickly but it was All-ways clear and We were quite aware of what was going on. It was not like the night that everything seemed to be on fast forward even though it was moving very fast.
There was a companion who has visited the last few night who was in One or more of the realities again. There was a reality where there was/is a stream in the night sky like a meteor shower only it is the constellations that normally appear. We can get inside this star stream and it is like taking a bullet train through the galaxy. Very fun. Then there is a reality where a group of about five (We do not know if We are a participant or an observer as it felt like We were experiencing but We do not recognize OurSelf in any of the characters) who found three Hopi dolls. The dolls were made of polished pisces of wood like elongated wooden beads and pisces of heavy string or cord. When first found the dolls were just bundles of these pisces. When the five put “them” together correctly “they” were recognizable and had (or gave away) special powers and abilities. “They” were a lot of fun to play with and also involved traveling. We not only traveled through space but also through time. Time travel seems to be a common theme in Our nocturnal adventures lately.
We did not have trouble getting up but We are having difficulty focusing in limitation 3D. We are still very much in multiD where Our adventures can continue. We are also in limitation 3D just not focused on/in it.
We are continuing to learn to be here AND there AND function within limitation 3D. Sometimes We can find words to describe it and other times there are no words. Some days We enjoy it and others We long to be fully in expansion and the multiverse. Yet: the multiverse includes 3D. It is that feeling of being stuck and required to struggle within 3D that We wish to set free with love. It is sooooo familiar that We cling to it as We try to shake it free. That only creates more struggle. What will it take for Us to accept and live in Our freedom and ease? In Our now We are actually there only We pretend that We have to leave Our peace and calm. Again: We revert to the familiar.
Setting it free with love. We are sorry for Our old, familiar beliefs and behaviors. We ARE forgiving OurSelf. We love Us unconditionally and We thank Us.
Today is more of an emotional struggle than We have had for a while. Perhaps it is part of the grieving process or something. We continue Our routine of going within and pony hopping.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Changing and changing more

Changing and changing more
Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:31:56 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
Last night's adventures were about love. Living in worlds that are built on love and living lives that are All about love. It was pretty incredible. Our head tries to tell Us that it is not real and not even possible. We know better.
We find that We do not have adequate words to express OurSelf. It is not that this world is not real but rather that it is different than it appears. It is more not less. It is limitless and We believe and view it as limited and separate. We are One with everything and yet We imagine danger and struggle. Our perception of Our limitation world and life do NOT make any sense and yet We cling to “them” like “they” are Our only hope. We really need to set “them” free and know that We can visit any time We want but “they” do NOT hold power over Us any more.
Our thinking is changing and We ARE changing. It may seem like slow progress but this is setting eons of programing free. This is taking responsibility and turning to love and living as love. We have spent sooooo long pretending to be what We are not. It is hard to even imagine what We really are. We are setting Our expectations free with love. We can not even imagine what is possible yet. Our dreams, Our dream lives and adventures are showing Us small bits and pisces of what awaits Us when We allow it. Our expectations limit Us. A big block is that We expect this limitation world to disappear or change dramatically. It is the limitation that is false NOT the world. That is important.
We are reminded that many of the things that We have devised and followed to “make Our life easier” are actually head traps to keep Us in limitation. It is an interesting experience.
We went for water and then spent the day drifting around in the multiverse. We had some insights and intuits drift through but nothing really stuck to Our waking consciousness.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

