Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Change Your mind

(From night school last night)

We spent the majority of the night at recess and it was an amazing time. We may be getting familiar with time travel and star hopping but We certainly are not getting tired of it. Then in the last few hours We began class.

Most of Us are familiar with the phrase: “Change Your mind” and/or “I changed My mind”. That is quite literally what is happening this full moon. We do not remember anything We have read about the astrology of this full moon but the One thing for certain is that it is powerful. The energies of this full moon have been and continue to be changing Our mind(s). We just thought of the old phrase: “It is a woman's prerogative to change her mind.” Isn't the moon considered feminine? We know the moon is trans-formative especially when she is new or full. Even though (technically) the full moon is now passed the energy can and will continue its mission.

WE (the masses and especially those waking) are changing Our mind from Our head to Our heart and the moon is doing everything in its power to assist. When You think about it, that is quite a lot of power. We are creators and the moon is assisting Us. We are love. With this change We will think and know with Our feelings and then the head/brain mind can follow that with logic. Rather than logic being perfectly logical and turning things (that make sense to the heart) into absolute non-sense in a totally logical world. Logic makes Our illusion, Our fantasy seem totally real, absolute and locked in place. While Our heart feelings and knowings are labeled fantasy, absurd, impossible and ridiculous. How many times have We heard (been told): “The real world doesn't work that way”???????? When All the while We knew/know in Our heart that the real world most certainly does work that way and the world that does not appear to work that way is the actual make believe world.

This does not mean that logic is ending, going away or is worthless. Quite the contrary. Logic has its place and Our heart will lead Our logic.

Feel free to take a few minutes and feel into this. That is what We did in class.

Many healers will assist others with this change (talk about “change of life”) by simply running “their” hand (in front of a person) from the head to the heart and back again. “They” can use crystals, herbs, aromas and sounds etc. to assist. These are legitimate tools but the most important condition is the consent and belief of the participants (even just a slight belief that it might somehow, maybe be the tiniest bit possible). Some may charge a fee for this but most will give this gift freely. After All, the way to start living in an economy of giving is to begin giving (and receiving). We are each capable of doing this for OurSelf and others. We can do it with or without the hand gesture and/or any tools. Tools can often make a job go faster and easier. We would rather drive nails with a hammer instead of Our fist but a potter's hands can never be fully and as artistically and lovingly replaced by any machine.

Many of Us will resist on One level or another. That is a part of the human condition. It is often called contempt prior to investigation. We are so trained, engrained and locked into Our old system that it really does take system busters to begin any real change. Most people would be happy to just rearrange the furniture and pretend everything is rosy. It might even work (or appear to) for a while.

Obviously, putting Our heart mind in control changes everything. Our heart mind is open while Our head mind is like a steel vault and it is locked shut. Our vault was/is on a time lock and for some that time lock may be malfunctioning. For others it truly is NOT “their” time and We honor each person and “their” place on the path. For those who wish to change from head thinking to heart thinking but are having difficulty (perhaps the lock is rusty after All these eons of non-use): We have the healers mentioned.

Just what All this heart mind change will bring is hard (read: seemingly impossible) for most of Us to imagine or even dream of. We saw some examples in class. As You may have guessed One example was an economy of giving and that has to start with Us giving. It can start in little ways. All change does begin with a small change, a little crack in the dike and soon the flood waters inundate everything.

Be the change, literally. A change of heart. We change Our mind(s).



Christmas in the present

Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:21:29 AM

Good morning. Interesting dreams and some recollection but also lots of gaps. We get the feeling that a lot of the gaps are about the time and energy expended to work with the storms and probably HAARP. We do not seem to bring specific memories of this type of work into waking instead only the knowledge that We have been doing it.

Because of the many gaps, We are not going to type anything separate about last night's dreams.

There was quite a bit (and We were very clear about this as it was happening, We were the experiencer AND the observer both) about heart centered technology, thinking and living. This full moon We are being rewired (or the rewire is being completed) to reverse how Our minds work. The head/brain mind used to be in charge. Now the heart mind will lead the way and direct the brain/head. This will be a marriage of emotions/feeling and thinking/logic. It will NOT be swapping One extreme (patriarchal) for another extreme (matriarchal) as We have All-ways done in the passed. This will be a balance and We will (finally???) experience heart thinking or feeling thinking. We made note that the heart is near the (if not the) center of the body. Bringing the extremes into the center, balance. We do not remember if We have read anything about this full moon being particularly related to this rewire or not but We sure do feel it.

We ended the night dreaming about Shadow. It was about him and a dog My family had when I was growing up. It was One of those mixes that are really hard for the conscious mind to reconcile. At the end Shadow and I went to visit him (started out it was the other dog We were going to visit but I kept calling that dog Shadow also) at a healing center. It just dawned on Us that this might be the healing center on the Syrian We have dreamt of (and had feelings towards) previously. (both dogs, childhood dog and Shadow are All-most All black) This dog (We keep typing god) was All white. But I called it Shadow and Shadow (the One standing beside Me looking at the other dog) seemed to concur and understand. White Shadow was laying down, looking sick. When it saw Us it stood and seemed to gain strength from Our presence. We woke with White Shadow growing stronger and stronger and getting happier and happier.

Interesting to note that this morning We are feeling like Christmas.

Our plow guy came late yesterday afternoon and the drive is nicely plowed and We heard the plows running up on the road yesterday too. There has been snow since both but barely any accumulation and it feels like the temps have dropped so We are planning to go into town today and pay property taxes. The driving should be good.

Feeling that All this is connected to something new.

We did read a news article about the storm and it really sounds like about what was expected and a little less disastrous than predicted. Interesting that the stock market is closed a second day (first time since 1888) and other financial institutions affected as well. We do feel this is good news, very good news.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012



Turn it All around

Wizard's Log Star-date: 06:30:12 AM

Good morning. And yet another busy night at the dreams. We were All over the place, literally and figuratively. We hope to type up a night school but not sure now that We are up and asleep. There was stuff about the storms on both coasts and the new system that will be (and is being) set up. Everything is being turned upside right after eons of being upside down and back ass-wards.

One big point, and this could be the deal breaker: the people have to take back “their” responsibility for this to work. That is the only price tag and quite frankly it is a jewel of great value. In fact it is beyond value and the/most people may not be willing to pay the price. It will take a change of heart that is for sure.

