“Your mission should You choose to accept it”
(From night school last night)
We began with visiting many alternate realities. This is common but lately I haven't been able (or willing) to describe these experiences in words. So many alternate realities and possible futures are sooooo different, “they” seem too far fetched, often too good to be true.
This was the case again. There were many realities of love. People knowing “they” are One. One with each other and One with All that is. That's a lot of Oneness. It is pretty amazing and it feels really good. There are realities/futures where We are aware of (and live in) Our energy bodies and still revisit Our physical bodies just for the experiences that We can only experience from the perspective of a physical body. (Try saying that with Your mouth full of peanut butter) We did energy field merging. Two (or more) energy bodies come together and merge, each feeling the others energy fully. Flowing through, in and around an other's energy is quite an amazing experience.
I know that I Am here to assist humanity in the shift, what many call ascension. I know there are many possible futures that really do NOT interest Me. I do want to be aware of those but I don't want to live there. At this point I don't particularly even want to visit. However, I also know that We (the masses) will have to go through a transition, a gradual process into a world of love. This is such a drastic change that We need an adjustment period and process. Step by step rather than seeming to leap off a cliff into some void or unknown. Cliff jumping is fine for some but it won't work for everyOne.
I got it, it felt like I was told but I didn't hear anything, I just felt the insight but it seemed to come from beyond somehow: “If and when I leave this plane of existence, this limitation 3D reality, it will be a long, long time before I Am willing to return. It's not that this is “bad”, it's just that there is sooooo much more in the multi-verse, in multi-D. It is very hard to settle for limitation when there is limitlessness. And, when We visit limitation, it is sooooo easy to forget that there is anything else. It is part of limitation to be limited to only limitation. It makes sense really, sad, logical sense. I need to stay here to complete My mission (and accept it I certainly did) of assisting Gaia and her inhabitants to ascend. BTW: now I understand that it is actually the whole nearby uni-verse (and maybe more) that is ascending.
All that being said, I feel compelled to insert that I was reminded that there really is NO going or staying. It is All done in the mind, the imagination, the spirit. We project a reality, a belief onto the canvas and We call it Our world and then We close Our eyes (We forget who and what We are in some cases) and We pretend to step into the canvas, the/Our projection. Hint: “smoke and mirrors”
Once I step out of limitation, stepping back in to be of assistance is gonna look like a very big step. Eventually I Am sure that I will want to visit again, but not for a long time and WE need help and hope and love NOW. Yes, All time IS now but My now is here.
I Am willing to see this through. Really no problem there, even if I don't want to settle for what many would be willing to settle for. That has been part of My training for/during this mission. Learning how easy it would be for Me to attain to something minor and settle for that as complete and total mastery of everything. Maybe this is not a pitfall for many, but I have a hunch it is (or could/will be) a pitfall for many more than are aware of it.
To be of assistance, I must be on the ride and not just along for the ride. I need to be participating. (Was that a groan I heard/made?)
I questioned the how and what of it. I got it (again felt like I was told but nothing verbal) that I only need to use the tools and abilities I currently am aware of having. As I do that, if “they” are needed then more will be revealed. A bit more belief on My part would also be very useful.
The last few days and nights I've been getting some items/thoughts to add to love. It must All start with love and grow and bloom from there. It is All part of love but love has many parts that We need to become aware of. One part is Oneness. We are “them” and “them” are Us. This is very important and lasting/eternal peace really is not possible without Us living as One. It starts with Me.
We are All connected by an energy grid. This grid has been misused (for lack of a better term) and abused for eons. We have successfully broken the negative stranglehold on this grid. Now, We have the opportunity to fill this grid with love (which is what it actually is) with awareness of love and positive thoughts. For those who don't think We are seeing any results of breaking this stranglehold, check Your own thoughts. Isn't it easier to be positive than it was a few weeks ago? Yes, it is still easy to find negative and latch onto that. This is habit. It takes time to break a habit, plus the vast majority of people are still acting and thinking and believing from the old negative base and habit. We can influence this by feeding love into the grid. Every time, everyOne (each One) of Us sends love, thinks love, acts from love, lives love it gets fed into the universal and earth grids.
The grid is being filled with love but there is still a lot of old habits being fed into the grid also.
WE are Our source. It is hard to fully belief and harder still to fully comprehend. We are Our source of free energy, Our source of telepathy, Our source of teleportation, levitation, remote viewing, foretelling and on and on. Can We even begin to imagine what All We are capable of?
Instead of giving OurSelves the credit, the ability, We create, discover and develop “devices” to do these things. These devices serve until We can finally believe in OurSelves. Certainly “they” are and can also be tools to make Our job(s) easier but for now “they” are mostly a substitute for believing in Us.