More drifting in multiworlds

More drifting in multiworlds
Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:29:02 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
Many more worlds and many more friends. One who wants to be friends but We make “them” uncomfortable. That is an interesting friendship.
We are having difficulty getting used to slipping between worlds so fast and/or being in more than One place and/or world at a time. It is fun but a bit disconcerting. These changes take getting used to. Repetition does breed familiarity.
It is nice to real-eyes and experience that We ARE changing. We are much less focused in limitation 3D. We no longer theel and believe that it is All there is. It may still be what We see when awake but Our theelings of multiD and multiworlds grow stronger every day. We must remember that this is NOT about leaving 3D it is about expanding into multiD which includes 3D. Our head All-ways limits Us but Our heart runs wild and free.
Just typed this in an email and it is well worth repeating: Gotta remember that this is NOT about leaving or going anywhere it is about being aware of what has All-ways been right here that We filtered out.
We are having fun. Some of the processing We are doing would have been hard work not long ago. Now: it is easy. We only need open, set it free and allow with love. We accept and acknowledge that these buried and denied aspects of Us ARE Us and We love “them”. Much easier than wrestling with “them”. We have built entire worlds based on misconceptions and misunderstandings and judgments and blame and condemnation and curses. None of that is true or real or even close to accurate yet We have built worlds and lives and spent lifetimes being punished for things We never actually did. Okay: We did “them” but only to OurSelf and only with permission. We have never forced anything on anyOne because that is actually impossible. Sure: We can pretend and We can pretend real good and We have over and over and over. The memories looping and replaying and holding Us hostage. We are sorry. We forgive OurSelf. We love Us and We thank Us. Pony hopping cuts to the chase.
Interesting how easily We can be drawn out of Our reverie and multiworlds by a slight incursion into limitation 3D. We were looking online for a movie at Our local library and One of the books We have returned is still showing as checked out. This is not frustrating Us as it would have not long ago but it did bring Us back into limitation 3D focus. It is a great experience as it shows Us how easily We are drawn back. That sure makes Us feel better about how hard it has been to fly free on work days and even just going to town. It might help Us be easier on OurSelf in the future. Thankfully We also found more movies on Netflix that will probably help Us release Our focus in limitation which We used to believe was the “real” world. We are also pony hopping this experience.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Adventures in the real world(s)

Adventures in the real world(s)
Wizard's Log Star-date: 06:44:43 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
What a fun, busy night. The first world that We remember was like an action, fantasy, adventure movie on crack. The scenes were flashing by so fast that it was All-most a blur yet We could also see the distinctions. We did experience what was happening in these racing scenes. In another world We were at a summer camp. It was like a camp for rich kids except that in this world everyOne is rich. Like in the two brothers world but We did not sense the two brothers in the camp world. We did slip back and forth between being in castles and being at camp. In One world everyOne was equal and We did not have to buy or rent or pay for anything. In another world We had a job at Sam's Club but it was more like play than work, in fact it was totally play.
We woke not sure what world(s) We are in even though it looks like Our familiar limitation world.
We are getting many more insights this morning and there is definitely something to the term: beautiful rich boy and the curse We put on OurSelf to live as what We are not. It is a very tangled web.
We are having some really One-der-full adventures. The thought just occurred to Us that even if We do not grow One iota or gain any practical knowledge or experience at least We are having a blast. What could possibly be more important than that????? However: We are also growing and changing. Just allowing OurSelf to play to this extent is progress and change.
As We learn to do things with Our mind We find that have to concentrate a lot more to pretend to do things with Our hands and in the physical rather than mental or psychic. We are experiencing Our cabin being a castle more and more in reality/realities than ever before. The old fear that We are going crazy or perhaps growing more and more autistic comes up but We really do not care or fear it the way We used to. We know that what We are doing is a choice and We choose to evolve and that is what We are doing. We are changing Our way of thinking and Our belief system. This is exciting and fun.
And then there is making a quiche. This is NOT a sign of going backwards. It is One more experience that shows Us that We can (and do) return here any time We want. The idea is to play NOT to be so damned serious. This is a game and contrary to All appearances and evidence it is NOT a game of life and death. We ARE immortal no matter how much We have convinced OurSelves otherwise. So there.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014