The good news is that there is a huge tsunami of love breaking upon the shores of Our world and it is happening now.

It's been snowing here this morning so We may or may not change Our plans to go to town today to pay property taxes.

Taxes and tithes were part of the dream. “They” are going to be paid/given (those and much, much more) to the people instead taken by the rulers.

It snowed around 2 inches so far and it is still coming downing gently and loverly. We plan to wait until tomorrow or Wednesday to go into town, the roads should be clearer and My plow will have gotten My driveway.

We did get “night school” done and posted. We think We got everything in there, which was a lot. Time to watch some vids and do some reading. We have the live-stream webcam running for downtown New York it's covered with rain last time We checked.

We checked the online news a couple of times but not really much being reported yet.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Dragon dreams


Dotting the connects


Dragon dreams

(From night school last night)

First a wee bit of background: Saturday afternoon or evening there was an earthquake off the coast of British Columbia, Canada which was supposed to have set off a massive tsunami expected to impact the entire west coast of North America. At the same time there is (what is being called) a super-storm, perfect storm, storm of the ages and/or hybrid storm moving towards the entire east coast of North America and even inland. As We read the (after the fact) reports about the tsunami (on Sunday) We were a bit surprised to see that according to the time stamp by the U.S. Geo-whatsit We had been reading the news reports online (which were worded like it had happened or was happening) before the event even happened. Another oddity is that the east coast hurricane is predicted to make a left turn. The experts say that storms don't do that. If the experts say that storms don't do that, who is making the prediction and how and why are “they” making it?

In fact, according to what We had read Saturday night the tsunami was supposed to hit Alaska before the time of the earthquake (the time given by the U.S. Geo-whatsit on Sunday). It turned out the tsunami was minor at the very worst. As far as We know the hurricane/hybrid has not yet hit the east coast.

Several others (in different online discussion groups that We participate in) have reported dreaming of piloting small space shuttle or scout ships and/or flying/riding dragons. We feel that there are many others experiencing these types of dream but are not (yet) willing to talk about “them” or (for some) even able to remember these dreams.

It was emphasized for Us (personally) that ever since the day We bought her We have called Our current car Our “Dragon” and continue to feel this is an appropriate name. We have also had several dreams wherein Our car/dragon is a space ship disguised as a car. A dragon ship, We like that.

The small ships are shuttling anyOne who needs or wants to visit the larger ships parked in space above and around Our planet. Some dragons are helping with this shuttling but “their” main mission right now is holding back the storm, turning the tide so to speak (on both coasts, the west coast tsunami and the east coast hurricane). There are also some ships assisting the dragons using barely visible rays and beams and plasma devices while the dragons are using “their” physical strength and mental abilities and together “they” are holding the storm (literally) at bay. We (the people) are in the process of deciding if and how strong the hurricane will make landfall.

We are All writing Our script as We speak and everyOne (All 7+ billion of Us) has an eraser and/or delete key. Our prompters are running around frantically scribbling out new cue cards and throwing away more invalid cue cards than "they" have valid Ones that "they" can use. So, if You experience One thing and read about it happening differently then know that You are not crazy, somebody changed the script as it was happening or even after it happened. Yes, We are that powerful. The news stories (after the fact) may well be written using the discarded cue cards.

This “writing Our script as We go” felt to be something quite new for Us and for anyOne(s) anywhere(s) at least in a total and complete respect or to this extreme.

Viewed from a distance this whole act, stage, performance is terribly chaotic. Nobody (that is no One person or entity) is in charge and/or directing the play. Stage hands are getting tangled in everything as actors and cameramen rush to opposite ends of the stage as everyOne changes “their” positions based on the whims of over seven billion writers and re-writes.

One dragon was overheard muttering: “Would 'they' just make up 'their' frigging minds. My wings are getting tired. This is no April shower We are holding back here.”

On the west coast the decision has been made and the dragons and ships successfully calmed the (physical) storm, at least for the most part.

On the east coast We await the moment of decision.

There are several things going on that are masked and/or caused and/or symbolized by these events. The first and foremost is that a tsunami of love is arriving and has arrived on the shores of Our planet. This tsunami is coming from and through Us, from and through Gaia and inner earth, from and through space and Our space friends and from and through galactic center. Yes, it is a wee bit powerful.

We do not know how the storms and earthquakes are affecting the rest of the world (We are only getting reports from and around N. America) and there was nothing about any other areas (in respect to weather and earthquakes) in Our dream. However, the changes are and will be affecting everyOne everywhere. [While taking a break before proofing this We did read that there was/is a hurricane hitting southeast Asia with some deaths in the Philippines. There were also 44 earthquakes above magnitude 4.0 around the globe yesterday. This does seem like a lot of activity, an unusual amount and the full moon is today some time (by My understanding).]

Back to the dreams:

Our current system of running Our societies, Our global operating system and the way We live has everything back ass-wards and We do mean everything. If You want to know what the future holds look at everything turned the opposite of how it is and that will give You a fairly (if not exactly) accurate picture.

Currently the system is like an upside down funnel with a huge and extremely powerful Hoover at the top sucking everything up from the bottom and in between. (the cartoon showing Einstein with the caption: “There is no gravity, the earth sucks” may well be far truer than any of Us real-eyes.) The only thing left for those of Us living at the bottom and in the in-between realms are the dust bunnies left under the furniture and in a few remote corners. Not very satisfying fare to be sure. The top takes money, hope, strength, time, family, fun, joy and everything of any value from the lower and it rules the lower with complete authority telling it what to think, how to think and what to believe. Then it tries to take/suck more.

The new system (which can be put in place anytime if We choose to write Our script that way) will (and is in some realities) turn everything upside right and inside out. The top will begin (immediately) to pour abundance, prosperity, freedom, spare time, fun, relaxation, help, care and everything of value into the lower areas of the funnel. The onslaught will be unstoppable. Those people and bureaus currently in charge of collecting taxes, tithes and other revenue from the bottom will be charged with distributing finances to those same people. One cool part is that the upper realms can not access any funds (for personal use) until every being in the very lowest realms have received a share that is equal to the highest share. And this flow will continue, this is not a One time deal.

One way of describing how it will work (financially) might be that each person entering a store will have “their” accounts scanned (public, private and hidden financial accounts). No One can enter the store if “they” have any funds. If “they” wish to enter then “their” accounts must be emptied into a central system to be given away and equally distributed to everyOne. Once inside the store every person can have One or two (depending on need, family size etc.) of each and every item (or type of item) at no cost. For instance One car but not a car and a truck unless “they” show actual need for both. There is no need to hoard or be a glutton as We will be drawing from the endless supply of the multi-verse (more commonly referred to as heaven by many). Eventually finances, of any type or any system will not be needed.

Wealth will be determined by how much a person (or group) can give to others rather than on how much “they” accumulate. Starting at the top and trickling down (at a massive rate of flow) will be an economy of giving. If someOne (anyOne) likes and wants something You have then You will freely, gladly and willingly give it to “them” (if You can get “them” to take it). There will be much variety as We will be giving away possessions and property and everything else at the drop of a hat (or less).

A typical conversation will be like this: “What a nice car/coat/house/whatever.” “Thank You, I'm glad You like it. Please take it.” “On no, I just couldn't.” “Yes, You can and I insist.” “Are You certain?” “Absolutely.” “Well, if You insist. I will allow You the gift of giving. Is there anything I can give You?” The answer could be either yes or no.

One of the many fears that comes up is that We will “run out” if people are not required (somehow) to work (be slaves) to produce goods and food etc. One look at Our garbage dumps and warehouses will tell anyOne that We currently produce (under Our current system) far more than We can use. We simply can not throw away stuff fast enough. A system that produces less will be an advantage. If We do run low people will see the need and fill it.

A couple of things the fear does not take into account is the incoming love waves and Our ability to create and manifest without manufacturing and effort. One possibility might be a (voluntary) 2 day work week and that is just One simple possibility.

Now, here is the kicker: The One thing that the people do not want back (at least the majority of the people) is “responsibility”. Along with everything else that was taken (that will be) given back comes Our “responsibility”. This may quite literally be the deal breaker. It is the very reason why the system has been allowed to go on sooooo long while it (the system) caused heart break and suffering globally. Even those who benefited from the system paid a price at some level. But no ONE had to be responsible. Not really, someOne could All-ways be blamed, be the scape goat, be sacrificed and (yes) crucified (for the good of the many or a single other). Each person is and was considered disposable in order to not have to take responsibility for OurSelves and Our lives and Our successes and failures and mistakes and attainments.

The jury is still out on this One.

If the people will accept responsibility then the top will not only pay the lowers (in terms of money/finance) but it will also listen to “them” and do what “they” say. It will observe how “they” think and dream and believe and it will accept “them” as “they” are. No longer will 1+1 only be allowed to equal 2. 1+1 will now equal abundance. The people, each and every One will get to decide “their” life, “their” present and “their” future and even “their” passed. Time will belong to the people and not to the clocks and calendars and rulers.

In summary: When the new system is put in place it will be (actually is) turning everything upside right and inside out. Instead of the bottom feeding, paying, listening to, being ruled by, supporting the top, the top will be flooding the bottom with abundance and prosperity and attention and care and even love. No One will even want to hoard because the continuing downpour will be sooooo great that if anyOne tries to hoard "they" will bloat and explode from the excess.

Many people (especially those at the top) will think and/or say: “That will turn into absolute chaos.”

Yes, and what absolute fun and delight that chaos will be, for everyOne.”

That was pretty much it. Time for recess, lots of recess.



A little bit restless

Wizard's Log Star-date: 07:53:02 AM

Good morning. Not much to report from last night which does feel kind of odd after the last several nights being so busy. We do feel that it might be the beginning of another series which We are not able to remember (process with conscious mind) yet. We feel it was busy, yet We remember nothing and are not tired.

We feel mostly present but that could change at any moment. It will be interesting to see how the day progresses. Full moon or it was yesterday or will be tomorrow, not sure but it is certainly right in the zone. Tsunamis on the west coast yesterday afternoon and evening and hurricane supposed to be arriving on the east coast today. We're guessing it is One of those rather powerful full moons. Internet is being weird today. We have had the same problems before while We were still on dial-up and We don't remember what the solar storms etc. were like when the problems occurred.

We woke up and got up early this morning with no idea why. We just real-eyesed that We are restless, not nervous but definitely restless. Like an animal pacing before a storm??????????????

We are feeling especially drawn to a particular youngstar and “their” mother today. It will be interesting to see how this develops.

I did a wee little bit more weatherstripping on My back door because I do get some frost/ice buildup back there and since Shadow is continuing to come in that way I can't seal it up quite the way I used to. As I was pondering some possible further efforts, I started feeling Our ol': “things are the opposite of what 'they' seem and We are taught”. Then it really hit Us hard: “We can spend the rest of Our life and All Our strength and energy fighting nature. It really is much easier to get in tune and harmony.”

Will We ever get it and make it real in Our life? We will, We are.

Sunday, October 28, 2012



No “freaking” zone

Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:19:16 AM

Good morning. And yet another very interesting and informative night at the dreams last night. We are going to try typing these up as night school. There was also a lot of great recess after the instruction to play and experience what We are learning.

We got a lot (maybe All) of it typed up. We are actually a bit surprised at the level of recall of the details. We are happy tho near exhausted. Now We are going to return to Our regularly scheduled programming. Well, maybe not. We may never return to Our programming after this. We hope not anyway. We really are getting it and beginning to experience that there is sooooo much more than what We see. We will take a break for email and some vids before proofing and posting “Night School”. We think We will send a link to friends but maybe not to the groups, not yet. Hopefully soon, the information needs to get out but We don't need any “freaking”.

Freaking, did You say FREAKING??????????”Nasty hobbits-es.”

Okay, “night school” is done and posted. We are going to wait a bit before sending out any announcements about it. Not sure why and that is okay.

We explained “poofing” to Our local friends. We were in the same location and positions as in the dream but I had prewarned “them” about the dream and We didn't “poof” into “their” face like in the dream. “They” were prepared just in case though and seemed to pretty much grasp the concept the way We explained it.

We told “them” about Our time warp experience on Monday and explained All the dreams/ “night schools” We have typed up and it seemed like We were on a caffeine buzz. Not feeling high but talking fast and none stop. We were told We were All-ways like that as a young child. Interesting, just remembered that.

When We got home these was a tsunami warning for the entire west coast of U.S. and Canada and the hurricane is starting to make landfall on the east coast.