Wizard's Log Star-date: 06:02:24 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
Another night slip, sliding around and time traveling. Again We are focused on Our transition and healing Our old memories. We do a lot of pony hopping and setting OurSelf free with love. One world was a combination of catering and being in high school. Interesting combination that. There is sooooo much to experience and explore Once We allow OurSelf to explore being less limited.
Once again We are enjoying spending most of Our time in dream; both waking and sleeping. We have thoughts about “doing” more in the physical and working on Our projects etc. but that is really (at this time) Our head trying to drag Us back into what it thinks is reality. It is really Our construct and We are “re-constructing”. We are finding choices to allow Our complete change of thinking and belief systems. It is up to Us whether to dive back into Our old limitation reality or to slip into something more comfortable. Even though it is NOT comfortable until it becomes familiar. We are practicing and becoming familiar with a less limited world.
We are reminded not to try and figure it out and plan and limit Our possibilities with limitation thinking the way We All-ways have. Our head is droning on with the lies that We have told for centuries. Our heart leads Us to the greener pastures, the free and equal realities. We must persevere if We desire more. This is not a persevering with force but rather with gentleness and ease.
It does feel like We are on the verge of transformation and even in the midst of transformation. Break on through to the other side. But the word break is a bit more forceful than applicable. Slip on through. Our imagination has created a slight crack in Our wall of limits and Our energy can slip right through.
In One of Our worlds/lives We got the term: “beautiful rich boy”. This is totally opposite of how We have ever thought of OurSelf but it is Our true Self. In Our travels it theels like We have cursed OurSelf because of Our judgments. Like We cast a specific curse to live and experience life as the exact opposite of what We are. We are now changing this and it is taking a lot of practice and repetition to get used to.
This is a fun way to begin Our vacation.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Stuff coming up to be set free with love

Stuff coming up to be set free with love
Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:15:08 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
Once again We visited worlds that are similar/close to Our waking world. These worlds are transforming and transitioning faster and more of a mass transformation. We get the theeling that Our waking world is transitioning on a more individual basis. We are also theeling that it is important for Us to focus on this for the next few days. We are happy to focus on and imaginate Our dream world.
This morning We are theeling more in multiD and do not have much to type yet.
Pony hopping is the best tool We know of so far to set Our old thinking and beliefs free with love. We are allowing OurSelf to drift about without limiting expectations. In the passed We have All-ways tried to plan and figure and impose limiting expectations on Our experience and explorations. This is much more free. It is a bit more scary as it is not structured and We are used to structure and limitation.
We are spending the day out and about in Our dreams, multiworlds and multiD. This is exactly how We had hoped to spend the next few days. It theels like We have entered the time, the part of Our process that We have been preparing for over the passed few years. We also find OurSelf waking extremely thirsty (just mentioning that in case it is important). We are not spending much time here and have far less needs here even though We are not going anywhere physically and even when We do We are taking Our cabin with Us.
It seems that We are multilocating, distance viewing, teleporting and time traveling All-most All at the same time. It is a blast. We are returning to a time when We lived in a castle and healing a lot of the Self judgment and condemnation from that time and space. It is really a grand adventure We kid You not. We are meeting attacks with love and telling (verbally and telepathically) Our attackers that We love “them” and that “they” are Us. Some have screamed back that “they” do not want Our love and We reply: “Never the less: here it is.” “They” can reject it of course but it is NOT easy. After All: “they” are Us. At that point most choose to integrate rather than resist because regardless of “their” words: acceptance and love are exactly what “they” have been seeking ever since We judged OurSelf and rejected “them”. If this is hard to follow, it is pretty much a: “You had to be there” story.
There are other worlds and times that We are visiting too. Some We are traveling through space to find and others are simply visits to other parts of the Earth. We are visiting some of the places where We successfully ended hunger and even starvation and disease. That is fun too. Remember that We left versions of OurSelf in these places rather than appear to abandon Our friends after Our mission was completed?
As We have All-ready mentioned: We find (on waking) that We are very thirsty and We are not very hungry. We theel that We will just have salad and dessert for dinner. Hopefully it will be an early dinner and movie and early to dream and travel again.
We find that what We are sharing probably sounds a bit like science-fiction but if We described Our adventure is more detail “they” would also sound like horror stories as We are also visiting some of the roots of many age old myths and legends, dare We say faerie tales.
All-most forgot to mention that We are hearing and even using words that are completely unfamiliar to Us but Our unconscious says “they” are actually very familiar to those parts of Our mind.
There is also witch-hunt stuff/memories coming up for healing. It ties back to those castle times but it theels like there is more. We are also pony hopping a lot of this and We real-eyes that there is no need (or advantage) for Us to go hunting any of this with Our head. Whatever We need to face and explore is coming to Us in due time. This way it is play NOT work and struggle. This is the way of the new age.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Accepting OurSelf