Saturday, October 27, 2012


Connecting the dots

(From night school last night)

Where to start? Normally We would say: “At the beginning but when the fluidity of time was part of the experience “the beginning” is a little hard to find. As in: “there's no beginning there'll be no end.”

We reviewed some previous and current dreams and waking experiences and began connecting the dots (or some of “them” anyway). These wove in and out of Our process throughout the night but We place it as the beginning for the telling/typing of it. We have been dreaming of being on and in many different ships and types of ships. Sometimes We have been very aware of the ship We were on being a shuttle. Generally We knew that We were not the pilot or driver but We had not made the connection to being in training. AHA. We felt in waking that it was time to go back to driving school bus yet when We went to re-apply it was All wrong feeling and totally out of sync. This threw Us for (and into) a loopty loop.

For sometime now We have been dreaming of being involved in the logistics department or segment of the ongoing work involving earthlings and galactics working together to heal and evolve Gaia and birth the new and improved (sorry couldn't resist that line) earth. We know there is much disagreement and misunderstanding about these terms. We also know that “they” are about the best anyOne can do with Our limited vocabulary. This is something We have never done (has never been done the way We are doing it) and We simply do NOT have words for it because it is brand new. We try to explain infinity with finite words and that defies accuracy. Let it be.

Anyway, We do logistics. Sometimes We dream experience doing so many different and quite varied tasks that We do question the validity of any the experiences. We find a couple of explanations: One is that We truly are multi-dimensional (as is everyOne else) and the other is that We do logistics which gets involved in just about every aspect of the work being done above, beyond and behind the scenes of the mainstream media. We (the planners and strategists and logistics people) do not just sit behind desks and drawing boards to come up with perfectly wonderful plans that simply do not work for shit (as is done in Our present earth systems) We get involved in and at the ground floor and advanced stages, the front lines and deep in the trenches to experience putting Our plans into action. Since this is All-most inconceivable in Our society, We question the truth and validity of actually doing it OurSelves. There are lots of other workers (and laborers of love) getting things done but We are out there side by side with “them” to experience the successes and apparent failures of Our plans and strategies.

So, where are/were We? Ah yes, training: “Shuttles 101”. In waking We have also been watching and reading information from The Keshe Foundation click here for the homepage and some other information about others who are reviving (and expanding?) and applying Tesla's research, ideas and accomplishments. Now We are not a scientist and Our accurate retention of some/any of the material is weak at best so forgive (or not) if We get some terms etc. wrong. This is a telling of how We dreamed it and connected the dots “for Us”. We have also been remembering Our experiences driving shuttle buses (before We drove school bus) and wondering about doing that again (both in dream and waking).

Connect the dots.

We get the impression that what is next for Us (in waking and/or dream) is shuttling (presently earthbound) people to the large space ships. In fact, after having this intuit in dream We began doing it in dream experience. We recognized right away that We do not need shuttles to transport people to the large ships but that people need the shuttles in order to have any chance to remain calm and feel safe. In Our experiences last night We took time orienting people to riding in the shuttles and gradually increased height and then speed and made certain that each person was okay with each stage before proceeding. Baby steps. Until We were able to zip, zoom on out/up to the larger ships. Then, Once there We gradually introduced the humans to All aspects and inhabitants of the ship. We began with things and beings most closely similar to familiar earth. The shuttle pilots/drivers also act as servants, guides and escorts to the new arrivals since by then We have All-ready become familiar to the guest. At this point the drivers/pilots (at least) appear to be fully human. Our guests can stay as long as “they” wish. If necessary “they” can remain on ship for as long as “they” want yet return to earth minutes or even only seconds after “they” had departed. We do absolutely everything possible to accommodate Our guests.

In Our training We explained some of the basics (to others) to bring out and examine Our understanding. We saw/watched OurSelf explaining this to Our local friends:

Everything has a specific and unique signature, an energy field or signature, a magnetic and gravitational field or signature a “whatever” that is its very own signature. A planet and All its inner and outer occupants and parts (animal, vegetable, mineral, elemental and ethereal) have a unified and unique signature. Each group (animal, vegetable etc.) has its own unified and unique signature and this pattern exists further and further in and out (the micro and the macro) to infinity and eternity in All directions and possibilities.”

[No wonder We (masses) have a hard time grasping this stuff]

When We (anyOne and anything) recreate/match this signature POOF We are there instantly or sooner.”

STOP THAT!!!!!!”


We had accidentally demonstrated the principle. We did not intend to do this unannounced. We had been on the opposite side of the room (explaining All this as best We could) and the very instant We finished We sub/un/super-consciously experienced/applied/demonstrated/did it. Damn, it was fun but shocked the daylights (and more) out of both of Us.

So sorry about that but it certainly was affective.

At this point time and space become irrelevant. It is not that 'they' cease to exist, or are wrong or unreal, 'they' are simply irrelevant.

Another very important point is that (as We All know and kind of understand from using magnets) if We do not get the poles (of the two matching signature objects) aligned correctly then instead of attracting 'they' repel and either One can be 'poofed' as far away/apart as 'their' energy/strength can propel 'them'. Remember that at this point: time and space are irrelevant.”

How does One make sure the alignment is correct?”

Beats Me. We have to remember that this (as We are experiencing and explaining it) is heart science not brain science. (Others are doing the math and brain science We are just applying it) We are doing this from Our heart-mind which sends it to Our brain-mind which then performs the function. We do not have to fully understand it All to apply it. We only have to believe that it is possible and Our heart-mind can and will do the rest.

As We just experienced!

The best We can explain is that We 'feel' the alignment and align properly for whatever direction We wish to travel (in time and/or space).

Once One experiences this We recognize the possibility (and existence) of negative time. We never experience negative time because it did not and does not happen because it happens in negative time. How is that for a pair-a-docks?”

Remember in “Dune” the Guild Navigators folded time and space with “their” minds. It really is the same thing, maybe a little different but the same.

Class (and/or the tour of the large ship) went on to explain how We replicate things, how All of Our gadgets and devices are “powered” by the infinite energy that pervades the multi-verse and/or Our minds (heart-mind).

Regardless of where the power comes from the control and operation is accomplished through Our heart-mind. When first introducing any civilization to any of this (usually beginning with the shuttles) We pretend to use hand and foot controls (or whatever type of controls the civilization is familiar with) to avoid “freak-out” syndrome.