Accepting OurSelf
Wizard's Log Star-date: 06:38:52 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
We do not remember much from last night Once again but it theels like it was about Our transition and transformation. At least that is what We woke from: We were helping some of Our others to experience that many taboos are not what We think “they” are. This is a field that requires much compassion and going very, very slow and gentle. “You must be vewy, vewy quiet when hunting wabbits.”
We woke still in this mode and We hope to remain here, at least somewhat. We theel that there is a group of Us gentle warriors who are bringing the hope and transition to the masses. We do not carry weapons other than love. We do not see eye to eye on everything and that is no longer necessary because this is no longer a One size fits All world or uni-verse. The commonality is love. That is the only bond We ever need, ever needed and will ever need again. How We play is up to each of Us individually. We will (and can) each define Our own rules or set All the rules free. It is up to Us personally.
We are setting people and things free. No longer do We crusade to force others to Our will. We only lead by example and experience and it is up to each and every individual to choose what path “they” will follow. This is still not popular because no matter how much We cry out for freedom there are very few willing to be responsible for “themSelves”; yet.
There are very few teachers and leaders and gurus who carry this banner so far but Our numbers are growing. There are even less who can show Us the way because We are clearing and forging the way as We tread. Many can and will show Us bits and pieces of what it takes but even most of “them” still cherish “their” limits. It behooves Us to accept any aid from any corner but NOT to follow the leader. That is an old, old game and it too needs to be set free with love.
It is indeed time (at least for Us personally) to start to recognize, acknowledge and own Our power and abilities and love. We are having a lot of visions and experiences of this. We will probably meet resistance from surprising corners. These will not be monsters but every day people who still believe in “their” limitations and powerlessness and ARE will to fight to the death for what “they” believe is holy. However: “they” will only be shadow boxing because We have only love to meet “their” attacks. The funny thing is that even this is Our own projection of Our judgment of OurSelf.
We are also having some mild sinus stuff the last few days and this usually indicates clearing and cleaning.
We returned to dreaming and imaginating and had a good time. There was a little bit healing and setting free Our memories of being evil, rich and powerful. This is obviously a process that will have to go deep and gentle. We do NOT have to think it out, plan and control. We can simply open, set it free and allow with love.
When We went to town We were still mostly not in limitation 3D.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

A day of inner change

A day of inner change
Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:54:14 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
There are three worlds that We remember from last night: the first was very primitive (or that is what society now days would call it) in another there was a camera that had the power to give or take life and the last was just fun.
Every time We woke yesterday's incident came back up and We kept pony hopping it. Our head still wants to struggle and tussle with it. Our heart wants to engage different thinking and reactions. We clearly see that it is old thinking and beliefs that are triggering Our thoughts and reactions.
What We are getting this morning (that We just could not get to yesterday)is that the judgment (mainly), the anger and the hatred (based in fear and insecurity) that We felt from the other person is Our own reflected back on Us. This is what We have lived Our entire life trying to avoid. We have been running from it Our whole life. We have created this entire world based on this very judgment, anger and hatred of OurSelf. Yes: it is a pattern and a memory playing over and over and over. That is why We made a mountain out of a mole hill. The incident was small but the root is huge. We are sorry that We have submitted OurSelf to this judgment, hatred, anger and fear over All these eons. Please forgive OurSelf. We love Us unconditionally and We thank Us. Finally We feel this.
We find that We are still a bit riled up about yesterday's incident, especially when someOne wanted to talk about it. Then something else came up about it: casting curses at those We perceive to have harmed or threatened Us. Casting curses is clearly NOT Oneness and limitlessness behavior.
When We really start to own the behavior there is much that is revealed. We are having a hard time getting the words out now but We sure can feel a bunch of stuff roiling around inside Us. The vicious circle that We create as We judge and blame OurSelf and then project that out onto the world and Our others is incredible. Then as We feed and fondle these projections and reflections it grows and festers within and without.
The only way to end these cycles is to take responsibility and seek forgiveness. We can truly feel Our children within struggling with “their” feelings and emotions around All this. We have harmed “them” and We are truly sorry.
There have been many insights today and We did end up doing some minor venting over the incident. We calmed down more and more as the day went along. We are reminded that if We can cast curses that are affective (and Our buried memories tell Us that We can) then We can also cast blessings that are affective and even more so. We do not need to make a public display of any of this.
The afternoon section was a great way to end summer school.
When We got home We continued to process and access Our inner transformation.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Friday, July 18, 2014

An inordinate fear and anger

An inordinate fear and anger
Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:56:03 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
We did not sleep well because Our sinuses are bothering Us. We are not sure what this is about except it is old beliefs and setting “them” free with love and pony hopping. We do not remember much from the night but Our last visit was a world very similar to this One and We were saying good bye to All Our students like We will do tomorrow in waking. In that world the roads are not paved but All dirt.
Even though We do not feel any real inspiration or insights We are just calmly drifting in and about in some different realities this morning. Even with the sinus stuff there is a peace and calm within and without Us. We are just enjoying this.
The subject of drama has been coming up in a discussion group and We have been more aware of All the drama people get caught up in at work. This morning We are aware of the choice of staying centered in Our calm and happy place or checking the drama mail from the discussion group. Now We see why We are avoiding a lot of Our email. Even some of the good stuff is cloaked in high drama.
Another great morning with the kids. We were even able to have some conversation with Our challenge. We will miss “them” All after summer school is over but We will really enjoy All the dream time. We are making a lot of progress with Our internal changes and it will be nice to be able to focus more and dive deeper every day.
The real progress is made when We can be out in the world and stay multifocused in multiD and multiworlds but the foundation is laid and strengthened in the long stretches spent at home by OurSelves. We are much more focused on Our process and growth (this summer) than on Our projects AND more than We have ever been before.
It has been nice to be able to practice allowing OurSelf to drift out more on work days.
After work We had another incident that triggered an inordinate and disproportionate amount of fear and anger. Our reaction was totally limitation and separation oriented. The good news is that We recognize it right away. We pony hopped and pony hopped and pony hopped. It took a few hours to get out of blame and victim mode. We wanted to react from/with/in love but it just was not happening. We could feel the fear from Our children within and We tried to comfort “them” and apologized for causing such fear. We are sorry AND We ARE angry and We are sorry that We are angry.
A big part of what We are feeling is because We do NOT believe in OurSelf. We do not believe that We can change and heal Our others. We want out of this world. We do not believe that We can turn it into a world of love. We believe that We will All-ways feel attacked, anger and hatred. This is a biggy and We are having a hell of a time setting it free (with or without love). The good news is that We see it even if We are having a lot of difficulty turning it around.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

How We theel

How We theel
Wizard's Log Star-date: 04:49:47 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
We let OurSelf dream in a bit this morning and We are still quite unfocused in limitation. We woke several times during the night but do not remember much. We were focused on pony hopping and being open, setting it All free and allowing with love. That is Our current focus. We ARE changing. This entry may be short because We do not have much time this morning.
There are only two more wakeups for summer school this year.
The really interesting thing this morning is that We are NOT dwelling on yesterday. We were and are successful in setting it free with love. We are in a slightly different world and reality.
We are having a lot of multiworld (or even otherworldly) experiences this morning. It is hard to find the proper words. Our world/society has many “bad” labels for such experiences to help Us resist, deny and reject such experiences. We see things that are NOT here “in the physical” but still have a presence and even an image.
This morning it took Us quite a while to even find any memory of yesterday's events. We were dissociated from that world. When We did find those memories “they” did not hold the attachment that such events would usually hold.
As We went through Our day it was All-most being a ghost in many ways. When a person is first becoming a ghost (whether through physical death or not) it is a pretty weird feeling. We have had enough experience of not being noticed or feeling like some people look right through Us that We are not totally caught off guard but still..........
The thing is that We have known this was coming for a long time and We Onedered what it would be like. Slipping into it gradually is certainly much easier than diving in head first. It seems/feels to be a necessary part of not being focused in this limitation reality.
Our time with the kids today was great. “They” can be such a comfort and great teachers and fun too.
Somewhere during the day (We went to dream several times during the day) We remembered how We felt this morning before work: We felt as if We are being erased from this/some timeline. We know this is not completely accurate but that is how We felt. For some time now We have been doing little things to prepare to be gone for an extended period and this feels like more of that but on an even deeper level. The thing is that We theel strongly that We are NOT going anywhere. How to We explain a feeling of being gone without ever leaving?????? Well, maybe it is that Our vibration will change and those at a different vibration will not be aware of Us? Something like that and We know that We do not want anyOne getting caught up in missing or mourning Us. Plus: when We return (after not leaving????) We do not everything to be a mess here. Go figure.
We are not really even trying to explain anything since We know We do NOT really have any explanation. We are just sharing Our theelings and experiences.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