We think You can see why We need training. We have to synch Our manual operation of the controls with Our heart-mind control. We have to have some working understanding of All this in order to plan,implement and experience the logistics of shuttling people to the ships and conducting tours and (Once again) avoid that dreaded syndrome known as “Ahhhh, FREAK OUT”. We know it made a nice song (which was/is a lot of fun to dance to) but it is no fun to experience at these levels (especially in close proximity).

This is what We refer to as heart centered technology. We can not explain any of it any further at this time. We are too wiped from trying to explain “poofing”. We think We did well just doing what We did with that.

So, it seems/feels that what is next for Us will be shuttling people to the large ships that are parked in space above and around Our planet. We could just “poof” people there (which is what We will actually do while pretending to shuttle “them”) but that would create an enormous sewage problem (on the spot so to speak). The idea is for this experience to be as comfortable for people as possible, therefore We have to use methods that are as familiar as possible. The shuttles will and do distinctly resemble common vehicles.

We were happy to find that All the shuttles We will be operating have space for Shadow (Our dog). He loves people and All-ways wants to go with Us. He is happy too.

We got it right away that the hows and wherefores (of All of this manifesting) is kind of irrelevant for Us (at least to get started). We just need to begin with believing that it is possible. We think that All the explanation came after We accepted the possibility and were very okay with it.



Through the knot hole, over and over and over again

Wizard's Log Star-date: 07:28:56 AM

Good morning. Another busy night. “We are love exploring and experiencing itSelf.” “We are love discovering and expressing itSelf.” These are a couple of mantras from last night. There is quite a bit We hope to be able to type up from last though We don't think We will doing that separate from here. We get the feeling that some of what We were shown will quickly be forgotten until it is revisited at another time.

That brings up One of the messages. Time (as many are beginning to real-eyes) is very malleable and mutable. It is also very different (for most of Us) experientially during dream than during waking. It is also individual which (at least for Me) is a fairly new concept. Time like everything is a matter of perspective and We are sure there are some who would argue Our leg off about that.

One of the things We were shown was how and why many of Us are waking feeling like We have been dragged through a knot hole. It is because We literally have. We experienced going through the birth to death and death to birth cycle many times during the night. Having gone through the birthing process many times during the night (from the babies perspective) really is being dragged through a knot hole many times. The thing is: going through (and fully experiencing) fifty to One hundred year life cycles several times in One night and then waking (to go about Our day) only six to twelve hours later can be exhausting. It would also be incomprehensible and irreconcilable for most of Our minds (at this point of development).

In fact We did not get this by experiencing it directly OurSelf (even in dream). We watched a pet go through it over and over. We were shocked and amazed at this process. Later, after returning to this same dream several times during the night We finally real-eyesed that it was symbolic of what We are doing OurSelf.

Then We were shown how the world and life and time can seem different to each person. We were shown that it is not the something/anything is NOT: real or unreal. It is that Our perspective and belief of what “real” is has distinct flaws. The same applies to the word true”.

We do see, feel and experience (in dream and waking) that Our world is shifting and changing rapidly yet gradually. This is so because We personally are changing and expanding. Things may look the same as “they” yesterday but that is a trick of Our mind to create apparent safety, stability and congruity. It is to re-enforce Our belief in linear time. It is a program that We have been locked into (by agreement whether We remember the agreement or not).

We (personally) are beginning to feel through the veil (feel is Our primary sense) while some others are beginning to see through this same veil.

Friday, October 26, 2012



Fun day

Wizard's Log Star-date: 06:25:20 AM

Good morning. What an amazing night at the dreams. Part was the usual recess and other adventures in alternate realities and playing with and amongst the stars.

There was another part that was a sending and then there was more which was related to the sending and these were answers to Our request to meet with someOne(s) in dream to resolve Our misunderstandings that came out in conversation yesterday. This is All new to Us. Please bare with Us as We are going to attempt to convey the process in a new “night school” this morning. We are still somewhat in dream/trance state and there is much We wish to convey. Also there are some other steps We feel We need to take before We begin transcribing the “night school”. We are also aware that We got up to type before We finished experiencing the night school class so We intend to finish as We type it up. This process should be an interesting learning experience.

We got “night school” typed up, took a good break and proofed it and posted it. It truly was a great experience. We are very happy with the result.

We do seem to be in an alternate though everything looks the same. We feel like We need to go back to bed and have felt this way All day. Yet, when We begin to head that direction We want to do something else. We watched part of a Keshe foundation video and a couple from others too. All of that is combining to create this feel of being in something completely new. Probably because We are. We may need to dream to catch up with OurSelf.

We just read about flying dreams and We're gonna go dream or try to fly.

We did not think We went to sleep but We did go on a dragon flight. We were looking for something or someOne. Perhaps We went to assist someOne on “their” path to the Dragon Rider's Academy.

It is Once again interesting to see how time flew while We were enjoying OurSelf.

Thursday, October 25, 2012


The first time for a request

(From night school last night)

As We were heading into dream We asked to meet with someOne(s) from a conversation about Our previous “night school” to resolve Our misunderstandings. We felt there were some cultural and linguistic misunderstandings and miss-communications on both sides. Perhaps some errors but We feel that what appear to be errors are most often differences in perspective and experience and choices. These are matters of the heart and We feel “they” are best resolved in dream as that is where (We feel) the heart can instruct and lead the head most easily. This is the first time We have made such a request about Our dreaming so it is All a first time experience for Us. Generally We prefer to just let Our higher Self (heart) take Us wherever it wants Us to go and/or knows We are capable of handling. However, this felt different somehow.

All-ready there is something that We wanted to put in the opening statement that We have forgotten. We hope We will remember it later as it seemed relevant. Perhaps We will forget most of what We wanted to type as We wake. We are hoping to remain somewhat in dream/trance state to retain as much as possible. However, typing being a 3D activity it does tend to draw Us into 3D. We will see how this goes from here.

We began the night with much of the usual adventures and such. Then We received what seemed like a sending and We felt (and still feel) that it was in answer to Our request. This dream involved Native Americans and horses, but it was vague to Us and seemed All-most empty or hollow. However, it was not that the dream was empty or hollow (this was only Our perception) it was that We were unable to fully access the dream. We knew that it (or OurSelf) needed to be activated. It All faded away (or went into the distance) and We were comfortable that it would return with clarity when We are ready.

We returned to typical dream activity. It is rather amazing that what seemed incredible and remarkable a few years (and even only months) ago is now “typical”. We found many friends (old familiars and several We had never met before) and We played in and amongst and with the stars. We had some planet side adventures which seem to have led Us (personally and collectively) to what follows:

We had a panoramic view which required panoramic vision far beyond typical human sight. In this dream We (personally) could see (unusual for Us) and feel (normal for Us) equally (very new). Neither sense was primary or dominant the way We usually experience. We are unsure about the other senses.

We stood on a vast mountain range of incredible height looking out upon an even larger plain or valley. We felt/feel the sight was that of an eagle's. We surveyed the entire area before Us from end to end (for miles upon miles) and All the way across and up to the peaks of the snow-capped mountain range on the far side. Then some tiny movement caught Our attention. We visually zoomed in on the movement. It was a person waving “their” arms (holding a staff or lance of some type) to attract Our attention. Obviously “they” succeeded.

This person appeared to be an elder of some type or clan or culture or ????????? We saw a path which seemed to begin at the elders feet and lead across the valley.

We flew(?) (traveled somehow and instantly) to meet the elder face to face. It seemed that We changed form but this was so natural, common and normal for Us in this state that We barely noticed the shift.

Do You choose to walk the path?”

In the book and movie “Children of Dune” “they” speak of the Golden Path. There are probably references and traditions in other stories and cultures etc. but this is the One that comes to mind. We have never been completely clear about what it is and/or represents. We can tell that others feel it is very important and significant but it has never held any real meaning for Us.

We hesitate to answer. We are unsure of a single path and choice. We are certain that it is right for You and seems (to You) right for Us but We have many questions and doubts about “only” One way or path. We will ask Our heart and get back to You.”

With that We departed in the dream and from the dream. (Dreams within dreams is another new awareness for Us)

We went within and communed with Our heart. In the interim We repeated and felt that We heard (were told): “We are love. We are exploring and experiencing All that love is and does. We are love.” Repeated over and over. We expected this to take some time yet it seemed instantly (after a very deep and lengthy communion.... go figure) We were back facing the elder. This is where We had thought We would begin the telling of this “night school”. Obviously We changed Our mind(s).

We choose to fly the path.”

To fully experience the path One must walk the path.”

Yes, to fully experience the path as only human then One must walk the path. Our choice is based on much consideration. We choose to experience the path as human and leopard and rabbit and wolf and eagle and falcon and more. As much more as We can possibly imagine, even as fish and dolphin and snail. Also, there are seven billion humans upon Gaia and countless beings within. We wish to experience as All of these. We recognize that Our choice is not a common One and it snot for everyOne.”

The only safe way to cross the expanse is to follow the path.”

With over seven billion humans alone (not counting All the other beings and plants and rocks and and and) it (the path) is going to get a little crowded. How can We expect seven billion people to make the same choice and follow the same path and if “they” did why would We need seven billion of Us to explore the exact same thing from the exact same perspective? Even if only One billion (which is really a fairly large number) choose the path does that mean the other six(plus) billion are lost and abandoned? We see/feel it otherwise. We wish to honor You and Your knowledge and views AND We wish to expand beyond any limitation be it only a perception or real. We will fly the path where We can observe Our others crossing the expanse. When We desire We will land (on and off the path) to join someOne(s) at that place (where 'they' are) and experience from 'their' perspective.”

There is only One safe way to cross the expanse. All others will perish.”

Then We must (and will) find a way to make other ways and other choices safe for those who desire safety. Many may choose a path or journey fraught with danger and turmoil. We must also find and make a way for “them” to survive. EveryOne and everything, every choice and every option and every possibility and even impossibility must make it to the other side and live. All must be included in the All for it to be whole.”

You are young and foolish.”

Yes, and this is Our choice.”

You have Our blessing. Fare thee well. The path will All-ways be here if You desire to return here and walk the path.”

We will. And We will tell You of Our journeys and explorations and adventures and successes and apparent failures (We said apparent because failure is really an opportunity) and All Our bruises and skinned knees and glowing smiles. When We meet again We will sit around the blazing campfire of the ages and reminisce about All of it and You will tell Us what You experienced while You waited and watched for Our return.”

And Your point of arrival will be the point of Your departure. You will draw the extremities into the middle and then expand the middle into the extremes. Nothing will ever be the same again even though nothing will change. You are young and foolish and reckless and We bless You for this. We (You and I) will breathe the world (the All that is) in and out together.”

So it is and it is so.”

We are certainly not certain if this cleared up any of Our misunderstandings or not but it was definitely fun, intense and informative. We get the strong impression that there is more to come, more meetings to follow to clarify more for Us.

We are love and We are sending love into the grid, the net, the matrix, the expanse.

We are happy with how this (the remembering, experiencing and typing it) turned out.



Portals and dreams

Wizard's Log Star-date: 07:03:47 AM

Good morning. Lots of great dreams. We woke feeling a bit less like We are in a time warp and/or spacial distortion. This actually began just before We went to bed. We are not really sure if We are relieved or disappointed. Of course We remember the experience clearly and have benefited from it. We now know experientially how close and easily accessible other realities really are. We are also fairly certain that to continue in the intensity We experienced yesterday would be hard to endure, at least without adjusting better than We were yesterday. Of course, that may be exactly what it happening. We may just be getting used to it and actually that is what We hope.

We also get it that these experiences don't come on command. Just like We can't write something inspired and enjoyable on command. In fact.........................

We are experiencing a slight bit of the awareness of being in multi-realities. So, a little awareness and much more knowledge of this is a good combination. Especially since We do have some 3D tasks We wish to accomplish today like driving to go get water and heating oil. We are quite certain that driving or going to any type of job would have been hazardous to Our health yesterday.

Lots of dreams and travels and adventures last night. We revisited Our friend from the night before but what We remember is much more brief, like a quick check-in. One experience that We do remember was about Our cabin being the nexus and/or intersection of several dimensional/reality portals. We've been aware of this but not really experienced it before, at least not this clear. We clearly saw why We outlined several portals around the cabin at various places last summer. We got it but We didn't completely get it.

There is a story or movie or TV show or a dream where there is a peaceful meadow (in a forest) with many pools or ponds within the meadow. Each pond is the access portal to another dimension and/or reality. We don't remember if the same pool is exit point or not. We would guess that it would depend on the reality. In the current dream Our cabin is much like this meadow. This ties to several previous dreams too.