A day of choices

A day of choices
Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:51:27 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
We are not sure what last night was about: if there is a point beyond experiencing and being aware of different realities. Of course, not long ago that alone would have been remarkable. In One reality We are high school age and Our mother is very controlling. We decided to skip the last week of school and miss the finals just to spite her. Once she accepted that then We went and did graduate. In another reality We are in Our 80s and learning to ice skate. In another We are around Our current waking age and trying to get two young men (who are at odds) to reconcile and be supportive friends for each other.
An interesting combination of realities to visit and remember in One night. We are reminded to NOT try to figure stuff out but to remain in the now, be open, set free and allow with love. When We first went to dream (last night) We were pondering different aspects and attributes of OurSelf and Our purpose. We even paid a short visit to the two rich brothers. That was about living free of need. It does seem like We were discovering or All-ready living being free of need.
In Our waking world We are exploring that possibility. We love what We do as a job but it is tainted with time restrictions and needing to earn money to survive. These are old paradigm needs and values and beliefs but “they” still seem very real. We still cling to the old ways. This is changing and We feel the change within.
We are reminded of Our current life focus and purpose. As far as major world changes We function more in the background. We introduce concepts to the mass mind and then others introduce “them” more publicly. We ARE the advisor more than the visible leader. We find it a bit hard to describe. We do Our best work in Our dreams. However the play We do and attention that We give to the children in Our waking is also very important but does not “appear” to have global consequences.
It seems that every morning (when We go outside for the first time) We get more insights and intuits into Our process. It has been sooooo rainy (and it is raining this morning) that it All-most feels like We are living in a rain forest rather than a semi-arid region. We are also reminded of the importance of pony hopping and how much pony hopping We did (and usually do) during the night and again during Our waking day.
There was a rather remarkable bit that We forgot to mention yesterday. Our challenging boy wanted to (and made a definite point of) showing Us his new bike. It is a big boy bike. He also offered to bring Us some strawberries. This from the boy who was fighting Us the first few days. We knew at the time that Once We got through whatever was going on that We would probably bond but still it is amazing to experience. Reminds Us of the highschooler on Our big bus who wanted to ride without a deviation (he was going to the athletic club which requires a deviation since it is not anyOne's home) and got mad at Us. (We let him ride Once without the deviation but the second time did not let him ride and that is when he got mad at Us. After getting the deviation We are pretty sure that he said fuck You each day, for several days when he got off the bus.) After a while he started waving good bye (with All five fingers) and then One day as he got on the bus: he stopped and made a point of showing Us his new tennis shoes. Little things mean a lot.
We are practicing allowing OurSelf to drift into multiD in the morning before work rather than demanding that We focus into limitation 3D the way We All-ways have. It is a much nicer way to wake. It is part of Our change. It is important to just allow with love rather than try to analyze the way We used to do. We are still tempted to analyze but We are remembering to allow and experience multiworlds, multiD, multilocating and distance viewing.
This morning Our challenge was great at the beginning and end but somewhere in the middle he decided he needed to yell. It was not as bad as before and We knew he was wound up when he ran to the bus yelling All the way. On the parts of the ride when he was not yelling We were able to play a game with him and talk to him. When he is in yelling mode he does not really want to talk to Us.
The rest of the kids were a delight as All-ways. We really enjoy and appreciate interacting with “them”. We are a little less out in multiworlds and multiD today but still multifocused. A yelling child does still tend to bring Us back to limitation 3D.
However, now We feel OurSelf slipping away. That is a good thing.
We seem to have slipped into some kind of choices experience and One of those choices was not to dwell on/in it enough to type it All up.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