We were aware that We are here to assist people as “they” come and go through the portal. We experienced offering people a hand for support and to steady “them” as “they” adjusted to the new reality (on whichever side of the portal “they” arrived). We clearly remembered Our need for this type of stabilization yesterday. In most cases whichever side of the portal is new to a person is sooooo different that We really do need some help and support on the new side. The difference that We (personally) are aware of is that there is sooooo much less on this side and sooooo much more on the other side of most portals. But regardless of what the differences are and how extreme “they” are there are differences and it is very helpful to have a friend available to assist until We get familiar with the terrain (so to speak). At this point We are gonna guess that the nearby and very similar realities do not require portals???????

For Us yesterday was not a case of being in an extremely different reality it was about being in many realities at Once. Yet last night We were very aware that the newcomers We assisted were in much the same condition as We had been during the day. We were able to not only steady “them” physically (until “they” got “their” sea legs/dimensional legs?) but comfort “them” as well which was actually more important.

If there are discrepancies and/or inaccuracies in Our explanations remember this All new to Us too and We are learning and typing as We go. If We get further clarity or verification about how any of this works rest assured that We will share it with You.

Gladly, this morning We are still experiencing some awareness of being multi-dimensional. So, like We said We are not sure if We are more focused in familiar 3D today or just more familiar with multi-D. We are hoping it is the latter. We think it may well be up to Us and Our choice which it is.

One of the things that happened yesterday was that We get the posts from most of Our online groups by email and We were getting replies to posts before We would receive the original post. This seemed odd when We read the first reply and tried to find the post that the reply was to. Then when We later read the original post just after it arrived We got it what was warping. This and other experiences can be explained away if We choose. We choose to embrace “them” as multi-dimensional experiences. And that is where the choice comes in to play and have affect.

One nice thing this morning that We also wanted to mention is that Our eyesight (I sight?) is improving. It isn't back to before We got back on Our meds but better than yesterday. We really are okay with slow and gentle progress, at least when We aren't caught up in “wanting it All yesterday”. We got plenty yesterday.

As We do different things We are more aware of being here AND there. We will need to assess Our situation before We go get water, as in: “Are We safe to drive?” We think We can focus if needed but who wants to if We don't have to?

We replied to a comment on Our latest “night school” and We were really taken to task about some Our statements (and beliefs?) in My reply (NOT in the “night school”). I really felt strongly that this was done in, with and from love but I also did not how to respond and/or feel about what I was told. It might seem that there was contradiction but We really feel it is something more. We can't quite put Our finger on it. Yet. So, We decided to go within, be with it not dwell on it but allow it to process inside but NOT in Our head.

We choose to take it to dream and see what comes there. We are going to do something new and different. We are going to request that We (the participants in the conversation and/or representatives) meet in dream and clear up and heal the misunderstandings and confusion. We are looking forward to what dreams may come.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012



Slip sliding today

Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:13:11 AM

Good morning. Another very busy and interesting night. We started to type it up as part of this and real-eyesed that it really needs to be a separate night school. We are real-eyesing how much We were in an altered state yesterday, or We are today to the extent that yesterday seems mostly a blur. We did forget a bunch of things We wanted to do yesterday and We know that part of that was distraction about bus driving but there is definitely more to it. Perhaps We will examine that later.

When We try to do little simple tasks We real-eyes how much We are NOT focused here and it is a little hard to get focused enough to accomplish Our task. That used to frustrate Us, now it is a good thing.

We got night school typed up. What a story, what a revelation for Me.

There was another dream just before waking that didn't quite fit into the night school yet We know it is somehow related. We met a new friend in a busy, crowded library. Our behaviour was quite abnormal, unacceptable and unlikely, but it was sure fun. We were instant friends and We immediately knew each other. We set off on many adventures together and I woke with the theme song from some action-adventure hero story. It was clear, repeating the hero's name over and over but now We can not remember his name. We knew that the action-adventure hero is Us. We guess (now) that that would be the connection to the other dream but it feels like it would distract from the impact of that story if included at the end.

Very interesting, We are finding some very clear and recent memories that can NOT have happened in this reality (whatever reality this is). For instance, We remember reading an email from an online friend that quoted a line from a “Today” that We have not posted yet. We also are doing simple things wrong. We have misplaced some of Our knowledge/memory of how to do simple, mundane, every day tasks. For instance We are misspelling simple words like “for” and instead of saving documents We are deleting “them” as if We All-ways deleted “them” rather than saving “them”. We thought We All-ways saved “them” but Our motor/automatic response was to delete. Kinda like not breathing when We are pretty sure normally We breathe.

That reminds Us that We get it that at night We slow Our heartbeat and metabolism far below normal for sleeping. This is somehow part Our normal routine and pattern and experiences and multi-dimensional travels. It takes some time to get back into the 3D physical body and mindset and today it is taking even longer than normal which to Us is a very good sign. We see the familiar All around Us yet We can tell that it is not as familiar as it appears. We are certainly having an interesting (if confusing) time today. What is cool is how this time We are real-eyesing what is going on AND We are liking and embracing it.

We like being multi-D.

We are having many multi and inter dimensional/reality experiences. As most of “them” occur We are aware (as We often have been in the last few years) that We could explain “them” away if We chose. We do not choose this. There certainly was a time when that was Our first and only choice. We remember it well. In many ways it was more comfortable, less challenging and We “fit in” better but in no way were We happier. We felt much more empty and like We were missing.

Today We know that are at a crucial point of choice and decision. As uncomfortable as it may be to not be sure if We are walking on the floor or the air, to be feeling the vertigo etc. We choose to embrace All this because We choose to be and live consciously aware of Our multidimensionality.

We are very glad that We are not going to work, or driving or operating any heavy equipment or tools. It is difficult enough to operate Our keyboard since someOne rearranged All the keys. Also, there is the blurry vision (We attribute this mostly to the meds but it may also be a part of Our current multi-dimensional process/experience).

As We approach Our dream time the intensity of the dissociation seems to be decreasing or We just going further into a dimension/reality/state of mind that We are not familiar with when awake but are familiar with when dreaming??????? Now that is a very curious question. Perhaps We will address it tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Make it so

(From night school last night)

We were on/in a bunch of different space ships and We were aware of flying in/on spaceship Gaia. It is quite a sensation to be aware of the movement and motion and traveling through space in/on of a ship the size of Gaia. There was much about Gaia being some kind of shuttle or transport vessel, like a city bus or something. We got the distinct impression that We were not the driver/pilot/operator but rather One of the passengers. We kept wondering about Gaia being such a ship. It would seem more appropriate that she is a mother ship. It isn't that that is wrong, just not completely correct. There was a lot about being multidimensional. There was information about how We are so many different versions and aspects. In any One reality We seem like only One separate person but when We step back and look at and accept All the different Me(s) than We are many of One. We are One of many AND many of One.

This led into the dream We remember the clearest. We were in a palace or mansion that belonged to a rich (very rich) family. The two sons were very spoiled and got “their” own way and were very mischievous. If “their” wants and desires clashed then the eldest got his way. The younger brother pretty much followed the lead and dictates of the elder and he was happy with this.

We were very good friends with the older son. We had a lot of fun and a lot of it was trouble making or borderline trouble making.

We told Our friend that there are starving people in Africa and it wasn't right because his family (and others) were sooooo rich. He didn't believe Me that anyOne in the world lived in any type of poverty. There was a lot of phase shifting and information about multidimensionality. We knew that poverty, scarcity and lack were creations that only existed in certain dimensions/realities. We decided to visit some of those dimensions/realities and see what We could do. He used My line as a question: “Can We be home in time for dinner?” I said that We could, at least on the first day but that We might not want to after that.

Our friend told his younger brother what We were going to do and he wanted to join Us and bring some friends. The elder told the younger to make the preparations and have everything ready in about an hour. “They” called Our transport vehicle a plane but it was able to teleport and time travel and take Us to other dimensions. (I want One) We played the game We had been planning to play (creating quite a disturbance in the palace even aside from the preparations for Our journey) for about an hour and then departed. We really did have a blast tearing things up with Our game. We were sooooo distracting that hardly anyOne noticed the preparations underway for Our journey. That was not intentional, but then again...............

Before We got going on Our adventure We instructed Our pilot to land in a remote area as this seemed like the most likely place to find starving people. We found a remote village that was indeed in poverty with many starving people. Sure enough, Once We got to Our destination We wanted to go home at the end of the day (because We were not prepared to stay longer) but We immediately real-eyesed that We wanted to return the next day and stay longer.

My friend was outraged at the poverty and starvation. He started setting things in order (right away) to bring in relief to these people immediately using his family's wealth and influence. “They” were rich in this dimension as well. Interesting how some things vary and some remain the same in different dimensions/realities. Of course, it is All made real and supported by belief. We believed We were rich here and so We were.

My friend and I went to the capitol city leaving the younger brother and his friends behind to tend to getting things started. At the capitol My friend demanded to be taken to the king (or whatever the ruler was) immediately. My friend had a compelling way of giving commands and was All-ways obeyed. It was like he used mind control but it was because he believed in himSelf so strong and with such power that everyOne obeyed him. Like with his spoiled younger brother who All-ways did what his older brother said and did it gladly even though this was the only person he obeyed willingly or otherwise.

People naturally and happily wanted to do whatever My friend told “them” to. It seemed that We were the only person My friend listened to. (What does that say about Us? More than We want to admit, much more.)

In case You haven't guessed by now, noOne had a name in this dream which makes it a little hard to type up. We could arbitrarily assign names but that would change the whole thing from what We experienced.

When We met the king he had his sons with him. My friend told the son's to strip out of “their” rich and opulent clothes, go into the city and seek out street kids and bring “them” into the king's palace to be bathed, fed and housed if the street kids wanted this. He then railed on the king for allowing the poverty and starvation in his kingdom. The king was very subservient and apologetic even grovelling. However, he could not deny his knowledge as that would be lieing and it just is NOT possible to lie to My friend (who is this guy????). The king's behaviour was in One way astonishing to All present as this was absolutely NOT the way the king ever behaved. Yet, in My friend's presence it was obviously the only way for the king to behave.

My friend demanded that the king begin to rectify the situation immediately and had him call in All his ministers and advisers and instruct “them” in what to do and to start immediately. The king (of course) did declare that this would bankrupt him. (This may or may not be true but probably was true because it really is impossible to lie to My friend even just a little fib.) My friend told the king that his family and other wealthy families around the world would assist if assistance was actually needed. Regardless, the king had to start right away or sooner.

The king's military (and All other appropriate employees) were called in and began to disperse supplies from the king's supply. At some point in All this it came up that slavery was common in this kingdom. My friend demanded (as part of this operation) that All slaves be set free AND cared for (by “their” previous owner) not just set loose to fend for “themSelves” as is often done when freeing slaves which really compounds the problem. Along with everything else about My friend I see he is very wise. Yes, he was very mischievous and the bane of his parents and caretakers but damn, maybe he had good reason?

One of the things that came up right away was that starving people could not be brought in and fed the rich foods that are common in the king's palace without making “them” sick. “They” need to be started on simple food that “their” systems could digest. A similar problem exists with distributing food to the population. My friend was quite direct: “Deal with it. Give “them” what “they” need even if it is a little inconvenient for You to figure out what that is and provide it. Deal with it AND do it!”

And that is how it went. All was done as My friend commanded.

We returned to the first village and rejoined the younger brother. Everything was proceeding nicely there and well underway. The villagers did not want Us to leave (even for One night) but We promised to return the next day and “they” knew We were telling the truth and would return and that this was not just a One day affair for “them” or Us.

And so We were home in time for dinner and spent the evening gathering resources and making necessary preparations so that We could return the next day and spend more time restoring the area to it's natural state of harmony, balance and abundance.

We enlisted the aid of many other wealthy families. This part would have been absurd for any of these wealthy people and “their” families and allies except when My friend told “them” to do it, it was only natural for “them” to do it. (I ask again: “Who the hell is this guy?”)

We returned the next day with more supplies and helpers. The younger brother and his friends chose to live in the original village. The older brother and I kept Our “home base” in that village but We traveled the country making sure All areas (everyOne) were/was tended to. It took time to accomplish this but not as long as One might imagine. We also visited other areas and countries and regions and even other realities searching for anywhere that poverty, suffering and starvation have been believed into reality.

Everywhere We went that We found any suffering, the story was the same: My friend decreed that those who were able to relieve the suffering of the sufferers (regardless of who or what might be the blame). As he commanded, so it was.

I have found My answer. He is Us and he is Me.