A fun day

A fun day
Wizard's Log Star-date: 04:06:57 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
Last night We were All over the place (quite literally). Most of the night was spent in life review and pony hopping that. We woke several times very thirsty and each time We went back to Our life review and pony hopping. We kept time traveling to go back and review places We have been and things We have done. This time was not so much about doing anything new as it was acknowledging Our memories and setting “them” free with love. These memories can control Our life and actions and beliefs if We do not own and acknowledge “them” and set “them” free with love.
Towards the end We took on a female body to do some other stuff but We are not sure what We were doing. Then as We woke We were playing in multiworlds at the same time.
A busy night for sure.
We got up still aware of being in multiworlds. That is the way We want it. We are reminded to open, set free and allow with love. This is relatively new behavior for Us. In the passed We have All-ways tried to figure, plan and have expectations of what it will be like. That limited Us a lot. Now: We are allowing with love and that is much less limited.
As We sit here and drift about We real-eyes that Our previous efforts at controlling Our experiences were based in fear that if We simply allow then something very, very bad will consume Us and Our life and world. We were trying to protect OurSelf. Only is a separation and limitation world would We need protection. This too is part of changing Our thinking and belief systems.
There is a song that runs through Our mind as We allow OurSelf to drift about but not sure of the title: “Just like a dream I'll take You there. You're like a dream to Me.” Very fitting.
We had another great morning. Even Our challenging boy was well behaved and played well. We played tic tac toe with him and then he took a nap and later he woke to play other games. When another student discovered a fun game he asked if he could play rather than demanding.
We were able to play a little with several different students. This is the way We like it. “They” also helped Us visit “their” worlds.
During Our break We are reading some different emails and channelings and it is interesting to find others starting to say things We have been saying for years. “They” are even using Our words and phrases. We are quite certain that “they” have not been reading Our blog. It is the connection to the universal mind. We All contribute Our parts and then others tune in and share “their” part.
On the ride home We had fun watching the students play. The boy with rather severe autism wanted to sit next to Our challenging boy. We were quite apprehensive but willing to allow “them” to try. “They” both wanted to play with the same toys and/or watch the other play with it. We asked if “they” could get along and “they” assured Us “they” could so We allowed it. “They” found a second toy that “they” both wanted to play with and took turns passing the toys back and forth. It was great to watch. “They” even gave up One of the toys to a boy who had not played with it yet.
When We got home We really needed to just lay down and go out for a while. We do remember that We visited other realities and it is related to Our waking and transition but that is All We remember. It is important to allow with love.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Monday, July 14, 2014

We can All-ways go back

We can All-ways go back
Wizard's Log Star-date: 07:11:47 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
Last night seemed to be playing in nearby and advanced versions of Our waking world with new and old friends. We theel that We are coming closer to this in Our waking world. Closer to freedom and equality and play and the difference is Us. Our thinking and beliefs are changing even though the old patterns, habits and memories still come up. We are much quicker to real-eyes and recognize the old thoughts and belief systems and name “them” as such.
Once again We are reminded of the importance of pony hopping. It is the only effective method We know for changing Our thinking and belief system. There is no switch to flip and make it All better. We do not remove old thoughts and patterns, We set “them” free and add new thoughts. We are growing not being surgically altered. We do not need tech to do what We can do naturally. Tech can be an aid but it can also be a trap. Our brain has basically atrophied over the millenia of misuse and lack of use. There is a key in there.
Time travel is also becoming more common in Our awareness; at least in dream and probably in waking too. At least We can remember (in waking) doing it more and more in dream.
Bit by bit and slide by slide We ARE learning how to be here and there. We are beginning to use Our energy body and learning to return to Our passed with Our current knowledge and do it differently. We are not erasing the passed but adding to it. There are many, many things/experiences that We missed because of fear, taboos, restrictions and limiting beliefs. Now: We can return and do All the things We longed to do but never allowed OurSelf to do.
Now: We can remember Our children within and allow “them” to play and feel safe. We can acknowledge “them” and listen to “them” and even follow “their” advice and honor “them”. This feels really good. As We allow this drifting into multiworlds it does feel a bit scary but only because it is unfamiliar. Our head screams that will die or at least suffer horrendously but that is coming from Our limitation thinking and beliefs. That is the lie.
There are sooooo many traps that We have set for OurSelves to keep Us in the game of separation and limitation. “They” have worked for eons. We continue to discover (become aware of) pits and traps in Our thinking and belief system and Once We are aware We can begin to change and We ARE. The fear that: “We will be too late” raised its head but We know that this too is part of the lie.
After All these (apparent) years, eons and lifetimes of living in the limitation and separation game it is still hard to believe (really believe and begin to live) that there is (or even can be) anything else. It is hard to believe and allow that We can change, bend and even break the rules that have bound Us sooooo tightly for sooooo long. We have known for some time that We can but that does not mean that this is real to Us yet.
Another common lie that We have All heard (and most of Us believed it and even spread it it) is: “You can never go back”. The truth is: “You can All-ways go back”. A common line for coming out of hypnosis and guided meditations is: “Know that You can return here any time You want”. This is part of Our (masses) current breakthrough. Then there is the common line: “If I “could” go back and do it different I would not change a single thing”. Well, We would. Maybe not change anything as much as add to the experience. We would add new and fun and exciting and less limited experiences. However: believing that is really possible is another hard concept to swallow.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Playing in multiworlds

Playing in multiworlds
Wizard's Log Star-date: 07:09:14 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
Last night was about changing and expanding. We played with friends from Our waking world and new found friends to change Our thinking and beliefs and actions. We learn and experience by playing. It is still hard for Our waking consciousness to accept flying and teleporting and multilocating but these are becoming more familiar, As “they” become familiar Our waking mind can accept “them” and then We can expand even more. These are just a few of Our natural abilities, a few things We do when We allow OurSelf to be less limited and live more as Our true Self.
The more We allow OurSelf to play in Our waking the more We can expand. That is how We like to spend as much of Our day as We can. We may not type much on those days because We tend to get too far out of focus to type a lot.
Perhaps as this way of being and living becomes more familiar We will be more able to type about it. Right now there are many normal things that We do which still easily drag Us out of less limited and back into limitation so We avoid those on the days that We can.
Our limiting beliefs are growing weaker and weaker while Our less limited beliefs grow stronger and stronger. It does seem like switching to the term less limited rather than limitless is helping. Limitless is much harder for Our head to accept. It helps to adapt to/use what works rather than striving for a loftier goal. Striving is part of the old energy, paradigm and belief system.
Remember too that Our process is NOT about (at this moment anyway) dissolving or abandoning limitation 3D. We love Our limitation world even when We hate being here and feeling stuck. We especially love it when We are at home. This is about more: finding, feeling and experiencing more than just limitation. It includes everything within limitation and goes beyond.
When We went to visit Our local friends it was obvious that We were not focused in limitation 3D even though We were basically functional there. Again: this is NOT about leaving; it is about being here AND there.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

More exploring multiworlds

More exploring multiworlds
Wizard's Log Star-date: 06:02:09 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
We do not remember much at All from last night. It seems that We were playing with new friends and kids from summer school in a very different world. It seems like it was just too different to bring into Our waking awareness.
We woke with a certainty that Our world is very different from what We see and have All-ways believed. We theel that We are slipping into an entirely new perspective. This is part of Our complete psychic change.
We are having a bit of difficulty doing the things We do every day. In the passed this would frustrate Us. Now We welcome this as it shows that We are not focused only in limitation 3D. We are changing and that is what We seek.
As We start moving around and go outside We real-eyes that more than visiting other worlds (last night) We were visiting, exploring and experiencing different versions of this world. These were similar (or nearby) versions yet so different that it is hard for Our conscious, waking mind to comprehend. Yet this comprehension is growing. Perhaps these are versions where We wear Our energy bodies or perhaps some other distinct difference and/or many differences and less limits. Maybe We can play there today?
We returned to dream and played in more worlds with more friends. In One We were in a town close to Our home town as a child. We went to the well known, popular and fabulous hamburger joint there. We woke craving One of “their” hamburgers.
We are pretty far out today and that is how We like it. We feel like We might be able to shift Our focus back to 3D and get something done but We do not want to. It also feels like if We did try it might be One of those days when We can do anything wrong.
We started watching the Netflix series: “Hemlock Grove”. It feels like there is something in it that is good/helpful for Us.

Good night AND thank You for playing.